interfere — перевод на русский
But if you start interfering in my personal affairs… I’ll go back to America and live on the dole.
Но если ты начнешь вмешиваться в мои личные дела, я вернусь в Америку и буду жить на пособие по безработице.
I did not mean to interfere.
Я не собирался вмешиваться.
It’s interfering in my personal affairs.
Но вмешиваться в мои личные дела …
The best thing we can do for him is not to interfere.
Лучшее, что мы можем для него сделать — это не вмешиваться.
— I haven’t expressed my views because I haven’t had any wish to interfere in a family disagreement.
— Я не выразил свой взгляд, потому что не хотел вмешиваться в семейный спор.
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«And you, Ola Glomgaarden, have learned that love is a gift from God we mortals shall not interfere with.»
А ты, Ола Гломгаарден, познал, что любовь — дар Господний, которому мы, смертные, не смеем мешать.
Why do you interfere with my little romances?
Зачем мешать мне в моих небольших романах?
I would not interfere with them unless they attack me first.
А я им мешать не буду, до тех пор, пока они не нападут на меня.
I don’t want to interfere but do you think you could tell us what you’re up to?
Инспектор, не хочу вам мешать, но объясните, что вы задумали?
Crisis or no, nothing should interfere with tea.
Ќичто на свете не должно мешать чаю.
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But you’re in the minority so you’re not allowed to interfere in my business!
Но Вы находитесь в меньшинстве таким образом, вы не сможете вмешаться в мой бизнес!
Higgins, I really must interfere.
Хоггинс, я должен вмешаться.
We owe it to them to interfere.
Мы должны вмешаться ради них.
We are incapable of destroying or interfering with the creation of that which we love so deeply.
Мы не в состоянии уничтожить или вмешаться в то, что мы так глубоко любим.
I lack the courage to interfere.
Мне недостает храбрости, чтобы вмешаться.
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О, я не хотел бы помешать вашим танцам.
Don’t interfere!
Не пытайся мне помешать.
— Is my personal business when it might interfere with the smooth operation of this ship.
— Это уже не личные дела, если они могут помешать стабильной работе этого корабля.
But don’t try to interfere with us again.
Но не пытайтесь снова помешать нам.
Temple must not be allowed to interfere.
Нельзя позволить Темплу помешать нам снова.
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Wooster, if you interfere again, it’ll be for last time. Here, take this.
Следующее вмешательство станет для вас последним.
And if you Space Security people would stop interfering we’d be able to get along a lot faster!
И если вы, космическая служба безопасности, прекратите вмешательство, мы сможем работать намного быстрее!
His temporary blackout of the city below did not interfere with the society and yet saved the lives of myself
Отключение электричества в городе не повлекло вмешательство, но спасло жизнь мне
Like a scorpion stinging itself to death, as soon as it sensed I was trying to interfere with the sequence, it destroyed its own control centre.
Подобно скорпиону, жалящему себя до смерти, ощутив мое вмешательство, он разрушил свой собственный центр управления.
Interfering with the working of Logopolis.
Вмешательство в работу Логополиса.
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— Gyp, it ain’t polite to interfere with family quarrels.
Гип, нехорошо лезть в семейные ссоры.
I won’t interfere, I won’t make any comments.
Я не буду лезть, не буду комментировать.
No one asked you to interfere in my affairs.
Никто не просил лезть тебя в мои дела.
I’m going to leave now. If you try again to interfere in my life, to scare my family or to hurt me in any way you’ll regret it, I swear.
Но если еще раз попробуешь лезть в мою жизнь, пугать мою семью или вредить мне как-нибудь иначе — ты пожалеешь об этом.
If you interfere, I’m gonna kill you, too.
Если будешь лезть, я и тебя убью!
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Atmospheric conditions in outer space often interfere with transmitting.
Помехи в эфире.
The device that’s been interfering with our navigation and targeting.
Устройство, которое создает помехи нашей навигации и наведению на цель.
The planet’s unusual EM field is interfering with the ship’s sensors severely limiting their effectiveness.
Необычное ЭМ поле планеты создает помехи корабельным сенсорам сильно ограничивая их эффективность.
I wouldn’t make any calls, it interferes with the radar.
Я не стану звонить, иначе на радаре будут помехи.
The Lissepian who sold me the program neglected to mention that certain energy sources can interfere with the imaging system.
Лиссепианец, продавший мне эту программу, не счел нужным упомянуть, что некоторые источники энергии могут давать помехи на систему изображения.
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I won’t interfere with this universe.
Я не хочу влиять на события в этой вселенной.
Whatever my personal feelings may be I do not allow them to interfere with my duty or my professional judgment.
Какими бы ни были мои чувства, я не позволяю им влиять на выполнение своего долга или принятие решений.
This material could interfere with our readings.
Этот материал может влиять на наши данные.
I can’t let my friendship interfere with my job. — You gotta admit, this looks like motive.
Я не могу позволить дружбе влиять на мою работу, и ты должна признать — это выглядит как мотив.
I think we’re interfering with a valuable thinning of the herd.
Не надо влиять на естественный отбор.
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Standing up for me is one thing, but you shouldn’t interfere in matters between me and my son.
Поддерживать меня это одно, но ты не должна вмешиваться в дела между мной и моим сыном.
Just like no-one forced you to interfere with Mr and Mrs Corden.
И никто не заставлял тебя вмешиваться в дела мистера и миссис Корден.
I see no reason for me to interfere in police matters and insist we reopen some old wounds.
Мне не стоит вмешиваться в дела полиции и настаивать на вскрытии старых ран.
— dare you interfere with my family?
Как вы смеете вмешиваться в дела моей семьи?
Listen, I don’t wanna interfere.
Послушайте, я не хочу вмешиваться в ваши дела.
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Our instruments showed attempts were being made to interfere… with the structure of Axonite.
Наши приборы показали, что была предпринята попытка повлиять на структуру аксонита.
Cortisol overproduction could interfere with heart rhythm.
Выработка большого количества кортизола могла повлиять на сердечный ритм.
And by no means should these preparations interfere With our work today.
и никоим образом эти приготовления не должны повлиять на нашу работу сегодня.
Crown strongly objects to bail on the grounds that the defendant will try and interfere with the witness, namely his wife.
Прокуратура настойчиво возражает против освобождения под залог на том основании, что обвиняемый попытается повлиять на свидетеля, а именно на его жену.
You can’t interfere with my destiny.
Ты не можешь повлиять на мою судьбу.
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Synonym: arbitrate, encroach, intercede, interrupt, intervene, intrude, meddle, mediate, referee, umpire. Similar words: interfere in, interfere with, interest, painter, Internet, interact, internal, interval. Meaning: [‚ɪntə(r)’fɪr /-‘fɪə] v. 1. come between so as to be hindrance or obstacle 2. get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force.
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1. The authorities did not interfere with us.
2. Don’t interfere in what doesn’t concern you.
3. I never interfere in his business.
4. The trees interfere with the view.
5. It’s their problem and I’m not going to interfere.
6. Don’t interfere in matters that do not concern you!
7. Emotional problems can seriously interfere with a student’s work.
8. I have the right to interfere.
9. Why does he always interfere in others’ affairs?
10. Complete absorption in sport will interfere with your studies.
11. You must not let your personal reactions interfere with your professional judgement.
12. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
13. He tries not to let business interfere with his home life.
14. They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception.
15. Never let the demands of tomorrow interfere with the pleasures and excitement of today.
16. She had no right to interfere in what was plainly a family matter.
17. Some people think the Church shouldn’t interfere in politics.
18. The judge cannot interfere directly in these proceedings.
19. The courts are reluctant to interfere in these matters.
20. Do you consider it wise to interfere?
21. Anxiety can interfere with children’s performance at school.
22. It’s unwise to interfere between husband and wife.
23. You mustn’t interfere with her work.
24. Don’t allow pleasure to interfere with duty.
25. Family frictions can interfere with a child’s schoolwork.
26. It’s not the church’s job to interfere in politics.
27. Don’t interfere with him while he’s working.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere.
29. I wanted to put the meeting over until Sunday so as not to interfere with my work.
30. Any disease which undermines a man’s general health will interfere with his sperm production.
More similar words: interfere in, interfere with, interest, painter, Internet, interact, internal, interval, interior, interview, interrupt, enter into, interpret, in terms of, at intervals, interaction, intervention, international, interpretation, at regular intervals, differ from, different, reference, difference, conference, preference, butterfly, make a difference, intent, intend.
вмешиваться, мешать, мешаться, интерферировать, сталкиваться
глагол ↓
- мешать, служить препятствием, помехой; чинить препятствия, помехи
to interfere with a wide view — препятствовать /мешать/ хорошему обзору местности
the noise interferes with my work — шум не даёт мне работать
I shall go tomorrow, if nothing interferes — я поеду завтра, если мне ничто не помешает
this interferes with my plans — это нарушает мои планы
to interfere with national technical means of verification — воен. чинить помехи национальным техническим средствам контроля (за соблюдением соглашения)
- вредить, причинять вред; наносить ущерб; портить
don’t interfere with this machine — не трогай /не порть/ эту машину
to interfere with smb.’s health — вредить /причинять вред/ чьему-л. здоровью
to interfere with smb.’s trade — наносить ущерб чьей-л. торговле
- эвф. изнасиловать
- (in) вмешиваться, вторгаться (в чьи-л. дела, отношения и т. п.)
to interfere in smb.’s affairs — вмешиваться в чьи-л. дела
to interfere in the internal affairs of a country — вмешиваться во внутренние дела страны
- надоедать, докучать (кому-л.)
stop interfering with me! — перестаньте надоедать мне!
- сталкиваться, противоречить друг другу
their interests interfere with each other — их интересы сталкиваются
in this point you interfere with historical tradition — в этом вопросе вы противоречите исторической традиции
- амер. юр. оспаривать (чьи-л.) права на патент
- вет. засекаться (о лошади)
- амер. неправильно блокировать противника (футбол)
- физ. интерферировать
Мои примеры
Примеры с переводом
Your talking interferes with my work!
Ваша болтовня мешает мне работать!
You mustn’t allow them to interfere with your business.
Ты не должен позволять им вмешиваться в твои дела.
It was not my part to interfere.
Не моё было дело вмешиваться.
It’s not the church’s job to interfere in politics.
Церковь не должна вмешиваться в политику.
Don’t interfere — you’ll only make things worse.
Не вмешивайтесь: вы только усугубите ситуацию.
Nothing must be allowed to interfere with our plans for the weekend.
Ничто не должно помешать нашим планам на выходные.
The interests of two republics didn’t interfere.
Интересы двух республик не противоречили друг другу.
ещё 7 примеров свернуть
Возможные однокоренные слова
interference — помехи, вмешательство, интерференция, интерференционный, интерференциальный
interfering — настырный, назойливый, интерферирующий, вмешательство, вмешивающийся
Формы слова
God does not interfere with our choice of events, even after we have ignored the internal warnings that we perceive
It’s not his place to interfere
We should not interfere in the lives of our children or the methods they choose to raise their children
It must have been the length of time she had been with no one else, or maybe the fear that they had only a short time before Alan came to interfere, because while Tiytha was certainly attractive to her, she didn’t think he was enough to get her this lusty in such a short time
“Kate, don’t interfere with this one
As long as you do not interfere with the passing of mortal spirits to heaven, you will not be targeted
They can interfere with proper
‘Before, I had no real right to interfere in your life, Jo, and I was horribly aware that you had no legitimate right to lean on me either
‘I didn’t have any wine with the meal because I thought it’d interfere with my thought processes – one kiss from you and I can’t think straight at all!’
so I won’t interfere with the demonstration
can interfere with your love life
generation, they interfere with how we would otherwise
cause harmony so long as others do not interfere
I don’t want to interfere with your marriage
She slapped at him playfully from time to time when his activities threatened to interfere with her dinner
Thane…’ his deep voice rumbled, ‘…they interfere
had been specifically instructed not to interfere with the passage of a
to interfere, even if he wanted to
“The Spirit of the Valley told us that it was necessary and that we must not interfere
they’d begin to interfere in areas in which they were
I had to make sure I didn’t interfere in any way
‘As long as I don’t have to account for your conduct whether good or bad, you know I can’t interfere, but I warn you, if you try to influence me or my realm I will destroy you
I cannot interfere, but I can advise
The abuses interfere with normal functioning and create
that are extreme enough to interfere with daily living
Fears are not normal when they interfere with daily living
«He didn’t want to interfere with my learning of this instrument so he went down to that reconstruction he’s got going on down under the valley
«How would he interfere with you learning this instrument?»
The landlady had the deepest respect for him and never dared to interfere with him, however wild he was
Interfere if you can but don’t get in the way
«No one asked you to interfere
We were afraid to interfere, especially when Chensa poked her head out and said she didn’t know what was going on either
In a way she just wanted to tell him to get lost, she had no interest in seeing him, but the main reason she would say that was because she was afraid he would interfere in her relationship with Alan
Those three categories do not interfere with each other
This is your life, and nobody has the right to interfere and tell you what to think and do
He glared at them, daring them to interfere
establish her where Lady Phyllis couldn’t interfere
I’ll thank you not to interfere
Lean cattle, therefore, could only be imported; and such importation could interfere not with the interest of the feeding or fattening countries, to which, by reducing the price of lean cattle it would rather be
You have no right to interfere
In Babylon no one ever dared interfere in state matters like he had, for he or she would be punished summarily
But he did not let it interfere
interfere in the mortal 4th dimensional
The parts of Europe which lie south of Cape Finisterre are not manufacturing countries, and we are less jealous of the colony ships carrying home from them any manufactures which could interfere with our own
The largest importation of commodities of the first kind could not discourage the growth, or interfere with the sale, of any part of the produce of the mother country
The importation of commodities of the second kind might be so managed too, it was supposed, as to interfere, not with the sale of those of the same kind which were produced at home, but with that of those which were imported from foreign countries ; because, by means of proper duties, they might be rendered always somewhat dearer than the former, and yet a good deal cheaper than the latter
In their exclusive privilege of supplying the colonies with all the goods which they wanted from Europe, and of purchasing all such parts of their surplus produce as could not interfere with any of the trades which they themselves carried on at home, the interest of the colonies was sacrificed to the interest of those merchants
not want to interfere in your running of this
and will not interfere, only offer assistance
who associate with you) interfere with and interact with
They will employ the whole authority of government, and pervert the administration of Justice, in order to harass and ruin those who interfere with them in any branch of commerce, which by means of agents, either concealed, or at least not publicly avowed, they may choose to carry on
To give any particular encouragement to the importation of such instruments, would interfere too much with the interest of those manufactures
To tame the surround was to interfere with the natural order of things; Deanna insisted he would not cut back anything beyond the garden itself
We were prepared to neutralize anyone who tried to interfere with our mission
Among other nations, whose vigorous government will suffer no strangers to possess any fortified place within their territory, it may be necessary to maintain some ambassador, minister, or consul, who may both decide, according to their own customs, the differences arising among his own countrymen, and, in their disputes with the natives, may by means of his public character, interfere with more authority and afford them a more powerful protection than they could expect from any private man
If you can interfere with its thinking processes you might distract it into not measuring its replies so precisely
but knew Frank might interfere
Whatever choice we make, God will never interfere
Afraid of the suits! Afraid to interfere
I don’t want to interfere
never let anything interfere with his business goals
“She fires concentrated bursts of gamma radiation that interfere with organ function and damage
Terese says it will interfere with my training, my concentration is lacking, and she says it’s your fault
Thus, the state is not allowed to interfere with our individual pursuits, provided we cause no harm to another
The medical staff had been instructed to interfere as little as possible with Jimmy’s condition in TIAR
He would interfere – create disruption
Excessive doses may interfere with treatment for cardiac disorders and with hyper- and hypertensive
It should also be avoided in pregnancy as it may stimulate uterine contractions, or if the animal is being treated for cardiac disorders as it may interfere with conventional treatments
It may also interfere with absorption of conventional drug therapies so care should be taken, especially in cases of diabetes
» Manna shifted in his seat as if to divulge a great secret, checked the mainsail, adjusted the course slightly, then began his story; «It is said that many years ago, all the kings from all of the lands feared that their wizards were getting too powerful and alien powers were being used to interfere in the running of things
He missed her more and more each day, but tried not to let it interfere with his work
If he’s interested at all in women, I doubt he’d let it interfere with business
«If she were here,» he went on,» she’d only scold and interfere
“M’Lady, I did not tell you because I thought it would interfere with your ability to send him away as smoothly as you did
No war or general was going to interfere with it
In this manner are Deist assumptions that God created the universe however did not interfere with its internal affairs, discredited
Note however that he will automatically interfere if he feels his handler is attacked
diplomat, had asked him to interfere with a heavyweight political crisis
Empirical studies based on observation or evidence observed by the senses, however, are not, in themselves, immune to faulty impressions whenever the senses (―mind‖) are either inadequately formed, corrupted, diseased or subject to pre-conceived designs that otherwise interfere with the observer‘s ability to render impartial or reasonable judgments
“Interfere? You come into my home and point a weapon at my brother’s head and you have the nerve to suggest that I not interfere! Sir, I demand that in the name of God you remove your weapon from that position at once!”
These differences could interfere with you cooperating with her
“Do you think it is safe to interfere?” Rachel whispered back
I decided not to interfere after Grunt shot me a warning look
Winship tried to interfere with an investigation into Ponce
interfere, for he too has a choice in the process
She simply didn’t care and certainly wasn’t going to allow worrying about when François arrived at the airport to interfere with her schedule, besides she had a date that night
But he was already on his Pilgrimage, what could he do now that would not interfere with his holy purpose? He had no inkling yet, but he felt blood rushing through his veins, feeling guilty and shameful, almost soiled
That was fine, but he supposed it would interfere with normal hearing, which always added a level of stress to anything
A ship on frequency ‘A’ wouldn’t interfere with a ship on frequency ‘B
He motioned Elizabeth closer and speaking softly, said, “I don’t know how well this will work, but maybe it will interfere with their mike
Fear about the quality of your performance or of problems that may interfere with it
and misinterpretation of situations that may interfere with your performance and damage
“No, you don’t understand,” he interjected, “I’m not trying to interfere in your business
“The way you say ‘they may think’ leads me to suspect that you don’t think that is what’s going to happen,” said Dad, who had been taking in the discussion, but wasn’t letting it interfere with his meal
Do not interfere
The evil spirits often interfere with conception and even cause
of $100 million or interfere with other agencies» actions
be paid to sue and interfere with private property while claiming to be protecting the environment
her mother interfered in her life she was still her mother
Some parts of it imported into England, might have interfered with some of the trades which they themselves carried on at home
‘I believe the complexity of Harvo’s processor array – the parallel forcing subroutines – interfered with the TE process
“But thinking she interfered with her god’s plans for some higher agenda does?”
After all, it had to be as a reassurance to those who entered TIAR that their experience could not be interfered with by an outside agency
Spies from Kumassi had entered the British lines the day before, and reported that the Ashantis did not want to fight, and would not resist if the English only wanted to establish a Church and a Resident; but if they interfered with Prempeh, soldiers were ready in the bush
You may have noticed that certain computers at this facility have been interfered with during the night
interfered with Captain Tracy’s going home to eat his Christmas dinner
�Enough,� Emmy interfered, telling Bill and the neighbour to halt their argument
More importantly we did our laundry on Sunday afternoons so the culprit’s snoozing interfered with our laundry, which is not an acceptable behaviour between civilised men! Perhaps that had been the idea after all
The wind noise and the sounds of other vehicles interfered with comprehension; and added a level of stress
A generation stirred by emotion rather than reason; rejecting all forms of conventional authority for its own sake or that (otherwise) interfered with their simplistic social designs, produced an intolerance, especially among its more radical members, for belief systems and points of view contrary to its imaginary worldview
Unfortunately, the drizzling and, at times, heavy rain of the first day interfered with our determination as tourists and deprived us from appreciating the night life of that stunning city, such as enjoying the sunset in one of the bars in front of Sentosa Island, or observing the nocturnal animals in the only Night Safari in the world, or participating in many other entertaining and instructive opportunities which can be found in the late evening in that large attractive modern city where East happily meets West and where the old and the new harmoniously mingle in a dramatic contrast of style and substance
Society blasted her statement claiming that reports showed that their legal actions had not interfered
More interfered now and got the fighting separated
Most of them had emotional problems, some severe, which interfered with their learning basic literacy skills
to the dungeon was, but Dacian had interfered
Normally, he would not have interfered with a birth, but one of the midwives had recognized him and asked him to help
I had to wait to make sure the bomb was not interfered with before I left
In the opinions that resulted the Court has repeatedly interfered with state death penalty laws, and has imposed criminal “rights” that favor the accused over the victim
They know what they are doing and don’t want to be interfered with
lessly, when things are left to themselves, are not interfered
She never interfered with my private life, and anyway she, was far too impressed with my money to pay much attention to gossip
53 And Shechem did all this evil and not one of the inhabitants of his city interfered with him, to say, Why will you do this? surely for this my brothers went and struck the city, and the Lord delivered it into their hands, because its inhabitants had transgressed the commands of our God
The Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society blasted her statement claiming that reports showed that their legal actions had not interfered with clearing and led to only 1% of the destruction
There have been numerous mistakes made such as one identifying the snail darter which interfered with the construction of the Tellico Dam
Mother Earth worshippers have objected to the development of hydro power because of their love of fish and the resulting long waits for federal permits have interfered with more development
The government has interfered with drilling for oil and has stopped previously approved leases
For them, religion was often a one-to-one relationship between each person and God, far too serious to be interfered with by government, or to be entrusted to one established church
Ill-timing, however, interfered with the likelihood of Parthian support because Parthia and Rome had just concluded one of their frequent (but short-lived) peace treaties
this fear interfered with my ability to do well on assignments and
realizations have interfered with or completely prevented me from
53 And Shechem did all this evil and not one of the inhabitants of his city interfered with him to say Why will you do this? surely for this my brothers went and struck the city and the Lord delivered it into their hands because its inhabitants had transgressed the commands of our God
“As to your indignation at our having interfered in your people’s destiny, I suggest you ask Yazadril here what he did in Serminak about five thousand years ago
“You see how the thus-far unrecognized subconscious abilities of these five; magically enhanced luck and mild prescience, have led to their being Unthinking Impulsives? Without such spontaneity, they might have interfered with the function of their own talents
His headquarters staff provided leadership, motivation and financial guidance and capital but rarely, if ever, interfered with editorial viewpoints and content
has interfered with my operation plans here long enough
She coughed as the sand grains that remained interfered with her breathing
Echoes, they quickly found, interfered with their ability to hear any sounds ahead of them
“Ah, but you came here and interfered in affairs of this world without asking permission
She coughed as the sand grains that remained interfered with her
He fought the surprise of sudden tears back; they would have interfered with his vision
The most surprising thing had been Dimarico’s disclosure of an extensive minting operation by four different stamping operations—unknown to one another so as to prevent the loss of the entire silver hoard should part come to light and be interfered with by someone in authority
All you need to know is that Asari Raidan is not to be intercepted, interrupted, or interfered with
The One Lord hasn’t interfered yet and that is a cause for concern
“It seems the One Lord has interfered in our plans
“It is on record that He seldom interfered with us,” Lucifer said
The One Lord has interfered by sending prophets
Then I was turned over and kneaded, pressed, stroked and intimately interfered with until, accompanied by a great sigh from the audience, I ejaculated
but it still interfered with her father’s
Sam and his brother fought; no one interfered, and Sam made his hands turn orange and then grew muscles that were so strong, he sent his brother flying into a tree
He never interfered or shouted at him, he
students, and to observe how seriously this deformity interfered with their
Somebody had interfered with the line
Had the production process not been grossly interfered with by Eddie Corton, the initial explosion may well not have happened
The moment Jesus released the little bully, Ganid pounced upon the boy and began soundly to thrash him, and to Ganid’s astonishment Jesus promptly interfered
Farid interfered on that note “All right, let’s come in
Murad interfered “Let him be Farid, he is a private fellow our Atlai, there is obviously some girl
interfered with her concentration
When he saw that Javid could be seriously injured, he interfered and separated the two men
He realized that the world was filled with physical distress and overrun with material difficulties, and he contemplated the great danger of being compelled to devote so much of his time to the care of the sick and afflicted that his mission of establishing the spiritual kingdom in the hearts of men would be interfered with or at least subordinated to the ministry of things physical
and interfered with my destiny
Even if this had not been the case, the Master would not have interfered, for he never meddled with the temporal affairs of even his apostles, much less his disciples
Because Blackfin had ordered me to obey Connacher’s wishes unless it interfered with his own, I could outline his orders
I admitted to myself I felt like a victim, that I believed Betty had interfered with the pleasure I got from my café, and that I was judging Betty for being wrong for what she had done
9 But these mistakes of the intellect in no way interfered with the believer’s great progress in growth in spirit
Schacter could easily have interfered with it
People who interfere should be interfered with
“It is my understanding that Sygoss has only interfered with us lesser beings two times
Ewok interfered: If Kate says it’s important, it is, she said emphatically
They will not be interfered with by the regional authorities
Know that some things will not be interfered with and there are some that may ultimately change because of the energy directed by you and others towards it
Just know that some things will not be interfered with and there are some that may ultimately change because of the positive energy directed by you and others towards it
Had we interfered we would have been in violation of your free will
Unfortunately, they addressed social and political structures only when they interfered with this one missional purpose for going out
Had the spectator not interfered, the final outcome of the game may have been different because of the ruling made by the official
interfered with our early society
It was a sort of emitter that produced a specific wavelength that interfered with the special brain activity of the psyonics
they have been interfered and if they are up to the so-called criterion
You have already interfered a couple of time in the internal affairs of the United States and even broke two prisoners out of a state-run internment camp
Spain had not interfered, and French troops, re-armed with American equipment, were now Allies
By contrast, the German commanders were bullied and their decisions interfered with by Hitler, who tried to control the battle from the distant Wolf’s lair in East Prussia
Hitler again interfered and several postponements led to Manstein’s despair of success
We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom
She refused to take pain killers—she said pills interfered with meditation and spiritual practices
Also, it interfered with his digestion
sleep, one where, if I hadn’t interfered, she might have slept through
We cultivated the Darjeeling variety in hydroponic gardens, since droughts too often interfered with the natural growth of tea plants in the open
She had interfered with the
Garcia beat Jurak to the floor, taking the knife away from him and probably would have killed him had Undine not interfered
You’ve interfered with that and now, for better or worse, whatever happens to my daughter is your responsibility,” Calar said
were quite a number of social barriers that interfered with the longevity projects
This fungus interferes with photosynthesis, reducing the energy level of the plants being attacked
Besides the mess, it interferes with your love life
sleepless nights and interferes with meditation
when your vibratory output interferes with the universal
Device that interferes with clothing
“It’s the strongly ionic bonds—there has to be a certain level of slip to allow the djinn to use their interdimensional skills, and the charge of the ions interferes
could do worse, and time interferes
“Maybe it interferes,” I said to myself, but once again, nothing happened
He does not accept God as a supernatural being; he does not believe that God interferes with human existence, or with any natural phenomenon
They don’t want it to succeed because it interferes with their profits
In order to view the electron as a particle, another wave (travelling in the opposite direction) must be generated by a detector that interferes with this wave, to produce a standing wave
interferes with the daily activities of 37 percent of
up when you don’t do something to resolve the condition, which interferes
‘Therefore I’ll issue an edict that whoever interferes, gets in your way or irritates you will be tossed down the exit chute
interferes with the overall meal as the bread does not stay neutral/innocent in
It is a persistent involuntary spasm of the vaginal wall that interferes with penetration
element interferes with functioning of that cell
I and my soldiers will stand by to see that no man interferes
interferes with any of our sensors and alarms
It is important to know that there is much done to create a peaceful intervention so that no outside negative influence interferes with the earth, this is in the same manner that your own guide, the one who is with you at all times, is present and shields you when you ask and combines the vibration of your energy and physical bodies with their own energy which is readily available to protect you
health disease interferes with normal day-to-day function of
You generalize the anxiety for your safety, but this safety mechanism interferes with the flow of yourself because now you get false messages of fear when there is no real danger
This circulation means any particle interferes with itself
circulation means any particle interferes with itself
only interferes with what the innate already knows
When matter interferes with the flow of gravitons, an inertial effect is created, an it’s called mass
Scopolamine has a reputation as a truth serum; it interferes with the workings of the cerebral cortex
their own productivity interferes with the price that they can charge, and these companies
daemon interferes with our social programming, and the programming
Dead wood that interferes
Some people will argue with me, saying that not being of the world means not to indulge in the ―sinful‖ activities of the world; but we must consider the fact that any aspect of life that interferes with that which is required in escaping hell, should be considered in that same light
At supplemental levels of intake lysine interferes with replication of herpes viruses
There are no known instances where taurine supplementation interferes with or potentiates the ef ects of any drugs,
interferes with the rest of your life?
The harmless theory, as some people call it, of a real corporal presence of Christ’s natural body and blood in the bread and wine, if pursued to its legitimate consequences, obscures every leading doctrine of the gospel, and damages and interferes with the whole system of Christ’s truth
people, anxiety interferes with the ability to function
Zinc interferes with viral replication in test tubes, may interfere with the ability of viruses to enter cells of the body, may help immune cells to fight a cold, and may relieve cold
Xylitol, a natural sugar found in some fruits, interferes with the growth of some bacteria
“answers prayers,” or in any other way directly interferes with the nature of either (a) our mental
Poseidon interferes only once and no more than that to try to keep Ulysses from returning home
No sound interferes with his meticulously descent downward
interferes with your personal safety
mandala that we normally perceive, directly interferes with
tive mind that always interferes with our inner peace, and it is
«No one ever interferes with them, either
interferes with our ability to take action
excessive worry and it causes great distress and/or interferes with how they want to live
— so that no snow interferes with the bindings, before clicking in,
A choice of the Direction of any of your next decisions is also relatively predictable, unless a new, strongly stimulating factor (SFUURMM-Forms of higher-qualitative motivations) interferes in this process
“Yes, if it interferes with something that works well enough
Speech interferes with the focusing powers of the mind, as it
endometriosis that attach to the lung which interferes with lung function in absorbing
protein, deficiency of biotin interferes with that process
Deficiency of folic acid interferes with cell production and cannot repair the damage of
Deficiency of vitamin E also interferes with normal functions of thyroid and pituitary
Deficiency of Zn interferes with the functioning of vitamin A and E metabolism, such as:
It interferes with the ovulation and embryo
interferes with reproductive processes including hormone imbalance (high
It may not interferes with implantation of fertilized eggs but
A malfunction of hypothalamus gland at birth that interferes with
progesterone interferes with those processes leading to infertility as sperm
testosterone in men interferes with those processes leading to erectile
testicle torsion is defined as damaging the spermatic cord that interferes with
that interferes with sexual erection and leading to infertility
because it interferes with the implantation of fertilized egg into the uterus
In men, it causes infection leading to urethritis and interferes with ejaculation
sexually transmitted between partners and interferes with the reproductive
It may interferes with the embryo implantation if the
Medication used to treat high blood pressure may interferes with kidney
production and interferes the normal production of FSH and LH
Like other drugs, morphine interferes with the gonad-releasing hormone
the bloodstream interferes with normal function of menstrual cycle as
It is types of disease which interferes with the production of LH and FSH of
Malfunction of immune system interferes with the reproductive process
blood accordimg to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) interferes with the
sperm and sperm count and interferes with reproductive system in process of
Low levels of progesterone interferes with the ovulation of
interferes with the growth of immature follicle and ovulation
interferes with the ovulation of women menstrual cycle, causing infertility
The wind caused by extreme heat also interferes with sperm production in
Heat pathogen interferes with blood circulation in the body, most people
hormone production in glands that interferes with normal fertility
It also increases the body temperature that interferes with egg, cervical
Men eat a lot of saturated and trans fat causing fat liver which interferes the
Qi stagnation also interferes with production of hormone in the body
kidney yang qi interferes with the folowing:
a) Unbalance of levels of essential fatty acids in our body interferes with the
in the body interferes with the production and quality of sperm causing slow
obstruction problem which interferes with the egg fertilization
As the syndrome progress, it causes blood thicken that interferes with
may interferes with the absorption of levothyroxine or speeds the
Normally, if the fibroid does not interferes with the women ability to
interferes with normal function of reproductive system, including the
it may causes blockage or interferes with normal function of reproductive
of cortisol hormone by the adrenal gland that interferes with production of
Saturated fat and trans fat interferes the liver function in essential fatty acid metabolism, leading to over production of certain hormones in the
It is a fine line we walk as grandparents, to love our grandchildren without interfering with their relationship with their own parents
‘But if you think it too interfering …
The ownership is in dispute and the people involved are not without stain,» he was honest with her, but the only rule I worry about is interfering in tribal affairs, but the Brazilians have never registered as a tribe
Every now and then, when she thinks no-one is looking, it pops out … am I being a fool? Or even worse, an interfering old bag? I hope not
He would have to give this up again once Ava was restored, but for now it would enable him to do what he had to do without his simulated biology interfering
«Your heaven is breaking into a billion spores, once your people stop interfering with the passing of souls on to heaven, you will no longer be targeted
She said we wouldn’t be targeted if we stopped interfering with the transfer of souls to heaven, whatever she meant by that
He was even more concerned about whatever was generating these signals interfering with this experiment
«But I really don’t think that belief is interfering with his ability to carry out his duties
is because the magnetic field is interfering with the
“Is there a trapped emotion that is interfering with
‘Oh no, not that bloody interfering Beguine again!
«At least re-align your eye so the customer who you’re interfering with will stop hounding Kaldiss about the errors they’re getting
stop interfering in matters that aren’t its concern
Dominicans interfering within his jurisdiction and, in the
adjustments, instead of interfering with it
She might have taken exception to him interfering in their lives like that
«Listen, you ill-mannered windbag,» Mr Pinscher abruptly interceded, having found that this visitor’s words were interfering with his digestion, at a time when his digestive system had more than enough to contend with already
what about the balance and interfering in
Not having to get your hands dirty by interfering directly
You are interfering with an internal legal apprehension of a traitor
In the interest of not interfering with the IV line, Sebastian cut up the side of the clean t-shirt he brought
Well, we have always had the utmost responsibility in not interfering with a culture’s natural development
Adem didn’t like it, but he understood this was their ways, and he could do more damage by interfering with their laws
Voltamir was, however, insistent that the Americans had no way of interfering with such a securely protected operating system
He accused the SEC of illegally interfering with his business
One even said to me, respectfully enough since I was her sergeant, that she would arrest me for interfering with her duties if I kept holding her back and please f step aside so that she could kick the criminal in a motherly fashion
Man, I would have executed the culprits and the Chaplain for interfering in SAP COIN business! Thereafter I would have gone after any and all witnesses
Glenna was by my side every step of the way, not interfering but just assisting and advising me
…a strong central government that promotes the welfare of the nation without needlessly interfering with the private affairs of its citizens…
Since missionaries tried to convert Natives, Custer would see that as interfering with their “noble savagery
In general, they tend to be much less deferential towards Presbytery which is often commonly perceived as being an interfering “outside” body
He was on the verge of interfering
I know it sounds mean, but she is a know-it-all, always interfering in what is not her concern
“Wouldn’t you be interfering with his freedom then?”
“Should we be interfering with the flow of nature? Should we be tinkering with the
Our Congress today had been so queasy over the question of interfering with freedom when it came to our own security that it is considering a ban against listening in on terrorists’ phone calls and had been woefully slow to block illegal entry into the States
Interfering with Others’ Karma?
To think that the poor are suffering because of their own miserliness in past lives, and that there is therefore no need to help (since one would be interfering with their karma), is a cruel and callous misconception
Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb (that never went off), chastised those who would eradicate disease in poor countries as “death controllers” interfering with the “natural restraints on population growth
You guessed it, major foot problems interfering with her doing well on the
A lot of black smoke was interfering
This caused the ASA to stick with a charge of Assault upon a Police Office, Mike coughed phlegm onto Burns’ shoe and pants cuff while handcuffed on his belly after being excessively pepper sprayed, in lieu of the original misdemeanor charge of INTERFERING with a police officer
In all the legal maneuvering following my firing, I should have sued the ACO personally for tortiously interfering in my employment contract with PSL
living my life and interfering with my husband’s ability to live his
life, and interfering with my kids’ ability to live their lives
Some webmasters will do this so that they can add keywords throughout their webpage without it interfering with what the visitors actually see
The man Swann and Brenneman shot at had taken an arrow through the neck, piercing his windpipe and severely interfering with his breathing
Also, remember that the Initiate has no interest whatsoever in interfering with other people through some misguided sense of ‘improving’ the world!
He was debarred from practice for interfering with a patient
They did not believe that all these groups could live in peace and harmony whereas, Gāndhiji was of the opinion that religion can play a very important and positive role in the lives of everyone without interfering with the unity and progress of the society
nearby, ready to stop the mother from interfering, and then a huge man in the black cloak of Michael’s
We have been judged to be interfering too
“Stupid interfering idiot,” he snarled
Was that interfering? Sure it was, but it
Hero/Heroine is seen with, who is interfering with the
Cursing all stupid, interfering, illegitimate women, he bent over it
Can’t have this replica interfering with you in any way
Crowds invariably gathered to watch without interfering, dispersing silently when the battle was over, leaving the cleanup to Vassals who had been waiting patiently
Desperate to find some way of convincing the headmaster he wasn’t an interfering upstart, Robert decided to pick Mr Pinot’s brains
‘But the police think you were interfering with Murray and killed him to shut him up
heat interfering, that is
interfering with any other section
He knew that if he was caught interfering with the process he would be sacked instantly
It would appear that the two could run in tandem without either one really interfering with the other — as a matter of fact, Film Production activities gave good cover while investigating
something to recompense me for all the trouble you and that interfering husband of yours, have caused me…
Students might feel that the family (or a parent or parent figure) is interfering with their studies, making it more difficult to concentrate
were interfering with their study
time), but probably for her inability to control her depression, which was interfering
It was no longer just my personal desire to have the car gone from my beloved café; it was now interfering with a serious medical emergency, which is one of the reasons why there was a rule against parking there
Nothing irritates a man more than a nagging or interfering girlfriend
to be blunt about it, we can’t allow you to stumble around interfering with other
You could barely move without some interfering guy seeing it
“For actions interfering with the instruction of Space Force Cadets
Commodore McGuire turned back to Captain Van Hoff “Let’s turn our attention to the charges of attempting to undermine the authority of a superior officer and actions interfering with the instruction of Space Force Cadets
Eventually they calmed down about him interfering in a murder
influence each other, because of their presence interfering here
I stop such supernatural creatures from interfering with human world
She didn’t even bother to think that, if these things were being stored in other dimensions, why didn’t the reapers find this trespass interfering with their laws
On another occasion, he felt at least a confused sense of shame when he found the smell of Úrsula on his own skin, and more than once he felt her thoughts interfering with his
take their turns without interfering with each other’s time
The worst she risked was a good flogging for interfering in his affairs
out; and they have even been directly interfering with Fa-rectification
took him as the «devil» interfering with her cultivation
Li Hongzhi announces that all interfering with the study of Fa are
Accordingly, Falun Gong practitioners believe that those interfering
This could include interfering with your home or your possessions or cutting of
chance of it destructively interfering with a wave
The corridor was still clear, the deathly silence and the dark shadows creating the eeriness that usually filled the air of a mausoleum, when he took another precautionary survey of his surroundings before turning to his left and walking the short distance into the Tower where he immediately approached the stairs on the southern side of the anteroom; glancing up at the spiral stairs, a momentary flash of vertigo disoriented him, but he regained his stamina by shaking his head lightly and closing his eyes quickly so that the uncomfortable feeling, one with which he had struggled before, subsided without interfering in his duties
complexity of a dominant and interfering mother
They suddenly became aware that the fledgling technology was beyond them, and that interfering with the process would result in the blame for the ensuing catastrophe falling squarely upon them
Usually I can get it in pretty clearly with only a little static interfering with the signal but that day, all I saw was static
I had the true means alright, and that wasn’t my problem, but my flesh kept interfering, and at many times, my brain would dismiss that works that were actually done within me
I could lure the interfering bastard onto the cruiser to look at the box and deal with him in the cabin
I am here to prevent the Chinese and the Soviets from interfering militarily in Indochina, not to fight under the orders of the French command
One last thing, Sheherazade: you will have to be ready to eliminate the two agents travelling with you before noon tomorrow, in order to prevent them from interfering with our operation
‘’An ally, sure! The same ally that keeps spying on us and interfering in our internal politics while expecting us to shield them constantly from sanctions at the United Nations
Politicians have no business interfering with the free market by subsidizing farmers with
The only only choice is whether society should waste resources and commit evils by unduly interfering with individual lives
Definition of Interfere
to take part in the affairs of others
Examples of Interfere in a sentence
My neighbor’s rowdy parties interfere with my nightly slumbers.
When the students’ argument became louder, the teacher knew she had to interfere.
A full-time job is likely to interfere with my daughter’s commitment to her education.
Because my mother-in-law is extremely overbearing, she believes she has the right to interfere in my marriage.
Sam doesn’t bring his police work home because he doesn’t want it to interfere with his happy family life.
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