Use the word in the same way in a sentence

1 Make the drink with boiling water in the same way as tea.

2 School meals need to be marketed to children in the same way as other food.

3 We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material.

4 People don’t look after other people’s property in the same way as they look after their own.

5 The drugs didn’t seem to affect Anna in the same way .

6 The museum was strange in the same way.

7 Nor do they all function in the same way.

8 It should be treated in the same way as pinch pleat tape.

9 They are bought through a stockbroker in the same way as ordinary investment trust shares.

10 You must exercise your mind each day in the same way that you do your body.

11 I crept up to my first victim in the same way as I imagine a lion cub stalks it first wildebeest — clumsily.

12 Adverbs Adverbs describe verbs in the same way that adjectives describe nouns.

13 Similar but slightly larger amounts are allocated in the same way for secondary pupils.

14 It is contagious in the same way that sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, are contagious.

15 Perhaps I am being prejudged in the same way, if my name is even mentioned outside.

16 The bottom strand is numbered in the same way from the 5′ end, but with primes on the numbers.

17 In the same way that matter is constituted of fundamental particles, antiparticles are the building blocks of antimatter.

18 In the same way, the West continues to make large sums of money from Third World debt.

19 All birds of this species are programmed to build their nests in the same way.

20 All three children have equality in our family — they are all treated in the same way.

21 There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.

22 When do the children finish school? When you are talking about a particular building, the is used:I’ll meet you outside the school. Prison, jail, court,[] and church work in the same way:Her husband spent three years in prison.

23 The ritual of the party conference is acted out in the same way every year.

24 Now Will maintains his positive attitude by continuing to behave in the same way. 5.

25 Similarly, insects and land snail shells are identified, sorted and quantified in the same way as animal and plant remains.

26 The tide of love, as these romantic girls put it, never came full again in the same way.

27 The plump girl, who had been so full of life, was killed in the same way as the earlier victims.

28 Neither does varying the task necessarily affect the group success rate in the same way that it affects individual performance.

29 He remembers his lonely school days, in assured manner that his son will not grow up in the same way.

30 Press seam allowance to the wrong side on the lining and notch out in the same way.

Here’s a example and I’d like to know the difference between ‘in the same way’ and ‘the same way’.

I’m wondeting if the ‘when’ clause can be used as the object of ‘be afraid’ the same way as ‘that’ clause can.

Here, which one is proper between ‘In the same way’ and ‘the same way’?

ColleenV's user avatar


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asked Mar 14, 2015 at 8:38

jihoon's user avatar


The Free Dictionary says that you can omit «in» before this way, that way, my (possessive pronoun) way, and the same way, So you can say either in the same way or the same way, without any difference in meaning.

answered Mar 18, 2015 at 17:44

Khan's user avatar


26.9k1 gold badge27 silver badges50 bronze badges


I’m wondering if the ‘when’ clause can be used as the object of ‘be afraid’ the same way as ‘that’ clause can.

«in the same way» works better here.

The more complex the sentence, the more likely we are to be more comfortable with «in the same way.»

Also, I agree with @TRomano, that «the same way» is less formal than «in the same way.»

Example of «the same way»: Mama, can you cook it the same way you did last time?

At the beginning of a sentence, it is better to use «in the same way.»

answered Apr 20, 2015 at 0:22

aparente001's user avatar


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  • #1

I am Vietnamese and Vietnamese language, the phrase «In the same way» can only be understood as: «The way I wore it,» «The way I wore that hat», «the way I perform exercises»..etc.
In addition to those cases, the phrase «In the same way» is not used in such cases: «The way the room is dark», «The way I see it»……etc.
So in the English language, what it is used in the phrase «In the same way»?
I would be very grateful if you receive any explanation because it’s very useful for me in the process of learning English. Sincerely thank you.

  • Copyright

    • #3

    «My food is hot in the same way the sun is hot.»
    «Everything is the same way that it is meant to be»
    «It’s dark in here in the same way to a cave is dark.»
    «I went dressed the same way a pirate dresses.»
    -Can I use «the same as» or «similar to» instead of «in the same way»?
    -What is the difference between «The same as», «Similar to», and «in the same way»?
    I really feel confused by these phrases as they seem the same meaning. I need an explanation of native English speakers to distinguish them more clearly. Any explanation would help me a lot in understanding the English language. I sincerely thank you.


    • #4

    «My food is hot in the same way (that/as) the sun is hot.»

    In what way is the sun hot? It has a self-sustaining nuclear reaction inside it. It has a temperature of thousands of degrees.
    In what way is your food hot? It has been heated over a flame until it is hot. It has a temperature less than 100C.
    Your food is not hot in the same way that the sun is hot.
    Other stars are hot in the same way that the sun is hot.

    • #5

    «In the same way» means «in exactly (or in a very similar) manner.
    She screamed at her son and he retaliated in the same way.=he screamed back at her.

    Using a couple of examples from Copyright’s link

    In the same way that Al Qaeda and the Taliban destroyed Afghanistan’s historical treasures in the years leading up to 9/11, they are destroying the cultural heritage… = They are destroying both (the historical treasures and the cultural heritage ) in the same manner ; Their actions are having a similar effect on both.

    Angela doesn’t witness the clumsy, halting waltz between Booth and Brennan at the end in the same way everyone does. = Angela witnesses it differently to everyone else.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2020

    • #6

    In what way is the sun hot? It has a self-sustaining nuclear reaction inside it. It has a temperature of thousands of degrees.
    In what way is your food hot? It has been heated over a flame until it is hot. It has a temperature less than 100C.
    Your food is not hot in the same way that the sun is hot.
    Other stars are hot in the same way that the sun is hot.

    Thank you so much. Your help helped me a lot.

    • #7

    When I said: «He failed the test as he did before.»then equivalent to the following question or not:
    a) He failed the test similar to he did before.
    b) He failed the test in the same way he did before.
    c) He failed the test like he did before.
    Thank you.

    • #8

    A) «Similar» is much weaker than «the same.» If he failed the test then and he’s failed it again now, then it seems like his new failure is more than just «similar» to his old failure.

    B) «The same» implies a very, very strong similarity. If «He failed the test in the same way he did before,» I would expect that he made exactly the same kind of mistake on the test this time as he did before. Maybe he completely blew the essay both times; maybe he just skipped the math section both times; maybe he showed up an hour late to both tests.

    C) «Like» implies a mid-range level of similarity; «like» is stronger than «similar to» and weaker than «the same as.» The sentence «He failed the test, just like he did before» sounds right to me, and just implies that he failed the test twice (without the added force of «in the same way as»).


    • #9

    I understand in the same way to mean ‘like’, with no implications taken that the similarities are absolute in all respects.

    • #10

    -This is equivalent or not:
    «He went dressed the same way a pirate dresses.» = «He went dressed as a pirate dresses.» = «He went dressed like a pirate dresses.»


    • #11

    I understand in the same way to mean ‘like’, with no implications taken that the similarities are absolute in all respects.

    They don’t have to be absolutely the same in all ways because it is about one «way.» In that one way, they should very similar (enough to qualify as «the same»).

    • #12

    -This is equivalent or not:
    «He went dressed the same way a pirate dresses.» = «He went dressed as a pirate dresses.» = «He went dressed like a pirate dresses.»

    I would really recommend looking at some examples that you did not write yourself. Some of these collocations are very unnatural, and as such don’t help demonstrate the correct use of the phrase «in the same way as.»

    • #13

    A) «Similar» is much weaker than «the same.» If he failed the test then and he’s failed it again now, then it seems like his new failure is more than just «similar» to his old failure.

    B) «The same» implies a very, very strong similarity. If «He failed the test in the same way he did before,» I would expect that he made exactly the same kind of mistake on the test this time as he did before. Maybe he completely blew the essay both times; maybe he just skipped the math section both times; maybe he showed up an hour late to both tests.

    C) «Like» implies a mid-range level of similarity; «like» is stronger than «similar to» and weaker than «the same as.» The sentence «He failed the test, just like he did before» sounds right to me, and just implies that he failed the test twice (without the added force of «in the same way as»).

    Thank you.

    • #14

    Margaret had once had a part-time job (____) a tour guide.
    Which one should I choose in «the same as» / «similar to» / «in the same way»?


    • #15

    Margaret had once had a part-time job (____) a tour guide.
    Which one should I choose in «the same as» / «similar to» / «in the same way»?

    Use «as» if she worked as a tour guide. I suppose you could use «similar to» if her job was somewhat like that of a tour guide but not really a tour guide, but I think you mean «as» — in other words, she really was a tour guide.


    • #16

    Margaret had once had a part-time job (____) a tour guide.
    Which one should I choose in «the same as» / «similar to» / «in the same way»?

    If she actually was a tour guide, it’s just «as».
    If she gave tours or guided people around but was not technically a tour guide, then the job was similar to that of a tour guide. If her job was the same as that of a tour guide, we could probably just say that she was a tour guide.

    • #17

    If she actually was a tour guide, it’s just «as».
    If she gave tours or guided people around but was not technically a tour guide, then the job was similar to that of a tour guide. If her job was the same as that of a tour guide, we could probably just say that she was a tour guide.

    Thank you

    • #18

    Use «as» if she worked as a tour guide. I suppose you could use «similar to» if her job was somewhat like that of a tour guide but not really a tour guide, but I think you mean «as» — in other words, she really was a tour guide.

    Thank you

    Ashraful Haque

    • #19

    I’ve read ‘in the same way’ in books only but never actually heard anyone saying it. Is it natural to say:
    «I will kill him (in) the same way he killed my brother.»

    When I say ‘in the same way’ does it mean that I want to kill him exactly the way he killed my brother for example with a knife?
    And does my sentence sound better without ‘in?’


    post mod (English Only / Latin)

    • #20

    Your sentence works, in my opinion.
    If you want to say that you used the same weapon (a knife), I wouldn’t use ‘in’.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    Often such thoughts and answers to them would find themselves impressed in her own brain, couched in words and sentences in the same way as original thoughts do.

    «Часто такие мысли и ответы на вопросы оказывались как бы впечатанными в её собственном мозгу, выливаясь в слова и предложения точно таким же образом, как это происходит с нашими собственными мыслями.

    HIV-positive prisoners served their sentences in the same way as other inmates, but if their state of health deteriorated, they were transferred to hospital centres for detainees.

    Заключенные, зараженные ВИЧ, отбывают наказание наряду с другими, но если состояние их здоровья ухудшается, их переводят в медицинские центры для заключенных.

    These metaphors are appropriate in many situations-those where context differences don’t matter and where all the participants in the conversation understand the sentences in the same way.

    Эти метафоры оказываются приемлемыми для многих речевых ситуаций, а именно для тех, в которых контекстуальные различия не играют никакой роли и все участники речевого акта понимают фразы одинаково.

    He served a sentence in the same way as a prisoner would.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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