Use the word insists in a sentence

What a very strange man he was, apparently he insists on wearing hats indoors and would only answer to the name “Famous Author” even though nobody I have met has ever heard of him!

He insists we can’t advance in metaphysics unless we confess our secrets to the others

Yet he insists on flirting her, using me as a point of contact with Mandy

He insists that what is happening in Him and through Him is greater, better, and more progressive than what they had

When Gilla comes back, she insists that I snuggle under the covers and get some rest

He insists on binding my thighs with soft bandages before we move on – a process which is embarrassing and at the same time bond-building

Rob insists on washing up while I go and ring Simon

She insists on looking her best

“That one there isn’t going to make it through the next winter and look how the owner insists it’s such a fine animal, so ideal as a trusty mount for a lady

There is gratitude on both of their faces, but Bex insists, «I know

‘She insists on caution and anonymity

Cassandra, the fortune teller of Troy, insists that the horse would be the downfall of the city and its royal family

He insists a lot on the élan vital, or vital force,

If this dream has some profound meaning, as Nebuchadnezzar insists it does, then the true God will reveal it to His servants, if that be His will

Yet tradition insists that when

But he insists that the tradition of pigmonging needs to be upheld

Above all, Professor Spanners insists that we cannot afford to suffer a single butterfly to live — one careless flap of a wing could mean the end of all life on the planet

Song wasn’t deterred, “I just mean, what’s the point of being one of the most powerful individuals in the cosmos, if she insists on appearing in public as just the Elf?”

She will not suffer her colonies to work in those more refined manufactures, even for their own consumption ; but insists upon their purchasing of her merchants and manufacturers all goods of this kind which they have occasion for

The parliament of Great Britain insists upon taxing the colonies ; and they refuse to be taxed by a parliament in which they are not represented

insists, each one will bear his own load

He will reach inside of that old fridge, grab just one more beer, make his way outside to the swing and chuckle at Grandma when she still insists that this is the only beer that he can have today

I understand there are two doctors among the camp’s inmates who are providing medical care, but the commander, Major Brumerson, insists that we provide Army medics to support his staff and our men from A Company

If their long-held belief concerning the serpent was as a symbol for evil, why would these people feel more secure in the understanding that this representation was produced to protect them? Yet the Bible insists that God told Moses to do it

Phnom Penh insists that the 4

Religion insists that Man has two natures, one that is here, and one that is “there

But today the everyday itinerary of the world seems to rest upon the “broad backs” of the minions of these new ideas, but still the aged patriarch insists that his wisdom of the ages be given the respect that longevity deserves

When Tris encounters her old neighbor Robert after their Choosing Ceremony, he is concerned about her choice and insists, “You should be happy

That Father insists his position —

He insists that either B or C must accompany him otherwise he is not going to

In fact I find myself somewhat reluctant about going out to dinner with him on Friday, although my wife insists that I do so

It appeals to the West because it has no dogmas; satisfies the reason and the heart alike; insists on self-reliance coupled with tolerance for other points of view; embraces science, religion, philosophy, psychology, ethics and art; and points to man alone as the creator of his present life and sole designer of his destiny

I think the Khakhan insists on it

The other view insists that the Constitution should be “kept up with the times” by judicial innovation, rather than by amendment as provided for in Article 5

But the opinion insists that this finding was not controlling in the Court’s decision

He adamantly insists, not only as a matter of bioethics, but also as a matter of animal rights, that the subject animal cannot be killed as part of the act of any other animal’s (human presumably) sexual gratification

Budziszewski echoes those core values when he insists there are basic and essential values “we can’t not know

as the force that insists on the spirit’s return to the physical body

altered concept of time and space insists on a four-dimensional reality, Space-Time, where past,

She insists she is looking for the right opportunity for me and one which will utilize my talents to the fullest

M: The catch is in your mind, which insists on seeing duality

I smiled to myself, she know insists on picking her own clothes

The present Communist Regime insists, however, in limiting that opening to a mere commercial fissure or crack

“So, I’ll carry it for you”, he insists

” He eagerly insists

My brother insists he is nothing like my dad – he’s terrified of

“But Silaran has learned that you will both attend, since Equemev’s mother insists your presence is necessary, and that you are each allowed to be accompanied by three personal staff members

“Park insists on local autonomy,” the article reported, quoting Babcock as saying, “That’s more than just a slogan with us

And the subjects he insists they cover don’t necessarily excite

If the pagan says that the universe had a beginning, we ask: What were the pagan gods doing before that time? If the pagan insists that the universe had no beginning, we ask: When was the first pagan god born? Who were its parents? How did pagan gods gain control of a universe that existed before them? Why do pagan gods care about human sacrifices if they already possess and control everything? Why do pagan gods allow Christian men to rule the warm European lands rich in food and wine, while leaving the pagans only the frozen lands of the north? Why is the Christian world dominant, while those clinging to primitive beliefs are a dwindling minority?

The only exception to the strict terms of her excommunication shall be Bishop Higbold’s annual inspection; when, according to the ancient custom here, he insists on interviewing each and every person at the convent

“Michael insists you have the necessary qualifications and are preeminently ready, if only you will accept

I am told that he insists that no Christian should handle weapons of war, it is better to throw ourselves on Christ’s mercy

” The “prochoice” faction insists that each individual woman decides only for her own dependants

he insists that the hope that biochemistry will yield the whole story is naive

«Eh, well… Zeus insists on certain rules

Formal rationalism does not deny the role of sense-data in informing knowledge, but insists that

She won’t last long if she insists on constantly challenging Merula and Syrugia because soon we may have to stop treating her in fear of being marked as their enemies

Everyone insists on knowing where you’ve worked for the past year, but you have nothing to tell them

She doesn’t deny the facts, but insists he should have stopped when she told him to

What is the white light?! Master insists

“It’s on the house,” the man insists with his arms folded across his chest, standing behind an old antique hand-operated cash register like he won’t take no for an answer

Being a bachelor, my mother insists on it

AWeber insists on something called a double opt-in, which means that when

It often insists

He’s hokey but insists that neither the Brossard boy or even the girl next door could have been involved

She insists that others organize the mice, who are really important to the revolt, because if she does it, she will end up starving to death

«How does this man know so much about the gold? The Kantsler insists it is our secret responsibility

The Minister insists one hundred per cent hands off

“The Captain insists this is an exercise!” Hammersmith shouted

With the exception of Jared, who would rather Timothy took the job and Timothy who steadfastly insists that I take it, everyone has said that they would support either brother

phery of society: When RMS insists that we talk about «com-

But, he insists

“I know, and I told her that, too, but she insists you are

‘’I’m sorry to interrupt you like this, sir, but there is a CIA agent here that insists that we are making a mistake with Miss Laplante

“What if he insists that we pursue the Germans all the way to Berlin?” Asked Chernikov anxiously

«If you can’t teach him anymore, and he insists on doing something,

“I am sorry, sir, but she insists and threatens to shut our country out of the Western Pacific and of Europe if you don’t see her now

Granted I can’t say I’ve been a perfect angel, but it only happened once, yet she insists there have been others

‘’Uh, let’s say that my superintendant will not mention the details about their deaths, unless of course the justice minister insists in seeing the whole file

� That is why she insists that German prisoners of war be treated correctly and that German civilians be spared as much as possible

For example, who will take your dogs and cats in and provide for them with the same loving care you have shown them? Who will develop the same kind of close relationship that your animals are used to sharing with you? Your son may not want a cat that insists on sleeping on his head or your daughter may abhor a dog that sheds all over her chic apartment

rational process? Doesn’t science in fact have a philosophy that insists

“Naturally we do, inspector, but my client insists, to use his own words, he is a pawn in the game

also, the card insists, that which is most basic about humans

Then he insists on footing the bill, and it takes me a while to talk him out of it

Where the card of the lovers insists we look within, the

The spirit of education, then, insists that we clear the road ahead of

It is useful here to hearken back to the high priestess, who insists

The spirit of learning, however, insists that

The spirit of education, however, insists that we embrace change,

relevance and meaning and utility; the hanged man insists that we move

of education insists, those individuals will be able to help us find a way through the quandaries that present themselves as we grow and

The warden insists on it

except for the Christian channel which she insists we keep

“You guys really should come with us tonight,” Ellin insists

“I’ll be with you,” she insists

Your future father-in-law insists that you ask for his daughter’s hand before you couple

He insists that I help him

  • Use the word insists in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I hate how she always chooses a place that’s outside of our price range, and then insists on paying.

«Since Dame Margarete insists on her right, we have asked her to come here tonight so the candidate may have a look at her.»

«Marcowitz insists he must meet with His Highness!

A true lover of the outdoors insists on bathing outside in the winter as well as in the summer.

Not only that, he practically insists that I go with a bunch of the girls… to a lousy stag smoker in the Bronx after the show tonight.

The Captain insists on these conditions under which he camps here.

He insists on speaking to you, sir.

He insists upon running a bank on so flimsy a thing as faith.


That’s what he said, he insists.

Someone insists on seeing you.

She insists you ask to take her there with you.

If your husband insists on, you have to do it!

Just the same, J.L. insists notifying officially.

Jim insists that this won’t hurt him, but his campaign manager tells me that the election would have been close anyway and that this will…

Mr Jones insists that Elizabeth and Mary have only the best of care. — I see.

He insists it’s important.

You see, Bates insists that a square tie… is the only possible tie that can be worn with evening clothes.

He insists upon waiting… until he can support me in the manner to which I’ve been accustomed.

J.J. insists on putting on the show.

His Majesty insists upon your presence in the royal box.

You appear to forget, sir, That no gentleman ever insists over any protest of a lady.

There’s a Dr. Beaumont insists on talking to you, sir.

I know the doctor insists on it.

The queen is furious that the Spanish ambassador is waiting and yet insists use French dress.

If Your Holiness insists

A man is here who insists he has a personal message for His Majesty.

-Yeah, but the man insists if he don’t see—

He insists to see you, sir. — What does he want?

He insists that Miss Julie told him to see you personally, sir.

A little old lady disappears, everyone who saw her insists she was never there, right?

It’s Regan’s gun, And he insists it’s his privilege To clean it wherever he likes.

His Majesty insists that you recognize Madame du Barry in public.

The music-box is vital. The director insists on it.

This little girl’s father has been killed, but she insists he’s alive so I’m letting her look around.

She insists that we’re not to tell you.

The Geographic Society insists on punctuality.

We can’t inspect the plans because the mine owner insists that they never existed.

My father insists that they did and still do and I’d like to know why they can’t be inspected.

He insists on acting the true blue neutral.

She insists that the money shall be brought to her.

Because there’s always a little group that insists on staying.

Your mother insists that you accept Mr. Collins.


that would offend public morals he insists on wearing that costume?

I don’t understand the actress the baron has fallen in love with insists on her claim but she’s poor

About 10308 results found using ‘INSIST’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • Otherwise, doctors and patients might insist that the data be kept confidential.  (open, save, copy)

  • Yet both Bristol-Myers and ImClone insist they were stunned by the FDA’s action.  (open, save, copy)

  • If you do, as much as he says he loves you, I’d wager he’ll insist on a pre-nup.  (open, save, copy)

  • It’s common to hear fanatical In-N-Out customers insist they’d happily pay more.  (open, save, copy)

  • The Cardinals insist they negotiated freely before a deadline imposed by Lozano.  (open, save, copy)

  • So if you insist on being on the water, a life jacket is essential, Easley said.  (open, save, copy)

  • Instead, they insist that a revolt should trigger talks over investors’concerns.  (open, save, copy)

  • Government officials insist they will not let the utility cut corners on safety.  (open, save, copy)

  • Always proclaiming the necessity of peace, but insist peace only on their terms.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘insist’:

  1. Be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge; «I must insist!» [source]
  2. Importune: beg persistently and urgently; «I importune you to help them» [source]
  3. Assert to be true; «The letter asserts a free society» [source]
  4. (insistence) imperativeness: the state of demanding notice or attention; «the insistence of their hunger»; «the press of business matters» [source]
  5. (insisting) insistence: continual and persistent demands [source]
  6. (Insistence) The Empire ships were a series of ships in the service of the British Government. Their names were all prefixed with «Empire». … [source]
  7. To hold up a claim emphatically; to demand continually that something happen or be done; To stand on; to rest upon; to lean upon. Used especially as a technical term in geometry [source]
  8. (insistence) the state of being insistent; an urgent demand; The forcing of an attack through the parry, using strength [source]
  9. To be emphatic, firm, or resolute on some matter of desire, demand, intention. [source]

Native speakers pronounce  ‘insist’:

There is no shortage of English words that pass the same or similar message. However, in some cases, some words, although similar, do not pass the same message. It is quite easy to confuse the two realities in most cases when it comes to some words. That is why, at first glance, it is easy to conclude that «insist» and «persist» pass the same message. However, this is not the case. So, «insist» or «persist?» When to use each in a sentence?

«Insist» is a verb that strongly urges someone to perform an action. It can also extend to demanding or requesting something from someone forcefully. On the other hand, «persist,» although a verb displays a steadfast commitment by someone towards getting something done regardless of obstacles. 

Still, this is only the highlight of the relevant rules. In turn, in this article, we will dive deeper into the details. This way, you are well aware of when to use both words.

insist sign on keyboard

Our first focus is on how and when to use the word «insist» in a sentence. However, as you can likely tell, knowing how to do this depends on some factors. Precisely, it depends on understanding the nature of the word and, of course, its meaning. So, here is what you need to know.

When it comes to the word «insist,» it is a verb. We understand that we do not need to go deep into the meaning of a verb. It is generally considered as an action word. That is a word that displays that the subject is acting.

In turn, when you use the word «insist,» be sure to convey that an action is getting performed. Now, unto the meaning. That is, what action gets performed when you use the verb «insist» in a sentence?

The word «insist» in a sentence can mean to urge or encourage someone to get something done. In this sense, it is a form of a forceful request to someone to achieve something. For instance, when you insist that your friend, who does not like medications, should take their medicine to feel better.

As such, you can use the word when you want to urge someone or a group of people to get something done. Now that we have cleared that up, here are some examples of using the word in a sentence. This is to help you fully grasp how to utilize the word in a sentence.

  1. I insist that you take your studies seriously, especially if you are interested in inheriting your part of the family wealth.
  2. It is okay to insist on Mary avoiding bad company; after all, it is for her benefit and safety.
  3. Although I insisted that he take his relationship with my daughter seriously, he failed to heed my advice and ended up ruining it.
  4. If you need my help to qualify for the next stage, then I insist you show me why you are qualified and deserving of my help.

Further, using the word «insist» is not just limited to urging others to get something done. It can also extend to demanding or requesting something forcefully from someone. So, if you intend to convey a forceful demand for something, then the use of the word «insist» becomes appropriate.

Again, here are some examples that should help you gain clarity about using the word «insist» in this sense.

  1. I insist that you bring your car to the party on Saturday as it will help my transportation back home.
  2. She insisted that the young lawyer and recent addition to the team completes the work before going home even though it appeared impossible.
  3. Due to recent company policy, I will have to insist that everybody produces a copy of their identification card to enable us to proceed with the processing.
  4. While it is okay to insist on getting your work as soon as possible, I believe that sometimes you need to prioritize quality.

Now, when it comes to the word «insist,» it is vital that you keep in mind its origin. It comes from the root word «in» and «sistere.» These words are of Latin origin and mean being assertive or holding a strong and sometimes unmovable stand in something. So, when using the word, it must convey this conviction.

persist sign black and white board

When and How to Use the Word «Persist»

Our next concern is when and how to use the word «persist» in a sentence. As always, we must begin by explaining the meaning and nature of the word.

When it comes to the nature of the word, just like we highlighted with the word «insist,» the word «persist» is a verb. In turn, it conveys that an action has been performed in a sentence. Now, regarding the action that gets performed, this is where the meaning of the word comes into play. So, what meaning does the verb «persist» convey?

The word persist means to remain steadfast or continue on a path regardless of obstacles and difficulties. For instance, where there are negative feedbacks about an action, but such individuals do not get dissuaded by such feedback. This word generally conveys the determination of an individual to get things done.

You can trace the word to its root word to gain an understanding of the meal. Precisely, the two Latin words «per» and «sistere.» This combination generally implies to stand through or stand continuously or steadfastly.

So, if you intend to convey that an individual has gotten things done or should get things done regardless of obstacles, then this is your word. As you can see, it is clearly different from the meaning conveyed by the word «insist.» Now, here are some examples that will help you understand their usage better.

  1. I will encourage you to persist at getting your license to practice law even if you are faced with financial difficulties; it is an enterprise fully worth it.
  2. It might take time to achieve your goal, and a long time at that, still; if you persist, you can be sure to turn your dream into a reality.
  3. There is hardly anyone who is as strong as a man who persists in achieving their goals regardless of how far fetched it might seem.
  4. If history has taught us anything, it is that those who persist find themselves in the hall of great men who have impacted their society and the world at large.

Understanding the Difference Between Both Words

As it is now clear, both words are distinct from each other. While there might be some semblance of similarities in that they are both verbs, the action they convey is different. So, you are wondering where the confusion in the use of both words can arise.

Well, this is not far from the fact that insisting on something can be the basis of persistence. In the same vein, persistence can also lead one to insistence. For instance, in the case of the first, by insisting that you will work hard, you can be on course to get that degree regardless of the difficulty.

On the other hand, by being persistent about helping your friend, you can also insist that they act in a particular way. So, you see, it is very easy to get lost in a cycle when it comes to using both words.

Regardless, it is very easy to navigate this through the discussion above. However, this knowledge is only key if you can fully grasp it, remember it, and apply it properly when writing.

So, what do you need to know and keep in mind to achieve this?

First, when it comes to «insist,» it involves an assertive or strong stand in something. In turn, you must use this word when you require someone to get something done. On the other hand, when it comes to the word «persist,» it involves getting through circumstances or situations.

Now, while the word «persist» requires action, the action’s core goal is to get through a circumstance or situation. So, it is used to describe an action of getting through an otherwise difficult situation. On the other hand, when it comes to «insist,» it is usually an action that primarily calls for another person’s action.

So, use the word «insist» to describe an unwavering call for action. On the other hand, use the word «persist» to describe an unwavering action to get things done.

do it or dont dices flipped by hand

Final Thought

As you can see at first glance, the possibility of confusion is almost nonexistent. Then, all of a sudden, the possibilities become prominent. Now, while this might bother others, do not let this bother you. It is now easy to identify when and how to use both words.

This is thanks to this article. We have discussed the nature of both words, the meaning it conveys, and how to use it in a sentence. We have also discussed how to differentiate both words from each other.

So, go on, read up, and have more fun as you write correctly.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«I strongly insist that you leave at once.«
(strongly, firmly, absolutely)

«He stubbornly insisted on doing it all by himself.«
(stubbornly, adamantly, loudly)

«My father always insists on paying for dinner.«
(always, repeatedly)

«She still insists her husband is wrong.«

Used with verbs:

«He continues to insist that we are wrong.«
(continues to, tries to)

Used with prepositions:

«He insists on joining us for dinner.«

Asked by: Prof. Thomas Gerlach III

Score: 4.6/5
(30 votes)

Insist sentence example. I insist that you hire someone to help. Alpatych did not insist further. You want me to think of all this as ours, but how can I when you insist that the problems are all yours?

What is an example of insist?

An example of insist is when you demand a new plate of eggs and won’t take no for an answer. An example of insist is when you follow through with your plan to go on a picnic, even when it is raining.

How do you use insist in grammar?

grammatical word: insist

  1. The first way is when one person wants another person to do something and refuses to take no for an answer. …
  2. I insist that you try some of this cake. …
  3. I had a cold at work yesterday. …
  4. You have a boyfriend now. …
  5. My brother insisted on coming with me to the party.

Is it insist in or insist?

The construction insist + infinitive is at the very least «non-standard», and many native speakers would probably say it’s «ungrammatical». The standard format is insist on + present participle. So it should be, for example «I insist on knowing the truth», not «I insist to know the truth».

When to use insist and insists?

  1. insist on somebody/something doing something She insisted on him wearing a suit.
  2. insist on somebody’s/something’s doing something (formal) She insisted on his wearing a suit.
  3. insist that… He insists that she come.
  4. (British English also) He insists that she should come.

38 related questions found

What means insist on?

1 : to say or show that one believes that something is necessary or very important My source insisted on anonymity. She insists on doing everything her own way.

How do you insist someone?

  1. 1[intransitive, transitive] to demand that something happens or that someone agrees to do something I didn’t really want to go but he insisted. …
  2. 2[intransitive, transitive] to say firmly that something is true, especially when other people do not believe you insist on something He insisted on his innocence.

How do you politely insist something?

Use good manners.

Begin with a greeting such as “Hello Edward,” “Good morning, Zoya,” or “Dear Max.” When asking for action, always use “please”—even if you are the boss. “Please” does not make you a pushover or mean you are pleading. It says you are polite and professional.

Which preposition is used with insist?

The verb to insist takes the preposition on. example sentence: He insisted on our presence.

Who is an insisting person?

noun. a person who insists on something unyieldingly (usually followed by for): a stickler for ceremony.

Is insist followed by gerund or infinitive?

The gerund form (-ing) is used after a verb + preposition: insist on, look forward to, etc. I’m looking forward to seeing you. He insisted on seeing the shop manager. To + infinitive is used after such verbs as: agree, arrange, decide, offer, seem, plan, want, need, promise, hope, refuse, start, stop.

How do you use deal in a sentence?

1 We must deal with pleasure as we do with honey, only touch them with the tip of the finger, and not with the whole hand for fear of surfeit. 2 She has a lot of correspondence to deal with. 3 He is difficult to deal with. 4 He’s a difficult man to deal with.

What is subjunctive mood example?

The subjunctive mood is the verb form used to explore a hypothetical situation (e.g., «If I were you») or to express a wish, a demand, or a suggestion (e.g., «I demand he be present»).

How do you use persuade in a sentence?

Persuade sentence example

  1. How did you persuade Mother to agree to this? …
  2. He would not listen to anyone who tried to persuade him to stay at home. …
  3. Now I will try to persuade you. …
  4. My mother always tries to persuade me to spend time with my younger siblings.

How do you use admire in a sentence?

Admire sentence example

  1. I admire the effort and sacrifice you put into it. …
  2. I admire your spirit and your passion. …
  3. I admire your courage. …
  4. They admire you for what you have accomplished. …
  5. She stopped to admire the colors of a fruit pyramid and the textures of textiles. …
  6. I admire you, too, Jenn. …
  7. My word, I admire you!

What is the noun of insist?

insistence. The state of being insistent. An urgent demand. (fencing) The forcing of an attack through the parry, using strength.

How do you use insist in a sentence?

Insisting sentence example

  1. «I’m insisting on something too,» said Dean coldly. …
  2. Dean answered by insisting his questions were routine. …
  3. Dean continued insisting but to no avail. …
  4. This narrow and pedantic theory had at least the merit of insisting on propriety of expression.

Can we use to after insist?

In 1% of cases insist to is used

He insisted to superiors that he was ‘ fine ‘ and was determined to carry out his duties as an Apache helicopter pilot.

Which preposition is used with Apologize?

Prepositions: — apologise for a problem; e.g. «I would like to apologise for these problems.» — apologise to a person; e.g. You should apologise to customers if you make a mistake.» — an apology from / by a person or an organisation; e.g. «This is an apology from the member of staff involved.»

How do you insist an email?

Consider the following important points carefully.

  1. Your Relationship with the Recipient. …
  2. You Probably Sent the Email to the Wrong Person. …
  3. The Message was Poorly Written. …
  4. Provide a Reason why your Email Should be Replied. …
  5. Keep it Short and Simple. …
  6. Use Bullet Points. …
  7. Check Spellings.

How do you ask someone nicely?

Use “WOULD YOU DO ME A FAVOR.” This is often used and you must use it when you are asking for a special request or favor. Other phrases for asking something to someone nicely are “DO YOU MIND,” WOULD YOU MIND, COULD I, WOULD IT BE OK IF, WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE, WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO, etc.

How do you ask someone to get something?

Follow These 9 Steps to Ask for What You Want (and Actually Get…

  1. Act as if you expect to get it. …
  2. Ask someone who can give it to you. …
  3. Get the other person’s full attention. …
  4. Be clear and specific. …
  5. Ask from the heart. …
  6. Ask with humor and creativity. …
  7. Give something to get something. …
  8. Ask repeatedly.

How do you use insist?

«I strongly insist that you leave at once.» «He stubbornly insisted on doing it all by himself.» «My father always insists on paying for dinner.» «She still insists her husband is wrong.»

1. In a complex world,to insist upon simplicity is foolish. 

2. Anyhow I must insist that you cannot steal.

3. Please go first — I insist!

4. Stay and have lunch. I insist!

5. We insist on / upon self-reliance.

6. I insist on paying for the damage.

7. I insist on his innocence.

8. I will have another glass if you insist.

8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

9. I insist on your being there.

10. I insist on your taking/insist that you take immediate action to put this right.

11. Is not to pursue, but do not insist I don’t care.

12. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius 

13. I insist on quietness.

14. If you insist, we have to declare the meeting off.

15. Always insist upon seeing your room before booking in.

16. We insist upon a definite answer.

17. Oh, very well, if you insist.

18. I insist that you withdraw your offensive remarks immediately.

19. Oh, very well, then, if you insist.

20. The tourists insist on keeping to their plan.

21. Campaigners insist that abortion should be available on demand.

22. Stay for supper — I insist!

23. I insist that he is innocent.

24. People rightly insist on being treated as individuals.

25. They insist on playing their music late at night.

26. I’m paying for this?no, I absolutely insist.

27. Some people we clearly know to think he is wrong, but still insist to think, because it’s not alive.

28. The fact is that the world is out of everyone’s expectation. But some learn to forget, but others insist.

29. ‘Please come with us’ ‘Very well then, if you insist.’

30. The men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.

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