Use the word impossible in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word impossible, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use impossible in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «impossible». In addition, we also show how different variations of impossible can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are impossible—he’d. If you click on the variation of impossible that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Impossible in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word impossible in a sentence.

  1. It’s not impossible as A.C.

  2. Tyrell tells him that it is impossible.

  3. It is impossible now to prove either way.

  4. It is impossible to campaign under such conditions.

  5. This would have been impossible wearing the helmets.

  6. Reconstruction of the runestone was deemed impossible.

  7. Petersburg, personal acquaintanceship was impossible…

  8. The technology was improbable, the science impossible.».

  9. Otherwise it is virtually impossible to tell one fungible borough from the other.

  10. You had set us an impossible task.We did not disfranchise the negroes until 1895.

  11. It is impossible to enumerate the many hours of anguish such a person must spend.

  12. He claimed «it’s impossible to imagine post-punk soundscapes» without Marquee Moon.

  13. Most ships proved impossible to sell at anything approaching the government’s cost.

  14. DeKort stated that Lockheed had accepted schedule and cost requirements that were impossible to meet.

  15. Seydlitz’s troopers pursued and cut down the fleeing Allies until darkness made the chase impossible.

  16. In both cases, the mediators did their best to sideline historical disputes, which proved impossible.

  17. Suzuki, who had just come from a meeting with the Emperor, said it was impossible to continue the war.

  18. Now without a pilot, the group is informed that evacuation is impossible because of an oncoming storm.

  19. These showed that because of the station lighting, it was impossible to clearly see the driver’s eyes.

  20. You have constructed industrial plants of a magnitude and to a precision heretofore deemed impossible.

  21. Other tests proved the use of the submarine’s underwater wheels on the seabed to be almost impossible.

  22. He epitomizes so many things at once that it’s impossible to think of [Dodd] as mere movie character».

  23. He held them responsible for Narutowicz’s death and declared that it was impossible to work with them.

  24. The damaged state of the papyrus also makes it impossible to decide safely whose reign length this is.

  25. Reinhold Forster’s agreements with Sandwich made it impossible for him to publish a separate narrative.

  26. Large numbers of legions were diverted to Judea from Syria, which would otherwise have been impossible.

  27. It proved impossible though to take the two grandstands to the new ground, and they were sold for £100.

  28. The first Test in Barbados was badly affected by rain which made the pitch almost impossible to bat on.

  29. Norton happily obliged, but would later revoke this title stating «It is impossible to protect such an unsettled nation».

  30. After the attack Zappa needed to use a wheelchair for an extended period, making touring impossible for over half a year.

  31. The loss of Slovenia in the Ten-Day War made it impossible to fulfil the original objective of keeping Yugoslavia intact.

  32. The intensity of Lennon and Ono’s relationship made any songwriting collaboration between Lennon and McCartney impossible.

  33. Although I could not decipher their meaning, it was impossible for me to think of them as having been entirely accidental.

  34. He refused to be elected a delegate to Congress, stating that his personal business and past illness made that impossible.

  35. Adams later said that before Hitchhiker’s, stereo was deemed impossible for radio comedy and after it was made compulsory.

  36. The absence of previous finds may be the result of people assuming preserved tissue was impossible, therefore not looking.

  37. In the 16th and 17th centuries, it was thought impossible to leave out such motifs as the crowd of skaters, the wanderer..

  38. Since it is impossible to obtain all 45 characters in one playthrough, players must replay the game to witness everything.

  39. At the same time, a corrected half-life in the region of 10 years would be impossible because it would imply the samples contained about a hundred milligrams of sergenium.

  40. They did not pull the handle more often when a partner was pulling; both novices and experienced participants kept pulling even in situations where success was impossible.

  41. Shortly before last light it appeared that it would be impossible to reach the objective or even to hold the ground already occupied and the company was ordered to retire.

  42. Capturing the stunt was difficult because it was impossible for a human operator to refocus the camera fast enough to prevent the image from blurring as Rickman fell away.

  43. And thus we are confronted by a paradox: El Greco is said to have reacted most strongly or even condemned Michelangelo, but found it impossible to withstand his influence.

Impossible—he’d in a sentence

Impossible—he’d is a variation of impossible, below you can find example sentences for impossible—he’d.

  1. Timberlake suddenly became Trousersnake and he’d done the impossible—he’d become cool.».

Synonyms for impossible

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word impossible has the following synonyms: hopeless, impracticable, infeasible, unfeasible, unworkable, out, unachievable, unattainable, undoable, unrealizable, impractical, insurmountable, unsurmountable, unrealistic, unthinkable, inconceivable, out of the question, unimaginable, insufferable, unacceptable, unsufferable, intolerable, unbearable and unendurable.

General information about «impossible» example sentences

The example sentences for the word impossible that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «impossible» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «impossible».

Examples of how to use the word “impossible” in a sentence. How to connect “impossible” with other words to make correct English sentences.

impossible (adj): If an action or event is impossible, it cannot happen or be achieved

Use “impossible” in a sentence

It’s absolutely impossible.
It is impossible to resolve the conflict.
I found it impossible to get in contact with him.
It’s impossible for me to explain it to you.
It’s impossible for me to be there before 8.00 p.m.
His writing is impossible to read.
It’s absolutely impossible to do so.
It’s nearly impossible.
Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible.
It’s impossible to satisfy everyone.
I’m sorry, but that is simply impossible.
I suppose that’s impossible.
It’s virtually impossible.

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Synonym: absurd, inconceivable, unimaginable, unthinkable. Antonym: possible. Similar words: possible, as soon as possible, possibility, permissible, accessible, inexpressible, impose, visible. Meaning: [ɪm’pɑsəbl /-‘pɒs-]  n. something that cannot be done. adj. 1. not capable of occurring or being accomplished or dealt with 2. totally unlikely 3. used of persons or their behavior. 

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1. The word «Impossible» is not in my dictionary. 

2. Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart). 

3. No way is impossible to courage. 

4. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 

5. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say «impossible «. 

6. It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument. 

7. Nothing is impossible (or difficult) to the man who will try. 

8. Pure and complete sorrow is as impossible as pure and complete joy. 

9. It is impossible that a man who is false to his friends should be true to his country. 

10. It’s impossible to be accurate about these things.

11. It is impossible to be completely objective.

12. Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!

13. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

14. It always seems impossible until it’s done. Nelson Mandela 

15. Never a negative acknowledge why it is impossible.

16. He knew that it was impossible.

17. Darkness made it impossible to continue.

18. What had seemed impossible now seemed a distinct possibility.

19. nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

20. Complete political unity is impossible to achieve.

21. It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain.

22. It is impossible to prove the existence of God.

23. it is impossible to love and to be wise.

24. It is impossible to satisfy all your demands.

25. I find it impossible to lie to her.

26. It’s impossible for me to be there before eight.

27. I can’t come today; it’s impossible.

28. What an impossible job! The mind boggles.

29. It’s impossible to get along with him.

30. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say » Impossible«. 

More similar words: possible, as soon as possible, possibility, permissible, accessible, inexpressible, impose, visible, feasible, ostensible, comprehensible, be responsible for, sibling, compose, fossil, ostensibly, import, composure, impolite, composition, importune, important, Bible, importantly, foible, of importance, impoverishment, fungible, eligible, horrible. 

Definition of Impossible

not possible; not able to be done or happen

Examples of Impossible in a sentence

The employees grew angry with their boss for assigning such an impossible task of creating the monthly reports overnight.


Even though the home team was down by two points, the star player knew the shot would be impossible to make from his angle.


After accidentally throwing away his homework, Ted knew searching the local dump for it was an impossible solution.


Once the fire reached the roof of the house, the firemen knew it would have been impossible to save it from being a total loss.


It was nearly impossible to get in a word into the conversation with Bill due to his excessive talking.


Other words in the Difficult, Stubborn category:

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Impossible is a novel by Danielle Steel, published by Random House in March 2005. The book is Steel’s sixty-fifth novel. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Alaïa was obsessed by the contrast between a tiny waist and wide hips and it it almost impossible to find one of his creations where the waist isn’t defined.


Solar-thermal systems, which turn sunlight into heat and then into electricity, are more efficient than photovoltaics — because they can use the entire solar spectrum, they can reach efficiencies of 30 percent — but they are impossible to scale down to rooftop size.


The two independent lines of inquiry generated data that correlates incredibly well over 500 + million years, and it is impossible for the two to be interdependent, as there is no bloody way for the earth’s temperature to effect the distribution of stars in our galaxy, or our orbit around the galaxy.


How else could he argue, as he did recently in a Maclean’s opinion piece, that blocking the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion — and along with it, increased GHG emissions from Alberta’s oil sands — would jeopardize Canada’s climate change plan and make it impossible to meet our emissions reduction target under the UN Paris Agreement?


It is almost impossible to think of one who got paid for taking risk.


I agree that finding a good LC was hard, and that finding my way through the mass of information/misinformation was near impossible, but I never felt pressured by those who encouraged me to continue.


However, it is not impossible to manage as the following example shows.


It needs to be mathematically impossible so won’t happen to either we secure another 4 points or Spuds lose their next game and we get at least a draw.


The sense of being surrounded by water, rocky steep-sided valleys and open moorland is impossible to ignore — it’s these natural textures, subtle hues and rugged lines that emerge in my jewellery.


In the postcrisis era when Breakout Labs got its start, investors were leery of backing companies with major «technical risk» (meaning their idea might be nearly impossible to pull off) or an undefined market (even if they pulled it off, who knew if anyone would want it?).


This is because some produce, like apples, soak the chemicals inside, making it impossible to wash off.


Working-class single moms in urban neighborhoods — exactly the kind of parents whose kids tend to have the most problems in school — are put in a nearly impossible situation by summer vacation.


Therefore, it’s actually impossible to manufacture a mineral-based makeup line that is also 100 percent organic.


Trying to conceive while breastfeeding is complex, but by no means impossible.


State Senator David Valesky said, «Medicaid is one of the largest cost drivers for counties, and constantly rising costs are making it impossible for administrators and executives to contain property tax rates.


It is possible that if we were able to arrange all creatures on the direct ancestry of humans in line we would find it difficult, if not impossible, to draw a line and say from that point human beings began.


For Dwayne, it was a chance to enter a wondrous world, full of men performing seemingly impossible tasks — like a bunch of real-life Hercules.


Also, if you don’t understand how to fix cellular pathways that have been affected by a toxic cell (the other 4R’s of cellular healing), then getting someone well becomes impossible.


Though it is impossible for ISPs to police all their content, they may nevertheless be held liable and are likely to withdraw the article.


To understand how they work, we can take a look at nature itself: while natural elements acquire their physical properties from the atoms that form them and the way in which they are ordered, metamaterials use natural means, like small metal fragments that fit together like parts of a Meccano model to artificially synthesise properties that are impossible to find otherwise.


Yet even beyond the players listed above, the range of possibilities that could be open to City, assuming their many, highly-rated youngsters do blossom to become genuine prospects in the first team, is almost impossible to cover in the teams above.


Since guys don’t like to make plans in advance, the news that you are planning a cloth diaper diaper party might result in panic, since it will likely be impossible to pick up cloth diapers on the way to the party.


But although the move might seem a clear indication that Xi will take a third term as president, the opacity of the party’s processes mean that it’s impossible to be sure.


A true believer in Christ can never lose his salvation unless he stops believing in Christ, which is impossible if a life was truly changed.


So, in reality — it’s impossible for your baby to sleep all night without waking up!


Which I thought was impossible, but apparently was not.


Because of Tula’s popularity, getting your hands on certain prints can be almost impossible!


This is a feat often considered impossible, because losing fat and gaining weight require very different approaches.


Google’s everchanging algorithyms make it impossible to nail down.


But the very fact that he asks these questions, and suggests some plausible — and implausible — answers, it has shaken these boundaries of what is possible and what is impossible to ask.»


It’s impossible for me to even roll out of bed in the morning with eyes this bright.


Well you know what makes this impossible — you look amazing in everything!


Overt coding, such as laser marked codes, are permanent and it is therefore, nearly impossible to remove by third parties, while covert codes are completely concealed to all but authorised distribution partners.


However it’s not impossible — and at the very least, that’s more than most of the clubs in the world can say… We can dream, right?


Saving for retirement in your 20s may seem impossible.


considering the environment of earth and the compounds present in our atmosphere at the time it is almost statistically impossible that such cells wouldnt have formed


The rink closed earlier this year after a series of mechanical problems made it impossible to make ice.


For example, if space is continuous, to cross a stadium one must traverse the space’s entirety; but to go all the way, one must first go half-way, then half-way again, ad infinitum; since a spatial line contains an infinity of points, it is impossible to arrive at the stadium’s other end.


Of course, it’s impossible tell from one photo whether this is the case at every single Sephora.


The only negative thing I can say is it is impossible to take it off with one hand because it grips so well but that’s not the most important thing to me.


Nowadays, organizations receive thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands, security alerts every day, and it’s impossible to scan all of them and do the small manual changes needed to get rid of them, especially with a small security team.


Facebook keeps encountering problems that are seemingly impossible to predict: It’s just hard to protect a castle that’s home to 2.1 billion people.


And it is virtually impossible to see how the U.S. dollar could survive such a revelation without plummeting.


Selling covered calls against this stock is almost impossible due to a significant price drop of the Continue reading →


Little Marie had on a pair of gloves, some mittens and the hand covers on her big, puffy snow suit, which made it impossible for her to play with the toys.


Unfortunately, it looks impossible to finish the project on time because of the problems some people are causing with submitting their work late.


It was a struggle to stay up late as new parents; couple that with some wine and it was nearly impossible.


Elegant, original, striking and sometimes impossible outfits.


You want to keep up with your wax appointments, but sometimes finding time is impossible.


It’s theoretically possible that some internal cycle in the ocean circulation could give Holocene temperature fluctuations as big as the LIA, but until one identifies such a mechanism, it’s essentially impossible to say what the consequences would be for climate sensitivity.


impossible — перевод на русский


«Believe me, it’s impossible for you to marry her.»

«Поверь мне, это невозможно.»

«For his happiness, I’d consent to it… but it’s impossible…»

«Ради его счастья я дал бы согласие… Но это невозможно…»

— But, Doctor, this is impossible.

-Но, доктор, это же невозможно.

It would be impossible for me to tell you how many animals I have killed.

Невозможно сказать, сколько животных я убил.

Major. It is simply impossible The front line trenches have been taken by the French from us and I cannot get through to the regimental staff

Майор. это просто невозможно линия окопов за нами занята французами я не могу добраться до штаба полка ты «шутишь»?

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Oh, it’s impossible.

Не может быть.

It’s impossible.

Такого не может быть. Но все так говорят.

It’s impossible!

Не может быть!

The radar officer replied that it was impossible.

Офицер-радиолокационщик ответил, что этого не может быть.

— That’s impossible.

– Не может быть.

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If you do not believe me, go check Not today Today is the day of fasting, it is impossible to shed blood.

не веришь-пойдем проверим не сегодня сегодня день поста, нельзя кровь проливать (?

It’s almost impossible to repay that debt.

— Этот долг почти нельзя оплатить.

It is impossible not to despise them.

Их нельзя не презирать за это.

Why is it impossible for me to get a glass of cold water in this house?

Ну почему нельзя принести мне стакан холодной воды?

It’s impossible for us to get to Kyoto now

В Киото сейчас возвращаться нельзя.

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It’s impossible for me to go.

Я не могу пойти.

I am desolate, señorita, but it is impossible for me to sell you Carmelita.

Я очень расстроен, сеньорита, но я не могу продать вам Кармелиту.

It’s impossible to thank you for your kindness to us through all this.

Не могу выразить вам всю свою благодарность.

As for me, it’s impossible for me to take the one that she likes.

Как по мне, я просто не могу отобрать у неё то, что ей нравится.

It’s impossible.

Нельзя. Я не могу.

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No, no, that’d be impossible, Smiley.

А мы бы осмотрелись. нет, не думаю что это возможно, Смайли.

Evidently it’s not impossible.

Это вполне возможно.

It’s impossible!

Это не возможно!


Нет, это не возможно.

No, Professor, that’s impossible.

Нет, не возможно.

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He’s really impossible.

Просто невыносим.

He’s impossible, Grifter.

Он невыносим, Жулик.

impossible and uninvolved.

Невыносим и равнодушен.

He’s impossible!

Он просто невыносим!

I like him a lot. But he’s impossible.

Он мне очень нравится, но он невыносим.

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It’s impossible there’s nothing!

Это же невероятно!

That’s impossible.


It’s impossible!


And it’s impossible that she’s hidden in the guise of a young man.

И невероятно, что она скрывается под маской молодого человека.

Oh, surely — it’s impossible.

Но это же невероятно!

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— That’s impossible.

– Сейчас – нет.

It seems impossible, but there’s no doubt anymore.

Больше нет сомнений.

It can’t be him. It’s impossible.

Ты прекрасно знаешь, что его здесь нет!

Impossible. I’ve got to see you again!

Нет, мы должны увидеться снова.

That may be easy for you, but for us it’s impossible.

Это вам, может, легко, а нам нет.

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Это исключено.

That is impossible.

Это исключено.

Oh, that’s quite impossible.

Это абсолютно исключено.

It’s impossible, isn’t it?

Это исключено. Правда?

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I’m sure you must see how impossible it would be for you to remain at the bank.

Вы должны сами понимать, как трудно вам оставаться в банке…


Как и почему оно туда попало, это пока трудно сказать.

It’s impossible for you, let me do the talking.

Для тебя это слишком трудно. Давай я все скажу сама.

Thankfully, what is impossible to know for poetry and music, is not in the case of painting.

Это, быть может, очень трудно сделать для поэзии и музыки, однако в случае с живописью наблюдать творческий процесс намного проще.

It’ll be impossible to explain us as anything other than a genuine UFO, possibly alien, definitely destructive.

Будет трудно объяснить нас как что-то, помимо НЛО, и к тому же инопланетного и явно враждебного.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«His ideas sound impossible.«
(sound, seem, be: is/am/are, appear, look, prove)

«The bad weather made it impossible to play baseball.«

«I find it impossible to stay mad at him.«

«He is impossible to work with.«
(be: is/am/are, be + becoming, remains)

Used with adverbs:

«It is absolutely impossible to finish the project today.«
(absolutely, completely, totally, utterly, humanly, downright)

«It is almost impossible to reach him during the day.«
(almost, nearly, practically, virtually, simply, pretty)

«Her handwriting is literally impossible to read.«

«Both options are equally impossible.«

«It’s financially impossible for us to buy a house right now.«

«It is physically impossible to achieve that goal.«
(physically, technically, scientifically, mathematically, logically)

«You are just impossible to live with.«
(just, simply, absolutely, completely, quite, totally)

Used with prepositions:

«It’s impossible for me to understand you.«

Used with nouns:

«That is an impossible demand.«
(demand, dilemma, dream, feat, obstacle, task)

«Those are impossible odds.«

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