Use the word impress in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word impress, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use impress in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «impress».

Impress in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word impress in a sentence.

  1. This did little to impress his peers.

  2. Even in Denmark, many of his compositions failed to impress.

  3. Elaborate timber facing would have been used to impress visitors.

  4. One theory is that they hoard shiny objects to impress other ravens.

  5. He said that his greatest motivation was the desire to impress his parents.

  6. Maudling, like Butler, made a speech that failed to impress the conference.

  7. Tensions escalated after the captain of Romney began to impress local sailors.

  8. IGN’s Craig Harris wrote that the shooter would only impress for its graphics.

  9. Glenn’s keynote address immediately followed Jordan’s, and he failed to impress the delegates.

  10. Some grand castles had long winding approaches intended to impress and dominate their landscape.

  11. Such mechanical devices reached a high level of sophistication and were made to impress visitors.

  12. The new Texas government had no funds, so the military was granted the authority to impress supplies.

  13. Many reasons have been cited for its failure to impress audiences: competition from films such as E.T.

  14. This piece failed to impress the judges, who awarded the prize to Adrien Barthe, the only other entrant.

  15. Even as they tried to impress him, however, several authors voiced their opinion on Griswold’s character.

  16. However, in a misguided attempt to prove he can kill something and impress his uncle, Stan kills Scuzzlebutt.

  17. Ethiopian women, men and children fought as gladiators and gladiatrices at the games to impress the Armenian king.

  18. From their opening game of the year, however, the Jayhawks began to impress voters with their offensive efficiency.

  19. In what was effectively a Test trial, the uncapped all-rounder failed to impress with the bat, making a duck and six.

  20. Soap opera columnist Jill Berry expressed her approval for the recast, stating, «Trevor’s Todd continues to impress me.

  21. Metallica was motivated to make an album that would impress critics and fans, and began writing new material in mid-1985.

  22. When they encounter other males, they use the same postures as described below for courting to impress their counterpart.

  23. These towers were adorned with deity masks, and were built to impress the viewer, rather than serve any practical function.

  24. The boats were built to an American design at the Pola Navy Yard after domestic design proposals failed to impress the Navy.

  25. Unlike her West End audiences who enjoyed her coarse humour, her «blue» performances did not impress audiences in the East End.

  26. The next day, Homer attempts to follow Marge’s suggestion by acting as a model employee to impress Grimes, but his efforts fail.

  27. Lowden; the future commissioner and his law partner went into debt to impress potential clients, buying a law library secondhand.

  28. Maya stelae were often arranged to impress the viewer, forming lines or other arrangements within the ceremonial centre of the city.

  29. Brooks, in a letter to Smith, stated that the design for the quarter was «sufficiently original» to impress the National Sculpture Society.

  30. His old-fashioned, racist, and outdated material fails to impress the audience when compared with the more trendy comedians also appearing.

  31. He wanted the VOC-Mataram forces to march slowly through more areas in order to impress factions that were wavering over which side to take.

  32. The design of the black dragon, which acted as Inuart’s pact beast, did not impress Shiba, who considered cutting it from the final product.

  33. I have not tried to paint a portrait of the sun—such a thing is unpaintable—but I wanted to impress you with the idea of its enormous power.’.

  34. Kotaku’s Heather Alexandra contrasted the twist with those of BioShock and BioShock Infinite, writing, «[those] games want to impress you.

  35. The measure then went before the House of Commons, where it was introduced by William Bridgeman, who made a listless speech that did not impress MPs.

  36. He attended lectures on electromagnetism given by James Jeans and Joseph Larmor, and did some research on cathode rays, but failed to impress Thomson.

  37. In an attempt to impress a girl, however, Ged searches Ogion’s spell books and inadvertently summons a strange shadow, which has to be banished by Ogion.

  38. Plans to dig a well near Wotton came to nothing, and the Duke’s expedient of drawing water from a pond near Quainton Road did not impress the pond’s owner.

  39. He continued to impress at his tenure with Monaco, and in his five seasons with the French club, the young winger scored 20 league goals in 105 appearances.

  40. He lived out his quiet life at Yale, deeply admired by a few able students but making no immediate impress on American science commensurate with his genius.

  41. The conference had been staged largely to impress the media, at a cost of £750,000, although unsympathetic media outlets were reportedly banned from attending.

  42. He continued to impress his superiors with his technical and tactical expertise, and at the end of the war he received the Distinguished Service Medal from John J.

  43. In 1943, at the age of 15, Howe was invited to the Rangers player camp in Winnipeg; but quickly became homesick and failed to favorably impress the Rangers coaches.

  44. Botting also considers the film has «poor sound quality, static scene set-ups and [a] lack of sets», and while it did not impress the critics, audience figures were high.

  45. The new regime failed to impress readers, and circulation dropped from over 67,000 for the year ending October 1968 to under 45,000 the following year, a drop of over 30%.

  46. To impress the Roman Senate, the queen endowed her children with sufficient assets, which included a jewelled candelabrum that was dedicated to the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus.

  47. Similarly, regardless of how much knowledge he gains about Rita, and despite his accomplishments learned throughout the loops, he is unable to impress her enough to earn her love.

  48. Though he had been chosen, in part, for his «fabulous skills as an orator», his speaking style and sermons, which had been so beloved in Europe, did not impress New York audiences.

  49. Big Daddy Kane suggested that Wallace did not need a large vocabulary to impress listeners, stating that he «just put his words together a slick way and it worked real good for him».

  50. After subduing the cities around the capital, Thomas resolved to attack Constantinople from three sides, perhaps hoping his assault would impress its inhabitants or lead to defections.

Synonyms for impress

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word impress has the following synonyms: impressment, affect, move, strike, imprint, ingrain, instill, print, shanghai and yarn-dye.

General information about «impress» example sentences

The example sentences for the word impress that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «impress» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «impress».

Synonym: affect, engrave, establish, fix, imprint, mark, plant, root, stamp, strike. Similar words: impressive, impression, press, press for, depressed, depression, improved, comprehension. Meaning: [ɪm’pres]  n. the act of coercing someone into government service. v. 1. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon 2. impress positively 3. produce or try to produce a vivid impression of 4. mark or stamp with or as if with pressure 5. reproduce by printing 6. take (someone) against his will for compulsory service, especially on board a ship 7. dye (fabric) before it is spun. 

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1. She did not impress me at all.

2. The Grand Canyon never fails to impress people.

3. The boys were vying to impress her.

4. The Grand Canyon never fails to impress.

5. He uses big words to impress people.

6. Don’t ever change just to impress and please someone. Change because it makes you a better person and it leads you to a better future.

7. The speaker tried hard to impress the audience but left them cold.

8. Steve borrowed his dad’s sports car to impress his girlfriend.

9. The sights of the city never fail to impress foreign tourists.

10. He spoke loudly to impress.

11. The results failed to impress us.

12. Rick is slightly smarmy and eager to impress.

13. He was straining every nerve to impress the judges.

14. She played up her past achievementsjust to impress us.

15. Jed wanted to impress a Harvard professor and some other big guns.

16. You can try your best to impress the interviewers but in the end it’s often just a question of luck.

17. It’s important to impress your seniors if you want to be promoted.

18. Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale.

19. He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine.

20. Mr Simmons tried to impress on me how much easier my life would be if I were better organized.

21. Teachers should impress the children with the virtue of always telling the truth.

21. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

22. She keeps trying to impress on me how she doesn’t fancy him but does she protest too much?

23. The boys were vying with each other to impress her.

24. He tried to impress his teachers by using big words in all his essays.

25. He tried to impress me by flexing his huge muscles.

26. Life isn’t a competition. It’s a journey. If you spend that journey always trying to impress others, to outdo others, you’re wasting your journey.

27. She threw in a lot of flashy footwork to impress the judges.

28. Ask young Harry to do it — he’s still an eager beaver and wants to impress by his willingness.

29. Some people go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to impress the society.

30. A style consultant will demonstrate how to dress to impress.

More similar words: impressive, impression, press, press for, depressed, depression, improved, comprehension, comprehensive, comprehensible, dress up, stress, preserve, actress, address, represent, president, at present, distress, Congress, presidency, presumably, for the present, omnipresent, aggression, aggressive, prescription, presidential, presentation, progressive. 

Examples of how to use the word “impress” in a sentence. How to connect “impress” with other words to make correct English sentences.

impress (v): to cause someone to admire or respect you:

Use “impress” in a sentence

I was greatly impressed by your presentation.
Are you trying to impress me?
I’m not trying to impress anyone.
I’m really impressed with your English.

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to impress others with their status, hairstyle, new dresses

not impress by what we wear but by what our heart offers

If it was true that God is impress with how you look, He

not to impress God or other believers

Something to really impress her

‘It must have been a few years ago perhaps at the theatre in Bridgwater?’ he went on, clearly hoping to impress

The Kid and the others, Matthew and Mark as I have come to call them as the misting of memory reduces them in my mind’s eye, the ones who spoke about their God and their belief, they all tried to impress on me the truth of love and vengeance

trip with this person that they are trying to impress; they are going to be living the rest of their lives with the person

Imagine that you don’t have to impress anyone

I stayed in the car, while my father registered for the night and my mother tried to reason with me and bring some sense of reality back, trying to impress on me the meaning and consequences of my actions

We studied our glasses of lemonade or beer while he was trying to draw attention and impress

They are as transparent as plastic wrap and will not impress

This seemed to impress everyone

He thought of reading 1 Corinthians 7 to her, but she wasn’t devout enough for scripture to impress her

If you can find one just after birth, and impress it when their eyes first open, you have a friend for life

‘Yes, I remember – he moved away from the area after Showboat but, yes, he was trying hard to impress me, I think, and, as you so graphically put it, was giving it plenty of wellie

He just wanted to impress Naria with all they had accomplished here

The wrong time is when someone is trying to impress you

It’s not that I go out of my way to impress or appear intellectual, but I really can’t pretend that watching reality TV is my one passion in life

In their spare time they go to the gym and try to impress young women in that depressing way that forty-year-old alpha males have

They love the holiday season as it provides them with a chance to wear singlets and impress dumb blondes

The showers at the revue had been not much better – limited hot water doesn’t go far between a chorus of twelve hot, sweaty dancers with monied admirers to impress

It reminded her of an extremely expensive glass of well chilled white wine … the sort she’d enjoyed in the early days, back when Ozzie was trying to impress her

chess player and often was able to impress his friends

I wonder if they have different purposes or if it’s all just a big con to impress the punters … Anna, you cynic!

impress itself upon the crowd

shit so you can impress us and maybe have a friend or two

He’d even gone so far as to buy a leather jacket with the fringe across his chest, to impress the rugged old hands, Jim had arranged to help

impress him,’ she directed her gaze back towards Jean

You won’t be offended, Watson? You will realize that among your many talents lying is not one, and that if you had shared my secret you would never have been able to impress Smith to come here

In a foolish attempt to impress Solo Ki, Theodorous dashed forward, his axe blowing the undead back like a battle ram

What these sacred texts are trying to impress upon us is how the universe

either thinking they have to or that it will impress the boss

And from that moment, while he had just seen proof of her talent and ability to be quite the asset, one to even impress their cynical Guild Master, he also knew that she was different

One of the soldiers stopped him to impress upon him the need for able-bodied sons of Skyrim in Ulfric’s army

Darniil waited until he had their attention again before he continued in the same confident tone, using his hands to gesture from time to time to impress the matter upon the king’s mind

He stuck his face down in the expensive metal plates that Tragus had bought to impress him

The mischievous blond recruit, always eager to impress his DRAFT

Why did he always believe that his dreams were from the gods and had some sinister, hidden meaning? Maybe it was the only way he could keep the nation in check, making up these dreams to impress upon them his close ties to the gods

“Wait until you see the Hanging Gardens – that will certainly impress you

She would impress on each of them that she was the only one they could stick their cocks into

Within this list, two persons impress me more due to their unique abilities and they are:

Nothing we do will ever surprise or impress God and there is nothing that we can say or do, that would ever affect God’s favour towards us

Jill had put on her most sophisticated, lady-like façade, and Grant was trying hard to impress her, as Mr

It was obvious he wanted to impress Jill

During the night we had talked on and off to Jack and Owen and I told them a bit about Gallipoli which seemed to impress them and after this they treated us as old sweats

This seemed for some reason to impress the Staff Officers but I don’t know why as all we did was walk past a load of white tape on the ground in line abreast

hard at what he did, but he did not try to impress anyone with the way he was dressed, but he was impressive in his own way

a client I wanted to impress

Then you can impress that client by asking intelligent questions

It was not to impress her, was it? To finally prove myself? No, there were higher reasons

It was not just talk, not merely another way to impress her

Boys of that age are very impressionable, and wanting to impress on their fathers that they were men and all grown up

It was amazing what these men would tell you with their trousers around their ankles to try and impress a lady that they were an important part in the operation

Since we wanted to impress, we practised the passing out parade during the last month and did nothing else but practising it

This was not the end for we had to escort Strydom from the prison where he was held to the Supreme Court for a year during his trial where he did not impress the trial Judge

That would not impress Sespian

And the fact that you were a «law student» did not particularly impress us either for we disliked all lawyers on principle

“You continually impress and astonish me, my dear,” he complimented her

There were also photos of him with very influential and famous people, obviously meant to impress prospective clients

“You know, Helen, if I still had tits like yours and I was trying to impress an old flame, I would answer the door like that”

Perhaps they don’t know any better or feel the need to impress

Greenberg‘s column (―Poll-itically Incorrect‖) criticizing the unsportsmanlike manner of some college football coaches who perennially run up scores against weaker opponents in order to impress pollsters, (and thereby secure higher national rankings), inconsistent with previous viewpoints expressed in earlier columns addressing the same issue

When my lads arrived to rescue him they found him to be under the influence trying to impress his Date with our power to protect him

Was this guy totally whacked out, just trying to impress her with a fancy line of crap – or what? He certainly had some astonishing bullshit! Dozens of questions sprang to mind yet, with a knowing smile, she feigned having familiarity with it all and, to allow herself pause to think, began rolling a joint

On the one hand, you really shouldn’t waste too much time worrying about the reader, but on the other; you should write to serve, not to impress

No, he was just making noise to impress his buddies

Helpless with anger, she could see that mere words would not impress him

Who was he trying to impress? Was it good gas? Or was it chock full of water and dirt?

When he was young, he used to try to impress friends with his ability to crack puzzles quickly

They were most importantly shown how to impress and guide hundreds, if not thousands of people as the Law, the Ministry, and the Ruling Council dictated

His Nicaraguan Embassy credentials didn’t impress the police in the slightest; they went through the car with a fine-tooth comb, even removing the spare

Speaking formally to impress the Italian, Colling lamented, “I so regret that we will have to take this good German beer that we have brought all the way to Italy to the second buyer that was recommended to us

She doesn’t impress me as that sort, what with her training and all

His position at Battalion headquarters permitted him to be the first to greet new arrivals with a suggestion that tailored uniform shirts might enhance their appearance and impress their sergeants and officers

Others were bleak, strictly functional and indifferent to the eye, not destined to impress or provoke awe

Presumably, the last would impress any Russians they might encounter

38 he had once fired into the wall to impress Leon, and laid it before him, cringing inwardly that he soon might be inflicting costly damage to his expensive paneling – again

He was determined to impress above all else

The Pilgrim barely touched the sand, his feet almost failing to impress themselves on the desert floor

So, what are we to make of the biblical flood story? Is it a portion of the “history of a people” as I posited in the beginning of the introduction? A story of their “origins” or was it meant to illustrate a moral principle, the “rewards of adherence and consequences of resistance” to the precepts that it was there to teach? It seems that it is a good fit into all of these categories, but which one would have been the most important reason for its retelling over the many hundreds of years? It would appear that the moral lesson of what happens to people who obey as against what happens to those who don’t would be the larger meaning that it was meant to impress, as it was handed down from an older generation to the younger

This is your chance to impress me, let’s see how well it works

’ I would guess that such outcomes would impress voters a lot

Shouldn’t he impress upon them the need to follow his example and

and stop trying to impress these industry fuckers, you will be where you want,

Everyone at the dance was dressed to impress and Bob was probably wearing a dowdy hospital gown; the gowns that make your butt cheeks hang out all over the place

knew he could not fully put forth his goal to impress this big time music

impress some major players in the music industry, and he did not

All she passed seemed to look after her as if they would impress on themselves her traits one last time, as if they would never see her again

The previous year, some people living down the road had engineered a cocktail party to impress the neighbours

The family may compile a section, dedicated to the memory of the departed, not to impress other people, but of importance to the family, and print this on the back

It was too big for her but Amelia wanted to impress him

A couple of minutes later Jack had me plugged in and I was instinctively playing the riff I used to reserve for dates that I was trying to impress as being third base-worthy

It was not as though the tour was interesting, but the doge kept trying to impress me with their technology and wasted much time explaining the obvious to me

He was meant to be there to impress but he was too much in awe of the man, it was a disability

Is making a “good impression” the “all-important” job of the Supreme Court? And who are she, and her like-minded fellow Justices, trying to impress? Would it be a fair guess that an “all-important good impression” is intended to register, not within the American judicial system, or with the American people, but amongst her peers of the world’s judicial elite?

death in front of the woman I’d so hoped to impress

The reason I told you all of this is to impress upon you what this

«Wow,» Jorma was impressed with this revelation, though he found it hard to picture

You cannot be impressed and awe with what

Nancy was quite impressed already, but she tried to appear nonchalant about the whole thing

She was impressed with that, three times as fast as the fastest thing in the air

Could that be true? She was pretty impressed so far, but not willing to go that far

What impressed her the most was that they were able to call up such learned information and drill so deeply into the science behind it and get the 3-d plot

«Wow,” Saya was impressed

Adrian was very impressed

Somewhat self-consciously, I relate at length how well the meeting went, how impressed the Trustees appeared to be and everything

‘All the same, she was impressed

She was impressed and she suggested my joining her party! I accepted at once, full of joy

When you understand that native cities look like steep crags festooned with lush jungle, it is easy to be impressed with the skyline of henarDee as it came into view almost another hour later

I was especially impressed by a conch-like rock which was considerably larger than the others -as if it were their sovereign

impressed as he studied the king

she recites the things that impressed her today

The Sens were impressed by their warm yet simple

She was most impressed, as was I; by the way you conducted yourself

They were really impressed with their friends

impressed the folk watching and they cheered their approval

’ He commented obviously impressed

They stopped for a moment to ask his business and seemed impressed by the mission he was on

As before, I am impressed by the skill of our distant ancestors … I can’t imagine the work and organisation that must have gone into building this place

» They were impressed by that

He was pleased that his presence impressed them so

‘Is that why Wiesse is so impressed by her?’

The young lady was somewhat less than impressed by the situation

He seemed to approve, but wasn’t impressed enough to salute

My Queen is very impressed with your size and strength

His mate Lady Jennie is also honored and impressed with your size

‘What does it mean, becoming a Gottesman?’ I asked, impressed by this example of vocation in action

Her brothers and sisters want to see if you have impressed on her

Her husband was not impressed when she eventually returned home minus the shopping trolley, without any money and too scared to make amends for her failings by popping down to the off-licence for him

I began to love the music, any kind, and sometimes when Apollo grabbed me, I’d imitate the impassioned dancers I’d seen on TV and Nikos would pretend to be impressed, ‘Hey, Godfrey

They entered the Riders Hall and James looked around the huge room; very impressed with the size of the place

He was very impressed with both Jackson and Sarah

He was also deeply impressed by the sheer opulence on display inside his friend’s sumptuous motor car and in between fits of pique about the riff-raff who walked today’s streets, he wondered whether he could get a car like this as a perk of his new job

“And the female… is she really that good?” Naria raised her eyebrow and tilted her head coyly, “she certainly seems to have impressed you

I suppose I should have been impressed but even as the courtesy gig nudged the boarding steps, I had never felt so naked and exposed

Although the animals towered way over her, he was very impressed that she showed no fear, and noticed the animals seemed to take to her quickly

Over the course of her first week in residence Annie, who was naturally quiet even in happy times, impressed her great-aunt with her obvious inner sorrow, which the old dear thought only fitting for a woman of the Craig line, and the next Saturday afternoon Annie received her first invitation to call on her relative in her own apartment

Annie was impressed by her aunt’s knowledge of things electronic, especially when shown the old girl’s study, which was full of the latest techno-wizardry and broadband connectivity

She was even more impressed when she realised that her centenarian relative, having dispensed with a life of genteel blackmail in her early eighties, had subsequently taught herself not only the arts of silver surfing, but had also majored as a writer of hacking and viral software on a par with any young eastern European hotshot

Lord Tarak was impressed with the pull that Duncan had; a raised voice and she immediately pulled in her reins

Naria was impressed and took the girl under her wing teaching her how to wield a sword properly

He wore a chest full of medals, which impressed Tarak, who asked about them

Tarak looked at the knife and approved; “she will be very impressed with the blade,” he laughed, “she collects blades from all over the galaxy

I can see from my reflection in the mirror, that I manage a very reasonable impression of amused surprise … I’m impressed

He also noted Chief Swanson seemed to be very impressed with Lady Killian’s abilities

Archibald was very impressed with this advice and he sent a

But what impressed her most was the added fact he often sparred with Lady Rayne; he was her favorite sparring partner it seems

Tevid was very impressed with Tarak’s tale of Rayne and the creatures on Agria

The young lady was somewhat less than impressed by the

impressed when she eventually returned home minus the shopping

He pauses collecting his thoughts – Simon has no notes; I’m impressed!

When she was finished Rayne commented that she was very impressed with her planning so far in advance, where the Scather’s were concerned

At Knowledge Hold Rayne greatly impressed Lord Gustav with her acquaintance of their laws

She shouldn’t be so impressed, Zhlindu would cover all these islands twice as high, in tens times as many stories of habitation

impressed when she realised that her centenarian relative, having

’ I agreed, impressed by this woman’s insight

He was impressed to see that she

“You young fellas seem impressed,” a voice said behind them

Mandy Hill, in an exertion of will to remain civil, said, “I have just come from an inspection of the Livingson Bungalow Lodges,” she carefully phrased, “and was graciously received, properly entertained, and handsomely impressed with Livingson’s sophistication and good taste

“I was,” he replied, impressed by the old man’s powers of

George, Belle and White Feathers, who had been in on the secret for weeks, were still justly impressed with the results of the girls’ labors, even as much as Harry

“I am very impressed, sir,” said Harry genuinely

Kev could see that Angie was impressed

She wasn’t overly impressed

Allcock were suitably impressed with young Mr

As he got closer he was impressed

You have, by the way thoroughly impressed our literature and composition professors

Livingson,” nodded Harold, “I am impressed and grateful at your knowledge of Malvern champions

Harry simply smiled noncommittally and enjoyed listening to Kaitlyn regale her father with her insights and thoughts regarding peoples and places, their histories and significance, which had so impressed her into a re-examination of her own perspectives on the world in which she was beginning to find herself

Kelsey was by there late this very afternoon, and was so impressed with the renewed aspect of the dwelling, she stopped in for a visit on behalf of their historical acquaintance

Although impressed with the building itself, he was a little

‘That’s amazing!’ said Gastolde, suitably impressed by

Alan was quite impressed with her, in spite of the fact that she wasn’t the sexiest girl he had seen so far

Alan was most impressed with her eyes, they were large, round and the warmest brown, full of expression and subtle laughter

As impressed as she was with all that she could see, she kept wondering what she was doing there

Harry was very impressed and said so

the only sign he ever gave of being impressed

He was unreasonably impressed that the color of the designs was inside the glass

Spelman was much impressed with his daughter’s even-mindedness with regard to every decision and determination

He was impressed!

The one bedroom was the only that impressed her most

” The ladies were impressed, and said so

It was a grand opportunity to practice their own modest command of Cantonese, which both impressed and delighted the others in their group

Obviously, it must’ve been a point in time that had impressed upon her many lessons

“I am personally very impressed with these submissions, quite frankly you’ve made my job far simpler indeed

If Jean had been impressed with the view of Notre Dame

She was perhaps the most impressed, with the way the ideas flowed during their daily meeting

London His editor Monty was impressed with his work but not his behaviour

Already he was impressed by her

been very impressed with the courage you’ve shown

“I thought that you would be impressed

impressed with ruined castles, and the Auvergne offered

Even the Arizona State coach the next day was completely impressed and he said Rich Hinton had some of the best stuff he’d ever seen because my players only swing at good pitches in the strike zone and they could not hit the sky that night

She was so impressed by the experience that she brought her whole town out to hear Jesus

Big was impressed

He was very impressed to see the bead was aluminum

I am not impressed with prophets that talk about

Europe and stil impresses, with its 15

“Ah,” I said, “Your focus impresses me, never the one to stray,

Besides Mr Mandela, I have yet to meet one who impresses me

‘My typing? Is that what impresses you? Typing is clumsy and slow

Something about not understanding that being on time is important or that dressing correctly impresses

It is a full admission of these truths which impresses upon me the extreme peril of humanity at present … Let us not be deceived by phrases about «Man taking charge of his own destiny»

Oh, it’s Youssaf that impresses him, Moshe thought even as he spoke

Oh, it’s Youssaf that impresses him, Moshe thought even as he spoke

But this linking to each other’s thoughts gave their collective race a vast unheard of power and intelligence that impresses even you

Show biz impresses you not

When this buddhic consciousness fully impresses the physical brain, it gives

She impresses me, Travis,» he said, reaching out and seizing the front of her coat

He tells about our suspicions that we were being followed, but especially the book impresses Oded

If I read a book and it impresses me, I may send out a note, provided there is a way to contact that writer

“ Yeah, it impresses my mom all the time

What impresses me and gives me hope is the growth of the mind and spirit of man, and not his being used as an agent to convey a message

impresses you,» Juko looked upon the other man with fire in his dark eyes, despite the pain that burned within his shoulders

He shows that he means business, at the same time he impresses

On many occasions I visited her in the past, right from my Primary School days when my mother usually sent me to assist her in washing plates, sweeping of their massive compound and as well attend to other home chores, she impresses me as a living legend and I had always looked up to such visits

It is a black-powdered substance that peels away the face and soul of an angel and impresses them on someone else

It is beautiful, this strange thing, and impresses upon her the finality of the situation—that, before her eyes, and in the near distance, is a castle wide and tall, of which she knows is the end of the world, this journey, this place

It impresses upon us the

This greatly impresses the gathering and a murmuring goes

repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation

Not because they couldn’t not make any sense: but because your dreams are inhabited and poisoned and affected by the wishes of so many unseen, undead insane auras… that the combined effect of their wishes in your dream: break up your dreams, like a kaleidoscope of broken fragments: flashing and changing with no rhyme or reason… as first one entity manages to take control of your subconscious… and then another entity rips that control away from the first and impresses his wishes on your dream so it can vicariously live out its fantasy, as all the other insane entities, crowding into the dream-fantasy… turning into meaningless chaos of conflicting wishes, a nightmare of horror, fear, terror, violation, etc… that leaves you unable to do anything

he has the energy to do that after nights with Kate astounds and impresses me

Her mamma of course impresses on her that this is her husband and that this must be so

‘ The work is full of ingenuity, but wanting in creative fancy, and by no means impresses the reader with a sense of credibility

His forehead was marked with the line that indicates the constant presence of bitter thoughts; he had the fiery eyes that seem to penetrate to the very soul, and the haughty and disdainful upper lip that gives to the words it utters a peculiar character that impresses them on the minds of those to whom they are addressed

Do you feel a creeping, shrinking sensation, Watson, when you stand before the serpents in the Zoo and see the slithery, gliding, venomous creatures, with their deadly eyes and wicked, flattened faces? Well, that’s how Milverton impresses me

You might miss a few titles – Citizen Kane for example, which I find impresses film directors more than it does the rest of us, or A Clockwork Orange, whose main impact lay in getting banned

The founder of a sect or party, or an inventor, impresses us less when we know how or by what the way was prepared for his activity

How does a phrase crop up in a dialogue? Whence comes it that it suddenly impresses itself on the attention of those who hear it? We have just said, that no one knows anything about it

When you see activity that impresses you, always refer to a weekly chart to see if the stock is building a base or if it is extended too far past its buy or pivot point

Do you feel a creeping, shrinking sensation, Watson, when you stand before the serpents in the Zoo, and see the slithery, gliding, venomous creatures, with their deadly eyes and wicked, flattened faces? Well, that’s how Milverton impresses me

Nothing impresses the mind with the vast duration of time, according to our ideas of time, more forcibly than the conviction thus gained that subaerial agencies, which apparently have so little power, and which seem to work so slowly, have produced great results

The consideration of these various facts impresses the mind almost in the same manner as does the vain endeavour to grapple with the idea of eternity

And the drawing near of Death, which alike levels all, alike impresses all with a last revelation, which only an author from the dead could adequately tell

That impresses men’s minds, and to such a degree that the very triviality and incompleteness of the evidence becomes less trivial and less incomplete even to an unprejudiced mind

What I am impressing on would-be vegetarians is that it can be done if you really want to

Livingson, I have just been impressing upon Grundy and Mackie, that in my five years of tenure here, nor I might add, after counsel with Mr

Brian described the heist from his point of view impressing Babs that his murders were done efficiently

In terms of the content that you write, you want to work on really impressing the reader with your knowledge

The last time I tried to do so it was for my American Patriot (soon after we met and still at the impressing stage)

He gave up all pretense of high roller intent on impressing his companion, and allowed her to pull him close for the cheek-to-cheek delivery of her secret

He had hoped to share a memorable lunch with Beth in the elegant restaurant, impressing her with Gordy, before leaving for two weeks of travel, but the idiocy of his brother became a source of continual, acute embarrassment

the Holy spirit was so impressing on them to preach

He had no trouble handling it, much impressing our hosts

It was uncommon for any Chairman of a bank to attend these events; they were usually reserved for sales directors and their minions but it did have the effect of impressing upon potential clients the personal service and attention they required; throughout all of his years in Banking, he had never lost his common touch

More realistically, you should hope to sell a reasonable number, impressing your publisher on the upside

at some things then they are? Is it to impress those who you should not be impressing? Has this

Some of the older folk sit around impressing the hell out of the younger kids with stories about the drugs in the ‘good old days,’ and whatnot

If I’m no use for impressing his mates then he doesn’t want me

“You came down to this office for the sole purpose of impressing on us how important the current situation is and you will most likely need some sort of prop, hence the equipment

whether near or far away, write (or precipitate) them, by impressing upon his

There may be times when you want to emphasize on your strengths, in the effort of impressing the interviewers to get the job

����������� The showing of �AVATAR� after the supper was even more appreciated than the previous movie, impressing the audience with its visual effects and stunningly beautiful imagery

That infernal scene, apart from impressing the hell out of Marguerite Higgins and the other American women, created utter panic among the surviving enemy infantrymen, who then withdrew in disorder, pursued by machine gun fire

I was helping Gautam in impressing Koel as a result of which I had to spend too much time with him and Koel was not liking it

The tour of the corvette given afterwards to her, her brother Ahmed, her father Omar and to ibn Khordadbeh had finished impressing into her how far ahead of the present world Vyyn Drelan and her people were

He delighted in impressing them with slight-of-hand, card tricks and spent a considerable amount of time with Paige Whitley

Fleurette excitedly congratulated Charlie for impressing Quentin, acknowledging the fact that it was quite an honour, indeed

It’s a way of impressing

Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created

This is a concise direction for making use of the creative power of thought by impressing on the Universal subjective mind the particular thing which we desire as an already existing fact

I would spend my days impressing her with the gloriousness of independence, of having her time entirely at her own disposal, her life free and clear, the world open before her, as open as it was to Adam and Eve when they turned their backs once and for all on the cloying sweetness of Paradise, and far more interesting that it was to them, for it would be full of inhabitants eager to give her the hearty welcome always awaiting those rare persons, the cheery and the brave

Jeremy and Tony were just staring in admiration at Alex, his skill in playing clearly impressing them

Perrin was a willowy, young cop, who appeared eager on satisfying and impressing his superiors, and human

Different tribes for different areas have different tongues, you see?” He had learned this from other prisoners, but it seemed to be doing the trick in impressing the guard

With a gasp that was almost relief she slipped out of the room, shut the door quickly behind her, and assuming what she tried to hope was an unconcerned swagger, a sort of «I am-as-good-as-you-are» air for the impressing of any one she might meet, walked down the passage

With all explanations covered for Birch to peruse, Cedar gave him little time to make any other decision than to go to the camp, impressing even Elm at his dominance of the situation

impressing this on your mind is to make you aware that the same courage, the same determination that

Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon

Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought

Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon

He was impressing me to my new boots now and I stared at him

� It no longer expresses itself and defends itself in pleasing, impressing, or surrendering to the world

Hank was a bit awkward at this impressing a girl thing, but most tenth graders are, and he was no different

“You better take a look at this for yourself”, she conveyed the message to the Dragons, impressing on the gravity of the situation and hoping to have them on her side while starting to deal with the antique, to make it genuine and unadulterated

» Ohlson raised a finger to his nose as he leaned away, impressing on Eric that he should stay quiet

He besought her—though he added that he knew it was needless—to console her father, by impressing him through every tender means she could think of, with the truth that he had done nothing for which he could justly reproach himself, but had uniformly forgotten himself for their joint sakes

In this speech Don Quixote wound up the evidence of his madness, but still better in what he added when he said, «God knows, I would gladly take Don Lorenzo with me to teach him how to spare the humble, and trample the proud under foot, virtues that are part and parcel of the profession I belong to; but since his tender age does not allow of it, nor his praiseworthy pursuits permit it, I will simply content myself with impressing it upon your worship that you will become famous as a poet if you are guided by the opinion of others rather than by your own; because no fathers or mothers ever think their own children ill-favoured, and this sort of deception prevails still more strongly in the case of the children of the brain

And the oncommonest workman can’t show himself oncommon in a gridiron,—for a gridiron IS a gridiron,» said Joe, steadfastly impressing it upon me, as if he were endeavouring to rouse me from a fixed delusion, «and you may haim at what you like, but a gridiron it will come out, either by your leave or again your leave, and you can’t help yourself—»

Godwyn was not very interested in food, except as a means of impressing people, but Philemon tucked in greedily

«You told me once to start by impressing you, General

(My wife was adept in achieving such small advantages, first impressing the impressionable with her chic and my celebrity and, superiority once firmly established, changing quickly to a pose of almost flirtatious affability

But there was no need for caution; not a soul was at hand, and Tess went onward with fortitude, her recollection of the birds’ silent endurance of their night of agony impressing upon her the relativity of sorrows and the tolerable nature of her own, if she could once rise high enough to despise opinion

What a wrong, to cut off the girl from the family protection and inheritance only because she had chosen a man who was poor! Dorothea, early troubling her elders with questions aboutthe facts around her, had wrought herself into some independent clearness as to the historical, political reasons why eldest sons had superior rights, and why land should be entailed: those reasons, impressing her with a certain awe, might be weightier than she knew, but here was a question of ties which left them uninfringed

‘Why did you not succeed in impressing on Bonaparte by diplomatic methods that he had

To all appearances, it was an occasion for preaching him a little sermon, and of impressing the Bishop on the convict, so that a mark of the passage might remain behind

Don’t worry about impressing Mitch

Worry about impressing those cheerleaders

Several other singular rules could be given from Gartner: for instance, some species have a remarkable power of crossing with other species; other species of the same genus have a remarkable power of impressing their likeness on their hybrid offspring; but these two powers do not at all necessarily go together

When two species are crossed, one has sometimes a prepotent power of impressing its likeness on the hybrid

Could she have been angry because I hinted that she was enjoying Nastasia Philipovna’s ‘leavings’? Why, I have been impressing it upon her all this while for her own good

He had the knack of putting on an air of absolute sincerity, and of impressing his hearers with the belief that he considered them equally sincere; he was able to act the simple, careless, and happy young fellow to perfection

She left him on his bed, sternly impressing upon him that «if he must blubber he must do it in his pillow so as not to be overheard, and that he would be a fool if he showed any traces of it next day

Zimoveykin would have continued, but Mark Ivanovitch checked his zeal, and waiting till Semyon Ivanovitch was still and almost calm again began judiciously impressing on the uneasy invalid at great length that, «to harbour ideas such as he now had in his head was, first, useless, and secondly, not only useless, but harmful; and, in fact, not so much harmful as positively immoral; and the cause of it all was that Semyon Ivanovitch was not only a bad example, but led them all into temptation

«I would ask that it be read,» sternly said the prosecutor without looking at the justiciary, sidewise raising himself, and impressing by the tone of his voice that it was his right to demand it, that he would insist on it, and that a refusal would be ground for appeal

«The Congress protests against the use of military exercises in connection with the physical exercises of school, and suggests the formation of brigades for saving life rather than any of a quasi-military character; and it urges the desirability of impressing on the Board of Examiners, who formulate the questions for examination, the propriety of guiding the minds of children into the principles of Peace

The fundamental idea of the Congress is this, that it is necessary, in the first place, to diffuse by all means possible the conviction among men that war is very unprofitable for people and that peace is a great good, and in the second, to act upon the governments, impressing them with the superiority of the international tribunal over wars, and, therefore, the advantages and the necessity of disarmament

This is accomplished, in the first place, by impressing all the labouring people, who have not themselves any time to solve moral and religious questions, from childhood, and up to old age, by example and direct teaching, with the idea that tortures and murders are compatible with Christianity, and that, for certain purposes of state, tortures and murders are not only admissible, but even peremptory; in the second place, by impressing some of them, who are chosen by enlistment or levy, with the idea that the performance of tortures and murders with their own hands forms a sacred duty and even an act which is valorous and worthy of praise and of reward

The Congress protests against the use of military drill in connection with the physical exercises of schools, and suggests the formation of brigades for saving life rather than any of quasi-military character; and it urges the desirability of impressing on the Board of Examiners, who formulate the questions for examination, the propriety of guiding the minds of children into the principles of Peace

Some, the men of the ruling classes, who no longer possess any rational explanation for the advantageous positions held by them, are put to the necessity, for the purpose of maintaining these positions, of suppressing in themselves the higher rational faculties of love and of impressing upon themselves the necessity for their exclusive position; the others, the lower classes, who are oppressed by labour and purposely stupefied, are in a constant state of suggestion, which is unflinchingly and constantly produced on them by the men of the higher classes

“Why did you not succeed in impressing on Bonaparte by diplomatic methods that he had better leave Genoa alone?” retorted Prince Andrew in the same tone

The congress protests against the use of military drill in schools by way of physical exercise, and suggests the formation of brigades for saving life rather than of a quasi-military character; and urges the desirability of impressing on the Board of Examiners who formulate the questions for examination the propriety of guiding the minds of children in the principles of peace

And I did this for the purpose of impressing upon the House an opinion, that if the Administration had practised upon the principles of their predecessors, all had been well; or, that if retracing their steps, or relinquishing the path of error and misfortune, they would still be the learners of wisdom and experience, it would not even now be too late to retrieve the affairs of the country

Would you have excluded British vessels since 1793, for taking the vessels engaged in your lawful trade, and for impressing your seamen? You did not do it; and it was not for that alone that you did it at the last session, but for other causes, which have nearly or quite disappeared

‘ It will help in impressing upon our own government and upon other governments that the people are weary of war-made tax burdens; that they are deeply in earnest in their demands that these burdens be removed

Over and above these unjust pretensions of the British Government, for many years past they have been in the practice of impressing our seamen from merchant vessels; this unjust and lawless invasion of personal liberty, calls loudly for the interposition of this Government

Under the pretext of impressing British seaman, our fellow-citizens are seized in British ports, on the high seas, and in every other quarter to which the British power extends; are taken on board British men-of-war, and compelled to serve there as British subjects

Does any man doubt that the war is justly undertaken? Is there a man in the nation—I care not of what political sect, many as there are—who believes that the war is not undertaken on just grounds—that we had not borne with their indignities till we could have borne them no longer? After plundering your property and impressing your seamen on the ocean, their agents have been sent into this nation to sow divisions among us, who ought to be but one family

Permit me, sir, to remark, that notwithstanding the importance, the difficulty, and delicacy which have been justly attributed to this subject, and the unwillingness at all times manifested on the part of the British Government to abandon or derogate from the abstract right of impressing her own seamen from on board neutral merchant vessels, it is very far from being certain that she has not been willing to enter into such arrangement with this Government, as would place the question of impressment on a basis both safe and honorable to this nation

Pinkney, in their letter to the Secretary of State of January 3, 1807, all tend to confirm me in the belief, that it is the duty of Congress to pass a law which would not only check desertions from the British service, by excluding persons of that description from employ in our service, but also deprive the British Government of the apology alleged for impressing American seamen, by excluding British subjects from the commercial and public service of the United States

Under the pretext of impressing British seamen, Americans were seized in British ports, on the high seas, and in every other quarter to which the British power extends, were taken on board British men of war, and compelled to serve there as British subjects

«The peculiar custom in England of impressing seamen on every appearance of war will occasionally expose our seamen to peculiar oppressions and vexations

Liston seemed to imagine, while the seventh paragraph of his project expressly recognizes the right of impressing British subjects, and consequently American citizens as at present

» Orders which she refused to revoke after the alleged cause of their enactment had ceased; because she persisted in the act of impressing American seamen; because she had instigated the Indians to commit hostilities against us; and because she refused indemnity for her past injuries upon our commerce

Russell, authorizing him to agree to an armistice, upon two conditions only; and what are they? That the Orders in Council should be repealed, and the practice of impressing American seamen cease, those already impressed being released

But, admit this right in Sovereigns to its fullest extent, and it does not give one Sovereign the right to impress the citizens or subjects of another; nor does it justify such an act; of course it does not touch the act of which we complain; that is, the impressing of American seamen from American vessels

I ask, did any nation ever do more? Besides, has not the United States, over and over again, offered to make an arrangement with England on the subject of sailors, which should be satisfactory to both, by securing to each the use of their own sailors? and has she not always refused to make any arrangement about them? And it may be fairly asked here, what measures Great Britain has taken to prevent her officers from impressing our seamen? None that I have heard of, and she is the aggressor

We have not injured her, while she has been impressing our sailors whenever she wanted and could find them

At the end of twenty years we have gained nothing, and lost our labor; the question is as unsettled as ever; and we have been worsted in this way, that, while we were negotiating, they were impressing seamen

It is true, sir, that we do not complain of Great Britain impressing her own subjects; she may do as she pleases with them; that is no concern of ours; all we ask of her is to keep her hands off our people; and we deny her right to impress American citizens; and if the abuse be the impressing them, of that we do complain, and not without just cause, because she has impressed many of them, and compelled them to fight her battles; and I have understood, after we had declared that war existed between her and us, that she detained those she had before impressed as prisoners of war, and this may be a part of her public law

Let their property be captured, or expected to be captured, under a new order in France or England, and more complaints will be made about it, than the impressing of a dozen citizens

It is remarkable that, while we hear not a word said to justify England for impressing and plundering the people of the United States, that so much should have been said to prove that we ought not to have gone to war with her, and that we were wrong in doing so

Of one thing we are certain: it rests upon no doubtful ground: that Great Britain, rather than surrender the right of impressing her own seamen, will nail her colors to the mast, and go down with them

Definition of Impress

make (someone) feel admiration and respect

Examples of Impress in a sentence

Oliver thought he could impress his crush with his magic tricks, but she laughed in his face.


The determined student spent hundreds of hours volunteering at the local homeless shelter and maintaining a perfect GPA because she wanted to impress Ivy League recruiters.


Elizabeth wanted to impress her boyfriend with a perfectly cooked steak for dinner, but accidentally burnt it.


The figure skater took a risk on an extremely dangerous stunt to impress the judges.


Marie Antoinette lead a lavish lifestyle designed to impress foreign dignitaries but it only served to anger her people and earn her a trip to the guillotine.


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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Impress | Impress Sentence

  • She did not impress him as beautiful.
  • You will impress your nieces with the same reserve.
  • Manners impress as they indicate real power.
  • My aim was to impress Azzolati.
  • All this seemed to impress her more than I had expected.
  • And what an opportunity was this for trying to impress his mind!
  • It bore throughout the impress of careful and deliberate organization.
  • He felt the impress of her teeth at his throat, and would wake up gasping.
  • I impress my love, as with a seal, on your affectionate attachment to me.
  • It did not impress me much, as I supposed that the man merely meant Old Irish.
  • Both upon Colonel Merewether and Colonel Phayre did he impress this point.

How To Use Impress In A Sentence?

  • Somehow or other he generally managed to impress people with the conviction that he was a fool.
  • The appearance of the soldiers could not possibly impress a stranger favourably.
  • No true knowledge can ever impress the human mind with a conceit of its own greatness.
  • He came quite too late upon the property to make a large personal impress upon it.
  • The main object of his visit seemed to be to impress on the Judge his importance.
  • But that does not lessen their radical and inevitable impress in the determination of the whole character.
  • And what meant that stare of the girl as if she wanted to impress his features for ever in her mind?
  • I recall one special effort to impress upon her the great misery she was preparing for herself by her shiftlessness.
  • She had never failed to impress upon the child the importance of mental equipment that is grounded on solid instruction.
  • Although comparatively young, dissipation and reckless living had stamped their impress on every feature.
  • I must impress on you the necessity of these rules (proceeding from the magistrates and myself) being strictly enforced.
  • Why he did not preserve the moral universe, as he had created it, free from the least impress or overshadowing of evil?
  • On the contrary, she wished to impress it on Edgar that she accepted his praises because they were her due.
  • He’d wanted to impress his superior with the extent to which he had get to know Budapest.
  • And I admire that charitable spirit which induces them to believe that Southern Christians do not uphold the barbarous features which wicked and cruel masters impress upon the system of slavery.
  • How could they impress their comrades of the office or the workshop without having a red sash, an embroidered cap, and magisterial gestures!
  • The mythical dragon has left the lasting impress of his name in various ways in our language and literature, as in the art of nearly every country.
  • In a word, the work bears the impress not only of a man of great powers of observation and sound judgment, but also of a strong and capable ruler.
  • But I reply, that the work here ascribed to mercy is not the most appropriate, nor the most fitted to manifest it and impress it on the heart.
  • I thought, and felt that this would have chagrined me greatly, for I hoped to impress her especially by my sermon.
  • It seems impossible to conceive of any position more imposing, or better calculated to impress the imagination particularly of Eastern magnates.
  • It is so with such works of furniture as those of which we have been speaking, for their defects are such as impress us more powerfully than their excellences.
  • Among the Alps his whole soul took the impress of those early introductions to what is most glorious and beautiful in Nature.
  • Hitherto I have been unable to impress Barnjum with this principle, and so my wrongs are still without redress.
  • Then she gave Ray his first lesson, showing him how to sit and place his hands, anxious to impress the parent that she was a good teacher.
  • Among the first curious sights which impress the visitor or newcomer to this country is the spectacle of sheet rubber hanging in the sun on native holdings.
  • I prefer to give a few recollections of outrages, and to let the direct simplicity of these terrible reminiscences impress those who have bowels of compassion.
  • There was much in the very forms of mystery and concealment thus adopted calculated to impress the popular imagination, and to excite its reverence and awe.
  • Orth’ris began rowlin’ his eyes an’ crackin’ his fingers an’ dancin’ a step-dance for to impress the Headman.

Definition of Impress

(transitive) To affect (someone) strongly and often favourably. | (intransitive) To make an impression, to be impressive. | (transitive) To produce a vivid impression of (something).

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  • Use the word IMPRESS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Mister oversmart.. if I couldn’t impress her in all this time.. ..with my drop dead handsome looks ..

Trust me, it’s going to take a lot more than a bottle of hooch to impress that fetus fajita I call a son.

Um, to impress the style director and ensure Harrods is confident that Donovan Decker has what it takes?

Remember. We must impress this Harrods style director at any cost.

That doesn’t impress me at all.

Have a few drinks. Then you’ll have the courage to impress the girl.

But to impress their eccentric, but enormously rich aunt, the sisters pretend to be nice to Anna.

To impress you he wants to play the gentleman burglar.

Your Parisian accent doesn’t impress me.

Of course, she would impress the men.

I don’t hope to impress you but we haven’t a farthing.

Mr. Day, it is, indeed, most disagreeable to me, but… Yes? I need not impress upon you the urgency of, uh, well, your bill.

Undoubtedly, that will still impress you as being a very stupid reason.

I’m not a Latin and shouting doesn’t impress me.

Instruct all divisions to restudy the features of Paul Lavond from the photograph issued, and impress upon them it was taken 17 years ago.

oh, no. I just wear them to impress my pupils.

Did he impress you as being very much in love with Miss Colby?

Mr. Carteret, are you trying to impress me with how busy you are?

Not that I care, but what kind of a line could he have that would impress you?


Oh, Hugo, it’s so impress

And in summing up, I cannot impress upon you too strongly you must never lose sight of the background of this case a viciously ruthless background from which sprang the motive for this killing of an innocent girl.

In these times, madame, your excuses will not fail to impress the people.

Darling, I’m not trying to impress them, or pretend we’re anything that we aren’t.

Oh, I just did that to impress him.

Well, why did you want to impress him?

I must confess, the historical significance of the ballroom doesn’t impress me at all.

That won’t impress Daddy.

But 3 Grand to impress some guy?

Yes. I’ll impress the concierge.

I cannot impress upon you too firmly, the Skinner Bank is a dignified institution.

This interview is to impress on him the force of your personality. To make him feel your superiority.

impress upon her that you are aliens and must move carefully.

Didn’t he impress you as being rather witty?

Well, as a matter of fact Barnes, I missed my welcoming committee. Wanted to impress Miss Lester.

Over there should impress the customers.

But what I’m trying to impress on you is this, don’t get me mixed up with one of them dumb movie cops.


It doesn’t hurt to impress the old boy.

Your laziness fails to impress. Make an effort!

That wouldn’t impress Rick.

It’s my duty to see that he doesn’t impress the other half.

I’ll impress it on him so there’ll be no misunderstanding.

And I wish to impress upon all witnesses… that perjury in connection with an official coroner’s inquest… is punishable to the full extent of the law.

It’ll impress him if he thinks I can smoke.

Mr. Davis, you impress me.

Playing the comic doesn’t impress me.

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