Use the word hoping in a sentence

I know, that example is pretty outrageous, but, I’m hoping that you see, that’s how some people are

‘ I said, hoping that she’d go into detail a little

«Earth years?» she said, hoping

One usually ‘misses the bus’ to sell at a profit or keeps hoping against hope in a falling market

devastated … not only because she’d messed him about, but because he threw us out of the window because of her … y’see, I reckon he was hoping that we’d be reconciled … we were friends, him an’ me, best friends … he once said that any woman he married would have to accept that I came with the package, I reckon he thought that as Joanna was a friend of mine anyway, it would make the whole thing easier

When doostEr looked at him like he was expecting more he said, «Hoping to hear there’s something looking up somewhere,» and that was all he would say

continue hoping that they will

Can I take a message at all?’ I asked, hoping she will chat a little

’ I said impulsively, then suddenly hoping she won’t think that Stephen is at all unprofessional in telling me things, I went on

Half hoping it will be Stephen and half dreading that it might just be, I reach for the phone

I was hoping to get over the bridge up here before breakfast was over

’ I said, visualising this encounter and rather hoping that the two of them never gang up on me in earnest

Emma’s hoping to go back to work once he starts school – she’s a primary teacher and should be able to get a part time job … at least that is the intention

’ I assured him, hoping the wooziness I’m experiencing will pass off … I’m not in the habit of fainting and don’t want to start now

«That’s too bad, I was hoping to find a kindred soul

Closing my eyes, I let loose of the ball in the general direction of the plate, hoping for the best

‘It must have been a few years ago perhaps at the theatre in Bridgwater?’ he went on, clearly hoping to impress

She was restoring everything of his to how it had been in 2278, hoping that would soften the blow of waking up as a clone in the ruins of Biology Base

She was hoping that Ruby’s answer would give her an idea of some destination

By far sighted me with a sweet look, hoping

Anyway, I’m hoping they’ll let me up soon

’ I said, hoping he wasn’t disappointed

Hoping to make him stop this, I made up a melodramatic love story about a boyfriend of mine who was killed in a car accident nine years ago; strangely enough, I felt quite emotional about it and when I said “I have lost someone” I meant it

Yet, I keep on playing the role of the match-maker, hoping that Dimitri will eventually be disappointed from Mandy’s frigidity and notice me

At a moment he holds my hand – probably hoping for a night of wild sex

So, from now on I will be Yvonne and I have taken refuge in the world of the living, hoping to avoid a dreadful danger which awaits me in the astral plains

» Maybe he was hoping she would object and give him a reason to not face the issue

He berthed the thunderboat and began the climb to Ava’s latest home, hoping she could find those papers and wouldn’t object to giving them over to him

Some hunters from the village followed Son hoping that he would lead

I’m hoping it will be the last and then I won’t have to bother you again

She stood there panting, hoping she wasn’t about to lose control of herself and run

He was hoping she would be at least able to stutter something

We are hoping it

He was hoping

Has Caesar been a good ruler? Has he brought you peace? Has Herod been all that you have hoped he would be? Have the rulers and the governments over you really brought you the peace that you were hoping for? Have they really supplied for your needs? Or are your needs deeper than stuff? Are your needs and your deepest longings for something bigger and greater than that which has been given you? Choose ye this day: Caesar or Christ? Herod or Jesus?

I held my breath hoping it would not pick up my scent

They are hoping for a boy this time and you get no prizes whatsoever for guessing what they intend to call him! But to return to the beautiful jewellery you sent – you say Joris bought it for you many years ago

“So, that’s about it in a nutshell, any questions?” She was looking at him hoping that he wouldn’t have too many

He didn’t look in her direction at all, hoping that she would think that he didn’t know she was there

‘Now that is far more what I was hoping you would say

«To be honest I never knew it, I was just hoping to hit it in the eye with the flame

She was hoping that she wouldn’t faint

«I was hoping,» she said

‘En route to the islands,’ I forced a smile, hoping that she didn’t want a travelling companion

Carefully, I eased into my space hoping not to disturb either of them

I gave her a wide smile and touched my forehead hoping she would recognise this as an apology and said sorry, in the hope she might speak a little English

I had thought that perhaps when this whole thing is over and done with I might take her place …’ I said tentatively, hoping it doesn’t sound too ludicrous – after all, I’ve little experience of running a household like that

‘I was hoping you could offer me accommodation for the night

Daniel had rigged a sort of cast on her wing hoping that the bones would knit

Driving ahead they would speak to me hoping a word or phrase would sink in so I could grasp what was really going on

The next morning the young man rang a local florist and arranged for a bouquet of the finest mixed winter blooms to be sent round to her house, hoping that she would be shocked, surprised and then intrigued by this wonderful gift

It was hard going but we battled on, shoulders against the obvious, each holding on to the other’s silence hoping the next step would be easier

This can be devastating at the best of times but even more so if you were really hoping for that

‘Yes, but with girls not men,’ I laughed hoping to hide my embarrassment and shut him out but he had me in his sights

“I was hoping you were here to participate in mine,” he said

‘I was hoping you would come out lunchtime,’ Alastair said as I gasp in surprise

He was hoping Darryl could counter the criticisms from his doubters

He’s hoping that he can stay at Jo’s and is ringing her now to see if it’s possible

They have also upgraded the hotel and are hoping to achieve 3 star status this year

She waited, hoping he would agree to let her stay

‘Jake was hoping to stay over at Jo’s again this weekend but because the band has a gig, Alastair has said he can’t

He had to keep on hoping she would never know the power she really had over them

I’m hoping to learn the Laudamus Te from the Mozart C Minor Mass – it is a piece I have wanted to sing for a while, but it is challenging, full of runs needing a lot of breath control

For the first time in many years he was hoping for a liaison

He was hoping for something that would give him a clue to the enemy’s vulnerability, or even some clue as to what it really is

«What’s working?» she asked, hoping he would admit to it anyway, even though she had no idea how to ask

‘That is what dad is hoping

looking at him hoping he would consider all options

I stare at the papers on the table, hoping for inspiration … Bunty’s in Italy … her father’s selling the shop and, oh yes, Roland’s just gone to Paris

‘ I asked hoping I sound professional

I was hoping there was some chance I might be able to detect some effect

round to her house, hoping that she would be shocked, surprised

‘Yes, I’m hoping he might be able to give me some information about Bunty Danvers and Danvers House

“They were hoping I would, I have failed on missions before

I was hoping to just notice something, to prove we could entangle fourth order condensates with logic simulations rather than large masses of condensed antimatter

I was maybe hoping, that, well, that he would be compatible enough that I could hang out here

One woman was crying over the pending execution and hoping that it would be stayed

‘ I said, hoping I don’t sound too crazy

I’m hoping that Barry will be capable of looking after her

I’ve been to the mountain where my child was created so many times it’s pathetic, hoping I will find Ningla and he will make things better for me

He had lain there in the dust for hours, hoping the lack of movement would spare him a heat stroke

“I was rather hoping to claim your coat to keep me warm this coming winter

As he picks up his bag and heads out to his car, Julie finds herself hoping so too

‘It’s sweet tasting and I’m hoping that they will go for it

knowing where he was going, hoping for a chance

She did feel some remorse and conflict at hoping against hope there’d be a cancellation that would give her sooner access, but she rose above it

Hoping to recover himself, he pressed on, “And how are they to have ice whenever they so wish? I responded

She’d been hoping that, if Masa let her off, she could have fitted in a week at her parents’ home somewhere in the north of England

“Actually, I was hoping that you would use posthole diggers, although I had to convince your mother; she wanted you to use your hands and fingers,” said their father without expression

He stood swaying and waved his arms plaintively, hoping against hope that the driver would take pity on him and give him a lift

’ He said, smiling at her in his most winning fashion, hoping he looked like a hiker who had hiked one hill too far

‘Just what I was hoping you’d say

He thought Ava should be back early this Nightday and was hoping she would show up before the shift was over

Ava was hoping he might ask about darkmeal, but nothing of that sort happened

bus from leaving an extra ten minutes hoping that Roman would show

He waited several minutes hoping the van

the pop machines, and went to our table to eat, hoping that Roman would show

“gZarvik was down here a lot in those days, just hoping to get on that crew, but I don’t see what he could have done to make it happen?”

With the grass between his toes he made long curling casts at the edge of some lilypads, hoping to entice a lazy fish into biting the threaded bug he used

we just were hoping for an evening’s diversion, so to speak

Sentences using the word hoping. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use hoping in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for hoping.

  • I was much hoping that you had made a better start. (8)
  • I came here hoping to meet you; I am extremely happy. (8)
  • She had been hoping for this visit for some time past. (8)
  • I was hoping with all my might that she would not deny him. (10)
  • Yet he was hoping that he had not been created for failure. (10)
  • He hardly breathed, hoping she would not see him, and go away. (8)
  • He found himself hoping that his statement would be laughed at. (10)
  • As the hour approached he haunted the hall, hoping she might be first down. (8)
  • Jon preserved silence, hoping against hope that she might be thinking it swift. (8)
  • He made his way to the young man, hoping he might somehow have the courage he wanted. (9)
  • I may say, that honouring, esteeming you as I do, and hoping ardently for your consent . (10)
  • He kept expecting it, pausing for it, hoping it would come to solve his intense perplexity. (10)
  • He kept expecting it, pausing for it, hoping it would come to solve his intense perplexity. (22)
  • I had done all I could, and was hoping that the literary notices would make up for the rest. (14)
  • June sat there a long time, dreading, yet passionately hoping, that they would speak of Bosinney. (8)
  • He bowed his head with his eyes shut and lunged blindly out toward his assailant, hoping to seize him. (9)
  • I faltered along, hoping to reach a second one, without knowing why I had dragged my limbs from the first. (10)
  • Over this little wavering taper in the vaults Emma cowered, cherishing the hand, silently hoping for the voice. (10)
  • Each sister looked anxious; for each felt the best claim to Agatha, and was hoping to have it pressed on her by the rest. (4)
  • She went to the piano and played, turning the dagger in her heart, or hoping forlornly that music might work some miracle. (8)
  • She assented, not liking to confess that she did not know what Chardonnet might be, and hoping it was some kind of sherbet. (8)
  • Within twenty-four hours she was hoping to be gone; her father and mother must be spoken to, Susan prepared, everything got ready. (4)
  • It shivered under the touch, seemed to stop shivering and wait for the next touch, as if hoping it might be warmer; shivered again. (8)
  • There he spun out the hours in a parley, hoping against hope that the recreant Vaudreuil would return and try to succour the city. (19)
  • And he began to look very closely at the faces around him, hoping to find out from types what he had failed to ascertain from classes. (8)
  • He had been hovering about the Duke and Miss Current for an hour, hoping the Countess would come and give him a promised introduction. (10)
  • He had just time to catch his train, and all the way to Victoria looked at every face that passed, as lovers will, hoping against hope. (8)

Also see sentences for: hopgood, hopkins.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for hoping. Now that you’ve seen how to use hoping in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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  • Use the word Hoping in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I was just hoping to get a wee keek at her breasts.

What’s so cynical about hoping Rose isn’t a hotcha character?

I was hoping that you might share with us how my principles on equal. Opportunity lovingness have affected your life.

Mom is hoping that. You find a woman.

I was hoping you were going to say something like that.

I was actually hoping you might be able to help me out with Sandy actually.

Tormented by jealousy, Ren├® returns home unannounced, hoping to surprise his unfaithful wife.

Catherine returned to Varance, hoping to find work.

Because I love you. I was hoping I’d help you. — So it was out of pity!

Then why have you let me go on hoping?

This is a matter between us two. I’m hoping he don’t drift around.

Here’s hoping we get falling-down drunk tonight.

hoping this finds you, I beg to remain…

I was hoping you’d help me!

Still hoping to get money for the girl, he wandered the city.

He makes the mistake of inviting someone to fire a bullet at him, hoping to prove his immortality.

Here’s hoping you’ll never discharge.

Sister, I was hoping he was lit up too.

I was hoping he’d come and go away.

Here’s hoping that Hyde rots wherever he is… and burns where he ought to be.

And here’s hoping that Dr. Jekyll… will think of Ivy once in a while.

I tell you this first, because I’m hoping for your cooperation.

All this while I was hoping to come home and start a new life, to be free… and again I find myself under orders.

I was hoping you’d left town.

I’ve brought along my flute, hoping to entertain.

I was hoping that you would take us into dinner.

Then I shall go on hoping to make you forget that loyalty.

I was hoping you wouldn’t be like everybody else.

hoping I’d go wild, too, huh?

I’ve been hoping you’d come out.

Those kids who’ve been living on nothing… starving themselves the six weeks we’ve been rehearsing… hoping for this show to go on and be a success?

I was hoping one of you young ladies would come and practice on it just to keep it in tune.

Baby, you’ve got me hoping and steaming, please let me shut my eyes.

Oh baby, you’ve got me hoping and steaming.

AW, I WAS hoping THEY WAS.

Just hoping that I can slip out for a moment.

Kosaku and your friends are hoping you’ll come back.

I was hoping it would make you… more friendly.

Darling, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to answer that.

I was hoping you’d find out who did it.

He even put in a belt buckle with an «R» on it hoping we would think it was Rosebreen an old enemy of Wynant’s who disappeared years ago.

I’ve been hoping I’d meet you.

I was hoping you’d say that.

I was just hoping you weren’t too angry with me, sir.

I was hoping someday you’d take my place.

I was hoping this visit was an act of pure friendship.

I waited hoping to see you when you came out.

I was hoping This would happen.

Asked by: Wilber Ortiz

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(21 votes)

«We are hoping,» she said. We are hoping Scotty trains tomorrow». «We are hoping against hope,» he said. «We are hoping for his return soon».

How do you use hoping in a sentence?

Hoping Sentence Examples

  1. I was hoping to find someone to take back with me.
  2. It was like fishing in a bath tub and hoping for a bite.
  3. Maybe he was hoping she would say no.
  4. I was hoping you’d be gone.
  5. The people are still hoping to see Your Majesty again.

Is hoping grammatically correct?

We use hoping to form one of the progressive tenses, like the present progressive and the past progressive: I am still hoping I’ll go to Paris by the end of the year. He was hoping you’d have time to talk before you left. … The past tense of hope is hoped and the past tense of hop is hopped.

How do you use hope in a sentence?


  1. I hope that you have a great time.
  2. I hope that she passed the exam.
  3. I hope to pass the exam.
  4. I hope to get there early.

Were hoping you could in a sentence?

Sentence examples for I was hoping you could from inspiring English sources. I was hoping you could help pick a great restaurant for dinner. Me: I was hoping you could introduce yourself into my recorder here. «I was hoping you could compare it to old Yankee Stadium,» Piniella said later.

19 related questions found

What does I am hoping mean?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English I’m hopingspoken used to say that you hope something will happen, especially because you are depending on itI’m hoping (that) I’m hoping the car will be fixed by Friday. I’m hoping to do something We were hoping to see you today. → hope.

How do you say hoping for the best?


  1. belief.
  2. confidence.
  3. expectation.
  4. longing.
  5. dream.
  6. desire.
  7. faith.
  8. ambition.

Was hoping or hoped?

«I hoped» and «I was hoping» are almost interchangeable, however there is a slight tendency for «I hoped» to indicate a more fundamental and longer term desire than «I was hoping» which has a tendency to indicate something more immediate and transitory.

What is the verb form of hope?

[intransitive, transitive]Verb Forms. he / she / it hopes. past simple hoped. -ing form hoping.

Which tense is used with hope?

“Hope” is often used to talk about future events, situations, or actions. For a future meaning, it is paired with simple present tense: >I hope my team wins the game.

Can we say Im hoping?

This verb is a bit different from most verbs, so the distinction between the simple present and the present continuous is a bit more difficult. «I hope» is used to express a hope that you have generally. «I’m hoping» suggests that you are hoping it right now, or continually.

What type of word is hoping?

As detailed above, ‘hoping’ can be a verb, a noun or an adjective.

What are the examples of hope?

The definition of hope is a feeling of optimism or a desire that something will happen. An example of hope is when a person believes his life situation will approve and his run of back luck will end.

What is the difference between I wish and I hope?

In a nutshell, hope mainly expresses a desire that is possible or likely to happen. Wish usually expresses a desire that is impossible or unlikely to happen.

How do you express hope in English?

You can use formal as well as informal sentences in order to express hope. The normal expression is by simply using the verb ‘hope’ in the tense required by the sentence: “I hope to see you soon.” “I hope (that) the train arrives/will arrive on time.”

What is the verb for lazy?

verb. lazied; lazying. Definition of lazy (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. : to move or lie lazily : laze.

Which part of speech is hope?

Hope is a verb and a noun.

What does hoping for the best mean?

: to hope that things will turn out as well as possible All we can do is hope for the best.

What is the difference between hope and hopes?

Her hopes for the future = She has many different hopes for the future: She hopes to be married. She hopes to have children. She hopes to own a house one day… «Hope» is ordinary if you are talking about the idea of hope in general or you are talking about one specific hope or wish.

What’s the meaning keep your chin up?

: to stay cheerful and hopeful during difficult times He’s still keeping his chin up despite all his health problems. (Keep your) chin up!

How do you respond to I hope so?

To reply to «Nothing serious, I hope», both «I hope so too» and «I hope not» are a bit confusing. The clearest reply is «I hope the same».

Sentences starting with hoping

  • Hoping that you three are well and happy and will be coming back before the winter sets in. [5]
  • Hoping you will see a change for the better and begin to reap the fruit of your long and hard labor. [5]
  • Hoping this, and remembering what she was, has made me feel as if I would always try to please her, and always be what I should like to seem to her if I was still her servant. [12]
  • Hoping to enter on an entirely new life quite unlike the old one, he expected everything to be unusual, even more unusual than what he was seeing. [2]
  • Hoping to make it appear that I hadn’t noticed anything, I dropped my voice a little and went on, intending, however, to stop at the end of the verse: «‘Malbrouck has gone a-fighting, Mironton, Mironton, Mirontaine! [11]
  • Hoping to find her on the Owl’s Nest with old Tabus, he then landed there, but had been so uncivilly rebuffed on the shore by a rough fellow that he might be glad to have escaped with sound limbs. [10]

Sentences ending with hoping

  • The rain and thunder were booming yet, and the anxious family were still waiting, still hoping. [5]
  • Then I issued forth, not feeling overconfident, but hoping. [9]
  • Yet it seemed as though Breaking Rock was waiting—waiting and hoping. [11]

Sentences containing hoping two or more times

  • Again and again he renewed these efforts, hoping, doubting, despairing,—once more hoping, and at last, when he had almost ceased to hope, she gasped, she breathed, she moaned, and rolled her eyes wildly round her, she was born again into this mortal life. [6]

More example sentences with the word hoping in them

  • More than one young gentleman of family had been known to ride through the Place du Vier Prison, hoping to get sight of her, and to offer the view of a suggestively empty pillion behind him. [11]
  • Now, I ask you, what joys can I look forward to, and what certain happiness am I justified in hoping for? [10]
  • Well, here’s wishing you luck, Bert, and hoping we’ll meet over there. [9]
  • He had waited with patience, hoping stubbornly that she might come to put her hand in his one day. [11]
  • Having been sent with papers from Kutuzov to the Tsarevich, he looked in on Boris, hoping to find him alone. [2]
  • The few inhabitants who had remained invited commanding officers to their houses, hoping thereby to secure themselves from being plundered. [2]
  • At the time when we were hoping to see him it was thought that he was too ill to receive visitors, but he has since written me that he regretted we did not carry out our intention. [6]
  • The last words were, «There mayn’t be any help for me and my sweet chicks, but I am still hoping, and you must send a man or many. [11]
  • At last she went back to the farm-house, hoping against hope that Hugh might have returned by another road. [9]
  • Tom watched and watched, hoping whenever a frisking frock came in sight, and hating the owner of it as soon as he saw she was not the right one. [5]
  • While the Emperor was dining, Valuev, looking out of the window, said: «The people are still hoping to see Your Majesty again. [2]
  • All day I walked towards the far end of a prodigious hall of the office, hoping to come out into heaven any moment, but it was a mistake. [5]
  • In a quandary Venters returned to the other horses, hoping much, yet doubting more, that when Wrangle had grazed to suit himself he might be caught. [13]
  • So they will unwed us to-morrow, Robert; but be sure that I shall never be unwed in my own eyes, and that I will wait till I die, hoping you will come and take me—oh, Robert, my husband—take me home. [11]
  • I had the Unabridged, and I was ciphering around in the back end, hoping I might tree her among the pictures. [5]
  • When the dogs treed a squirrel, the squirrel would scamper aloft and run out on a limb and flatten himself along it, hoping to make himself invisible in that way —and not quite succeeding. [5]
  • He went home toward the middle of the afternoon, basely hoping that Fulkerson had sent him some conciliatory message, or perhaps was waiting there for him to talk it over; March was quite willing to talk it over now. [8]
  • I went down to the ravine, and sat in the water on a stone, hoping to get off at night and look for Lottie. [5]
  • He went straight to the Foreign Office for news, hoping against hope, was received by Count Mensdorff, who merely came forward and laid his arm about his shoulder with an intense sympathy beyond words. [6]
  • Tom came up to the fence and leaned on it, grieving, and hoping she would tarry yet awhile longer. [5]
  • He refused, hoping to save her yet. [5]
  • I kept hoping to be better, but was at last obliged to have recourse to a medical man. [14]
  • I am hoping to be back in 20 days, but I have so much to go home to and enjoy with a jubilant joy, that it seems hardly possible that it can ever come to pass in so uncertain a world as this. [5]
  • It’s too risky to attack them by oneself, and if we put it off till another day one of the big guerrilla detachments will snatch the prey from under our noses,» thought Denisov, continually peering forward, hoping to see a messenger from Dolokhov. [2]
  • We waited plumb till dawn for them to come back, and kept hoping they would, but they never did. [5]
  • He struck straight through the forest, hoping to pierce to a road presently, but he was disappointed in this. [5]
  • Thanking them for their kind companionship, and hoping that I may yet meet them in the now and then in the future, I bid them goodbye for the immediate present, then in the future, I bid them goodbye for the immediate present. [6]
  • All this warranted the lovers in hoping for an undisturbed interview. [10]
  • So I took the liberty of calling upon you, hoping that you could tell me something about some ancient coins I have had for a good while. [6]
  • He ascended to the flat roof, hoping to be able to cool down his spirit there and get back his tranquility. [5]
  • British cruisers sailed the Channel: now a squadron under Barrington, again under Bridport, hovered upon the coast, hoping that a French fleet might venture near. [11]
  • Detricand was hoping that the nice legal sense of mine and thine should be suddenly weighted in his favour by a prepared tour de force. [11]
  • He was thinking that she had done a wise thing in dismissing Tardif, for the man had evil qualities, and he was hoping that he would leave the parish now. [11]
  • Signs which meant that Paige was hoping and praying that Jones would go back on me—which would leave Paige boss, and me robbed and out in the cold. [5]
  • The fact is, that I myself have missed several small sums from the desk, of late, and have refrained from mentioning it, hoping that accident would discover the offender; but it has not done so—it has not done so. [12]
  • I am hoping that along about this time I shall hear that the machine is beginning its test in the Herald office. [5]
  • The house is still in quarantine and must remain so for a week or two yet—at which time we are hoping to leave for Elmira. [5]
  • I’m going to stick close to my desk for a month, now, hoping to write a small book. [5]
  • Venters kept a steady gaze in that direction, hoping, if there were more, to see from what canyon they rode. [13]
  • Hoping, then, to spur his speech by putting him, in joke, on the defensive, I accused him in my introduction of everything I thought it impossible for him to have committed. [5]
  • It was that spring that Gorky and Tchaikowski, the Russian revolutionists, came to America hoping to arouse interest in their cause. [5]
  • Weeks dragged by, she watching, waiting, hoping, her mind going slowly to wreck under the burden of her misery. [5]
  • He kept the secret another day, hoping by some chance she might grow less moody, and to his exceeding anxiety she fell into far deeper gloom. [13]
  • And it is said that five hundred years afterward he followed Mahomet when he carried destruction to the cities of Arabia, and then turned against him, hoping in this way to win the death of a traitor. [5]
  • She nodded and said nothing, hoping that the flax-seed would be got at once. [11]
  • The clerk glanced round, evidently hoping that his joke would be appreciated. [2]
  • One officer told Rostov that he had seen someone from headquarters behind the village to the left, and thither Rostov rode, not hoping to find anyone but merely to ease his conscience. [2]
  • He stood about, restless and uneasy, for a while, glancing at the door, every now and then, hoping she would repent and come to find him. [5]
  • He ordered some remedies which he thought would relieve Elsie, and left her, saying he would call the next day, hoping to find her better. [6]
  • Soon after breakfast Pollux went up to the rotunda where the Queens’ busts stood, hoping to see Arsinoe again, and a loud snatch of song soon brought her out on to the balcony. [10]
  • He watched these people’s faces narrowly, hoping to find a charitable one whose possessor might be willing to carry his name to the old lieutenant—as to trying to get into the palace himself, that was simply out of the question. [5]
  • With the lucidity peculiar to him, he explained his reasons for hoping that their errand would be vain, and Apollonius replied that no one would rejoice more than he himself if the Regent should authorize him, on the morrow, to countermand his mission. [10]
  • They kept on, passing Florida and Carolina, hoping to reach Boston before the treasure-ships, and to rob them at their own door. [11]
  • The truth never passed his lips, and he quitted the country, hoping to die abroad. [12]
  • I have kept out of her sight as much as I could, all these weeks, hoping she would forget that and forgive it —but I know she never will. [5]
  • As we made our way back to the drawing-room, I was hoping for a talk with Dolly (alas! [9]
  • He left in order not to obstruct the commander in chief’s undivided control of the army, and hoping that more decisive action would then be taken, but the command of the armies became still more confused and enfeebled. [2]
  • The group sang on: «Beyond the shining and the shading, Beyond the hoping and the dreading, I shall be soon. [4]
  • Scarcely a quarter of the soldiers remain with the standards of their regiments, the others go off by themselves in different directions hoping to find food and escape discipline. [2]
  • At the bottom of her heart she had not forgiven them for not taking her rooms; she had liked their looks so much; and she was always hoping that they were uncomfortable or dissatisfied; she could not help wanting them punished a little. [8]
  • I escaped that night, and rode a horse all night as fast as he could go, hoping to get clear out of the Park and hide in some other country before the trouble should begin; but it was not to be. [5]
  • I escaped last night, and rode a horse all night as fast as he could go, hoping to get clear of the Park and hide in some other country before the trouble should begin; but it was not to be. [5]
  • There are always new claims, and work done, apparently without system or continuance, hoping to uncover sudden boundless affluence. [5]
  • Striving to hide my uneasiness, I made my farewells to Madame Chouteau’s sons and daughters and their friends, and with Colonel Chouteau I left the hall and began to walk towards Monsieur Gratiot’s, hoping against hope that Nick had gone there to change. [9]
  • The strains of music were by this time mingling with the shouting and loud talk of the spectators, or of the thousands who were crowding round the building without hoping to obtain admission. [10]
  • We did not move up the mountain, but around it, hoping to strike across the old trail. [5]
  • Only when the most intimate friends and nearest relations are with her husband, does she venture to appear in their midst, and then shyly and timidly, hoping to hear a little of what is going on in the great world outside. [10]
  • That was a month ago, and I am waiting—waiting and hoping, madame. [11]
  • Yet I purposely mixed that up with other things, hoping to make it obscure—and I did. [5]
  • Thirty years, I may say, we have kept burning the vestal fire in your worship, hoping for this hour. [9]
  • In despair the manager had sent to Jim, eagerly hoping that he might help them, for the Riders of the Plains were a sort of court of appeal for every trouble in the Far North. [11]
  • What I am mainly hoping for, is to save my royalties. [5]
  • The old woman, lowering her eyes but casting side glances at the newcomers, had turned her cup upside down and placed a nibbled bit of sugar beside it, and sat quietly in her armchair, though hoping to be offered another cup of tea. [2]
  • If, perchance, he looked three times at her consecutively, she gaped with expectation, hoping that he would tell her that her face was not so red to-day as usual—a mark of rare affection. [11]
  • I’m going to keep on hoping to the bitter end. [8]
  • She straightway got into her carriage and drove up to Cavendish Square, hoping to find Mrs. Francis Armour at home. [11]
  • At the hotels in the country, the landlord and his wife and the servant join in hoping you will sleep well when you go to bed. [4]
  • With his tongue in his cheek, hoping that I should reply. [11]
  • By and by, if the madam gets strong again, we are hoping to have the Grays there, and you and the Aldrich households, and Osgood, down to engage in an orgy with them. [5]
  • She felt as if she were flying after a lost battle, and yet not wholly discouraged, but hoping for future victory. [10]
  • All that night I walked the ramparts, thinking, remembering, hoping, waiting for the morning; and when I saw the light break over those far eastern parishes, wasted by fire and sword, I set out on a journey to the Valdoche Hills. [11]
  • At every noise I peered out, hoping for the doctor. [9]
  • I was vaguely hoping, all the past week, that my Xmas cablegram would be definite, and make you all jump with jubilation; but the thought always intruded itself, «You are not going out there to negotiate with a man, but with a louse. [5]
  • I was just hoping you would come and tell me what Dr. Jarvis had said about the case. [9]
  • I can’t help hoping we shall put something into that empty chair yet which will add the missing string to our social harp. [6]
  • I was anxiously hoping that the telegram from Winnipeg would come. [11]
  • I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal. [7]
  • She had married, hoping that she might love thereafter; he in choler and bitterness, and in the stress of a desperate ambition. [11]
  • I sat down, hoping that I might fall heir to the chair belonging to the better of the remaining two barbers, for he had already begun combing his man’s hair, while his comrade was not yet quite done rubbing up and oiling his customer’s locks. [5]
  • The Bermudians are hoping soon to have telegraphic communication with the world. [5]
  • I was just hoping some one would pay me a call. [9]
  • I went there hoping she would try to bribe me—good solid capital that would be in the exposure. [5]
  • Alas he was hoping he had got the better of it, and I know how this contradiction of his hopes will sadden him. [14]
  • Gangs of carpenters hoping for high pay arrived in Moscow every day, and on all sides logs were being hewn, new houses built, and old, charred ones repaired. [2]
  • Tom went about, hoping against hope for the sight of one blessed sinful face, but disappointment crossed him everywhere. [5]
  • He departed with his wife, as the son of the Imperial couple, but no word on Hadrian’s part had justified him in hoping confidently to be nominated as his successor to the sovereignty. [10]
  • He had devoted himself and his son to a life of penance, hoping and striving that so Glycera’s soul might be snatched from damnation, and now he knew that she herself had earned her title to Heaven. [10]
  • Indeed, many knew him, he was a money-lender and when the rest of his nation had set forth on their pilgrimage, he had concealed himself, hoping to pursue his dishonest calling and sustain no loss. [10]
  • While, with Uhlwurm’s help, he carefully lifted the youth from under the tilt, my uncle, who had long been hoping for his advent, gave him a questioning look. [10]
  • I was hoping he would praise me for trying to improve the estate, for I had meant well and had worked hard. [5]

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