Use the word horses in a sentence

  • Use the word Horses in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Make a run for the horses when I douse the fire. MAN 1:

They’re footballers, not horses.

Their flags and spears are lowered, their horses bridled with twigs.

I have horses, golf courses, swimming pools, and tennis courts.

But you’d be able to ride the horses that I have.

Have fun with your new rocking horses, girls.

All right, Eileen, I’m sure that you remember when we were kids, Mom and Dad bought us rocking horses.

Oh, wait, I think I do remember those rocking horses.

I’ll buy you all rocking horses.

We don’t need your rocking horses, and guess what, we don’t need your free dinner.

Madame, the horses are out of control!

Suzanne is at the mercy of the stampeding horses!

Long after mignight, a few men left the inn at Braneh├Âg in order to saddle their horses and return home.

Well, sir, tell my servant not to get the horses until tomorrow.

We’re going to marry one another up on the wooden horses.

Disengage the horses, Patroclus!

Ancient legends report that among the Teutons, a warrior becomes king when he was able to jump over six horses.

… the latest in a great lineage, owner of a stable of horses.

The two Vandeuvres horses participating in the «Grand Prix».

» We’re on our way to the Dakota rush … With these race horses

Mike Costigan and » Spade » Allen weren’t exactly thieves … but they had a habit of finding horses that nobody had lost.

» Nobody ever made any speed with a hat like that … it’ll scare the horses

Our horses are like the wind …

You know my passion for horses.

already saddIing the horses.

Meanwhile, near Artois, the echo of the Cossaks’ horses is heard.

Hold your tongue, you old rascal, I know more about horses than you!

Hey, you, our battle horses!

All the horses in the pasture

All we need is the horses and we’re done!

And their horses and baggage, sir?

By the way, have you any horses?

Yes. I’ll shove the horses and the cattle right on through.

Yeah. Well, Flack’s got a lot of horses.

Well, that’s kind of him, Zeke, but we couldn’t take their horses.

Yes. All their horses give out.

It’s leather in the time of war… furnishes our horses with harness to pull the cannons… to conquer our enemies!

It’s leather in the time of war… furnishes our horses with harness… to pull the cannons, to conquer our enemies.

My carriage is waiting in front of the house… with two beautiful horses.

Hey. Terry. hold your horses!

The horses being led by a bat was the invention of screenwriter Fritz Stephani, who imagined the scene in Universal’s first treatment for Dracula in June, 1930.

Sometimes horses like this are smarter than people.

French or not French, they look just like any other horses to me. Oh.

Anyway, I didn’t come to Paris to look at horses.

There’s plenty of horses back home if I want to look at ’em.

Sentence with word horses. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use horses in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for horses.

  • And then the poor horses too! (4)
  • Where shall you change horses? (4)
  • In joy he whipped the horses on. (10)
  • The horses were going at a gallop. (10)
  • More, he was a Christian to his horses. (10)
  • It was better than going down with your back to the horses! (8)
  • It is so with horses, it must be so with men. (22)
  • Woman riders frequently own their own horses. (21)
  • Practical dogs are for bones, horses for corn. (10)
  • Twenty-two horses are allotted to each stock car. (21)
  • You should always remember the coachman and horses. (4)
  • At first there were no horses in Quebec or Montreal. (19)
  • He pulled the horses up, and peered into the darkness. (8)
  • Vittoria compelled him to despatch his horses to stables. (10)
  • The horses had trenched from the chalk road on to the downs. (10)
  • Let the horses die, he said, let the coachman have sun-stroke. (10)
  • Our horses and carriages follow us: everything you would like. (10)
  • To this sneer Mr. Treffry made no answer, clucking to his horses. (8)
  • These are but my horses; the praise is of the animals, not of me. (10)
  • There again they sat quite still on their horses, examining the prospect. (8)
  • The circus traversed three States before the proper horses were procured. (21)
  • The coach came at a trot of the horses, admired by Sir Lukin, round a corner. (10)
  • Outside in the court a small party of people were standing beside their horses. (13)
  • It was a sort of transfer, drawn by horses, which delivered them a little inside. (9)
  • Aunt Juley thought that horses were very uncertain, had not Montague found them so? (8)
  • No stauncher troupe of draft horses can be found anywhere than the circus carries. (21)
  • Stephen examined the carriage, tested the harness, and graciously patted the horses. (12)
  • He came with postillions in advance of him wearing crape rosettes, as did the horses. (10)
  • I told that lazy chap to put the horses up for an hour, and come for me at your place. (8)
  • But the hill was over and the startled horses were cantering with a free, smooth motion. (8)
  • Concealing our horses in a cane-brake, we unmoored the boat and rowed across unmolested. (7)
  • The greater part eked out existence by racing horses, hunting foxes, and shooting birds. (8)
  • They had hitherto patiently acted their parts as spectators, immovable on their horses. (10)
  • Team horses feel again the weight of harness, and the march to the railroad yards is on. (21)
  • And rather quickly, a yard or so apart, and talking of horses, they returned to the house. (8)
  • The scared horses, straining asunder, leaped forward, and sped downwards, in the darkness. (8)
  • Concealment where I was, was impossible; there were no means of obtaining horses to proceed. (6)
  • I remember Lord Fleetwood looking over his shoulder and smiling hard and lashing his horses. (10)
  • Outside the ring of torchbearers and others was a long cart with a dozen horses harnessed to it. (10)
  • Or Aunt Rosamund, with her perpetual rescuings of lost dogs, lame horses, and penniless musicians? (8)
  • Many people have observed with surprise the close-buttoned secrecy of all who have to do with horses. (8)
  • Why a man should waste his time, flogging dead horses on a journey to the moon, was incomprehensible! (8)
  • As far as one could see through the forests, among the splintered trees, lay wrecks of men and horses. (1)
  • The horses stepped smartly and pranced proudly as their nostrils extended out of their classic heads. (18)
  • Bad roads and worse horses made me feel the few leagues I had to go the most tiresome part of my journey. (6)
  • He was led by her to the chariot, where she pointed to a small padded slab of a seat back to the horses. (10)
  • I have written for them to hire a furnished mansion for a couple of months, carriages, horses, lacqueys. (10)
  • Ah, and the pleasant comrades and the splendid horses, and the homecomings at night, just a little drunk. (12)
  • Accommodating thirty horses, they were at present occupied by twenty-one, including the pony of little Ann. (8)
  • As they turned into the main street, a young woman starting out before the horses obliged Pippin to pull up. (8)
  • With the horses themselves I could find no fault upon the grounds of my censure of the show in some other ways. (9)
  • The drawing-room was full of people playing a game concerned with horses ridden by jockeys with the latest seat. (8)
  • And I can remember the day when I determined to have the best kennels and the best breed of horses in the kingdom. (10)
  • The horses beat along through the mist, in which there seemed no progress, and they lived in a blissful arrest of time. (9)
  • He graciously deigns to accept a couple of English hunters at our hands; we shall improve his breed of horses, I suspect. (10)
  • Still in that resolute oblivion of the past, he took his place with them in the landau beside Halliday, back to the horses. (8)
  • Everywhere near the creek, which here had a margin of lowland, the earth was trodden into mud by the feet of men and horses. (1)
  • Before the war, sir, I used to drive my team and sleigh by way of Lake George to Canada and trade Yankee notions for horses. (18)
  • Again, coming from Pradelles with his brother, they saw a great empty cart drawn by six enormous horses before them on the road. (2)
  • They will have no carriage, no horses, and hardly any servants; they will keep no company, and can have no expenses of any kind! (4)
  • Kine, and horses, and little humorous donkeys, browse together in the meadows, and come down in troops to the riverside to drink. (2)
  • Chilly weather was afflicting the whole country, he was reminded, and he paced about hurriedly until his horses were in the shafts. (10)
  • This instruction he had frequently had occasion to give his jockeys when he believed his horses could best get home first in that way. (8)
  • There was a sort, of loving-kindness in that movement, as of a hand which had in its time felt the joints and sinews of innumerable horses. (8)
  • An early cockchafer buzzed in the Japanese paper with which they had filled the grate, and one of the horses in the stable stamped restlessly. (8)
  • He and his sister, Black Bess, were of pure Arab extraction, and some of the finest horses in California to-day date their parentage from them. (21)
  • She collected her understanding, apparently; treating a conversational run of the tongue as a question to be pondered; and the horses paid for it. (10)
  • Peter did most of the open talking, which related to horses, yachting, opera, and sport generally: who was ruined; by what horse, or by what woman. (10)
  • Scarcely was the supper placed upon the table, when a tremendous tramping of horses along the street, and loud cracking of whips, announced a new arrival. (6)
  • The horses were the great attraction for them, and, perhaps in concession to their habitual destitution in this respect, the riding was providentially very good. (9)
  • By this surrender 25 officers, 519 non-commissioned officers and men, 2 field-guns, 2 ammunition cars, and a large number of horses were captured by the British. (19)

Also see sentences for: horse, horse-car, horseback, horseflesh, horseman.

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Examples of how to use the word “horse” in a sentence. How to connect “horse” with other words to make correct English sentences.

horse (n): a large animal with four legs that people ride on or use for carrying things or pulling vehicles

Use “horse” in a sentence

He exchanged his cow for two horses.
Can you ride a horse?
Can I ride this horse for a while?
He lost a lot of money on the horses.

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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Horse | Horse Sentence

  • Lumley stopped his horse too.
  • Gray checked his horse to speak.
  • But there was no sign of horse or rider to be seen.
  • He turned his horse and rode backwards.
  • Vincent had remained with the horse and wagon at the barn.
  • His horse carried him whither it would.
  • Just let my horse go, will you?
  • A slow old horse pulled it along.
  • But it was only his own horse moving uneasily in the stable.
  • Gray got off his horse and stood with his hand upon the bridle.
  • He was off his horse in one moment and shaking hands with her the next.
  • Lumley suddenly turn his horse in a totally different direction.
  • Still holding the horse by the bridle he went hurriedly back.
  • He checked his horse and paused for some time gazing at the peak.
  • He fastened the horse securely to the door-post and stepped into the hut.
  • His horse too was an extraordinarily big beast, a stallion sixteen hands high.
  • The Corsar’s horse neighed uneasily.
  • But ye wull be wanting a meal, lad, and your bonnie horse too.
  • Dame Vizaknai sprang towards Denis Banfi and seized his horse by the bridle.

How To Use Horse In A Sentence?

  • This was caused by the overflow of a combination drinking fountain and horse trough.
  • Gray involuntarily shivered as he stood before it and his horse tugged restlessly at the bridle.
  • It seemed that he found some difficulty in disposing of the old horse and wagon for cash.
  • One horse had lost one of its ears, which rather detracted from its otherwise imposing appearance.
  • As he turned, a sharp sound caught his ears, and he checked his horse to listen.
  • He mounted his horse and rode gaily along the broad even platform, whistling as he went.
  • Once or twice he thought of taking his horse and riding out to search for Harding.
  • The Prince as he sank from his horse looked darkly up into the face of his youthful opponent.
  • He got off his horse and cut away with some difficulty enough of the curtaining foliage to allow an easy passage through.
  • With these words he gave his horse the spur, galloped forward, and caught up the herculean horseman.
  • Gray crossed the valley, stopping to let his horse drink at the stream, and to take a draught himself.
  • Then they walked several yards listening to the tramp of the hoofs, and then they heard the fly-man strike his horse with the whip.
  • He ran back towards the hut with one thought uppermost in his mind, to get his horse and go with the dog.
  • A horse is excusable for being a horse, and not a man; but that prevents not that he ought to be a horse, and not a man.
  • When Harding brought his horse to him he scarcely thanked him, and he rode away by his side in sullen silence.
  • A grey horse had just got rid of his rider, and after galloping round and round, his head in the air, stopped and began to graze.
  • The light came from the doorway of a big barn, where two persons, a man and a boy, were just unhitching a horse from a light wagon.
  • It was a good farrier who could so shoe a horse that he would lose no shoe between Lingtam and Gnatong.
  • St. Augustine has beautifully said, that the horse which has gone astray is a more noble creature than a stone which has no power to go astray.
  • But Gray pushed doggedly on, soothing his good horse with voice and hand, and becoming more and more convinced that he was on the right track.
  • As they got nearer to the town the glare of the distant fire was noted, and young Jabez whipped up the horse and made good time.

Definition of Horse

(intransitive) To frolic, to act mischievously. (Usually followed by «around».) | (transitive) To provide with a horse; supply horses for. | (obsolete) To get on horseback.

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Also learn how to use these words in a sentence

On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Horse in a sentence

Horse sentence

sentence with Horse

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Horse make sentence

make sentence with Horse

make sentence of Horse

Horse sentence in english

Synonym: colt, mare, stallion, steed, stud. Antonym: foot, mare. Similar words: horseman, dark horse, horseback, horseplay, put the cart before the horse, worse, worsen, corset. Meaning: [hɔrs /hɔːs]  n. 1. solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times 2. a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs 3. troops trained to fight on horseback 4. a framework for holding wood that is being sawed 5. a chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa). v. provide with a horse or horses. 

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1. A horse stumbles that has four legs. 

2. A galled horse will not endure the comb. 

3. Many ants kill the horse.

4. A good horse cannot be of a bad colour. 

5. Don’t put the cart before the horse

6. You may know the horse by his harness. 

7. A boisterous horse must have a rough bridle. 

8. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. 

9. It is a good horse that never stumbles. 

10. Either win the horse or lose the saddle. 

10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

11. Put the cart before the horse

12. Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest. 

13. A ragged colt may make a good horse

14. Better lose the saddle than the horse

15. A good horse often needs a good spur. 

16. While the grass grows the horse (or steed) starves. 

17. Mettle is dangerous in a blind horse

18. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse

19. Every horse thinks his sack heaviest. 

20. When the horse is stolen[], (you) lock the stable door. 

21. One man may steal a horse, while another may not look over the hedge. 

22. You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. 

23. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. 

24. A colt you may break, but an old horse you never can. 

25. One man may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge. 

26. An nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse

27. It is the bridle and spur that make a good horse

28. A nod’s as good as a wink to a blind horse

29. It’s no use locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. 

30. Save something for the man that rides on the white horse

More similar words: horseman, dark horse, horseback, horseplay, put the cart before the horse, worse, worsen, corset, endorse, remorse, endorsement, or so, for sure, for sale, forsake, at worst, dorsal, worship, indoors, forsaken, outdoors, scissors, out of doors, censorship, per se, dictatorship, horn, whore, terse, course. 

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