Use the word house in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “house” in a sentence. How to connect “house” with other words to make correct English sentences.

house (n): a building that people, usually one family, live in

Use “house” in a sentence

My house is not far from here.
The house was in flames.
This house has a solid foundation.
There is a bus stop in front of my house.
That house belongs to mygrandparents.
My house is just across the street.
I invited him to my house.
Do you see that house? It’s mine.

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Synonym: audience, building, congregation, dwelling, home, lodge, residence, shelter. Similar words: warehouse, household, housing, the White House, the greenhouse effect, hour, shout, should. Meaning: [haʊs]  n. 1. a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families 2. an official assembly having legislative powers 3. a building in which something is sheltered or located 4. a social unit living together 5. a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented 6. the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments 7. aristocratic family line 8. the members of a religious community living together 9. the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema 10. play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults 11. (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided 12. the management of a gambling house or casino. v. 1. contain or cover 2. provide housing for. 

1, A house is not a home. 

2, Who repairs not his gutter repairs his whole house

3, A house divided against itself cannot stand. 

4, The wife is the key of the house

5, Hang up one’s hat in another’s house

6, A man’s house is his castle. 

7, There is a skeleton in every house

8, Who holds the purse rules the house

9, If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 

10, A body without knowledge is like a house without a foundation. 

11, The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress. 

12, It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock. 

13, A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another’s. 

14, A man may love his house well without riding on the ridge. 

15, A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another. 

16, Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. 

17, He who lives in glass house should not throw stones. 

18, As the house is to the man,[] so is the nest to the bird and the cave to the animal. 

19, Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation.

20, We’ve got a mouse in the house.

21, He was left alone in the house.

22, The house is on the side of a hill.

23, The house stands desolate and empty.

24, He built the house low and wide.

25, The more women look in their glass,( the less they look to their house. 

26, Two cats and a mouse, two wives in one house, two dogs and a bone, never agree in one. 

27, By the street of “Bye-and-bye” one arrives at the house of “Never”. 

28, To marry a woman for her beauty is like buying a house for its paint. 

29, It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 

30, It is too late to come with the water when the house is burnt down. 

Use the words house or home in these sentences.
1. My grandma lives in a small _ not far from Moscow.
2. Is there anybody at _ ?
3. My elder brother has bought a _ for his family.
4. I’ve left my notebook at _ .
5. Sam will come _ before 7.
6. My friend lives in a multi−storey _ in the centre of the city.
7. I don’t want to go to the cinema today, let’s stay at _ .
8. There are many new _ in our town.

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс FORWARD часть 2 Вербицкая. UNIT 14. Islands of the South Pacific. Номер №14


Перевод задания
Используйте в этих предложениях слова «house» или «home».
1. Моя бабушка живет в маленьком _ недалеко от Москвы.
2. Есть кто−нибудь в _?
3. Мой старший брат купил _ для своей семьи.
4. Я оставил свой блокнот в _.
5. Сэм придет _ до 7.
6. Мой друг живет в многоэтажном _ в центре города.
7. Не хочу сегодня идти в кино, останемся в _.
8. В нашем городе много новых _ .

1. My grandma lives in a small house not far from Moscow.
2. Is there anybody at home?
3. My elder brother has bought a house for his family.
4. I’ve left my notebook at home.
5. Sam will come home before 7.
6. My friend lives in a multi−storey house in the centre of the city.
7. I don’t want to go to the cinema today, let’s stay at home.
8. There are many new houses in our town.

Перевод ответа
1. Моя бабушка живет в небольшом домике недалеко от Москвы.
2. Есть кто−нибудь дома?
3. Мой старший брат купил дом для своей семьи.
4. Я оставил записную книжку дома.
5. Сэм вернется домой до 7.
6. Мой друг живет в многоэтажном доме в центре города.
7. Я не хочу сегодня идти в кино, давай останемся дома.
8. В нашем городе много новых домов.

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Definition of House

a home or other building where a person lives

Examples of House in a sentence

The contractor built the family a house with three bedrooms and three bathrooms.


Our house is the only home on the block that doesn’t have white doors and windows.


My mother hasn’t lived in the house for years, but she still owns the property.




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