Use the word in brackets to form a negative word that fits into each gap

Use the verbs in brackets to make up negative sentences. Use the full forms of the verbs.

Write three words in each gap. Example: do not eat

My mum
ice cream. (to like)

hats. (to wear)

to go to the zoo. (to want)

to pop music. (to listen)

the answer. (to know)

Their mum
a laptop every day. (to use)

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прошу поомгите прошу вас люди добрые

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits in each blank. Write your answers.

1. What you may think is (hostile) is really just over-enthusiasm. He would never harm anyone.

2. Three weeks after winning the lottery, Daniel Perkins had the (fortune) to lose a court case in which he was being sued for nearly $2million.

3. We expect these (storm) conditions to continue for at least another 24 hours before things calm down a bit.

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    Английский язык

    10 — 11 классы

    14.05.2021 23:03

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        Задания основаны на следующем тексте:
        Без фаянса, то есть фаянсовой посуды, немыслим наш быт. Его, фаянс, кстати, так и называют столовый фарфор.
        Фаянсовые изделия делают из глины путем обжига при температуре 800 градусов Цельсия, после чего их поверхность покрывается тонким слоем прозрачной или непрозрачной глазури. Само слово «фаянс» произошло от названия небольшого итальянского города Фаэнца. Местные гончары всегда славились тем, что изготавливали прекрасную глиняную посуду на каждый день. Она была дешева, но очень красива. Из серой глины они получали белый фаянс, а из желтой красный.
        Сегодня гончарный круг удел ремесленников- одиночек, посуда делается на конвейере. Ее роспись, как правило, стандартна, ибо делается только по трафарету и калькам. Единственный нюанс: дорогой фаянс подвергается термообработке три раза, а обычный два – при обжиге глины и глазури.
        Определите цель данного текста:
        A) Сообщить краткие сведения о фаянсе
        B) Мотивировать повышения интереса к гончарному дела
        C) Дать классификацию столовой посуды
        D) Изучить особенности происхождения ремесла
        E) Описать вид посуды

        Подберите подходящий к тексту заголовок:
        A) Производство кухонной посуды
        B) История фаянсовой посуды
        C) Откуда произошло слово «фаянс»?
        D) Что мы знаем о фаянсе?
        E) Как древние произвели утварь?

        Use the words in brackets to form a new word that best fits each gap. Записывай только образованное слово без пробелов и знаков препинания. Например: consideration

        1) It’s … (nature) to want a nice car.

        2) Air … (pollute) is a serious health hazard

        3) What is the … (wide) of the table?

        4) It was a question of grate … (important) to us

        5) The country is becoming more and more … (power)

        Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Use the words in brackets to form a new word that best fits each gap. Записывай только образованное слово без пробелов и знаков препинания. …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

        Смотреть другие ответы

        Главная » Английский язык » Use the words in brackets to form a new word that best fits each gap. Записывай только образованное слово без пробелов и знаков препинания. Например: consideration 1) It’s … (nature) to want a nice car. 2) Air …

        Все категории

        • Фотография и видеосъемка
        • Знания
        • Другое
        • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
        • Общество и политика
        • Образование
        • Путешествия и туризм
        • Искусство и культура
        • Города и страны
        • Строительство и ремонт
        • Работа и карьера
        • Спорт
        • Стиль и красота
        • Юридическая консультация
        • Компьютеры и интернет
        • Товары и услуги
        • Темы для взрослых
        • Семья и дом
        • Животные и растения
        • Еда и кулинария
        • Здоровье и медицина
        • Авто и мото
        • Бизнес и финансы
        • Философия, непознанное
        • Досуг и развлечения
        • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
        • Наука и техника


        препинания. Например: consideration
        1)It’s…(nature)to want a nice car.
        2)Air…(pollute)is a serious health hazard
        3)What is the…(wide)of the table?
        4)It was a question of grate…(important) to us
        5)The country is becoming more and more…(power)

        1 ответ:



        <span>1) It’s…(natural) to want a nice car.
        2) Air…(pollution) is a serious health hazard
        3) What is the…(width) of the table?
        4) It was a question of grate…(importantance) to us.
        5) The country is becoming more and more…(powerful).

        Читайте также

        I need buy: chips, meat, chicken, chocolate, cheese, potato, soup

        1)Кого мне пригласить на вечеринку?
        2)Куда мы пойдём в воскресенье?
        3)Что подарить тебе на день рождение?
        4)Что мы будем делать этим вечером?
        5)Какой фильм мы увидим?
        6)Какой сок мне купить для тебя?
        7)Когда мы пойдём на пляж?
        8)Какую еду я должен взять с собой на пляж?
        9)Как нам попасть на станцию метро?
        10)Куда мы пойдём после занятий?

        1. At that moment the news program announcer spoke about current events.
        2. I can not imagine what is happening.
        3. I have no idea what these letters mean.
        4. When the car broke down my friend offered me his help.

        1) came


        1. 1) channels; 2) adverts; 3) programme; 4) show; 5) participants; 6) episode; 7) remote control.

        2. 1) documentary; 2) talent show; 3) cartoon; 4) drama series; 5) the news; 6) sitcom; 7) film; 8) sports programme.

        3. 1) was;  2) were non;  3) did not watch;  4) met; 5) took; 6) didn’t complain, changed.


        1) -Was there a talent show on TV last night?

        — Yes, there was.

        2) — Were TV programs in the 1980s in black and white?

        — No, they were not.

        3) — Did you watch TV yesterday?

        — No, we did not.

        4) — Did you meet your friends after school?

        — Yes, I did.

        5) — Did she take part in a reality show?

        — Yes, she did.

        6) — Did he complain when you changed channels?

        — No, he did not.

        5. 1) was watching, arrived; 2) did not wear, met; 3) did not go; 4) Did you see; 5) broke, were arguing; 6) changed, was watching.

        6. 1) b; 2) c; 3) b; 4) a; 5) c; 6) b.


        Консультации по учебе, на самой крупной бирже
        студенческих работ !

        Ответы на Тесты по Английскому языку для всех курсов ПОЛИТЕХ (СПБСТУ) ИММИТ ИЭИТС ИСИ ИКНТ ИФНИТ ИПМЭИТ …

        Наилучшим решением для поиска задачи является ввод 2-3 первых слов условия задачи !!!

        Effective management is...
Выберите один ответ:
b. the personnel who have the right to make decisions
the key to business succe ...

        Effective management is…
        Выберите один ответ:
        b. the personnel who have the right to make decisions
        the key to business success W
        d. motivation and communication

        Make ог become stronger.
Ответ: strengthen ...

        Make ог become stronger.
        Ответ: strengthen

        Use the words in brackets to build a word that best fits each gap.
Risk mitigation (mitigate) activities and reducing the hazardous conditions under  ...

        Use the words in brackets to build a word that best fits each gap.
        Risk mitigation (mitigate) activities and reducing the hazardous conditions under which a threat can
        materialize are the next step.

        Hydropower generation is a "green" process.
Выберите один ответ:
Неверно ...

        Hydropower generation is a «green» process.
        Выберите один ответ:

        Match the words from the text with their definitions
Stratum below the earth"s surface
The maximum depth of ground below which the soil does not fre ...

        Match the words from the text with their definitions
        Stratum below the earth»s surface
        The maximum depth of ground below which the soil does not freeze in winter
        The uplift of water-saturated soil deposits due to expansion on freezing
        The state of being washed away by swift-flowing water
        Highest in physical position
        Amount of moisture in the soil
        Solid foundation laid below ground level to strengthen a building
        Frost line
        Frost heave
        Topmost layer
        Water content

        Верно ли переведен данный отрывок?
Filters are а very important part of hydraulic machinery. Many different types of filters are manufactured to
acc ...

        Верно ли переведен данный отрывок?
        Filters are а very important part of hydraulic machinery. Many different types of filters are manufactured to
        accommodate the various types of hydraulic systems.
        Фильтры — это важная часть гидравлических механизмов. Производится много разных типов фильтров,
        чтобы они подходили к разным типам гидравлических систем.
        Выберите один ответ:

        If he hadn"t stopped the car, he ........... (have) an accident.
Ответ: would have had ...

        If he hadn»t stopped the car, he ……….. (have) an accident.
        Ответ: would have had

        Site investigation is the first step of a geotechnical project.
Выберите один ответ:
Неверно ...

        Site investigation is the first step of a geotechnical project.
        Выберите один ответ:

        If the food ... (not/be) зо bad, we wouldn"t have complained.
Ответ: had not been ...

        If the food … (not/be) зо bad, we wouldn»t have complained.
        Ответ: had not been

        The present perfect focuses more on the completed result (sometimes with a focus on number)
The I present perfect continuous Ifocuses more on the act ...

        The present perfect focuses more on the completed result (sometimes with a focus on number)
        The I present perfect continuous Ifocuses more on the activity itself and its duration (sometimes with a focus on time)

        Ме use many with countable nouns like people, cars, chairs etc ...

        Ме use many with countable nouns like people, cars, chairs etc

        Listen to the recording and choose the best answer.
> 0:00 / 0:00 4)
What does the speaker say about Einstein?
Выберите один ответ:
a. Newton impr ...

        Listen to the recording and choose the best answer.
        > 0:00 / 0:00 4)
        What does the speaker say about Einstein?
        Выберите один ответ:
        a. Newton improved his theories
        р. He lived more than 250 years after Newton ¥
        c. He worked with Newton

        He called while I was trying $ to finish this essay. ...

        He called while I was trying $ to finish this essay.

        Past Simple
Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.
1.He invented ¥ (invent) this machine in 1802.
2.She photographed м (photograph) the Ar ...

        Past Simple
        Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.
        1.He invented ¥ (invent) this machine in 1802.
        2.She photographed м (photograph) the Arctic Ocean in the 1950s.
        3.1 began (begin) my journey six months ago.
        4.We left ¥ (leave) Europe last summer.
        5. They received (receive) our postcard yesterday.
        6. Magellan arrived У (arrive) home in 1522.
        7. Shakespeare wrote ¥ (write) the play «Macbeth» in 1606.
        8. Did you take У (take) a taxi here?
        9. Marco Polo died ¥ (die) in 1324.
        10. When did you become У (become) a pilot?

        Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.
Unfortunately, due to lack of money our firm can"t afford to recruit some new gifted employees. ...

        Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.
        Unfortunately, due to lack of money our firm can»t afford to recruit some new gifted employees.

        This style doesn"t make people interested in it.
Выберите один ответ:
Неверно ¥ ...

        This style doesn»t make people interested in it.
        Выберите один ответ:
        Неверно ¥

        Louise was lucky enough to get a standby to New Zealand last week. There weren"t many people on the flight, so she showed her ticket
at the official  ...

        Louise was lucky enough to get a standby to New Zealand last week. There weren»t many people on the flight, so she showed her ticket
        at the official desk and could be given a boarding cardI checked in
        on the groundI
        you are on a long journey
        touched down
        quickly. The plane began to fly
        took off
        on time and landed
        half an hour earlier. On her way home she hopes to be able to stop somewhere for a period of time when
        stop over
        in Hong Kong for a day or two.

        Hurry up! Everybody for you.
Выберите один ответ:
а. are waiting waiting
с. wait ...

        Hurry up! Everybody for you.
        Выберите один ответ:
        а. are waiting waiting
        с. wait

        he candidates at the moment?
Выберите один ответ:
а. Бо... interview
belsic interview
OP cals... interviewing
9. Does ..... interview ...

        he candidates at the moment?
        Выберите один ответ:
        а. Бо… interview
        belsic interview
        OP cals… interviewing
        9. Does ….. interview

        She is scared of flights and prefers to travel Бу ¥ train. ...

        She is scared of flights and prefers to travel Бу ¥ train.

        Task 6. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals to form a noun that fits in gap.

        Many people who think they have a professional future in films

        B11 go to Hollywood only to find DISAPPOINTMENT instead of

        success. They often have to give up the more enjoyable aspects

        B12 of their chosen career to play parts in ADVERTISMENTS

        B13 because these provide financial SECURITY — but they

        B14 are not satisfying. For many actors, even basic SURVIVAL

        can be difficult. Some do not earn enough to pay their rent or

        electricity bills, and the time and money they invest in the

        B15 PREPARATION of a portfolio for interviews is often wasted.

        B16 Of course there is a possible EXPLANATION why only 1% of

        B17 ACTORS _ are really successful. There are just too many

        B18 people who believe that their next PERFORMANCE will be the one that makes them a star!

        Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
      • Use the word in brackets at the end of each sentence
      • Use the word in addition to in a sentence
      • Use the word improve in a sentence
      • Use the word impress in a sentence
      • Use the word impossible in a sentence