Use the word in the right form use suffixes it was a day




Task 1.Fill in the gaps with the proper words.

ceremony; tribes; voyage; hunt; discovered; fight; hopes; remember; shore; state

  1. The Indians lived in _____________.

  2. Christopher Columbus ___________America in 1492.

  3. We were on the ocean________ last month. We sailed to the USA.

  4. When I was a child I found shells on the sea_____________.

  5. My grandmother always_________ for better. She is optimistic.

  6. Little children couldn’t ______during the war, so they worked hard on the plants.

  7. In China you can see tea__________. It is so interesting!

  8. Can you tell me her address and the phone number, I don’t _______ them.

  9. Texas is one of the largest ____________in the USA.

  10. His father goes to _________. Sometimes he shots ducks and hares.


Task.1Use the word in the right form (use suffixes)

Task 2. Choose the right variant.

During the war a lot of people were fighting______(1) the enemies. Some people say we can do it again, we can win the war nowadays. I am not sure_____ (2) it. Our great-grandparent and grandparents belonged ______ (3) different kind of people. They fought _____ (4) their land, families, homes. They could scarify their lives. But I hope _____ (5) the better, I hope the war will never begin again.

1. a) from b) against c) for

2. a) of b) to c) from

3. a) through b) to c) in

4. a) in b) about c) for

5. a) for b) about c) at

Task 3.Write the right forms of the verbs (Future Simple or Present Simple)

  1. If I______(buy) a new car, we_________(go) to Chicago.

  2. We______(help) you as soon as I _______(come) home.

  3. Before Ann________(leave) our town, she______(make) a party.

  4. When Mr. Charles ________(get) a job, he _______(find) a new flat.

  5. My grandparents_____(grow) flowers when they ____(move) to the country house.

  6. After my friends_________(paint) the fence, they_______(go) for a swim.

  7. I _________(find) the keys, when I_______(be) free.

  8. English ______(be) the main language if the USA _____(be) more powerful.

Task 4.Translate into English.

1) Если я сделаю домашнее задание, я пойду гулять.

2) Скоро я уеду с США.

3) Мы собираемся открыть новую землю.


Task 1. Choose the right variant.

1) The USA is situated in_______.

a) South America b)North America c) Eurasia

2) The head of the USA is________.

a) The Queen b)The Parliament c) The President

3) Manhattan is _____________

a)part of New York b) a large city c) a Shopping Centre.

4) The largest city of the USA.

a) Chicago b)New York c)Washington

5) Washington stands on the_____________river.

a)Mississippi b) Missouri c) Potomac

  1. READING (Read the text and do the tasks after it.)

The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world.

It is situated on the North American continent and is washed by three oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic.

The USA borders only two countries — Canada and Mexico.

This great country has a lot of mountains, rivers, lakes. The longest rivers are the Mississippi and the Missouri.

The climate of the country is varied. In the southern part it is subtropical while the northern part has very cold weather in winter.

America has fifty states and one federal District of Columbia where the capital of the country is situated.

The capital of the USA is Washington. It stands on the Potomac River in the eastern part of the country.

The main cities are located on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. New-York is the largest city of the country. Other large cities are San-Francisco, Los-Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, Phoenix and Dallas.

Task 1. Say whether the sentences are TRUE or FALSE.

1) The Russian Federation borders the USA.

2) The USA washed by Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

3) Washington is the capital of the USA.

4) The largest city is Detroit.

5) The Amazonka River is the main river of the USA.

Form 6

Test 6

Form compound nouns.

news _____a. board

foot _____b. room

skate _____c. paper

bath _____ d. flower

sun _____ e. ball

Fill in the sentences with the words:

about, at, in, of, on

Are you keen _________ playing chess?

Ben is mad __________ rock music.

My dad is interested _________ water sport.

They are fond ________ drama.

Diana is really good _________ playing Scrabble.

Use suffixes -er, -or, -ist to form nouns.

art — ________________________

football — ____________________

direct — ______________________

cycle — ______________________

play — _______________________

Underline the correct item.

Jane and I are playing/play scrabble now.

Do/Are koalas live in trees?

Be quiet! The baby is sleeping/sleeps!

Are/Do you go to bed at 11 p.m every night?

Does/Is Grandpa watching TV at the moment?

They always are visiting/visit their Granny.

Max reads/is reading comics these days.

Do/Are you like my new dress?

She eats/is eating fruit every day.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

Fiona 25.______________ (be) very busy on Saturdays. She usually 26.______________(wake up) at 7 o’clock in the morning. Then she 27. _______________(have) breakfast and 28.____________(go) swimming. But today it is a special day for Fiona. It 29.____________(be) her birthday. Look at Fiona! She 30.__________________(not/train) at the gym now. She 31.________________(help) her mum in the kitchen right now . They 32.____________(make) a birthday cake. Fiona 33.______________(prefer) apple cake. She 34._______________(love) her birthday very much.

6. Write sentences using Present Simple and Present Continuous.

E.g. I usually eat vegetables but today I’m eating fruit.

35. walk to work/ take the bus


36. read books / play Scrabble


37. go skiing / go swimming


38. play chess / play backgammon


39. play volleyball / play football


7.Choose the correct response.

40. How about darts? _______
Great! I’ll take it.

41. Do you like swimming? _______

It’s 15.

42. What board games do you like? _______

Yes, I’m very keen on it.

43. How much is this puzzle? _______

I love going windsurfing.

44. What do you do in your free time? _______

Monopoly and Cluedo.

45. Would you like me to wrap it? _______

Yes, please.

8. Read the text and answer the questions.

My friend John is a very busy person. When he’s not doing his homework or studying, he is out having fun.

On Mondays, he plays basketball after school. He practiсes a lot because he’s in the school team. Then, on Tuesdays he goes to computer club. On Thursdays, he plays chess and then on Fridays he meets his friends in town.

At the weekend, John always spends time with his family. He usually goes fishing with his dad and helps his mum with the shopping.

46. What team is John in?


47. What does he do on Tuesdays?


48. When does he meet his friends?


49. What board games does he like playing?


50. What does he help his mum do?


Решите пожалуйста

  1. Переделайте  слова из  рамочки  так, чтобы они подошли  по смыслу в предложения (используя  приставки  или  суффиксы).

!!!!Сначала переведите  ту форму, которая дана, потом переведите  предложения и преобразуйте  слова  в  те  части речи, которые надо.

Wealth, impress, advertise, response, decide, fortunate, music, care, vary, expected

  1. It was a wonderful ………….…. in that situation.
  2. ……….., we found the museum rather quickly.
  3. Mr Bright was a rather ………….. person and often donated money.
  4. The building looked really ……………. and we stood in excitement.
  5. My favourite ……………… is Louis Armstrong.
  6. Look at this ……………… . Isn’t it funny?
  7. The news was definitely …………….   We were embarrassed.
  8. …………….. employees are highly appreciated by employers.
  9. ………………. products can be found in this supermarket.
  10.  Be ………………… on the road after rain!
  1. Переделайте  слова из  рамочки  так, чтобы они подошли  по смыслу в предложения (используя  приставки  или  суффиксы).

!!!!Сначала переведите  ту форму, которая дана, потом переведите  предложения и преобразуйте  слова  в  те  части речи, которые надо.

Fame, excite, hunt, unfortunate, explain, especial, help, harm, own, equip

  1. Find a more reasonable ……………. You sound silly!
  2. The …………… is really lucky today. He has shot ten ducks.
  3. ………………., she couldn’t finish the test in time and was really upset.
  4. We need professional ……………… for this purpose. We won’t manage without it.
  5. Moscow is ……………… for its endless attractions.
  6. They felt …………….. in that situation with no food, no water and no hope.
  7. The ……………… of the shop was Mrs Trench, an attractive young lady.
  8. We were looking at that impressive building in ……………. when we heard someone scream.
  9. I’m fond of pastry,  …………….. cream cakes and apple pie.
  10.  Smoking is very …………….. for health.


  1. There are many ……………………….. houses in this area. (FASHION) – прил.
  2. George takes part in all ……………………………. at school. (COMPETE) – сущ.
  3. My sister is a very …………………………… girl. (ATTRACT) – прил.
  4. She is the most ………………………… person in the world! (CARE) – прил.
  5. His business is ………………………… cars. (REPAIR) — герундий
  6. Oh, it’s so …………………….. to take part in this race! (EXCITE) – прил.
  7. I …………………… with you. He is not a lazy boy. (AGREE) – глаг.  с  отриц.  приставкой
  1. I can’t stand visiting …………………… cities. (NOISE)
  2. What is the …………………………… between these men? (DIFFERENT)
  3. You are right. This picture is …………………………… (BEAUTY)
  4. Taking a cold shower in the morning is very …………………… (USE)
  5. My grandmother …………………………… living in the old house.

She wants to buy a new one. (LIKE)

  1. The …………………………. gave me very interesting book. (LIBRARY)
  2. The patient felt much better after proper ……………………….. (TREAT)
  3. There is a ……………………………………… view from the deck of the ship. (PICTURE)
  1. The weather today will be cold and ……………………… (WIND)
  2. Your blood ……………………………. Is high. You need to call a doctor. (PRESS)
  3. I’m against John’s …………………… (PROPOSE)
  4. I’m ……………………….. that I’ve been given a chance to hear this outstanding singer. (THANK)
  5. We all listened to the …………………….. with great interest. (SPEAK)
  6. They ran home ………………….. because it was raining. (QUICK)
  7. Playing volleyball is a good ……………………… for young people. (AMUSE)
  8. He is a ………………………… driver. He drives a car badly. (CARE)
  1. The food was completely ……………………………. because he was a bad cook. (SAVOR)
  2. Reading books is her ………………….. way of spending free time. (FAVOUR)
  3. He likes swimming and going on ………………………… (EXCURSE)
  4. Never jump off a ……………………. train. (MOVE)
  5. I hope you will take into …………….. what Ive told you. (CONSIDER)
  6. This new book has got a lot of colorful ……………………… (ILLUSTRATE)
  7. There are many …………………….. poems in this book. (FAME)
  8. My ……………………………. were wrong. He failed the exam. (EXPECT)
  1. He has got the best ………………….. of different stamps. (COLLECT)
  2. It is very ……………………… to buy things in the supermarket. (EXPENSE)
  3. The day was really …………………… and we went for a walk to the forest. (WONDER )
  4. My father is a very …………………….. singer. (ORIGIN)
  5. She speaks ……………………….. everywhere. (LOUD)
  6. My best friend takes part in the world …………………………. He is a great sportsman. (CHAMPION)
  7. My sister is very ……………………………….. I can trust her. (RELY)
  8. He was ………………………. to find right answer and got a bad mark. (ABLE)
  1. Thank you very much. I’m sure I’ll find it without any ……………………… (DIFFICULT)
  2. There are a lot of ………………………. projects to protect the environment. (GLOBE)
  3. Turn to the right and you’ll ………………….. see this beautiful stature. (IMMEDIATE)
  4. I’ve had some …………………………. nights, so I feel exhausted. (SLEEP)
  5. The …………………….. of the Zoo are wild animals. (INHABIT)
  6. You’ve failed the exam. You should ……………………… it. (WRITE)
  7. The question was so …………………………… that he couldn’t answer it. (DIFFICULTY)
  8. I’ve been waiting for ……………………… to go abroad for two weeks already. (PERMIT)
  1. Her ……………………… were about future trip. (THINK)
  2. On checking up the answers John found out that he had made some ……………… (TAKE)
  3. I ………………………….. do morning exercise with my little brother. (USUAL)
  4. Can you give me some more …………………… about this book? (INFORM)
  5. My necklace has ………………………… I can’t find it anywhere. (APEAR)
  6. British soldiers wounded in the …………………. battles of the war. (BLOOD)
  7. I’ve been to the theatre with my mom ………………………. (RECENT
  1. Form adjectives using suffixes –(ic)al, -ing, -ive, -able, -ible,  translate the combinations

A CHANGE discussion, NATION government, EFFECT punishment, an AMAZE difference, an ECOLOGY situation, an ATTRACT waiter, a RESPONSE manager, a CHARM musician, an IMPRESS building, ENJOY attractions, TRADITION education, a FASHION artist, EXPENSE entertainments, the GEOGRAPHY location, a SWIM championship, ORIGIN translation, PERSON equipment, a COMFORT combination, a CULTURE difference, an INTEREST player, a PRACTICE traveller, a CREATE designer, PROFESSION disagreements, a SURPRISE beginning, EXCITE popularity

  1. Form adjectives using suffixes –(t/tif)ic, -less, -ent, -ish, and prefixes –un, -im, -inter; translate the combinations

An EXPECTED visitor, the ENGLAND translation, END kindness, an LUCKY inventor, POSSIBLE connection, NATIONAL communication, a DIFFER decision, an FRIENDLY gardener, HOME people, an ENERGY trainer, HARM discomfort, FANTASY attractions, USUAL imagination, a CARE hunter, SCIENCE explanation, an FAIR competition, BASE education, FORGETTABLE meetings, a HELP player, PLEASANT owners, an HAPPY scientist

  1. Form nouns using suffixes – ment, -tion, -sion, -ing, translate the combinations

An unexpected SUGGEST, original PUNISH, the basic MEAN, an international DISCUSS, a famous ADVERTISE, a practical DECIDE, an impressive BUILD, a wonderful COMBINE, personal DISAGREE, an unforgettable COMPETE, powerful GOVERN, the unpleasant BEGIN, scientific EXPLAIN, powerful EQUIP, traditional CELEBRATE, various ENTERTAIN, friendly POPULATE, a responsible ORGANIZE, endless EXCITE, amazing IMAGINE, dangerous CONNECT, beautiful ATTRACT, comfortable LOCATE, cultural COMMUNICATE

  1. Form nouns using suffixes – er (or), -ist, -ance, -ence, -ness, -ity, -ship, translate the combinations

An interesting PERFORM, a careful HUNT, amazing KIND, a creative INVENT, a famous SCIENCE, a professional EXPLORE, unpleasant APPEAR, a fantastic WIN, a nervous RIDE, a dangerous ILL, an energetic TRAVEL, a wonderful ART, the practical OWN, the cultural DIFFER, an unexpected VISIT, a friendly SUPPORT, useful FIT, a responsible WAIT, dangerous POPULAR, a lucky REPORT, impressive FRIEND, a powerful LEAD, professional RESPONSIBLE, a cheerful TRAIN, a regular CHAMPION, a sleepy GARDEN

  1. Form adjectives, adverbs or verbs where appropriate, translate the combinations

To take everything SERIOUS, to APPROVE of punishment, a TRADITION celebration, to speak NATURAL, a REAL fantastic holiday, to LIKE spicy food, an USUAL painter, to speak Japanese FLUENT, to APPEAR unexpectedly, DAY information, to receive mail DAY, to be DEFINITE interesting, to AGREE with teachers, to phone relatives RARE, an HAPPY musician, to shout LOUD at children, to visit friends RECENT, a PERSON opinion, PERSONAL speaking, to SYMBOL freedom, an ABSOLUTE unpleasant visitor, to communicate EASY, an ESPECIAL impressive building, to be PROBABLE on vacation

  1. Give antonyms to the following words and translate them using prefixes -un, -dis, -im and the suffix –less:

Lucky, harmful, agree, friendly, like, careful, happy, usual, appear, pleasant, approve, expected, comfort, helpful, fair, forgettable, possible

  1. Form nouns from the following words using suffixes –er, -or, -ment, -ness, -tion, -sion, -ance, -ence, -ship, -ist, -ity, -ing, -ian and translate them:

Dance, friend, sing, appear, explore, perform, visit, swim, science, responsible, compete, manage, punish, music, situate, play, ill, ride, mean, equip, travel, differ, inform, disagree, wait, discuss, communicate, excite, design, begin, learn, hunt, art, advertise, translate, protect, paint, bank, entertain, popular, own, kind, invent, speak, win, govern, garden, populate, inform, locate, support, connect, lead, champion, celebrate, teach, explain, report, build, train, suggest, drive, combine, write, imagine, fit, attract, decide

  1. Form adjectives from the following words using suffixes –ful, -ing, -ly, -ive, -(ic)al, -ic, -able, -ent, -ible, -y, -ous, -less:

Sun, beauty, effect, vary, end, interest, fame, nation, science, rain, expense, enjoy, danger, risk, fantasy, ecology, tradition, colour, help, love, cheer, base, create, practice, care, comfort, amaze, taste, nerve, power, surprise, home, origin, peace, impress, geography, charm, spice, use, harm, energy, sleep, fashion, fun, person, success, attract, health, stress, excite, luck, nation, wealth, response, change, noise, swim, differ, friend, profession, wonder, culture

Работая по любому из УМК по английскому языку и сталкиваясь с необходимостью подготовки обучающихся к ОГЭ и, впоследствии, к ЕГЭ, учителя английского языка сталкиваются с тем, что упражнений на словообразование крайне мало. Данные упражнения однотипны, и практически не готовят обучающихся к выполнению заданий ОГЭ на словообразование. Задания же ОГЭ кажутся обучающимся очень сложными. С нашей точки зрения следует постепенно готовить обучающихся к выполнению данных заданий, от простого к сложному.

Например, на этапе подготовки к сдаче ОГЭ учащимся следует, во-первых, выучить аффиксы различных частей речи. Данный список составлен в соответствии с кодификатором. Можно сделать карточки с аффиксами и потренировать учащихся.

Аффиксы глаголов: re-, dis-, mis-, -ize/ise.

Аффиксы существительных: -er/or,-ness,-ist,-ship,- ing,-ment,

-sion/tion, -ance/ence, — ity/ty.

Аффиксы прилагательных: -y, –ic, – ful, -al,- ly, -ian/an, -ent,

— ing, -ous, -less, -ible/able, -ive, inter-, in-/im,- un.

Суффикс наречий: -ly.

Суффиксы числительных: -teen, –ty, -th.

Затем предложить учащимся ознакомиться со значением аффиксов, случаями и особенностями их употребления.

Значение приставок

Приставка re- (снова, заново, вновь)

to appear – появиться

to reappear – снова появиться

to construct – построить

to reconstruct – перестроить

to read – прочитать

to reread – перечитать

to sell – продать

to resell – перепродать

Приставка mis- (неправильно, неверно)

to hear – услышать

to mishear – ослышаться, неправильно услышать

to lead – вести

to mislead – ввести в заблуждение

to quote – цитировать

to misquote – неправильно цитировать

to understand – понимать

to misunderstand – неправильно понимать

Приставка dis-может выражать отрицание или противоположное действие. Отрицание:

honest – честный

dishonest – бесчестный

to approve – одобрять

disapprove – не одобрять

to like – любить (I like – мне нравится)

to dislike – не любить (I dislike – мне не нравится)

 Противоположное действие:

to appear – появляться

to disappear – исчезать

to arm – вооружать

to disarm – разоружать

to connect – соединять

to disconnect – разъединять

Приставка un – отрицание

Приставка un-

comfortable – удобный

uncomfortable – неудобный

equal – равный

unequal – неравный

expected – ожидаемый

unexpected – неожиданный

happy – счастливый

unhappy – несчастный

important – важный

unimportant – неважный

known – известный

unknown – неизвестный

limited – ограниченный

unlimited – неограниченный

pleasant – приятный

unpleasant – неприятный

Также un- присоединяется к глаголам, чтобы выразить противоположное действие.

to dress – одеваться

to undress – раздеваться

to lock – запирать

to unlock – отпирать

to pack – упаковывать

to unpack – распаковывать

Приставка in-

Нет правил, регулирующих, когда используется un-, а когда in-, хотя по смыслу эти приставки не отличаются. Важная разница в том, что in- НЕ используется в глаголах.


ability – способность

inability – неспособность

adequate – достаточный

inadequate – недостаточный

capable – способный

incapable – неспособный

comparable – сравнимый

incomparable – несравнимый

complete – полный

incomplete – неполный

direct – прямой

indirect – непрямой

experienced – опытный

inexperienced – неопытный

Приставка in– видоизменяется в некоторых случаях:

  • перед l превращается в il-

  • перед r превращается в ir-

  • перед m и p превращается в im-

legal – законный

illegal – незаконный

logical – логичный

illogical – нелогичный

regular – регулярный

irregular – нерегулярный

responsible – ответственный

irresponsible – безответственный

patient – терпеливый

impatient – нетерпеливый

possible – возможный

impossible – невозможный

inter- между, среди international; INTERCONTINENTAL межконтинентальный; interacademic (межакадемический, межвузовский)

Суффиксы существительных

Суффиксы -er, -or – присоединяются к глаголам для обозначения действующего лица

to buy – покупать

buyer – покупатель

to direct – руководить

director – руководитель

to teach – учить

teacher – учитель

to work – работать

worker – рабочий

Суффикс -ment образует существительные от глаголов и означает действие или его результат

to agree – соглашаться

agreement – соглашение

to develop – развивать

development – развитие

Суффикс -ness образует существительные от прилагательных. -ness означает обладание каким-либо качеством

dark – темный

darkness – тьма

kind – добрый

kindness – доброта

weak – слабый

weakness – слабость

Суффикс -ship образует существительные от других существительных. Суффикс -ship означает группу, объединенную по какому-либо признаку

friend – друг

friendship – дружба

leader – лидер

leadership – руководство

Суффиксы -ism и -ist соответствуют суффиксам -изм и -ист в русском языке, обозначают идеологии, политические или научные направления и их приверженцев







Суффиксы -ance, -ence – с их помощью существительные образуются от прилагательных с суффиксами -ant, -ent

important – важный

importance – важность

different – отличающийся

difference – разница

resistant – сопротивляющийся

resistance – сопротивление

Суффиксы -ion, -ation, -sion, -ssion образуют существительные от глаголов, при этом иногда изменяется произношение или написание

to collect – собирать

collection – коллекция

to combine – комбинировать

combination – комбинация

to transmit – передавать

transmission – передача

Суффикс -th чаще означает физические свойства:



warm- теплый

strength — сила

length — длина

warmth — тепло

Суффикс -ity означает свойство, качество, и обычен для слов латинского происхождения:



brevity — краткость

purity — чистота

Суффиксы прилагательных

Суффикс -ian служит для обозначения национальной принадлежности









Суффиксы -able, -ible выражают возможность подвергнуться действию, в русском языке есть похожее “-абельный”, “-ивый”, “-обный”

to change – изменять

changable – изменчивый, изменяемый

to eat – есть

eatable – съедобный

to walk – идти

walkable – проходимый

to convert – обращать, превращать

convertable – обратимый, конвертируемый

Суффикс -al образует прилагательные от существительных (ср. В русском языке: -альный)

centre – центр

central – центральный

culture – культура

cultural – культурный

form – форма

formal – формальный

Суффиксы -ant, -ent образуют прилагательные от глаголов (этим прилагательным соответствуют существительные с -ance, -ence)

to differ – отличаться

different – отличающийся (difference – отличие)

to resist – сопротивляться

resistant – сопротивляющийся (resistance – сопротивление)

Суффиксы -ful образует прилагательные от существительных и означает наличие качества. (противоположность -less)

beauty – красота

beautiful – красивый

doubt – сомнение

doubtful – сомнительный

use – польза

useful – полезный

Суффикс -less образует прилагательные от существительного и означает отсутствие качества (противоположность -ful)

hope – надежда

hopeless – безнадежный

use – польза

useless – бесполезный

home – дом

homeless – бездомный

Суффикс -ive образует прилагательные от глаголов и существительных (как в русском языке -ивный, -ивная)

to act – действовать

active – активный

effect – эффект, действие

effective – действительный

to talk – разговаривать

talkative – разговорчивый

Суффикс -ous образует прилагательные от существительных

courage – смелость

courageous – смелый

danger – опасность

dangerous – опасный

glory – слава

glorious – славный

Суффикс -y образует прилагательные от существительных (в основном, связанных с погодой)

cloud – облако

cloudy – облачно

dirt – грязь

dirty – грязно

fog – туман

foggy – туманный

rain – дождь

rainy – дождливый

sun – солнце

sunny – солнечный

Суффиксы -ic и -al означают «имеющий отношение, связанный с чем-либо»:





Суффикс -al чаще говорит об отношении к чему-либо. Например, к музыке:

musical — 1) музыкальный 2) мюзикл

heroic — героический

mythic — мифический

cultural — культурный

musical — музыкальный

Суффиксы глаголов

Суффикс -ize обычно образует глаголы от существительных

character – характер

to characterize – характеризовать

crystal – кристалл

to crystallize – кристаллизовать

sympathy – сочувствие

to sympathize – сочувствовать

Предложить проделать различные упражнения.

1. А. Определи часть речи. (задание на распознавание частей речи)

Reader, sailor, writer, translator, decorator, collector, celebrate, collect, seller, celebration, collection, decorate, decoration, translate, protect, protection, populate, population, American, Indian, England, English , Spain, Spanish, sun, sunny, rain, rainy, cloud, cloudy, snowy, fog, foggy, salty, salt, poet, poetic, fantasy, fantastic, colour, colourful, wonder, wonderful, kind, unkind, friendly, unfriendly, important, unimportant, unfinished, comfortable, uncomfortable, peace, peaceful, use, useful, useless, beauty, beautiful, theme, thematic, like, dislike, agree, disagree, climate, climatic, danger, dangerous, endanger, defeat, undefeated, pollute, pollution,

Specialist, specialty, specialize, special.

В. Определи часть речи.

quick, quickly, sad, easy, easily, quiet, quietly, clear, clearly, personal, personally, warm, warmth, long, length, wide, width, strong, strength, develop, development, govern, government, state, statement, imagine, imaginable, imagination, respect, respectable, read, readable, break, breakable, move, movable, white, whiteness, ill, illness, polite, politeness, weak, weakness, dark, darkness, fresh, freshness, ugly, ugliness, bright, brightness, water, waterless, air, airless, home, homeless, forget, forgettable, count, countable, change, changeable, ice, icy, translation, friend.

2. Проанализируйте слова, данные «семьями», и подберите необходимое слово в пропуски.

A. collect, collector, collection

1.I would like to ………… stamps.

2.Our father has a great……………. of knives.

3.He is an unusual………………. .

B. translate, translator, translation.

1. In 1966-1967 he worked as an English………………in India.

2. He doesn’t want to……………… this text.

3. This is a very good ……………. of this book.

C. friendly, unfriendly, friend

1. My brother has a lot of …………… .

2. We have a very………….dog.

3. It’s……………….of you to do so.

D. long, length

1.What is the……. of this river?

2.How …… the street?

E. wide, width

1.This skirt is too…….. .

2.We can’t get the piano through the door because of its…… .

F. strong, strength

1. He is not ………….enough to fight with Ben.

2.He can lift the box because of his…………….. .

G. warm, warmth

1. Is spring a ……………. season?

2.We felt the …………….. of the sun.

H .change, changeable

1.The weather in April is always………. .

2.Why did you………….your dress?

I. climate, climatic

1. ……..changes can be dangerous for people.

2. There are a lot of types of ………… Russia.

J. pollute, pollution

1…….. the water, air, atmosphere means to make it dangerous for people and animals.

2.Environmental …………. is becoming dangerous.

K. populate, population

1. What is the……………of London?

2.What kind of people………. this country?

L. use, useful, useless

1.It is very…….. to run in the morning.

2. Do not buy this kettle. It is a useless thing for the home.

3. You should ……..the dictionary to translate this text.

M. Specialist, specialty, specialize, special.

1.My mother is a doctor. She is a very good………………….

2. He goes to a…………… .school.

3. I chose this…………….., as I love children.

4. I will ………………….in law.

N. politeness, polite.

1. Accuracy is the ……………. of kings.

2. You must be …….with teachers.

3.Choose the correct prefix to form the word. Use re-, mis- dis-

1.My brother likes to (READ) his favorite books.

2. It was really (HONEST) of you to take that money without asking.

3. He feels that the critics always (UNDERSTAND)his movies.

4.Choose the correct prefix to form the word. Use inter-, un-, in/ im-

1.I was very (COMFORTABLE) to sit in this chair.

2. When he became a teenager he wanted to be more (DEPENDENT) from his parents.

3. However, they will be that much more (PATIENT) for success.

4. Russia welcomes (NATIONAL) cooperation.

5. Use the word in bold to form the noun which refers to the person who does that job.

1.A person who acts for a living is called an ………. .

2. A ….. is someone who earns money from writing music.

3. She didn’t become famous as a ….. until her 17th novel was published.

4. …… to the castle are expected to come during visiting times only.

5. In Part 5 of the FCE Exam your speaking ability will be assessed by the ….. .

6. Choose the correct suffix to form the words tion-, –ness, -ist,- ence, ,th-,-ment, -ship -ity.

1.He made his way home in terrible (DARK).

2. (KIND) is the main quality of my mom.

3. (FRIEND) is one of the best types of (RELATION).

4. Our military caught a lot of (TERROR)yesterday.

5.There is a great (DIFFER) between Russia and England.

6. We have a big (COLLECT)of books.

7.Both countries came to an (AGREE) at the last meeting.

8. (PURE) is the key to health.

9. The lake has great (DEEP) here.

7. Choose the correct suffix to form the words -ian,-ic, -al,-able, -ful, -ent, -less, -ive, -ous,- y,-ize.

1.(NORWAY) give Christmas tree to the British.

2. It was a really (ENJOY) ………. party. Thanks for inviting me.

3. Be sure to contact him if you need advice. He’s a very (HELP) ………. person.

4.We live in a (CENTRE) part of our town.

5.There are a lot of (DIFFER) trees in our park.

6. It is (USE) and (HOPE) to talk to such people. They don’t understand you.

7. This is a very (EFFECT)technique.

8. You should not make noise in the mountains. It is (DANGER).

9. It’s often (RAIN) and (FOG) in Britain.

10. My friend likes to visit (MUSIC) festivals.

11. During the Great Patriotic War, Russian people committed many(HERO) things.

12. The director (CHARACTER) the employee very positively. 

После выполнения данных типов упражнений или одновременно с их выполнением выучить словарные слова. В данной работе приводится только одна страница словаря в качестве примера. Для подготовки к ОГЭ следует брать только те лексические единицы, которые могут встретиться на экзамене.


1. ABILITIES (способности) — DISABILITIES (инвалидность, ограниченные возможности)

2. ABSOLUTE (абсолютный) — ABSOLUTELY (абсолютно)

3.ACADEMY (академия) — ACADEMICAL (академический, учебный)

4.ACCEPT (принимать) — ACCEPTABLE (приемлемый)

5.ACCESS (доступ) — ACCESSIBLE (доступный)

6.ACHIEVE (достигать) — ACHIEVEMENT (достижение)

7.ACTIVE (активный) — ACTIVITY (деятельность)

8.ACTUAL (актуальный, действительный) — ACTUALLY (в действии, вообще-то)

9.ADD (добавлять) — ADDITION (дополнение)

10.ADVENTURE (приключение) — ADVENTUROUS (любящий приключения, авантюрный)

11.AGREE (соглашаться) — DISAGREE (не соглашаться)

12.AGRICULTURE (сельское хозяйство) — AGRICULTURAL (сельскохозяйственный)

13.AMBITION (амбиция) — AMBITIOUS (амбициозный)

14.AMERICA (Америка) — AMERICAN (американский)

15.APPEAR (появляться) — APPEARANCE (появление, внешность) — DISAPPEAR (исчезать)APPRENTICE (подмастерье, ученик) — APPRENTICESHIP (обучение)

16.APPROVE (одобрять) — DISAPPROVE (неодобрять)

17.ARCHAEOLOGY (археология) — ARCHAEOLOGIST (археолог)

18.ARRIVE (прибывать) — ARRIVAL (прибытие)

19.ART (искусство) — ARTIST (художник)

20.ATTRACT (привлекать) — ATTRACTION (привлечение, достопримечательность) — ATTRACTIVE (привлекательный) unattractive

21.BANK (банк) — BANKER (банкир)

22.Bake- baker (печь, булочник)

23.BEAUTY (красота) — BEAUTIFUL (красивый)

24.BEGIN (начало) — BEGINNING (начало)

25.BELIEVE (верить) — UNBELIEVABLE (невероятный)

26.BORE (наскучить) — BORED (скучающий) — BORING (скучный)

27.BUILD (строить) — BUILDER (строитель) — BUILDING (здание)

28.BUSY (занятый) — BUSINESS (бизнес)

29.CALCULATE (вычислять) — CALCULATION (вычисление)

30.CARE (забота) — CAREFUL (осторожный, внимательный) — CARELESS (неосторожный)

31.CERTAIN (определённый) — CERTAINLY (определённо, конечно)

32.Celebrate-celebration праздновать-праздник

33.CHAMPION (чемпион) — CHAMPIONSHIP (чемпионат)

34.CHARM (очаровательный) — CHARMING (очаровательный)

35.CHEMISTRY (химия) — CHEMICAL (химический, химикалий)

36.CLIMB (лазить, подниматься в горы) — CLIMBER (альпинист)

37.Clear- clearly чистый, ясный- чисто ясно

38.Cloud –cloudy облако-облачно

39.COLLECT (собирать, коллекционировать) — COLLECTION (коллекция, сборник) collector

40.COMBINE (комбинировать) — COMBINATION (комбинация)

41.COMFORT (комфорт, удобство) — COMFORTABLE (комфортный, удобный) — UNCOMFORTABLE (некомфортный, неудобный) — COMFORTABLY (комфортно, удобно)

42.COMMERCE (коммерция) — COMMERCIAL (коммерческий)

43.COMMON (общий, общепринятый) — COMMONLY (общепринято)

44.COMMUNICATE (общаться) — COMMUNICATION (общение)

45.COMPARATIVE (сравнительный) — COMPARATIVELY (сравнительно)

46.Complete-completely ( полный, законченный- полностью, совершенно)

COMPETE (соревноваться) — COMPETITION (соревнование)competitor соперник, конкурент

47.CONSERVE (сохранять, консервировать) — CONSERVATIVE (консервативный)

48.CONSTANT (постоянный) — CONSTANTLY (постоянно)

49.Construct- construction (строить-конструкция, сооружение)

50. COLOUR (цвет) — COLOURFUL (красочный)

51.CORRECT (правильный) — CORRECTLY (правильно)

52.COUNT (считать) — COUNTLESS (бессчетный, бесчисленный)

И только после этого можно переходить к обычным заданиям на словообразование.

I’ve worked in an office for many years. It’s a very __________________ job and recently I’ve taken up a new hobby — gardening. STRESS

My grandmother was a very good __________________. GARDEN

She never did gardening as a job but for pleasure and __________________. ENTERTAIN

She had the so-called green fingers — the flowers and fruit trees she planted grew very __________________.

I wish I were as skillful as she was. QUICK

It’s a pity my family does not share my interest. My children __________________ working outdoors. They prefer using the computer indoors. LIKE

I don’t argue with them. Arguing and quarrelling makes me feel __________________ and unhappy but cannot change the situation. I hope one day they will join me in the garden. NERVE


llage. There 1 (be) a school in the village, so I went to a school in a town about 5 km away. I 2 (not, like) the school because the 3 (child) were unfriendly, but I had many friends in the village. Then, in 2014 we 4 (move) from the village to another town. It was very sad. I had to tidy up everything before moving. When I 5 (put) my things into boxes, I started crying. When the men came to take everything to our new house, I 6 (sit) in my room, crying again. I thought then it was the 7 (bad) day in my life. However, it turned out that it was a change for the 8 (good). I still think about the old house and the village, but I’m happy now. I keep in touch with my village friends and I 9 (make) a lot of new friends in my town.

1 ответ:



1. Are
2.don’t like
4. Moved
7. Worst
9. Maked

Читайте также

Если ты имеешь ввиду хрюшка- pig
если ты имеешь уже крушка — cup

<span>Мистер Смит живет на ферме.
Он фермер. У него есть сын. Его сына зовут Джек. Ему десять лет. У
господина Смита много работы. Поэтому он встает в пять часов утра каждый
день. Его сын обычно помогает ему. Он берет своего коня на прогулку.
Коня зовут Рыжик, потому что он рыжий.</span>

1. Have you ever to this picture gallery? — Yes, I visited it once when a youth, and the pictures made a great impression on me. Since then I have not been here.

2. Have you already seen the new film? — Yes, I managed to see it yesterday. I went to the cinema in the evening and got two tickets quite easily.

3.  Do you always draw books from our library? — Yes, as a rule, I draw. Last year I went to another library but I did not find it as good as this one. I have drawn books from here for some 6 months already.

4. I have not seen anything of Halen lately. When did you  see her last? — I met her two days ago. I thought that she had changed very much.  

5.  Have you already have dinner? — No, not yet. The waitress took my order 15 minutes ago and have not brought me anything yet.  

6. Have you ever heard this Lemeshev sing? — Oh yes, he is a splendid singer and a very good actor as well.

7. Where did you get this fine new bag from? — My parents (gave it to me as a birthday present.  

8. She has just reminded me that we were at school together.

9. I met Nick this morning at the station.

10. She finished tidying up to the flat, then she began cooking dinner.  

11. I saw his name at the paper very often of late.

12. They left just a week ago.  

13. Most of the children have already had the flu.  

14. I have loved you since  I saw you at the party.

Нанни,где дядя Харри работает?

Where are the Highland Games? When are the Highland Games? What is the most popular event of the day at the Games? Who is coming to Scotland to take part in the games? What other contests are popular? Would you like to get to the mountain of the game? Can I buy tickets for the game without any problems? What hats go marching bands?

  • 0

2 Complete the text. Use the words in brackets in the right form. (9 points max.) When I was young, I used to live in a small village. There 1 (be) a school in the village, so I went to a school in a town about 5 km away. I 2 (not, like) the school because the 3 (child) were unfriendly, but I had many friends in the village. Then, in 2014 we 4 (move) from the village to another town. It was very sad. I had to tidy up everything before moving. When I 5 (put) my things into boxes, I started crying. When the men came to take everything to our new house, I 6 (sit) in my room, crying again. I thought then it was the 7 (bad) day in my life. However, it turned out that it was a change for the 8 (good). I still think about the old house and the village, but I’m happy now. I keep in touch with my village friends and I 9 (make) a lot of new friends in my town.

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0


When I was young, I used to live in a small village. There 1 (wasn’t) a school in the village, so I went to a school in a town about 5 km away. I 2 (did not like) the school because the 3 (children) were unfriendly, but I had many friends in the village. Then, in 2014 we 4 (moved) from the village to another town. It was very sad. I had to tidy up everything before moving. When I 5 (was putting) my things into boxes, I started crying. When the men came to take everything to our new house, I 6 (was sitting) in my room, crying again. I thought then it was the 7 (worst) day in my life. However, it turned out that it was a change for the 8 (better). I still think about the old house and the village, but I’m happy now. I keep in touch with my village friends and I 9 (have made) a lot of new friends in my town.

  • Комментариев (0)



Common suffixes that form adjectives
include: —able (comfortable), —al (musical), —y (cloudy), —ous
(famous) and —ive (attractive).



Adjectives ending —al are usually formed from nouns, and often
mean ‘relating to the noun’, e.g. a musical instrument (from music),
a political issue (from politics), an electrical fault (related
to electricity), a personal opinion (the opinion of one person).


Shichi-Go-San (meaning 7, 5, 3) is an annual ceremony in
Japan for three-and seven-year-old girls, and three-and five-year-old boys.
It is on November 15, but it is not a national1 holiday,
so people often have it on the nearest weekend. Seven, five and three are
seen as important years in the growth of a child, and the numbers also
have cultural significance2 because odd numbers (1, 3,
5, 7, 9, etc.) are lucky in Japan. This is one of the special days when
the older boys and girls are allowed to wear traditional3
clothes: a kimono for girls and hakama trousers for boys. Now it is quite
normal4 for children to wear western-style clothes at
this ceremony. The children visit a shrine and are then given special
sweets called Chitose-Ame by their parents.


-able /əbl/

This suffix
forms adjectives from nouns and verbs, and the prefix un— often forms the opposite:

an enjoyable party [something that you

a comfortable chair (opp uncomfortable)

a suitable word or phrase
[right/correct for a particular situation; opp unsuitable]

a reliable service; reliable
information [able to be trusted or believed; opp unreliable]

fashionable clothes
[popular now with many people; opp

a reasonable decision or price [fair;
not a bad decision or price; opp unreasonable]

a sociable person [enjoys being with
people; opp unsociable]

Sometimes the
opposite form is the more common adjective:

an unforgettable experience [something
that cannot be forgotten]

an unbelievable story [something that
is very surprising and very difficult to believe]


-ful and

The suffix —ful often means ‘full of’ or
‘having the quality of the noun’, e.g. a colourful room

has a lot of
colour in it; a helpful person
gives a lot of help; a peaceful
place is calm and quiet.

The opposite
meaning is sometimes formed by adding the suffix —less to the noun.

a useful machine [having a lot of
uses; opp a useless machine]

a painful injection [giving pain and
being unpleasant; opp a painless injection]

a careful driver [drives with care
and attention; opp a careless driver]


The suffix is —ful (NOT full), so useful and careful (NOT usefull or carefull).



Correct the spelling mistakes. Be careful: one word is correct.

1 enjoiable _____enjoyable_____

2 carful ________________

3 relyable ________________

4 peacefull ________________

5 confortable

6 anual ________________

7 unforgetable

8 reasonable

9 unbeleivable


Match the
words on the left with the words on the right.


Write an adjective formed from
these nouns or verbs. 11–15 are not on the opposite page, but you can find
them in the index if you don’t know them.

1 tradition ________traditional__________

2 attract

3 person

4 cloud

5 colour

6 fame

7 electricity

8 politics

9 enjoy

10 nation

11 wind

12 danger

13 create

14 emotion

15 fog


Tick ()
the words which form opposites with the suffix -less.


Complete the sentences.

1 You must be very ______ careful _______when you drive in
wet weather.

2 She told us an ____________
story about a dog that could speak.

3 The tourist information
office was very ____________, and told us everything we needed to know.

4 The festival is an ____________
event, held on the first Monday in September.

5 It was very ____________ when
I hit my leg against the corner of that table.

6 This bag is ____________;
it’s too small for me to put anything in it.

7 We’ve never had any
problems with our TV in ten years; it’s been very ____________.

8 Most people agreed with
it, so I think it was a ____________ decision.

9 This is just my ____________
opinion; others may not agree.

10 Travelling round China
and the Far East was an ____________ experience.

11 Children perform ____________
dances at the ceremony, as they have done for hundreds of years.

12 Do you think this dress
is ____________ for a wedding?


Choose three
adjectives from the opposite page which could describe these people or


Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Use the word in the list to complete the description
  • Use the word in the box to label the pictures
  • Use the word in the box to complete the dialogue
  • Use the word in the appropriate form transfer
  • Use the word in particular in a sentence