Use the word imagination in a sentence

1. Imagination is sometimes more vivid than reality. 

2. Imagination is the source of creation. 

3. Imagination will span the gap in our knowledge. 

4. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein 

5. Nobody hates you-it’s all in your imagination.

6. His imagination played round that queer idea.

7. He gave free rein to his imagination.

8. He has a lively imagination.

9. It must be my imagination.

10. It’s just a product of your fevered imagination!

11. Don’t let your imagination run away with you .

12. The only limit is your imagination.

13. You’re letting your imagination run away with you.

14. He is a man of imagination.

15. This book is a spur to the child’s imagination.

16. His stirring speech heated the audience’s imagination.

17. Antonia is a woman with a vivid imagination.

18. There’s not much scope for imagination in this job.

19. The story shows plenty of imagination.

20. Live out of your imagination, not your history.

21. You don’t have to use your imagination when you’re watching television.

22. He hasn’t much imagination.

23. Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.

24. He tried to practice upon the imagination and credulity of the public.

25. Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination. Do not become the slave of your model.

26. It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions.

27. The tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but slight experience, and those who are experienced have feeble imagination.sentence dictionary

28. I won’t tell you his reaction-I’ll leave that to your imagination.

29. Doctor, are you suggesting the pain is a figment of my imagination?

30. Nowadays, fewer people are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belonging Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another «home» waiting to be found. Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination, we can make the place we stay «home».

Examples of how to use the word “imagination” in a sentence. How to connect “imagination” with other words to make correct English sentences.

imagination (n): the ability to form pictures in the mind

Use “imagination” in a sentence

You have a great imagination.
This book will awaken your imagination.
Use your imagination to create a fairytale character.

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Definition of Imagination

the creative ability to form images, ideas, and sensations in the mind

Examples of Imagination in a sentence

The creative writing teacher expected her students to use their imagination when writing their poems so that it would showcase their artistic talent.


When we watch a play at our son’s school, we must use our imagination in regard to the layout and background of the story’s setting due to a limited budget.


Due to her quick imagination, Elizabeth could quickly tell a story using elaborate details, unusual characters and interesting events.


“That idea of you getting twice the amount of money for your allowance,” said my mom, “must have been your imagination since that will never happen.”


It took a strong imagination to sell the worthless junk the salesman was peddling by explaining how it was once owned by a famous person.


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While perhaps receding in the popular imagination, the image of the «dirty old man» that chases after young women has not disappeared

‘Do you want me to organise something to eat?’ I suggested, my imagination running riot on the subject of this idea of his

imagination, preferring the simple sureties of cash in his pocket and the reassurance of

demons as companions because Smith had never imagined imagination

Imagination is a sore bed-fellow, especially when the demons have you by the tail

My world normally revolved around the empty hours of chaotic imagination, but now I had other people to think about

All he had to do was to wait for the ripples to reach the shoreline of my emaciated imagination

Was the voice a product of my unhinged imagination? Would I be able to stand it if all I could see were bare walls and empty space? At the same time I felt like a small child again, receiving that one huge present so longed for

Smith was unable to fashion physical angels and demons as companions because Smith had never imagined imagination

Leaders need better inner-vision and spirit of HARAMBEE, let us work together so to mould our imagination than the people they lead

Kofo Awoonor, by seeking his voice and reflecting on all that he did to inform our imagination and culture

How this man could have withstood the beating his skin had taken was beyond imagination

Wandering slowly through the concourse trying to kill time before takeoff I tried to give the impression of being a seasoned traveller with my hold-all draped casually over my shoulder whilst clutching a boarding pass to the land of mystery and imagination in my trouser pocket

I was forced to pay attention, just to keep up, and with careful imagination I began to string together phrases of my own

It was the sense of life being extinguished that inflamed my imagination and the deeper we went the more I found myself searching the gloom for signs of Cerberus, the three-headed dog; he who guards the entrance to the Kingdom of Hades

But what if they don’t get one? What then? Where would the young people go? And earlier I’d dreamed of something that still lit the very edges of my imagination, something about a school but as usual, the more I tried to bring it back the more it melted away

mean you have to limit your imagination when it comes to selecting gifts for your partner

’ Berndt said, sounding distant – though that could just be my imagination

In my imagination, beyond that light was my land of legend and fantasy, my refuge and my sanctuary

A flicker of the imagination was enough to have us out of there in no time

Once again, although in a far more mature sense, he was the dreamboat that drifted languidly through young girls’ daydreams, which, given the fickle nature of the public’s imagination, was a very considerable achievement

I glance across at Alastair, engrossed in the music – he’s not what you’d by any stretch of the imagination call classically good looking but has a pleasant face and is considered attractive by many people … his hair is dark but there are grey hairs showing in places now – it needs a cut by the look of the way it’s starting to dangle over his ears

“K’nada seems to have captivated everyone’s imagination, and to be perfectly honest I do not understand it

been based on creative leaps of imagination

and can have quite an imagination! Yet I believe that

As for imagination: we are here

The imagination of people have waxed into

and explanation to them it would be a piece of my own imagination instead

I try to imagine this woman at Danvers House with a baby, but my imagination is not up to the exercise

fickle nature of the public’s imagination, was a very considerable

engravings, again generally executed with more imagination than

His imagination peopled the moor with every ghoul he had ever heard about

caused by his own imagination

Ken has a way of speaking, a way of making his intentions clear to people that leaves nothing to the imagination

Was it just his imagination, or were there enemies in

At first Jack thought it was but a figment of his imagination, but it grew larger, and emitted a loud buzzing sound as he approached

«You shouldn’t have such an active imagination

“The dramatic Arts inspire creativity and imagination in children, and I find them an indispensable resource for a thorough education

What matter were those figments of some computer’s imagination, puffing about their silly tribal pecking orders when he was standing on a world which had outgrown such savagery thousands of years in the past?

Therefore the inaugural production of the Village Theatrical Society shall be that same play which Shakespeare himself crafted to demand the best of his own company and elicit the greatest imagination from his audience

Mandy wasn’t retiring by any stretch of the imagination

My imagination warped me through space and time, and suddenly I was in a

And it wasn’t in my imagination that I can reached this place either

He was paralyzed and could not answer her, it was all he could do not to fall down while he understood that all of his upbringing, the whole collection of universes that was Gordon’s Lamp, was just a figment of this girl’s imagination as she set him up for the next cycle, the move to Zhlindu

“I think my imagination just got the best of me out there

I began to imagine (because I have a sanctified imagination), I imagined a day when the world would come to the prophets to find missing children, wanted criminals, and even hidden terrorist cells

was that just his imagination?)

are able to improve it with our imagination

imagination, but practically he offers nothing

If you let your imagination wander endlessly, you will always want more and more

Put a leash on your imagination and think about what makes you happy instead of fat

not their imagination is so productive but their capacity

You will «open your eyes» in a different dimension of the Universe and realize that what you perceived as hard reality was made of a substance that you describe as your imagination in your present state of being

Herold’s imagination was piqued by this book’s Illustrated interchangeable mandala of symbols:

Imagination; yet all she herself

delta, but the imagination of poets can colour it

“I think you have a rich imagination,” Homer said

I wasn’t gifted with your powers of imagination

She had always heard tales about marshlands and their propensity for housing treachery and foul creatures of darkest imagination

brought his knife against the corner of her eye, Nerissa started to invent the most lascivious story her imagination could produce

Was it her imagination or was there still a rust colored stain on the blade? A sickening memory of the pain and fear suffused her mind

The costume didn’t leave much to the imagination

Realizing that you can’t separate some of your thoughts and imagination of yourself that believes in fear and loneliness

My imagination is playing games with me

Her imagination sought to illuminate possible memories, though it was fruitless

He must not let his imagination go too far astray

imagination is the creative workshop in which you

creative imagination, that the physical arises from the

you create in your imagination without having to change

imagination and use it as the light that shines into the

the imagination are not really real; so, allow to me to

aspect of mind called imagination that creates your

are the images you hold in your imagination

Your imagination therefore can actually cause the

create in your imagination, you have the power to

your imagination be hemmed in by the crowd

Visualize the reality in your imagination and it

is limited only by your imagination and those nasty

imagination? Look in the mirror of self-reflection

imagination and believed in wholeheartedly, can

But even in her imagination he appeared only as a holographic projection

“Mary, I know you»ve always had an outsized imagination, but I never dreamed your fantasy could imagine this

or was it my imagination?

With a little imagination, one could see that someone placed large rocks on the ground

’ ‘If that’s true then you are just a figment of my imagination

‘Of course not,’ Torbin replied, ‘since you are no more than a figment of my imagination

He hoped it was only his imagination that could hear the window groaning

Learn how to use imagination in a sentence and make better sentences with `imagination` by reading imagination sentence examples.

  • It was a gorgeous engineering of beautiful nature with whimsical imagination.
  • If your little girl has a lot of imagination, she will play with this for a couple hours at a time.
  • He writes to your own imagination and I can clearly scare the fire out of myself with his help.
  • Marcy Taggart, the main character, is so naive, so gullible, so DUMB, it stretched imagination.
  • I am not a writer by any stretch of the imagination.
  • Never failing in giving a story that captivates both the imagination and senses.
  • The words flowed off the pages and into my imagination with amazing ease.
  • This is a restaurant with imagination.
  • After I mentioned that, his imagination went crazy.
  • However, it certainly ignites Giles imagination.
  • Nearly everyone under 50 has played with these building blocks of imagination.
  • We are very pleased with the story line and imagination.
  • Ms Cole continues to spark my imagination as well as my blood.
  • This story kept me glued as the author toyed with my imagination like a child with building blocks.
  • I love this writer’s imagination.
  • It is often the case that what my clients were experiencing was just a case of reckless imagination.
  • It was the only way I could take what had emerged from my imagination and make any sense out of it.
  • It is a concept which stretches our imagination.
  • Very talented author with quite the imagination.
  • I think my imagination is just too intense.
  • Nothing exceptional but not rude or bad by any stretch of the imagination.
  • But the front desk girls leave a LOT to the imagination in the way of Customer Service.
  • I wish the ending would kept the adventure going for the imagination.
  • He has learning problems but playing with this has helped him with his imagination a little.
  • Today’s bachelorette party can do this or be as creative as your imagination can make it.
  • Let’s the imagination run away through the telling of this wonderful story.
  • She can’t yet follow the illustrated designs, but she uses her imagination to build.
  • It’s fun, it’s exciting, it has imagination.
  • Charming and comfortable but not fancy by any stretch of the imagination.
  • This author has a very good imagination.
  • There are tons of things on this ship to keep their imagination going.
  • I still can not get over the imagination this author has.
  • Could your dreams become a reality, or is it just a figment of you imagination.
  • My daughter loves these plushes, and they hold up to her imagination.
  • This pizzeria is run on pure imagination.
  • But aside from that, it’s kind of a fun play set for imagination.
  • The graphics and audio leave nothing to the imagination and put you in the shoes of Samus.
  • These are wonderful for the imagination and ours are used daily and they still look brand new.
  • This was not a good story by any stretch of the imagination.
  • If you can’t build the castle you want then you just lack imagination or heroscape building skill.
  • It’s just so awesome it’s hard to believe that this is all out of someone’s imagination.
  • Mann left out nothing, covering every angle and doing it with imagination and honesty.
  • West, for generously sharing your great talent and imagination.
  • Krisko has a unique imagination when it comes to building her fantasy worlds.
  • Vietnam travel has caught the imagination of bargain seeking travelers from all over the world.
  • It’s left to your imagination to fill in the blanks at Hundreds Hall.
  • It is a thriller that will capture your interest and imagination as the plots unfold.
  • Lovecraft’s imagination have sprung to life and the eve of the Apocalypse has come.
  • I look up to those authors so much because of their imagination and creativity.
  • Loved the authors whit and imagination.
  • When you watch the film, everything is as the director saw it and there is no scope for imagination.
  • The story itself is repetitive and lacks any real imagination.
  • I’ve always marveled at the creativity and imagination of fiction writers.
  • What Nadia has, besides a call from God to serve, is an imagination to do things in new ways.
  • Or maybe he just has a wild imagination.
  • With so many pieces and figures, it will let your child’s imagination run wild.
  • Good imagination and creativity, medium character development.
  • Use your imagination and have fun.
  • I guess i’ll just use my imagination.
  • He engaged my imagination.
  • Again, not coffee house selections by any stretch of the imagination.
  • Well put together with imagination and a good pace.
  • From selection to presentation, the brunch lacks imagination.
  • But neither the time nor the imagination to flesh anything out myself.
  • Alex never fail to amaze me with his imagination.
  • Only one other author has had his work flourish in my imagination.
  • My 10 year old grand daughter collects lalaloopsy’s and still has a delightful imagination.
  • Pax has the ability to create a vivid new universe inside my own imagination.
  • Sparking the imagination deeply.
  • Moore has created a human being out of his fertile imagination.
  • I highly recommend these toys to anyone with a young boy or girl who wants use their imagination.
  • He uses his imagination to build all sorts of things.
  • This is truly a case where your effort and imagination will make the strongest impression.
  • He did challenge my imagination, so it was a good read.
  • Good amount of details to fuel my imagination but not too much to make me bored.
  • May just be my imagination.
  • There are no limits on imagination here.
  • Every single thing I ate was beyond imagination.
  • These unique house warming gifts are limited only by your imagination.
  • It was cute, funny and happy read that took me back to the imagination of my childhood.
  • Very easy read and gets the imagination running.
  • I tip my hat to a guy with such a creative imagination.
  • This set of toy dinosaurs is a fantastic imagination toy for my nephew.
  • What an imagination this author has.
  • Decorating cheaply is easy to do once you allow your imagination to take flight.
  • Engaging in creative imagination is a practice that follows a specific process.
  • The Civilian Corps that built it in the 1930s did it with the imagination of a Disney Imagineer.
  • She is fresh and sassy, with an imagination that tops the charts.
  • Use your imagination to channel yourself back to a solid state.
  • It’s not the cheapest by any stretch of the imagination.
  • Mix and mingle them, and let your imagination soar.
  • This was my first adventure inside the imagination of Tom Pawlik.
  • But I guess this particular strange character captures my imagination the most.
  • I think that the animals are a little stupid, but that is just my lack of imagination taking over.
  • It think that it appealed to his own wild imagination and sense of adventure.
  • This is not my favorite venue by a long stretch of the imagination.
  • Many pieces to in this box to create whatever their imagination has in store.
  • SO cute to watch him using his imagination with this.
  • Very little is left to your imagination.
  • Can’t wait for the next product of his terrific imagination.

Similar words: Imaginal, Image Maps, Imaginer, Imagen, Imagists, Image Protection, Imaginarily, Imaginably, Imagery, Imaginate, Imamates, Imaginative, Imag, Imasu, Image Compression, Imaginaries, Imamah, Image Stabilization, Imaginations, Imaging

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«My son has a creative imagination.«
(creative, vivid, great, active, wild)

«She has such great artistic imagination.«
(artistic, literary, musical, poetic)

«The human imagination is endless.«

«He can’t be creative with such a limited imagination.«

Used with verbs:

«John always had an artistic imagination.«

«She showed great imagination from a very early age.«

«Her writing lacks imagination.«

«Her job as an art teacher requires some imagination.«
(requires, takes)

«Try to use your imagination.«
(use, stretch, exercise)

«A good book captures his imagination.«
(captures, excites, grabs, inspires, stimulates, stirs, ignites, captivates)

«Let your imagination run wild.«
(run wild)

Used with prepositions:

«What he experienced was beyond my imagination.«

«It’s all in your imagination.«

«He cannot be an artist without any imagination.«

how to spell imaginationSpelling of imagination: imagination is spelled i-m-a-g-i-n-a-t-i-o-n. Take care as the t sounds like sh when said out loud.

Definition of imagination: The ability to creatively form ideas, images, or sensations within the mind.

Pronunciation of imagination: Imagination is pronounced i-ma-gin-a-shun.

How to Use Imagination in a Sentence

Using the word in its most literal sense, imagination is used to form mental images of things that are not present to the senses.

  • Use your imagination to picture a world where everything is made of chocolate.

Imagination is the place in the mind where creativity occurs (the process of creating something original that does not already exist):

  • This new film idea came straight out of my
  • This novel is boring and the writer lacks imagination. 

Phrases That Use Imagination

If someone asks for help and you want them to be more independent or resourceful, you might dismiss them by saying “use your imagination, meaning “find a solution yourself.”

It has captured my imagination: Can be used to describe a general interest in something.

It sparked my imagination: This phase refers to something that has given someone an idea or creative impulse. 

History of Imagination

Believed to have entered the English language in the 14th century, the term imagination has Anglo-French origins and stems from the Latin verb imaginari which means “to form a mental image.”

Synonyms of Imagination 

The abstract noun imagination incorporates a wide range of ideas and meanings. The following list should therefore be treated as a list of associated words rather than direct synonyms.

Synonyms for Imagination:

  • Artistry
  • Creativity
  • Enterprise
  • Fantasy
  • Ingenuity
  • Inventiveness
  • Muse
  • Originality
  • Vision

Outside Examples of Imagination

  • Children are ‘over-entertained’ and risk losing their –The Telegraph
  • Then, as now, a little child trapped in debris gripped the imagination of the nation. –CNN


Imagination is an abstract noun and refers to person’s ability to create an image, a thought, or a concept in their mind.


  • 1 How to Use Imagination in a Sentence
  • 2 Phrases That Use Imagination
  • 3 History of Imagination
  • 4 Synonyms of Imagination 
  • 5 Outside Examples of Imagination
  • 6 Summary

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