Use the word illegal in a sentence

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(1) Then I twigged that they were illegal immigrants.

(2) Prostitution is illegal in some countries.

(3) Existing commercial broadcasters claim the new stations are illegal.

(4) Their action was judged illegal by the International Court.

(5) It’s illegal to drive through a red light.

(6) The use and sale of marijuana remains illegal.

(7) It is illegal to intercept radio messages.

(8) It is illegal to sell alcohol to children.

(9) The authorities deported her for illegal entry.

(10) Illegal immigrants found/sought/took sanctuary in a local church.

(11) He was also charged with illegal possession of firearms.

(12) Illegal hunting is threatening the survival of the species.

(13) He cowed the boy into doing illegal things.

(14) The government tried to disband the illegal organization.

(15) The court declared that strike action was illegal.

(16) It is illegal to sell tobacco to someone under 16.

(17) It is illegal to do/make a U-turn on a motorway.

(18) He was abetted in these illegal activities by his wife.

(19) Thousands of illegal immigrants are caught and deported every year.

(20) The by-law makes it illegal to drink in certain areas.

(21) The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.

(22) Illegal immigrants are sent back across the border if they are caught.

(23) Illegal immigrants can regularize their position by obtaining the necessary residence permit.

(24) Under federal law[][], it is illegal to discriminate against minorities and women.

(25) What you did wasn’t illegal, but it was morally wrong .

(26) It is illegal to reproduce these worksheets without permission from the publisher.

(27) It was an illegal act and will lead to your arrest.

(28) The police have kept the nightclub under surveillance because of suspected illegal drug activity.

(29) The measures are meant to stem the tide of illegal immigration.

(30) The company tried to cover up its employment of illegal immigrants.

More similar words: legal, legally, allegation, gallery, legacy, elegant, alleged, college, killer, allegedly, chilled, skilled, galaxy, regain, legit, legend, alley, regarding, as regards, pill, will, kill, valley, bullet, regardless, in regard to, drill, spill, chill, skill. 

» In spite of knowing she was totally illegal and would be erased if found out, she would fight for survival if she had to wouldn’t she? That survival instinct had certainly been cloned with her hadn’t it?

«Did he offer to investigate Sammy’s business? If he is an illegal loan shark then there is a lot the Gardai can do

If you build something there, it will probably be small, miserable and illegal

Because it concerned his illegal activity, he could not petition for succor from the Haad

What about before you came across? Renald had jumped to the conclusion that you were looking into the problem of illegal immigrants … what if someone had picked up on that and assumed it was correct … yes, that would present a valid reason for someone to try to kill her

So what are the facts? An operation arranging illegal immigration of undesirables (according to Renald Forhamm) ostensibly organised from Earth with well-placed contacts across on Errd, a suspicious Errdian in a position of some power in London, Earth, who is upset by the arrival of an agent of the Secret Guild on his patch … and come to think of it, he’d not liked the fact you were coming to this part of the country

Berndt, one final matter; you have doubtless heard of the problem Renald Forhamm has uncovered with regard to illegal immigration

Amongst other things she was instrumental in liaising with France to put an end to the black market trade in lethal feuhlstones and in uncovering Gerisse Stowman’s illegal immigrant scam

illegal, but protection and solution are condoned,

” Those souls in illegal veron space that seemed to have lives of their own

«There’s nothing illegal in that

Her father smiled serenely without looking up from the business pages of his newspaper, while the lovely young woman’s mother made a mental note to check her daughter’s bathroom for signs of illegal drugs

“That’s illegal,” he said

If nothing else it gives them a break — Ben is being the awkward little brother where Jake is concerned and even I could willingly strangle him — what Katie would like to do is probably illegal

“She was making illegal transactions on the DELJIS system

Leona and Bex are the subject of two Incident Reports alleging illegal substance misuse and detailing the actions taken by the medical teams

‘Isn’t it illegal to conceal a death?’ Andy said, his eyes flicking nervously from face to face

Rule 54: It is illegal to dance on the rooftops of homes during the winter solstice unless wearing a sombrero

Rule 106: It is illegal to attempt to convert wild wolves to Taoism for the purposes of tax evasion

thought that your marriage was illegal

“I come from a culture in which it’s illegal to have sex outside an exclusive marriage with a partner agreed to by both families at an elaborate and expensive ceremony

“Oh yeah, it’s illegal in lots of countries,” Alan said, “And heavily regulated in most

Illegal oil was turning out to be as profitable as aircraft parts

“That offer is illegal

illegal or against terms of service, then it is likely a grey hat activity

If you are helping an illegal immigrant in your dream, then it means acceptance

Reus’s father, Joseph Mallistrom, was the one who first gave his lieutenants sanction rights over every illegal action that the organization was thinking to take

The purple drug first appeared on the streets 11 years ago, merely 2 years after the people of Alataria rebelled, among other things, against the infestation of illegal drugs in the country and the police’s poor actions to fight it

I also know that your main source of income is organizing illegal gambling matches

Grace suspected that Tommy was mixed up in something illegal in a very minor way, but she never talked about it directly

This illegal exportation is advantageous to nobody but the smuggler

So he had to be an illegal, yet when his profile was cross- checked with the global database, still nothing

But we’re talking illegal technology here

Another issue was that for thirty years, eighty per cent of the seventy million or so immigrants from Mexico and Central America, were illegal

This country became so dependent on the illegal work force that laws were changed and they were granted citizenship automatically after five years of residency

So that’s when I began to realize the real impact of the catastrophic illegal immigration trends of the early part of the century

In fact, his academic record was at best patchy; school never held much interest, there were even suggestions that he undergo ‘imprinted learning’ (a latterly illegal process of grafting knowledge onto neuron networks) such was his failure at the core subjects – even mathematics, which at the time seemed irrelevant

And they say they’re investigating, but my guess is they’ll not find anything illegal with them

Hardly inconspicuous, but then there was nothing illegal to their existence, their practices, at least what they made openly available to the media

“So you’re suggesting illegal courses of action

something illegal, but he’d assumed they’d have

Sure, that would be illegal, but he couldn’t simply stand by and watch Moorhen

«…though of course that’s still illegal

We»re having, nowadays, many, many more illegal immigrants, than legals from our southern border

have a clue regarding protecting America»s borders, especially those with Mexico which, of course, are the most important in regard to illegal aliens

Thus, when in the early 1830″s Jackson uprooted the Cherokee Nation»s people from their ancestral homes in Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia, John Marshall and his Supreme Court declared the action illegal and thus void

Both of these substances are highly controversial, and in many places, they are illegal

Illegal now but he’d kept it well hidden

“No trial? But that’s illegal, they can’t do that, especially when you’re a minor!”

“Indeed, I couldn’t “Nathan replied “The badgers stole them all and I suspect they are using them for unthinkable illegal sexual acts of badger pornography

Instead they eschewed any responsibility, advocating anarchy, and appropriating material possessions by illegal means

Using a future-sent technology that would once have been deemed illegal by the Temporal Directive, Zolla was able to scan each ship’s computer systems, one of which contained a database for an experimental nullifying agent; a program had been running to find an adequate formula – a suitable molecular structure

“I confess, it’s slightly illegal, but you shouldn’t be in any danger

“Warning for illegal use of the feet, body, hands

I was very relieved, knowing that I would not have to lie to Jocko, or anyone else about illegal doings at Roy’s Shoppe

We’re in the staging area, where the pirates from Water-Down load their illegal cargo

That’s the beauty of the whole thing—the ship leaves port with legal cargo, all signed off by the harbormaster, and then comes down here to bring on the illegal goods

“And I guess we’re the illegal goods, eh?”

Fysto, who was up to his neck in this illegal enterprise

The fact that they might have been in love, or that no other country in the world saw anything illegal in their actions did not occur to anyone

Amaranthe Lokdon wanted for attempted sedition and illegal magic use

” Yeah this version is totally illegal, and was usually followed up with a few punches and kicks to enforce the point

Never for a moment had Sheena thought that the research they were undertaking at Area 7 might be illegal

There were no restrictions since this was an illegal bar operated out in the open

Perhaps Arbitan and Larocka were not the only ones exploiting illegal slaves

“Mine isn’t so extensive, but this is my favorite part: illegal magic user

“I’ve read the woman’s record; she’s not going to do anything illegal

Illegal or not, I am committed

This cause many problems! The first was the public stole some of the lights for unknown reasons as it was and is illegal to have SAP equipment in your possession

Immigration Reform is unlikely to occur anytime soon for the (very) simple reason that such measures designed to quiet the tides of illegal immigration must necessarily conflict with the efforts of corporate lobbyists and their political minions in conjunction with private enterprises that have come to rely heavily on cheaper sources of labor to operate their businesses and who have repeatedly demonstrated their calloused indifference to rules of law and native born working men and women and are willing to operate outside the law if that‘s what it takes, at the expense of Native Americans for the ―benefit‖ of Illegal Aliens who are ―here‖ to collect a paycheck if nothing else, who routinely flaunt our nation‘s laws while abetting an underground economy injurious to open markets

I know what the law says on illegal orders (refuse them on the Nuremberg dictum) but the order itself was not illegal, and issued by a commissioned officer

After much talking (a waste of time for confrontation was sought and needed for media sympathy), a warning would be given over the public address system that the gathering is illegal

It was the first time I saw the SAP not breaking up an illegal protest with its usual aplomb

Addendum to the above: In which case, Abortion should be considered illegal! (Legalized) Gun Ownership, however, remains a topic open for discussion

The State of California has taken an certain step backwards in its putative efforts to secure our nation‘s borders when its feckless governor (Davis) signed a bill into law extending driver‘s licenses to illegal aliens

That illegal aliens continue to routinely 111

Sudafed is illegal in Japan and Ambien (even with an Rx) is verboten in Dubai

It’s illegal to be out and about sans underwear

President Bush‘s flawed Immigration Reform Bill providing ―conditional‖ amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens must be reassuring to 1) (Moderate) Republicans who would consider its passage a political opportunity to place the party in better stead with Hispanic Voters and the Business Community, 2) Corporations seeking to attract Cheap(er) Labor, 3) Democrats who, for the same reasons indicated above, are uncomfortable with the idea of controlling our nation‘s borders at the risk of alienating a sizeable voting bloc and (who) would otherwise seize the moment, for purely political reasons, to challenge Republican proposals that (surprise!) ―don‘t go far enough,‖ 4) Multiculturalists and Internationalists likely to embrace such ―reforms‖ as a (positive) first step towards achieving their (respective) Universalist Agenda, and 5) Shakers of Western Culture who would seek its destruction at any cost for its own sake and who would therefore (also) consider such measures as an appropriate step in the ―right‖ direction

Grandfathering laws or conveniently making legal what was once illegal, should raise legitimate concerns over any nation‘s ability to properly enforce its own laws to begin with

You have to appreciate that any «black» type of operation is usually illegal in some way or the other even if done with good intentions

For example you cannot ask legal permission to bribe someone for if what you do is illegal no-one can sanction it from a position of authority

Liberals and (some) Moderate Republicans voicing their opposition over the outsourcing of jobs overseas and its dampening effect on the United States economy should give equal expression (as well) to Illegal Immigration that has similarly produced dire

Not only is it illegal to commit war crimes, an officer or sergeant who fails to stop human rights violations can and should be prosecuted for failing to stop such crimes

A soldier who is ordered to commit human rights violations is bound by military law to disobey such illegal orders

) But for most Anglo-Americans at the time, “race mixing” was not only a huge stigma, it was strictly illegal, regarded as anathema

«Don’t you realise that what you’re doing is illegal? You could be arrested for fraud, you stupid old fool

It is very easy to see if that is the case with telephone records but of course not illegal for it is their patriotic duty to report what the nasty foreign corporation does in their country

It is not illegal before any long hair liberal starts shouting in the back ground

All such methods are an invasion of your privacy and illegal unless you did something which the Intelligence Agencies are interested in

Ironically, laws on top of laws, that seek to reduce the (legal) possession of firearms, may actually produce unintended results by creating an imbalance between criminal elements procuring them through alternative (illegal) sources and law-abiding citizens denied or restricted legal access

One study even found that illegal drug use can often go up with income

But obviously such costs include; deaths among drug cartels at war with each other over business competition; deaths among street dealers fighting over markets; innocent bystanders killed during both of the above; deaths from impure forms of the drugs, which would not happen were the drugs legal; deaths from smugglers and dealers pushing ever more potent forms of the drugs, which could be better regulated were these drugs legal; deaths from addicts less able to seek treatment due to these drugs being illegal; and deaths from increased crime due to the high cost of these drugs, thanks to their being illegal

There are many private organisations that are able to tap into telephones etc even if illegal

That she knowingly broke the rules banning insider trading needs to be properly dealt with lest her illegal investment activities encourage a pattern among other investors who may otherwise place themselves above the law

“What’s going on in there?” called his pop from the living room, where Frew Cobbs was all wrought up about how the terrible wild fires in California impacted the illegal aliens getting driver’s licenses and port safety and recalls on dangerous Chinese-built Barbie dolls

And how that impacted the illegal aliens getting driver’s licenses and Chinese-built unsafe foods; which weren’t picked by illegal immigrants in California, Texas, etc, and therefore was killing American ingenuity

Alberto Gonzalez resigned in 2007, not for his role in torture nor another controversy over illegal spying, but for revelations he forced US Attorneys out of the Justice Department to replace them with Republicans

The US finally held an illegal statehood vote

Most scholarly specialists agree with the Native Hawaiian sovereignty movement, that Hawaii remains an occupied nation under illegal US rule

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«It remains illegal to sell street drugs in this country.«

«It is illegal to drive under the influence.«
(be: is/am/are)

«The sale of semi-automatic weapons should be made illegal.«
(made, deemed, declared)

«The debate over illegal immigrants has become a huge political topic.«

Used with adverbs:

«His business deals are highly illegal.«
(highly, clearly)

«Providing alcohol to children is strictly illegal.«
(strictly, totally, completely)

«The police are investigating his allegedly illegal activities.«
(allegedly, possibly, potentially)

Used with nouns:

«The police are investigating his possible illegal activity.«
(activity, conduct, transactions, dealings)

«He is an illegal immigrant.«
(immigrant, alien)

«She was charged with illegal discrimination.«
(discrimination, drugs, entry)

«He was caught with illegal gambling.«
(gambling, fishing, hunting)

  • Use the word ILLEGAL in a sentences

Sentence Examples

6:30 p.m. After witnessing the gratuitous sex display… at Streebek’s favourite coffeehouse and an outlay of $50 by me… to one of his old informants, I proceeded by Celebrity Cab… to 3396834 108th Street… an illegal drug lab disguised as a legitimate place of business.

It was illegal t0 make an ab0rti0n, s0 she had t0 give birth t0 a child.

And suspects that you’re here planning something illegal.

Oh uh, sir, we don’t have anything illegal in there, sir.

Because I’m stuck in an illegal prison in the middle of the Sahara fucking desert.

illegal Ball of the «select society».

1) The eight hour work day is completely illegal

A few illegal dollars and a clean shirt, and you move across the railroad tracks.

Even though you’re in trouble, please don’t do anything illegal.

They can imprison you for months for the illegal possession of weapons.

There isn’t anything illegal about it, is there?

He never made illegal liquor.

Millions of dollars in illicit profits from illegal enterprises have been hidden away by these racketeers inside and outside the law.

You were doing illegal work, running guns.

Three years ago, all Yucatán divorces were declared illegal.

The Bill of Rights, assuring to us freedom of religious opinion and security of person and property against the attack of illegal and extralegal forces is the cornerstone of true Americanism.

Unless all of these illegal and extralegal forces are ruthlessly wiped out this nation may as well abandon its constitution forget its Bill of Rights, tear down its courts of justice and revert to the barbarism of government by primitive violence.

He said the lights in his tower were illegal and if I came and lived here it would be all right or something or other.

There are men in this very courtroom, Your Honor… who control every election in this city… with such illegal votes.

An illegal entry into any establishment protected by the Ranger System… flashes an alarm signal on this board.

Six counts of illegal entry, you know.

Gambling’s illegal, anyway Don’t worry

Really, gentlemen, you’ll find nothing more illegal here… than the two bars of soap I purloined from a Shanghai hotel.

illegal, of course, but I’m the only thief who recorks the barrel.

This gentleman informs me that you’ve encouraged and protected rioters in the Conococheague Valley in their illegal and disorderly proceedings.

There have been no illegal nor disorderly proceedings.

The pack train was illegal, Your Excellency, contrary to your proclamation.

If Fort Loudoun becomes a warehouse for illegal goods, its commandant is done for.

You’re using our fort as a storehouse for illegal goods.

«Whereas I have received information that sundry persons have, «at several times, assembled themselves in armed bodies, «and have in a most riotous and illegal manner

Captain Holmes, place Mr. Poole, Ralph Callendar and the drivers under arrest for breaking the King’s proclamation and transporting illegal trade-goods.

Well, call it a public utilities enterprise… and some details were pretty illegal, were traced as far Church.

Unfortunate and illegal experiences of many people hidden in these boxes- information collected from false psychics in many cities.

For the illegal killing of buffalo.

Most of its money comes this practice illegal!

With the falling off of profits in the illegal liquor industry the mobsters have difficulty in paying protection.

Now I intend to prove beyond any doubt that this man had a second illegal business.

This is a dangerous and illegal operation, but a chance to make a great scientific discovery, and perhaps save my friend’s life.

We’re not engaged in something illegal?

What would you do if he were an illegal shipment of… cheese?

I protest against this illegal restraint!

I’d like to point out that my arrest was illegal.

You and Nick Charles can’t push me around. Dragging me here is illegal!

Illegal, or unlawful, typically describes something that is explicitly prohibited by law, or is otherwise forbidden by a state or other governing body. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

This is an even bigger issue with baby carriers, where the illegal products are putting babies» lives in danger.


The next 10 seconds I initially thought were illegal (I still do, tbh), and I kept looking for that yellow graphic below the televised score.


A lawyer for the gamblers argues that the gamblers did nothing wrong, and that» [t] here is absolutely no law in New Jersey that would permit the Golden Nugget to declare the game illegal because it failed to provide shuffled cards.»


However, with each new discovery, comes the risk of looting and illegal sale of these priceless cultural artifacts.


Of course, he is a lot more clear in his e-mail, where he states, [Deleted — my policy is not to reproduce any illegal emails on this website]


As with any other asset or medium of exchange, Bitcoins can be used to purchase illegal goods or fund illicit activities.


The company recently launched a lawsuit against the government of Costa Rica seeking US$ 1 billion after a new mining law rendered its planned gold mine illegal.


He was later convicted for «illegal earnings» and cooperation with a hostile government, accusations which are tantamount to spying.


Citi FM will take its #StopGalamseyNow campaign to its next phase on Friday morning to draw attention to the effects of illegal mining on the country’s water bodies.


Moving funds from one agency to another is illegal and enables the Governor to park money in one agency budget and then move it without Legislative scrutiny.


Publishers are exposed to low legal standards for enforcement Perhaps in an attempt to goad publishers into action, many bills that impose publisher liability are drafted with the same penalty on both the advertiser and the publisher for illegal content.


As time goes on, and science continues to unveil how deadly these oils really are, I feel that eventually they will be illegal and banned from use.


Therefore, all the savings as well as investment plans are illegal as the insurance companies do not have the rights to gather savings or investments.


Then, as now, killing dolphins in Brazil is illegal, and comes with a penalty of up to four years in prison.


One more compelling reason not to declaw: Some European countries have ruled declawing illegal!


The covert arrival of this illegal immigrant and suspected jihadist upends the lives of a dapper banker (Willem Dafoe), an idealistic human rights lawyer (Rachel McAdams), a supposedly moderate Muslim intellectual (Homayoun Ershadi) and the Turkish mother and grown son who innocently give the victim shelter.


Whilst filters and blocks are necessary to protect against illegal and inappropriate content, these measures alone will not educate, protect or empower our young.


Our email addresses are being sold for a profit, and yes, it’s illegal.


We could also put an end to Mexican illegal immigration problems by building a utopia of farming and industrial centers with wonderful housing and communities, all built just south of the boarder.


«The jury easily could have convicted based upon acts that were not illegal; indeed, the government invited it to do so,» they argued.


Online dating services usually provide unmoderated (illegal, or obscene) matchmaking over the Internet, through the use of personal or cell phones.


Officer Daniel Pantaleo was also seen on video using the banned technique while arresting Garner, 43, for allegedly selling illegal cigarettes on July 17 in Staten Island.


Also that year, then-Legislator TJ Briggs, D-Ellenville, introduced a resolution that would have made it illegal for people under the age of 18 to possess cigarettes.


Bill Cash MP has assembled a variety of powerful backbench voices in support of his argument that «the terms of reference of the Leveson inquiry must be extended to the whole media, including sound, visual and social media and include blagging and other unethical or illegal practices and not confined to «phone hacking».»


We need to pray that he become more compassionate to the needy and the illegal people in this country, pray that he will change his view about them self-deporting.


It has exposed a huge range of illegal and unethical conduct by the banks and insurance industry.


Retaliation is illegal and will entitle you to a range of damages in addition to your overtime earnings.


The attorney Michael Lee agreed, emphasizing how easy it is to weaponize the DMCA for censorship: «The DMCA was created to let copyright owners stop the illegal exploitation of their work.


Daniels’s lawyer seems to have a very different take on this, likening the claim to Trump having maintained he would have won the popular vote if not for millions of illegal votes.


«We also need a separate independent inquiry into allegations from Binyam Mohamed and others that the UK colluded in their torture, rendition, illegal detention and other human right abuses.


The movie begins with the raid of an illegal… Continue reading →


He and his men play soldier at the border areas, stopping small groups of illegal aliens and hoping for bigger fish.


Another no go area for the Conservatives is the Liberal Democrats» «route to citizenship» for some illegal migrants.


AG Eric Schneiderman declared DFS betting illegal gambling and successfully enjoined FanDuel, and other DFS sites from doing business in New York.


This is illegal under EU antitrust rules and why we have taken today’s decision.»


Ball said, «There are literally bills in the State Assembly that direct the state police to go the homes of law-abiding gun owners now, to take, to make illegal the firearms that they have now, to turn those law-abiding gun owners into criminals.


Please note: Dumping rabbits is illegal.


The general idea is that the «illegal number» is so incredibly specific that accidental cases are very unlikely to occur, and if it did, that there would be forensic evidence indicating intent and use.


Also, leaving pets unattended in cars in extreme weather is illegal in several states.


Do you see increasing examples of trademark rip-offs and illegal knock-off products showing up in online marketing and catalogs?


The death of Eric Garner by an illegal chokehold is only one example of unwarranted practices and the use of excessive force exercised by some NYPD officers.


Some «new comers» to the fandom may not realize it, but once upon a time there wasn’t a way, either legal or illegal, to get brand new manga just as i…


You also well know that your newsletter gives infant formula companies a channel to reach well beyond the borders of the USA to places where such advertising is even illegal.


The destruction of the Amazon rainforest, for example, involves a great deal of brutal and illegal slavery.


Dealers can receive compensation from the lenders if they manage to charge the borrowers a higher rate, but the CFPB has warned the practice could result in illegal discrimination.


Unlike iTunes, Cydia is not sanctioned by Apple, which considers the use of unauthorized downloads, known as jailbreaking, illegal.


And his heroic fight against illegal guns has made the mayor a national leader on the issue.


However, BBC Radio Solent and other media outlets reported later on Tuesday Southampton were unhappy and had asked the Premier League to probe whether there had been an illegal approach by Liverpool.


Their argument is that it was an illegal campaign contribution.


Four months before reunification, we are drinking a previously impossible-to-obtain West German wine at a makeshift sidewalk café stumbling distance from our illegal coldwater flat.


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