Use the word in brief in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word in brief, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use in brief in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «in brief».

In brief in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word in brief in a sentence.

  1. This led to a new reactor design where the system operated in brief but very powerful pulses.

  2. They saw each other «almost simultaneously and we raised our arms in brief salute»; it was the last time he ever saw him.

  3. Armenia then later engaged in brief wars with both Azerbaijan (1918–1920) and Georgia (December 1918) to determine its final borders.

  4. The very late Greek epic poet Nonnus mentions the oxhide story in brief, while listing the Hyrians in his Catalogue of the Boeotian army of Dionysius.

  5. For over 90 years after his death, Juba was largely forgotten by dancers and historians, appearing only in brief passages in sources such as histories of minstrelsy.

  6. Æthelstan’s invasion is reported in brief by the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, and later chroniclers such as John of Worcester, William of Malmesbury, Henry of Huntingdon, and Symeon of Durham add detail to that bald account.

Synonyms for in brief

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word in brief has the following synonyms: concisely, briefly, shortly and in shor.

General information about «in brief» example sentences

The example sentences for the word in brief that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «in brief» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «in brief».

1. In brief, it’s like this.

2. In brief, I have made up my mind to quit job.

3. Here again are today’s headlines in brief.

4. In brief, take no risks.

5. She learnt to sleep in brief snatches.

6. We should, in brief, invest heavily in digital systems.

7. Sleep came to him in brief snatches.

8. Now the rest of the news in brief.

9. In brief, the meeting was a disaster.

10. To begin with, I’d like to tell in brief the importance of the work.

11. At 9:15, they give the foreign news in brief.

12. In brief, the President plans to cut defense spending and lower taxes.

13. In brief,(sentence dictionary) it was a fertile testing ground for those wishing to demonstrate prowess in their mastery of econometric technique.

14. In brief, the amount can be compared with the rate of natural radiation and so establish the date of a specimen.

15. In brief Constable reckons it will have the first UK-published book on the Waco disaster.

16. Where, in brief, was tap dance on the eve of millennium?

17. As for the report, it says, in brief, that my right thumb and middle finger have been identified.

18. In brief, it is another kind of digital telephone connection.

19. But his grandfather he only saw in brief glimpses, when James called in the hope of being given a shilling.

20. My response is, in brief, that no-supply is not more neutral than even-handed supply.

21. Vote paves way, page 2 News in brief: Ferries held up by gas leak.

22. Such, in brief outline, was the Combined Fleet plan for the Midway operation.

23. She snapped out careless retorts and soared in brief Puccinian reminiscences with equal ease.

24. The answer, in brief, is the method of empirical inquiry, at its best the method of science.

25. In brief, the matter stand thusly.

26. The significance of area effect was discussed in brief.

27. In brief, the connection between TKR and TSR has the important economical significance, as well as important political influence to the peace and stability of Korea Peninsula.

28. A scoffer , debauched person , and , in brief, a man of Belial.

29. No one stands out, although some emerge from the group in brief solos to express their personal sense of loss.

30. Occasionally the child makes a comment, and the two may engage in brief dialogue.

Examples of how to use the word “brief” in a sentence. How to connect “brief” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

brief (adj): lasting only a short time or containing few words

Use “brief” in a sentence

Just take a brief note.
Whatever advice you give, be brief.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


«Good seeing you again, brief as it was,» Ava said, and took him in a hug

Nichols has filed a patent application for a line of equipment that uses a brief exposure to extreme heat and hot water for the control of whitefly, aphids, mealybug, scale and mite infestations

Nichols has found a brief hot water treatment of 150160 F

There was a brief silence

taverna entrance and exchanged a brief word with the proprietor

‘Sorry, Mum, I’ll keep it as brief as I can

In the brief moment

This is just the brief storm

brief reflection from within the hood, a pale white howling light cast back at her from

“Life is a brief and ugly thing”, he whispered to himself, grimacing

For a brief moment we believed you, but we can’t have freedom, none of us

I forget exactly who we met, with whom we shared our brief but intense reminiscences, and to whom we said our goodbyes

The brief glimpses of my new home in this subterranean world that I had stored away as I watched and listened through the sacking started to coalesce and form a broader landscape

A brief opening revealed the mechs already spinning on their puffers and maneuvering to get what they’d come for

I was the star in the unseen acts of a brief life beneath the crust of the world

This was the sum total of my life for four days: mute acceptance punctuated by brief moments of dumb, brute defiance

The brief euphoria that came with a new voice and a soft hand was as fragile as my cracked ribs

From my own brief life, growing up in the security of a loving family and a stable and prosperous society, I had few further points of reference by which I could really measure the guards

The Kid kept up with the pleasantries and, although he was clearly my captor, I started to look forward to our brief interludes

What’s going on? The sonic war against me is getting more and more unbearable day by day and I just can’t stand it any more! For some strange reason, I am surrounded by all kinds of noise pollution: Every morning, at 7:30 am, my father gets out to the yard and keeps himself busy with meaningless tinkering and hammering at pieces of wood or metal for hours! When I return from work at 4:00 in the afternoon and lie in bed so as to have a brief nap, dad goes upstairs, to Alice’s half-built penthouse, and starts hammering at stuff again till 5:30 that I leave for the gym! He doesn’t really repair anything, he just enjoys the noise! The yard and the penthouse are full of rusty tools, old dilapidated furniture and all kinds of junk dad finds on the road and carries home! I often complain about the noise and the piggery but he never listens; on the contrary, he swears like a trooper!

One benefit of it all was that I started to see one or two faces clearly again, if only in those brief moments before the jostling thoughts and memories got too rough

For a brief moment I thought that we were all saved, that government forces had smashed into the apartment and would, in a few seconds, lead us hostages out through tear gas and back into the wintery sun of cold and forbidding England

Byram expected him back in fourteen local weeks, three quarters of the brief local year

A brief flash of red brake light in the gloom and then the snake back onto the straight and true

She caught a brief reflection from within the hood, a pale white howling light cast back at her from his eyes, a reflection of the moon and his ice cold soul

Already there was a fair bit of activity in the streets – people wandering around in what she could only assume was special holiday attire for men of brightly coloured shorts and tops, some women in absurdly brief skirts, others in long muslin affairs that wouldn’t look out of place on Errd, most of them carrying bags of towels and dragging small noisy children laden with buckets and spades

patched and flat nailed to offer brief rest

through the short days of brief lives

(opens a brief case and takes out a folder, puts on his reading glasses

While I told you in stage 4 not to attempt anything beyond getting your toes to leave the ground for a brief instant, in this stage I would like you to increase the effort which you put into the whole movement until very gradually your body becomes less likely to drop back immediately

Jeffery then began to give them a brief history of the dragons and their time in early earth history

The driver is monosyllabic, uttering brief, curt instructions to the animal and barely using the reins

Several times he caught a brief glimpse of the White in his peripheral vision

Berndt dismounts and hands Adamant over to him with a brief word of instruction, and then comes over to where Sefir is standing waiting

Their only indirect contact was when they exchanged thanks and some brief sound bites via a television link

Berndt catapults himself onto Adamant’s back and, with a brief glance at me to check I am ready, leads off back to the track

Daniel gave him a brief history of what had taken place during the last couple of years

She smiled and thanked him and then their eyes locked for a brief moment

Following a brief introduction by the Speaker, the great politician rose from his seat on the front bench and the wild chatter that had filled the great hall subsided and was replaced by a hum of nervous excitement

Terry also noticed that his heart wasn’t racing like it usually did after even a brief run

‘child’ and made eye contact for a brief moment

How did it go?’ Katie asked taking her eyes off the screen for a brief moment – they’re watching a re-run of Friends by the look of it

Basking in the glow cast by his brief but perfect musical accomplishments the young man grew older living a quiet life in the countryside with his darling mother

The house was stripped of the appropriate electronic devices and following a brief forensic examination of hard drives, flash disks and sundry other items of magnetic storage, the Detective Superintendent in command of the vice squad charged the young man with a number of crimes related to the storage and distribution of banned materials

Anyway, this chapter will teach you all about the Soul Slayer and I will try to cover all your bases while keeping it brief and to the point

The struggle was brief

He tried to respond to his wife and step-daughter, but apart from the odd brief conversation he preferred to occupy his time with work, well away from the sounds of the radio

Start by writing a brief description or bulleted list of the type of life you wish you could have

stresses of normal life, Jack and Jill’s brief flirtation with political

He had included a brief note about this favored captain of his, and his highest praise

contact was when they exchanged thanks and some brief sound

They spent another hour going over Ava’s history, then the next going over a brief introduction to their religion, especially as it applied to the ceremony of the bull

Following a brief introduction by the Speaker, the great

that his heart wasn’t racing like it usually did after even a brief run

For a brief moment she remembered the evening before and smiled

The last time I used them was when I had a brief bout of flu; there’s something soothing about a nice comfy pair of pyjamas

The brief encounter that followed put an end to the last of their plans for annihilating the Ogatu

Basking in the glow cast by his brief but perfect musical

In a brief time the memory of me will be washed away

He took a brief moment in his mind to put everything in perspective; but looking at the man

respond to his wife and step-daughter, but apart from the odd brief

The tussle was brief

Billy is back from a brief trip to the supermarket

A beam of sunlight broke through the cloud, lighting the colours on the feathers for a brief moment before disappearing again

The gaunt boy from Wednesday night seems to know a lot of people, but he only ever seems to have a brief chat with them

There is a brief pause

Livingson has graciously taken me on a brief tour of your new bungalows

The Sportsman received the proffered rod, noted the brief specifications inscribed on it indicating its intended line weight, length, and date of manufacture, then he carefully looked over its construction, made a flick of the wrist gesture to test its flex and handed it back to Mr

In Leona’s case the patient progress notes are brief

His sergeant is brief and to the point

” He paused to allow the young man to enjoy his brief satisfaction at the corroboration

As arranged, after they departed the dock the next day and had eaten their little lunch, George put posthole diggers in their hands, gave them a brief demonstration of how he wished them to use the tools and went back to the house

When they were almost home from the brief trip, and bouncing along the River Road in the borrowed chaise, George explained in an apologetic way that, “

The piece of tissue on the cut is pulled away with a sharp but brief nip

There was a brief silence at the end of the phone, obviously this was not what James expected

She did get to tell him more details of her brief life on Earth and her long years as an angel and about her villa in the Caribbean, the thing she missed the most in the Yakhan

Without notice, Harry had put his fingers on the page in the brief which would corroborate his companion’s statements

The moment passes, a moment of joint recollection, a moment of brief understanding

There was a brief pause before

Roman gave a brief wave

Those few brief seconds of lunacy, of boisterous, burning Bedlam, subside and the world returns to its normal silent, brooding state

Roman gave a brief smile, like he wasn’t surprised at all

The brief railway trip to Birmingham was uneventful, as was the even more brief hop down to Redditch

The gentlemen made plans for a tour of the factory in the morning and arrangements for Henry’s Entrance Examinations, for which he would be making a brief trip to Malvern the day after tomorrow

After a brief but probing interview, during which Harry was told of the school’s twenty year history, and record for graduating the best and brightest, and his own responsibilities, should he be admitted

‘Take a seat,’ was the brief reply, accompanied by a

amazed that the man had remembered him from their brief

The secret tells of a short lived moment of peace, a brief interlude, a space between the blip and slide of the monitor soundtrack that pervades every spare inch of the intensive care unit

Plassan with a brief wave of dismissal

After a brief glance at the two Knights to see if they were

brief nod of recognition in the direction of Jean, and

I give her a brief outline of the day

Spelman gave them a brief outline of his several destinations on the first leg of his journey and kept the bulk of his itinerary for his own travels close to his vest

A brief nod from the latter

For a brief moment she was Marilyn Monroe

Roman gave a brief smile

The entire diversion, save the brief conversations with the locals, took as little time as window shopping

brief hesitation, invited him to be seated and share their

“Not to worry, the scientists have been briefed thoroughly, by me

“Well, you’ll probably be briefed about this, but let me explain

Tom and the others had been briefed about the import/export

They had been briefed

understood, and they had been briefed on them during one of the

spies would have made sure they were properly briefed

meal he briefed the others on his morning’s endeavours

This was linked to the highest government security organization, it was their job to know of every security matter – and indeed he had been briefed by their representative before embarking on the project, there were considerable issues regarding espionage

The next day we were once again briefed on what was going to happen during the attack Major Danby told us

Soon after Captain Waddell briefed his crewmembers on news

They hadn’t been briefed on the situation they found themselves in now

“It has occurred to me, Commander,” she said casually, “that when you briefed us earlier

He had, however, been briefed extensively of his mission

At the next stop, Manna briefed the other two adventurers on the salient points of his conversation with Jayana

As I said, I’ve been fully briefed

New employees must be briefed on arrival what to do

I guess you have some questions, but you will be briefed in the dirigible

When I suggested just that, all I’d gotten was two sets of awkward looks, with Jules adding with some hesitation that “you’ll be briefed by higher echelons”

“You’ll be briefed about that

I had been briefed in hurriedly on what the current tactical situation was: Eileen was holed up around the gateway on the after-world’s end

Be reminded of course, that the Castigator is always briefed on our meetings and though we have been given executive control of the Holy Campaign, whatever course of action we decide on has to be ratified by His Piousness

This one wasn’t properly briefed, he saw it in an instant

He had only been briefed on them

“I know that General Zalith has already briefed you on the official line, and told you all that you officially need to know

He said, “Sir, the Dark Knights were hesitant about this mission when we were first briefed

He briefed the new Chief Justice extensively on the pending Brown v

“Keep tracking it, the President and I are having a private meeting after he is fully briefed on this situation

Perhaps they hadn’t briefed their boss

Perhaps they hadn’t briefed their boss appropriately beforehand or truly had ideas

I’ve briefed these boys so that you’ll arrive just as the court members begin to get there

He absently crumpled the can in one hand, tossed it in the trash, and said he was ready to be briefed

The F-100 pilots assigned to War Zone Charley Three made several nose-holding �peeyew� remarks as they were briefed by the two men

Tony briefed him on the

Each flight had a fifth man, a spare, who was briefed with the rest, with an airplane loaded for the strike

Lastly, they heard an air battle high up and saw a stick figure in a parachute plummet into the jungle to the north in an area they had been specifically briefed was free of enemy movement

He had been briefed a month earlier an encounter such as this might occur in his region

You may have not been briefed, as this is classified information

They apparently briefed him

Besides the men need to be addressed and briefed, for some of them it will be the first proper combat that they have seen

«You’ll be briefed there

of the specialists briefed me on all the details and gave me instructions that had to be followed

Michael returned to the meeting and briefed those present on the latest development

He said we will be fully briefed at the meeting

The familiar gravely voice of the PM was loud and clear “Have you been briefed on Operation Riverstorm?” “Yes Sir, briefly two days ago

Bors briefed his eldest son, Torvald, about the disappearance of the Dire Queen from Arkadia

I’d called Barry and briefed him on what I had found out about our mystery man, Mr

“The director personally briefed the Secretary yesterday,” Jersey informed me while I sat in his office

“Yeah, Lieutenant Fung briefed us on that case

the morning, he snuck away from his hidey hole and briefed the others then took

Roger continued, “Now listen, Nick will be fully briefed with the details and will address the workforce at the end of the next set of shifts until everyone’s been updated

By the end of the day she had been briefed on almost how to use everything

She recalled that day when swamiji briefed her about the life and times of Suresh

The MD briefed James on every aspect of the case and handed the files relating thereto over to James, bemoaning the fact that the Digital Memory-camcorder and evidence had been destroyed in the fire — otherwise the case would have been sewn up already

John Ritchie smiled at the couple reassuringly, “I know everything that is written here in the file and my father has briefed me on most of your conversations

Tsar Nikolas had first briefed the trusted Imperial Guards Officer, Colonel Ilya Orlov on the vital mission at a Polish railway junction called Baranovivchi

If you have a problem with that I can give you Sir Peter Stevenson’s contact details and you can be briefed directly by him

I will ask most of you in this room to stand down after you have fully briefed members of my team with what progress you’ve made

Greg briefed Sebastian on their battles and the status of the survivors

New faces would be arriving in the town soon and would need to be briefed, allocated tasks and managed, and the results of their efforts absorbed across the team and co-ordinated with all the activities of the people already working on the case

Having said that, I assume that Rachel and Wendy will be briefed this evening in private

Demery had briefed his team and was just about to head off round to the police station where Dewi Pugh was being held when he spotted his helicopter pilot, Ed Sillett, sitting in the temporary canteen in the hall, feet up on a chair, reading a novel

He briefed a team to put all their efforts into investigating Gwendolyn Gerrish and the Llancoed estate

The scenario he briefed me to evaluate was for the rise of a nationalist military force in Wales

Rachel had briefed everyone on their parts in the plans

I briefed Vicky Brannan to test my proposition that a single high profile terrorist act could bring about the breakaway of Wales from the UK

The Home Secretary was courteous but sounded pressed for time so Sir James briefed her with what was happening and what he needed from her as quickly and concisely as he could

Special Branch has briefed me

Were any of them captured?” Suwanee had been briefed on how to answer this question, and she moved forward to respond

We were not briefed on any of the activities inside

‘I don’t think so Myleena! We were briefed earlier that military aircraft would still be able to operate, as they use a different, more secure system

Federation Space Force pilots and navigators were well briefed on their locations

Using the tight beams of the targeting lasers, Rachel briefed the pilots of the other ships that along with the Albert Schweitzer had been running continuous passes at the comet in order to force it out of its impactful trajectory

Once briefed, the ships assembled into formation and linked together

The engineers had been thoroughly briefed on what to look for when they entered the plant

They were treated to coffee and pastries while they were briefed on the situation below

I am out at the site at the moment and I have just been briefed on the findings so far

Aida and Buddy briefed Greg on what they had learned

Moses and Saul briefed each other on what had happened since they had last talked

“That fits with our observations,” Captain Simpson said after Rachel had briefed him on the combat reports

Over the course of the week in transit, Saul briefed his crews on his plans and they developed contingencies in support of his ideas

After he had briefed her on his progress she said, “Wren, you need to let the Genie out of the bottle

Laura was never briefed on the full nature of the project

I was briefed in detail about what transpired during the

During the meal Jim briefed Jo in with as much detail as

‘’Good! Were you briefed about the latest developments about her?’’

Declan had briefed Holkey over the

tasks and their army officers briefed the new troops, all was

Rigden, but I think she’d been briefed

couple of minutes and she quickly briefed him on their

Yesterday evening, the head of the OSS, General Donovan, briefed me about it

I simply got briefed on the incoming ceremony

As of this morning you are now in the care of Major Dows, who will bring you to the embassy, where you will be briefed on what’s next for you

Ken nearly froze at those words: as the commander of a combat unit vital to the defense of Manila area, Adams should have been briefed about the known Japanese attack plans

Ingrid, her shift completed for the day and having briefed her replacement, was grabbing her backpack to leave the operations center when an American lieutenant came to her

The justice and foreign ministers are going to be briefed this morning by my superintendant about these Russian agents and my guess is that the Russian ambassador will be called in for a rather stinging diplomatic rebuke

Mother said she had arranged for a full Toltec meeting to take place in the square in ten days time, all the elders had been briefed and knew what to do and say

Mack Gavins, the night shift manager, left me upstairs in his office while he briefed a crew on an ongoing engine room problem in a 150-foot yacht in dock three

� ��Sir Anthony just briefed me on his visit to Washington

«Well, I thought you would want to be thoroughly informed in advance and I saw that you had signed in but not signed off on the briefing forms so it struck me as strange

They made sure that he could cross-reference the relevant sections with his own briefing notes and that he could quote verbatim from all of the sections and paragraphs that would support the arguments he was to make in his speech

them huddled together at the end of his pre-battle briefing

own briefing notes and that he could quote verbatim from all of the

Needless to say, Naria was late for her morning briefing; a first for her

Altera had just finished briefing Naria on the events that took place during the night when word came by courier that Lord Tarak was fine and would recover

At the regular morning briefing Sergeant Miller runs through the usual range of operations for the oncoming day shift

In the briefing room Felina3 was trying to access the records shortly before Dan went missing, but all she could find was a very complicated uploaded virus which had deleted most of the names on the database!

We are about to go to the restroom when Grenwer said, ‘Dan and Reeas, will you please join me in the briefing room

I have my orders and from what I was told at the briefing, this is a big one

I’ve only had the same briefing as you

During the pre-flight briefing there was never any mention of an escape pod

Whistles had started blowing and the Sgt’s and Cpl’s were shouting at us to get over the command dugout for a briefing

We were deployed in open line waiting for the order to move forward and CSM Domby was briefing us as we waited

The following day we had our own problem the 42nd had landed yesterday the 5th and it was still landing today the 6th we had been called to a morning briefing and we were now waiting for Major Danby to tell us what was going on

The Captain had just started his final briefing and we listened avidly as he said

“I have to go on my inspection rounds at the moment but Sgt Barnes is more than capable of briefing you and I will catch up with you later on”, we saluted and he went off to do his rounds

On the 5th of August we were gathered together again for another briefing and were told that we had to attack the Turkish defences yet again Major Danby said to us

The next night Captain Thornley had a patrol briefing on so it was left to me to show our new Lieutenant Mr Jennings who had just been posted in where to pick it up from as he would be taking over the duty from the Captain

Night fell and we got ready for the wiring party then after the briefing we got up onto the top of the parapet and led down from this position it wasn’t hard to see where the apron wire had been damaged by the shell fire this morning and we could see that there was a fair bit to do

” Shortly after me and Ted received another briefing from Lieutenant Pearson as he said to us

“If you would be so good as to carry on with the briefing Charles

After it was safe to come out Frank and I set off down the trench for the final briefing that Lt Pearson was going to give us

He started his briefing saying

We were now told that we would be returning to the front line and that we would stay there until the offensive kicked off and that today we would receive our first proper briefing for the attack and that we would be attacking the dummy trenches again this was greeted by a big groan from us

” After the briefing was finished we got once more to attack the mocked up trenches but this time we had men with flags simulating the creeping artillery barrage whilst we walked in a line behind it and wondered to ourselves what this would be like with more than seventy pounds of equipment on your person

” The briefing broke up and we went off to get ready for tomorrow each one of us with our own thoughts and more than a little fear coursing through our veins

“Don’t worry,” N’robo had told him after the briefing, “the captain would never put her

“We’ve been lucky,” said Jhordel, addressing the others seated about the briefing room

Imbrahim started to leave with the others, but at the door to the briefing room he hesitated

“There’ll be a final briefing in ten minutes,” she said, interrupting him

briefing room to know what it was she was going to tell them

Gonzalez knew from his briefing notes that there were two security guards on duty, and from the prominent nose and slight limp, this had to be Lynas

Fucking idiots! Why didn’t they tell him that in his briefing notes

Note it is basically the same all over Africa and part of a briefing we usually give to newcomers

It is part of my pre-deployment briefing to warn against this type of behaviour

Arriving back at the briefing tent; I looked around the room, and it quieted down

The boys were sitting around the briefing room, most of them, when I entered

Often I felt a long moment of dread, especially when walking into the briefing room, and seeing all those innocent young faces beaming after their latest escapade

Despite the sunshine, it was still March, so I put on a sweater and went out and around to the briefing tent

The Adj was taking good notes of virtually every briefing, lecture, and even a few ‘bull-sessions,’ along the way

We figured at the briefing that the nine of us could clear this target in less than twenty minutes; and it would be preferable if it were ten or fifteen minutes

Okay, so I lied, but in my experience you’re better off hearing about it in the briefing room, after lunch; and not before

Someone commiserated with me, upon rejoining a group of men currently not involved in the operations at the fuel points, the re-arming points, the briefing rooms

“Word is, the Flying Circus went about ten miles south this morning,” Dawley continued our informal briefing

Our morning briefing indicated that this was the 16th Reserve Bavarian Infantry Regiment, and I had a personal score to settle with one or two of them guys

“That might have sounded funny to some people in here,” he said, still gazing around the room to indicate he knew who he was talking about and disapproved, “because you conclude every briefing with these words

Ten minutes later all of the troopers went through a full briefing of the assault plan so that everyone knew exactly what they were doing and could carry out the mission without any further orders

Time for a briefing

Tipping me a wink, he went on with the briefing, as all the men looked and listened eagerly

That’s what I told the boys during the briefing

Sim went on with the briefing

The time has been allotted for your cultural briefing,” said Sim

After a briefing on Court protocol

” Clive proceeded with the briefing

Clive related how he went there to pick up Brendan upon arrival, take him to breakfast and then the morning pre-Council briefing, as scheduled

Clive’s thoughts were cluttered, as he worked through the last briefing

He then urged him to continue with a nod in his direction, seeing that he had been waiting for a signal to conclude his briefing, his brief pause merely an element of style:

I have your daily briefing

She gave me a thorough briefing on the events leading to Adam and Susan‘s arrest

While he did that I turned to one of the Dark Knights and said, “Gather up your team for final briefing

“Commander, please come to the observation lounge for pre-battle briefing,” I said over the comm

Captain Mackeller and his copilot left the morning briefing

two days before, briefing him on the situation

I then climbed into the truck and conducted as thorough a briefing as possible without disclosing how I came by this knowledge

The news stations were in full force briefing Joe Public on

After we landed, I was so unsettled that I had to sit in the briefing

The thought of spending a whole month without her was making me miserable, Bill finished briefing us and we went out of his office

briefing staff may misinterpret your actions as being a review of their

“In a briefing held on 10 June for the whole 6033rd staff, the subject was discussed, was it not, Colonel?”

Ken stationed himself in a briefing room inside one of the large hangars and waited for the call that would begin the refueling operation

When he returned to the briefing room, he found the S

After the table was cleared and the waiters dismissed, aides erected the portable briefing easels to hold the target information charts

«What about your recce plans with the NRO? You were getting to the point of briefing the JCS, weren’t you?» The CSAF was asking Whitey about his position on the board of the National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO) and its attempt to set up intelligence gathering in hostile Southeast Asia (SEA) areas with a combination of ground teams, drones at low altitudes, U-2s in the upper atmosphere, and satellites in space

«At the ambush this morning, the armored column was cut into four sections,» Court began the briefing

Shawn took pictures of Court and his briefing map

With the exception of China Boy, the briefing was good news

Lochert had already read Myers’s after-action report before the briefing

«The main problem we had was communications,» Bannister said in conclusion of his briefing

Bannister, already standing at the briefing board, cocked his head and made a swallowing gesture

He wrapped up his briefing with a reiteration of the safe bailout areas and the Rules of Engagement: don’t fly within 30 miles of the Chinese border; 30 miles of Haiphong Harbor; 30 miles from Hanoi; and of course, you can’t hit the MiG bases at Phuc Yen, Gia Lam, Kep, or Hoa Loc

The force commander wrapped up the briefing with a final word

» Without another word, Fred�erick got up and walked out of the briefing room

The other pilots grouped together to head toward their individual squadron briefing rooms

Frederick and Court joined the members of Pintail flight to listen to the final briefing in the squadron building

They, two lieutenants and a captain, had come to Phan Rang to give a class�ified briefing to selected FAC students in the Theater Indoctrination School about their mission which was to insert Army Special Forces into areas deep inside enemy territory and later, extract them

Not all the FAC students at the school received their briefing, just those who would have Green Hornet missions in their tactical areas of responsibility

The Congressman had allotted three days for his trip; one day to visit four major bases to meet with the troops (his heads-up TWX had specif�ic�ally requested he meet with lads from Wisconsin since he had an election coming up in the fall); one day to tour Saigon and receive a one hour briefing from General Westmoreland; and one day to rest up, shop, and attend an embassy function in his honor

Apparently the president had seen the news coverage of Warren»s visit with the Senate Subcommittee, and wanted to be given a personal briefing

The briefing will be in five minutes

After the briefing when just the two Su-Katii remained in conversation Lord Thulsa also let slip to Barrad that the Tanarian capital would also be too pre-occupied to mount an effective defence

“When you arrive and the guards stop you just tell them you’re there for briefing

Peter Thornton from the federal drug team is going to hold a briefing for all of us later today

Peter Thornton opened the meeting by introducing himself and handing out some briefing papers that he had his office staff produce earlier in the day

The sample briefing sheet below contains information that’s useful to have

Taking his position next to the oversized monitor, their chief resumed his briefing and let

Kalum kept his eyes to the floor for the remainder of the briefing

quickly went over the items that the chief had deliberately left out of their briefing

I spent about an hour briefing Adam on the investigation and discussed what still had to be done

anything at all during the briefing

Prince Ahmed, wearing furry slippers, a pair of boxer shorts with Snoopy on them, and a frilly bathrobe, sits miserably on the silk sheets of his huge canopy waterbed, while his portly, graying American lover, RICCI BAOLONI, cardigan sweater and cotton briefs, plays softly at the white baby grand piano nearby

Over the next three or four days a succession of busy city types, who had invested in this run down part of the city in an attempt to make a killing on property prices in a rising market, brought around baskets full of striped shirts, frilly blouses and flimsy briefs to be ironed

baskets full of striped shirts, frilly blouses and flimsy briefs to be

She had on a little more clothing, briefs and a sports bra

to the news on the radio, even those short briefs every hour

He never wore underwear, though she had tried on several occasions to induce him to at least wear briefs, without success

Standing in front of her in only his briefs, he looked at her inquisitively as if waiting for her to say something

Then she carefully felt his cock through the cloth of his briefs

The solicitor acting for these masquerading princes and forgers, found he could not weave a single mesh of the legal net required for a prima facie case, though he had twisted and contorted every clause of the laws relating to libel, and waded through briefs innumerable, in the hope of finding a precedent

Bondage Briefs: Bondage Briefs is fifteen sizzling fantasies put to paper by Lordgrth

” For silly little whimsical fantasy try “Tongue Tied,” or the title story “Bondage Briefs

There was a double pee-flap, just like a pair of briefs of the bikini type

He wore what I’d call black briefs

I didn’t like briefs because I didn’t like the ugly bulge

A few seconds later, he stands before me in a maroon shirt with a matching waistcoat, briefs and nothing else

“We will prepare and exchange briefs of the resources at our disposal

He wore only gold colored silk briefs

He can’t be fooling with maps and strike briefs and debriefs

The states filed court briefs that supported the intent of conservation and environmental groups to force the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Coast Guard to enforce ballast discharge regulations in coastal and inland waters (Meersman, “Great Lakes States File Suit,” 2004)

He had put on some boxer briefs, which he quickly shed, and approached the bed

He had pulled on his briefs, looking most thoughtful when

Michael found his briefs and trousers and pulled them on, then

Clarity and the girls saw through progressive news briefs on television conducting public opinion polls that the letter had hit the publicś sentiment right on target

A black and white photo of me in my briefs appeared on the posters outside the theatre on Tuesday afternoon, and in the local Wednesday paper

He lay upon his bed, stripped down to briefs after showering,

The scale of remuneration reflected society’s values; being photographed in sexy briefs paid twice as much as wearing a suit; naked and alone paid four times as much; and performing naked with others would have rewarded me with ten times as much as standing in pyjamas

young tart had just emptied my briefs and bent her head forward to use

Cherybus had been reading his briefs after all and

” The TV interrupted the silence of her preparations with repeated the warnings and news briefs

” Ava sighed helplessly as Nicolas kissed her, then unbuttoned his pants and pushed down the waistband of his boxer briefs to reveal the throbbing erection she was desperate to feel inside her

He reached for his briefs again, and Ashley bit him on the neck

» After closing the door behind him, he immediately began to pull off his white t-shirt, and boxer briefs

After scanning through three pages, he eventually stumbled across a small article under the Area Briefs section

After sinking his teeth into a greasy, oversized cheeseburger, he turned the pages to the Area Briefs section

Wearing only their briefs, Max and James climbed down the rope ladder and dropped into the sea

Without a word, she climbed off Tom, used his briefs to clean herself, and threw them in his face

He stripped to his briefs and told Star to stop the boat, while he swam around and cleaned

I put my briefs and pants back on and lay down on the bed

briefs and a brand new silky purple lace bra that was made of just

a pair of briefs that would have fitted a three year old girl

When he started to reach for a pair of white cotton briefs out of his dresser’s middle drawer, a creaking sound unexpectedly resounded from his doorway

They put him into the tank with difficulty, Michael stripped down to his briefs

Catherine took charge of all the domestic arrangements, helped more than usually by the military authorities, while Bill got on with clearing up his job in Cyprus, preparing written briefs and eventually – after only three day’s notice – handing over to his successor, Major Julian Evans

She bent her knees as he did this and slipped off her briefs

pre-dive briefs, fish feeding is strictly out

has stripped down to his briefs

Sound retreated to his own room and Cap’n stripped down to his briefs

I have to admit even then, in the middle of this life altering realization, I was still looking down at her naked bottom half, except for her skin tight zebra print briefs, and thinking about doing to her the thing that got us to this point

She removed his jeans and then stripped off his black Boxers briefs, looking away, and covering him with a blanket as quickly as she could

He wore only a pair of black swimming briefs that were threadbare in

His chief was away; he just glanced at the briefs, then cut himself a pen, and at last took up his hat and went out

Alexander Haig briefs the press in the aftermath of the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan

Same tight leather briefs

She labored past midnight on both Monday and Tuesday, and with Jill out of the office, she worked through her lunch hours all week, eating takeout at her desk while toiling on various briefs

Just hide in here, do the research, write the briefs, work the long hours you’re accustomed to working

“During my second year of law school, we had to do a mock appellate case; write the briefs and argue before a three-judge panel, really just three law professors, but they were notorious for grilling the students

” I give him a small smile and pull up the waistband of the boxer briefs I’m wearing so he can see

He’s laid out a pair of his jersey boxer briefs, too — Ralph Lauren, no less

But she already has his jeans around his ankles, and one hand is foraging matter-of-factly in his briefs, as though reaching into a bowl for a goldfish

He came to breakfast in a loosely belted kimono he’d found at a secondhand shop downtown and a pair of bright white briefs

He drapes a towel over Daddy’s shoulder and sends him into the bathroom with a clean pair of briefs from the dresser

Should she try to spend as much time as possible with John and her children? What would that mean practically? Sit with Anna while she typed her briefs, shadow Tom on his rounds, observe Lydia in acting class? How was she supposed to tell them that they each had a 50 percent chance of going through this? What if they blamed and hated her like she blamed and hated her father?

Her desk was piled high with briefs

He was only wearing a T-shirt and briefs

CNN was on, the international business briefs, which seemed appropriate

In briefs of only seven to nine lines each, the ten most important new stories are summarized

Titled “To The Point,” it provides some 50 business briefs, arranged by industry sector, and short summaries on the nation, the world, and the economy

I can quickly scan each headline and read the briefs I’m interested in

Sentences starting with brief

  • Brief letters to Redpath of this time have an interest and even a humor of their own. [5]
  • Brief note, mailed at a way-station. [5]

Sentences ending with brief

  • His life, which yesterday had appeared so immeasurably long, now seemed brief, pitifully brief. [10]
  • Witness after witness was called by the state, and questioned at length; but the cross questioning was brief. [5]
  • But his enjoyment was brief. [5]
  • Even her letters to her friend are scarce and brief. [14]
  • The perceptions of the banker were as keen, and his sense of security was brief. [9]
  • During the remainder of our conference I will silence it, and can therefore be brief. [10]
  • The first chronicles of disaster were usually brief! [11]
  • At the risk of being picked to pieces by the corporation lawyers who may read these pages, we shall attempt to state the situation and with all modesty and impartiality—for we, at least, hold no brief. [9]
  • I must be more brief. [10]
  • No, it was likely to be easy and brief. [5]

Short sentences using brief

  • It is very brief. [12]
  • There was a brief silence. [9]
  • A brief silence. [9]
  • That in brief. [11]
  • It was brief. [11]
  • Be brief. [10]

Sentences containing brief two or more times

  • It is a thing which could hardly exist in the practical North; would certainly last but a very brief time; as brief a time as it would last in London. [5]

More example sentences with the word brief in them

  • He thought the young gentleman could hardly find time for such a meeting during his brief visit. [6]
  • I will tell you the brief tale of two lives. [11]
  • I can give you only a brief abstract of my own opinions on this delicate and difficult subject. [6]
  • In brief, sir, you are the kind of lad I should have been had not fate pushed me into a corner, and made me squirm for life’s luxuries. [9]
  • She thought it would restore her peace of mind forever if she could succeed in speaking to him for even one brief moment and telling him what a transformation his guilt had wrought in her ardent love and her whole nature. [10]
  • In brief, earnest words he confessed his love for her, and his desire to make her his own, as the pride and ornament of his house. [10]
  • After these farewell words Frau Maria’s features became painfully distorted, the lids drooped over her eyes, there was a brief struggle, then a slight gesture from the physician announced to the weeping group that her earthly pilgrimage was over. [10]
  • The questions which, without heeding his companion, she now with crimson cheeks poured upon Don Luis as if fairly frantic, he answered in brief, businesslike words. [10]
  • The brief questions with which he received the blind artist were kindly, and as natural as though addressing an equal, and every remark made in connection with Hermon’s answers revealed a very quick and keen intellect. [10]
  • To have dealing with the devil—well, that would send her to the stake in brief order, and that was the deliberate end and aim of this trial. [5]
  • Her eyes sparkled with joy, and her features wore an expression of compassion only at brief intervals, when the youth spoke of the greatest sufferings which he had borne with his uncle. [10]
  • He contented himself with a brief statement of the case. [5]
  • In brief, I wish you the recovery of your health, Pellican, and you a joyous life of happiness and honor, my worthy comrade. [10]
  • Mr. Motley’s successor will find his mission wonderfully facilitated by the firmness and discretion that have presided over the conduct of American affairs in this country during too brief a term, too suddenly and unaccountably concluded. [6]
  • In it you will find a brief argument in favor of conventions—and although I wrote it myself I will say to you that it is conclusive upon the point and can not be reasonably answered. [7]
  • A brief summary will be sufficient to recall to the reader’s mind the more salient points in this work. [1]
  • It is they who have eaten up the $14,000 I left with you in such a brief time, no doubt. [5]
  • The new scene which would result from this change had been conjured before the Queen’s mental vision with marvellous celerity, and she described it in brief, vivid language to the architect. [10]
  • Serious questions to which she had never given a thought had been brought before her; and yet, in this brief period of anxiety she had gained the precious sense of youthfulness and of capacity for action when she had to depend on herself. [10]
  • Time passes swiftly when thoughts are cheerful, or are only tinged with the soft melancholy of a brief separation. [11]
  • I feel grateful when I can permit our poets to adorn my leisure for a brief space. [10]
  • Nothing can cloud what these brief moments have bestowed. [10]
  • When I contrast what I have achieved in my measurably brief life with what he has achieved in his possibly briefer one, the effect is to sweep utterly away the ten-story edifice of my own self-appreciation and leave nothing behind but the cellar. [5]
  • Some households there were, indeed, which maintained a precarious though seemingly miraculous footing on the surface, or near it, going under for mere brief periods, only to rise again and flaunt men-servants in the face of Providence. [9]
  • The services here were very brief, and the casket was soon lowered to its final resting-place. [6]
  • Its precipitous sides were powdered over with snow, and the upper half hidden in thick clouds which now and then dissolved to cobweb films and gave brief glimpses of the imposing tower as through a veil. [5]
  • But their prayers were brief, for the tumult came nearer and nearer; Apollodorus wrung his hands, and struck his fist against his forehead; his movements were violent—spasmodic. [10]
  • Our parting words were as brief as, of necessity, they had been on our journey through the mountains, for the ladies had ridden the horses which we had sent over for ourselves from Viking, and we men walked in front. [11]
  • In fact, Joan went but little into detail herself, usually merely saying, «That is not true—passez outre»; or, «I have answered that before—let the clerk read it in his record,» or saying some other brief thing. [5]
  • I think that we may fairly claim a superiority in our journals over the English dailies in our habit of making brief, pointed editorial paragraphs. [4]
  • His sole wish was to forget his misery, though but for a brief time. [10]
  • Long afterwards I was hunting out a paper of Dumeril’s in an old journal,—the «Magazin Encyclopedique» for l’an troisieme, (1795,) when I stumbled upon a brief article on the vibrations of the spire of Strasburg Cathedral. [6]
  • My whole nature was filled with the longing to utilize and enjoy this brief earthly life which Feuerbach had proved was to end with death. [10]
  • The young beauty was by no means content with a brief greeting; but drew Helena entirely away from him. [10]
  • The judge’s charge was brief, and, if anything, a little in favour of the prisoner—very little, a casuist’s little; and the jury filed out of the room. [11]
  • Therefore, the artist was assured by his military companion, Philadelphus could let the campaign take its course, and permit himself the brief period of rest in this strangely chosen place, which the leeches had advised. [10]
  • She heard the warning voice of her companion, she saw the crowd staring at her, she had, no doubt, a brief struggle with her maidenly shyness, but she carried out her purpose. [10]
  • The Secretary of War will suspend the order of General Hunter mentioned within, until further order and direct him to send to the Department a brief report of what is known against each one proposed to be dealt with. [7]
  • Towards morning Margot waked out of a brief sleep, and found the Cure and his sister and others about her bed. [11]
  • After a brief waiting Krool entered the room with irritating deliberation and closed the door behind him. [11]
  • Very unlike Barine’s voice, too, were the deep, earnest tones trembling with emotion, in which she confronted him with the brief question, concealing a faint reproach, «Another demand? [10]
  • These brief, precious visits were the chief interests of his long days. [5]
  • In her brief visit to Dion’s couch she had not learned how he bore his own misfortunes and Barine’s, what view he took of the future, or what he expected from the woman he loved. [10]
  • I shall be very brief in my citations. [3]
  • Vouchsafe then to Verus a brief space of happiness before the horrible end you foresee for him. [10]
  • It was not unexpected, yet his brief report fell heavily on the heart of Els, which had just ventured to beat gaily and lightly. [10]
  • I made but two brief visits to the British Museum, and I can easily instruct my reader so that he will have no difficulty, if he will follow my teaching, in learning how not to see it. [6]
  • In brief, the Truro Railroad found itself very advantageously placed, as Mr. Worthington and Mr. Flint had foreseen. [9]
  • To climb a tree and shake it, to club it, to strip it of its fruit, and pass to the next, is the sport of a brief time. [4]
  • I would always treat any given young person passing through the meteoric showers which rain down on the brief period of adolescence with great tenderness. [6]
  • Rainy Saturdays, all too brief, Honora had passed there, when the big dolls’ house in the playroom became the scene of domestic dramas which Edith rehearsed after she went to bed, although Mary took them more calmly. [9]
  • Miles Hendon and Tom Canty were favourites of the King, all through his brief reign, and his sincere mourners when he died. [5]
  • You owe it to yourselves and to the situation to be brief, and, if I may say so, you owe it to me. [11]
  • This impartial testimony to the superior qualities of the establishment and its head attracted a number of applicants for admission, and a couple of new boarders made a brief appearance at the table. [6]
  • He can take to the philosophic meerschaum, and nicotine himself at brief intervals into a kind of buzzing and blurry insensibility, until he begins to «color» at last like the bowl of his own pipe, and even his mind gets the tobacco flavor. [6]
  • He had something to tell their uncle, and the communication appeared to permit no delay, for with a haste very unusual in the deliberate old gentleman he left the two sisters with a brief farewell. [10]
  • It is necessary to show in a brief glance what had been going on in Europe during the latter part of that century, the first quarter of which had been made illustrious in the history of medical science by the discovery of the circulation. [3]
  • When he tried to rouse him and spur him to greater energy his favorite would look at him beseechingly, and though he made every effort to be of use to him and to show him a cheerful countenance it was always with but brief success. [10]
  • A brief admonition to renounce her earthly love in order to share the divine one whose rich joys he hoped to taste that very day was the farewell greeting he vouchsafed Eva. [10]
  • I look forward to next summer with the confident intention that she shall, if possible, make at least a brief sojourn at the sea-side. [14]
  • Its business is to live a brief chicken life, lay, and be eaten. [4]
  • She never sought to know whence the man came; it was sufficient to know whither he had gone, and that he had been hers for a brief dream of life. [11]
  • Jack’s brief notes to her were therefore, as usual, indefinite, but with the hint that he was beginning to see a way out of his embarrassment. [4]
  • However, he came to her in every pause to exchange at least a few brief words and a glance. [10]
  • I had threatened to go to her, and more than once I started packing…. Three days later I received a brief note in which she managed to convey to me, though tenderly and compassionately, that her decision was unalterable. [9]
  • The Sellerses were to go to England with their new allies for a brief visit, but when it was time to take the train from Washington, the colonel was missing. [5]
  • He was glad to find her in the possession of such treasures, but his time was limited, and he must, unfortunately, content himself with this last brief meeting. [10]
  • It is important to catch this brief glimpse of the man for whom this masterpiece was written, for without it one can not fully understand the spirit in which 1601 was written, or the keen enjoyment which Mark and «Joe» derived from it. [5]
  • She supposed him to be unconscious, but the refreshing water had already dispelled the brief swoon, and he felt the caress with a thrill of rapture. [10]
  • This mention led to a friendly correspondence between the writer and one of the professors in the theological school at Andover, and finally to the publication of a brief essay, which, for some reason, had been withheld from publication for more than a century. [6]
  • There was no time to say more, and the brief talk ended at that point. [5]
  • In that brief time these serfs have set themselves free essentially. [5]
  • In brief, the time is fast approaching, I think, when ‘Thorough’ should be written on all our banners. [6]
  • In the brief time in which he had seen her and this other man, Austen’s quickened perceptions had detected tacit understanding, community of interest, a habit of thought and manner,—in short, a common language, unknown to him, between the two. [9]
  • Only a brief time for consideration remained; for, even as she bowed her head on the bosom of her friend, the «introducer» entered the room, crying, «Her illustrious Majesty will expect those whom she summoned in a few minutes! [10]
  • There ran swiftly through the young man’s brain the brief story that Pretty Pierre had told him. [11]
  • Heinz Schorlin gazed thoughtfully after him a short time, then beckoned to Biberli and, though the interval required for him to reach his master’s side was very brief, it was sufficient for the bold young lover, tortured by his ardent longing, to form another idea. [10]
  • To enjoy it, though but for a brief season, she ought not to refuse to bear the hardest, most terrible things, and, if what was now her secret became rumoured among the people, to accept humiliation, shame, and scorn. [10]
  • On his way thither, feeling a certain faintness, he turned aside into a small house whose occupants he knew, and asked to sit down for a brief rest, and then, as the faintness increased, to lie undisturbed on the lounge for a few minutes. [4]
  • Like this—just like this—was every earthly pleasure, every joy of this brief existence. [10]
  • The last came this very morning, in the shape of a neat and brief poem, from New Orleans. [6]
  • Yet, with all this scope of precedent, I now enter upon the same task for the brief constitutional term of four years under great and peculiar difficulty. [7]
  • I am to this day profiting somewhat by that experience; for in that brief, sharp schooling, I got personally and familiarly acquainted with about all the different types of human nature that are to be found in fiction, biography, or history. [5]
  • In one of these is a brief reference to the above-quoted incident. [4]
  • By and by there was one which contained a single line: «Court now coming in after brief recess to hear verdict. [5]
  • True, they allowed themselves only brief intervals of rest, but they were long enough to show her how the sufferer’s strength was failing. [10]
  • Any information from their ranks to him was regarded as treachery; and, besides, his stay in Tennis could be but brief, as the King, on account of the impending war, had summoned him back to the capital. [10]
  • To be brief, the way you greeted me yesterday awakened strange thoughts. [10]
  • I will close the subject with a brief examination of some of the statements made in Homoeopathic works, and more particularly in the brilliant Manifesto of the «Examiner,» before referred to. [3]
  • In looking over the reviews of the time, I have found little beyond brief occasional notices of their pretensions; the columns of these journals being occupied with subjects of more permanent interest. [6]
  • He who prayed the prayer of all mankind Summed in those few brief words the mightiest plea For erring souls before the courts of heaven, Save us from being tempted,—lest we fall! [6]
  • He carefully held the lantern, and, as its flickering light fell for brief moments upon the artist’s face, the lad of thirteen or fourteen asked if he was Hermon of Alexandria. [10]
  • Mr. Conway gives the following brief account of his labors, and tells in the same connection a story of Father Taylor too good not to be repeated:— «Emerson took an active interest in the public affairs of Boston. [6]
  • It was scarcely the daughter of Archias who had detained Hermon, for he made only a brief answer—Ledscha could not hear what it was—when she accosted him pleasantly, to devote himself to Althea, and—this could be perceived even at a distance—thank her with ardent devotion. [10]
  • A brief explanation, the cry, «Oh, you are the man who was hurt! [10]
  • That part of the brief never got before Congress, nor has Congress ever yet had a hint of forgery existing among the Fisher papers. [5]
  • She took up the brief letter and read it again. [4]
  • In spite of the brief duration of their love bond, she had been clearer to him than all the rest—clearer even than the woman to whom the sacrament of marriage afterward united him. [10]
  • And I think that the Great Idea, great as it was, would have enjoyed but a brief activity, and would then have gone to sleep again for some more centuries, but for the perpetuating impulse it got from that organized and tremendous force. [5]
  • Only the fact that she was convinced that Hilary was in real danger made her relate, in a few brief words, what had occurred, and when she had finished Mr. Vane made no comment whatever. [9]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word brief in a sentence? How do you use brief in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word brief?
It contains example sentences with the word brief, a sentence example for brief, and brief in sample sentence.

Use the word brief in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use brief in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for brief.

  • There was my brief! (10)
  • A brief silence ensued. (12)
  • Such, in brief, was Tom. (6)
  • She gave him a brief reply. (4)
  • The lady was growing brief. (10)
  • There ensued a brief pause. (13)
  • His reply was low and brief. (10)
  • Her tone was brief; not reassuring. (10)
  • I have obeyed your brief directions. (10)
  • She held a brief for her beloved Ireland. (10)
  • The career of Séguier was brief and bloody. (2)
  • Give a brief résumé of the Council of Trent. (3)
  • James himself had given him his first brief. (8)
  • This is in brief the story of the Guidascarpi. (10)
  • His brief sketch of the creature was repulsive. (10)
  • They punish you in acts: their steps are brief. (10)
  • He was laconic; what he said was brief and sharp. (12)
  • After a brief horrid hesitation, she chose to face Wilfrid. (10)
  • Why, those brief words were the poetry of noble confidence! (10)
  • The brief lines of writing had cut away a lump of her vitality. (10)
  • This happiness was like most others, destined to be a brief one. (6)
  • I drew a brief picture of my state, and asked him what I was to do. (2)
  • It was a brief document, considering the importance of its contents. (13)
  • She said it without sighing: nor was her speech mournful, only brief. (10)
  • At first surgery had attracted him, but that attraction had been brief. (12)
  • In brief, trial by jury was abolished only when it had provoked anarchy. (7)
  • The history of this great disaster to the Union arms is brief and simple. (7)
  • The letter succeeding the omission contained no excuse, and it was brief. (10)
  • But the path they chose robbed her of the hope of a quite brief interview. (12)
  • Shed thy withered grief – But hold not Autumn to thy bale; The eddy of the leaf Must be brief! (10)
  • Brief notes on the journalistic work of the writers are given in the Appendix. (16)
  • Countess Ammiani wrote brief letters from Luino and Pallanza on Lago Maggiore. (10)
  • The fact must be told in brief sentences, with a total absence of emotionality. (9)
  • He had delayed his return, and there had been none of his brief communications. (10)
  • Montcalm, seeing the sands of his life fast running out, despatched a brief reply. (19)
  • We must not write like Clarendon now, even if we could; our sentences must be brief. (2)
  • Now, then, for one last brief explanation, and I leave Munich, never to see her more. (6)
  • Twain made a brief reply which the interpreter translated into a marvellous hunting yarn. (21)
  • The rain still continued, and after a brief pause at Linz we paddled on in search of a camp. (20)
  • Vernon was brief, Corney had not let fly a single anecdote, he said, and lighted his candle. (10)
  • The reaction from our brief but busy visit to Lauingen put us in rather a quiet frame of mind. (20)
  • True conservative policy is not an anodyne hiding away our evil from us in a brief forgetfulness. (14)
  • A brief struggle ensued, the woman trying to free herself, and the man half coaxing, half scolding. (9)
  • After a brief exchange of words your son gave him money again, gold-pieces as well as a bank note. (12)
  • The newspapers, as Hamlet observes of the players, are the abstracts and brief chronicles of the time. (16)
  • In brief, they must try to arouse his horror, or indignation, or pity, or simply his lust for slaughter. (16)
  • She turned to him, and, This you seek is gone; Look in, she said, as pants the furnace, brief, Frost-white. (10)
  • The good news had changed him wonderfully, even in this brief hour, erasing already some lines from his face. (13)
  • After a brief but very animated colloquy, Tom returned, and informed that that all was right; he had secured Daly. (6)
  • He talks almost unceasingly from morning until night in brief but lucid descriptions of the assembly of oddities. (21)
  • The captain was as brief, in ordinary words, whose quick run to the stop could be taken for a challenge of the eye. (10)
  • If, for a brief succession of days, performances have to be abandoned, profits are consumed with a ruining rapidity. (21)
  • He entered into that brief but intense intimacy with the Laphams which the sympathetic architect holds with his clients. (9)
  • The letter was brief, and said simply that the act of which Laxley had been accused, Evan Harrington was responsible for. (10)
  • He had come to Cambridge to see it through the press, and he remained there four or five years, with certain brief absences. (9)
  • As for instance to-day, when he had suspected his client of perjury, and was almost convinced that he must throw up his brief. (8)
  • The note was from Mrs. Blathenoy: she begged Captain Dartrey, in double underlinings of her brief words, to mount the stairs. (10)
  • My enforced residence on the island was, however, too brief to enable me to master the whole subject as I should have liked to do. (7)
  • The two feasts are so near together in point of time that they could be easily covered by the sentiment of even a brief narrative. (9)
  • The occasion was not one for critical judgment, but in the course of his brief speech he made a felicitous point on sonnet writing. (14)
  • It was hardly profitable to be curious about guns which had the trick of the cuttle-fish, and the season of observation had been brief. (1)
  • A brief colloquy between them is going on; the young man seems to be preferring some request which the elder one is indisposed to grant. (1)
  • The latter delivered a brief essay on Gallic blood; the former maintained that Frenchmen were the best judges of their own ways and deeds. (10)
  • The brief invitation had been spread over two pages, and the Colonel had difficulties with the signature which he did not instantly surmount. (9)
  • They were brief, clear and remarkable, not only for their unimpeachable justice, but for their conformity to the fundamental principles of law. (7)
  • One day, shortly after their return to town in the autumn from the brief summer outing they permitted themselves, the Marches met Margaret Vance. (9)
  • Many scraps written by him in circumstances like these used to exist; some of them, though brief, were rich in the simple eloquence of indignation. (2)
  • Those two talking together in the brief words of their deep feeling, had tones that were singularly alike: the mezzo-soprano filial to the divine maternal contralto. (10)

Also see sentences for: abstract, concise, contracted, ephemeral, epitome, precept, sententious.

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