Use the word improve in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word improve, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use improve in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «improve».

Improve in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word improve in a sentence.

  1. I think the world would probably improve.

  2. In 1988–89, the Flames continued to improve.

  3. Bilge keels were fitted to improve their stability.

  4. The project aimed to improve access to the Gerald R.

  5. However, his batting seemed to improve in this time.

  6. This hinders research which could improve diver safety.

  7. This was undertaken to improve the vehicle’s firepower.

  8. The city and county continued to improve CR 553 and McClellan Avenue during 1996.

  9. Doctors treated him with liquid caffeine and digitalis, and he seemed to improve.

  10. The changes classically improve or reverse after gluten is removed from the diet.

  11. The breed was also used to create and improve the Holstein and Hanoverian breeds.

  12. Pruning can improve the shrub’s appearance, and it is a potential bonsai subject.

  13. Bush strove to improve the food and accommodation, and to provide organized games and nightly movies.

  14. Several other hypotheses have been proposed to improve upon and reconcile the LDR and BDR hypotheses.

  15. United States President Donald Trump declared Hawaii a disaster area to improve the response of FEMA.

  16. Zimmerman felt obliged to improve the sets fans had watched for seven seasons, especially the bridge.

  17. Lat also works for the government to improve trance genre, and to improve the city’s social security.

  18. Improving the impedance match, conversely, would automatically improve a filter’s pass-band response.

  19. The earthen embankments that enclosed the pitch were also built up to improve viewing for spectators.

  20. These compounds improve the grain refining, and retard recrystallization and precipitation hardening.

  21. They came up with a temporary solution and planned to improve the pathfinding later into development.

  22. This reform aimed to improve the unit’s mobility, and make better use of the capabilities of the APCs.

  23. In 1846, he was invited to give lessons to the young Queen Victoria to improve her landscape painting.

  24. Latrine behavior exhibited by some lemurs may help improve soil quality and facilitate seed dispersal.

  25. Those that remained open were instructed to improve and refurbish their premises to meet expectations.

  26. Transport links continued to improve and it became possible to travel overseas quickly and affordably.

  27. The players signed by Ross helped the Bruins to improve quickly, and they won the Stanley Cup in 1929.

  28. Laxatives did not improve their condition, and the researchers found that only long periods of training proved effective.

  29. Early efforts centered on a larger, more powerful Pegasus engine to dramatically improve the capabilities of the Harrier.

  30. In January 1619 Mayerne instructed Anne to saw wood to improve her blood flow, but the exertion served to make her worse.

  31. In 2007, the club launched the Back to the Shed campaign to improve the atmosphere at home matches, with notable success.

  32. Soring began in the 1950s with gaited horse trainers who were looking to improve their chances of winning at horse shows.

  33. Walsingham thought Irish farmland was underdeveloped and hoped that plantation would improve the productivity of estates.

  34. The work would include adding service roads to improve access among US 113, MD 12, Washington Street, and Brick Kiln Road.

  35. During his time in Formula One, he was involved, alongside Jackie Stewart, in a campaign to improve safety in Formula One.

  36. The goal was to improve Germany’s bargaining position in the imminent peace negotiations, despite the expected casualties.

  37. Efforts continue to ameliorate the water quality of the river and improve the environment of the surrounding valley lands.

  38. Barber duly modified the coin to include the motto, taking the opportunity to make several minor changes to the design, which, according to Breen, do not improve the coin.

  39. Many ships were wrecked on the Doom Bar, despite the installation of mooring rings and capstans on the cliffs and quarrying away part of Stepper Point to improve the wind.

  40. A pre-war programme to commission officers from the best candidates in the Aircraft Apprentice Scheme helped improve recruitment from the working and lower middle classes.

  41. Endangered species listings and a subsequent lawsuit by Willamette Riverkeeper led to a plan to improve fish passage and other actions to help native fish recover in 2008.

  42. Should the character die, or injure civilians or Agency peacekeepers, their experience gain will be slowed, making it temporarily harder to improve the character’s traits.

Synonyms for improve

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word improve has the following synonyms: better, amend, ameliorate and meliorate.

General information about «improve» example sentences

The example sentences for the word improve that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «improve» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «improve».

Examples of how to use the word “improve” in a sentence. How to connect “improve” with other words to make correct English sentences.

improve (v): to (cause something to) get better

Use “improve” in a sentence

I’d like to improve my English pronunciation.
Things have improved considerably over the last few years.
My English has improved significantly.
I need to improve my English vocabulary.
Things gradually improved.
His health is improving little by little.
I need to improve my English.
I made use of every opportunity to improve my English.

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Definition of Improve

to make something better

Examples of Improve in a sentence

Salt and pepper was added to the potatoes to improve their taste.


After a few extra practices, the football coach was sure that the team would improve their ranking.


To improve the way the bedroom looked, the decorator added new curtains and rugs.


A hearing aid was ordered to help improve the man’s impaired hearing.


As a way to improve her mobility, the overweight woman began to diet and exercise.


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Other positive actions that can help us to improve the quality of our life after sixty are as follows

When you focus and improve on how you are being and what

Exercising in later years can help improve and maintain our health

To improve relationship with God you need to

We need to improve our spiritual hearing

Some insects help to improve the soil through aeration, while others help by generating compost from leaves and other decaying organic matter

Another way to improve communication with God’s is by

On the contrary if you feel that you have all the time in the world to improve the standard of your life (as different from living standard!) or to help the needy and have all the money and possessions to take care of your essential bodily needs, then you will be happy all the time

Their loan, which buys three goats, may at least improve the family diet

This special mixture, when applied to plants/soil, can release locked up minerals; improve the cation-exchange in the soil, and has chelation abilities

It also helps you achieve a clearer mind, improve your concentration, and discover the wisdom and tranquility within you

about how we could improve things, nothing spectacular, just a typical machine

‘Look, things should improve after Christmas

should not, can not, improve on what God wants

Man, regardless of his learning in the knowledge from this world, cannot improve on

During my stay in the asram I also had the opportunity to improve my relationship with Maria Glenos, with whom I shared the tent

Not knowing what else to do in order to improve my social life, I have decided to quit gyms and start taekwondo lessons at Nicky’s school, which is only a five-minute walk from my house

At last! One of the uncountable (and usually dead-end) ideas I come up with in order to improve my life has just brought a result! Having found out recently that the monthly magazine “Greek Fantasy” publishes short fantasy stories of new writers, I thought of sending them one

Teacher: If you see a teacher, it means that you should change your attitude and improve your personality; if you are the teacher, you will face psychological problems

If you dream of using it on any surface, your relationships with relatives will improve

Yacht: If you see that you are a guest in a yacht, your social status will rise and your financial condition will improve

also rich in the mineral magnesium, which is thought to improve recall and delay, age-related memory loss

Almonds are also high in vitamin E, a nutrient which helps to Their superior antioxidant content means walnuts are useful improve the condition and appearance of your skin

You can share the major successes, you can include them in major changes that are going to come in the near future and you can even interact by asking your followers and customers for suggestions as to how you can improve your business and the quality of service you offer to them

Improve my skills of

Then write a note in the ‘things to do’ table below the Wheel, suggesting what you could do to improve your score on each priority

A year where they both needed to improve their skills and

Delivers L-ascorbic acid in concentrated form, without losing potency to improve the

The primary reason for undergoing dermabrasion is to improve the appearance

Chemical peels use solutions that will smoothen and improve skin texture and

For those who desire to improve their appearance, face lifts and other skin treatments has

who have poured time and effort to improve knowledge on the skin and its treatment

This treatment uses a lactic acid peel to improve the skin’s appearance

improve their image the safe and effective way today

The practice of this exercise will not only improve your balance but fine down calves and ankles that may be a little too heavy for your liking

The effort needed for the perfection of this advanced posture will greatly improve your powers of concentration and in addition to the benefits to the muscles of the arms and torso the deep breathing will help congested lungs and bronchial tubes and the posture tones up the entire nervous system

Practice this exercise at any time of the day you possibly can and incidentally, if you have round shoulders it will greatly improve this condition

My temper does not improve during the day

‘What’s up?’ I said, more to improve communication than the sight of her

and delivers a short and powerful burst of BWE technology to instantly improve your emotional state, just about any time and anywhere

Use ‘ feel good’ triggers to instantly improve your emotional state, almost anywhere and anytime so you can overcome the most challenging situations and phobias, easily and quickly

As his back began to improve,

Here are some tips that will help you to improve and

with what you may effectively improve upon rather than bringing about a

something is desirably collecting then improve upon the ways in which it

trapped emotions and improve his behavior

Bunty interviewed her and asked her the question all applicants who reach the interview stage are asked – How do you see the Foundation helping you? She replied that she felt it would give her the chance to improve herself, get some qualifications so that she could work as a secretary

She was given a place and, as good as her word, used the time to improve her education

Improve the Security of Your WP Site

improve the power of creating what you want in life — more Truth

That did little to improve his mood

He’d basically told her that if she didn’t pull her act together and improve her technique, she was out

“Anything we practice we will improve upon with time,” encouraged the guest

That’s how they improve – Not by comparing themselves to someone else

Mortals from Earth could be here by 2400,” Alfred said, «even sooner if dust deflection continues to improve

little to improve matters, and he set out with his

We see frequently societies of merchants in London, and other trading towns, purchase waste lands in our sugar colonies, which they expect to improve and cultivate with profit, by means of factors and agents, notwithstanding the great distance and the uncertain returns, from the defective administration of justice in those countries

Nobody will attempt to improve and cultivate in the same manner the most fertile lands of Scotland, Ireland, or the corn provinces of North America, though, from the more exact administration of justice in these countries, more regular returns might be expected

«A good wash and haircut could improve your image

In his mind, projecting them upon her would greatly improve her appearance

are able to improve it with our imagination

endeavour with the same diligence to improve the

Further, it will add fertilizer that will improve and accelerate your project

I tell you: change only what you want to improve and disregard what you hear from others

If you cannot dream, imagine, and plan a substitute, you will remain imprisoned in the present one for lack of real desire to really improve your situation

Learning how to improve your condition permanently will help you grow dramatically

Save for a few, humans tend to improve through high and lows

What I mean though is that with proper direction, you can contribute to greatly improve your situation as well as others’

Hence we are allowed to conclude that ‘Parents are the persons most trusted and in the most favorable situation to help their children improve their condition and abilities’

Very serious studies have demonstrated that one can improve his muscle strength by 15% with daily exercise of mental imagery without any physical exercise

We are offered the possibility of cooperating more intimately with our subconscious with the intention to improve our condition

; of the capital which the person who undertakes to improve land employs in clearing, draining, inclosing, manuring, and ploughing waste and uncultivated fields; in building farmhouses, with all their necessary appendages of stables, granaries, etc

might improve, and would mobilize its fol owers

Their own distress, of which this prudent and necessary reserve of the banks was, no doubt, the immediate occasion, they called the distress of the country ; and this distress of the country, they said, was altogether owing to the ignorance, pusillanimity, and bad conduct of the banks, which did not give a sufficiently liberal aid to the spirited undertakings of those who exerted themselves in order to beautify, improve, and enrich the country

In order to improve the ef iciency

quality of your product will improve

There was only so much Nerissa could do to improve her appearance

How does it impact, change or improve the lives of your

We will discuss how to improve on this and write excellent copy later

To improve the

Improve the copy based on your answers to the

(I can still find ways to improve almost every

Use split testing to find out what is working, and then improve on it

Here are three easy tips to improve the way you come across in your

A particular country, in the same manner as a particular person, may frequently not have capital sufficient both to improve and cultivate all its lands, to manufacture and prepare their whole rude produce for immediate use and consumption, and to transport the surplus part either of the rude or manufactured produce to those distant markets, where it can be exchanged for something for which there is a demand at home

tweak your bid prices and improve your click through rate by testing different

The inhabitants of many different parts of Great Britain have not capital sufficient to improve and cultivate all their lands

To improve land with profit, like all other commercial projects, requires an exact attention to small savings and small gains, of which a man born to a great fortune, even though naturally frugal, is very seldom capable

He embellishes, perhaps, four or five hundred acres in the neighbourhood of his house, at ten times the expense which the land is worth after all his improvements; and finds, that if he was to improve his whole estate in the same manner, and he has little taste for any other, he would be a bankrupt before he had finished the tenth part of it

may improve; but that of the one, with only equal good conduct, must always improve more slowly than that of the other, on account of the large share of the profits which is consumed by the interest of the loan

Interestingly though, due to the prey’s need to constantly develop and improve her skills of alertness and evasion, and the resulting need of the predator to continually develop and improve his skills of detection and capture, they both entered into a kind of escalating “arms race” that led to their joint evolution, mutually benefiting both parties

But restoring herself to beauty would scarcely improve her chances with Andrastus

By opening a more extensive market for whatever part of the produce of their labour may exceed the home consumption, it encourages them to improve its productive power, and to augment its annual produce to the utmost, and thereby to increase the real revenue and wealth of the society

seems rather self-defeating really if their charter was to improve Lascorii reputations and all

But if he had been at liberty to sell his whole crop to a corn mercliant as fast as he could thresh it out, his whole capital might have returned immediately to the land, and have been employed in buying more cattle, and hiring more servants, in order to improve and cultivate it better

Second, in advanced stages of meditation it can improve the flow of energy throughout the body

He takes the world as he finds it every day, and then works to improve it

His happiness does not depend on whether his efforts to improve his world succeed

Still later the communication improved as we were either exposed to some spiritual advice or wanted help to get over some problem or tension

things might actually be improved if he envisioned as his paramour this tigress, his

Even so, it had been over forty hours before they started looking for it, and that of the Lula might have had improved shielding

All things considered, it was much nicer than I thought; the asram has been improved a lot since 1992: A spacious cottage has been built to the west, and another one is under construction nearby

hardly improved and she had insisted to get back to her

Daniel, your health is much improved

Since exercise has the effect of improving circulation, this improved circulation benefits the organs of the body

always been the way to go to attain an improved image and renewed self-confidence

Cure your backache and your chest complaints are eased, your temper improved, and your looks enhanced

He had improved with the lesson but his mother ignored him

the taste improved considerably after half a bottle

Ali’s stamina had improved

improved and scientists have been able to test more

procedure and know that ignorance is acceptable but easily improved upon if

only that, but his grades improved by several levels

They had created a rage among the female population, and the Hold Tailors had improved on them to better suit the female Ogatu

issues that children have can be greatly improved or

current to have improved from that which was before it, but not in all genres

of the rescue from Lyndesfarne was improved standards of inspection

“Well, let me tell it this way, with hSkaiya ensconced in her rocker and me at the helm of the gardens, it has improved as much as it would under my ownership, which is to say, about doubled in value

Haager had improved the place, by adding electricity, to the method Old Johnny, had used

Life in the little village was improved

She was glad he had improved as much as he had, yesterday he had been so much better, still naïve but fun and affectionate

Things have improved out of sight since my first

we’ve improved over the years since then), but this was

couldn’t have improved on the scene if you’d designed it!

In every society, the price of every commodity finally resolves itself into some one or other, or all of those three parts ; and in every improved society, all the three enter, more or less, as component parts, into the price of the far greater part of commodities

In the most improved societies, however, there are always a few commodities of which the price resolves itself into two parts only the wages of labour, and the profits of stock ; and a still smaller number, in which it consists altogether in the wages of labour

bucolic, our moods improved and we turned off the frantic

Let us suppose, for example, that in the greater part of employments the productive powers of labour had been improved to tenfold, or that a day’s labour could produce ten times the quantity of work which it had done originally ; but that in a particular employment they had been improved only to double, or that a day’s labour could produce only twice the quantity of work which it had done before

The next day James had improved dramatically, as

To my enormous relief, he had improved greatly in the interval

mood wasn’t improved by the behaviour of the local

gave thanks for his improved health and asked that Sainte

Their rents, however, have risen, and their cultivation has been improved since that time

The cattle bred upon the most uncultivated moors, when brought to the same market, are, in proportion to their weight or goodness, sold at the same price as those which are reared upon the most improved land

It is thus that, in the progress of improvement, the rent and profit of unimproved pasture come to be regulated in some measure by the rent and profit of what is improved, and these again by the rent and profit of corn

This equality, however, between the rent and profit of grass and those of corn ; of the land of which the immediate produce is food for cattle, and of that of which the immediate produce is food for men, must be understood to take place only through the greater part of the improved lands of a great country

The use of the artificial grasses, of turnips, carrots, cabbages, and the other expedients which have been fallen upon to make an equal quantity of land feed a greater number of cattle than when in natural grass, should somewhat reduce, it might be expected, the superiority which, in an improved country, the price of butcher’s meat naturally has over that of bread

I have never even heard of any tobacco plantation that was improved and cultivated by the capital of merchants who resided in Great Britain; and our tobacco colonies send us home no such wealthy planters as we see frequently arrive from our sugar islands

In its improved state, it can sometimes feed a greater number of people than it can supply with those materials; at least in the way in which they require them, and are willing to pay for them

In every different stage of improvement, besides, the raising of equal quantities of corn in the same soil and climate, will, at an average, require nearly equal quantities of labour; or, what comes to the same thing, the price of nearly equal quantities; the continual increase of the productive powers of labour, in an improved state of cultivation, being more or less counterbalanced by the continual increasing price of cattle, the principal instruments of agriculture

Her playing had improved with them and she would always be grateful for that

In the beginning of the sixteenth century, Spain was a very poor country, even in comparison with France, which has been so much improved since that time

‘Well, all I can say is that you must have improved

It is with the produce of improved and cultivated land only that cattle can be fed in the stable; because, to collect the scanty and scattered produce of waste and unimproved lands, would require too much labour, and be too expensive

It the price of the cattle, therefore, is not sufficient to pay for the produce of improved and cuitivated land, when they are allowed to pasture it, that price will be still less sufficient to pay for that produce, when it must be collected with a good deal of additional labour, and brought into the stable to them

It must have some tendency to sink their price in a barbarous, and to raise it in an improved and manufacturing country

Whatever regulations tend to sink the price, either of wool or of raw hides, below what it naturally would he, must, in an improved and cultivated country, have some tendency to raise the price of butcher’s meat

The price both of the great and small cattle, which are fed on improved and cultivated land, must be sufficient to pay the rent which the landlord, and the profit which the farmer, has reason to expect from improved and cultivated land

In an improved and cultivated country, therefore, their interest as landlords and farmers cannot be much affected by such regulations, though their interest as consumers may, by the rise in the price of provisions

This increase of the quantity of those metals, however, has not, it seems, increased that annual produce, has neither improved the manufactures and agriculture of the country, nor mended the circumstances of its inhabitants

But from the high or low money price of some sorts of goods in proportion to that of others, we can infer, with a degree of probability that approaches almost to certainty, that it was rich or poor, that the greater part of its lands were improved or unimproved, and that it was either in a more or less barbarous state, or in a more or less civilized one

But if this rise of price is owing to the increased value, in consequence of the improved fertility of the land which produces such provisions, it becomes a much nicer matter to judge, either in what proportion any pecuniary reward ought to be augmented, or whether it ought to be augmented at all

Many sorts of vegetable food, besides, which in the rude state of agriculture are confined to the kitchen-garden, and raised only by the spade, come, in its improved state, to be introduced into common fields, and to be raised by the plough ; such as turnips, carrots, cabbages, etc

Things hadn’t improved by the following morning

An improved farm may very justly be regarded in the same light as those useful machines which facilitate and abridge labour, and by means of which an equal circulating capital can afford a much greater revenue to its employer

An improved farm is equally advantageous and more durable than any of those machines, frequently requiring no other repairs than the most profitable application of the farmer’s capital employed in cultivating it

The improved dexterity of a workman may be considered in the same light as a machine or instrument of trade which facilitates and abridges labour, and which, though it costs a certain expense, repays that expense with a profit

Land, however improved, will yield no revenue without a circulating capital, which maintains the labourers who cultivate and collect its produce

Our human condition can be improved either by ourselves or by a third party

What I considered a frozen reality could very well be improved in the future

Though the manufacturer has his wages advanced to him by his master, he in reality costs him no expense, the value of those wages being generally restored, together with a profit, in the improved value of the subject upon which his labour is bestowed

The rent of land, however, in all the improved parts of the country, has been tripled and quadrupled since those ancient times; and this third or fourth part of the annual produce is, it seems, three or four times greater than the whole had been before

At present, the rate of interest, in the improved parts of Europe, is nowhere higher than six per cent

; and in some of the most improved, it is so low as four, three, and two per cent

Even at this early period, it was certainly a more improved country than at the invasion of Julius Caesar, when its inhabitants were nearly in the same state with the savages in North America

More houses would have been built, more lands would have been improved, and those which had been improved before would have been better cultivated; more manufactures would have been established, and those which had been established before would have been more extended ; and to what height the real wealth and revenue of the country might by this time have been raised, it is not perhaps very easy even to imagine

They are able to purchase them when their superiors grow weary of them ; and the general accommodation of the whole people is thus gradually improved, when this mode of expense becomes universal among men of fortune

It is greater or smaller, according to the supposed extent of those powers, or, in other words, according to the supposed natural or improved fertility of the land

In all the great countries of Europe, however, much good land still remains uncultivated ; and the greater part of what is cultivated, is far from being improved to the degree of which it is capable

If human institutions had never thwarted those natural inclinations, the towns could nowhere have increased beyond what the improvement and cultivation of the territory in which they were situated could support; till such time, at least, as the whole of that territory was completely cultivated and improved

Those different manufactures come, in process of time, to be gradually subdivided, and thereby improved and refined in a great variety of ways, which may easily be conceived, and which it is therefore unnecessary to explain any farther

The lands cultivated by the farmer must, in the same manner, with only equal good conduct, be improved more slowly than those cultivated by the proprietor, on account of the large share of the produce which is consumed in the rent, and which, had the farmer been proprietor, he might have employed in the further improvement of the land

But it must seem extraordinary, that the sovereigns of all the different countries of Europe should have exchanged in this manner for a rent certain, never more to be augmented, that branch of their revenue, which was, perhaps, of all others, the most likely to be improved by the natural course of things, without either expense or attention of their own ; and that they should, besides, have in this manner voluntarily erected a sort of independent republics in the heart of their own dominions

Between the improved food, and gentler treatment, Nerissa started to regain her strength

Italy lay in the centre of what was at that time the improved and civilized part of the world

A taste for the finer and more improved manufactures was, in this manner, introduced by foreign commerce into countries where no such works were carried on

No large country, it must be observed, ever did or could subsist without some sort of manufactures being carried on in it ; and when it is said of any such country that it has no manufactures, it must always be understood of the finer and more improved, or of such as are fit for distant sale

Such manufactures are generally employed upon the materials which the country produces, and they seem frequently to have been first refined and improved In such inland countries as were not, indeed, at a very great, but at a considerable distance from the sea-coast, and sometimes even from all water carriage

For though neither the rude produce, nor even the coarse manufacture, could, without the greatest difficulty, support the expense of a considerable land-carriage, the refined and improved manufacture easily may

Italy is the only great country of Europe which seems to have been cultivated and improved in every part, by means of foreign commerce and manufactures for distant sale

The commodities most proper for being transported to distatnt countries, in order to purchase there either the pay and provisions of an army, or some part of the money of the mercantile republic to be employed in purchasing them, seem to be the finer and more improved manufactures; such as contain a great value in a small bulk, and can therefore be exported to a great distance at little expense

given the rape a much improved position in her mind

This inability did not arise from the want of money, but of the finer and more improved manufactures

The sovereigns of improved and commercial countries are not under the same necessity of accummlating treasures, because they can generally draw from their subjects extraordinary aids upon extraordinary occasions

The productive powers of labour were improved, and its produce increased in all the different countries of Europe, and together with it the real revenue and wealth of the inhabitants

The mood around the table had improved after the request from Zarko was granted and everybody relaxed as they enjoyed the sumptuous delicacies

Feeding and fattening countries, besides, must always be highly improved, whereas breeding countries are generally uncultivated

To any country which was highly improved throughout, it would be more advantageous to import its lean cattle than to breed them

The freest importation of foreign cattle could have no other effect than to hinder those breeding countries from taking advantage of the increasing population and improvement of the rest of the kingdom, from raising their price to an exorbitant height, and from laying a real tax upon all the more improved and cultivated parts of the country

Because Tragus’s reputation had improved, townsfolk even acknowledged her with civil nods

And claimed that it improved the cheese

Though posterior in their establishment, yet all the arts of refinement, philosophy, poetry, and eloquence, seem to have been cultivated as early, and to have been improved as highly in them as in any part of the mother country The schools of the two oldest Greek philosophers, those of Thales and Pythagoras, were established, it is remarkable, not in ancient Greece, but the one in an Asiatic, the other in an Italian colony

In this state of things, it seems impossible that either of those empires could have been so much improved or so well cultivated as at present, when they are plentifully furnished with all sorts of European cattle, and when the use of iron, of the plough, and of many of the arts of Europe, have been introduced among them


But it is necessary, it has already been shown, that the price of cattle should bear a certain proportion to that of corn, before the greater part of the lands of any country can be improved

Polymer concrete and mortars have improved finishing properties and raised adhesion to different bases

It has been observed, in the foregoing part of this work, that ‘whatever regulations tend to sink the price, either of wool or of raw hides, below what it naturally would be, must, in an improved and cultivated country, have some tendency to raise the price of butcher’s meat

The price, both of the great and small cattle which are fed on improved and cultivated land, must be sufficient to pay the rent which the landlord, and the profit which the farmer, has reason to expect from improved and cultivated land

The exciting thing here is that it is becoming increasingly evident that it is not only what you apply on your skin that improves it, but what you put into your body as well

It also improves flabby upper arms, and excessive flesh on the shoulders will slowly be squeezed away

It improves your

An increase in consciousness always improves a situation, not the opposite as you suspected and described

The wages of labour are the encouragement of industry, which, like every other human quality, improves in proportion to the encouragement it receives

The dairy becomes more worthy of the farmer’s attention, and the quality of its produce gradually improves

The manufacturers first supply the neighbourhood, and afterwards, as their work improves and refines, more distant markets

If he improves at all, it is commonly not with a capital, but with what he can save out or his annual revenue

It is also a state that improves you and recharges your batteries

of your life improves dramatically and that the success

“Of course after consulting with Beth we have decided that Mrs Moffat must be moved to a sanatorium until her mental state improves and that’s what we have come to discuss with you

If you are honest with yourself, it is necessary to ask these questions when you have to face new ideas or views, and constantly evaluate those ideas and theories that have been with us for many years (as our ability to properly evaluate them improves over time)

Every major golf event improves each time it is offered to the public

Although there isn’t as much research on high-frequency training and metabolism as there is on muscular response, there is evidence that high-frequency lifting improves the testosterone-cortisol balance and insulin response, which not only helps growth but also fat loss, so you may continue to see fat loss progress during this phase, if that’s one of your goals

This reduces wear and tear, noise, and improves perfor-

Aid to the poor, or its hated synonym welfare, also dramatically improves the lives of youth

That is precisely why many libertarians and conservatives hate these programs, because they show how much better government saves and improves lives than capitalism

Enabling default editors in the coding environment helps to reduce the rework and improves code quality

transplanting, in every way improves the materials of the morals and affections

That is how the world improves — the

Q: One improves the other

A competitor then enters the market and improves on my product

Our control over your lives improves your physical and mental wellbeing

Including an appropriate and popular hashtag also improves the visibility of your tweet

It adds the warmth of life to the stone of the rooms and corridors, helps purify the air, provides pleasant scents, and improves our balance of trade, since every indoor plant produces food or useful products, and none are purely decorative

29 And reasoning the universal farmer purging and pruning these severally and binding round and watering and transplanting in every way improves the materials of the morals and affections

Aerobic exercise burns some calories and improves cardiovascular conditioning

«Having REALbasic recognized as the ‘Best Programming Language’ in the Members Choice Awards is particularly valuable because it reinforces what our customers have been telling us all along — that REALbasic improves their productivity by letting them develop 4 times faster than any other programming language and being truly cross-platform, and that it puts the fun back into programming,» commented Geoff Perlman, Founder and CEO of REAL Software

As the condition improves, your weight loss will

• Strength training — Building muscle in the back and body improves your back’s strength and resilience

This only improves the quality of

High intensity training has other benefits too such as it improves good

Don’t be a fool; you can live to be 103! Studies have shown that regular exercise and eating right improves ones health and can even slow the effects of aging

Social confidence improves as well

It creates jobs for others and improves the general well-being of those around them

As the year progresses however – and especially after July 16 – the love life improves dramatically

Your health improved after July 23, and it improves even further after the 12th as Venus moves away from her stressful alignment

Health improves dramatically after the 18th

Her life improves considerably when the farmer dies in an accident and she marries Rory Collett

This tones and strengthens your abs and improves balance, posture and coordination at the same time

It also provides some great lessons in color, line, form and the other elements of art as well as improves eye-hand coordination

these techniques improves so will the number of buying customers visiting your site

Moreover, it improves mood and pleasure

Eggs aid in concentration and improves memory

pointed out and take concrete steps to change them, the situation improves for both

The robot labour force improves the efficiency and there seems no let up in the continuous outflow of rifles, pistols, hand phasers and bombs

attitude instantly improves when you do this

Improving the fitness of your mind not only improves your

Meditation improves mental focus, health and thinking

Meditation improves mental focus and thinking in

found that changing rooms for study improves retention

indifferent an author improves his chances if

As soon as Linda’s ‘condition’ improves we’ll have to

sight improves, they will be able to interact with you more

This also improves the condition of the skin

Also, if some economic downturn threatens basic services and necessities, then production of luxury products will be curtailed until the economy improves

Stimulates the heart and improves general circulation

off the two accounts improves her score

In advance of your arrival, General Brereton has ordered that an engineer unit improves the facilities of the airfield as discreetly as possible, in order to avoid unwanted attention from the Japanese

research has shown that money only improves happiness to the extent that it

� I can only help in small ways, while humanity slowly improves itself over the millennias

By changing your results, you will notice that the quality of your life improves

price stocks “efficiently”, it will do so by creating implicit benchmarks in these areas; once a firm improves on a deficiency, it is rewarded by a higher stock price

Because the cores are physically close to each other, they can communicate with each other much faster than separate (off-chip) processors in a multiprocessor system, which improves overall system performance

the market as a whole improves, more firms use equity financing despite its higher cost

As the economy improves, the

the Federal Reserve raises interest rates as the economy improves, we can surmise that the

‘You’re unlikely to succeed, you know,’ he pointed out and added, ‘The fact that you’re accompanied by that thing …’ He pointed to the Minion Droid, ‘That improves your chances slightly, but don’t count your chickens just yet

A number of studies demonstrate that breakfast improves one»s focus,

Parkin keeps well and actually improves with keeping

Flexibility exercises include anything that improves the

Shame and Guilt of Ancient Karma and Improves all Relationships

“You help me rescue them and then there will be four of us, which improves our chances of survival,” Garcia said

It also improves the

improves sleep quality, 5-HTP has been used in clinical trials to treat depression, insomnia and other conditions where

not only what you apply on your skin that improves it, but what you put into

This is a good step in preventing arthritis around the shoulder joints because of the large circular movement of raising and lowering which has the effect of expanding the movement of the shoulder joints; it also improves the knee joints and breathing functions by the gradually lowering and straightening of the knees and the exercises of the thoracic muscles

that still improves that thick-skinned rule Confucius says, all men are equal in state and

Potassium – This builds strong and healthy plants & flowers and improves the overall

Electropolishing improves the resistance of the stainless

Laughter lowers stress and improves health

For industry, this improves competitiveness by bringing down costs; for individuals, it improves their standard of living

This aids in childrens development, and also improves concentration and focusing

and improves overall mental stamina

FDI creates jobs and it improves the quality of goods and services we have in Namibia

Equator is an online software service that improves the lenders’ response time and keeps track of important documents

An additional benefit from learning to listen to yourself is it improves your ability to listen to others

Your strength increases as your ability to channel your power improves

Your health improves

Your connection to yourself improves and as a result of all of these deeply meaningful benefits you also receive the benefits of aesthetics

The metabolic rate is raised so the force of muscular contraction improves and the onset of muscular fatigue is delayed

Balancing materialism with spirituality improves the quality of life by reducing the work of the devil

Women were made to truly care about others, since their major function is to make sure their species continues and flourishes, while men care about whatever improves their own lot

Its slow, graceful movements have proven to have a profound effect in improving balance and preventing falls

Violet, on the other hand, hasn’t been improving at all

Given that the family remains the mainstay of care for older people in rural areas, boosting the household income is essential to improving care, including access to health care

that makes us sound gruff and uncaring when it comes to improving our appearances

Since exercise has the effect of improving circulation, this improved circulation benefits the organs of the body

Although we are primarily concerned in this book with improving the health let us never forget that the practice of Hatha Yoga cannot but have a beneficial effect on the mind and spirit

seek the Truth in the presenting experience, thereby improving your life

Communication has been improving rapidly in more than just the twenty decades that you’ve seen

“We made these outfits so that we could more easily pursue our physical inclinations,” she began, “we have been slipping into the theater practice rooms after hours and improving on our already capable movements and forms

They launched into an effort to analyze improving the channel, and found that would cost them more than the new muscles would gain them

Even though the world in general were improving, yet if, in the course of its improvements, new mines should be discovered, much more fertile than any which had been known before, though the demand for silver would necessarily increase, yet the supply might increase in so much a greater proportion, that the real price of that metal might gradually fall; that is, any given quantity, a pound weight of it, for example, might gradually purchase or command a smaller and a smaller quantity of labour, or exchange for a smaller and a smaller quantity of corn, the principal part of the subsistence of the labourer

The difference between the money price of labour in China and in Europe, is still greater than that between the money price of subsistence; because the real recompence of labour is higher in Europe than in China, the greater part of Europe being in an improving state, while China seems to be standing still

can see she’d listen to you on the subject of improving her son’s strength

Could the human mind be connected to a higher intelligence that is sending its commands wirelessly? Are human minds receiving messages from superior intelligence entities? Do we all have in our brain or mind a voice/text mail box that is operating so silently that we do not perceive it? We don’t know for sure but it looks like a very good explanation to some of the following questions: Where do our thoughts come from? How are our ideas generated? Who is the creator of life that is capable of reproducing itself while developing and improving? What is the purpose of life?

As you keep improving the software and removing the bugs you can keep

In countries, therefore, where agriculture is the most profitable of all employments, and farming and improving the most direct roads to a splendid fortune, the capitals of individuals will naturally be employed in the manner most advantageous to the whole society

To demonstrate how important it is to have your finger on the pulse here, let me quickly outline the compounded benefit of improving both these factors, rather than just focusing on one of them

The colony law, which imposes upon every proprietor the obligation of improving and cultivating, within a limited time, a certain proportion of his lands, and which, in case of failure, declares those neglected lands grantable to any other person; though it has not perhaps been very strictly executed, has, however, had some effect

So, in reality, we are neither superior nor subservient to each other, as all of us play an equally important role in improving life on this planet

Although, there is a keener sense of awareness of Earth’s relation to the non-physical dimension, one still has to put effort in improving one’s character

additional steps for testing and improving the process, generating more traffic,

passionate about improving their game and will buy just about anything that will help

and afterward, in the parking lot, our four girls are enthused about improving their own basketball skills

improving the quality of their life

Instead, they work at improving

Upon their present plan, they have little opportunity of improving themselves by the example of any other nation, except that of the Japanese

There was still little work, but conditions were improving

better shots on the course is a good sign that your game is improving, there’s nothing like a solid number to prove the fact

Improving your golf game is the entire reason to experience the latest software available, however there are many older versions of reliable software that may suit your needs completely

They sometimes kept score to see who was improving the most

Jean never won, though, she suspected Arig bloody Reidenhold had a lot to do with their improving skill! The man had been an expert archer in every lifetime – according to Adem – always a Guardian and never an Alit’aren, although he had trained to be one a number of times

for the student to chart his or her progress in improving areas of his or her life, and spoken motivational books on those large 33

The man who runs Belsen, Vince Brennan, wanted to spend their budget on improving living standards for the existing inmates – providing medical supplies, clean bedding, decent sized cells

’ Another swift reply ‘I’m glad to see your powers of perception are improving

The 9 Strategy Factors CR James Step 3: Write out some actions for improving in the areas you need the most work

The flavanoids dilate and strengthen the capillaries, improving blood supply

I felt that walking to work would only help matters, so I left the house, not moving all that quickly, but improving my pace after a bit

This procedure went on for three or four days and I didn‘t seem to be improving

He gave me all kinds of Antibiotics, but none of them seemed to have any effect at all, and I still was not improving

Ideal for purifying the blood and improving circulation

By doing this you are improving your chances of winning

“Your shield skills are improving at an impressive rate

The economic situation was steadily improving

(That few of us are fortunate enough to choose where we live does not necessarily prevent us from improving our station in life if we are so inclined

One of the biggest successes of government anti poverty programs is in saving and improving the lives of small children

“I see you as strongly motivated to improving the conditions that Limon and her people find themselves living under

He was well-liked by the officials who had been relegated to this remote outpost of bureaucratic service, but he knew that the training the young ones received was improving every year

My diplomacy was improving, which is a good thing, sometimes

“Our training is improving, and the skill level of the pilots they had available, is declining,” I continued

My diplomatic skills were improving somewhat; under the pressure of having royalty knocking about the ‘drome

She was proficient with a bow and still improving

Her accent was adorable, and her grammar was improving

Ingrid’s driving skills were improving and she clutched the driving wheel with growing confidence

He set upon improving the prototype

The dancers were now slowing and their navigation was improving

pointed out that the go-live was really the first step in improving the business

Much like life, Sarah had realized that improving her business was all about the journey,

building, testing, training, going live and then improving your business and its tools, you will be in a really good place

government should have been elected by in hopes of improving the nation

He added that it was much more expensive and did not last long, so there was much interest in improving the iron cannon

As a system what could improve in software industry is the indirect activities can be supported with tools for improving efficiency and people time spent is less in them

Control Charts, histograms and hypothesis tests along with statistical models (regression, logistic regression, dummy variable regression, etc) are highly used in software industry now a day, hence it’s recommended for readers to spend time in this topic in researching and improving knowledge in this area

Sprint retrospective meeting is mainly for the team and they discuss, what went well, what can be changed, etc this helps in continually improving and organizing themselves

saving and improving the lives of children by

Sadly, Chase concludes, while public concern for improving the environment increases, public understanding of how to go about it is diminished

improving the quality of life

Lomborg concludes that the world’s environment is not deteriorating, as the fund-raisers for environmental groups argue, but is in fact improving, just as Simon had said

Eugenics is a movement dedicated to manipulating the normal working of human biology with the goal of improving the race

wait with improving others until we have seen ourselves as we

“Not all the way, but he may be improving

We need to make a commitment to improving our use of the Bible

We would have churches devoted to improving wisdom, and focusing on the spirit instead of the body

no purpose in improving on it

We had been correcting and improving our rules for you benefit too

And you think you are improving our lives? How did you arrive at that conclusion or calculate that so-called improvement? My dear Administrator, you are the one employing a sophism

and his head fills with brilliant ideas for improving it

The US Army, in a series of measures aimed at improving troop fitness, has announced that

However, in the process of improving our environment the EPA has caused massive expenses and has made

day that is uninterrupted, improving your level of productivity

for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the departments within the

Improving productivity within your team and also assisting other

Improving productivity within your team and also assisting other teams with your

Bromwich has told the industry that he won‘t succumb to ―political pressure‖ to speed up this process and that a slow rate of permits approval is the ―cost of improving safety‖

After Katrina, a House Task Force on Improving the National

The role of guided imagery in improving health cannot be

I don’t mean you should stop improving yourself, or stop learning, or stop attaining new skills

So after we were married at twenty-six, in a wedding almost as stupendous and well attended as your own, she and I traveled the world in disguise, enjoying a life and a love that would have been legendary were they widely known, and improving our craft as wizards

It’s impractical to try to improve the defenses of your beach house without improving the defenses of the entirety of White Sands resort, so that’s what we’re going to do

” I had come in with the goal of improving the outdoor division

We were now able to concentrate on improving the remaining inventory, which covered some 15,000 square miles, an irregular circle averaging 240 miles wide around our headquarters in Ithaca

“I dedicated my days to improving my ability as a fighter and as a spellcaster

When a corporation focuses its efforts in improving the world through concrete

progeny, improving the overall state and function of the

“They tend to be quite interested in improving their skill sets for the purposes of developing and growing,” he says

Executive coaching usually is focused on improving performance on the job

What is the definition of Cell Cycle? Information about the definition of Cell Cycle.

It is known as an ordered sequence of events that links proliferation and cell division, where the mother cell gives rise to two daughter cells. This can be divided into two phases, the interface and phase M or mitosis. The cell cycle is also responsible, above all, in multicellular organisms for the development, growth and renewal of the same cells.

The interface includes the stage of the cell cycle in the genetic material or DNA, which is duplicated like other cells. It is divided into three sub-steps, G1, S and G2 being these complex intervals of the cycle. Mitosis is part of the stages of the cell cycle in which the genetic material is duplicated and distributed equally. As the interface is divided into 4 parts, which are known as the prophase, anaphase, metaphase and telophase. This is followed by the cytokinesis or cytodireisis that corresponds to the final part of the cell cycle, where the cytoplasmic material is distributed equitably, giving as an end the formation of two daughter cells identical to the mother.

Definition of Cell Cycle - What is a cell cycle short definition?

The subject of the cell cycle and its process is the protagonist of great scientific debates, especially in a subject as delicate as cloning. This process of artificially creating life by obtaining one or several individuals from a cell group or a nucleus of another individual, distributing in equal genetic parts, thus obtaining identical beings to the original or creating a replica of the existing one. The use of the cell cycle for the creation of genetically similar beings loses its essence with the lack of maternal and paternal combinations, which generates individuals that are very different from each other. That is why the subject of the cell cycle scientifically speaking causes so much commotion and often mistrust.

There is a series of points called “checkpoints” of the cycle. They examine the external and internal conditions before deciding to move on to the next phase. When this control is lost, the cells can work incorrectly and often in conditions where they can even get damaged DNA, which can cause the creation of tumors and the proliferation of uncontrolled cells.

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  • Use the word improve in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Because if this doesn’t improve, I can’t sign off on the internship program for you next semester.

Tidal volume continues to improve.

The poor musician goes away to improve his fortune.

I can’t blame him… but I’ll wait. And I’ll keep on waiting because I know things will improve. Everything I told you about us and our relationship… was a lie.

I don’t think so, we are all ambitious, he also want to improve.

You see, it’d be a much better entrance for me, and I think it’d improve your play, too.

But with each experiment, I improve upon the last.

If you would only relax and let me improve our acquaintance.

But the working classes do not forget that only the daily and tenacious struggle will improve their faith.

perhaps conditions will improve in our country from now on

He is, but maybe he’ll improve.

It’s proper to use good words and improve your «vocabilary.»

improve yourself or stay as you are.

To improve my mind, you know.

Listen, when you make motorbuses for the public, you improve their lines, don’t you?

If conditions don’t improve, the shepherds are going to organize

Why don’t you improve your ways, then?

He seems to improve after every one of your visits.

Can you improve on that, Levasseur?

Cold omelet like fish out of sea… does not improve with age.

I decided to improve my mind.

I doubt it, but you didn’t come here to improve my mind, did you ?

Never overlook a chance to improve business.

You want me to improve myself?

I could improve if I could get to France.

I must say, they improve my collection.

Well, we can hardly improve on Bucknall, V.S.

I wanted to read to improve myself.


I came here to improve


That will improve it a lot.

It does improve the view, doesn’t it?

Yeah, but that was before she started taking a business course… to improve herself.

It will improve the appearance of the world.

You’re not getting very much, but I’m sure you can improve him.

By discussing with each other, we can improve our performance.

The perfect hobby should improve the body as well as the mind.

To improve needs patience.

«Stand still and do not move, if not, you can’t improve«.

Can’t you understand that I just want to improve myself ? I want to be someone.

You never will if your bridge game doesn’t improve.

Monsieur says that it doesn’t improve Madame’s nerves to stay so long in the water.

And I’ll do my best to help you improve.

I’m only serving you until you improve, so you can return home.

If we could improve our borders and attain new land… it would be the best investment of capital… that we initially could borrow from the people’s assets… only to return it a hundredfold.

It is the only way to improve the situation.

Now get the heck back to your desk and try to improve your arithmetic.

Sentences with improve in them. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use improve in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for improve.

  • Improve the public taste? (9)
  • We shall soon improve that. (8)
  • A larger society would improve them. (4)
  • Mr. Rushworth was young enough to improve. (4)
  • My opinion is, it would improve the crops. (10)
  • I do not think they improve at all as neighbours. (4)
  • A top hat and modern collar did not improve the likeness, but it was there still. (8)
  • Where trees and shrubs edge the lawn, a slight hollow in the grade will improve it. (17)
  • As the weather hardens towards frost, the world begins to improve for Edinburgh people. (2)
  • Was it fussy to try and help the Church to improve the standard of morals in the village? (8)
  • Oscar Lowanda has been the only person to improve materially upon former equestrian acts. (21)
  • His abilities in every respect improve as much upon acquaintance as his manners and person. (4)
  • He graciously deigns to accept a couple of English hunters at our hands; we shall improve his breed of horses, I suspect. (10)
  • He was not in his best spirits, but seemed trying to improve them; and, at last, made himself talk nonsense very agreeably. (4)
  • He had no reason to wish his hair longer, to conceal any confusion of face; no reason to wish the money unspent, to improve his spirits. (4)
  • In consequence of his intellectual and social gifts, he was a new type of musician, who did much to improve the social status of the composer. (3)
  • And if the inhabitants were not encouraged to improve themselves, they were at all events maintained at a certain level, by steady and not ungenerous supervision. (8)

Also see sentences for: amend, better, promote, rectify, reform, use.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for improve. Now that you’ve seen how to use improve in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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  • Use the word impress in a sentence
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  • Use the word immigrated in a sentence
  • Use the word imagine in a sentence