Use the word intended in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word intended, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use intended in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «intended».

Intended in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word intended in a sentence.

  1. It was originally intended for No.

  2. Bramlette intended to arrest him next.

  3. He had intended to seek asylum in Japan.

  4. It was intended as a replacement name for B.

  5. For it seems intended as a vindication of Mr.

  6. She had intended to continue for a doctorate.

  7. The Operating Department intended to equip Nos.

  8. It was intended as an adventure story for boys.

  9. Lowell intended to take another trip to Europe.

  10. A stupa is intended as a shrine for the Buddha.

  11. The Métis under Riel respond with arms as intended.

  12. He intended to remain based in Canton until October.

  13. Flower was intended as a spiritual successor to Flow.

  14. Scott stated, «I never intended to bootleg the covers.

  15. His intended order read «Psgr Extra 3538 West meet No.

  16. He proposed that they were intended as wings of a five-part polyptych altarpiece.

  17. Some volunteers boasted they intended «to extermenate the whole Wiandott Tribe.».

  18. They also devised novel pieces that were intended for non-religious performances.

  19. Formations intended for Normandy could be «re-purposed» for the initial invasion.

  20. Rogers Corporation 6010 board) are expressly intended for microwave applications.

  21. The latter was intended for use as a residence and in the modern period was converted into a cottage.

  22. The canal was intended to be 171 miles (275 km) long, 250 feet (76 m) wide, and 30 feet (9.1 m) deep.

  23. Charles I had intended to extend and rebuild Holyroodhouse, and plans had been drawn up in the 1630s.

  24. The prince had planned an all-male group and intended to spend much of the time hunting and shooting.

  25. Two of the heavy guns intended for Cristoforo Colombo were installed aboard the monitor Faà di Bruno.

  26. One of these, Malajoe Batawi, was a grammar of Malay intended to standardise the language’s spelling.

  27. In speech it may not be obvious whether The Volcano or the volcano is intended, leading to confusion.

  28. The organizations, intended to be called up in case of armed conflicts, resembled large social clubs.

  29. Britomart Redeems Faire Amoret was intended by Etty to illustrate the virtues of chastity and honour.

  30. It was intended to replace the scheme then in use, which had been proposed in 1817 by Thomas Rickman.

  31. The rink was originally intended as a «temporary» measure, but it became popular, and so it was kept.

  32. At one stage in 1992, series 4 was intended to be the last, and the movie was proposed as a follow-up.

  33. The New York Times intended praise when saying of the book, «Art Spiegelman doesn’t draw comic books».

  34. He told Columbia he would not be part of a third film, and intended to break from comedies altogether.

  35. He firmly intended to publish, but it was not until September 1854 that he could work on it full-time.

  36. The viewpoint seems to be from slightly below the bird, suggesting it was intended to be mounted in an elevated position.

  37. This group intended to explore this then-unknown territory, but had been prevented by sea ice from approaching the shore.

  38. The obverse design features Fraser’s portrait of Washington originally intended for the first Washington quarter in 1932.

  39. The execution of his testament later proved difficult, and the funds were never used for the purpose Kościuszko intended.

  40. As a result, notice was given to developers that the council intended to market the site and ten responses were received.

  41. The book’s presentation was intended as unconventional, with its use of lowercase throughout and lack of quotation marks.

  42. The band initially intended not to release «The 1975» prior to the album, but after its recording, they decided to do so.

  43. They were not as heavily armored as the ocean-going monitors of the Union, but they were adequate for their intended use.

  44. The core involved was intended to be used in the Able detonation, during the Crossroads series of nuclear weapon testing.

  45. However, on 8 February, he told Peter Brotherton, a prison chaplain, that he had killed her and intended to plead guilty.

  46. He said that he intended to recall Khiêm to Saigon to lead the Armed Forces Council in place of Khánh, but would retain the civilian cabinet that answered to the generals.

  47. On the way, according to the contemporary chronicler John of Fordun, Edward intended «to destroy and ruin Scotland both near and far, and indeed to devastate it utterly.».

  48. Overall, almost all heroic and positive imagery is directly or indirectly identified with the king and was originally intended to glorify him as a wise and powerful ruler.

  49. In fact, Gordy intended to replace Ross with Barbara Randolph as early as the fall of 1966, but changed his mind and instead kept Ross in the group for several more years.

  50. Organizer Wyatt Tee Walker joined Birmingham activist Shuttlesworth and began what they called Project C, a series of sit-ins and marches intended to provoke mass arrests.

Synonyms for intended

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word intended has the following synonyms: attached, committed, conscious, witting, deliberate, intentional, knowing, supposed, well-intentioned, well-meaning, well-meant, motivated, planned and premeditated.

General information about «intended» example sentences

The example sentences for the word intended that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «intended» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «intended».

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

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Intended Sentence Examples

He intended to take her as his mate, Rhyn. It was intended to encourage her, but it was more a distraction. I had made a promise to her and I intended to keep it, regardless of the outcome. Darkyn spoke as if he intended for her to remain that way, at least through the end of the deal.

What is an example sentence?

An «example sentence» is a sentence written to demonstrate usage of a particular word in context. An example sentence is invented by its writer to show how to use a particular word properly in writing. … Example sentences are colloquially referred to as ‘usexes’, a blend of use + example.

Is it intended or intended?

As verbs the difference between intend and intended

is that intend is to fix the mind upon (something to be accomplished); be intent upon; mean; design; plan; purpose while intended is (intend).

What is a sentence with has example?

Has sentence example

  • Has anybody ever told you that you’re beautiful? …
  • He has lived more than eighty years. …
  • If Len has time, maybe he could help me. …
  • He has a mind to spend the rest of his life in that country. …
  • If he has custody, she couldn’t get the money. …
  • It has GPS navigation. …
  • He has been received by the Emperor.

What is the meaning of intended ‘? *?

transitive verb. 1a : to have in mind as a purpose or goal : plan. b : to design for a specified use or future. 2a : signify, mean.

39 related questions found

What type of word is intended?

Intend, mean, design, propose imply knowing what one wishes to do and setting this as a goal. To intend is to have in mind something to be done or brought about: No offense was intended. Mean is a less formal word than intend but otherwise a close synonym: He means to go away.

What does Intended example?

To intend is defined as to plan to or design for. An example of to intend is a man planning on asking a woman to marry him; he intends to ask her. An example of to intend is someone buying walking shoes because they want to take a walk; they intend to walk. verb. 2.

What is correct sentence?

In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense.

Where do we use has in a sentence?

Have is the root VERB and is generally used alongside the PRONOUNS I / You / We / Ye and They and PLURAL NOUNS. Generally, have is a PRESENT TENSE word. Has is used alongside the PRONOUNS He / She / It and Who and SINGULAR NOUNS. However, there are some exceptions which will be explained later on in the lesson.

Has or had meaning?

Summary: 1. ‘Has’ is the third person singular present tense of ‘have’ while ‘had’ is the third person singular past tense and past participle of ‘have. ‘ … Both are transitive verbs, but ‘has’ is used in sentences that talk about the present while ‘had’ is used in sentences that talk about the past.

Is not intended to meaning?

The first one is passive, you were not intended to do something by someone (or some authority) that is not named. It implies that what you did was forbidden in some way. The second one is an active form, you were in charge of your own intention. You had not planned to do what you went on to do.

What is intended audience example?

Intended audience is defined as the group of people for which a service or product is designed. An example of an intended audience is the population of people targetted by a new movie. The demographics of the people that a product or service is designed for.

What part of speech is intended?

Intended can be an adjective, a noun or a verb.

What is sentence Give 5 examples?

Simple Sentences

The train was late. Mary and Samantha took the bus. I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station. Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station early but waited until noon for the bus.

What is a sentence give three examples?

Three essential types of sentence are declarative sentences (which are statements), interrogative sentences (which are questions), and imperative sentences (which are orders). Join us as we give examples of each!

What makes a full sentence?

A complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses a complete idea and makes sense standing alone. … This is a complete sentence as it contains a verb (reads), expresses a complete idea and it does not need any further information for the reader to understand the sentence.

Where is had used?

Had had is the past perfect form of have when it is used as a main verb to describe our experiences and actions. We use the past perfect when we are talking about the past and want to refer back to an earlier past time, Madiini.

What is have in grammar?

The verb have has the forms: have, has, having, had. The base form of the verb is have. The present participle is having. The past tense and past participle form is had. The present and past forms are often contracted in everyday speech, especially when have is being used as an auxiliary verb.

What are examples of had?

[M] [T] She had to take care of her sister. [M] [T] They had trouble finding the place. [M] [T] Tom told us that he had a headache. [M] [T] We had a very good time last night.

How do I check my grammar mistakes?

Grammarly’s online grammar checker scans your text for all types of mistakes, from typos to sentence structure problems and beyond.

  1. Eliminate grammar errors. …
  2. Fix tricky spelling errors. …
  3. Say goodbye to punctuation errors. …
  4. Enhance your writing.

What is question sentence?

A question is a type of sentence that we ask or write to gain further information from a person or people responding. Written questions are punctuated with a question mark to show that the sentence has been completed.

What is intended in research?

The concept of intended uses moves from the general idea of doing a useful evaluation to a specific and concrete focus on the priorities of intended uses for a particular evaluation’s primary intended users. The goal of the evaluation then becomes intended uses by intended users.

What is the adjective form of intended?

adjective. purposed; designed; intentional: an intended snub. prospective: one’s intended wife.

What does indenting mean in English?

1 : to set (something, such as a line of a paragraph) in from the margin. 2 : to notch the edge of : make jagged. 3 chiefly British : to order by an indent.

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1. The advertisements are intended to improve the company’s image.

2. She was not the intended recipient of the reward.

3. The bullet missed its intended target.

4. His son is intended for the medical profession.

5. It is not clear to us what you intended.

6. This movie is intended to revive her flagging career.

7. The book is intended for college student.

8. The paper had intended to base itself in London.

9. The rules are intended to prevent accidents.

10. He intended her no harm .

11. Somehow I offended him, which wasn’t what I’d intended.

12. These rules are intended to prevent accidents.

13. I fully intended to pay for the damage.

14. We finished later than intended.

15. The article was intended to provoke discussion.

16. The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy.

17. The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.

18. I think the present she sent you was intended as a peace offering.

19. She intended to make a big splash with her wedding.

20. I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me.

21. We intended from the very beginning to bog the prosecution down over who did this.

22. It is intended that production will start at the end of the month.

23. The preview was intended to whet your appetite .

24. I intended it as a joke.

25. Originally, Hatfield had been intended as a leisure complex.

26. The sanctions are not working the way they were intended.

27. I meant it to be an informal discussion, but it didn’t turn out as I intended .

28. The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intended-and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended.

29. The plane has been kept in service far longer than originally intended.

30. The book is a work of fiction and not intended as a historical account.

More similar words: superintendent, extended, pretended, intend, contender, extended family, intend to, intendant, interdependent, interdependency, interdependence, ended, offended, descended, suspended, apprehended, tender, tendency, tenderly, contend, pretender, tenderize, intent, tenderness, intense, tendentious, legal tender, intently, suspended animation, intention. 

God intended for him to be, God appeared to him, and

This book began as a form of catharsis but was never intended to be

Reminding her sister, who also carried those memories, of that plan and its intended result, was not a diplomatic thing to do right now

She’s been up and down like the proverbial yo-yo all day … I don’t think she intended me to realise but I could hardly fail to notice

Enough to put the notion into the head of a baggage handler that the brand new bright pink carry-on there, ostensibly marked for that very flight, was actually intended for a different airline entirely

Concerning their reward, what could be more alluring than the promise of a blissful “life after death” – even if it is intended only for “a few, chosen ones”?

After that, he confided in me he intended to buy a house in Glyfada (meaning he is wealthy) and then he asked: “When I read the classified ads, looking for a house to buy, I often see an advertisement saying »Naxiotis real estate»

Finally, seeing I hadn’t phoned her till yesterday afternoon, she called me at about 4:00 pm and asked me whether I intended to come or not; then she commented jokingly: “Those who don’t bring an expensive present, won’t come in!”

They were never intended to return

‘And that’s not intended to be a negative comment

He wondered what the symbolism would be if he was to climb the rope? God would probably think he was so arrogant he intended to climb up and take over

«But you can administer this territory?» Carlton asked, sweeping his finger around the area they intended to purchase and ignoring the other hundred million square miles of this planet that was habitable by humans

’ She didn’t mention that whoever had left Kara there clearly intended for the train to finish off what they had started

This is how God has intended it

pain of the world in their hearts and they intended to travel separate ways to

God had never intended that

However, this isn’t how God intended it

his hand, and did not dispense as much poison as the assassin had intended

Now, I would like to make the statement that spiritual authority was never intended to be one man or a team of pastors

‘No, I’d intended to get something on the train but the buffet car wasn’t open

Even though she intended to find her courage, she could think of no better story than the one Alan had shouted as he reached the shore

They knew Alan intended to reach this city, but they couldn’t manufacture enough probes to watch the piers, assuming he would get here across these docks

I have to say that she was horrified when she heard that you’d been attacked – she’s been seriously scared, Karalintze … not that I’d want to excuse her action or in any way minimise the awful attack you experienced, but she never intended you any harm

She’d never really thought about that before … known it yes, but they didn’t talk about it … and all the time he’d been putting things away for her … had Berndt known? He’d visited the warehouse, he’d told her so … perhaps that’s what he meant when he said that Joris intended his bequest to show his love to the world …

“Woman, do not for one moment think that I didn’t consider it!” He said with more force than he intended

Finding something small enough for me is difficult – most of the garments are for men and far too large, but eventually, we come across a set of leggings and jacket intended for a teenage boy which fit reasonably well

It is intended to be solely determined by our allowing ourselves to be gripped by the ethical God, who reveals Himself in us, and by our yielding our will to His

As it closed with them he saw that Desa was it’s intended victim

The whole was intended to represent the living rooms of sumptuous Stephanian homes, even down to the television set and the welcoming fireplace effect set into a bulkhead

Intended as an aid to those who are journeying

I assure you no disrespect was intended

‘No, the daybreak prayers are more stimulating – intended to give energy for the day

The rest, as they say, is history, although throughout his long years of retirement, when he published his memoirs and his diaries and tried to settle into a state of fatherly grace in the House of Lords, the once great politician told anyone who would listen that he had been right, that his opponents had been wrong and that a report with blank pages was exactly what he had intended all along

I have to smile at the absurdity of comment, as he intended I should, and start nibbling one of the sandwiches

Neither of the ships was carrying anything intended as a weapon, but their point control laser was capable of damaging the other vessel’s external systems and the naked fusion in either drive could slag the other with neutrons and gamma rays

Alan saw the knife come towards him, but his mind couldn’t relate the physical position of the thing with the possibility that his step-mother intended to harm him

These audits are intended only to examine the Federally-funded parts of an organization’s operations and are not designed to identify unrelated problems

Maybe God intended it this way and I accept it,’ 1

The Llanberis pass has the children gasping — just as Gary intended — he’s enjoying introducing them to this, for him, much loved area

He can hardly take his eyes off it and automatically puts it on the third finger of his left hand, just where I’d intended it should go

Naria informed the Captain of the Saber as to what she intended; privately he agreed with her; it would be nice to finally bring good news to their ‘guests’

I’ve never heard that there was any other child either planned or intended

He intended to take out Lord Tarak by an assassin’s arrow as he left for the ball

They are each intended to carry a wealth of

report with blank pages was exactly what he had intended all along

’ I commented, seeing rather more than she intended to tell me

No matter how much it may have been what Jesus intended, the heaven they lived in was very much a work of man and his machines and not a divine creation

the possibility that his step-mother intended to harm him

mused privately, as if the way had been intended to be secret

She shouted gleefully when it hit its intended mark, across his shoulder blades

It was clearly intended to

“You never intended to stay here beyond finishing that methane worker school,” the guy said

“We know from Himla she would find it down there, we know from her notes she intended to

The Sportsman received the proffered rod, noted the brief specifications inscribed on it indicating its intended line weight, length, and date of manufacture, then he carefully looked over its construction, made a flick of the wrist gesture to test its flex and handed it back to Mr

Attached to the keel pocket they fitted a mast step and installed the necessary hardware around the gunwales to secure the intended mast

But it wasn’t only for pleasure excursions that the boat was too fulfill its intended purpose

Then she detailed the necessary steps which enabled it to perform as intended

” Having said all that he intended, he went back to the house and store

had no idea as to the intended function

I bought it for investment, I never intended to actually live here

detailed the necessary steps which enabled it to perform as intended

intended to capture the causeway

She intended that the separation would cause him as little distress as was possible under those conditions

As he walks through the crowd, heading for the lifts and the central stairwell, he reflects on the case of his intended target; Doctor Arbnor Jasari

Somehow she managed to instil the last few words with a meaning which reduced the conviction of her brother for child abuse, the deaths of two men and a woman, and the resultant comatose state of her daughter to an event which was purely and simply intended as a disruption of her life

‘ This shall be our launching point toward the practicable method to become as a human was intended” The guest leaned back and let his host ponder the image undisturbed

I’ve always intended to become more familiar with what is what but, although I have a very detailed book on wild flowers, I find the hardest bit is actually matching the flower in my hand to the picture in the book

It was settled that, once again, they would form an entourage and tour the little town, with particular attention to the apartments intended for Kaitlyn, and the Memorial Theater

This, in exchange for room and board in the apartments which were intended for Mrs

My afternoon is taken up with a meeting intended to plan the office move at which I present my outline plans and we discuss the incipient problems; the move is scheduled for the first week of May so I have two and a half weeks to get everything organised with bank holidays to be taken into account

The captain’s intended blow therefore slammed into one of their faces with a yelp from the victim

As you know you are far to the south of your intended course

had intended to let Godfrey hang for his crime, he might

down below, the old Bailli did – no offence intended

He intended to build a proper school house for the town in lieu of the poorly renovated burnt out building provisionally employed for the purpose

You see I mention this because they will sit here,” He indicated on the plot map still lying on the big table before them, a swath of land directly opposite Lawrence’s intended developed parcel

Again, he lowered his head and whispered something, she didn’t hear, it obviously wasn’t intended for her ears, and then responded “About fifteen minutes

Was that message intended more for her than him?

Why he couldn’t let her take care of herself, she didn’t know, she changed her intended destination and headed for the green house

It was obviously intended for ultra high speed flight and had some kind of reactive-explosive propulsion device

we intended to arrive

His intended target was so large, yet moved with such fluid grace

During their journey to Lock Core he had developed tremendous respect for the ancient being and never actually intended to harm him – he didn’t believe it was possible to even do so

As we intended to use

Originally, it was never intended to be a city, but a fortress

Brodin replied with a booming laugh, even though Grandlefist hadn’t intended it as a joke

and resurrecting her to be the mighty army He intended

It was broken rhyme but it was about the best she could come up with and still keep with the intended message of the part

that it belonged to Saint Jacques, and that he intended to

Somehow Emily doubted those were the words he had originally intended to speak

intended, ‘But I thank you to be a little more respectful in

degree that was intended; because it has never been able to hinder either the one from being

If there was a scrounge lurking down here he intended to make peace with him if possible, if the person still had enough mind left to communicate with

She credited him for her existence, when the truth of the matter was that Alec didn’t care the least bit about her father, had never intended to save him

Though she had intended the thoughts to be held within her mind alone, she saw Emily turn to her, a look of despair suddenly clouding her face, and she knew that the girl had heard everything

This left very little for the intended Grand March on the city of Mesapit

The moment one of the Reapers stepped forward, she was there to meet them, instantly, as though suddenly birthed from the very air in which they intended to step

In countries where the price of cattle is very low, the calves, which are not intended to be reared in order to keep up the stock, are generally killed very young, as was the case in Scotland twenty or thirty years ago

“Stop,” Adros yelled, his command intended for the children and Magi behind him, as well as for the Magi in front of him

In fact, you are influenced by the message in ways the deliverer never intended

icon forward

Мобильная Торговая платформа- intended for users who are constantly on the go.


context icon

Mobile Trading Platform- intended for users who are constantly on the go.


Описание: Blurred shot of iconic Tower Bridge behind railing, intended for use as background.


context icon

Description: Blurred shot of iconic Tower Bridge behind railing, intended for use as background.


В частности, была отмечена необходимость обеспечить последовательность в применении терминов» allow» и» permit»» goods» и» property» и словосочетаний»

designed to be used» и» intended to be used.


context icon

In particular, reference was made to the need for consistency in the use of the words“allow” and“permit”,“goods” and“property”,

and the phrases“designed to be used” and“intended to be used”.


Учитывая существенный ресурсный потенциал страны, возобновляемые источники энергии с большой вероятностью сыграют важную роль в выполнении

ее климатических обязательств согласно« Предполагаемым определяемым на национальном уровне вкладам» Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, INDC.


context icon

Given the country’s significant resource potential, renewable energy sources are likely to play an

important role in Russia realizing the objectives of its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution INDC.


Results: 4,
Time: 0.0456





As sentient beings, animals are the intended beneficiaries of Oregon welfare laws, and are victims when the laws are violated, the suit says.


By choosing Printing by Design as your next printing company, you can reach your intended audience using the most effective and affordable quality printing tools available today.


In order for the sermon to achieve its intended effect, preachers will want to know the attitudes the congregation has about the Bible.


The couple have now made contact with the GRO to ensure that a legally valid marriage can take place on their intended date.


Hence, the errors we continue to observe that continue to prevent VAM use for their intended utilities, even with the sophisticated statistics meant to mitigate errors and account for the above-mentioned, let’s call them, «less than ideal» conditions.


We are told that it suffered losses due to a fraud and that its processor, Check Commerce, has held over $ 4 million of it’s funds and will not release the funds to the intended recipients at this time.


Then calmly steer into the intended direction, and slowly accelerate away.


One simply convey the intended meaning of their message if they constantly make major flubs.


There is still time for the 63-year-old to sign his intended transfer targets, and if he does, then the Red Devils will be a real force.


The operative purpose of the name is instant recognition and cognitive association with the intended subject or action without a lengthy preamble or explanation.


If necessary, the system automatically applies precise amounts of brake pressure at individual wheels and reduces engine torque to safely put the vehicle on its intended path.


Because of the very nature of the products» intended purpose, some retailers choose to have a little fun with their displays, which is another way to call attention to the products» features and functionality and hopefully drive sales.


Worrying about one or two bad quarters is just not productive, in my view, especially when my intended holding period is the rest of my life.


(Pun only a little bit intended.)


ApeejaySurrendra Park Hotels Ltd assures you that in the event of your personal information being shared with its holding company, such sharing of information shall be for the purpose of executing intended business with you.


In a letter to the DCMSC last week, he said: «Leave.EU’s dealings with Cambridge Analytica were limited to tender discussions, negotiations regarding contract terms contingent upon winning designation, and Cambridge Analytica being presented as an intended strategic partner in the event that designation was secured.»


This provides an advantage from a neural prosthetics perspective, Andersen says, as a small implant sampling a small number of neurons can provide information for many types of intended movements.


The handset is available to purchase right now through Telus for $ 150 off-contract and will be up for grabs through Bell on the original intended release date of April 13.


Fellows also gain access to professional development opportunities and guidance related to their intended career trajectories.


We do offer additional list building training, complimentary software and lead magnet packages but these are all optional and intended to help you build, manage and grow your list.


Class A Units obtained with the first 5 % of the aggregate amount will be held in escrow (while kept in the name of the applicable Account) to secure payment of the higher Initial Sales Charge applicable to the Units actually obtained in the event the full intended amount is not contributed before the LOI expires.


A custodial parent who is looking to relocate must provide reasonable notice, via certified mail, to the other parent at least 45 days before any intended relocation.


It is fun to take pictures of things around you randomly, but today I will teach you the know-how necessary for creating stages in an intended design.


The general consensus among psychologists in the industry is that this will eventually be the child’s journey and thus, the more open and willing the intended parents and donor are to future contact, the better it is psychologically for the child or children who are born as a result of this process.


But in the five years since that BMW was made, the world’s automakers have developed electronically controlled suspension systems designed to help the driver steer clear of trouble when a car begins to veer off its intended path.


Parallels integrated the Apple Device Enrolment Program (DEP) into release v6.0 of their Mac Management application so Ian has additional functionality available to him that should take his satisfaction to an even higher level: Administrators can set up and equip new Macs to be deployed with all the configurations and software packages needed for their specific intended use without ever touching them.


The importance of facture in Robinson’s work — of the manner in which it is made, with consummate skill and careful consideration of material and method to convey the intended ideas — demonstrates the artist’s relationship to «maker-uncles» such as Richard Artschwager and Allan McCollum.


However, Article 4a (1) of the Framework Decision provides, inter alia, that, where such a person has been aware of the intended proceedings and has given a mandate to a lawyer to represent him in order to defend him at that trial, surrender may not be subject to a condition of that kind.


Therefore, if a recruiter is your intended audience, keep your letter to a short introduction centered on the facts (what executive title you’re pursuing, where you’re open to moving, etc.), preferably pasted into the body of an email message.


Without antioxidants, free radicals remain unneutralized leaving them to do damage after their intended good.


For all his intended irony, it’s hard not to shout back «Yes!»


Theological constructs are erected in a manner dependent on the systemic approach one choses to engage in (and becomes wedded to pun intended), so for all intents and purposes the boundaries of said systems become the expression of it’s inherent pre-suppositional context.


«Assessments for learning provide the continuous feedback in the teach-and-learn cycle, which is not the intended mission of summative assessment systems.


Bitcoin Uranium and the previously signaled Bitcoin Silver still have yet to reveal their intended snapshot dates.


Like Bendtner three passes before, he squeezes the ball beyond the lunge of Maxwell — his desperation exaggerated by the frazzled nature of his flowing brown hair — and into the path of his intended target.


The connection you shared with the intended parents and the child will always be one of the most meaningful experiences in your life.


Unfortunately, both types of modifications also reduced the specificity of the compounds for the intended retinoic acid receptor-α target.


In a recent case in 2012, the state of Kansas pursued a known donor (where the child was conceived through at-home insemination) for child support when the child’s mother (in a same-sex relationship) applied for government assistance for the child — despite the fact that the known donor had signed a written agreement with the intended parents stating that he would not be a legal parent of the child.


Is intended precisely for the lay audience (voters) that the other side has been reaching using vast governmental resources.


She fought for custody of the twins so that she could decide who would adopt them — since the intended parents did not want twins and planned to sell the rights to the surrogacy agreement before the babies were born.


A stronger prosecution case would normally be where there was an identified customer who was the intended target.


Christina brings her clinical skills to Circle to assess applicants and support surrogates during their journeys with intended parents.


While at Coastal, Josh once made a catch just like that, somersaulting in the air, defying gravity, rotating mid-leap to snatch the ball from the grasp of the intended receiver.


These apps, however, sometimes don’t match their intended purposes.


Teoldi hints at the dissociative trauma of separation from «home», raising questions of movement and migration, as stilted bodies scurry from an emergency landing, towards the intended «safety» of a liminal digital space.


Instead he stands tall in a figurative pocket, stares down his intended target and admits he made a mistake in 2009 when he tried to live up to the expectations attached to the six-year, $ 63 million contract he signed after being dealt by the Patriots.


At many points, MyScript was able to convert our horrible handwriting into our intended words, but its autocomplete often returned the wrong words.


He didn’t drop any hints for what the enticing reason could be for Switch owners to buy the game again, but I’m hoping he’s ironed out a deal with Danny Baranowski to feature the game’s original intended soundtrack.


Surrogates experience the multitude of physical and emotional changes during pregnancy as well as the added involvement of the intended parents and a specialized team of healthcare providers.


However, other intended showcase moments for Depp, away from the predictable shootings and strangulations, don’t provide much impact.


  • Use the word INTENDED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Despite the precautions that Tertullian took, she intended to go to Caesar.

I intended to make it right… but…

Old Braaten intended to talk to Berit’s father, but at the moment any return to Glomgaarden was out of the question.

And Tymishko conceived, the Cossack intended

I wish that you, being my intended associate, will fulfill your representational duties.

What I intended to say…

And as I said before, I hadn’t intended to make a speech at all.

Well, you know, Abe, I’ve intended to for a long while that is, of course, if you asked me.

No offense is intended and I hope none will be took, but if I had a husband that went to Chicago on the third anniversary of his wedding, leaving me behind, I wouldn’t consider it natural.

I had intended putting Marchand in charge of our show. but now…

It is fashionable in recent adaptations of Dracula to modify this famous line to: «what sad music they make» or «what sweet music they make», but Lugosi intones it with just the note of malevolent ambiguity that Stoker originally intended.

Like Polidori, Stoker also seems to have intended his vampire as a backhanded tribute to a difficult, controlling benefactor.

Browning made one more film for Universal, then returned to MGM, where he produced Freaks, which Irving Thalberg intended as the ultimate horror film.

I came in here to ask you, Mr. Woodward… if you knew that Jim intended to marry Joan Trent.

But I never intended to, and I never will.

I intended to use those relics to buy Sir Lionel from Fu Manchu.

I never intended to take a single dollar from you, and I never will.

My dear fellow, I intended to tell you last night… but you know, Miss Trowbridge…

I intended to see you sooner.

I’m sure Hofmeister intended to —

The one I intended to save him from.

These three years in the house of correction are not intended as a punishment but as a means of putting you in an environment which will help to make you a better and more useful citizen.


But my man got what was intended for Martini.


Your Honor, District Attorney Wade intended to make the closing address himself, but as you know, he is in the midst of his campaign for governor.

No, and it wasn’t intended to be.

Why not have Judas drink the poison that was intended for me?

There’s no sarcasm intended, ma’am.

It may be that I’m intended to know the secret of life.

It’s what I intended for you in the end… but since you prefer it this way, you muckrake, I’ll be humoring you.

And I intended to be such a gentleman.

Can’t nobody rightly say nothin’ agin marriage… ’cause I reckon God intended… everybody to live that-a-way.

He intended, with the aid of this ladder… to crawl down into your place some night and polish Robert off with this.

You never intended to give Robert that money.

Yes, but I swear I never intended

Well. I’ve been jumping all over the state. But I had intended getting back to Bewdamore this week.

Baker, please carry on as you intended.

No, I intended to find you.

I suppose that is intended to prey upon our sympathies.

If that is intended— — Anyone who pokes around in the garbage can… shouldn’t be surprised when he finds garbage.

I intended to, but Clyde wanted to go, so I sent him.

Well, that money isn’t intended for me.

No affront is intended, Your Majesty.

I’d intended to mention the Vetsera boy, but I’ll be going.

I’m sure it wasn’t intended to be photographic.

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  • Use the word insists in a sentence
  • Use the word inside in a sentence
  • Use the word inputted in a sentence
  • Use the word information technology in a sentence
  • Use the word individual in a sentence