Use the word in conclusion in a sentence

Nonetheless there were few other changes to its statement and in conclusion, the Board simply repeated that it “will continue with QQE, aiming to achieve the price stability target of 2 percent…” as long as necessary.
Тем не менее, было несколько других изменений в заявлениях и в заключение, Совет просто повторил, что «будет продолжать QQE, с целью достижения целевой стабильности цен на уровне инфляции 2%» столько, сколько необходимо.

In conclusion, we believe that there are very few stock-picking organizations that are practicing these disciplines today.
В заключение, мы верим, что в настоящее время очень немногие организации занимаются отбором акций по описанным принципам.

In conclusion I’ll note that whoever a person is, he will have to be held responsible for every word said about my dear nephews.
В заключении отмечу, кем бы ни был человек, ему придется отвечать за каждое слово, сказанное в адрес моих дорогих племянников!

Two random thoughts in conclusion:
И две случайные мысли в заключение:

In conclusion, McFaul’s travails, while partly due to his personal background and character, reflect the deeper truth that the US and Russia have very different interests and very different conceptions of how the world works.
Короче говоря, хотя злоключения Макфола частично связаны с особенностями его личности и биографии, в целом они отражают нечто более глубокое – а именно то обстоятельство, что у США и России очень разные интересы и очень разные взгляды на то, как функционирует мир.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate the main point of this article.
В заключение я хотел бы повторить главный тезис этой статьи.

In conclusion, the SNIE reads, the available facts “do not permit a very confident estimate of the chances of a Chinese Communist nuclear detonation in the next few months.
В разведывательной оценке был сделан следующий вывод: «Имеющиеся факты не позволяют с большой долей уверенности оценить шансы китайских коммунистов на проведение ядерного взрыва в следующие несколько месяцев.

In conclusion, the recovery continues, but it is not on solid ground.
В заключение надо сказать, что экономическое восстановление продолжается, но оно находится не на прочном основании.

In conclusion, gentlemen, this contract states my position as the main shareholder of the group with 40% of the profit.
Итак, господа, этот контракт подтверждает моё положение главного «спонсора» этого предприятия с правом 40% выручки.

So, in conclusion, the data show that at temperatures approaching absolute zero, the moment of inertia changes, and a solid becomes a super-solid, which clearly appears to be a previously unknown state of matter.
Итак, в заключении, график показывает, что температура приближается к абсолютному нулю, момент инерции меняется и плотное тело становится сверхплотным, что явно становится фактом, неизвестным до этого.

In conclusion, it is our opinion that Constance Bolkonski should be tried for conspiracy to overthrow the government, conspiracy to stir up civil war, falsification of private accounts, complicity in premeditated murder.
Согласно нашему заключению Констанс Волконская обвиняется в замысле свержения правительства, в подстрекании к гражданской войне, фальсификации частных счетов, соучастии в убийстве.

In conclusion, these experiments support the idea that providing breaks over the course of instruction facilitates children’s attention to classroom tasks.
Итак, эти эксперименты подтверждают идею о том, что предоставление перерывов во время обучения способствует привлечению внимания детей к работе в классе.

So, just in conclusion, a few shots.
В заключение несколько снимков.

So in conclusion, we know where Yellowstone is for North America;
В заключение, я хочу сказать, что мы знаем, где находится североамериканский Йеллоустон:

«And in conclusion, win some, lose some.»
«И в конце концов, что-то выиграй, что-то проиграй.»

So in conclusion, I’d like to leave you with actually four messages.
. В заключение, я хотел бы донести до вас четыре сообщения.

So, in conclusion, I think the message is clear.
И в заключение, полагаю, вывод ясен.

So, in conclusion, I’m going to show you an animation that basically shows you how these orbits have been moving, in three dimensions.
В заключении я покажу вам ролик, который на базисном уровне продемонстрирует вам, как двигаются орбиты, в трёх измерениях.

So in conclusion, the eleventh reason for optimism, in addition to the space elevator, is that I think with technology, entertainment and design, we can actually increase the amount of tonnage of human happiness on the planet.
Итак, в заключение — 11-ая причина для оптимизма, в дополнение к космическому лифту, состоит в том, что с помощью технологии, развлечения и дизайна мы можем, по моему мнению, увеличить количество человеческого счастья на планете.

So, in conclusion, I would say my journey has shown me that you can revisit old ideas in a new light, and sometimes ideas that have been discarded in the past can be practical now if you apply some new technology or new twists.
В заключении, я хочу сказать, мое путешествие показало, что вы можете пересмотреть старые идеи в новом свете, и иногда идеи, отвергнутые в прошлом, могут быть полезными сейчас, если вы используете новые технологии и новые подходы.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

1 In conclusion, I would like to thank …

2 In conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.

3 In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.

4 In conclusion, I hope the preceding arguments have convinced you of the need for action.

5 In conclusion she wished her comrades every success in their work.

6 In conclusion, I would like to thank you all for your hard work.

7 In conclusion, I would like to thank our guest speaker.

8 In conclusion, I submit that the proposal will not work without some major changes.

9 In conclusion, dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids enhance duodenal resistance to acid by potentiation of adaptive cytoprotection.

10 In conclusion, patients with cholesterol gall stones produce less metastable hepatic bile measured by the evidence of shorter nucleation time.

11 In conclusion, one may say the Titan-Dionysos myth indicates a form of anthropological dualism in Orphism.

12 In conclusion, rapid urbanisation has typically occurred without an improvement in the life-chances of the majority of the urban population.

13 In conclusion oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation appears to confer no benefit over endoscopic sclerotherapy in terms of long term survival after variceal haemorrhage.

14 In conclusion,[] I fully endorse your desire to avoid confrontational behaviour surrounding international rugby.

15 In conclusion, this study has evaluated the efficacy of four commercial serological tests in comparison with standard biopsy related tests.

16 In conclusion I will make some comments on the requisites for effective rules relating to the control of armed conflicts.

17 In conclusion, we investigated the influence of Helicobacter pylori colonisation on gastric mucosal eicosanoid synthesis in patients taking NSAIDs.

18 In conclusion it is justified to examine ICAM-1 expression as a potential prognostic risk factor for colonic carcinoma.

19 In conclusion, the use of specific molecular probes and insitu hybridisation allows a functional analysis of tissue macrophages.

20 In conclusion, this study confirms that four weeks treatment with elemental diet, when tolerated, is as effective as prednisolone.

21 In conclusion, our study confirms that perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies are indeed demonstrable in the large majority of ulcerative colitis patients.

22 In conclusion, our findings suggest that H pylori infection may have been predominantly acquired at a young age in the past.

23 In conclusion, I want to thank all the people who have volunteered their time to our organization.

24 In conclusion, we found an association of coronary heart disease with periodontal disease and other measures of dental disease.

25 In conclusion, though there is no denying the seriousness of the problem, many questions still remain unanswered.

26 In conclusion, it is fair to say that researchers do not have a very clear idea what meaning is.

27 In conclusion, remember that consumer credit is a highly technical subject.

28 In conclusion, deficiencies have been found in monitoring adults with severe physical disability whose sole regular contacts are health professionals.

29 In conclusion, there is a wide variety of social and physical contexts of soil erosion.

30 In written language rhetorical organisers of larger stretches of discourse appear, like firstly, more important than and in conclusion.

in conclusion — перевод на русский

/ɪn kənˈkluːʒən/

And now, in conclusion, I’d like to tell you a humorous anecdote.

А теперь, в заключение, я хотел бы рассказать вам весёлый анекдот.

And in conclusion, I’d like to add that if you took the embryonic metamorphosis, the only thing…

И в заключение я хотел бы повторить гипотезу о происхождении.. — Единственное, что..

Now, men, in conclusion… I would like to say that in the two years… that it has been my privilege to be your commanding officer… I have always expected the best from you… and you have never given me anything less than that.

Теперь, в заключение я хотел бы сказать, что те два года в которые я имел честь быть вашим командиром я всегда ожидал от вас самого лучшего и вы выкладывались по полной.

In conclusion, it should be noted…

В заключение необходимо отметить…

«And, in conclusion, I reject your final offer.

«В заключение, я отклоняю ваше последнее предложение.

Показать ещё примеры для «в заключение»…

In conclusion, I will leave you with this: if you think that the ginger problem is not a serious one, think again.

В завершении, хочу вам показать это : если вы до сих пор думаете, что проблема рыжих не серьезна, подумайте еще раз.

In conclusion, my mom is Marlene Griggs-Knope.

В завершении, моя мама — Марлин Григгс-Ноуп.

So, in conclusion, recall, shmecall.

Так что, в завершении, отзыв-шмотзыв.

And in conclusion, I feel my husband and I can provide a warm, inclusive, nurturing environment that validates the cultural identity of our shared Native American heritage.

И в завершении, я знаю, что мы с мужем можем предоставить дружелюбную, всестороннюю, воспитывающею обстановку, которая поддерживает культурную самобытность нашего общего индейского наследия.

So, in conclusion, you’re both equally mercurial, overly sensitive, clingy, hysterical, bird-brained homunculi.

И в завершении, вы оба одинаково ссыкливые, эмоционально неуравновешенные, истеричные человечки с птичьими мозгами.

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Asked by: Jaylan Halvorson

Score: 4.4/5
(28 votes)

The phrase in conclusion can be used at the end of a speech or essay, and it means «to sum things up» or «finally.» In conclusion, it’s a very handy phrase for formal speaking and writing.

Is In conclusion correct?

“In conclusion” or “To conclude” may be appropriate for an oral presentation, but in writing are considered redundant or overly mechanical. Draft: “However, it is important in arriving at such a conclusion to recognize…”

What’s a word for in conclusion?

In summary, To conclude, In closing, Finally, it may be concluded…

What words can I use to end a conclusion?

Conclusion Paragraph Words And Phrases

Altogether, Obviously, Overall, Ultimately, Ordinarily, Definitely, and Usually.

Can you use in conclusion?

Avoid phrases like «in conclusion,» «to conclude,» «in summary,» and «to sum up.» These phrases can be useful—even welcome—in oral presentations. But readers can see, by the tell-tale compression of the pages, when an essay is about to end. You’ll irritate your audience if you belabor the obvious.

44 related questions found

Is there a comma after in conclusion?

Do you put a comma after in conclusion? Concluding phrases and clauses are not punctuated with commas when they are restrictive or necessary to a complete understanding of the sentence. When they are non-restrictive, or may be de-emphasized, set them apart with commas.

Is to conclude a transition?

Conclusion / Summary / Restatement

These transition words and phrases conclude, summarize and / or restate ideas, or indicate a final general statement.

How do you end a paper?

Conclude an essay with one or more of the following:

  1. Include a brief summary of the paper’s main points.
  2. Ask a provocative question.
  3. Use a quotation.
  4. Evoke a vivid image.
  5. Call for some sort of action.
  6. End with a warning.
  7. Universalize (compare to other situations).
  8. Suggest results or consequences.

How do you end a concluding paragraph?

What to include in a conclusion

  1. End the essay on a positive note.
  2. Communicate the importance of your ideas and the subject matter.
  3. Provide the reader with a sense of closure.
  4. Reiterate and summarize your main points.
  5. Rephrase and then restate your thesis statement.

How do you finalize an essay?

Here are my tips for finalizing your essay:

  1. Read it once, read it twice, read it three times. …
  2. Take notes on their feedback and give their comments consideration.
  3. Stay true to your own heart. …
  4. Scour your essay for unnecessary words and delete them.
  5. Evaluate each verb and consider using a more descriptive one.

How do you start a conclusion in an essay?

Step 1: Return to your thesis

To begin your conclusion, signal that the essay is coming to an end by returning to your overall argument. Don’t just repeat your thesis statement—instead, try to rephrase your argument in a way that shows how it has been developed since the introduction.

What is the closest synonym for conclusion?


  • closure.
  • completion.
  • consequence.
  • denouement.
  • development.
  • ending.
  • outcome.
  • result.

How can I use soon after?

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Soon After | Soon After Sentence

  1. I will be there very soon after you.
  2. Soon after this they parted.
  3. Soon after the earthquake.
  4. Soon after to heaven he went.
  5. Soon after this incident we parted.
  6. We landed soon after.
  7. Die soon after being cut.
  8. They left me soon after this.

How can I use the word conclusion in a sentence?

Conclusion in a Sentence ?

  • The conclusion of our meeting came at seven o’clock, an hour after we had started and a full thirty minutes longer than we had planned.
  • The conclusion of World War Two saw the Allied powers victorious over the Axis, but it lead to far greater strength for the forces of Communism.

How do you say all in all?

Synonyms & Antonyms of all in all

  1. all around,
  2. all told,
  3. altogether,
  4. collectedly,
  5. collectively,
  6. inclusively,
  7. overall,
  8. together.

Can you end a conclusion with a question?

Conclusion paragraphs are very important to a piece of writing. Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, a conclusion summarizes the main idea and important details. Ending with a question is a great way to leave the reader thinking even after he or she is finished reading. …

What is a good closing sentence?

A concluding sentence indicates that you are bringing closure to a paragraph. For each paragraph, the reader should be able to identify what your key points are, based on the concluding sentence. … Concluding sentences can start out with phrases such as ‘In conclusion,’ ‘Thus,’ and ‘For this reason. ‘

How do you conclude a case study?

The function of your paper’s conclusion is to: 1) reiterate the main argument supported by the findings from your case study; 2) state clearly the context, background, and necessity of pursuing the research problem using a case study design in relation to an issue, controversy, or a gap found from reviewing the …

How long should a conclusion be?

Most conclusion paragraphs are four to five sentences long and should average between 50–75 words The conclusion paragraph should describe the whole essay in a nutshell. The conclusion should be written in clear, simple language.

How do you write a good conclusion?

Here are four key tips for writing stronger conclusions that leave a lasting impression:

  1. Include a topic sentence. Conclusions should always begin with a topic sentence. …
  2. Use your introductory paragraph as a guide. …
  3. Summarize the main ideas. …
  4. Appeal to the reader’s emotions. …
  5. Include a closing sentence.

How do you end a college essay?

When writing the conclusion to your paper, follow these general rules:

  1. State your conclusions in clear, simple language.
  2. Do not simply reiterate your results or the discussion.
  3. Indicate opportunities for future research, as long as you haven’t already done so in the discussion section of your paper.

What are linking words in writing?

Transition words and phrases, also called linking or connecting words, are used to link together different ideas in your text. They help the reader to follow your arguments by expressing the relationships between different sentences or parts of a sentence.

What are the transitions words?

Transition words are words like ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’ and ‘because’. They show your reader the relationship between phrases, sentences, or even paragraphs. When you use them, you make it easier for your readers to understand how your thoughts and ideas are connected. … The second sentence is going to describe the effect.

Can you start a sentence with but?

There’s no rule against beginning a sentence with but. Sure, it’s a wise admonition from middle-school English teachers that novice writers avoid beginning a series of sentences with but. In July we went to Six Flags. But it rained that day.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


So in conclusion and summary: did the school and practitioners use psychedelics, likely no, they did not.

Ну и в заключение и резюме: сделали школы и практики использования психоделиков, скорее всего, нет, они не.

And in conclusion, I will say a few words about some of the economic news and statistics, of the last week.

И в заключение скажу пару слов о некоторых экономических новостях и статистике, появившейся на прошедшей неделе.

So, in conclusion, good luck on tomorrow’s big final exam.

И в завершение желаю вам удачи на завтрашнем выпускном экзамене.

«and in conclusion, please raise your glasses»to farrah and bruce.

И в завершение, давайте поднимем бокалы за Фэрру и Брюса.

A few words in conclusion about where you can buy furniture that meets the requirement of time.

Пару слов напоследок о том, где можно приобрести мебель, которая отвечает требованиям времени.

And in conclusion, let us recall the most famous case of death in the ring of a domestic boxer.

И в заключение вспомним наиболее известный случай гибели в ринге отечественного боксёра.

Perhaps the sample was inadequate, and our informal model turned out to be a «leap in conclusion«.

Возможно, выборка была неадекватной, и наша неформальная модель оказалась «прыжком в заключение«.

It can be said in conclusion that each succeeding generation is seen to be suffering from more sleep related issues than its predecessors.

Это можно сказать в заключение, что каждое новое поколение, как видно, страдает от более связанных со сном проблемы, чем его предшественники.

However, in conclusion, you don’t necessarily have to watch the series to understand the movie.

Однако, в заключение, вам не обязательно смотреть сериал, чтобы понять фильм.

Perhaps, I could tell you in conclusion that a year has gone by since the last parliamentary elections.

Может быть, в заключение, позвольте мне сказать вам, что со времени последних парламентских выборов прошел год.

So in conclusion, I want to note the diversity of clinker material.

Ну и в заключение хочется отметить разнообразие клинкерного материала.

I wish to say in conclusion that democracy requires a total endeavour, nationally and in partnership with global society.

В заключение я хотел бы сказать, что демократия требует полной отдачи на национальном уровне и в сотрудничестве с глобальным сообществом.

I should like to state, in conclusion, that this draft resolution has been the subject of a number of informal consultations.

В заключение я хотел бы отметить, что данный проект резолюции рассматривался на многих неофициальных консультациях.

I should like to say in conclusion that the success of humanitarian operations largely depends on respecting the guiding principles in resolution 46/182.

В заключение я хотел бы сказать, что успех гуманитарных операций во многом зависит от соблюдения руководящих принципов резолюции 46/182.

So, in conclusion, I think the message is clear.

So in conclusion, I’d like to leave you with actually four messages.

В заключение, я хотел бы донести до вас четыре сообщения.

But, in conclusion, I would say it is a huge damage to the credibility of our archive service.

Но, в заключение, я хотел бы сказать, это огромный ущерб авторитету нашей архивной службы.

So in conclusion, ladies and jelly spoons…

And in conclusion, that bugs me.

So in conclusion, another important announcement.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат in conclusion

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Ways to Say In Conclusion in an Essay

The phrase “In conclusion …” sounds reductive, simple and … well, just basic.

You can find better words to conclude an essay than that!

So below I’ve outlined a list of different ways to say in conclusion in an essay using a range of analysis verbs. Each one comes with an explanation of the best time to use each phrase and an example you could consider.

Read Also: How to Write a Conclusion using the 5C’s Method

The following are the best tips I have for to say in conclusion in an essay.

1. The Weight of the Evidence Suggests…

My Rating: 10/10

Overview: This is a good concluding phrase for an evaluative essay where you need to compare two different positions on a topic then conclude by saying which one has more evidence behind it than the other.

You could also use this phrase for argumentative essays where you’ve put forward all the evidence for your particular case.

Example: “The weight of the evidence suggests that climate change is a real phenomenon.”

2. A Thoughtful Analysis would Conclude…

My Rating: 9/10

Overview: I would use this phrase in either an argumentative essay or a comparison essay. As an argument, it highlights that you think your position is the most logical.

In a comparison essay, it shows that you have (or have intended to) thoughtfully explore the issue by looking at both sides.

Example: “A thoughtful analysis would conclude that there is substantial evidence highlighting that climate change is real.”

Related Article: 17+ Great Ideas For An Essay About Yourself

3. A Balanced Assessment of the Above Information…

My Rating: 9/10

Overview: This phrase can be used to show that you have made a thoughtful analysis of the information you found when researching the essay. You’re telling your teacher with this phrase that you have looked at all sides of the argument before coming to your conclusion.

Example: “A balanced assessment of the above information would be that climate change exists and will have a strong impact on the world for centuries to come.”

4. Across the Board…

My Rating: 5/10

Overview: I would use this phrase in a less formal context such as in a creative discussion but would leave it out of a formal third-person essay. To me, the phrase comes across as too colloquial.

Example: “Across the board, there are scientists around the world who consistently provide evidence for human-induced climate change.”

5. Logically…

My Rating: 7/10

Overview: This phrase can be used at the beginning of any paragraph that states out a series of facts that will be backed by clear step-by-step explanations that the reader should be able to follow to a conclusion.

Example: “Logically, the rise of the automobile would speed up economic expansion in the United States. Automobiles allowed goods to flow faster around the economy.

6. After all is Said and Done…

My Rating: 5/10

Overview: This is a colloquial term that is more useful in a speech than written text. If you feel that the phrase ‘In conclusion,’ is too basic, then I’d also avoid this term. However, use in speech is common, so if you’re giving a speech, it may be more acceptable.

Example: “After all is said and done, it’s clear that there is more evidence to suggest that climate change is real than a hoax.”

7. All in All…

My Rating: 5/10

Overview: ‘All in all’ is a colloquial term that I would use in speech but not in formal academic writing. Colloquialisms can show that you have poor command of the English language. However, I would consider using this phrase in the conclusion of a debate.

Example: “All in all, our debate team has shown that there is insurmountable evidence that our side of the argument is correct.”

8. All Things Considered…

My Rating: 6/10

Overview: This term is a good way of saying ‘I have considered everything above and now my conclusion is..’ However, it is another term that’s more commonly used in speech than writing. Use it in a high school debate, but when it comes to a formal essay, I would leave it out.

Example: “All things considered, there’s no doubt in my mind that climate change is man-made.”

9. As a Final Note…

My Rating: 3/10

Overview: This phrase gives me the impression that the student doesn’t understand the point of a conclusion. It’s not to simply make a ‘final note’, but to summarize and reiterate. So, I would personally avoid this one.

Example: “As a final note, I would say that I do think the automobile was one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century.”

10. As Already Stated…

My Rating: 2/10

Overview: I don’t like this phrase. It gives teachers the impression that you’re going around in circles and haven’t organized your essay properly. I would particularly avoid it in the body of an essay because I always think: “If you already stated it, why are you stating it again?” Of course, the conclusion does re-state things, but it also adds value because it also summarizes them. So, add value by using a phrase such as ‘summarizing’ or ‘weighing up’ in your conclusion instead.

Example: “As already stated, I’m going to repeat myself and annoy my teacher.”

11. At present, the Best Evidence Suggests…

My Rating: 8/10

Overview: In essays where the evidence may change in the future. Most fields of study do involve some evolution over time, so this phrase acknowledges that “right now” the best evidence is one thing, but it may change in the future. It also shows that you’ve looked at the latest information on the topic.

Example: “At present, the best evidence suggests that carbon dioxide emissions from power plants is the greatest influence on climate change.”

12. At the Core of the Issue…

My Rating: 7/10

Overview: I personally find this phrase to be useful for most essays. It highlights that you are able to identify the most important or central point from everything you have examined. It is slightly less formal than some other phrases on this list, but I also wouldn’t consider it too colloquial for an undergraduate essay.

Example: “At the core of the issue in this essay is the fact scientists have been unable to convince the broader public of the importance of action on climate change.”

13. Despite the shortcomings of…

My Rating: 8/10

Overview: This phrase can be useful in an argumentative essay. It shows that there are some limitations to your argument, but, on balance you still think your position is the best. This will allow you to show critical insight and knowledge while coming to your conclusion.

Often, my students make the mistake of thinking they can only take one side in an argumentative essay. On the contrary, you should be able to highlight the limitations of your point-of-view while also stating that it’s the best.

Example: “Despite the shortcomings of globalization, this essay has found that on balance it has been good for many areas in both the developed and developing world.”

14. Finally…

My Rating: 4/10

Overview: While the phrase ‘Finally,’ does indicate that you’re coming to the end of your discussion, it is usually used at the end of a list of ideas rather than in a conclusion. It also implies that you’re adding a point rather that summing up previous points you have made.

Example: “Finally, this essay has highlighted the importance of communication between policy makers and practitioners in order to ensure good policy is put into effect.”

15. Gathering the above points together…

My Rating: 7/10

Overview: While this is not a phrase I personally use very often, I do believe it has the effect of indicating that you are “summing up”, which is what you want out of a conclusion.

Example: “Gathering the above points together, it is clear that the weight of evidence highlights the importance of action on climate change.”

16. Given the above information…

My Rating: 8/10

Overview: This phrase shows that you are considering the information in the body of the piece when coming to your conclusion. Therefore, I believe it is appropriate for starting a conclusion.

Example: “Given the above information, it is reasonable to conclude that the World Health Organization is an appropriate vehicle for achieving improved health outcomes in the developing world.”

17. In a nutshell…

My Rating: 3/10

Overview: This phrase means to say everything in the fewest possible words. However, it is a colloquial phrase that is best used in speech rather than formal academic writing.

Example: “In a nutshell, there are valid arguments on both sides of the debate about socialism vs capitalism.”

18. In closing…

My Rating: 7/10

Overview: This phrase is an appropriate synonym for ‘In conclusion’ and I would be perfectly fine with a student using this phrase in their essay. Make sure you follow-up by explaining your position based upon the weight of evidence presented in the body of your piece

Example: “In closing, there is ample evidence to suggest that liberalism has been the greatest force for progress in the past 100 years.”

19. In essence…

My Rating: 5/10

Overview: While the phrase ‘In essence’ does suggest you are about to sum up the core findings of your discussion, it is somewhat colloquial and is best left for speech rather than formal academic writing.

Example: “In essence, this essay has shown that cattle farming is an industry that should be protected as an essential service for our country.”

20. In review…

My Rating: 5/10

Overview: We usually review someone else’s work, not our own. For example, you could review a book that you read or a film you watched. So, writing “In review” as a replacement for “In conclusion” comes across a little awkward.

Example: “In review, the above information has made a compelling case for compulsory military service in the United States.”

21. In short…

My Rating: 5/10

Overview: Personally, I find that this phrase is used more regularly by undergraduate student. As students get more confident with their writing, they tend to use higher-rated phrases from this list. Nevertheless, I would not take grades away from a student for using this phrase.

Example: “In short, this essay has shown the importance of sustainable agriculture for securing a healthy future for our nation.”

22. In Sum…

My Rating: 6/10

Overview: Short for “In summary”, the phrase “In sum” sufficiently shows that you are not coming to the moment where you will sum up the essay. It is an appropriate phrase to use instead of “In conclusion”.

But remember to not just summarize but also discuss the implications of your findings in your conclusion.

Example: “In sum, this essay has shown the importance of managers in ensuring efficient operation of medium-to-large enterprises.”

23. In Summary…

My Rating: 6/10

Overview: In summary and in sum are the same terms which can be supplemented for “In conclusion”. You will show that you are about to summarize the points you said in the body of the essay, which is what you want from an essay.

Example: “In summary, reflection is a very important metacognitive skill that all teachers need to master in order to improve their pedagogical skills.”

24. It cannot be conclusively stated that…

My Rating: 7/10

Overview: While this phrase is not always be a good fit for your essay, when it is, it does show knowledge and skill in writing. You would use this phrase if you are writing an expository essay where you have decided that there is not enough evidence currently to make a firm conclusion on the issue.

Example: “It cannot be conclusively stated that the Big Bang was when the universe began. However, it is the best theory so far, and none of the other theories explored in this essay have as much evidence behind them.”

25. It is apparent that…

My Rating: 7/10

Overview: The term ‘apparent’ means that something is ‘clear’ or even ‘obvious’. So, you would use this word in an argumentative essay where you think you have put forward a very compelling argument.

Example: “It is apparent that current migration patterns in the Americas are unsustainable and causing significant harm to the most vulnerable people in our society.”

26. Last but not least…

My Rating: 4/10

Overview: The phrase “last but not least” is a colloquial idiom that is best used in speech rather than formal academic writing. Furthermore, when you are saying ‘last’, you mean to say you’re making your last point rather than summing up all your points you already made. So, I’d avoid this one.

Example: “Last but not least, this essay has highlighted the importance of empowering patients to exercise choice over their own medical decisions.”

27. Overall…

My Rating: 7.5/10

Overview: This phrase means ‘taking everything into account’, which sounds a lot like what you would want to do in an essay. I don’t consider it to be a top-tier choice (which is why I rated it 7), but in my opinion it is perfectly acceptable to use in an undergraduate essay.

Example: “Overall, religious liberty continues to be threatened across the world, and faces significant threats in the 21st Century.”

28. The above points illustrate…

My Rating: 8/10

Overview: This phrase is a good start to a conclusion paragraph that talks about the implications of the points you made in your essay. Follow it up with a statement that defends your thesis you are putting forward in the essay.

Example: “The above points illustrate that art has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on humanity since the renaissance.”

29. The evidence presented in this essay suggests that…

My Rating: 10/10

Overview: I like this phrase because it highlights that you are about to gather together the evidence from the body of the essay to put forward a final thesis statement.

Example: “The evidence presented in this essay suggests that the democratic system of government is the best for securing maximum individual liberty for citizens of a nation.”

30. This essay began by stating…

My Rating: 9/10

Overview: This phrase is one that I teach in my YouTube mini-course as an effective one to use in an essay conclusion. If you presented an interesting fact in your introduction, you can return to that point from the beginning of the essay to provide nice symmetry in your writing.

Example: “This essay began by stating that corruption has been growing in the Western world. However, the facts collected in the body of the essay show that institutional checks and balances can sufficiently minimize this corruption in the long-term.”

31. This essay has argued…

My Rating: 8/10

Overview: This term can be used effectively in an argumentative essay to provide a summary of your key points. Follow it up with an outline of all your key points, and then a sentence about the implications of the points you made. See the example below.

Example: “This essay has argued that standardized tests are damaging for students’ mental health. Tests like the SATs should therefore be replaced by project-based testing in schools.”

32. To close…

My Rating: 6/10

Overview: This is a very literal way of saying “In conclusion”. While it’s suitable and serves its purpose, it does come across as being a sophomoric term. Consider using one of the higher-rated phrases in this list.

Example: “To close, this essay has highlighted both the pros and cons of relational dialectics theory and argued that it is not the best communication theory for the 21st Century.”

33. To Conclude…

My Rating: 6/10

Overview: Like ‘to close’ and ‘in summary’, the phrase ‘to conclude’ is very similar to ‘in conclusion’. It can therefore be used as a sufficient replacement for that term. However, as with the above terms, it’s just okay and you could probably find a better phrase to use.

Example: “To conclude, this essay has highlighted that there are multiple models of communication but there is no one perfect theory to explain each situation.”

34. To make a long story short…

My Rating: 1/10

Overview: This is not a good phrase to use in an academic essay. It is a colloquialism. It also implies that you have been rambling in your writing and you could have said everything more efficiently. I would personally not use this phrase.

Example: “To make a long story short, I don’t have very good command of academic language.”

35. To Sum up…

My Rating: 6/10

Overview: This phrase is the same as ‘In summary’. It shows that you have made all of your points and now you’re about to bring them all together in a ‘summary’. Just remember in your conclusion that you need to do more than summarize but also talk about the implications of your findings. So you’ll need to go beyond just a summary.

Example: “In summary, there is ample evidence that linear models of communication like Lasswell’s model are not as good at explaining 21st Century communication as circular models like the Osgood-Schramm model.”

36. Ultimately…

My Rating: 6/10

Overview: While this phrase does say that you are coming to a final point – also known as a conclusion – it’s also a very strong statement that might not be best to use in all situations. I usually accept this phrase from my undergraduates, but for my postgraduates I’d probably suggest simply removing it.

Example: “Ultimately, new media has been bad for the world because it has led to the spread of mistruths around the internet.”

37. Undoubtedly…

My Rating: 4/10

Overview: If you are using it in a debate or argumentative essay, it can be helpful. However, in a regular academic essay, I would avoid it. We call this a ‘booster’, which is a term that emphasizes certainty. Unfortunately, certainty is a difficult thing to claim, so you’re better off ‘hedging’ with phrases like ‘It appears’ or ‘The best evidence suggests’.

Example: “Undoubtedly, I know everything about this topic and am one hundred percent certain even though I’m just an undergraduate student.”

38. Weighing up the facts, this essay finds…

My Rating: 10/10

Overview: This statement highlights that you are looking at all of the facts both for and against your points of view. It shows you’re not just blindly following one argument but being careful about seeing things from many perspectives.

Example: “Weighing up the facts, this essay finds that reading books is important for developing critical thinking skills in childhood.”

39. With that said…

My Rating: 2/10

Overview: This is another phrase that I would avoid. This is a colloquialism that’s best used in speech rather than writing. It is another term that feels sophomoric and is best to avoid. Instead, use a more formal term such as: ‘Weighing up the above points, this essay finds…’

Example: “With that said, this essay disagrees with the statement that you need to go to college to get a good job.”

Do you Need to Say Anything?

Something I often tell my students is: “Can you just remove that phrase?”

Consider this sentence:

  • “In conclusion, the majority of scientists concur that climate change exists.”

Would it be possible to simply say:

  • In conclusion, The majority of scientists concur that climate change exists.”

So, I’d recommend also just considering removing that phrase altogether! Sometimes the best writing is the shortest, simplest writing that gets to the point without any redundant language at all.

How to Write an Effective Conclusion

Before I go, I’d like to bring your attention to my video on ‘how to write an effective conclusion’. I think it would really help you out given that you’re looking for help on how to write a conclusion. It’s under 5 minutes long and has helped literally thousands of students write better conclusions for their essays:

In Conclusion…

Well, I had to begin this conclusion with ‘In conclusion…’ I liked the irony in it, and I couldn’t pass up that chance.

Overall, don’t forget that concluding an essay is a way to powerfully summarize what you’ve had to say and leave the reader with a strong impression that you’ve become an authority on the topic you’re researching. 

So, whether you write it as a conclusion, summary, or any other synonym for conclusion, those other ways to say in conclusion are less important than making sure that the message in your conclusion is incredibly strong.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.

We use a comma after «finally», «eventually», or «in conclusion» at the beginning of a sentence to signal that these conjunctive adverbs modify the sentence that follows.

We use a comma after «finally«, «eventually«, or «in conclusion» at the beginning of a sentence to signal that these conjunctive adverbs modify the sentence that follows.

Eventually, they decided to extend the program to younger women.

In conclusion, including berries in your diet may help fight inflammation as well as be good for your skin.

You can optionally place these words between commas in mid-sentence to stress a pause or interruption.

After many years, my brother, finally, introduced me to his girlfriend.

Do not add commas if «finally«, «eventually«, or «in conclusion» are regular adverbs; that is, if they modify a single word rather than a complete sentence or clause.

The indicator was stable for a prolonged period and eventually changed.


  • 1. When to Use Commas With ‘Finally’, ‘Eventually’, and ‘In Conclusion’
    • 1.1 ‘Finally’ vs. ‘In conclusion’
    • 1.2 ‘Finally’ vs. ‘Eventually’
    • 1.3 Punctuation
  • 2. When Not to Use Commas

1. When to Use Commas With ‘Finally’, ‘Eventually’, and ‘In Conclusion’

1.1 Differences between ‘Finally’ and ‘In conclusion’

We use «finally» or «in conclusion» to signal that what we are about to say is the last thing that we want to say.

Finally, I’d like to express my thanks to the members of the mountain rescue team.

«In conclusion» is frequently used at the end to sum up or conclude a speech or piece of writing.

In conclusion, sugar-sweetened beverages have a negative impact on children’s health.

Recommended: Using commas with adverbs of time

1.2 Differences between ‘Finally’ and ‘Eventually’

The words «finally» or «eventually» are commonly used when something happens after many delays or problems.

  • We tend to use «eventually» to emphasize that there were numerous problems (e.g., «Eventually, they found a hardware store on Madison Avenue.»)
  • We typically use «finally» to emphasize the amount of time it took (e.g., «Finally, they arrived at Queen’s hospital.»)

We can also use «finally» to indicate that something happens last in a series of events (don’t use «eventually» with this meaning.)

We had an onion soup, then a chicken salad, and finally a mango cake.

1.3 Punctuation

We add a comma after «finally«, «eventually«, or «in conclusion» at the start of a sentence to signal that these adverbs modify not only the word that follows but the complete clause or sentence that follows.

In conclusion, the rapid climate change we are now seeing is caused by deforestation, increasing livestock farming, and fossil fuels.

Eventually, you are going to improve your Spanish skills, so don’t worry.

Finally, we went to the grocery store and bought some food for dinner.

We commonly use these expressions at the start of a sentence to introduce a final point or idea. Consequently, they must be preceded by a semicolon or a period.

They didn’t know which car to buy; eventually, they chose an electric vehicle because of its lower maintenance costs.

It was really hard to find the location of the meeting. Finally, we got there.

Optionally, set off these conjunctive adverbs between commas to signal a strong interruption in mid-sentence.

They didn’t know the location, but, eventually, they got there.

Recommended: When to use a comma with «in the end», «at the end of…», or «at last»

2. When Not to Use Commas

Instead of modifying a sentence or a phrase, you can use «finally» or «eventually» to modify a single word (adjective, verb, or adverb). In this situation, we do not generally use a comma after it.

The sky turned orange, then yellow, and finally black.

Her personality traits were fairly stable for twenty years and eventually changed.

In the middle of a sentence, avoid using commas before and after «finally» or «eventually» if the interruption of the sentence flow is slight.

Mix sugar and milk, add two egg yolks, stir, and finally cook over medium heat.

If the cost of ‘earning’ your concluded trust is to have an identical need for arriving at conclusions as you do, then I can fully understand your distrust of Steve McIntyre – a person who clearly has a preference for keeping his options open and tolerating in-conclusion for long enough to allow his curiosity some space to shine through. ❋ Unknown (2007)

«[In conclusion], the most basic and simplest way to end your [essay] that you forgot was due [the next day] is «[in conclusion]».» ❋ The Ace-o-spades (2010)

1. After a tough hour with [the math] problem, he finally came to a [conclusion].
2. «She saw me and her best friend [on the couch] talking and she jumped to conclusions» ❋ Rebanex (2008)

Woman (acting conclusive):
«I know what you did…»
«Ok if you would let me explain—»
«[No that’s] [not it] I—»

[After hours] of [hard work] and study, he got tired of thinking and finally came to a [conclusion]. ❋ Hopper91788 (2003)

«what’s [the word] for an [outro], but it’s [written]?» «a conclusion??» ❋ Juck143 (2020)

«what’s [the word] for an [outro] but it’s [written]?» «a conclusion??» ❋ Juck143 (2020)

Thomas: «It all makes sense now»
[Dustin]: «Ohh noo! Super [Conclusive] [Conclusion], Yes!»
Thomas: «(popping noise)»
Dustin: «WHY GOD, WHY» ❋ Dustin Emerson (2008)

Person A: «Yeah so I saw your girlfriend talking to Brad last night and she said…»
*Interruption by Person B*
Person B: «Holy [Sh*t]! She’s cheating on me!»
Person A: «Dude, stop [jumping to conclusions]! She said he needs to [get a life]!»
Person B: «Oh…» ❋ Future Mind-Controlling Robots (2010)

I saw your girl having lunch with some other dude, so [I came] to the [optical conclusion] that they were [bumpin’ uglies]! ❋ Jason Schueler (2007)

[self conclusion] is often [not the] best [solution] ❋ Nick A (2007)

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