Use the word intention in a sentence

intention — перевод на русский


I had quite serious intentions about this hairdo!

У меня были серьёзные намерения по поводу этой причёски!

We’ve nothing but peaceful intentions. Have we, men?

У нас только мирные намерения, да, ребята?

— We did it with the best intentions.

-У нас были самые лучшие намерения.

Since they’re inspired by good intentions,

Так как намерения у меня хорошие,

I guess you’d feel pretty bad, too if he just took some of your money without any intention of ever returning it.

Однако, думаю, тебе было бы неприятно, если бы он просто взял у тебя деньги, без намерения когда-либо вернуть долг.

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Musashi-sama… aren’t you? If Musashi-sama is willing to die then I have no intention of living either.

Мусаси… да? то и я не собираюсь жить дальше.

I have no intention…

Я не собираюсь…

No, I’ve no intention of going in there.

Нет, я не собираюсь туда входить.

Linus, I have no intention of marrying Elizabeth Tyson!

Уясни, Лайнус, я не собираюсь жениться на Элизабет Тайсон!

I have no intention in the world of marrying you. -So get it out of your head.

Я не собираюсь выходить за тебя, выброси это из головы.

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It was not my intention to get fresh.

Я не хотел быть нахальным.

After the happy annexation that is, after the happy union of Sicily and the Kingdom of Sardinia it’s the intention of the Turin government to nominate certain illustrious Sicilians as Senators of the Kingdom

Я хотел сказать — после объединения Сицилии с королевством Сардиния, правительство в Турине хочет предоставить некоторым видным сицилийцам должность сенаторов королевства. Конечно, ваше имя было среди первых.

‘With the best intentions’, how does that help us? The whole thing is just idiotic.

Хотел бы я свернуть ему шею.

I bring about interest on piano suddenly my intention reached now

Я всегда хотел научиться играть на фортепьяно. Теперь у меня их целых два.

I’ve never had such intentions.

В чём я ошибался? Я не этого хотел.

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I have every intention of treating Miss Arnold with the all respect she’s entitled to.

— Я твёрдо намерен обойтись с мисс Арнольд со всем положенным ей уважением.

And Don Domenico Soriano has no intention of marrying you. Is that clear?

Дон Доменико Сориано вовсе не намерен жениться на вас.

It is my intention to locate the captain and warn him before the experiment reaches its conclusion, which logic indicates means the end of the captain’s life as he knows it.

Я намерен найти капитана и предупредить его, прежде чем опыт подойдет к концу. И как логика подсказывает, к завершению той жизни капитана, какой он ее знает.

I have no intention of even attempting an escape, ever.

Я не намерен даже пытаться оттуда убежать.

I have no intention of doing so.

Я и не намерен!

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I have no intention of ending up washing clothes in a ditch and patting tortillas like an Indian.

У меня нет желания закончить всю жизнь, стирая белье в канаве. И печь лепешки, как жена индейца.

I have no intentions of one day finding her squatting on the bare earth patting tortillas like a common Indian.

У меня нет никакого желания узнать, что она сидит на голой земле. И печет лепешки, как обычная индейская женщина.

I had no intention of doing otherwise.

У меня нет желания поступать иначе

I have no intention of sacrificing myself — it’s idiocy sacrificing oneself…

У меня нет никакого желания приносить себя в жертву! Только идиоты приносят себя в жертву!

I haven’t any intention of confessing

У меня нет желания исповедоваться.

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My intention then was to take her without killing the man.

Моей целью было поймать ее, не убив мужчину.

I came here with every intention of dying.

Я прибыл сюда только с одной целью — умереть.

But believe me, these girls have come here with the only intention of being introduced to the aunt.

Но, поверьте, эти девушки здесь только с целью быть представленными тетушке.

My intention was to inflict a lesson that would have an impact throughout all India.

Моей целью было преподнести урок для всей Индии.

The fact remains that the intention of Surrealism was to move beyond the level… ..of art as aesthetics and rather to grasp something, which, again, has to do with the deeper reality or truth of reality.

Как известно, сюрреализм ставил своей целью переход на следующий уровень искусства как эстетической категории, с тем, чтобы лучше понять нечто, имеющее отношение к более глубокому слою реальности, или к её подлинности.

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Norton had no intention of going that quietly.

Нортон не намеревался так легко сдаваться.

His intention was to send us to the capital for public execution.

Он намеревался отправить нас в столицу для публичной казни.

Because his real intention is to blow smoke in my face, not yours!

Потому что он намеревался Навесить лапшу на мои уши, а не на твои!

Intentions to buy their freedom with it.

Он намеревался выкупить этой ставкой их свободу.

We would respectfully submit, Your Honor, that in view of the timing of Mr. Wilder’s accident and the suspicious removal of the signed last page of our divorce agreement, clearly, Max Wilder’s intention was to be free of his ex-wife.

Мы хотели бы со всем уважением заявить, Ваша честь, что в свете момента, когда с мистером Уайлдером случилась авария, и подозрительного исчезновения подписанной последней страницы бракоразводного соглашения, становится очевидно, что мистер Уайлдер намеревался держаться подальше от своей бывшей жены.

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I had no intention, sir.

И в мыслях не было, сэр.

If you have no intention of busting out of here pick up your chopsticks.

Та что, покажите, что у вас в мыслях ничего подобного .

I’d not the least intention of letting anybody else be punished for what I’d done.

Да у меня и в мыслях не было, чтобы кто-нибудь был наказан вместо меня.

It was not my intention to cast doubt upon Miss Petchey’s motives or abilities.

У меня и в мыслях не было сомневаться в мотивах и способностях мисс Петчи. Да?

But you have to believe me,it was never my intention to break up george’s marriage.

Но вы должны мне поверить, у меня и в мыслях не было разбивать брак Джорджа.

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I mean, his intentions in Arabia altogether.

Нас же интересуют его планы насчёт Аравии в целом.

What are your intentions, Sir Arthur?

Какие у вас планы, сэр Артур?

Is that your intention?

Так вот какие у тебя планы?

I do have intentions.

У меня есть на тебя планы.

— What are your intentions?

А у тебя какие планы?

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The particular intention of the Flambeau Exhibition is to pay tribute to the perspicacity, ingenuity and tenacity of Inspector Dubois, of the Sureté Nationale, who recovered the stolen property. »

Специальный замысел экспозиции Фламбо — отдать должное проницательности, мастерству и упорству инспектора Дюбуа, из Сюрте Насьональ, который вернул похищенное имущество. »

That should enlighten us as to your intentions.

Теперь я вижу, в чем замысел.

Making her choose among her peers,some kind of emotional torture,was that your intention?

Заставили выбирать из своих товарищей. Это разновидность эмоциональной пытки. Таков был ваш замысел?

Yes, my guess is that was Mr. Brody’s intention.

Полагаю, таков был замысел мистера Броуди.

His intentions?

И егo замысел?

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намерение, цель, стремление, замысел, идея, понятие, намерение жениться, виды


- намерение; умысел; стремление; цель

I have no intention of going /to go/ — я не собираюсь /не намерен/ идти
it wasn’t my intention to hurt her — я не хотел её обидеть
to do smth. without personal intentions — делать что-л., не преследуя личных целей
against smb.’s intentions — вопреки чьим-л. намерениям
whatever his intentions — каковы бы ни были его намерения
good in intention — а) хороший по замыслу; б) имеющий добрые намерения

- pl. разг. намерение жениться

he has serious intentions — у него серьёзные намерения (жениться)

- значение; смысл
- филос. концепция, понятие, идея
- мед. заживление раны; натяжение

healing by first intention — заживление (раны) первичным натяжением
good acts are better than good intentions — добрые дела лучше добрых намерений
hell is paved with good intentions — ≅ ад вымощен благими намерениями

Мои примеры


every intention — сильное желание, твердое намерение  
no intention — никакого желания  
to announce / declare / state one’s intention — заявить о своих намерениях  
to form and display an intention — сформировать и обнаружить намерение, умысел  
execution of criminal intention — осуществление преступного умысла  
execution of intention — осуществление намерения  
furtherance of intention — способствование осуществлению намерения  
intention for bid — намерение сделать предложение  
legislative intention — намерение законодателя  
seditious intention — намерение вызвать мятеж  

Примеры с переводом

I have no intention of retiring just yet.

У меня пока нет намерения уходить на пенсию.

Have you heard of her intention to resign?

Вы слышали о её намерении уйти в отставку?

She has every intention of accepting the invitation.

Она твёрдо решила принять приглашение.

He has no intention of leaving the political stage.

У него нет никаких намерений покидать политическую сцену.

His intention and execution are not very near each other.

Его намерения и их реализация не слишком соответствуют друг другу.

He has no intention of marrying her, he’s just stringing her along.

Он не собирается жениться на ней, он просто обманывает ее.

My intention changed once I saw her.

Увидев её, я сейчас же изменил намерения.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It is our intention to be the number one distributor of health products.

He seemed to think that I was trying to cause problems, but that was never my intention.

…likes to toy with men whom she has no intention of actually dating…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

intent  — намерение, цель, пристальный, внимательный
intentional  — умышленный, намеренный, нарочитый
intently  — сосредоточенно
intentness  — тщательность, заботливость, напряженное внимание

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): intention
мн. ч.(plural): intentions

Examples of how to use the word “intention” in a sentence. How to connect “intention” with other words to make correct English sentences.

intention (n): something that you want and plan to do

Use “intention” in a sentence

He announced his intention to retire.
What’s your intention?
I have no intention of doing that.
I have no intention of telling you the result.

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Sam realised he was out of his depth, even if she had given him the chance, which Tatania apparently had no intention of doing

Imagine the shock to the family when he announced his intention to marry a catholic hotel maid! This love dynamic in his life was the catalyst for his search for religious truth

Emma’s hoping to go back to work once he starts school – she’s a primary teacher and should be able to get a part time job … at least that is the intention

’ I replied, biting back the rude retort which is on the tip of my tongue … how dare he make it sound as though I yo-yo all over the place! ‘At least that is my intention

Finally, when she realized I had no intention of spending so much money for her, she asked me to buy her a book of poems -and I did that

‘Hmm … yes, I do, actually – are you going to do anything about it?’ he replied as I realise that this was his intention … there is a silence while we just look at each other …

I explain to her the situation once again, yet Helen makes clear she has no intention of paying for a trip she isn’t going on – which means I will have to pay double for my share! Moreover, my good friend coerces me into assuring her I will take the money back no matter what

The Cross as Ultimate Intention

God’s ultimate intention for you and I is that we die to self and live in Christ

The grey wolf pounced suddenly with the intention of biting Sons’

We tend to look more at the spiritual aspect in our modern Christendom, and have therefore robbed ourselves of the full meaning and intention of God

All the way back at the promise of Abraham we can read that God’s intention was to bless all the nations of the earth (Genesis 12:3)

it is our intention to ensure that a process of mind change

He takes away the tray, deftly closing the door behind him with a quick twist of his foot, and I leap into action … at least that is the intention

I then left with the intention to come back, but never did, because my attention span and memory had disappeared for months now

Don’t promise that you’ll call if you have no intention of contacting her again

As the minutes ticked by and Helen Roach sucked down on the butt of her third cigarette, it appeared as if no one in the Roach household had any intention of going to work or to school that day

statements with the intention to shift your focus from fear to love,

intention that all things happen

usually not the intention of the therapist, and any

with a clear intention of removing them

With which words, he picks me up and carries me up to the stairs … at least that is the intention … he has a spot of bother opening the door to the stairs one handed and has to put me down again … so much for romantic gestures …

The Power of Intention

ability to obey, or cooperate with your intention

His faith and intention were so powerful

intention, in a very immediate way, and the normal state

of things instantly changed to support his intention

The moment Peter began to fear, his clear intention

of your intention alone

I believe that the intention

magnify the power of your intention to get the

magnify your intention is all you will need to achieve

of your intention, and carry it into the energy field of

avenue to put the energy of your intention into the

Your magnified intention to release the

intention, and it will work

magnified intention can cancel out the “noise” of a

opposing energy in the form of magnified intention

I did not add that I have no intention of leaving Anna on her own for even a minute

Your intention and the words that you are saying need

“Do not worry my love; I have no intention of loosing you to that creature

Governing Meridian with the intention of releasing

three times, and to stay focused on your intention to

and carries your intention into all the other meridians,

filling the body with that intention and thought

Once in the office, my intention to get stuck into typing up the next section of the Bunty saga is frustrated as I have to spend most of the morning re-working the cookery item for the next edition

emotional intention that our thoughts convey

The clearer your intention to connect Ryan and

Your intention to heal and your

a clear intention to help them, believe that you can

especially if it is your intention to build and preserve

Magnify Thought and Intention, 137

It is our intention that each

I have no intention of harming your master, Mya explained, he has a good heart

Your intention for doing this is a pure

Plan is the outward flow of God’s conscious intention to create and be

as a continual outpouring of God’s intention

with the right motivation and intention

• Never be of service with the intention of getting something back

the Roach household had any intention of going to work or to

seek power and control, and those who misuse the intention of the

was the following morning that he announced his intention to make

Chrissie looked across the table at Chas uncertain what his intention might be

As realisation of the other woman’s intention percolated into Chrissie’s brain, nausea threatened

them, I feel sure, but think of them as a way of holding an intention, a

She still wants to scream at the useless bugger sitting opposite her, but she has no intention of giving him or anyone else in the canteen the satisfaction of watching her lose it

’ Jarvis said with a reassuring smile, which failed entirely in its intention

’ He said, more with the intention of getting a reaction than from any belief that this may have been the truth

‘We have no intention of depriving you of a voice,

females! Although he’d really had no intention of going to

before by men who had every intention of repaying their

‘So, because their intention

And — unless that was the intention all

Harry walked toward them and not knowing his intention, they gave him a wide berth between them to let him pass

She jumped up with the intention of fleeing as soon

But I have no intention of joining my

Sport has always been apart of the Malvern experience, yet it was not Harry’s intention to let gymnastics become his be all and end all; in fact it was for him more of an outlet for continuing his own regimen of flexibility and creative response

She’d no intention of going to town with him

For this reason I can’t pursue my intention about coming to USA after my employment contract on March, 1981

She had no intention of any military action against him or anyone

gate with the intention of heading straight for the great

apparent intention of stopping and he was forced to avoid

No doubt she was going to use her sex to sway his mind from the case, whether that was her original intention, she saw her opportunity to play it now, playing the same game he thought to play

’ Jean was in no doubt that he had every intention

‘We believe with the intention of presenting it

Klowa was beginning to learn that this girl did take her yaag pretty seriously and putting on altitude was something she had every intention of doing

Alec had no intention of returning to Lock Core, it held for him only memories of destruction and endless pain, while welcoming him back with nothing but the promise of death

The intention of both regulations is to restrain

«Had that been his intention, Theodorous, I believe he would have done so long ago,» Bri Lynn said holding her hood at her side

of warning, but he had no intention of leaving until the

He had no intention of abandoning Pierre, but

‘That was never my intention anyway,’ she

“I had no intention of doing so, just going to warn you

She understood her situation, and had no intention of leaving her prison – not that she could

The intention was to let them starve to

There is no value in all this unless the intention is pristine

In the giant play of humanity, every new existence begins with a dream, a thought, an intention that emerges in the mind and is treated by the same

Do not be afraid, I have not the intention to relate or to

She had no intention of encouraging their master

The previous questions converging towards the same reasoning, with the intention of adding to the confusion before bringing more light, let’s add one more question:

Definition of Intention

a course of action that a person intends to follow

Examples of Intention in a sentence

Alex said that his intention is to marry Rachel.


I have every intention of participating in the marathon, although my wife says that I am not in physical shape for such a run.


Barry said that he has no intention of stepping down, although he is under a lot of pressure to do so.


Although Michael never squeezed the trigger, he did have the intention to do so, which is not a punishable crime.


The guru argued that if we want to be successful, we need to first create the correct intention in our minds.


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  • Use the word intention in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Even if I understood, I have no intention of being considerate.

But forgive me, sir, to complain to you about our sorrows was really not our delegation’s intention.

My friends, if I have offended your god, it was not my intention

In any case, that would be my intention

«Tell your chiefs, M.Turner, that i have not the intention «to establish a criminals settlement on the Moon…»

Why, I had no intention of staying.

No, I had no intention

No, no, I didn’t have any intention.

I’ve no intention of waiting around for three or four years while you harvest an additional crop of wild oats.

I have every intention of treating Miss Arnold with the all respect she’s entitled to.

I have no intention to sing.

I had no intention of insulting the navy.

I had no intention of hurting your feelings.

So you have no intention of allowing Helen to see the boy.

I am sorry, miss, I had no intention of disturbing you.

You had the money a dozen times but you ain’t got no intention of paying. You crummy heel!

I have no intention to, Chancellor.

I have a position in society as your wife that I have no intention of giving up.

You see, I have a marvelous formula for making pancakes, and it’s my intention to rent a store, and have a pancake place and sell syrup on the side.

I have no intention of going with you.

That was my intention, Your Imperial Highness.

Entirely too many men love my hair, and I have no intention of changing my residence.

It is my intention to justify, in a general meeting, the accusations against me, through the mail.

I believe you have come here with the deliberate intention of insulting me.

Just because I happen to be rich, I have no intention of being imposed upon.

-No intention of explaining yourself.

I assure you, I had no intention of distressing this charming young lady.

I assure you, madam, I had no intention

Had no intention of harming beautiful young lady.

Mr. Brighton, it is no such intention in my mind.

I have no intention of lying.

In fact, that you have no intention of defending any of these charges.

how shall I express myself… it would be better if you didn’t express yourself at all, Lady Taylor unless you want to say something very agreeable about Mrs. Lawrence but that probably wasn’t your intention indeed it wasn’t

And the court of chancellery has no intention of forfeiting this money.

Just what had happened? My intention had been clear, but was I to conclude that I had the power to make the ball land wherever I pleased?

Only my intention to finish this.

That’s why I have no intention

So you have no intention of getting married.


His words made his intention to coerce justice unmistakable.

Your Honor, at this time we give oral notice of our intention to move for a new trial.

Mr. Dallas has no intention of any change regarding your daughter.

But facts are facts, and we will prove without doubt… that the defendant coolly and deliberately placed a revolver… in her otherwise harmless little bag, with the express intention of shooting two holes through Otto Krayler-

Coming between two young people in love is furthest from my wish or intention.

Was it madame’s intention that I should follow her into her bedchamber?

Express his regrets for having not understood, during his landing at Dunkirk, the intention of the spontaneous demonstration…

I have no intention of selling my home.

I do not believe your father has any intention of taking the position at all.

Intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I’ve been tied up with boundary changes and having a birthday at the weekend, so this is just a quick post to catch up with some of the voting intention and Scottish Independence polling I’ve missed.


Given budget constraints, there can be a tendency to replace original sash window to with the intention of achieving lower maintenance costs over the long term.


Drawn on graph paper and scanned in, these were from an exercise the some of the students had completed the day before with the intention of getting box and whisker.


Concentrating your thoughts into cohesive intentions really assists in helping manifest your desired results.


I now try to plan my content with an eye toward future book projects, and I write with the intention of repurposing my content on a permanent, ongoing basis.


Yet despite the need and best intentions, the program was loathed on Main Street and Wall Street almost the instant it launched.


Shortly after buying Odeo, Williams wrote a blog post that announced his intentions to sell the podcasting part of the company — a New York start-up paid a reported $ 1 million for the service — and focus on Twitter.


Official Announcement Mr. Mahama was also reported to have given the assurance that in due time he would officially announce his intention of leading the NDC as the presidential candidate for the next national elections.


He continued: «The Labour Party still remain more than 30 points behind the SNP in the constituency voting intention, whilst the Conservatives have not made any noticeable progress despite some commentators proposing that the Conservatives will be aiming for a «serious Holyrood campaign».


Understanding and establishing your intentions is an important step in forming the foundation for your response to the important and persistent question, «What should I practice in my home practice?»


The United Kingdom and the European Union have announced their intentions to investigate whether their citizens» data was also compromised.


But she has no intention of giving up the fight to bring parents and public schools in her community closer together.


His intention was that it be laicized, but it was secularized as well.


Julyan has said that the intention was to underscore the anticipation of magic, rather than the excitement and mystery itself, but I’m not really sure how this score achieves that — endless synth pads, string noodling, occasional piano interludes (being very careful to avoid playing anything that might turn into a recognisable melody)- sorry, but what’s the point of all this?


Think again: If that searcher is looking for the nearest «glasses repair shop,» for eye glasses, not wine glasses, you’ve just paid money for someone to accidentally click on your ad who has no intention of ever being a customer.


As the purchase of clean cars and the charging devices stations they need is partly financed by cities, An said that municipal governments have little intention to support automakers that do not contribute to the local economy.


My confidence and passion for life has been reignited and I have no intention of stopping my fitness journey anytime soon.


Even here, I have no intention of assaulting the habits of a fisherman who is out there for his own pleasure, obeying the laws of man and nature, whether he heaves a treble-hooked plug into the Vineyard surf, strips a fly line onto the deck of a Keys backcountry skiff or watches his baits skip along behind a 54-foot Hatteras off St. Thomas.


If you don’t ask first, they might get those beautiful cloth diapers you carefully picked out for them, smile and nod, and then forget about them, using only disposables despite the good intentions of your well-thought-out gift.


Collins, for his part, has said he has no intention to host a town hall, calling them «useless» and saying he prefers to meet with people one-on-one.


Former minister of finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on Wednesday debunked media report that she has intentions to contest the 2019 presidential election.


I have begun to incorporate crystals as supports for my intentions.


It can be used to calm the mind or as the first step to plant the seed of an intention of a specific purpose or idea.


He is a master when it comes to conceal your intentions.


My point is that both intention, goal orientation, left brain, and openness, non-attachment, right brain are parts of the will.


Winding Refn’s intentions in making Only God Forgives are rather hard to fathom.


They have no intention of reciprocating in any meaningful fashion.


The six-episode sequel season is beautiful in its intentions and construction — a loving ode to a life made better by acknowledging the past to improve upon the future.


The initial intention was set to cover numerous metals including copper, zinc, lead, silver, iron ore, gold, nickel, bauxite, and tin but Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono altered the law slightly at the eleventh hour to allow exports of copper, zinc, lead, and iron ore concentrates until 2017.


Or, when I bought so much kale with the best intentions of healthy eating, but then succumbed to the lure of Annie’s mac and cheese or Bite Squad delivery, and then days later POOF, limp kale in my crisper, and no other veggies in the fridge.


It’s an age-old quandary: Are we born «noble savages» whose best intentions are corrupted by civilization, as the 18th century Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau contended?


Ever-so-slight language tweaks in last night’s statement from the Federal Open Market Committee left the market divided as to the Fed’s intentions as some interpreted the changes as dovish and others as bearing a hawkish hue.


Obama’s signature signaled the US intention to comply with Paris Agreement once in effect, but not obliging the US to do so until formally ratified, accepted, or approved by its own domestic process.


However, with my second child, he had different intentions.


He quotes Isaiah 28:16 where it is God’s expressed intention to lay a tested cornerstone, a sure foundation.


Which is clearly the opposite of the author’s intention.


Of course, not all of these Western men have the same «serious intentions» which they declare in their dating profile.


Our staff has the best of intentions for our students and they have worked extremely hard to open up their classrooms and collaborate with each other.


You’ve know each other well and started relationships formally, but he has no intention to marry you although you’ve sent him some hints.


Embed from Getty Images Arsenal fans have made their intentions clear when it comes to the Frenchman’s future, but landing England’s most famous trophy could turn some heads.


Eagle, who was one of 20 members of the shadow cabinet to resign, will formally announce her intention to stand on Thursday.


CHARITY SCHEMES: Federal authorities have issued warnings that scammers with nefarious intentions are actively exploiting the generosity of those wishing to provide relief to the victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.


But that wasn’t Planck’s intention: what he meant was that people refuse to even consider unorthodox arguments while their authors are still alive.


Regarding the unproductive posts against my faith, all I can say is that the intention of the church is to be Christ in the world.


While the intention is to protect users from being bombarded with annoying ads, it may hurt the ad publishers by putting the power into Google’s hands.


A mantra is like a flashlight for your intention — that beam of light illuminates where you’re going and gives you direction.


The problem in Newark, said Russakoff, was that despite the good intentions of everyone involved, this top-down approach to system change ignored the most important members of the community: the students, the parents, and the teachers.


However, a month after the transfer window closed, Tiote has now publicly stated his intention to quit the club.


Eric Dier insists he had no intention of handing in Spurs transfer request amid Man Utd interest this summer


To protect against people who might apply for life insurance with the deliberate intention of killing themselves to provide their beneficiaries with a sum of money, insurance companies implemented a suicide clause.


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