Use the word important in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “important” in a sentence. How to connect “important” with other words to make correct English sentences.

important (adj): necessary or of great value

Use “important” in a sentence

This is an extremely important point.
Health is an important factor of happiness.
He has an important position in the firm.
Needless to say, health is more important than wealth.
Water is important for human life.
Don’t worry. It’s not important.
I have a very important meeting this morning.
What’s important is not the destination, but the journey.

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important elements of truth that will address questions

One is not more important than the other, both are

commitment, then you’re wrong! Because the C is not commitment, that’s important, you have to be committed but that’s not the C in the ABCs of

Here I have highlighted further important components

For being motivated not only the physical well being but also the mental well being is important

Fear of God is one of the important keys in walking

They are the people, places, and the things that you associate with and your associations are really important to recognize

That’s not the kind of, you’re more important than they are scenario that I’m talking about here

Some they will act important, sophisticated and want to

Another important thing about this element is that, when

openness is very important and it is something that you have to practice

Living with integrity is really important to your success

Additionally, because of lifestyle changes and a lower metabolism, it is important to consider how we eat as well as what we eat

“There are 5 important things to remember

Heed this mantra because our breakfast is THE most important meal of the day

Prayer is one of the important ordinances or orders of

Nitrogen s not the most important element of what you feed your plants

Are you becoming confused about all those bottles in the medicine cabinet? If you’re taking multiple medications, it’s very important to keep track because you may be seeing more than one doctor for different reasons

Another important dimension that one can add to one’s life post-retirement is spiritualism

Most important is to have fun and enjoyment

They could steal money from bank accounts, break into important military installations, and hold the world for ransom

How long can we ignore the chaos? It is for these reasons that natural non-chemical life-styles are very important in developing a sustainable life-style

the important thing to know is that God allow them

She’s not what’s important, what she says is important

I believe this is one of the most important foundations of

“Are you going to stand in the elevator all day? We have important things to discuss,” Ackers chastised them, and then, without waiting for their response, he turned and started walking down the hall

“There are far more important things to worry about than painting,” he replied

«Did you notice there is someone in my life that’s important to me?»

Another important element we need to recuperate in

That is also why it is important to keep a regular bedtime and wake-time, even on the weekends when there is the temptation to sleep in

She was an important member of the largest organization they have, the Kassikan

over emphasis the important of this point

Other Predators: The most abundant and important predators for a healthy garden are the two-winged Flies, the Wasps and the Green Lace-wings

I know I should, with such an important ex-lover there

One of the most important lessons I have learned in my

For me, it is important to regard them as Citizens, who have full rights to participate in the affairs of the society and the community

«She didn’t spend time with any of the other lovers I’ve had since Tahlmute and I’ve had several more important than Jorma

The only reason Jorma’s important to me is because he helped me find out the truth about Tdeshi and Tahlmute

Ants too play an important role since they herd many sucking creatures around from plant to plant

«Then why was it so important that we have that map?» Ava asked

Also temp and amount of day light are important

Zinc: This exotic element is just as important as the top three (NPK) without which the plant would die

It’s important the people should know what you stand for

It’s equally important that they know what you won’t stand for

Another important area is the influence of Media, particularly the TV

it’s important to him to know clearly in his own mind whether the accused is guilty or not

“This is important,” Ackers yelled at the top of his voice

“I don’t care about your dad! This Chip is more important than your life and all the things that happen in it

It is important not to provide food sources for them

The important thing is how you use this wealth

Patience — the ability to delay gratification – is another important lesson one should follow

Therefore it is important for the home owner to learn the proper measures that can be taken to prevent termites from entering your home

What is important is the net return

The most important thing is the long-term performance record

Stress is the most important factor in pest control

‘Do you think that is important, Stephen?’

Cutting the grass is a very important step

Frank left for the day with an important lesson etched in his heart

Please put a geosynchronous above the point where they used to be, it’s vitally important

It is important that at least the near relatives and friends understand as to how they can provide better support to elders

Changing the behavior of the ants is a very important factor in controlling many pests in the home and garden as well as controlling the ants themselves

The an important word here is “Exotic”

This is very important to understand

It is important to understand that ants are important to the trees

“It is important to aphids and other creatures that attack the tree

Also Foliar feeding them will provide for them the fastest source of food and energy therefore it is important that you only feed them nutrition that relieves stress; and not causes it

The idea is to provide plants with important trace minerals, bacteria, enzymes, and elements necessary for a healthy plant to grow

How physical man perceives himself is very important

Thus the relationship between the peoples of Peru and the oceans would become a very important one

Confidentiality is an important point

this is an important

They are important in the detoxification of the soil; soil that is dead from the chemicals poured on them

Enzymes are important to plants in that they help to release minerals, nutrients that are locked up in the soil

Water is very important; too much water will drown and not enough will kill off the bacteria

Heat is important in compost making

there something more important on

It is also an important tool to achieve mental clarity and health

She was indeed an important person at the Kassikan

This site provides information about all the recent government announcements and important judgements related to direct and indirect taxes and related laws

He knew the Kassikan was important on the merchant’s council of the Yakhan and the All Highlands Commercial Council

His children were the most important thing in the world to him

Not the most important, but the most public

An event so important that it was worth a permanent mark on the skin, first to assure success, second to commemorate once it had taken place

The most important thing was

The state coroner is paid enough to stay late and show a visiting officer important evidence

‘The important thing is to get Liz out of that house

What seemed more important were the affairs of this outpost, especially knowing there was likely to be no more contact after the Heavenly Mother, if they could even get them in

«But it was an important generation

It was, he gave her a long explanation of missing parts and political disputes and lost paperwork and why it was important

But he had more important things to do

One of the most important keys to a powerful faith, that which

…there is no promise in the Bible more important than Mathew

that’s not important now

sonal… and the most important thing in our life

Consider several traits of a shepherd, that are important as it relates to leadership

As their supreme commander in military and spiritual matters, (one and the same in Qaida’s sacred texts) Haadij Vincef Doesshef was the most important soul aboard

The kids enjoy being in on the secret and, with the encouragement of their mums, sing ‘Happy birthday’ to him… okay, so their effort is more enthusiastic than accurate, but that’s not important

things that are not important to the main function of the Lord’s church (seek and save the lost)

Sometimes we are given lessons by Harry, the brightest example of obedience in Janus, who trumpets forth that: “Disciples who are entirely subjected to their master, have a good chance of reaching illumination – no matter who the master is, no matter if the master is a complete idiot! It doesn’t matter who you obey; the important thing is to obey!”

Synonym: influential, meaningful, outstanding, prominent, significant, substantial, valuable. Antonym: petty, puny, trifling, trivial, unimportant. Similar words: importantly, of importance, import, transportation, impose, contemporary, port, shortage. Meaning: [ɪm’pɔrtnt /-pɔːr-]  adj. 1. of great significance or value 2. important in effect or meaning 3. of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis 4. having authority or ascendancy or influence 5. having or suggesting a consciousness of high position. 

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(1) Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein 

(2) War is much too important to be left to the military. 

(3) The family you came from isn’t as important as the family you are going to have. 

(4) The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and thedetermination to attain it. 

(5) Because friendships enhance our lives,it is important to cultivate them. 

(6) It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed.

(7) It is important for him to attend every day.

(8) It is vitally important to cancel the order immediately.

(9) They had important matters to discuss.

(10) It is always important to choose enjoyable, nutritious foods.

(11) Money played an important role in his life.

(12) Spelling and good grammar are both very important.

(13) There were several important items on the agenda.

(14) Interest rates are an important instrument of economic policy.

(15) Your interesting report raises several important queries.

(16) They discussed important issues in imitation of their elders.

(17) Some of the most important questions remain unanswered.

(18) actions are more important than words.

(19) Trade with other countries is important.

(20) The accident taught him an important lesson.

(21) A little careful planning is important in gardening.

(22) Diet and exercise are equally important.

(23) The manner of presentation is highly important.

(24) He seems to have overlooked one important fact.

(25) It is important to distinguish between cause and effect.

(26) Scientists have made many important discoveries.

(27) Let me reiterate the most important points.

(28) Every person has two education, one which he receives from others, and one, more important[], which he gives himself. 

(29) Most of the trouble in the world is caused by people wanting to be important

(30) Don’t believe that winning is really everything. It’s more important to stand for something. If you don’t stand for something, what do you win? 

More similar words: importantly, of importance, import, transportation, impose, contemporary, port, shortage, mortality, export, support, report, heart and soul, airport, portion, portray, distant, instant, uncomfortable, supporter, reporter, report on, portrait, constant, reporting, portfolio, supportive, transport, instantly, reluctant. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«The message seems important.«
(seems, sounds, be: is/am/are)

«She makes me feel important.«

«What makes you so important?«

«He believes he is very important.«
(believes, thinks)

«His findings have become important to the research.«
(become, remained)

Used with adverbs:

«It is extremely important that you see a doctor.«
(extremely, very, critically)

«Good communication is tremendously important in a marriage.«
(tremendously, vitally, particularly, especially, incredibly)

«Both suggestions are equally important.«
(equally, obviously, very, profoundly)

«It is pretty important that you finish the project on time.«
(pretty, fairly, quite, obviously)

Used with prepositions:

«It’s important for you to read this.«

«Spending time with my family is important to me.«

Used with nouns:

«There will be an important addition to the company.«
(addition, change)

«She missed a very important appointment.«
(appointment, assignment, clue, detail, fact, feature, ingredient, item, meeting, part, piece, requirement)

«They made an important breakthrough.«
(breakthrough, discovery, finding)

«He is an important client.«
(client, customer, guest, person, visitor)

«I had to make an important decision.«

«She learned an important lesson.«

«That was an important moment for him.«
(moment, occasion, place, reminder, role, victory)

Sentences using the word important. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use important in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for important.

  • But important, he says. (8)
  • Money to him is important. (10)
  • One thought is important to note. (3)
  • I begin to think that I am important. (10)
  • Consequently this letter was important. (10)
  • Who is the most important Finnish composer? (3)
  • Name the most important events in his career. (3)
  • Yesterday, papa came from town, looking important. (10)
  • It may be important that it should not be delivered. (10)
  • Name the most important works of these two composers. (3)
  • Give an account of Kienzl and his most important works. (3)
  • Name the important events in his manhood and later life. (3)
  • He felt elated, sorry, tremendously important all at once. (8)
  • What other composers have done important work in this field? (3)
  • Roderick Barclugh was a very important personage in this council. (18)
  • The most important difference is in the size of the timbers used. (17)
  • This thing was so big, so astoundingly and unexpectedly important. (8)
  • This is important in order to ward off the intrusion of outsiders. (12)
  • He has written some important works in musical literature and theory. (3)
  • His first important works were choral, with orchestral accompaniment. (3)
  • But at present there are two more important actors: we are not at Elsinore. (10)
  • For the moment she had forgotten that other thing so terrifically important. (8)
  • Important mail may await his coming and there must be no delay in its delivery. (21)
  • It was so important, she thought, that darling Nedda should see more of dear Derek. (8)
  • But I suspect you to require to learn by having work in progress how important is . (10)
  • Ripton was understood to say he devoted that corner to old briefs on important cases. (10)
  • Still there was Jon, more important in her life than himself; Jon, who adored his mother. (8)
  • In the Elizabethan age, the music of England was scarcely less important than her literature. (3)
  • One of the most important of those results was the assertion of our indivisible nationality. (14)
  • Miss Priscilla Graves now fastened her meditations upon Skepsey; and it was important to him. (10)
  • The library is one of the most important in France, and dates from the foundation of the school. (3)
  • He was really to see this important, this representative thing to the greatest possible advantage. (9)
  • It was very important to explain exactly why; his feelings about everything were concerned in this. (8)
  • Among the great philosophers who treated on music, =Aristotle= (384 B. C.) holds an important place. (3)
  • Dan was soon lost from the side of Miss Anderson, who more and more seemed to him important socially. (9)
  • Of very important, very recordable events, it was not more productive than such meetings usually are. (4)
  • For the present, however, a consideration of his life and influence on Church music is more important. (3)
  • I forego my intention to keep it on my body to explain the manner of my death, which is not important. (1)
  • The important Tuesday came that was to introduce the two young ladies to this formidable mother-in-law. (4)
  • The words of both uncle and nephew gave the impression of unspoken meanings, far more important, behind. (8)
  • It is very important to properly flash the base of the projecting portion of the soil-line above the roof. (17)
  • In the case of a large building this is a more difficult manoeuvre to manage than with less important work. (13)
  • So important indeed that I am convinced that the machine is hurt forever, because it has ceased to function. (12)
  • The most important instance of criticism of this kind is afforded by current attacks upon the Associated Press. (16)
  • The two other important cities, Philadelphia and New York, had some musical activity during the Colonial period. (3)
  • But the most important part of this problem is to make the best of any view that may be possible from the house. (17)
  • There were also anthems, the old plain chant and much Folk-music, but nothing that can be considered as important. (3)
  • In her despair she encouraged Sedgett to visit her bar and parlour, and he became everywhere a most important man. (10)
  • On the other hand, there are no important consequences from conviction except, of course, to the person condemned. (16)
  • She did not immediately look at them, because he went on to add something that they both felt to be more important. (9)
  • We therefore turn our attention to the important developments in instrumental music which were effected in Germany. (3)
  • The whole question of money is so absurd and trivial; it is only dragged in the wake of the really important things. (12)
  • The latter two fire-resisting types are better fitted to the larger mansions, where expense is not so important an item. (17)
  • It is quite false or quite mistaken to suppose that our novels have left untouched these most important realities of life. (9)
  • The immensely large capital now required for the conduct of a daily newspaper in a great city has had important consequences. (16)
  • But to our ancestors the important problem in first erecting the house was to secure the substantial support of the ridge-pole. (17)
  • The only really important change has been in its transference as a company from the jurisdiction of Illinois to that of New York. (16)
  • With a self-governing nation, it is all important that such an agency as the Associated Press furnish as nearly as may be the truth. (16)
  • Its citizens comprise a score of nationalities, most of whom represent distinct and important elements in the composition of the empire. (20)
  • Now there are important screws and less important ones; and this being was one of the most important of all. (12)
  • I am now in the midst of the highly important and engrossing business of arranging for the presentation at Court of some of our fair citoyennes. (14)
  • One day it happened during the progress of an important trial that a sharp shock of earthquake occurred, throwing the whole assembly into confusion. (7)
  • It gave her the feeling that life and experience were all that mattered, doing and seeing things; it made her own trouble seem smaller; less important. (8)
  • He saw little evidence of exact scholarship in the educated men, and a general disposition toward an indolent attitude regarding all important matters. (14)
  • She might as well have scrawled her announcement of an event pleasing to her, and, by the calculation, important to him, if not particularly interesting. (10)
  • Stone faced concrete wall developed by Ernest Flagg] Of the light steel forms, the most important on the market are the Metaforms and the Morrill forms. (17)
  • Under the new influence, Strauss renounced his classical style, and began to compose the tone-pictures and symphonic poems that have made his name so important. (3)
  • Concertos, string quartets, trios, and, most important of all, symphonies, came to be written in great numbers; and throughout Germany a mania for orchestral music arose. (3)

Also see sentences for: grave, heavy, massive, material, momentous, ponderous, solemn.

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Sentence Examples

The extirpation of these pests is a most important subject.

Nothing ain’t important as vittles, Ethan.

Cheerfulness is the most important for children

That you should let your man be a little starvy and thrusty it is important otherwise when they are over with you will spit you like a chewing gum

Well, breakfast is the most important meal of the «fatubeadoop.»

And it’s the flag that obscures the human face. From the very first image in the book, the flag is more important.

He wanted to be important.

I know I speak for many when I say that it’s important that this job is on schedule.

Clever of paradox to disguise this piece of the map of infinity as the single most important item on this planet.

You never show up unless something important is happening.

It is the single most important item in the universe.

I don’t see why it’s so important that he doesn’t get a map.

Daly: With only one important spot in the live shows to fill, Team blake gets down to business.

Emily: I do have a crush on curtis, so it’ll be important For me to remember that one of us will be going home.

The most important time of a Mormon kid’s life is his mission.

There’s a lot of really important stuff in those bags.

And most important, a hip new prophet by the name of Joseph Smith.

I’m not wasting the most important two years of my life!

While you were trying to show me that, that Scripture isn’t that important!

Will you get in the fucking box before Larry or somebody important sees that you’re not dead?

Because that’s what’s most important, right?

You are all too impetuousNfor such important work

Kitana is important Nyou’ve got to pass three tests

But it was important for you to go see them since they produce all that revenue for us.

Do you think that you’re important enough to have an effect on my decision to marry?

The ending is the most important part.

That’s not what’s important.

What’s important is that for the very first time…

Because you decided in your righteous indignation that it’s more important to take a stand for a PSA who couldn’t do her job properly.

I was preparing for a meeting, investors… it was an important day for Raphael and me.

What important stuff do you have to do, Simon?

I know we do it every time, however it is important to—

You see, I had asked myself the question. Why does a woman go to an important testimonial dinner knowing that her sleeve is torn?

! Move, someone important is coming.

and you actually can have, um, a religious experience, and it can be even more important than reading the bible six times, or becoming pope or something like that, you know

The most important what I gained from LSD experience was the inside that, which commonly is believed to be the reality, is not something fixed, but rather ambiguous.

An important article in the evening newspaper.

And yet «Father Sergius» still stands as an important landmark in the cinema history of Russia, and has lost none of its artistic value.

By entering the monastery, Kossotski showed he despised everything that seemed important to others.

«And the ceremony isn’t so important after banns are published.»

How he loves me, to make my tragedy more important than his own.

The king has more important things to do.

«…and if you part with what has become so important to your life, your innermost heart gets torn open.

«I must leave at once on important business.»

The Squire’s on important business, isn’t he?

The most important poets of all time have written of Hamlet’s life.

important — перевод на русский


Who that person is…isn’t important.

Кто этот человек… не так важно.

How we will catch this one… is important.

А вот как нам его поймать… вот что важно!

It’s important to deal with one’s feelings head-on, because repressed feelings lead to depression.

Важно разобраться с чувствами сразу же, потому что подавленные чувства ведут к депрессии.

— why that would be important to you.

Понимаю, почему это так важно для тебя.

— It’s very important for you to understand that this is not the way that we conduct ourselves, and of course we will pay for it, so if you just send us the cost, we’ll reimburse you for the window.

Так важно, чтобы вы поняли, подобное поведение нам не присуще и мы, разумеется, всё оплатим, так что, если вы пришлёте нам счёт, мы покроем стоимость издержек за окно.

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The most important thing is to stay calm.

И самое главное тогда — оставаться спокойным.

«The most important thing is missing — a young wife…»

Однако у тебя отсутствует самое главное — молодая жена.

Modulation is important.

Главное — выражение.

The important thing is… I have the name of the leader of the whole underground movement.

Но зато есть главное — имя руководителя варшавского подполья.

Now, the important thing is to get you to London as quickly as possible.

Теперь главное — отправить вас поскорее в Лондон.

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It’s important!

Это очень важно!


Простите, сэр, но посыльный сказал, что это очень важно.

I can’t see that that’s important.

Я не считаю, что это очень важно.

This was important.

Это было очень важно.

I’ve got a lot of other things to do in the morning, and this is important.

Утром у меня куча других дел. Это очень важно.

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is not important.

это неважно.

-This is more important.

— Это неважно.

— It isn’t important, is it?

Это ведь неважно, правда?

Oh, no, no, I guess it’s not important.

Нет, я догадываюсь, что неважно.

— It’s not important. It’s stopped now.

Неважно, уже прекратилось.

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He told you on the telephone: something important.

Он же сказал по телефону — у него важное дело.

I won a pretty important decision a few days ago. It was in all the papers.

Я выиграл одно важное дело несколько дней назад это было во всех газетах

It may be important.

Вдруг у него важное дело.

It’s very important.

Очень важное дело.

I’m sorry about the time, but it’s very important.

— Слушаю Вас. Прошу прощения что в такое время, но это очень важное дело.

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Shelagh… it really is important that you relax and enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy.

Шила… Тебе действительно нужно успокоиться и радоваться последним неделям беременности.

I didn’t think they were important.

Я думал, вам оно не нужно.

Now it’s important.

Это то, что нужно.

For such instance, it shall be important to know — why shall geographies say this is absolute monarchy?

например, сейчас мне нужно знать — почему географы говорят, что это абсолютная монархия?

I’ve been waiting for you to tell me what it is that’s so important.

Что еще тебе от меня нужно?

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Now, if you boys will pardon me for a few moments, I have some very important business to attend to.

Если вы позволите мне отойти на несколько минут… у меня есть дела поважнее.

We were brought up in the belief that there were things more important.

Мы были уверены что есть кое-что поважнее.

I have more important work to do than prevent you arguing, but you know who’s behind him.

У меня есть занятия поважнее, чем следить за твоими разборками с Бруером. Но ты знаешь, кто стоит за ним.

— Why? ‘Cause there are more important things.

— Есть дела поважнее.

We have more important things to talk about than Mme. Walter.

У нас есть дела и поважнее, чем мадам Вальтер.

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Nothing important.

— Ничего серьёзного.

It was nothing important.

Нет, нет. Ничего серьезного.

Well, it’s probably nothing important.

Думаю, ничего серьезного.

Nothing important but… What did they ask?

Ничего серьёзного, но всё же.

Nothing important or serious. as our relationship.

Ничего серьезного и значительного.

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This is the most important thing of my life.

Это дело всей моей жизни.

It’s very important.

В чем дело?

That’s the least important thing.

Это последнее дело.

Here I had a suitcase which was very important.

— В чем дело? — Тут у меня был чемоданчик…

Yes, what’s so important, Lysistrata?

Ну, Лисистрата, так в чём же дело? Объясни.

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I’m afraid it’s very important.

Боюсь, огромное значение.

We said it was the police-— they confirmed he was a soldier —it seems that the difference is important.

Говорили, что это были полицейские — он уверяет, что это были солдаты — кажется, для противоположных лагерей этот нюанс имеет значение…

Sports seem to be very important, although, as we see, it’s quite a superficial notion.

Спорт имеет большое значение. И, как всегда, мь замечаем самое поверхностное…

You see… this play is very important, because it has to do with our own day and age.

Эта пьеса имеет большое значение, потому что она невероятно важная, потому… потому что она обращена к современности.

Excuse me, professor, but I do not understand how important it all can be in practice?

Простите, господин профессор, но я не могу понять, какое значение это все может иметь на практике?

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The word «important» was suggested as an alternative.

В качестве альтернативы было предложено включить слово «важное«.

It appears that delegations would be inclined to delete the word «important» in the second line.

Похоже, делегации склонны снять слово «важный» во второй строке.

It is therefore agreed that we will delete the word «important«.

Use the word «important» in your ad.

With regard to the other amendments concerning meetings, we could retain the third line and delete the word «important» from the second line.

Что касается других поправок в отношении заседаний, то мы могли бы оставить третью строчку и исключить из второй строчки слово «важной».

That is why I used the word «important«, but if representatives agree that we should delete it, we can go along and do so.

Именно поэтому я использовал слово «важный», но если представители согласны, что нам следует снять его, мы можем поладить и поступить именно так.

Furthermore, it was suggested that a minor modification could be made by deleting the word «important» so that the relevant part of the phrase would read: «sanctions are an instrument».

Кроме того, было предложено внести небольшое изменение и опустить слово «важным», с тем чтобы соответствующая часть пункта гласила: «санкции являются инструментом».

Perhaps the word «important thing is not how much a man of the passport, but how it feels» just about it.

Наверное, слова «главное не то, сколько человеку лет по паспорту, а то, насколько он себя чувствует» как раз про неё.

Lastly, we also consider that, in the second line, we might simply say «agreed that the issue of the revitalization and improvement of the working methods», without the word «important«.

Наконец, мы также считаем, что во второй строке мы могли бы просто сказать следующее: «… согласилась, что вопрос о мерах повышения эффективности методов работы…», опустив слово «важный».

Mr. Wallace said that, just as the word «compelling» was too restrictive, the word «important» was too neutral and ambiguous.

Г-н Уоллес говорит, что насколько слово «настоятельные» является излишне ограничительным, настолько слово «важные» является излишне нейтральным и двусмысленным.

Mr. O’FLAHERTY, proposed that, in the first sentence, the word «important» should be replaced by «relevant», and the words «in its legal order» deleted because of their restrictive nature.

Г-н О’ФЛАЭРТИ предлагает заменить в первой фразе слова «имеет важное значение» словом «применима», а слова «в своем правопорядке» исключить из-за их ограничительного характера.

The origin of the word «însemntat» is purely Moldavian, and by etymology is logically understandable, but how to explain the origin of the foreign word «important«?

Происхождение слова «însemnat» глубоко молдавское и его этимология хорошо понятна молдаванину, а как объяснить происхождение иностранного слова «important»?

Ms. Paterson (United Kingdom): In the spirit of trying to be helpful, I think the European Union would be content to see the word «important» dropped, if that would allay the concerns expressed by the representative of Egypt and others.

Г-жа Патерсон (Соединенное Королевство) (говорит по-английски): Желая помочь обсуждению, я хотела бы сказать, что, с моей точки зрения, Европейский союз согласился бы со снятием слова «важный», если это снимет озабоченность, выраженную представителем Египта и другими.

Mr. Bravaco (United States of America): I think the suggestion to remove the word «important» in the second line is something that the United States would not have a problem with.

Г-н Бравако (Соединенные Штаты Америки) (говорит по-английски): Мне кажется, Соединенные Штаты не имели бы ничего против снятия слова «важный» во второй строке.

Other results

the words «Important Notice» or their equivalent

In the last sentence, after the words «important feedback», insert the words «on lessons learned and best practices».

В последнем предложении после слов «обратной связи» включить слова «по извлеченным урокам и передовой практике».

The representative of Australia orally revised the draft resolution by replacing the words «a catalytic» in the fifth preambular paragraph, by the words «an important«.

Представитель Австралии внес в проект резолюции устную поправку, заменив в пятом пункте преамбулы слово «стимулирующую» словом «важную«.

In everyday English, the word means «important

So the words of those «important» people have been warped.

The little, but very important word «ALL» appears twice.

Дело в том, что короткое, но важное слово «один» повторяется здесь три раза.

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