Use the word interred in a sentence

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Dr. Leo Hane

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(41 votes)

Interred sentence example. In the saint’s cave on the shore may be seen the rocky shelf on which he made his bed, but his remains were interred in the hamlet of Clachan, some 2 m. His remains were interred in Seale church in Kent.

What does being interred mean?

The interment of ashes, simply means to keep the ashes in a permanent place. … families that already have members buried at a specific location; and. those that want permanence and a sense of tradition that a graveyard or cemetery can provide.

What is the difference between buried and interred?

Most of the time, the word «interred» is used as a synonym of «buried,» and most of the time, the buried object is a deceased body. The body was interred in the family plot at the Winchester Cemetery. … Finally, some may use the word «interred» when a body is placed in an above-ground burial place.

What does interred mean in a sentence?

(of a dead body) placed in a grave or tomb; buried: These places are sacred because they contain the interred remains of our loved ones.

Is it interred or interned?

Interment means burial — the act of placing the deceased in a grave or tomb. The word is often confused with the word «internment» (with an «n»), which means confinement or imprisonment, especially in wartime. … Because both are legitimate words, a computer spell checker typically will not catch errors on usage.

35 related questions found

Are ashes buried or interred?

Interment of ashes is when cremated remains are buried in the ground or placed in a building designed to hold ashes, known as a columbarium. Typically, ashes will be in an urn when they’re interred.

Why is it illegal to spread ashes?

Most states do not have any laws prohibiting this, but federal law does prohibit dropping any objects that might injure people or harm property. Cremains themselves are not considered hazardous material, but for obvious safety reasons you should remove the ashes from their container before scattering them by air.

What does interred mean in law?

The act of interring the dead.

How do you use interred?

Interred sentence example

  1. In the saint’s cave on the shore may be seen the rocky shelf on which he made his bed, but his remains were interred in the hamlet of Clachan, some 2 m. …
  2. His remains were interred in Seale church in Kent.

Are cremains interred?

The cremains can be interred in a cemetery plot, i.e., earth burial, retained by a family member, in an urn, scattered on private property, or at a place that was significant to the deceased.

Does the body feel pain during cremation?

When someone dies, they don’t feel things anymore, so they don’t feel any pain at all.” If they ask what cremation means, you can explain that they are put in a very warm room where their body is turned into soft ashes—and again, emphasize that it is a peaceful, painless process.

Why are people buried 6 feet under?

(WYTV) – Why do we bury bodies six feet under? The six feet under rule for burial may have come from a plague in London in 1665. The Lord Mayor of London ordered all the “graves shall be at least six-foot deep.” … Gravesites reaching six feet helped prevent farmers from accidentally plowing up bodies.

Do you have clothes on when you are cremated?

In most cases, people are cremated in either a sheet or the clothing they are wearing upon arrival to the crematory. However, most Direct Cremation providers give you and your family the option to fully dress your loved one prior to Direct Cremation.

Does interment mean burial?

Interment is the placing of a corpse in a grave. If a loved one dies, you need to make arrangements for the interment so that people can bid the deceased farewell. Interment comes from root words meaning «to place inside,» and in this case it’s the placing of someone inside the earth, for burial.

What happens when a coffin is interred?

Burial, also known as interment or inhumation, is a method of final disposition whereby a dead body is placed into the ground, sometimes with objects. This is usually accomplished by excavating a pit or trench, placing the deceased and objects in it, and covering it over.

What does it mean to be interred in a vault?

A burial vault is a structural underground tomb. … It is a stone- or brick-lined underground space or ‘burial’ chamber for the interment of a dead body or bodies. These burial tombs were originally and are still often vaulted and usually have stone slab entrances.

How do you announce an interment?

A standard summary of a funeral announcement might include:

  1. The full name of the deceased – Add titles, nicknames, or maiden names (if applicable).
  2. Place of residence – This can be where they were born and raised, or where they lived at the time of death.
  3. Date of death.
  4. Place of employment (if applicable)

What is the verb form of interment?

Interment comes from the verb inter, whose participles are interred and interring. Internment comes from the verb intern, which is pronounced differently from the noun meaning a student undergoing practical training. The noun is IN-tern, and the verb (meaning to detain) is in-TERN.

What happens to a body in a tomb?

If the ground is light, dry soil, decomposition is quicker. Generally speaking, a body takes 10 or 15 years to decompose to a skeleton. Some of the old Victorian graves hold families of up to eight people. As those coffins decompose, the remains will gradually sink to the bottom of the grave and merge.

Which is the best definition for interred?

transitive verb. : to deposit (a dead body) in the earth or in a tomb.

What is the process of interment?

A traditional interment ceremony usually involves friends and family gathering at the plot, with a religious leader or celebrant saying a few words about the departed. Prayers, poems, and songs can be part of the ceremony. This can give mourners an outlet to grieve and a feeling of closure.

What do you say at an interment of ashes?

Popular poems for an interment of ashes service include:

  • Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep.
  • Let Me Go.
  • Remember Me.
  • Don’t Cry For Me.
  • Gone, But Not Forgotten.

Are ashes really the person?

You don’t get ash back.

What’s really returned to you is the person’s skeleton. Once you burn off all the water, soft tissue, organs, skin, hair, cremation container/casket, etc., what you’re left with is bone.

Is it wrong to separate cremated ashes?

And according to the law, is it wrong to separate cremated ashes? … The law considers ashes to be the same as a body, so is unwilling to rule for separating them amongst different parties.

Can you touch cremated ashes?

Because the body is cremated at such a high temperature all micro-organisms are destroyed. Remaining ashes are inert. There is therefore, no public health risks associated with handling ashes.

it where she and her mother had interred Alan’s broken body

The sheet-covered mound which had been Sheila lay on the path waiting to be interred

On Memorial Day of 1982, President Reagan offered these words in honor of Patriots interred at Arlington National Cemetery

“You have done the right thing this document gives me the right to claim your body for burial and that the mayor and people of Saint-Marianne-Angély agree for you to be interred in the village cemetery

Marco are interred, in the center

interred with the other victims of what Father Broward was calling

Her sister Nora who died at the age of four was also interred there

They travelled as a foursome in appalling weather to Peter’s funeral in the town of his birth and he was interred in the graveyard where his father a former Garda had been before him

The funeral Mass was held in the church he and Patricia had attended when there and he was interred in her family plot

His ashes were interred in the Hamilton Family Vault …

This could not be, Rory Hamilton was dead and interred

Mr BEE’s daughter Lerato, died and was interred in a lavish crypt built for her by her heart-broken father

interred in his families tomb at their local church at Theletra

Even at midnight, the heat continued in that exceptional summer and I sweated heavily as I dug a deep grave near the eastern boundary and interred, without ceremony, the mortal remains of Vernon Duffy

The features here were quite the same—a large brick-and-stone church with ivy climbing up the sides, tall stained glass windows, a dark belfry, a cemetery dating back at least 150 years where the church builders were undoubtedly interred, and the quaint gardens surviving remarkably well given the heat and the sweltering sun which seared down upon the delicate flowers despite the preponderance for precipitation back at the beach

A small group of mourners, composed of the five or six family members as well as Feltus and the suspects, were gathered that afternoon on the outskirts of town at the grave of Charles in the tiny Negro cemetery where several generations of ancestors, some of them even slaves, were interred in the grassy ground shaded by tall, spindly pines

There was a solitude and strange sense of closeness as he entered into the hallow grounds filled with history and memories of those individuals, some gallant, some cowardly, who were interred here, seemingly watching carefully his every move with cold, suspicious eyes

As he approached the area carefully and making sure that he did not impose upon those interred there, Feltus eventually recognized the name carved into the base of the obelisk—T

he’d once sought so fervently to unearth was now being quickly interred

Being of the Jewish faith his body will be interred tomorrow?”

Even as he spoke the truth was slow to sink in to Phil Rudolph’s reckoning and his stomach contracted with dread and realisation as he was forced to accept the dead man, the knight of the realm whose body had been interred the day before was in fact not Alex Clegg, but his brother Anton

succeeded by his brother George, who in turn, was later arrested and interred

rested and interred overseas on charges of corruption

interred like this would be locked together in intimate embrace for all eternity

their bones interred with their victims, who

interred deep in the land of the limber lost…

and serpents lie interred in his wake

� That seemingly single voice also comments on the meaning of the world around us through a generally negative perspective, and it generally represses anything that speaks in a positive way, interred and interred over and over again

He had only been waiting till the aforesaid blighted affections were decently interred

It was done; I stirred up the ashes, and interred them under a shovel full of coals; and she mutely, and with a sense of intense injury, retired to her private apartment

The ashes of Margaret Hilda Thatcher are interred on the grounds of the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London, next to those of her husband, Denis, who died in 2003

Will that satisfy you?»»Yes, yes, make your mind easy, he shall be decently interred in the newest sack we can

He, no doubt, thought that prisoners who died in the Chateau d’If were interred in an ordinary burial-ground, and he conveyed the dead man into his own cell, took his place in the sack in which they had sewed up the corpse, and awaited the moment of interment

The last time I saw him was the night we interred the Sinsar Dubh beneath the abbey

In the five days since Ryodan interred me beneath his nightclub, I have neither heard voice nor experienced another’s emotion

The night we interred the Sinsar Dubh, I had to reach both of my hands into the field generated by the stones to remove the crimson runes from the cover and felt instantly lethargic, nauseated

If she lost her sword in Faery, what would she want instead—besides my spear, and if she’d interred me at the abbey, she could have taken it

There were only three “Seelie” present the night we interred the Sinsar Dubh: V’lane, who was actually Cruce; Velvet, who is dead; and Dree-lia, who’s apparently told no one among her court what happened

interred with Christian burial?»

The two bodies were to be interred in the cemetery of Pere-la-Chaise, where M

), suffocated by imperfect deglutition of aliment at Sletty and interred at Rossnaree

“Was he buried in a box?” Coffins were only for the elite: poor people were interred in a shroud

The earl would normally have been buried at Kingsbridge Cathedral but, because the town had been closed, Ralph had been interred in Shiring

It was done; I stirred up the ashes, and interred them under a shovelful of coals; and she mutely, and with a sense of intense injury, retired to her private apartment

They had obtained a mediocre consolation at best,—permission to be interred at a special hour and in a special corner in the ancient Vaugirard cemetery, which was made of land which had formerly belonged to their community

«Father Fauvent, Mother Crucifixion will be interred in the

That the nun who had died that morning had requested to be buried in the coffin which had served her for a bed, and interred in the vault under the altar of the chapel

“They will know of it! And they will celebrate when we have bled this beast and interred it in the Coalsack Nebula burial ground

He dug a deep hole, put into it all his coffers, and, without quite filling up the cavity, interred the body of a French soldier, which he then covered over with a slight layer of earth

No one was missing except Praskukhin, Neferdoff, and some others, whom hardly any one remembered or thought of now, though their bodies were not yet washed, laid out, and interred in the earth

«The body of Smelkoff was interred

Let the good that men do live after them, and the evil be interred in their graves

What object could he have in view which should induce him to conclude an arrangement, except with full confidence of its being carried into effect? Not to get rid of the embargo—that had long before been interred by its fathers with a truly Christian spirit

It was not a little, paltry affair of reducing a couple of navy-yards; not to bury the dead, who have been already interred in the marshes of the Mississippi; not twice to slay the slain: it was for a great public object

A message from the House of Representatives informed the Senate of the death of John Smilie, late a member of the House of Representatives, from the State of Pennsylvania; and that his remains will be interred this day at two o’clock

  • Use the word INTERRED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones.

Are you suggesting that we subsidize Brother Weems if he agrees to be interred in our park?

The point is, if you’ll agree to be interred there, the Lodge will continue paying you until the time comes.

I’ve watched her tomb each night since she was interred three days ago.

To be absolutely blunt about it Nicholas believes that Elizabeth may have been interred prematurely.

If his father was prematurely interred

No, dear Charlotte, here I stay waiting for the promised day when with Marat’s mob interred France once more speaks the forbidden word:..

On February 4, his body is interred in the family plot in a Chicago cemetery.

I also knew that without the shroud in which it was interred to cloak its festering body, there could be no night of rest for any vampire.

I know it must be a tempting theory for you but they were interred at the same time in the family vault just outside London.

Tricorder readings indicate there is a body interred here.

I want to order an autopsy on two deceased, already interred.

Miss Barnard will be interred in the f amily plot… in the Brookfield Cemetery.»

The Captain will be interred in a private ceremony on Friday.

She was cremated and interred at Westlake Repository, Little Chute, Wisconsin.

There are crazies they want skulls from interred bodies.

That’s the key, see? They gotta have been interred. No skulls that haven’t been buried.

I Richard’s body have interred new… and on it have bestowed more contrite tears… than from it issued forced drops of blood.

Warren G. Harding was President… the Unknown Soldier was interred at Arlington… and Babe Ruth was sold to the Yankees.

Your mother is interred at the Cedar Heights Funeral Home until arrangements can be made.


I took some photos. These photos are the contents of the coffin they interred.

I suggest you autopsy the body before it’s interred; Before the man who killed her has a chance to find her sisters.

I read on the Web: «His ashes were interred at his family mausoleum in Palo Alto.»

This Saturday night, I will be handcuffed, straight jacketed, and interred within an airtight, steel reinforced, military grade trunk. Then, it’s escape, or asphyxiate.

Now let us witness Louie Danes as he is interred and brought to the Lord.

The greater ones were interred, for death was not always their end.

When word got out that he was building houses for Hussein he escaped to Mexico, where as you know, he was arrested, and interred in a local prison until he was killed by this guard.

«The evil men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones.

Wouldn’t it be fascinating if our Jane doewas unknowingly interred atop a prehistoric burial?

Now, I could be wrong, but… the ashes that we interred… just say it.

He was cremated, like he wanted. Half his ashes was interred here, the rest was sent up with his folks.

But he was interred November 2.

In London lies a knight a Pope interred

«In London lies a knight a Pope interred«?

Oh, it’s cold. «In London lies a knight a Pope interred«.

«In London lies a knight a Pope interred«.

Later, her body was interred at a nearby cemetery.

The surviving relatives of the Merchant family were so ashamed of Isaiah, they didn’t want him interred with the family.

All of our past leaders are interred here.

I need the name of anyone… who was… shipped up here after the hurricane, probably interred without a ceremony.

Do you think when the Princess of Wales was interred at Althorp the Spencer family was asked whether or not they wanted programs?

The good is oft interred with their bones, so let it be with Caesar.

We know he’s male, we know he’s late teens, early twenties, and that he was interred approximately two years ago.

The first two interred the unauthorized apartment.

Four generations of the Millsap family were interred here.

«The good, O the good… «is oft interred… «with their bones.»

interred for eternity… in a tomb erected with his own hands, right here on this… on this very campsite.

That’s naive of us to imagine that Kennedy’s remains were ever actually interred at Arlington.

1. She was interred with her husband.

2. The body was interred at the cemetery.

3. Many of the soldiers were interred in unmarked graves.

4. Marie Curie’s remains were exhumed and interred in the Pantheon.

5. She expressed the wish to be interred in the graveyard of hometown.

6. The princess was interred on an island in the middle of a lake.

7. Fieldmice and hawks are interred at Buto.

8. The architect’s remains are interred in St Paul’s cathedral.

9. The dead have ritually been interred in pyramids, cremated on burning pyres, and sunk beneath the oceans’ waves.

10. Visions of dreamers were too frequently interred with their spirits.

11. The unfortunate gents are then unceremoniously interred in the sisters’ basement.

12. The anchoress would be interred in this room in an impressive if rather disturbing ceremony during a Mass for the Dead.

13. Eve’s ashes are interred under a great oak at Mottisfont Abbey in Hampshire.

14. In 1106 the remains were all interred near the main altar of the new church.

15. Lord Westbourne was now interred in the new cemetery by the side of Lord Brougham, but his murderer was as yet undiscovered.

16. She interred with her husband.

17. They interred their dear comrade in the arms.

18. The body was interred at that cemetery.

19. In London lies a knight a Pope interred.

20. His remains were interred in the cemetery.

21. Intered my love, interred my past.

22. He wished to be interred in the family grave.

23. THE good that men do is not always interred with their bones.

24. She expressed the wish to interred in the graveyard of hometown.

25. When it died, it interred in a specially prepared tomb in the Valley of the Kings.

26. They were unable to answer the question why they were interred here.

27. That was followed by a march to the museum garden where the coffin was interred in a pyramidal vault.

28. Then the ghoul will rob the corpse of the interred jewellery and devour the newly dead flesh with its sharp fangs.

29. The relic reposes in a glass-fronted reliquary beneath a side altar of the same church in which it was first interred.

30. The old man said that he wished to be interred in the family grave.

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The deceased was interred at Forest Lawn Cemetary.

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    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    How to use interred in a sentence


    OCTOBER 26, 1985


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    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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