Use the word interests in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word interests, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use interests in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «interests». In addition, we also show how different variations of interests can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are interests—and and interests—the. If you click on the variation of interests that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Interests in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word interests in a sentence.

  1. On behalf of citrus interests, U.S.

  2. Party interests have been secondary[.].

  3. The discrepancy favoured German interests.

  4. The three shared interests in survivalism.

  5. The state’s oil interests opposed the bill.

  6. Agricultural interests lost about $59 million.

  7. Gibbes sold his interests in New Guinea in 1972.

  8. Siward however probably had his own interests too.

  9. Has benefited FVRF interests for at least 3 years.

  10. Ames’ personal interests included music and travel.

  11. Instead, her interests were turning to conservation.

  12. Religion was one of Dom Pedro’s favourite interests.

  13. Sloo, whose interests were threatened by the purchase.

  14. Frey) who maintain that animals do not have interests.

  15. John Avenue, where he continued to pursue his interests in literature and poetry.

  16. She shared many of Bruce’s interests, especially golf, and his political outlook.

  17. Mawson’s technological interests extended to the new field of wireless telegraphy.

  18. A man of broad interests, Thayer became a major influence on Hand’s jurisprudence.

  19. They believed any such conflict would only serve the interests of royal dynasties.

  20. Many Yogo sapphires were also sold in Europe, as some Yogo mining was conducted by British interests.

  21. Each year features a different parade marshal, chosen to reflect the public’s interests at that time.

  22. Among their interests in Quaoar include its likely disappearing methane atmosphere and cryovolcanism.

  23. John Grainger was an accomplished artist, with broad cultural interests and a wide circle of friends.

  24. Likewise, Robert did not share his father’s interests, and gave up shooting after he turned eighteen.

  25. However, Rockwell only took part in the war bond tour when it was convenient for his other interests.

  26. As king, Edward’s main interests lay in the fields of foreign affairs and naval and military matters.

  27. He pursued interests in subjects such as film, sketching, theatre and music, including jazz and blues.

  28. The Muslim League’s claims that it alone could safeguard Muslim interests thus received a major boost.

  29. Meanwhile, the cabinet wives insisted that the interests and honor of all American women was at stake.

  30. Honoré de Balzac was drawn to a diversity of interests throughout his life, from business to politics.

  31. The basic requirements of communal interests gave rise to risk sharing since the dawn of civilization.

  32. The couple had other business interests in the town including the North Gawber and Woolley collieries.

  33. The United Party broadly represented commercial interests, civil servants and the professional classes.

  34. One motive suggested for the rotation was a ploy by Army and Navy interests to limit Williams’ autonomy.

  35. Its personnel served as a liaison between British military and political interests and the German agencies on the border.

  36. However, the French Navy had been sent not to the United States but to the West Indies to protect French interests there.

  37. The firm built many vessels and also gained interests in a wide variety of firms, which in turn used the Rhodes steamers.

  38. Walsingham believed that it would serve England better to seek a military alliance with France against Spanish interests.

  39. The Davenport marriage did not last; Daisy did not share many of her husband’s interests and intensely disliked Silverton.

  40. In the aftermath of the revolt, French power extended throughout Poitou, threatening the interests of the Lusignan family.

  41. The king’s plans for a Polish campaign and for securing Sweden’s interests required a strong naval presence in the Baltic.

  42. The workload was intentionally light, allowing him time to pursue his scientific investigations and theological interests.

  43. The music reflects Mos Def’s varied interests in jazz, poetry, Eastern rhythms, psychedelia, Spanish music, and the blues.

  44. After Rhodes and the London consortium agreed to pool their interests, Rhodes travelled to London, arriving in March 1889.

  45. Furthermore, the agreement entirely ignored the interests of Charles Theodore’s own heir presumptive, Charles II August, of the House of Palatinate-Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld.

  46. The British policy of salutary neglect for its North American colonies intended to minimize trade restrictions as a way of ensuring they stayed loyal to British interests.

  47. Along with Liaquat and Abdur Rab Nishtar, Jinnah represented Pakistan’s interests in the Division Council to appropriately divide public assets between India and Pakistan.

  48. In this way, he concluded, Matabele and Mashona interests would be protected, and south-central Africa would be developed, all without a penny from Her Majesty’s Treasury.

  49. Johnson advocated for the interests of the poor, maintained an anti-abolitionist stance, argued for only limited spending by the government and opposed protective tariffs.

Interests—and in a sentence

Interests—and is a variation of interests, below you can find example sentences for interests—and.

  1. Different unofficial versions of the report circulated—some that had been altered by real estate interests—and a version hastily put together by Senator Duncan U.

Interests—the in a sentence

Interests—the is a variation of interests, below you can find example sentences for interests—the.

  1. At its most fundamental, it was a local feud between two competing dynastic interests—the Seneschals (Truchsess) of the House of Waldburg and the dukes of the House of Wittelsbach—that acquired religious overtones.

General information about «interests» example sentences

The example sentences for the word interests that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «interests» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «interests».

limit girls’ interests in sciences and maths and cause them to feel

We are free to pick up past interests and develop new hobbies

An activity that brings the young, the middle-aged and the seniors together is much better than a group dedicated only to the interests of the senior citizens, from the point of view of building relationships

You do not have to take control of the conversation; let your grandson steer it in a direction that interests him

Ask questions about their interests, and when you disapprove, keep negative comments to yourself

«What is this Sharkey? If you have information it would be in your best interests to pass it on to the Gardai at your earliest convenience

We always sit together and chat pleasantly as, despite her young age, we have many common interests and we keep good company to each other

He seems to be a very agreeable person, and the subject interests me a lot; moreover, the lecture is taking place at a centre of Buddhism which is only some metres away from Aphrodite’s house!

We have a lot of interest and the interests of one person need not match with the

But thankfully the interests are not as numerous as human beings

So, what are your interests? That

Your tastes and interests could be very different

decided on what your interests are then half the story is done

What Interests You In A Person?

Having the same interests doesn»t

” The interests of partners should complement each other and not clash

So now that you have decided what is it that interests you in a person and what your

«Sir I don’t think it’s in our best interests, for many reasons, the reasons I have made perfectly public

So how do we avoid sublimating the word of God into the existing framework of our values and interests and not accommodate it to that?

has your best interests at heart and delivers you

The people seemed to have their best interests at heart

Her interests and curiosity were slowly coming back

Miss Jones had few vices and few interests that could be described as hobbies, but she was very keen on politics

online dating through websites listing attractive profiles and typical interests that may match

their interests or even with more than one person at a time

One can also send private messages to the personal profile that interests them; thus, online

so the chances of finding someone with similar interests as yours is stronger on the web

She nearly fainted as they explained that, while she was not under arrest, they felt that it would be in her best interests to accompany them to the local police station

date, and the interests that the two of you share

interests and connecting with them if they match your own

This is simply a data base that lists your interests, hobbies and communication styles into categories in order to

technology that matches all of the similar traits and interests, as well as financial goals

These listings hold the interests and personality answers to your opening profile questions, as these are used to locate a compatible mate, offering a nice

Another major part of the Relationship Matrix is hobbies and interests

This comes from having the same interests or even, sometimes, the same

together with someone who does not hold the same hobbies or interests is the feeling

in fact, a sense of rejection of the other person’s interests

share too many interests, through the feeling of being smothered

the best you can to maintain a healthy balance in communication, finances and interests, while

are able to listen and understand the other person(s) interests and professional endeavors,

while mentally connecting their interests with your own

He bought Terry and his mother a beautiful mock Georgian mansion in one of the better parts of Cheshire, while he devoted himself to furthering Terry’s interests from a penthouse flat in the city centre

You can’t stand the thought of me having a life and interests of my own

She was quite unlike her mother, and although ravaged by the same hormonal imbalances and certain confusions that beset Alan, she tried hard not to allow herself to be brow beaten by her mother’s general attitudes and specific goals, although her mother sought to make her daughter complicit in her disapproval of her step-son as a way of protecting both of their interests

coincided with his own interests, and took thanks in as many ways

Miss Jones had few vices and few interests that could be

interests to accompany them to the local police station

Creative, unique, sincere and active interests should be developed in the

furthering Terry’s interests from a penthouse flat in the city centre

The blog’s purpose would be to share my expertise and interests with others,

step-son as a way of protecting both of their interests

” She gave him a lascivious grin, letting him know just how it warmed her and snuggled up closer to him, making him pretty sure that their interests aligned

And, of course, those who represented the interests

I am indeed surprised by your ignorance of the presence in your own community of an internationally renowned rod-maker, and not fifty paces from this very spot! Might I direct you just down the boardwalk to the Mercantile? There you will find not this sad pole’s equal, but its lord and master!” The Sportsman exclaimed; then added, “I’m sure the tackle you sell is adequate for the leisure fishing interests of the tourists or stray visitor who might of caprice decide to ‘go fish a bit, since there’s a lake here and all,’ but do not impugn the truly exquisite work of master craftsmen by putting these on offer for anything but what they are

“The only one I really remember is B’theen,” he said, “and that’s because we share many business interests as well as a friendship

“I have some outside interests,” he said, trying to cover up his nervousness

of protecting our vested interests

She knows who Jock is, she understands his hinterland and his history, and has lived with him through the inevitable darkness induced by his business interests

” and he explained how capable his wife, by his second marriage, was in handling the house and staff, his daughter, still at home and her interests, “It is in good hands that I leave my kith and kin, and to a welcome homecoming when I quit the road again

What do you know about farms, Billy, about Jock’s farming interests

Kulai had not been making a great deal of money at his outside interests and Delurna could not put together any financial explanation for his early purchases

along — I suggest that it’s in both your interests to deal with

She might take whatever interests the people around her had, but always in a half-hearted way

interests? You know, in the not-so-distant past, there was a rule stating that

This child needed a real mother and bad, one that had his real interests in mind instead of someone who was just trying to mold him to the shape of some extremist religion

They toured the site and inspected the facets of each their own interests and requirements, chatted pleasantly, and generally kept up with each other’s ongoing pursuits beyond this project alone

It had caught his attention because it could pertain to one of his most passionate interests, travel beyond the sky into the great void beyond

Naturally, this trip was planned with the interests of

Now we have two conflicting interests coming to us on this case, that in itself is not terribly unusual

their own interests and build their own kingdom are not the

This was a normal home where regular people lived; happy, human people with friends and interests

their own interests at the cost of their followers

of reason The interests, prejudices, laws, and customs, which have given occasion to it, I shall

In both regulations, the sacred rights of private property are sacrificed to the supposed interests of public revenue

his interests at heart just as much as you do

ideas are more useful and according to priest’s interests

personal interests, and finally they arrive at the

according with the interests of the monarchy

What interests me

“Are you implying the turannoi didn’t have Ithaca’s best interests at heart?” said Aetes

there always were economic and politic interests,

by replacing the old divergences with common interests

The moment you will understand that the Creator has made all this on purpose and with your long term best interests in mind, you will come to peace with similar situations and go for a new task to fulfill

defend their common interests and were doing it with

sister and cousin sister thing which interests me the least, you’ll

Don’t be shocked by my decision – I’m not violating a moral principle, I am acting in the best interests of all concerned and that is exactly what should prevail

occidental groups of interests, and the

manipulated against of their own interests

I’ve never known a man who had his nation’s interests more at

ones, some have served others’ interests

“Discovery of the implicit” or metaphorical manipulation Is more of an isolating and adding connections that seem More arbitrary than pre-destined; yet, interests often fall Into place with amazing, unthought of implications—

skills may be transferred to other tasks, or what networks their interests and

select what interests me

It is distinct, not only from the landed, but from the trading and manufacturing interests, as in these last the owners themselves employ their own capitals

and then writing to target their point of views and their interests

Slavery continued to take place almost universally for several centuries afterwards, till it was gradually abolished by the joint operation of the two interests above mentioned ; that of the proprietor on the one hand, and that of the sovereign on the other

What interests you?

who share your interests and with whom you can have a

Not only the prejudices of the public, but, what is much more unconquerable, the private interests of many individuals, irresistibly oppose it

The legislature, were it possible that its deliberations could be always directed, not by the clamorous importunity of partial interests, but by an extensive view of the general good, ought, upon this very account, perhaps, to be particularly careful, neither to establish any new monopolies of this kind, nor to extend further those which are already established

  • Use the word INTERESTS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The lady’s got a lot of interests.

It’s in your best interests to stay out of this, so stay out of this.

The glorious campaigns and how much Julius aided the interests of the Republic are minimized by Brutus’s teachers, who presented Julius as hostile to the Republic.

It is he who keeps the grain importacin to protect their interests.

The region’s interests make me put aside that I’m your brother-in-law.

Certain interests found it ideally located for a defiance of law.

THOSE who guard the capital’s interests.

We will hope for the reciprocal observance of our common interests.

Add: piously observing mutual interests

Piously observing mutual interests.

«All that interests me is go away from here !»

Well, this is indeed a pleasure… to meet someone whose interests… are practically the same as mine.

We -We have mutual interests:

This thing interests me. I’m taking you to see a dealer.

I think that Frank’s interests need concern you no longer.

«Youthful interests» .. he calls it.

A man who will share my life with me and have some common interests.

Why, the minute you put yourself in my hands, baby… your interests are closer to me than my own. Get me?

That’s what interests you, isn’t it?

If we behaved badly we would be going against our interests.

As long as I can make my interests his interests, he is not going to betray me.


Much as I love you, nevertheless, I am determined… to look after my brother’s interests, whether he likes it or not.

Say, Tom, it might be pretty cumbersome having all these people with 5-, 1 o-, 15-dollar interests mixed up in the transaction.

What interests you, then?

But don’t worry, we’II look after your interests.

Look after their interests?

The brewing interests plan to start immediate production of beer.

But, gentlemen if I have faith enough in this young man’s ability to sell him my interests outright I don’t see how you gentlemen can object.

Now, gentlemen, all in favor of selling their interests to Mr. Ahearn will signify by saying, «Aye.»

That’s because everything interests me.

Working for you and your interests!

New life, new interests, new pleasures, new friends and little by little I’m being pushed into the background.

«A government with the best interests… «of the people at heart.

About that time he got a lot of new outside interests.

But she’s going back to school next week. She’ll find new interests. Soon she’ll laugh at this as a schoolgirl crush.

May it please Your Honor… since adjournment yesterday, certain information has come to the hands of the Commonwealth… which in the interests of justice, impels me to reopen the case.

«All interests of the firm in the United States of America… «shall be in the charge of my son, Richard.

He’s transferred all his rights and interests to Jacques, his brother.

There’s the child herself. You ought to think of her interests.

Your interests have been taken care of

excusez, majest? , we want a little interest interests?

Her interests shall be my first duty.

Civic interests don’t concern women

-still, his original theory interests me.

And then your case interests me.

Then you know what profit you realize from these different interests.

However, we are not concerned with the legality of these interests but with the revenue derived from them.

She seems to know instinctively the kind of girl that interests me.

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«He always had a great interest in music.«
(great, passionate, strong, real, special, particular, serious)

«She began to have a growing interest in football.«
(growing, increasing)

«They’ve had a shared interest in classical music.«
(shared, genuine, lifelong, renewed)

«He’s never shown the slightest interest in her.«

«He has little interest in the ballet.«

«There was sudden interest in her artwork.«

Used with verbs:

«She has always had an interest in learning new languages.«
(had, showed, expressed)

«While studying in Italy he developed an interest in cooking.«

«The movie kept my interest for the full three hours.«
(kept, maintained, held)

«The commercial caught my interest.«
(caught, sparked, stirred up, stimulated)

«The boy’s interest in reading grew as he got older.«
(grew, increased)

Used with prepositions:

«They listened with interest.«

«I saw a growing interest from the teenagers.«
(from, among)

«She has an active interest in helping others.«

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ in-ter-ist, -trist ]

/ ˈɪn tər ɪst, -trɪst /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


the feeling of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is particularly engaged by something: She has a great interest in the poetry of Donne.

something that concerns, involves, draws the attention of, or arouses the curiosity of a person: His interests are philosophy and chess.

power of exciting such concern, involvement, etc.; quality of being interesting: political issues of great interest.

a business, cause, or the like in which a person has a share, concern, responsibility, etc.

a share, right, or title in the ownership of property, in a commercial or financial undertaking, or the like: He bought half an interest in the store.

a participation in or concern for a cause, advantage, responsibility, etc.

a number or group of persons, or a party, financially interested in the same business, industry, or enterprise:the banking interest.

interests, the group of persons or organizations having extensive financial or business power.

the state of being affected by something in respect to advantage or detriment: We need an arbiter who is without interest in the outcome.

regard for one’s own advantage or profit; self-interest: The partnership dissolved because of their conflicting interests.

influence from personal importance or capability; power of influencing the action of others.


  1. a sum paid or charged for the use of money or for borrowing money: If I won the lottery, I would invest the money, quit working and live off the interest.
  2. interest rate (def. 1).

something added or thrown in above an exact equivalent: Jones paid him back with a left hook and added a right uppercut for interest.

verb (used with object)

to engage or excite the attention or curiosity of: Mystery stories interested him greatly.

to concern (a person, nation, etc.) in something; involve: The fight for peace interests all nations.

to cause to take a personal concern or share; induce to participate: to interest a person in an enterprise.

to cause to be concerned; affect.



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Idioms about interest

    in the interest(s) of, to the advantage or advancement of; in behalf of: in the interests of good government.

Origin of interest

First recorded in 1225–75; Middle English noun interest, intrest, entrest “legal claim or right,” from Medieval Latin, Latin interest “it concerns,” literally, “it is between,” replacing the Medieval Latin infinitive interesse, used as a noun, from Latin; see inter-, esse


o·ver·in·ter·est, nounpre·in·ter·est, noun, verbre·in·ter·est, noun, verb (used with object)

Words nearby interest

interdict list, interdictory, interdigitate, interdimensional, interdisciplinary, interest, interested, interesterification, interest group, interesting, interest rate Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to interest

activity, concern, enthusiasm, importance, passion, significance, sympathy, benefit, gain, profit, prosperity, well-being, commitment, earnings, influence, involvement, participation, right, stake, affect

How to use interest in a sentence

  • While 87 percent of Democrats say the coronavirus represents a threat to those vital interests — and 60 percent of independents agree — 48 percent of Republicans say the same.

  • They were able to take the resources and use them in the interests of the average Norwegian.

  • Buffett’s move has boosted the already sky-high institutional interest in the cloud-computing firm, Singh said.

  • While special interest groups often submit draft legislation and regulations to policymakers, legal experts said executive orders are less common and aren’t subject to the same public scrutiny.

  • Microsoft says it remains confident its proposal would have been “good for TikTok’s users, while protecting national security interests.”

  • But in the case of black women, another study found no lack of interest.

  • But if you have a hearing and you prove that someone is mature enough, well then that state interest evaporates.

  • While public interest in Ebola continues to dwindle, the epidemic itself continues to soar.

  • Lennon casually told some DC friends about it and found there was local interest in establishing Dinner Parties.

  • At the same time, campaigns are spending less while the special-interest groups are spending more.

  • In the parish churches, many of which are of great interest, the predominant styles are Decorated and Perpendicular.

  • And with some expressions of mutual good-will and interest, master and man separated.

  • A desultory conversation on politics, in which neither took the slightest interest, was a safe neutral ground.

  • His also was the intellectual point of view, and the intellectual interest in knowledge and its deductions.

  • She stabbed him, noting the effect upon him with a detached interest that seemed indifferent to his pain.

British Dictionary definitions for interest


the sense of curiosity about or concern with something or someonean interest in butterflies

the power of stimulating such a senseto have great interest

the quality of such stimulation

something in which one is interested; a hobby or pursuit

(often plural) benefit; advantagein one’s own interest

(often plural)

  1. a right, share, or claim, esp in a business or property
  2. the business, property, etc, in which a person has such concern
  1. a charge for the use of credit or borrowed money
  2. such a charge expressed as a percentage per time unit of the sum borrowed or used

(often plural) a section of a community, etc, whose members have common aimswe must not offend the landed interest

declare an interest to make known one’s connection, esp a prejudicial connection, with an affair

verb (tr)

to arouse or excite the curiosity or concern of

to cause to become involved in something; concern

Word Origin for interest

C15: from Latin: it concerns, from interesse; from inter- + esse to be

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Cultural definitions for interest

The charge for borrowing money or the return for lending it.

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Other Idioms and Phrases with interest

see in one’s interest; take an interest; vested interest; with interest.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

I want to say something like

my interests/interest in basketball and table tennis gradually develops as ….

shall I use interests or interest, and what is the general rule behind this?

asked Jul 20, 2015 at 2:25

Rescy_'s user avatar

The word interest is both a countable and uncountable noun. It’s also used as a verb.

You use interest as an uncountable noun when you talk of a state or feeling of wanting to know about or take part in something. For example, he has (an) interest in politics. I have no interest in science subjects. My interest in basketball and table tennis increases gradually.

You use interest as a countable when you refer to it as an activity that you enjoy doing or spend time to learn about. It also refers to something that brings advantage to you. For example, basketball and table tennis are his interests. He looks after his own interests.

If you look up the word in a dictionary, you will find many other uses.

answered Jul 20, 2015 at 3:57

Khan's user avatar


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Technically it should be plural here since you are talking about two interests. You may want to consider changing the phrasing of the sentence, however, since «my interests in…» sounds a bit awkward to me.

If you said «my interest in basketball and table tennis» then it would imply that there is some connection between the two.

As a better example, someone might say «my interest in track and field,» referring to «track and field» as one thing even though it technically is two nouns.

answered Jul 20, 2015 at 2:47

pancini's user avatar


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A company may try to interest its customers in online shopping.

They followed him over to the car with interest, puzzled looks on their faces.

(financial interest)

«She sighed when she saw that the interest rate had gone up again.»

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