Use the word immigrated in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word immigrated, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use immigrated in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «immigrated». In addition, we also show how different variations of immigrated can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are immigrated’s. If you click on the variation of immigrated that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Immigrated in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word immigrated in a sentence.

  1. Barda immigrated to Israel in 2015.

  2. He later immigrated to the United States.

  3. He immigrated to New York City in 1851 or 1852.

  4. At age 23, Wolfgramm immigrated to New Zealand.

  5. Their family immigrated to Canada on August 16, 1994.

  6. He immigrated to the United States in 1867 at the age of 18.

  7. Leopold Eidlitz was born in Prague and immigrated to the U.S.

  8. Levy also immigrated to the United States, in the early 1820s.

  9. His father, who was a bus driver, had immigrated from Ireland.

  10. Many Jews immigrated in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

  11. His father immigrated from Russia in 1887 and his mother in 1894.

  12. Additionally, a large number of Tibetans have immigrated to the town.

  13. The family had immigrated from Palermo, Sicily, to Louisiana in 1901.

  14. In Fiscal Year 2019, 10,049 Peruvians immigrated to the United States.

  15. Peruvian Americans immigrated to the United States in four major waves.

  16. Marie immigrated about 1870 to the United States and became Mary Gisan.

  17. Wurtenburg and Elizabeth Hochschild, who immigrated from Germany in 1848.

  18. They were followed by Germans and Irish, who immigrated to Brazil in the 1820s.

  19. She was invited to conduct research in the United States, and immigrated in 1931.

  20. Afterward Havel immigrated to the United States, traveling with Goldman to Chicago.

  21. With his Australian-born wife and their daughter, Shout immigrated to Sydney in 1907.

  22. In 1873, her younger sister Rosa immigrated to America and moved to Portland in 1874.

  23. She was the first woman to give a solo sarangi concert and immigrated to Canada in 1984.

  24. In 1907, the Shout family immigrated to Australia, settling in the Sydney suburb of Darlington.

  25. Sometime before 1860, Alfred Du Bois immigrated to the United States, settling in Massachusetts.

  26. Muslims who were expelled by Castile immigrated to Granada, bolstering the emirate’s population.

  27. In 1972, when President Marcos declared martial law, the family immigrated to the United States.

  28. Riis immigrated to America in 1870, when he was 21 years old, seeking employment as a carpenter.

  29. From 1881 through 1914, approximately 2 million Jews immigrated to the United States from Europe.

  30. Charles had immigrated to the city from England, at the age of 18, as a merchant in foreign trade.

  31. Her husband, meanwhile, immigrated directly to the United States, regardless of his wife and child.

  32. Blaine’s mother and her forebears were Irish Catholics who immigrated to Pennsylvania in the 1780s.

  33. The elder Eckfeldt and his wife Maria Magdalena had immigrated from Nuremberg, Bavaria, around 1764.

  34. In 1912, Afroyim immigrated to the United States, and on June 14, 1926, he was naturalized as a U.S.

  35. Infectious diseases killed between 25 and 33 percent of Europeans who immigrated to Canada before 1891.

  36. Like Lena’s family, the Santospirito family had immigrated to Australia from the Aeolian Islands in the 1890s.

  37. Reed (45), immigrated from Ireland with his widowed mother during childhood, and moved to Illinois in the 1820s.

  38. It was built for James Garder, who was born in England in 1826 and immigrated with his wife and children in 1860.

  39. He immigrated to Virginia at age 20, was educated at the College of William and Mary, and was admitted to the bar.

  40. He was the grandson of Johan Georg Rhäder, the person who immigrated to Norway and started the family branch there.

  41. Adams’s great-great-grandfather Henry Adams immigrated to Massachusetts from Braintree, Essex, England, around 1638.

  42. He was the third child and second son of Evan and Letitia (Cox) Shelby, who immigrated from Tregaron, Wales, in 1735.

  43. Poet Bilhana, who immigrated from far away Kashmir, eulogised the king in his well-known work Vikramankadeva Charita.

  44. Cinematography on this black-and-white film was handled by Cho’ Chin Hsin, who had recently immigrated from Shanghai.

  45. Guiyang was a southern commandery, where Han Chinese had immigrated for hundreds of years to plant and cultivate rice.

  46. He immigrated to Sweden in 1966, and started working as a laboratory assistant at the Fiskeby paper mill in Norrköping.

  47. An increasing number were English-speaking residents who had immigrated illegally during the Mexican War of Independence.

  48. After Gossip’s father died in 1882, the Gossips and their four children immigrated to Australia, arriving in January 1883.

  49. The Driberg family had immigrated from Holland about 200 years previously; the Bells were lowland Scots from Dumfriesshire.

  50. Many Germans immigrated to Canada to escape the conflicts of Europe and were inclusive of the town’s Anglo-Saxon population.

Immigrated’s in a sentence

Immigrated’s is a variation of immigrated, below you can find example sentences for immigrated’s.

  1. Zemmour also examines economic and social consequences of this movement, before building upon this analysis to explain what founded the newly immigrated’s behaviour.

General information about «immigrated» example sentences

The example sentences for the word immigrated that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «immigrated» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «immigrated».

The ancestors of this minority immigrated to Finland between 1870 and 1925.


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Предки представителей этого меньшинства иммигрировали в Финляндию в период с 1870 по 1925 год.


The Government launches a programme to support“oralmans”, ethnic Kazakhs who immigrated to their ancestral homeland.


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Правительство запустило программу поддержки« оралманов», этнических казахов, которые иммигрировали на родную землю.


Vova immigrated to Israel in 1996 with»Naale» program.


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Вова приехал в Израиль в 1996 году по программе Наале.


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In 1998 he immigrated to Israel to join his parents already living there.


She was born in New York City and immigrated to Palestine in 1919.

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Он родился в Литве и эмигрировал в Палестину в 1923 году.

Alexey(Yossi) immigrated to Israel with»Naale» program in 2001 from Russia(Ural),


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Леша( Йосси) приехал в Израиль из Оренбурга в 2001 по программе Наале.


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His father Aharon Ben-Tulila immigrated from Algeria, whereas his mother Edna is Israeli-born.

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Его отец, Аарон Бен- Тулила, репатриировался из Алжира, а его мать Эдна- сабра.

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Он приехал сюда из Пакистана 20 лет назад.

In 1948 my family immigrated from Salama, a village near Jaffa city.


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В 1948 году моя семья переехала из Саламы, деревни рядом с Яффой.


No family, recently immigrated from Croatia, worked for Greater New York Custodial Services.

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Нет семьи, недавно приехал из Хорватии. работал в охранном агенстве в большом Нью Йорке.

By 1936, 23,000 Japanese migrants immigrated to Peru.

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К 1936 году в Перу прибыло 23000 японских мигрантов.

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In 1957, at the age of 12, she immigrated with her family to Israel.

The ancestors of this minority immigrated to Finland between 1870 and 1925.


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Предки этого меньшинства эмигрировали в Финляндию в период с 1870 по 1925 годы.


Achonwa’s father immigrated from Nigeria to Canada when he was twelve.

In 1961, his family immigrated to Israel and settled in Jerusalem.

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В 1961 году его семья эмигрировала в Израиль и поселилась в Иерусалиме.

Greek by birth, he immigrated to Russia while serving in Kazan infantry regiment.

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Грек по происхождению, он иммигрировал в Россию во время службы в Казанском пехотном полку.

The predecessors of this group immigrated to Finland between 1870 and 1925.


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Предки представителей этой группы эмигрировали в Финляндию в период с 1870 по 1925 годы.


He immigrated and found his place in the city, climbed his way to the top.

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Он иммигрировал и нашел свое место в городе, поднялся на вершину.

Most survivors immigrated to Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom or Australia.

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Основная часть выживших эмигрировала в Израиль, США, Канаду или Австралию.

Ethnic Kazakhs who immigrated to Kazakhstan from nearby countries.


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During that time, close to 300 Armenians immigrated to Mexico.

In 1925, his family immigrated to Mandate Palestine.

In 1924, the entire Feinbrun family immigrated to Palestine.

Nadia immigrated to Israel with her family in the year of 1991 from Moscow.


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Надя приехала в Израиль из Москвы в 1991- м году.


In 1942, Friedstein immigrated to Israel with her husband, the late Kalman Koli.


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В 1942 году Фридштейн репатриировалась в Израиль вместе со своим мужем, ныне покойным, Кальманом.


Results: 181,
Time: 0.0383

to emigrate

to immigrate

to migrate

to move


to repatriate






We found 264 ‘immigrated’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use immigrated in a sentence.

  • My paternal grandparents immigrated here from Czechoslovakia in the early 1900’s.
  • «The hamburgers, the pizzas, the hot dogs, all these things we didn’t have growing up, » says Sirenia Romero, who immigrated to California from Mexico.
  • These articles are postured to make you believe that somehow someone who immigrated to the U.
  • Borg was born in Austria, immigrated to the United States, currently lives in Arkansas.
  • Mary Layton rejoined the family and immigrated to Milwaukee in 1847.
  • Perales was born in Manizales, Colombia, and immigrated to Houston as a child in 1977.
  • Manoush Simonian and her husband, Hrand Simonian, immigrated to the United States in 1952.
  • He immigrated to France at the age of 2 and he grew up in Aulnay-sous-Bois, in Seine Saint Denis.
  • The mothers are Chinese women who immigrated in the United States.
  • Koby’s family immigrated to Israel from Silver Spring, Md ., in 1996 and settled in Tekoa two years ago.
  • I was given a health card when I immigrated to Prince Edward Island as a permanent resident.
  • The Issei comprised exclusively those who had immigrated before 1924.
  • My grandparents immigrated from Scandinavia.
  • Chang, who has immigrated to the United States to live the American Dream.
  • I have been here since I immigrated from Shanghai.
  • Nunes’s family immigrated from the Azores.
  • Born Fanya Lipetz on July 23, 1915, in Odessa, Ukraine, Chaney immigrated with her parents to the Bronx when she was a child.
  • Nickola Shreli was born in Detroit to an Albanian family which immigrated to the United States.
  • The Nauruans have two elements of their population : the native Micronesians and the Polynesians who had immigrated long before.
  • And three of the top ten countries they immigrated from are Syria, Iraq, and Pakistan.
  • Condon’s parents immigrated from Ireland.
  • George was a farmer who immigrated to Finley from the state of Nebraska.
  • The over-involvement of children of families who have recently immigrated is only relevant if one holds the child responsible for the accident.
  • Nash immigrated from Ireland to Calvert, Newfoundland and Labrador, formerly known as Capelin Bay, around 1765.
  • Born in Gnesen, Jahnke immigrated to the United States in 1899, became a naturalized citizen, and served in the U . S . Marines in the Philippines.
  • He told of a young woman from Burma who immigrated with her family and, upon entering college, identified with fellow Muslim students and began wearing a hijab (traditional headscarf).
  • Born in England, he immigrated to North America in 1888.
  • He immigrated to the United States in 1950 where he currently lives.
  • Kobi’s family immigrated to Israel from College Park, Md ., in 1996 and settled in Tekoa two years ago.
  • He immigrated to the United States in 1988 and began applying his skills to gold jewelry, which he found amazingly versatile and flexible for unique and detailed designs.
  • His great-grandfather immigrated to Norway, probably from Schwarzwald.
  • Educated in Ireland, Carse immigrated to Chicago in 1858.
  • A native of France, he immigrated to the United States in 1848 and settled in Cloutierville in south Natchitoches Parish.
  • After the hard winter of 1848, the family immigrated to Pittsburgh, where her sisters lived.
  • Ten years later, Michael and Kathleen Ryan have immigrated to the U.
  • He immigrated to America in 1869 and worked for Andrew Winker, owner of the Shakopee Brewery at the time.
  • _ZIVA TEDELA, an Ethiopian Jew who immigrated to Israel.
  • Bui has immigrated to the U.
  • The Stephanides family settled in Detroit when they immigrated from Greece.
  • Her family immigrated here more than 2 decades ago from Afghanistan.
  • John Macadam ( Stevenson’ s eldest full brother ) who later immigrated to Australia.
  • Whelan and his wife, Ennis’ parents, before they immigrated to America.
  • Born in Dumbartonshire, Scotland, McIndoe immigrated to the United States in 1834.
  • Some of the Jarretts immigrated to Liberia and assimilated into Americo-Liberian society.
  • She immigrated from Iran.
  • Mr. Sanchez immigrated to the United States in 1970 from the Mexican state of Puebla with only a fifth-grade education.
  • Cante gitano ( or the » Gypsy song » ) refers to the original songs believed to be developed by Gypsies who immigrated in the 15th century.
  • Tom immigrated to australia when he was thirty.
  • My mom was born in a refugee camp in Germany after WW II as her parents immigrated from Ukraine.
  • Thomas immigrated to America from England and is rumored to have executed King Charles I.
  • Disappointed, many Germans immigrated to the Americas and Puerto Rico, dubbed as the Forty-Eighters.
  • Great story about a woman that immigrated alone at a young age to be a bride.
  • Yonatan was born in 1923 in Kiev, Ukraine, and immigrated to Israel at age two with his parents.
  • My parents are two working people who immigrated to the US.
  • Hoder had left Iran in 2000 after the opposition newspaper he was working for was shut down in one of Iran’s periodic crackdowns. He immigrated to Canada and lived in Toronto.
  • I immigrated to America in 1980.
  • All of the rest of Americans immigrated somewhere in their past.
  • As a naturalized American citizen who immigrated to U.
  • I subscribed to the NYT when I immigrated to the US, one decade later.
  • Dermot Lynch’s son Eammon has immigrated to Spain.
  • My grandparents immigrated to the Lower East Side, so in reading it, I felt right at home.
  • Before we immigrated from Seoul to the U.
  • Fergus and his family immigrated to the U.
  • At least four of my former classmates from that Hungarian town immigrated to other countries.
  • She was born in Russia and immigrated to Palestine.
  • Tired of war, he left the army and immigrated to America, hoping to make a new start.
  • Born near Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland, Laidlaw immigrated to the United States in 1852 with his parents, who settled in Franklinville, New York.
  • Eliezer Ben-Yehuda also immigrated during the first Aliyah.
  • Bok, who immigrated to America in 1869 from the Netherlands when he was 6 years old.
  • His father immigrated to the United States from Ireland in 1893.
  • I was born in the Netherlands after WW2 and my family immigrated to Canada when I was 5.
  • Dinesh D’Souza, who immigrated to America from India, has had great success in this country.
  • Ten-year-old Gottlieb immigrated to IDF until 1965.
  • Dinesh D’Souza immigrated from India as a young student some twenty years ago.
  • Or maybe the clan immigrated from Ireland by way of Santa Monica.
  • They immigrated to the United States in 1995.
  • Gary immigrated to America with his parents from Belarus when he was three.
  • Most of Valjevo’s Armenians immigrated to Serbia from the Kemah region, seeking employment.
  • As a result certain gods immigrated to America with their people.
  • Originating from a single family immigrated from India.
  • It does not mean someone who immigrated and established citizenship.
  • Each of these bride immigrated to the United States from several different countries.
  • Born in Arezzo, Italy, his family immigrated to Canada in 1952.
  • The Jats are agriculturists variously described as Scythian immigrants and as descendants of Rajputs who immigrated to the Punjab from central India.
  • He immigrated from France and his family jewels were stolen on the trip over.
  • Around the turn of the century, large numbers of Russians and East Europeans immigrated to New York and brought the bania tradition with them.
  • I immigrated to the USA 40 years ago from India.
  • My grandparents immigrated to America as children.
  • In the Miskito from Nicaragua immigrated into the area and primarily used palm thatch for their homes.
  • She doesn’t mentioned the likelihood he was a Jew immigrated into east London.
  • Since I immigrated to Canada, I have been working on a production line as a manual laborer.
  • He knew his grandfather had been a Russian Cossack soldier and had immigrated to America in 1910.
  • Daniel Milstein immigrated to the US from the USSR just when the Communist giant was crumbling.
  • The most famous abolitionist family immigrated to another country.
  • His Irish dad was the one who immigrated here and he died in a bar fight in Bridgeport CT.
  • All of my grandparents immigrated to America from Eastern Europe.
  • Like many of this country’s wineries, their founders and heritage immigrated here from Italy.
  • I went with my friend who immigrated from Asia and swears by this place.
  • As opposed to the persons who immigrated to the Northeast of America.
  • Many Cubans immigrated to the area beginning in the late 1860s.

Other Words: Immerse, Immune Response, Immaturities, Immaterialism, Immoveable, Immemorable, Immunogen, Immunoglobulin E, Immunisation, Immunoreactivity, Immovable Property, Immo, Immerses, Immunize, Immunoelectrophoresis, Immeasurably, Immorally, Immunising, Immersion Heater, Immaculate Conception

About 1153 results found using ‘IMMIGRATED’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • The ethnic Hanese in Myanmar immigrated into Myanmar at the end of Ming Dynasty.  (open, save, copy)

  • Zoppe immigrated to the United States in 1948 in a trade with the Ringling Bros.  (open, save, copy)

  • Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, Prudovsky immigrated to Israel at the age of 13.  (open, save, copy)

  • He immigrated to Israel with his Holocaust survivor parents at the age of three.  (open, save, copy)

  • He immigrated to the United States in 1951 and later became an American citizen.  (open, save, copy)

  • In 1949 he and his family immigrated to the United States and settled in Kansas.  (open, save, copy)

  • Born in Pennsylvania, his family immigrated to Kentucky when he was still young.  (open, save, copy)

  • They immigrated to Israel, where Turkeltaub learned nursing in the Israeli army.  (open, save, copy)

  • He and his wife, Abigail, immigrated to the U.S. in 1969 and settled in New York.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘immigrated’:

  1. Migrate to a new environment; «only few plants can immigrate to the island» [source]
  2. Introduce or send as immigrants; «Britain immigrated many colonists to America» [source]
  3. Come into a new country and change residency; «Many people immigrated at the beginning of the 20th century» [source]
  4. (immigration) migration into a place (especially migration to a country of which you are not a native in order to settle there) [source]
  5. (immigration) the body of immigrants arriving during a specified interval; «the increased immigration strengthened the colony» [source]
  6. (Immigration (Show Ya album)) Immigration is the fifth album of the Japanese rock group Show Ya. The album was released on November 5, 1987 in Japan. Yasushi Akimoto and Tsutsumi Kyohei worked together again in song composition. … [source]
  7. To move into another country to stay there permanently [source]
  8. (immigration) The act of immigrating; the passing or coming into a country for the purpose of permanent residence [source]
  9. (IMMIGRATION) To enter and settle in a country or region to which one is not native [source]

Synonyms for ‘immigrated’:

Translate ‘immigrated’ in :

Native speakers pronounce  ‘immigrated’:

Her younger brother and two sisters had immigrated to Wales, the land of the original Morgan’s

Iredell had immigrated to America from England when he was

Frank Vera was a whaling master who had immigrated to the United States from the Azores

He immigrated to the U

They asked all sorts of questions about the United States, and related stories about friends and relatives who had immigrated to America

Rafael Vasquez was a Guatemalan who, as a younger man, had fled the terror of war and immigrated to San Antonio, Texas as a refugee, where for many years he operated a bookstore

About twenty thousand people had immigrated into the area, mostly from the United States

The Russian mob swore revenge, and John closed up shop and immigrated to the US where he has family,” Tyler said

Vladimir started working for me a year before I immigrated to the United States

She remained Chief of the Nursing Service until 1972 when she immigrated to the United States to take a teaching position at the Bronx Community College in New York

 To give me all support when I immigrated to the USA;

Atta girl! After the war, my parents immigrated from Europe

He immigrated with his family to the United

of South Vietnam, he immigrated to France in 1975 and

Immigrated to the United States in 1981

Immigrated to the United States in 1986

Immigrated to the United States in

Immigrated to France at the age of 13 as a Eurasian

Years later more alien immigrated to Sangetsu, even the Rapturans, Ginlanks and Yautgans

Look, when my parents formally immigrated to the United

This lasted until my mother immigrated to America with my

His dad had been a UFO fanatic ever since they both saw what they agreed must have been a UFO way back in the early sixties not long after they immigrated to Australia

in the ten year civil war in Yemen – had immigrated to Oman over the space of a year, taken jobs

United States, of Sunni parents, who immigrated from Syria to the USA in 1982

She immigrated to Australia three years ago and had settled in Dubbo almost immediately

lost touch with him when he immigrated to England in the nineties

who immigrated to New York from Russia

In the 1870’s Chinese, mainly from the Canton Province, immigrated to South Africa

I was two months pregnant when I immigrated to England

The rebellion had failed and great numbers of the revolt’s leaders and followers immigrated to America in the hopes of creating a new Germania

Omar and Juliet immigrated to America, which was always Omar’s dream

When I heard they divorced I was already married and I often thought that if I were not, I would have immigrated to Canada to woo her

In San Diego I contacted a Greek fellow student from my London days and a distant girl cousin who had also immigrated to the States with her husband

They thought that simply by supplying overpriced goods in a small community that did not have cars to drive to stores where the prices were cheaper, that they didn’t have to bother learning the language of the country they had immigrated into

Mainly, they immigrated to Canada

Two years later, brother and sister immigrated to Canada and my father

Traveling was very typical for those that immigrated into the nation and it can be something challenging for you to trace

immigrated to Abyssinia with her

I am an American of Indian origin whose parents were raised in India, met in Africa, and immigrated to America, and now I am the star and creator of my own network television series

We may safely infer that with marine animals of all kinds there has been a large amount of migration due to climatal and other changes; and when we see a species first appearing in any formation, the probability is that it only then first immigrated into that area

But it by no means follows that, because in an island nearly all the species of one class are peculiar, those of another class, or of another section of the same class, are peculiar; and this difference seems to depend partly on the species which are not modified having immigrated in a body, so that their mutual relations have not been much disturbed; and partly on the frequent arrival of unmodified immigrants from the mother-country, with which the insular forms have intercrossed

, seem to me to accord better with the belief in the efficiency of occasional means of transport, carried on during a long course of time, than with the belief in the former connection of all oceanic islands with the nearest continent; for on this latter view it is probable that the various classes would have immigrated more uniformly, and from the species having entered in a body, their mutual relations would not have been much disturbed, and consequently, they would either have not been modified, or all the species in a more equable manner

  • Use the word Immigrated in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Paris was my mother’s home… before she immigrated to Quebec and married my father.

Many immigrated in and out of their country.

We came to this country when I was seven. We immigrated to Chicago.

NOW you say they’ve immigrated!

Do you know where they’ve immigrated to?

Wong reported that he illegally immigrated from China 8 years ago.

I told you they immigrated.

And when those of us who immigrated here finally die… the N’Tal shall cease to exist as a race.

He immigrated to the US in 1943 and studied natural sciences here.

The father was a Soviet diplomat who lived in Paris for five years… and then immigrated to America in 1968.

immigrated from Chechnya in 1990 when the son was 15.

He’s brought a dozen of… illegal immigrated chickens which are not yet inspected.

Her grandparents immigrated.

She immigrated into the GDR a long time ago, from the West.

His parents immigrated from Bulgaria when he was 1 1.

Titta immigrated to Bongusto.

Both remarried and immigrated.

My family has immigrated and I don’t have many friends.

My parents immigrated here from Europe, back in 1933.

The fact that I immigrated to the United States in ’85… had to do not only with the fact that I got a job here… but with the fact that people got me the job… because they knew my work… and they knew it because of Z Channel.

And the INS confirms that Ducek immigrated to the U.S. in 1952, with Czechoslovakia listed as his point of origin.

I needed some more info about you and called your previous school, and… they told me that you immigrated here.

I immigrated with my family more than 30 years ago.

Your parents have already immigrated..

His name is eddy pangetsu, graduate student of microbiology, immigrated from indonesia with his family 15 years ago.

Anu Singh, immigrated from India in ’97.

They immigrated to Da Nang in 1954.

They immigrated here in the late 1800s.

Cherdyn, Perm district of the Urals. She immigrated to the U.S. in ’94 with her sister Maria, married Carl Decker.

Actually, my family immigrated from Canada.

I am a bloody doctor, you flappy-coated, fluorescent-gileted, immigrated ignoramus!

He was 51 and immigrated to Argentina 20 years ago.

They abandoned me and immigrated.

Never got so much as a parking ticket Since he immigrated from Haiti 15 years ago.

Turns out Mr. Bayard Changed his name when he immigrated here.

German mother, probably immigrated to this country in the fifties.

Grandparents immigrated from Syria.

immigrated here seven years ago from Burundi,in East Africa, after his name was found on a death squad list.

From 1951 to 1961 the U.S. Army paid Israel’s health ministry — 3 million lira to conduct radiation testing on Sephardic children — that immigrated to Israel.

Well… she immigrated here on a, um, Fianc├® Visa and you’re listed as the, uh, fianc├®.

My grandma immigrated here when this was an Irish Catholic city, the City of Saint Francis.

Lai Di and her husband, Bao, immigrated from Beijing with the hope of opening their own restaurant.

/Oleg Kononov, a Russian national /who immigrated to the U. S. in the early nineties, /got arrested for some /petty crimes in the U.S.

/Oleg immigrated to the U. S.

immigrated here when he was 14.

They immigrated to the U.S. about 12 years ago.

immigrated to the United States.

/ / Uncategorized

emigrate versus immigrate

What’s the Difference Between Emigrate and Immigrate?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Emigrate and Immigrate?
  • 2 Using Emigrate in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Immigrate in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Emigrate vs. Immigrate
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Immigrate vs. Emigrate
  • 7 Article Summary

Both emigrate and immigrate function as verbs in English, and have very similar pronunciations, spellings, and meanings. To use them correctly, we must understand the nuances of each word.

Emigrate means to move away from one’s native country.

  • The Americans in the small town were surprised to learn that their new neighbors had emigrated from Iran.

Also as a verb, immigrate is a verb that means to come to a new country as a foreigner.

  • The refugees loved their home country, but, because of the terrible violence and war, they were forced to immigrate to a new home.

The definitions of emigrate and immigrate are two sides of the same meaning, much like come and go, borrow and lend, and give and take.

Now, let’s go over a few ways to use these words correctly.

Using Emigrate in a Sentence

When to use emigrate: Emigrate means to leave one’s country of birth, or of citizenship. It puts the emphasis on going rather than coming to a new country.

For example,

  • The war caused the family to emigrate from their homeland to a new country.
  • Although the man loved his home country, his beloved lived in a different country, so he decided to emigrate to be with her.

This word also doesn’t have noteworthy expressions or collocations.

Using Immigrate in a Sentence

When to use immigrate: Immigrate is defined as to come to a new country, which is not your home country, to live. Use immigrate when you want to emphasize that a person is coming to a new country, not leaving their old country.

For example,

  • People immigrate for many reasons, but they often hope to find a better life in their adopted country.
  • Some people choose to immigrate illegally because they believe the danger is greater if they stay in their home country.

There are not any idioms with the word immigrate, nor important collocations to be aware of. However, the topic of people immigrating illegally appears in the news frequently.

Remembering Emigrate vs. Immigrate

There are two easy ways to remember which word to use and when.

First, immigrate starts with the letter i, just like the word in. It means people who come in to a country.

Second, emigrate starts with the letter e, just like the word exit. Emigrate and exit both mean to go or to leave.

Outside Examples

  • Pujols played high-school ball in the Kansas City area after immigrating from the Dominican Republic, but opposing pitchers walked him 55 times in 88 plate appearances his senior season in part to protest what they believed was an age disparity. –USA Today
  • Families that immigrated to the United States from Europe more than a century ago brought fireworks with them, many settling in Pennsylvania. –The Washington Post
  • Just as the Matterns, Saler emigrated from Germany. He said he was delighted to find a taste of his homeland in Mattern’s. –OC Register
  • “He had to leave his family when he was 16 and move north to train,” Martinelli said. “His is a very Italian story in that he had to emigrate to find success. It didn’t all come easy for him.” –New York Daily News

Quiz: Immigrate vs. Emigrate

  • Her family begged her not to _____________ because they didn’t want her to go.
  • Some countries are easier to __________________ to than others.
  • He’s American now, but he wasn’t always. He ________________ to this country in the 1990’s.
  • Ireland is a country that has had so many people ___________________ that there are fewer Irish people living inside the country than outside of it.
  • The decision to _______________ was not an easy one. However, there were no jobs in her country. She didn’t know where she would go, but she knew she couldn’t stay.

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use emigrate or immigrate? Both of these words are verbs, and they both deal with leaving a country. They differ, however, on the emphasis of the action of leaving.

  • To immigrate means to move to a new country.
  • To emigrate means to leave an old country.

To do one you must do the other, meaning that you can’t immigrate somewhere without emigrating from somewhere. However, decide which act is more important for the sentence, coming or going, and pick the best option to convey that importance.


  • emigrate
  • immigrate
  • immigrated
  • emigrate
  • emigrate

They Immigrated to Germany for a better life.

She had just Immigrated there with her daughter.

Immigrated to New York.

at age 22, Immigrated to the United States.

In 1993, the family Immigrated to the U.S., settling in Miami.

She Immigrated to the USA with her husband and three children in 1990.

Around 1900, seven brothers named Jacuzzi Immigrated to the United States from Italy.

They subsequently Immigrated to Sacramento, California, settling in Los Angeles seven months later.

By the age of 13, he and his family Immigrated to Hong Kong.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, many German-speaking groups Immigrated to the United States.

Along with her family, Albright Immigrated to the United States in 1948 from Czechoslovakia.

In 1885 she Immigrated to the United States and settled in Rochester, New York.

Shihabi Immigrated to the U.S. at age 18 and began living in New York

His family Immigrated to the U.S. when he was seven and settled in Houston, Texas.

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries,

large numbers of Muslims Immigrated to Western Europe.

He Immigrated to the United States in 1884, where he would become a naturalized citizen.

He Immigrated in 1884 to the United States, where he would become a naturalised citizen.

When the Irish Immigrated to the Americas, they were able to take with them crocheting.

The inhabitants of Borovica originate from Immigrated miners from the region of Saxony in Germany.

At age 18 in 1930, she Immigrated to New York, where she worked as a maid.

Around 1900, seven brothers named Jacuzzi(pronounced Yah-KOOT-zee in Italy) Immigrated to the United States from Italy.

Many of us were first generation children,

offspring of Jewish parents who had Immigrated from Eastern Europe.

Infectious diseases killed between 25 and 33 percent of Europeans who Immigrated to Canada before 1891.

My family Immigrated from South Korea to the United States when I was seven years old.

Family of immigrants and education abroad: My in-laws and my grandparents Immigrated to the U. S.

In 1949, when I was 13 years old, our family Immigrated to Brazil, Mother’s home country,

Haley’s parents Immigrated to Canada after her father received a scholarship offer

from the University of British Columbia.

Lutefisk is also popular in Minnesota, where many Scandinavians Immigrated in the early 19th and 20th centuries.

Soon afterward, the Soviet Union dissolved, and in 1993, Andrei,

at age 22, Immigrated to the United States.

They loved them so much that when they Immigrated to America they brought their bulbs with them.

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