Use the word household in a sentence

He’d done all the bookkeeping till she joined the household and he cooked most of the meals

Only 6 species in the USA all living things, cockroaches have been called are considered bad household pests

Given that the family remains the mainstay of care for older people in rural areas, boosting the household income is essential to improving care, including access to health care

Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and

Every other household was Greek Orthodox

We learn that she was baptized and her household

There is an assumption by some that a household

Christmas has made big holes in my stores of food and household items pretty well

He was the only full blooded Brazilian in this household, but he used his immense wealth to impart a bit of the style of his homeland in the timbers, the stucco and the tile

19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God

It was almost afternoon when the entire household had

I can’t help but think that being part of a household would be good for you

after the household retired for a short nap

It had been tacitly decided amongst the household that two of the rooms in the Hall would become Kara’s special preserve – her bed chamber and what had been Joris’s office

Everything here at your house is fine – Gerde has just left after doing her usual household magic

Specialises in household fabrics … heavyweight curtain fabrics, that sort of thing

There were several forays to the town for furniture and rugs, and household items

I had thought that perhaps when this whole thing is over and done with I might take her place …’ I said tentatively, hoping it doesn’t sound too ludicrous – after all, I’ve little experience of running a household like that

And what of the last argument, I mentioned, that health food shops are expensive markets and eat up the household budget? True in a sense maybe, if you do not bother to learn vegetarian cookery

That it is likely to be more than a week is not a prospect I view with joy … but he may well have household business to deal with … it will pass, Lintze, I remind myself

All was quiet in the Cameron household on the day after the party

A cup of tea was one thing, but when it came to domestic chores, cooking and the generality of tasks that comprise sound household management, Cyberia was a complete novice

In those days it was customary for large households to have a resident Gottesman who not only worked in the household but also served the surrounding area

The shop was in a yard overlooking the bay and covering its low walls hung every type of linen designed for every household need

‘Other manufacturies concentrate on fabric for household items … curtains and bedding, for example, but our looms are not large enough for that scale of material

trigonometry and algebra became sources of income in the Patel household

It’s household policy that homework is the responsibility of the individual concerned, but sometimes a little encouragement is required in order to achieve this

Despite his apparently uncaring treatment of her the previous day, Annie still firmly believed that her brother loved her and that he would, in time, learn to engage with the world in a more constructive way now that he was the effective head of the household

As the minutes ticked by and Helen Roach sucked down on the butt of her third cigarette, it appeared as if no one in the Roach household had any intention of going to work or to school that day

Apart from the tinny hiss from Lucy’s headphones the Roach household was as silent as the grave for weeks after the murder

This obsession with the song caused huge rows in the Roach household

no kids to feed, you have no household to maintain

She and Mistress Sera also made plans for the coming week and the packing of the household

This time, the entire household heard his roar of pleasure, causing many to giggle

age, she found to be of help after a long day of household duties,

We are all united in that same blood; besides, there are always children needing a home after a Scather raid or a bad winter storm; that was how Kai came to be in my household

All was quiet in the Cameron household on the day after the

grown up in an imperfect, dysfunctional household

Just a somber household concerned for their Lord Holder

Lady Sera and Lord Kai returned with an addition to their household

And many children found themselves as wards of Lord Tarak’s household; much to the joy of Lady Rayne

the Roach household had any intention of going to work or to

household was as silent as the grave for weeks after the murder

‘I know that when her parents grew too frail to look after themselves Bunty came back to this country to take over the running of the household … then, after her father died, she looked after her mother

The cheese-apple made this a lot more self-sustaining household than it would have been before

The custom in the neighborhood seemed to be one of putting the front walk under a trellis, quite often of larorlie, this household was no exception

Tdeshi grew up in a four person household, her, her sister, her father and his mother, in a house with nineteen rooms not counting the barns and sheds

The rhythms of the household gradually settled into the domestic cadence, mildly interrupted over the late Autumn and early Winter

Tdeshi’s mother left the household after her contract was up

Her mother left the household after her contract was up

If duskmeal was late in this household, it could be many hours til Yorthops returned

Billy can’t face the awful prospect of waking the Cascarino household

’ Mganga replied, naming one of the household names for this commodity

‘They’ve dismissed all but four of the household and

‘Yes – we! As I’m supposed to manage this household

‘Exactly! You’re supposed to manage the household

From the words, ‘scrap catcher’ it sounded to Delurna like her contact with someone in Tahlmute’s household might be a bit personal

Then she went about buying her household needs

‘As we suspect a spy in the household, it was felt that

The female contingent of the Bellimont household stood

have to find you a household of your own to work in,’ said

I worry sometimes about him not having a male role model – this is a very female household

Because of that he was unapproachable via sex, being totally committed to his current partner who was the major financial partner in their household

‘Have you left the household or

‘Most of the household were dismissed a couple of

“Darling, I have endeavored to introduce to you the many aspects of managing a large household, and I am gratified to say that your abilities are unsurpassed in thoroughness and creativity

And this occurred in their household as well; tragedy struck

her a place in his household until she could find somewhere

mood of the household had changed in accordance with his

” Chloe squeezed his hand in hers, and they walked with the rest of the household to the Dining Room

This left household decisions to be made and Lawrence was not up to the task

Things were much the same in Henri’s household

” My father was always in the shop, and my mother was always so frail; I was relied upon to perform the majority of the household chores and duties growing up

household, and of her consequent marriage to Richard

Klowa didn’t stay for Afternoonday, not wanting to be in the way when the others of the household came home bushed, and wondering about Shinvei

The great improvements in the coarser manufactories of both linen and woollen cloth furnish the labourers with cheaper and better clothing; and those in the manufactories of the coarser metals, with cheaper and better instruments of trade, as well as with many agreeable and convenient pieces of household furniture

He extricated himself and went back down to his own place while the remainder of Nonik’s household slept

Doyle graduated from medical school and began his practice and was in many ways the head of the household due to his father’s chronic illness

Clothing and lodging, household furniture, and what is called equipage, are the principal objects of the greater part of those wants and fancies

But compare the spacious palace and great wardrobe of the one, with the hovel and the few rags of the other, and you will be sensible that the difference between their clothing, lodging, and household furniture, is almost as great in quantity as it is in quality

The desire of food is limited in every man by the narrow capacity of the human stomach; but the desire of the conveniencies and ornaments of building, dress, equipage, and household furniture, seems to have no limit or certain boundary

Hence arises a demand for every sort of material which human invention can employ, either usefully or ornamentally, in building, dress, equipage, or household furniture ; for the fossils and minerals contained in the bowels of the earth, the precious metals, and the precious stones

The household proved to be friendly and welcoming

That abundance of food, of which, in consequence of the improvement of land, many people have the disposal beyond what they themselves can consume, is the great cause of the demand, both for the precious metals and the precious stones, as well as for every other conveniency and ornament of dress, lodging, household furniture, and equipage

In the household book of Henry, the fifth earl of Northumberland, drawn up in 1512 there are two different estimations of wheat

Beatrice run the entire household on their own

ways in which she could save the household money in an

respected, trusted friend, the entire household welcomed

As the household met around the table early the following

Those who cultivated the ground, were obliged to build their own houses, to make their own household furniture, their own clothes, shoes, and instruments of agriculture

Who better to serve a noble household than a capable young woman

I won’t tolerate filth in my household

It seemed to be a common habit in this austere household

In a household as wealthy as this, there should be a Nurse The Maiden’s Odyssey

But in a household that honors Ares, shouldn’t its son have the chance to exercise, so he might prove a strong and fearless warrior some day?”

And I know how fortunate I’ve been to gain a place in this esteemed household

household of Theoton by restoring his son to health

I won’t have my household shamed

That’s why we eat three meals in this household, even slaves

Except for those in the household of

It seems that the ‘fairness’ wonks get away with using ‘household‘ based purely on irrelevant thesis, i.e., the fallacy that since, ultimately, the earner’s (s ‘) income must support a * household*, that it’s therefore the household‘s total income that «counts» for comparison purposes, not the individual earners’. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Your bottom line might be going to bed an hour earlier so you can rise earlier to write while the rest of the household is asleep or to get some writing in before rushing to your day job. ❋ Unknown (2009)

These days, the major breadmaker in the household is yours truly, and though I don’t have a ton more time on my hands than my mom did a couple years ago, I’m a little bit freer as to how I spend my leisure hours. ❋ Sarah (2009)

The income of the household is attributed to each of its members, with an adjustment to reflect differences in needs for households of different sizes (i.e. the needs of a household composed of four people are assumed to be twice as large as those of a person living alone). ❋ Unknown (2010)

And of course the paramount thing in a household is the authority of the woman running it. ‘ ❋ Unknown (2008)

De-cluttering a household is a task that appeals strongly to today’s professional-class woman. ❋ Unknown (2002)

Yes, I live with a fetish model and a fetish photographer, and the other member of the household is also part of the scene, but * I* am not. ❋ Archmage (2002)

Opened what he called a household account; that was his main business. ❋ Joseph Crosby Lincoln (1907)

It came to Elizabeth after a day of extreme humiliation — the day on which she called her household servants together and dismissed them. ❋ Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr (1875)

Equally the Japanese, European and Chinese «household» is saving in the US as well — creating a capital account surplus. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In the Summer 2008 issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives, economists Steven J. Davis and James A. Kahn review this research and further dissect the evidence from both aggregate statistics and individual measurements of things like the lead times for ordering production materials and fluctuations in household spending. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In fact, while having two biological parents at home is, the statistics tell us, best for children, a single-parent household is almost as good. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Most likely $10 trillion in household wealth [not just housing value but investments and other assets] has been destroyed in this latest crash. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Rendered doubly grotesque in the movie adaptations (Richard Griffiths hissing and squealing like a large, pink kettle), the Dursley household is little more than a boot camp for anarchism. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Mr. Brinkmann said that there has been a large decline in household formation throughout the country, with many adults who would rather live on their own sharing a roof with parents or roommates due to financial reasons. ❋ Amy Hoak (2010)

Driven by consumer concerns over chemicals in household products, governments around the world are calling for greater disclosure of the chemical makeup of consumer products. ❋ Cassandra Sweet (2010)

Dude, I made a [trade] with this guy online. I [sent] him his stuff, but then he [blocked] me. I think I just got householdered. ❋ Fuhnetic (2014)

[John Holmes] Really Gave the householder to [that girl] in [the movie]. ❋ GaiaEnviro (2014)

Person 1: Why did [your cat] [cheapx] just limp out of your sisters room??
Person2: Oh she must have been [householding] it really hard earlier
Person 1: oh ❋ Cheapx (2009)

[Last minute] training, good thing my Household 6 [packed] [my bag]. ❋ Milspouse89 (2012)

«[omfg], you should [shoot] your household bitch».
«ya [ik]». ❋ Pochypizzle (2010)

[Sentence] [example]: [Oh lord] that looks like a Haggett Household if I’ve ever seen one. ❋ Coralmackeyhagget (2019)

Dude, I got the best Household High last night!!! First I sniffed Wite-Out, then some [Elmer’s Glue], then to [top it off] I put on some trippin music and pulled out the [Sharpies]! ❋ Household_druggie (2009)

ex: “when your little [sisters] new boyfriend meets the household ex”
what [scott] is to the [kardashians] ❋ Charliecharlis (2023)

Jenny: [My dad’s] such a [controlling] dick!
[Xander]: Tschh, put him in his place — remind him it’s a Bennett household. ❋ RaphaMuffin (2010)

[Friend 1]: Hey, ever heard of [Green Day]?
Friend 2: [Of course], their a household name. ❋ Simply0 (2006)

household — перевод на русский


Why must you make entire household in uproar over one slave?

Зачем поднимать такой шум в доме из-за одной рабыни?

I ask you to remember, there are 3,000 women in household.

Запомните, в этом доме 3000 женщин.

He said my father officiated as a priest in his household.

Отец свершал церемонии в их доме.

I wonder what Spartacus would say… if he knew that the woman, Varinia, and her child… are slaves in my household?

Интересно, что бы сказал Спартак… если бы узнал, что некая Валерия и её ребёнок рабы в моём доме?


Возможно, я смогу предложить вам работу в своем доме.

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To the charge that you stole YEN 50,000 cash from the Matsushita household at 2-14, Minato-machi, Chiba, how do you respond?

Вы обвиняетесь в краже 50.000 йен у семьи Мацусита проживающей по адресу: 2-14, Минатомати, Тиба. Признаёте ли вы вину?

Give us everything you’ve got on the servants in the Hopkins household.

Мы хотим знать все о служащих семьи Хопкинс.

From 2 o’clock in the afternoon until 4… the back of the house and the sheep pasture… on the eastern side, will be kept free of all members… of the household and farm servants.

От двух до четырех часов пополудни участок за домом и пастбище с восточной стороны должны быть свободны от всех членов семьи, слуг и крестьян.

After all, you wouldn’t be here today… if I hadn’t become… the responsible head of a household.

Тебя бы здесь не было, если бы я не стал ответственным главой семьи.

Since then he became a member of this household.

С тех пор он стал членом семьи.

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Nothing big, just little household things.

Разные домашние штучки.

Verily I say unto you, a man’s foe shall be those of his own household.

Истинно, истинно, глаголю вам, враги человеку — домашние его.

Around the catafalque stood the members of her household:

Кругом стояли её домашние:

After these followed the members of the Countess’s household.

После них и все домашние.

You know the doctor told me not to do household chores.

Ты же знаешь, что врач запретил мне делать домашние дела.

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You threw an eggbeater into the wheels of her Victorian household.

Своей яйцевзбивалкой вы посягали на ее викторианское хозяйство.

Chief, because you are the leader of the biggest household… you can easily afford, to take care of the nigger.

Староста, раз уж у тебя самое большое хозяйство, тебе не составит труда заботиться о негре.

Drink for your household utilities.

— За ваше коммунальное хозяйство!

How much time do you need to sell your house and household goods?

Тевье, сколько тебе надо времени, чтобы продать дом и хозяйство?

You just learn how to run a household first!

Научись вести хозяйство.

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You are about to witness for approximately 61 cents of ordinary household materials the perfect homemade silencer.

Господа, сейчас вы станете свидетелями того, как из бытовых материалов всего за 61 цент можно сделать настоящий глушитель.

Dad, you should have thought about household expenses…

Я на нем не езжу. Папа, надо было думать о бытовых расходах…

They produce chemicals for household products, cleaning supplies.

Они производят химические вещества для бытовых изделий, моющие средства.

Mix in some reactive household cleaning supplies And pressurized cans and a fistful of silverware…

Смешайте несколько химически активных бытовых чистящих средств добавьте герметичных консервных банок и немного столового себебра

Sodomy, one of the top ten most common household accidents.

Входит в десятку самых распространённых бытовых травм.

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Perhaps we have no household of our own But we don’t pay a dime to tax collectors

Пусть нету ни кола, и ни двора, Зато не платят королю налоги:

[ Man ] Roger Landrier… you are declared attainted and convicted of crimes against nature… in that you did have carnal knowledge of the she-ass here present. And that over the past 1 0 years,you have similarly confounded yourself… with a number ofbitches of your own household… and with two ewes… the property of your neighbor Deschauffeur.

Ричард Ландрие, ты лишаешься всех прав и обвиняешься в том, что совершал половые акты с присутствующей здесь ослицей, а также в том, что за последние десять лет ты делал то же самое с другими животными своего двора

I am also appointing you comptroller of my household.

Кроме того, я назначаю тебя инспектором моего двора.

Stay in Oxford if you will, madam, but expect nothing from the Queen’s household evermore.

Можете остаться в Оксфорде, если хотите, мадам, но более ничего не ждите от двора королевы.

Now, some of these tattoos are proof of allegiance to underground organisations, which are the sworn enemies of the Royal household.

Часть этих татуировок говорит о принадлежности к подпольным организациями, являющимся заклятыми врагами царского двора.

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It’s an odd household, too.

И прислуга странная.

Madame retired to her nightly devotions, and the Deroulard household slept.

Мадам удалилась на свои вечерние молитвы. А прислуга Дерула спала.

The entire Sullivan household went to Barbados two days ago.

Всё семейство Саливан и прислуга два дня назад уехали на Барбадос.

He uses you for cooking, washing clothes, cleaning toilets, and other household chores.

А он заставлял тебя готовить, чистить, убираться. Как будто ты прислуга.

Madam, I have come to tell you that for your offences against the King, all your household has been discharged.

— Мадам, я пришел сообщить вам, …что за ваши преступления против короля, …вся ваша прислуга была уволена.

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I am Cogsworth, head of the household.

Я Когзворт — начальник домашнего хозяйства.

I am the CEO of this household.

Я директор домашнего хозяйства.

Then you need another man for the household.

Тогда вам нужен другой мужчина для домашнего хозяйства.

All I know is that some people spend their entire lives searching for the experience I gained with a few simple household products.

Я знаю, что некоторые люди всю свою жизнь проводят в поисках .. опыта, который я получил с помощью нескольких простых продуктов домашнего хозяйства.

Now, Mr Carson, no-one disputes your position as head of this household, but I’m not sure you’re entitled to dress down Mrs Patmore in this way.

Послушайте, мистер Карсон, никто не оспаривает ваш статус главы домашнего хозяйства, но я сомневаюсь, что вы вправе отчитывать миссис Патмор.

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Now, would you please be so kind as to telephone the Chief Inspector Japp and ask him to assemble the whole Farley household at noon?

Позвоните инспектору Джеппу и попросите собрать к полудню семейство Фарли.

The last thing I wanna do is divide the Leery household even more.

Последнее, что я хотел бы сделать, это разделить семейство Лири.

Every household has something of that sort.

Каждое семейство имеет что-то подобное.

He asked me to murder his enemy, and when I refused, he poisoned an entire household.

Он просил меня убить его врага, и когда я отказала, он отравил все семейство.

— Just imagine a full and turbulent household.

Представь огромное неспокойное семейство.

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A basic solution of potassium nitrate. Combined with ordinary household products such as chlorin, sodium, *** *** voice box.

Основное решение — нитрат калия, смешанный с веществами, используемыми в быту, такими как хлористый натрий, *** мой голосовой аппарат.

We keep an Asian household.

Мы придерживаемся восточных традиций в быту

I took sodium bicarbonate, a very common household thing you might use for indigestion or for cleaning purposes — and vinegar.

Я взял бикарбонат натрия, соду, её часто используют в быту, от проблем с желудком или как чистящее средство. И уксус.

Sulfuric acid is not a common household product.

Серная кислота редко применяется в быту.

All common household items.

То есть обычные предметы быта.

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  • Use the word household in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The point is that years back we developed this spray… to kill roaches and other household pests.

You see it all the time in period dramas. When a righteous woman sleeps with a man she is said to have dirtied her energy, and kicked out of her household.

At the far end of the table were Sir Arne’s niece, Berghild, and her foster sister Elsalill, an orphan taken in by the vicar’s household. Elsalill… Mary Johnson Berghild…

The only person present not belonging to the household was Torarin and his gaze kept returning to the iron-clad chest at the foot of the four-poster bed.

«Last night Sir Arne and his entire household were murdered by three men… who entered the house though the smoke-hole in the roof.. men dressed in rough hides.»

In every household of the village, the humble tragedy of departure played out in poignant detail.

Meanwhile, Anna, her past still a closed book, has become a beloved member of the household.

Isn’t there something «witch-like» with this sleepwalker, who moves through the slumbering household with her matches?

Thus Tokutaro was recognized by Mochizuki as his firstborn son, and his friends became apprentices in the samurai’s household.

But one night, soon after he joined Jirozo’s household… Heizaburo witnessed something strange.

I have learned from information gathered by my faithul old house-keeper that my grandson is leading a most unworthy and dissipated life — he having become an actor a actor against my will. — I therefore have decided to leave my entire fortune to the good old lady who attends to my household.

I spend all morning reviewing the household guards, distributing medals… and now on my way to an audience with the prime minister… I steal away to have a look at my husband, and-and…

With all these household expenses the furniture, the rent, and everything else.

All the newest household bars have attachable sick nurses. [Both laughing]

To think that I should have such treachery in my own household.

But before you go, there is one member of the household that you haven’t seen.

Of course, I know for some women men are a household necessity.

Everything that belongs to a good household:

A conventional household.

This has been a painful necessity but I had to speak plainly lest your very innocence should smirch the purity I’m utterly resolved to maintain in my household.

Beginning to forget your household duties already, ei ?

He does not want to disturb household.

May I drink to this delightful household?

To this household, to life, and to all brave illusion.

Listen, you’ve all gotta realise one thing, that I… am the master of this household.

The collapse of morals begins at the head of the household.

But in my country, the name Samuel Bisbee is a household word.

I don’t object, your majesty of course you must have a household of your own now

We’re a busy household, as you see.

This household is marked for death.

household chores and field work.

That’s the most important item in the household.

Ice is the second most important item in this household.

And places his household and all in it at the disposal of the illustrious envoy of her most gracious majesty, Queen Victoria.

Good wife best household furniture.

We must have rooms for a household!

We insist on punctuality in this household.

And thank you… for the efficient management of my household.

Watch one another, even those of your own household.

The household account being depleted.

«steward of the household, and Lord High Admiral of the fleet…

And got ill on the Steward of the household.

Mrs. Topper runs the household, and very efficiently too.

Oh, Michael. If you have any complaints about the household or the servants, just drop me a note.

I thought I could pay from the household money.

-Going over the household accounts.

You’re the head of this household, the only man in the house.

Maybe he will buy it himself. You’re the head of this household.

I continued to love him for a while, and then… I only had one concern: To preserve my household, my position.

Random good picture Not show

1. She raged against her husband for some household affairs.

2. The whole household is up early.

3. Cooking, sewing, and house keeping are household arts.

4. Hard household chores roughed her hands.

5. Kate’s word was law in the Brown household.

6. Heavy household chores made inroads upon Jane’s health.

7. Many household products give off noxious fumes.

8. She always quibbles about household affairs with her mother.

9. An army of servants waited on the king’s household.

10. I grew up as part of a large household.

11. Leaflets have been delivered to every household.

11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

12. She managed the household very well.

13. She won’t relish having to do the household chores every day.

14. The average household pays 27p a day in water rates.

15. Formerly most of our household utensils were made of brass.

16. Household waste is carted away by the city’s Sanitation Department.

17. My household duties were not particularly onerous.

18. He was a household name in the 1950s.

19. Has household composition changed in the last decade?

20. She became a household name in the 1960s.

21. Imports of household appliances rose last month.

22. Coca Cola is a household name around the world.

23. Median household income fell last year.

24. Many household machines are great energy wasters.

25. Dustbins are used for household waste.

26. Most household appliances burn up loads of electricity.

27. The product’s name became a household word.

28. My mother’s grip upon the household never faltered.

29. An air of gloom and despondency settled over the household.

30. He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.

More similar words: warehouse, the White House, shareholder, house, housing, the greenhouse effect, drive home, hold, hour, whole, holy, shout, hold out, hold up, hold on, hold in, as a whole, hold down, without, though, rush out, should, hold back, get hold of, scholar, hold on to, reach out, hold water, on the whole, threshold. 

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