Use the word hope in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “hope” in a sentence. How to connect “hope” with other words to make correct English sentences.

hope (v, n): to want something to happen or to be true, and usually have a good reason to think that it might; something good that you want to happen in the future, or a confident feeling about what will happen in the future

Use “hope” in a sentence

We hope to generate some new ideas at the meeting.
He hopes to go to Heaven when he dies.
Will it rain tomorrow? – I hope not
I hope that he will succeed.
There is no hope of his recovery.
I hope this letter reaches you.
“Will he recover soon?”. “I hope so.”

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  1. Song alludes to Absalom’s feelings of solemnity and abandonment of love and,


    , * In» Every Kind Word» by Lack thereof, Danny Seim’s project parallel to
  2. That the irregular caucus ignored the» voice of the people» and was a» vain,


    ,that the American people might be thus deceived into a belief that he Crawford
  3. As it appears to us is governed by morally blind causes. These causes give no,


    ,whatsoever that pursuit of moral virtue will lead to happiness. They do not
  4. On the farm. The pigs do this to keep any doubting animals in line with the,


    ,of a happy afterlife, keeping their minds on Sugar candy Mountain and not on
  5. Died in December 1510. Albert was chosen as his successor early in 1511 in the,


    ,that his relationship to his maternal uncle, Sigismund I the Old, Grand Duke of
  6. Will not other kings assume control, and eat the fruits of the tree of thy,


    , » In the estimation of the wise, the world is a false gem that passes each
  7. That pursuit of moral virtue will lead to happiness. They do not even give,


    ,that we can become morally virtuous. Agency is beset by weaknesses that make
  8. The Trail of Lights was canceled due to budget problems, but the city says they,


    ,to have finances for the trail next year. Music As Austin’s official slogan is
  9. Who was sent against them by Io bates, the king of that country, in the,


    ,that he might meet his death at their hands. The tomb of Marine is mentioned in
  10. Was happening in Auschwitz as possible. They buried notes in the ground in the,


    ,a liberator would find them and smuggled out photos of the crematoria and gas
  11. The sideand the few centuries that have come my way have been achieved in the,


    ,of winning matches. My one idea when going into bat was to make runs for
  12. Nothing bad in one’s life. Now if every evil deed has to be requited, who can,


    ,to go unscathed from among us? He said,» O Abu Bakr, you and you’re believing
  13. 6,2001. The Co-Chairs are continuing to work with the two Presidents in the,


    ,of finding a lasting peace. The two countries are still technically at war.
  14. S dealings with their ancestors provided a historical foundation on which,


    ,for the future could be built. Abraham’s association with Mare and Hebron, in
  15. Against him. But Panel also claims that God is present to offer succor and,


    , Later, Paneloux attends at the bedside of Othon’s stricken son and prays that
  16. In killing many of them. Pick decided to break out of the camp, with the,


    ,of personally convincing Home Army leaders that a rescue attempt was a valid
  17. Years,Lincoln’s image shifted to emphasize the symbol of freedom who brought,


    ,to those oppressed by communist regimes. As a Whig activist, Lincoln was a
  18. Einstein’s brain for preservation without the permission of his family, in the,


    ,that the neuroscience of the future would be able to discover what made
  19. To play one home game per season at the Adelaide Oval for three years with the,


    ,of establishing a strong supporter base in Adelaide. Adelaide has two
  20. With funerals and memorial services. It has become a song that inspires,


    ,in the wake of tragedy, becoming a sort of» spiritual national anthem »
  21. Franks were respectful towards those sanctuaries. Agatha expresses his,


    ,that the Alemannic would assume better manners through prolonged contact with
  22. It was a joke,» he said,» to think of keeping Pennsylvania. » There was no,


    ,of recovering New England. But the King was still determined» never to
  23. The states and declared his son Malik Shah I his heir and successor. With the,


    ,of capturing Caesar Maraca, the capital of Cappadocia, he placed himself at
  24. Landing. We couldn’t care less about the reentry. But it’s your neck, and I,


    ,you don’t break it. SHIRR: Thanks, babe. CAP COM: Over and out.
  25. Bela III and his first wife, Agnes of Antioch. As younger son, Andrew had no,


    ,to inherited the Kingdom of Hungary from his father who wanted to ensure the
  26. Light can still be seen even in the most catastrophic events, and a Christian,


    ,is granted to all. Paneloux’s argument is based on the theology of St.
  27. Russians and Russian Jews. The author writes that the book was conceived in the,


    ,of promoting» mutually agreeable and fruitful pathways for the future
  28. In February 2006,he suffered a stroke in Scarborough, and stated:» I,


    ,to be back on my feet, or should I say my left leg, as soon as possible, but I
  29. Failure of the SPS to ignite would strand the crew in Lunar orbit, with little,


    ,of escape. As with the previous burn, the crew had to perform the maneuver
  30. Political and economic reforms were introduced by the Japanese government, in,


    , of modernizing the country in the Western style, and included the annexation of
  31. Many may have opposed Alboin’s aggressive policy and could have cultivated the,


    ,of reaching an entente with the Empire. The Byzantines were almost certainly
  32. Core element. Its principles restored the health of those who were ill beyond,


    ,and gave back youth to fading old age. » One thing is sure though, Indian
  33. إن شاء الله). This word literally means» God willing» ( in the sense of» I,


    ,so» ). Some Muslims leave the name» Allah» untranslated in English.
  34. Placed more emphasis on the classics. His headmaster wrote to his parents:» I,


    ,he will not fall between two stools. If he is to stay at Public School, he must
  35. To place punctuation outside the parenthesis:: *» I am going to the store (I,


    ,it is still open). » Titles and headlines Use of capitalization varies.
  36. That my genuine death … will be the end of me, though I continue to,


    ,that it will be. » However, a few days later he revised this, saying » what I
  37. Yahweh’s dealings with the ancestors provided a historical foundation on which,


    ,for the future could be built. Thus confirming the“ outcry against Sodom and
  38. Occasionally use the terms» afterlife» and» hereafter» to refer to any,


    ,for the dead, but they understand Ecclesiastes
  39. ECC. 3:19-21 NK JV) » But for him who is joined to all the living there is,


    , for a living dog is better than a dead lion. For the living know that they
  40. 6,2001. The Co-Chairs are continuing to work with the two Presidents in the,


    ,of finding a lasting peace. The two countries are still technically at war.
  41. After Atlanta fell and Lincoln defeated McClellan in the election of 1864,all,


    ,for a political victory for the South ended. At that point, Lincoln had
  42. Proclamation name «/IN»> mcpherson69″/> greatly reduced the Confederacy’s,


    ,of getting aid from Britain or France. Lincoln’s moderate approach succeeded
  43. Might be German on paper, but not in real life,» which speaks to the group’s,


    ,of actually being recognized as German citizens and not foreigners, despite
  44. At the end of 1780. Punish the Americans In London King George III gave up all,


    ,of subduing America by more armies, while Britain had a European war to fight.
  45. Called, and sometimes (ironically) abbés de saint temperance, ( abbés of holy,


    ,; or the pun, of St. Hope)—came to hold a recognized position. The connection
  46. In the mines and had moved on to other ventures. But Agassiz refused to give up,


    ,for the mines, and he returned to the mines in March 1867 with his wife and
  47. Be deduced from other axioms need not be regarded as an axiom. It was the early,


    ,of modern logicians that various branches of mathematics, perhaps all of
  48. Esther Dyson defended the move in a New York Times editorial saying» I,


    ,Good mail succeeds, and that it has lots of competition. I also think it and its
  49. By God to be wicked, such as in the Great Flood or at Armageddon, are given no,


    ,of an afterlife. After Armageddon there will be a resurrection in the flesh of
  50. Plan is to recover the corpse himself in


    s that it contains ambergris. His,


    ,proves well-founded, and the Pequod’s crew recovers a valuable quantity of the

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Hope | Hope Sentence

  • I hope you are not a sceptic.
  • Pep gave up all hope now.
  • There was no hope and no refuge.
  • Gray knew how little hope there was.
  • We must hope for the best.
  • I hope my notices will be good.
  • In hope to gain upon her flight.
  • We are safe from hisses and below the hope of applause.
  • I endeavored to awaken hope within him.
  • All hope died within him as he saw those hollows.
  • He could not hope to make a living out of literature.
  • I hope that Mrs. Bentley has told you.
  • I always do, and I hope I always shall.
  • I hope she isn’t ill?
  • He had applied to him before for help; there was no hope there.
  • I hope you won’t forget me.
  • Didn’t you hope you would, now?
  • Even the torture of thirst had grown less since hope had come to him.
  • And of course no motoring tourist can hope to find such an inn anywhere, now.
  • Lumley grew cool as he saw the hope leap into Gray’s face.
  • I hope I did right, fellows,» said Frank.
  • I tried to hope that Mrs. Clemens was asleep, but I knew better.
  • I hope that you’ll stop at Ashwood as long as ever it suits you to do so.

How To Use Hope In A Sentence?

  • What had a raw, inexperienced youngster like me to hope from such a competition?
  • It cut off all hope from his subjects that crime would be permitted to escape with impunity.
  • I hope you will have a pleasant time in the country, and will finish your play.
  • Our main hope lies just in the certitude that he must come to town sooner or later.
  • It was an honest theft, and I hope may not hereafter rise up in judgment against me.
  • We used to hope that we should neither of us long outlive the other, but God willed it otherwise.
  • Everything around looked and breathed of Bianca; hope and joy flushed in my bosom at every step.
  • I have been very little out of London for some years, but I hope now to see more of the country.
  • His solitary hope now was, that the deputies whom he had summoned would ignore his informal mandate by failing to appear.
  • I had no hope or consolation to give her; but she had linked herself to my fortunes, and she was too much of a woman to desert me.
  • The fellow had not taken his refusal to have him as a servant as a final one, and was following him in the hope that he might still be taken on.
  • Gray could now distinguish from what direction the sound came, and he hurried forward, hope once more rising up in him.
  • But as he read, the expression of hope which his face wore changed to one of pain pitiful to look upon.
  • It brought such a throbbing of wild hope with it that Gray recoiled at his own feelings, but the feelings remained.
  • In short, his condition is such that there is no hope of him, but from a direct, special operation on him, of what we denominate grace.
  • Is all theological prejudice and bigotry extinct, that an author may hope to have a perfectly fair hearing, and impartial decision?
  • I hope so, because I should like her to be made happy by remembering we have both got through her what we wanted more than anything in the world.

Definition of Hope

(intransitive, transitive) To want something to happen, with a sense of expectation that it might. | To be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes. | (intransitive) To place confidence; to trust with confident expectation of good; usually followed by in.

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Also learn how to use these words in a sentence

On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Hope in a sentence

Hope sentence

sentence with Hope

Hope used in a sentence

Hope make sentence

make sentence with Hope

make sentence of Hope

Hope sentence in english

I told you after we learned the ABCs of Success, which I hope that you

I understand that, and I hope that you understand that too

It is a fear conjoined with love and hope, and is therefore

1John: 3:3: And every man that hath this hope in him

I hope that you had parents who did

this, and if you are a parent, I hope you are doing this too

Jesus was the only hope she had, if she was to be rescued

However, I hope you don’t do that because that’s doing what? That’s not honoring your commitments and that’s not living with integrity

It’s the only possible way for hope to exist

enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his

But for a good example of hope, I would have to look elsewhere

Now, I hope by this point that you can see how achieving your goals is

Hope is actually something we create

We each have within us the capacity to generate hope

It’s critical that we be absolutely intentional about nurturing hope in our lives and the lives of our children

Each time we make a difference in the lives of others, we create hope in ourselves

By reaching out to someone in need, be it your neighbor, an orphan, or people in a homeless shelter, we add a little more peace and hope to the world

Hope should replace despair

Now that he had no weapons, no hope at all, Onidas’s courage faltered

The only hope of mankind, now, would to be to craft more weapons like this, ones that hopefully would be used to kill other giants

Grandchildren bond us together with our past and give us hope for the future

«I hope you never find out,» he said, and would not say more

not a hope of getting off, but Stephen did his best to come up with a defence

“I just hope I’ll be able to find it after,” he said to himself as he closed the closet door

The house we live in and hope to pass our old age in peace and happiness must remain in our name, if necessary with our partner

a direct result of the vague hope I had felt on hearing that the Inspector believed me …

One usually ‘misses the bus’ to sell at a profit or keeps hoping against hope in a falling market

She remembered Alan telling Glenelle how close to nature he felt when he lit a fire, that was when he began to hope that he could survive on this planet

‘… Inspector Ditton told our reporter that the police are now following up a new lead and hope to make an arrest in the very near future

there is some hope

‘And I should bloody well hope so! It was ridiculous that they should have thought you …’

‘That sounds serious – nothing wrong between the two of you, I hope

«I hope not, but I was buzzed, I might have told her where I’m staying

But still Stephen doesn’t call … after two days, I hardly expect him to though a tiny flame of hope persists in driving me crackers

Hell, and for a while this new approach also seemed to offer some hope for a stable

Every now and then, when she thinks no-one is looking, it pops out … am I being a fool? Or even worse, an interfering old bag? I hope not

I just hope all this mess doesn’t get in the way

We hope to obtain an interview with Mr Hansard very shortly

‘I hope Liz didn’t see that

were rusted beyond hope of opening, fused together at hinge and at lock, clinging to

I hope you appreciate that I have just taken you fully into my confidence

«I hope that’s the most extreme viewpoint,» Tahlmute said

their exhausted relatives have lost all hope, having spent all family savings

‘So I should hope!

Help me to put my hope in you as

«I hope they do, of course, but that brings us to something else I feel I need to tell you,» Ava said

‘I hope that’s what you usually have

Let’s hope a few weeks normality will restore her spirits

‘I hope it works moving her into The Stables

But he believed God above all hope

“…who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the

«That’s only good for so long, I hope I have some mission here

Keeping you company is great, but I hope I can be more useful than that

In the meantime, hope and pray that things would get better

‘I hope to stay in this area for some time

He is in us, the hope of glory

‘Mr Lisle, I sincerely hope you do

except setting all hope upon God and His Word, then the inexplicable

‘I hope you dealt with this lout appropriately, Liz

I hope it all goes smoothly for her

the Holy Spirit will surely replace this turmoil with a hope so strong

nothing to be seen, nothing that signified light and life and hope

know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of

‘As Stephen’s mother, I am touched that you are that concerned for him, but as your friend … and I hope you see me as such … as your friend, I have to say that I don’t see you as you describe

I hope you enjoy the evening

The third batter of the inning; our last hope to end this game without going into extra innings, was hit by the first pitch and trotted down to first base

«I hope she doesn’t go back to him

If you have dared to put your hope in God and pray to Him, you

While she was paused in thought, Ava tried Herndon’s land line, it would be two years before there was much hope of getting thru with electromagnetics with 61 Cygni A in magnetic max

«Jesus,» Stuart hissed, «I hope youse’ll be alright

hope that I would live, the doctors had to prescribe the usual treatment and

«I got a little help from Ava,» she ad-libbed, «I hope you’re not angry with me?» Her smooth introduction to his situation was pretty well bungled already

Bahkmar had nursed a secret hope that the afterlife would be free of such senseless edicts of privilege, but that hope had been squashed within days of his death

‘Yes, it would, so I hope you are bearing that in mind

lips that kiss, freedom, hope and love that both had expected

I hope when you see this you to follow me

The Brazilians maintained that the horrors were real: genetically modified people; eternal mortal youth without hope of, or belief in, the afterlife; rampant drug abuse and promiscuity; all ruled by a secret cabal of ancient evil scientists called the Kassikan

just like Rousseau gave the Sans Culottes a hope they could never turn into reality

His only hope is to play the insanity card

It is hardly high drama and definitely not great literature, but it is entertaining – at least we hope it will be – and should go down well in the village

I am not so enthusiastic – I hope he doesn’t think I’m being rude

She can walk and move among us now; I am scared and I shout to her; then I say prayers like “Paternoster” in the hope of sending her away

The simple fact of habitation, of human contact, even at one remove, gave me hope

at least I hope I will

If we exterminate the present biosphere with a mass extinction impact and re-seed this planet, the very best we can hope for is mortal humans breeding here in a thousand years

I live in hope that she’s found someone else!’ he said handing me my glass

Every time it came round to my turn to shake and roll, with every attempt that I made to scale the ladders of hope by constructing impossible plans for my salvation, with every throw of the dice, I just slipped down another snake

I flirt him openly during the aerobics session, just like all women in class do; especially the married ones surround him ostentatiously during the lesson, preventing any single woman from approach him! Themis smiles and dallies with all women, giving them hope for something more

It was another small victory, another point to Marwan, and it gave me a glimmer of hope

I tried to unravel time in some vain hope of stopping the days from ticking over into the new shift pattern, but the inevitable morning dawned with the usual sounds of boots on concrete, sliding locks and the dull metallic alarm of my breakfast tray being laid on the floor by my mattress

I already knew what I had to do to survive, but how could I hope to do it when the rules could change at the whim of an adolescent boy or with the brutal premeditation of a sociopathic thug? I concentrated on the one thing that would keep me safe for now

Using Fred’s suggestion, we are packing the barrel with damp sand to hold the tree upright and in the hope that the dampness will stop it dropping quite as fast as they generally do; this, naturally, means we need a sheet of plastic to protect the floor … oh it just gets more complicated by the second! But between us we get it all sorted out

You latch onto anything that gives hope

It is the triumph of humanity to have hope, and here, across a continent, sitting on a plain wooden chair in rare daylight, I heard a new word: ‘over’

Guns in the hands of men without hope

“I only hope I am not the one who caused this,” he said, and then he tried to make me feel better by revealing to the class that “Yvonne is an unselfish person indeed: she was willing to translate »Self-knowledge and Metaphysics» from Greek into English free of charge, she did her best and finished it within a month!”

‘I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important

These new sounds gave me hope of journey’s end

I eat breakfast slowly and sit still for twenty minutes in the hope it will stop the dreadful sickness

I hope the news of his departure for Corsair Territory doesn’t give the people of Alcazar any misguided feels, like something that will make them feel insecure with his future leadership

It is hoped that the end product will

She really hoped he didn’t know her intimately, that was going to complicate the designs her loins already had on this meeting

She wound up saying she might be detained a little longer than she had hoped but things were moving along and Herndon swore he still needed her help

She hoped Herndon was doing OK, he seemed to be

A quick look outside told her that there was no one covering that side of the house, at least she hoped there wasn’t

Herndon had fallen asleep with his head on his pack, only a few minutes after her, she hoped

It was only at that moment that Ackers hoped his stomach acids wouldn’t destroy it

Maybe I have taken you for granted the last few weeks you were here? Maybe I forgot to tell you how honored I am any time you could grace me with your presence? You are welcome in my home and in my bed at your pleasure, as I hoped you understood by now

This home is as much yours as mine in all things but to sell, as I hoped you understood by now

He hoped there was a strong and intelligent warehouse-man where they were going

He hoped nothing bad would come of the ill-won wealth

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things

way through streets full of bars and girls Stu hoped that his chosen destination might

Stu hoped that the place would be full of

It was certainly better for them that Ava was still here and she hoped they appreciated the effort she had been putting into helping them

He hoped they’d stopped blaming him once they saw her up and around, but the Chief had been in Ibora’s medical bay since coming aboard and the Doc wouldn’t let anyone in there to see her

It is hoped this book,

I hoped that each day would bring that longed-for moment

He hoped he wasn’t being lead on here, but he said, «Yes sir, I know we are a missile, but I thought we were a missile aimed at the Kassikan, not this whole world

«I remember saying we haven’t heard from him in days and hoped he’s not dead

Herndon had hoped that with the end of diapers would come the end of gloppy mess but not quite yet

He phrased his observation in what he hoped would be taken as proper scientific reserve

As the bus squeezed and wheezed its way through streets full of bars and girls Stu hoped that his chosen destination might have something at least a little different to offer tonight

Stu hoped that the place would be full of locals, bewhiskered old men rattling their rosaries and maybe playing backgammon, with their wives, those little old bewhiskered crones huddled in a corner chattering away noisily

She hoped her avatar (or should she just admit her crime to herself and call it her clone?) would hold them well

The soldier had hoped to kill Son while he slept, but

» She hoped that wasn’t very soon, he was being very friendly

He would get no more willing cooperation from these natives, why make the situation worse? Even though they were primitive, he respected some things about these people and hoped some day there would be contact with them, more successful contact than this had been

Has Caesar been a good ruler? Has he brought you peace? Has Herod been all that you have hoped he would be? Have the rulers and the governments over you really brought you the peace that you were hoping for? Have they really supplied for your needs? Or are your needs deeper than stuff? Are your needs and your deepest longings for something bigger and greater than that which has been given you? Choose ye this day: Caesar or Christ? Herod or Jesus?

He fervently hoped that none of those things had happened, he just couldn’t bear to lose them

He hoped she had the maps with her

He hoped that we would find it in our hearts to forgive them”

He heard water splash just a little ways off and hoped it wasn’t Desa falling into something that far from the fire

With what remains of my rational mind, I bewail the fact that I had hoped that I had left this … this black curse behind when I came across … that it was linked to the migraine I suffered … but it would appear not

In the end, they decide that Joris will stay with me while Berndt, as our only Spanish speaker, will go and find the man … and, it is hoped, the boat

She hoped it was Jerry; he had come up here several times

Fred looked at Joe; he had hoped that Joe could talk his way out

The next line of brush could actually be twenty miles away for all they knew, but since it didn’t look any different, he hoped it was the same distance or less

‘ I hoped she wouldn’t notice Auntie’s broomstick near the door

Yiorgos was a hero and I hoped he gave his daughter the wedding he hoped she wanted

Their lives would be changed forever after this, and they both hoped they were worthy of the honor

She hoped this surprise would be pleasant but fell asleep before Yarin came to bed

«She hoped I would distract you from that question

«I’d hoped it would be all five of us

The black drew up his last reserves of energy and used it in one final assault with a blast so intense he hoped to destroy Collin

Alan hoped that wasn’t a hint of what they were going to do with his sentence

I hoped he sensed my unease

He hoped against hope that this time things would be different

And I only hoped Ish

He hoped she would understand why

In short, he was everything that the princess could have hoped for and the Queen and her consort were overjoyed that their plan had worked out so well

He hoped she hadn’t set up a meeting with her lover and had to resort to a cherub

He only hoped the boy would send word soon

I thanked my little friend and hoped that after she’d slept and woken later, she’d find our silliness in the memories of her dreams

I hoped there might be another way

Naria had recognized what Rayne was doing before Altera; and she hoped that her First would see thru the ruse also

And he hoped that it would ensure their protectiveness of her

She hoped she hadn’t gotten the old stable master into trouble with Tarak

her and smiled what she hoped would be a big and comforting

He hoped it was some breakthrough that had allowed him to scan Curitiba

Naria knew that Altera had secretly hoped that one day Lord Tarak would see her as a potential mate

That was to keep as close a watch on him as possible, he was grateful to her for doing that, hoped she hadn’t paid too high a price

We had hoped to make it to the Ogatu home world to seek their help in ending this war

We had hoped to make it to the Ogatu world before being found by our own kind

“So there has been dissention on their home world; this is more than we could have hoped for

At least he hoped it

Tonight she hoped to use that to her advantage

The one in the back eyed her all the harder, she hoped she wasn’t seeing a drop of drool run down his chin

Then she spoke to her children in what she hoped was a

She lead him to the bathtub, which was a wide pottery jug you sat in, and hoped he knew what she meant

” Matai hoped this would placate the angered man, “Has she not done this before?”

Ava tried to pay close attention, she hoped she’d get something out of it, but most dogs in her old neighborhood (and most of them were feral) understood more of the average human conversation than she did of this

hoped would convey the message that he was a complete

fish he hoped to land

She hoped he forgave her for being a lot clumsier at it than he was

into the custody of a foster family who hoped to adopt

He hoped against hope that this time things would be

She hoped this meeting wasn’t going to be about that

She had really hoped it wouldn’t be about this

They hoped she could fill some of that void but unfortunately she didn’t know very much more because she had been away most of the time since then

princess could have hoped for and the Queen and her consort were

She hoped to get a chance to thank him later, after he regained consciousness, and wondered how that was going to work

She had to make some assumptions about how a fourth order condensate detector could be modified to detect fifth order, but she hoped it was a straightforward extrapolation

emotion or imprint we buried years ago that we hoped we would never

That he was lucky to have lived long enough to see this taking place was more than he could have ever hoped for

She hoped that would keep him occupied for the rest of the day

to create an oasis of calm at which she hoped the two of them

She hoped Arthur was sure of that

LORD, I have hoped for thy salvation, and done thy commandments

She hoped he understood the symbolism

Red Hawk was thrilled about the idea and never mentioned or thought of Suzanne; at least, I hoped not

He knew he should be trying to figure out what other females on this boat weren’t paired off, but still hoped that this incident would soon blow over

That was something he hoped she would value on a cold dark like this

He hoped it wasn’t too far

She forced down some of the potato and hoped no-one was watching

Was there some part of him that still hoped they were going to find something that would unlock her memories?

The silly cow had hoped that Masa would let her off once she told him of the lucrative contract she had been offered at the big theatre round the corner

Kulai talked of Ava, hoped she would come by

His credit card … it was on Tracey’s account … one of those spare cards if you share the same address ploys … he only hoped she hadn’t cancelled it

Baggy worked tirelessly all three shifts without a break in hopes that the higher-ups would recognize its hard work

’ She said eventually with an apologetic smile to the vendor whose hopes she had raised

The 3,000 plus minuscule words typeset in all directions on his labels tell about it, his “All-OneGod-Faith”, in which he hopes to unite all mankind on “Spaceship Earth”

He also professes hopes of expanding his club internationally noting that

bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all

Being without any support he continued to set his hopes

servants set their hopes upon the living and eternal God

by unfulfilled hopes, fears and suffering

debates and the huge, towering hopes that lead all men down to a straw bed

history, when faced with something new or misunderstood, the hopes of creation and

New hopes: Themis, the aerobics instructor, has invited the whole class to a restaurant tomorrow night! Needless to say, I will join the party and I already wonder what I could do to catch his attention

Finally, I offer a vague answer in hopes that it will satisfy him, «She died so we all could live

I try to remind her of the end, in hopes it will justify the means, «And he’s safe now, we all are

When I see Rose my resolve not to tell anyone nearly collapses, but the thought of how horrified she would be stops me and I merely feel a traitress as she gives me a quick hug and says she hopes I feel better soon

Now I had something that I could concentrate all of my hopes and fears upon

Shells: Full shells indicate success, provided that you work hard for it; empty shells bode vain hopes and loss of money

Wall: If it stands in you way, it means obstacles and vain hopes; if you jump over it, success and victory await you

warriors killed each other in hopes of achieving their goals

could not kill Son, the soldier turned and ran in hopes of reaching the pool of

He tried to remember; revolution, committees and sections, the great debates and the huge, towering hopes that lead all men down to a straw bed

Clones, Synthetics, Artificial People, Androids; all of these terms were used and rejected, and, as ever in human history, when faced with something new or misunderstood, the hopes of creation and discovery soon drifted into the shorthand slang of exploitation

stripped me of my hopes

‘He was thrilled when I told him that I knew you, Berndt, and hopes that he’ll be able to see more of you when he starts his smith training

He says he hopes she’s still friend enough to put him up til he gets settled, but I think it’s more than that

a home of hopes and dreams where now

These people have been thru a lot in the past several years, and I don’t want to get their hopes up

He had hopes he could get her out of this hang in time to attend the Monday morning officers meeting

He found that his disappointment in the collapse of his hopes and dreams for Rose carried through into each new liaison

From then on, the Ogatu, as the Scathers called them, were purged every hundred years in hopes that the problem would not reappear

What it really hopes for is you’ll just give in and never quit again

He knew many Angels were fleeing to smaller bodies, the size of Gordon’s Lamp, in hopes of escaping notice, but he knew billions would not escape in time from the killer comets that were already on the way from regions light-days out of the solar system

In the future, it hopes that Federal agencies will publish grant announcements electronically, in a single format and on a single web site (www

have had families, and hopes and aspirations all shattered in forty* five seconds

days ago, the start of the fifth day raised new hopes

She welcomes us home and hopes that you will attend the Gathering, as her guest

They were placing their last hopes with him; they told him, with him and his plan to finally end the ‘Ogatu’ problem

disappointment in the collapse of his hopes and dreams for Rose

was the undoing of his hopes

After supper come the speeches, Lizzie Goulden speaks very well and amusingly about the Society and where it has been since its inception, saying that she hopes it will continue thriving for many years to come – you can see that she is used to being on a stage

He hopes they were

They appear to have settled for their lot and put their hopes and ambitions in a shoebox under the bed

Hopes of a social encounter sprung up in his heart again

Fortunately for Harry, he knew each of their special desires and hopes as well, at least the last ones they professed—the lists still changed often it seemed

He took a breath, “So we are on notice that the possibility that one or more of the boat crew drugged her in hopes of future gain has crossed your mind?”

Perhaps someone will see them, he hopes, but he knows in his heart that they won’t

He hopes that there’s a bottle of water in the car

blankets, talked about their hopes and dreams,

They had, it seemed, set their hopes upon persuading Mrs

Young Henry has exceeded our best hopes for this family’s future

Meanwhile, Jack was busy hurtling off the edge of the cliff hoping against hopes that he would survive his fall

They discussed Harold’s proffered position, his hopes for their new home in Stratford, and Harry’s own background

She slipped away in hopes of finding Jim and finishing the conversation

express his hopes for eventually taking over the vineyard

If it even exists, she thought to herself, as her hopes sunk

She’d spent most the week in Salt Lake, with hopes that with the extra time, she’d be able to convince Mike to come along as well

» She couldn’t wrap it about herself without his help—so he helped, wrapping her left arm tightly against her body, in hopes of assisting the separation in the shoulder

«So he’s keep you medicated, in hopes that the extra rest would do the trick and stop the phenomena

Again I can only guess that his decision was not to live in my house because I have not seen or heard from him or Pat about him for a week; so once again I was stood up at the altar by another student abusing me and getting my hopes up that I would get a student

healing, this essay hopes to convey the child within)

At noon, the red letters announcing that MH370 had been cancelled disappeared as did the hopes of those waiting

Following the crash, he often returned in hopes of restoring the communications systems

Our hopes plummeted — but that

He longed to lose himself within them, to drift from one horror to the next in the hopes that he felt something

populace, but suffice it to say that Lindy hopes that the

Jamestown was settled in hopes of finding gold

It seemed cruel to have had their hopes

The vain hopes of gaining some of the great prizes is the sole cause of this

hopes make the whole price of their blood

creditable a profession, in which education is so easily procured, the hopes of much more

The very same man who was once the core of all his hopes and dreams

They both nodded solemnly at him and he could see that they held no false hopes

We will continue to research the personality transfer via helmet technique in hopes that someday we will be able to free her after all

As he assumed, the servants had a lot of their hopes invested in possessing the giant

The month in which are born new hopes, new

and/or political views do they hold? What are their fears, hopes or dreams?

Nerissa’s last few hopes collapsed

The Greek hopes

The list was not a bad one and I had hopes of drawing, not one,

had, in addition, shattered any hopes of getting sleep

The Legate had had fairly high hopes for the new recruit and expected as much

A mild dizziness began to set in and she bit her tongue in hopes of jolting herself out of it

And so Nerissa slept away the long, dark days, her heart and hopes and soul benumbed

And as the two young men marched off from Cyrodiil to the frosty land to the north, their greatest hopes and dreams for better days were all they had – that, and their fondest memories

They do not always send more money abroad than usual, but they buy upon credit, both at home and abroad, an unusual quantity of goods, which they send to some distant market, in hopes that the returns will come in before the demand for payment

“You will never be enough of a thief to even entertain hopes of doing what I do

“I found his ring on his middle finger,” he said, knowing it was the final blow that would dash any hopes she may have had that he might still be alive

To see a green colored sky in your dream symbolizes high hopes

You feel that your hopes and dreams have been shattered

His hopes that the man would leave upon getting his smoke vanished, as he kept standing there next to him, blowing puffs of smoke into the air

To see a trunk in your dream represents old memories, ideals, hopes, and old emotions

Just when Maileena almost gave up on any hopes of getting out of the situation alive, Demilan appeared and punched the man’s face, sending him onto the floor in agony

I made sure to get to that store as a backup squad, in hopes that by the time I got there that battle would be over

And she would give it her all, in the hopes that what her heart kept telling her would prove correct

Another pig-headed Nord with all of his false hopes and co-DRAFTChapter 16 355

It would be Vulwulf himself who would at last take action: he would somehow haphazardly make his way to the doors and throw them open, bolting into the rainy night in hopes of ending the attack

Before she could offer a more equivocating response, in hopes of preemptive mitigation, her friend shot back

Questions, suppositions, vague hopes – all were swirling about his mind

She realized in some measure the extravagant hopes of her votaries; and in the discovery and conquest of Mexico and Peru (of which the one happened about thirty, and the other about forty, years after the first expedition of Columbus), she presented them with something not very unlike that profusion of the precious metals which they sought for

I cleaned and dressed the wound as if she were alive, bandaging it tightly in hopes to stave off an infection that would never happen now

Finally, he stopped flowing in her mouth, but she kept on sucking his hard cock in the hopes that he would start it all over again

I know, that example is pretty outrageous, but, I’m hoping that you see, that’s how some people are

‘ I said, hoping that she’d go into detail a little

«Earth years?» she said, hoping

One usually ‘misses the bus’ to sell at a profit or keeps hoping against hope in a falling market

devastated … not only because she’d messed him about, but because he threw us out of the window because of her … y’see, I reckon he was hoping that we’d be reconciled … we were friends, him an’ me, best friends … he once said that any woman he married would have to accept that I came with the package, I reckon he thought that as Joanna was a friend of mine anyway, it would make the whole thing easier

When doostEr looked at him like he was expecting more he said, «Hoping to hear there’s something looking up somewhere,» and that was all he would say

continue hoping that they will

Can I take a message at all?’ I asked, hoping she will chat a little

’ I said impulsively, then suddenly hoping she won’t think that Stephen is at all unprofessional in telling me things, I went on

Half hoping it will be Stephen and half dreading that it might just be, I reach for the phone

I was hoping to get over the bridge up here before breakfast was over

’ I said, visualising this encounter and rather hoping that the two of them never gang up on me in earnest

Emma’s hoping to go back to work once he starts school – she’s a primary teacher and should be able to get a part time job … at least that is the intention

’ I assured him, hoping the wooziness I’m experiencing will pass off … I’m not in the habit of fainting and don’t want to start now

«That’s too bad, I was hoping to find a kindred soul

Closing my eyes, I let loose of the ball in the general direction of the plate, hoping for the best

‘It must have been a few years ago perhaps at the theatre in Bridgwater?’ he went on, clearly hoping to impress

She was restoring everything of his to how it had been in 2278, hoping that would soften the blow of waking up as a clone in the ruins of Biology Base

She was hoping that Ruby’s answer would give her an idea of some destination

By far sighted me with a sweet look, hoping

Anyway, I’m hoping they’ll let me up soon

’ I said, hoping he wasn’t disappointed

Hoping to make him stop this, I made up a melodramatic love story about a boyfriend of mine who was killed in a car accident nine years ago; strangely enough, I felt quite emotional about it and when I said “I have lost someone” I meant it

Yet, I keep on playing the role of the match-maker, hoping that Dimitri will eventually be disappointed from Mandy’s frigidity and notice me

At a moment he holds my hand – probably hoping for a night of wild sex

So, from now on I will be Yvonne and I have taken refuge in the world of the living, hoping to avoid a dreadful danger which awaits me in the astral plains

» Maybe he was hoping she would object and give him a reason to not face the issue

He berthed the thunderboat and began the climb to Ava’s latest home, hoping she could find those papers and wouldn’t object to giving them over to him

Some hunters from the village followed Son hoping that he would lead

I’m hoping it will be the last and then I won’t have to bother you again

She stood there panting, hoping she wasn’t about to lose control of herself and run

He was hoping she would be at least able to stutter something

We are hoping it

He was hoping

Has Caesar been a good ruler? Has he brought you peace? Has Herod been all that you have hoped he would be? Have the rulers and the governments over you really brought you the peace that you were hoping for? Have they really supplied for your needs? Or are your needs deeper than stuff? Are your needs and your deepest longings for something bigger and greater than that which has been given you? Choose ye this day: Caesar or Christ? Herod or Jesus?

I held my breath hoping it would not pick up my scent

They are hoping for a boy this time and you get no prizes whatsoever for guessing what they intend to call him! But to return to the beautiful jewellery you sent – you say Joris bought it for you many years ago

“So, that’s about it in a nutshell, any questions?” She was looking at him hoping that he wouldn’t have too many

He didn’t look in her direction at all, hoping that she would think that he didn’t know she was there

‘Now that is far more what I was hoping you would say

«To be honest I never knew it, I was just hoping to hit it in the eye with the flame

She was hoping that she wouldn’t faint

«I was hoping,» she said

‘En route to the islands,’ I forced a smile, hoping that she didn’t want a travelling companion

Carefully, I eased into my space hoping not to disturb either of them

I gave her a wide smile and touched my forehead hoping she would recognise this as an apology and said sorry, in the hope she might speak a little English

I had thought that perhaps when this whole thing is over and done with I might take her place …’ I said tentatively, hoping it doesn’t sound too ludicrous – after all, I’ve little experience of running a household like that

‘I was hoping you could offer me accommodation for the night

Daniel had rigged a sort of cast on her wing hoping that the bones would knit

Driving ahead they would speak to me hoping a word or phrase would sink in so I could grasp what was really going on

The next morning the young man rang a local florist and arranged for a bouquet of the finest mixed winter blooms to be sent round to her house, hoping that she would be shocked, surprised and then intrigued by this wonderful gift

It was hard going but we battled on, shoulders against the obvious, each holding on to the other’s silence hoping the next step would be easier

This can be devastating at the best of times but even more so if you were really hoping for that

‘Yes, but with girls not men,’ I laughed hoping to hide my embarrassment and shut him out but he had me in his sights

“I was hoping you were here to participate in mine,” he said

‘I was hoping you would come out lunchtime,’ Alastair said as I gasp in surprise

He was hoping Darryl could counter the criticisms from his doubters

He’s hoping that he can stay at Jo’s and is ringing her now to see if it’s possible

They have also upgraded the hotel and are hoping to achieve 3 star status this year

She waited, hoping he would agree to let her stay

‘Jake was hoping to stay over at Jo’s again this weekend but because the band has a gig, Alastair has said he can’t

He had to keep on hoping she would never know the power she really had over them

I’m hoping to learn the Laudamus Te from the Mozart C Minor Mass – it is a piece I have wanted to sing for a while, but it is challenging, full of runs needing a lot of breath control

For the first time in many years he was hoping for a liaison

He was hoping for something that would give him a clue to the enemy’s vulnerability, or even some clue as to what it really is

«What’s working?» she asked, hoping he would admit to it anyway, even though she had no idea how to ask

‘That is what dad is hoping

looking at him hoping he would consider all options

I stare at the papers on the table, hoping for inspiration … Bunty’s in Italy … her father’s selling the shop and, oh yes, Roland’s just gone to Paris

‘ I asked hoping I sound professional

I was hoping there was some chance I might be able to detect some effect

round to her house, hoping that she would be shocked, surprised

‘Yes, I’m hoping he might be able to give me some information about Bunty Danvers and Danvers House

“They were hoping I would, I have failed on missions before

I was hoping to just notice something, to prove we could entangle fourth order condensates with logic simulations rather than large masses of condensed antimatter

I was maybe hoping, that, well, that he would be compatible enough that I could hang out here

One woman was crying over the pending execution and hoping that it would be stayed

‘ I said, hoping I don’t sound too crazy

I’m hoping that Barry will be capable of looking after her

I’ve been to the mountain where my child was created so many times it’s pathetic, hoping I will find Ningla and he will make things better for me

He had lain there in the dust for hours, hoping the lack of movement would spare him a heat stroke

“I was rather hoping to claim your coat to keep me warm this coming winter

As he picks up his bag and heads out to his car, Julie finds herself hoping so too

‘It’s sweet tasting and I’m hoping that they will go for it

knowing where he was going, hoping for a chance

She did feel some remorse and conflict at hoping against hope there’d be a cancellation that would give her sooner access, but she rose above it

Hoping to recover himself, he pressed on, “And how are they to have ice whenever they so wish? I responded

She’d been hoping that, if Masa let her off, she could have fitted in a week at her parents’ home somewhere in the north of England

“Actually, I was hoping that you would use posthole diggers, although I had to convince your mother; she wanted you to use your hands and fingers,” said their father without expression

He stood swaying and waved his arms plaintively, hoping against hope that the driver would take pity on him and give him a lift

’ He said, smiling at her in his most winning fashion, hoping he looked like a hiker who had hiked one hill too far

‘Just what I was hoping you’d say

He thought Ava should be back early this Nightday and was hoping she would show up before the shift was over

Ava was hoping he might ask about darkmeal, but nothing of that sort happened

bus from leaving an extra ten minutes hoping that Roman would show

He waited several minutes hoping the van

the pop machines, and went to our table to eat, hoping that Roman would show

“gZarvik was down here a lot in those days, just hoping to get on that crew, but I don’t see what he could have done to make it happen?”

With the grass between his toes he made long curling casts at the edge of some lilypads, hoping to entice a lazy fish into biting the threaded bug he used

we just were hoping for an evening’s diversion, so to speak

Synonym: desire, expect, yearn for. Antonym: despair, disappointment. Similar words: hopefully, chop, bishop, gift shop, chopping, workshop, opera, open. Meaning: [həʊp]  n. 1. a specific instance of feeling hopeful 2. the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled 3. grounds for feeling hopeful about the future 4. someone (or something) on which expectations are centered 5. United States comedian (born in England) who appeared in films with Bing Crosby (1903-2003) 6. one of the three Christian virtues. v. 1. expect and wish 2. be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes 3. intend with some possibility of fulfilment. 

1. While (or Where) there is life there is hope

2. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. 

3. While there’s life there’s hope.

4. While there is life, there is hope

5. Without hope, the heart would break. 

6. While we breathe, there is hope

7. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. 

8. He who lives by hope will die by hunger. 

9. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 

10. Hope is life and life is hope. 

11. Hope springs eternal (in the human breast). 

12. Hope often deludes the foolish man. 

13. Who lives by hope will die by hunger. 

14. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 

15. Hope is but the dream of those that wake. 

16. Where (or While) there is life there is hope

17. Rejoicing in hope,( patient in tribulation. 

18. Where there is life, there is hope

19. I intend no modification of my hope…expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free. 

20. If it were not for hope, the heart would break. 

21. He who has health, has hope, and he who has hope, everything. 

22. We hope to grow old, yet we fear old age; that is, we are willing to live, and afraid to die. 

23. Treat other people as you hope they will treat you. 

24. In all things, it is better to hope than to despair. 

25. Youth is the season of hope, enterprise, and energy, to a nation as well as an individual. 

26. I hope these black marks will clean off.

27. If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. 

28. Wherever in the world a people knows desperate want, there must appear at least the spark of hope, the hope of progress—or there will surely rise at last the flames of conflict. 

29. My object will be, if possible, to form Christian men, for Christian boys Ican scarcely hope to make. 

30. We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope

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