Use the word honor in a sentence

Synonym: deference, esteem, fame, glory, homage, praise, regard, renown, respect. Antonym: dishonor. Similar words: phone, touch on, catch on, honestly, donor, telephone, switch on, economy. Meaning: [ˈɒnə(r)]  n. 1. a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction 2. the state of being honored 3. the quality of being honorable and having a good name 4. a woman’s virtue or chastity. v. 1. bestow honor or rewards upon 2. show respect towards 3. accept as pay. 

1. This monument was erected in honor of the martyrs.

2. The Chinese make a point of their personal honor.

3. He was determined to retrieve his honor.

4. Would you honor me by dining with me tonight?

5. We all honor courageous people.

6. One must show honor to one’s parents.

7. It’s an honor for me to meet you.

8. He’s an honor to his parents.

9. I have cooked a special meal in honor of our visitors.

10. Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.

11. It’s quite an honor to have two men fighting over me.

12. They ran up a flag in honor of the president’s visit.

13. I consider it a great honor.

14. He is unworthy to receive such honor.

15. We prize honor above money.

16. She exchanged honor for wealth.

17. Will you honor me with a visit?

18. All is lost save honor.

19. Honor thy father and thy mother.

20. He is an honor to his country.

21. No honor attaches to this position.

22. We felt honor bound to attend their wedding.

23. We request the honor of your company at dinner.

24. They call that an honor to their collective.

25. We demand that they honor this contract.

25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

26. It is impossible to honor her with the award.

27. Her honor was discredited in the newspapers.

28. Wealth is a friend, but a friend is permanent wealth; the honor is a glory, life is a permanent root; degree is a knowledge, learning is the eternal wisdom!

29. We are very happy to learn that you have successfully passed the college entrance examination this year and have been admitted into Beijing University with honor.Allow us to offer our most sincere congratulations on this happy occasion and wish you greater achievement in your college education.

30. The news of your transfer surprised us all. We will miss you, but realize that exciting opportunities and challenges await you. It has been an honor to be your colleague. We have all benefited from your wit and wisdom and wish you every success on your career path.

Examples of how to use the word “honor” in a sentence. How to connect “honor” with other words to make correct English sentences.

honor (n): a quality that combines respect, being proud, and honesty

Use “honor” in a sentence

It’s a great honor to be invited.
It’s an honor to meet you.
It’s a honor to meet you here, Mr. President.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”



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in return was that Abraham and his seed will honor or

So if their commitment was ‘I do until death do us part’ and they don’t honor that commitment,

If you said, “I’m going to do this” and you don’t honor that commitment, have them call you out on it, and don’t make excuses,

That is why the bible says it an honor

aware of your intuition and take the small actions necessary to honor those intuitions

When she got back to her, Yorthops was standing in front of the honor wall in the front hallway where Kulai commended his employee of the year

You need to make the choice to honor your commitments

God trust and honor His

God and He is worth to receive the honor

To keep its light burning, to keep existence from being extinguished, a god would have the honor of watching the light

Well, I did have Vic around for awhile because this station was named in her honor and she takes up so much less veron space, but she couldn’t take it in here so I had to back her out again

be with me in trouble; He will deliver me and honor me

Destiny, kinship, protection, honor and courage

God the glory and honor

preachers must live a life of honor before others

(27) Emphasize the importance of being a vessel of honor so that holy men are prepared

Usually the altar was built on a mountaintop, or on the top of a hill, and in ancient Rome or Greece, we see massive temples built as well in their honor

The Father wants nothing more than to bring honor to His Son and set Him up to benefit in all things; the Son wants nothing more than to glorify His Father by repeating that which He sees His Father do and say

Wherever Augustus conquered a city, there would be an altar and monument built in his honor

We desire to honor Him and guard His name and integrity

Those that have been found worthy of such an honor are ruling and reigning with Christ in the heavenly places over the earth

It will be their joy and their honor

Then score each value between 1 and 10 with the lowest score 1 being totally dissatisfied with the way you honor this value and 10 being totally satisfied

I promise that I will honor you, respect you, protect you, and love the hell out of you every chance I get

JOYCE: Your Honor, the people would like to call security officer Carrie Robbins to the witness stand

JOYCE: Objection, your Honor

JOYCE: Objection, your Honor, the counsel is accumulating gossip and hearsay

ROBERT: Objection your Honor, the counsel’s being argumentative, again

ROBERT: Thank you, your Honor

JOYCE: That’s okay, your Honor, I will move on to my next question

ROBERT: Objection, your Honor, the counsel is harassing my client

In honor of her first trip from home, he’d already promised her he’d take a year off and take her all the way in to Zhlindu and not just Shempala where he usually went

Michael was overcome with emotion at this honor to his brave friend

We have prepared a feast in your honor

I am most grateful that you do us honor in this way

Their lives would be changed forever after this, and they both hoped they were worthy of the honor

Yes, they answered in unison, we accept this honor with great humility

James displayed his best dragon etiquette and told Ichor he considered it a great honor to meet the Second of the Ancients

“I can’t think of a greater way to honor them Sam; Jake will be pleased when he hears

It was not too long before people considered it a great honor to have Jake visit their town

“So we are in agreement then?” she studied Tarak’s face for a moment and then continued; “I can count on you for support if the time should come to call his honor into question

Considering their culture, to be hanging here in a place of honor meant it was very important

“It was a high honor then?” asked Tarak staring into her violet eyes

Altera questioned this and Rayne explained it was a sign of respect to honor ones opponent

“may I ask a boon Lady Rayne; when there is time, will you join my troops and me for a day of training? They would consider it a great honor

First, recognize your fear, honor it, and welcome it into your awareness

“It is a singular achievement and a great honor to be placed in charge of one of these Inns; and it is only by appointment of the Queen herself

going to test, and it is critical that you honor their

They are in that case likely to honor their own

Naria was greatly pleased and with pomp and ceremony gave her a sash of purple, which appeared to be a great honor

Tara was overcome at the honor, “My Queen, I am honored by your trust in me and my abilities

A rank of men with polished bronze axes completed the honor guard

Young Bail was assigned the task and accepted the honor with many thanks

She was deeply touched and thanked him profusely for the honor

There was a short staring contest between the two men as Alexei feigned an attack on his honor and good name

“You have courage boy; this is good, you’re going to need it!” He laughed and then whispered in Alexei’s ear, “You are also the first she has shown any interest in… treat her well and with honor

He took Bail as his First giving the young man the honor that was due him

With Bail’s help they were able to bring about honor once again to Miner’s Hold

“It is such an honor to meet you

Companions, it was an untold honor not lost on both Tam and Mya

They were greeted with honor and

the earth do bring their glory and honor into it

26And they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it

Honor the king

“What we don’t know is how you remained outside, and why we should honor your request? Would you tell us, please?”

12Nevertheless man being in honor abides not: he is like the beasts that perish

whom God gives riches, wealth, and honor, so that he lacks nothing for his soul of all

outweigh wisdom and honor

“This is a dinner in honor of Harry’s last Summer Season with us in our little village for a few years

He continued, “I shall represent our village proudly, and I accept it as a great honor to always call this home and each of you: my friends

For another reason, they were obsessed with the honor and reputation of the Kassikan

high honor of being named champion

Harry, Kaitlyn, and Yolanda Spelman listened to the men’s dialog with growing appreciation for each man’s circumspection and honor in the employment of their several gifts in the service of their chosen professions

The task at hand was a full day at the office where he was dedicated to the task of policing the honor of the Kassikan

I have had the honor of his acquaintance for only a fortnight and I may assure you, there is no young man who can stand as his peer

involved, there was the honor of Babe Ruth from earlier that day

Allcock has consented that I shall have the sublime honor of hoping for his daughter’s hand in marriage when once I have secured house and fortune enough befitting so wonderful a lady

One thing she was sure of, that she most certainly would be present as maid of honor for her closest friend on the occasion of her wedding

But in honor of the magic that had been, we walked away from it

bring their glory and honor into it

are riches and honor and life

her left hand riches and honor

clothed with honor and majesty

been given the honor of royalty

38Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to

his ancestors he will honor with gold

god and will greatly honor those who

26The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it

their silver and gold, to the honor of

When he rejoined us, he said simply, as serious as death, ‘Because your wife wished for you to see with your own eyes what is truly possible, in honor of her love for you, I condescended to make this little demonstration’

“Aha,” she said to Desa, “the guest of honor herself,” and laced fingers with her

“Oh no,” he said, “We went around once, I was the last with guest of honor, so I win

I still finished first but I can still remember at the end of every year Sister Alice would present honor certificates to all the deserving students at a large assembly with all of the classes sitting in the auditorium and some parents there also

Giving all the honor to Jesus —The only begotten Son

Telling of your precious love and mercy, Giving all the honor to Jesus

No matter what was to come, he knew his son would die well and with honor

The Interpretation—Vessels of Honor

vessels of honor that can carry His glory

Maybe I have taken you for granted the last few weeks you were here? Maybe I forgot to tell you how honored I am any time you could grace me with your presence? You are welcome in my home and in my bed at your pleasure, as I hoped you understood by now

“Very interested, and honored that you’d think an old history professor could contribute something to the effort

He was honored that he had been asked to attend

They were honored he sought them out

We are indeed honored by your gracious welcome

My First Wing, Rah is honored to be a part of this meeting

His mate Lady Jennie is also honored and impressed with your size

He was honored that they asked him and quickly said yes

“My Lady, I am honored to meet one of the Warrior Clan,” he took her hand and pressed it to his forehead

When he stood she looked up at him and replied in a voice dripping with expectations, “I am honored to meet the First of Lord Tarak

Rayne agreed saying she would be honored, and also asked if she could stop by their shop with more designs

She seemed taken aback for a moment but quickly recovered and nodded her head, “you should be honored Captain,” she purred

Tara was overcome at the honor, “My Queen, I am honored by your trust in me and my abilities

“We are honored that you have selected us to assist you

“I am honored that you cared so much and yet still held yourself in restraint, it must have taken a lot of self control

She wanted to ask about the other two human planets, but two more men entered the room, “Charles, Sigmund, I’m honored to see you here,” Learned Maroclo said

Tania and Poly carried his coffee and plate of toast and jam from the kitchen and served him like an honored guest

When he was three, he had already made a hanging for one of the niche ‘shrines’ that honored one of Belle’s Aunts who had passed into ‘Air and Sky’ the winter before

She said to the widow, “Welcome, honored one

“I am very pleased, in fact personally honored, to confer this village School’s first diplomas upon Jameson Aloysius Connor, Hipolyta Belle Livingson, and Titania Belle Livingson with top honors

” They had stopped for a brief lunch and before they went back to the gardening, Belle walked her through the house and recited to her the stories of her own and George’s ancestors, pointing out how they honored them and venerated their sagacity and far-sightedness

Harry was honored that the souvenir photograph of his graduation was prominent on the wall of the Drawing Room near the Christmas Tree

God honored this level of authority in the early Church and he will do it again at the end of the age

Luckily for Grimgy, she honored her debts; otherwise the issue could have been quickly resolved by her orchid blades

honored him as a father

“What happened to them, Honored Keys?” she asked

“She respects you, Honored Keys

“Of course not, Honored Keys

“But Honored Keys can ask your mother

It showed a scene of Dionysus feasting at the right hand of Zeus, the most honored position in His pantheon

Unlike the other maidens who served at the feast, I was given an honored position

I’ve won a surprisingly honored place on Scheria

I want you to know I feel honored that you’ve

That Euredon’s valiant sacrifice meant he’d have an honored place among immortal heroes

He knew of this secret place because it was sacred to Demeter, the Goddess honored above all others by his late mother

She was filled with anger and confusion, and knowing that keeping it all inside would drive her mad, she decided to act on her impulse and make sure that at the very least, Rosabell would be honored the right way at that ceremony

Develop positive, strong family ties where everyone feels supported and honored, knowing that they are invaluable contributors to your family team

We both know he’s earned an honored place within our family

I would be honored

minds, so he went with the time honored

Dorothy Prentice, a clerk up in the prothonotary’s office, feels a little honored by it

Firing a cannon in a storm is an old and honored tradition among seafaring men

He cleared his throat, “She was honored by gods

“She was honored by gods in her death

Nothing on the Lead Arrows’ faces indicated that they were honored to be present

off! As she held the beautiful gown in front of her, it gave her a chill! Pamela felt honored to be wearing his beautiful blue chiffon gown

preaching and teaching were honored but in context of

Iredell became one of the first justices to be appointed to the nation’s highest court, and North Carolina honored him by naming a

who have been honored with the “Freedom of the City of

The papers were all in order and Waddell, of course, honored the change in ownership and showed respect to the captain of the

Thrip’s past transgressions, I suddenly felt honored to know him

Lo, a famous man is honored more in his death than in his life,

Within Mexico, the San Patricios are still highly regarded and remembered as honored fighters today

Samurai were known to have honored the teachings of this book

On January 9, 2000, Ron and I were honored to be part of a

We honored Sharon’s request she had made to Chris at

We honored all her wishes

Indians could now sue the federal government when treaties were not honored

honored the children, those who have passed to the spirit world

“If that’s really how you feel, then I would be honored if you’d stay,” I said weakly

Nonetheless, two of those rewards are dearer to my heart and make me feel exceptionally honored

I feel very privileged and honored that this village, of which I have sung many of its praises in verse, has put me on this dream pedestal

He was the Pilgrim, the one honored to pay homage to the Land of God and the resting place of their forefathers

Tarrying here in the middle of the mountains, daydreaming like a young selfish brat was not at all what any man would expect of him, the one so honored

You are the honored guest of his eminence Ursempyre Remis, Lord of the House Remis

We’re honored to join your battle

We honored Nichtin and loved and grieved together

I would also be honored if you could explain some of the delicate techniques and methods you are about to utilize

Please, I’d be honored to watch you perform

All of us here at Consolidated Broadcasting Group are both honored, and very excited to be a part of this pioneering new form of electric motorsport, in its second historic season

Colling shook the Russian’s hand and said, “Tell him I am honored to be in the new People’s Republic of Poland

It was strange to see him in the role of the honored king

A drought again brought his people into Egypt and possibly because of Joseph’s high position, they were at first welcomed as honored guests

but we again had a situation where a boundary line was established and which we honored and did not

They recognized and honored the Light in each other

I was honored

The parts of this covenant that societies have honored they have reaped the benefits of, the parts that they have ignored or considered irrelevant they have had to learn anew the reason for their original inclusion in the whole

Its sponsors will be honored and they will be part of the history

Winners honored their favorite God by imposing him on the newly subjugated

All names by which Man has addressed Me have been rudimentary, but have been answered as if they were wholly sufficient! From the first ones that are now beyond your recollection, through all that are still within your memory, I have honored, except for those that have drawn Man away from I Am!

§ 7th — The honorary partners are the honored members for

Maybe he is offering me something that I should feel honored about

“We have been honored to have you and your lovely friend as our guests this evening, Professor

Throckmorten honored his promise

He thought if the treaties had been honored and the people left to their ways, much of the fighting and atrocities may have been avoided

When treaties were not honored, the

He was an honored figure in Mexican history, and brought his country through great travail

Instead, she honored Jason by telling him of the scheme

He knew his people were always respected and honored in the Ordu and he was proud to be a part of the Khanate

Come, I am staying with a friend in this city; he will be honored to entertain you also

The latter was most honored by his guest and Papan seemed almost giddy

The most honored guest was the Tlatoani of Texcoco, Nezahualcoyotl, who had come with a few of his children, among them, one of his sons, Acapipioltzin, who was about a year older than me

Those of you who are still here have done me proud and I’m honored to be associated with your training

Our tumen was then ordered to return to the capital to be honored by the Khan himself

I am honored you have shared it with me,” was the only reply I could give

I protested that he was too generous in his praise and was greatly honored to have served and merely lucky to have survived

“If you would have me, I would be honored if you would think of me as one of your squad instead of just another ranking officer

He replied that it was no matter; they would both be honored to be related to John, but were not

But when it comes to who you are honoring your

However, I hope you don’t do that because that’s doing what? That’s not honoring your commitments and that’s not living with integrity

understand and honoring what His law contains for us

Honoring fathers and mothers, including spiritual fathers and

Embracing differences is honoring the truths of life

Torn between honoring her wishes and leaving the cats at home to be dealt with later, I followed my conscious

The New York Yankees hosted a pregame ceremony at the stadium honoring Phil Rizzuto‘s recent induction into the Hall of Fame

Fidel Castro is coming to town! This poorly stylized villain, who for years has fed off the (romanticized) illusions conjured up by left-leaning individuals, will undoubtedly receive a warm reception in some quarters by disaffected groups whose alienated affections for this great nation have grown naturally disposed toward honoring every ideological enemy of America as some visionary liberator in their incorrectly perceived fight for ―freedom

observing a moment of silence honoring the victims of the World Trade Center, some of the fans in attendance set fire to the American Flag

with Phoenix, I would be honoring the vision I received of Sharon

Between the county, the city, the state and the federal government honoring all of

“For we have not received the gifts of God for ourselves only, or for to hide them; but for to bestow them unto the honoring of God and Christ and the edifying of the congregation, which is the body of Christ

It liberates the countries of the monetary prison in national and international level and it puts an end to the dependence of loans in international currency to honoring external financial commitment

The second was the Khakhanate Festival in mid spring honoring the proclaiming to the Khanate of the Blue Sky by Kaidu

The third was the Founding Festival in midsummer honoring the founding of the Khanate of Anahuac

honoring the Sabbath; rebellion of the youth; apostasy

Of course, officially the locals would insist that they are merely honoring the ‘first’ kuriltai

I wondered what dire threat hung over anyone insufficiently honoring a bearer of a gerege

community, thereby honoring the dedication

honoring the children who had passed away

I stood up retrieving the Cartier box from my drawer “In the spirit of honoring your beauty

Between the county, the city, the state and the federal government honoring all of the complaints of the environmentalists the cost of the Shoreham rose to over $6

honoring veterans, living and dead, from all branches of the service

As part of his introduction to the ceremony, Dean Robert Swieringa quoted an ancient Chinese proverb before honoring me with a kind tribute: If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain

“And thank you for honoring me by naming me Prince of The Sylvan Nation, though that does put the position up for grabs in The Game Of Status

Candace had been with us for a week or so when I said to Nuke, “She told me she would bring enough money to see her through the first three months, which was one of the main reasons why I gave her the loan, but she hasn’t said one word to me about honoring her commitments and hasn’t offered to pay for anything

thanking Him and honoring Him, and placing your situations in

For making an ‘offhand’ but offensive “racist” statement at the 100th birthday dinner honoring Senator Strom Thurmond, Senator Lott was made to apologize multiple times and then make reassuring statements to show that he was not racist

Once he finished honoring the Major, another shot fired from the main gun, followed by four volleys of six from the smaller guns

He continually pictured himself being the best cop in LA, envisioning a ceremony of fellow officers in his future, honoring him for his bravery and accomplishments

unworthy of the honoring gesture

I felt unworthy of the honoring

Modern philosophers may tend toward multiple viewpoints and honoring the wishes of the other in the form of doing to the neighbor what the neighbor would like done to himself

-And what about Duprina? your psychopathic, shameless and boring girlfriend, that instead of honoring her role as tutor and teach me the magic for which she was selected, has been dedicated to enchant me with skulls spells in solitary cemeteries and in the light of the moon?

hard time honoring themselves, and it always

promises made to God, for without the changes that God is asking and without honoring your

Honoring saints is an ancient practice of our Church

reject the practice of honoring saints with an animosity that reveals the extent of their error

This somewhat newer tradition, is followed to avoid misleading the faithful into honoring as saints those who are not

Mark gave a thoughtful and reverential sermon about honoring one’s adversaries and respecting them in death

book, we are honoring our fallen heroes and the brave Americans who lost

Honoring the Game

great prosperity and the honoring esteem placed by the people in

other and has a long history of producing quality products and honoring its

Liem finally found refuge in the small temple of the village, actually only a small hut containing the niche honoring the ancestors

Historic allocations of capital, timeliness in the business cycle, and honoring contractual demands can all stymie the best intentions of management

honoring that daemon, of taking a step forward into the mystery

honoring others’ acorns when they express themselves in ways we

But staying in your marriage – honoring the commitment you had made to your son (and wife) –

One of the keys to financial success is honoring what God called you to be, by seeking it out, discovering it, being introspective, going thru a process where you guess just what your talents and personalities are, and then in finding something in the centre of that to make your living

“It’s an honoring, a reconnection

they would eventually want to respond by honoring and praising them

The church is a newly born baby in the womb for honoring life commitment in significant way

Whether it is honoring our parents or being courteous to the rude

An Orang Utan standing straight greedy and wildly honoring his victims of human right

Honoring your word is honoring the truth and when many people do so, it creates the power of trust

A country of dictators, everyone has been a servant to the devil honoring him in death

Robes of black are honor; the veil of Kaba is black honoring the color of the stone

It is honoring the presence of

Honoring the sacredness within yourself,

He revealed the reality of Paradise, which is looking at the Presence (the Enlightening Face) of the Generous Provider, Owner of Honouring, Beauty and Majesty, demonstrating that all the pleasures, honoring, and bliss that man obtains are below that lofty Paradise

may I congratulate you for honoring the memory of John Locke, who was very

Everyone honors themselves by honoring Bokassa

Cass dismisses his curiosity by honoring her outstretched hand

The hate gripping it has given way to the love honoring his momma’s memory

You see, these peddlers are the hypocrites that accuse Label Christianity of honoring Christmas

Keeping the dead alive in our memories would be more than sufficient as a way of preserving their legacy and honoring them

Years later, I found out that he had signed post-dated cheques for a number of his father’s debts and as the time for payment approached with no possibility of honoring the debt, he simply had to skip the country in order to avoid jail

In the ritual sacrifices and dances honoring their dead ancestors whom they were supposed to unquestioningly love, honor, and obey

seven riders will have the privilege of honoring the lady

permissible method is by honoring and emulating Her spirit by walking the path of the Seven Spirits

“Thank you for honoring us with your presence, La Patron,” Theron said as he shook Silas’ hand

honoring her promise to keep that confidential

” The excuses were of the most frivolous make-believe, none of them would have been hindered from honoring the invitation

This exchange will remind us of our great victory, and the goodwill generated by the exchange will be our way of honoring the moon, who

In keeping with the goal of honoring the will of the people, the Constitution states that the president’s salary cannot be changed during his term

It was touching; they were honoring a fellow countryman even though they didn’t know him

In that time, the postal service issued a run of commemorative stamps honoring his memory

The public response honoring him was overwhelming and awe inspiring

It was touching; they were honoring a fellow countryman even though they didn’t know him

This was their way of honoring the dead

There were some people who just wanted one name on the bill—those most interested in honoring Pete wanted his, those most concerned about memorializing Paul wanted his

But it was everywhere: in the haul trucks that owned the roads, in the fading billboards urging union strength, in the occasional glimpse of a strip mine and a mountaintop being removed, in the battle of bumper stickers, with “Like Electricity? Love Coal” on one side and “Save the Mountains” on the other, and in the tiny museums honoring the heritage of mining

Anxiety throws off our mental game and increases the likelihood that we will do the wrong things, such as not honoring our stops or chasing again and entering at increasingly unfavorable and riskier spots

He was following in his brother William’s footsteps, honoring his fallen brother’s inspired dream, and at the same time he was avenging William

‘Give me time to collect my wits, Father,’ said he, with a smile that showed that his father’s foibles did not prevent his son from loving and honoring him

I think his story (told in this book) of getting Marilyn ready for her appearance at a party honoring JFK is classic Ebbins

“I am not only protecting her legacy and image, I am honoring my husband’s wishes

With regard to the fifth commandment, «Honor thy father and thy mother,» the catechism prescribes honor to the sovereign, the country, spiritual fathers, all persons in authority, and of these last gives an enumeration in three pages, including college authorities, civil, judicial, and military authorities, and owners of serfs, with instructions as to the manner of honoring each of these classes (pp

His religion consists in honoring the chiefs of his race, his progenitors, his ancestors, his sovereigns, and in the worship of those gods who are the exclusive patrons of his family, his tribe, his race, and his State

If the meaning of life is seen in the well-being of one’s nation, or in honoring one’s ancestors and continuing the mode of life led by them, as was the case among the Romans and the Chinese respectively, then art transmitting feelings of joy at sacrificing one’s personal well-being for the common weal, or at exalting one’s ancestors and maintaining their traditions, would be considered good art, but art expressing feelings contrary to this would be regarded as bad

“Give me time to collect my wits, Father,” said he, with a smile that showed that his father’s foibles did not prevent his son from loving and honoring him

interpret reality in a way that honors your

“You can do the honors, since it’s really yours anyway

White and offered her the honors

White did the honors of pulling the toilet chain for the first time

“I am very pleased, in fact personally honored, to confer this village School’s first diplomas upon Jameson Aloysius Connor, Hipolyta Belle Livingson, and Titania Belle Livingson with top honors

“You will, of course be presented with all accolades attendant upon a Malvern graduate, and special note made of your own achievement of Double First Honors with Distinction for those subjects which you have already completed entirely

On the afternoon of its arrival, once all were gathered around for the opening, Lawrence, did the honors

honors him has mercy on the needy

The top students would get first honors (a card with gold on it saying first honors) or second honors (a card with silver on it saying second honors)

First honors were gold, second honors were silver

Naturally my sister was a genius and she always would get about the highest grades in her class and always get first honors and I had to suffer because of that

I walked up to get my honors from Sister Alice at the end of the fourth grade

Sister Alice handed me a second honors certificate or the silver certificate and looked at me and said these disheartening, cruel, sadistic words: “Gee Jeff, I thought you were going to get first honors this year like your sister got”

second honors, 229, 230

I will often prophesy over people in the public setting of the congregation because it reveals the gifts of God in people and honors those gifts publicly

which is a heart that truly honors God and loves people

But in a household that honors Ares, shouldn’t its son have the chance to exercise, so he might prove a strong and fearless warrior some day?”

As humans, we compete for food, for jobs, for honors, for love, for everything in fact

Painting the inscriptions was one of the highest honors a witch could bestow on another

And a household staff that honors you

You can have it, all the honors, everything!”

“You sit,” he said, not ordering, but as though he wished to do the honors

She would be graduating with honors

I, who was a lowly honors major in political science, keeping up with a lawyer

A (thoughtful) society mourns its Dead and honors the Living

For if he was to join them in their celebration, I tell you the truth, it would be death he celebrates and great captivity he honors

Yellow honors the direction of the East, provides clarity and honors the

Black honors the West, provides healing and honors

White honors the direction of the South and

provides protection and honors the brown eagle

Red honors the

we are connected to all things and honors the bald eagle

is called Mitakuye Oyasin (all my relations) and honors all of our

Tunkashila (grandfather and grandmother) round honors the stone

His strict but fair tone was indicative of his intentions: He would be reasonably cooperative and would dispense of the pleasantries and honors where applicable, but that would not bring Tyrpledge up to the same level as him, the proxy of the Castigator

It isn’t often that a student with only a sixth grade formal education earns a high school diploma then, in three short years, completes a Bachelor of Science program, graduating with honors near the top of the class

How is this like the first story? The father honors the younger son in what is perceived as an undeserved manner

If it’s any consolation, you would have received full military honors, and maybe a medal

Man: “What of these would you prefer, that I may do You the highest of honors?”

He has won awards and honors, studying

Pierre graduates in May 2054 with Academic Honors, with a

“The titles are honors without meaning, sire,” I told the Khakhan

honors those who fear the Lord

Scout Leadership honors including those in

“And if they were in the habit of conferring honors among themselves on those who were the quickest to observe the passing shadows and to remark which of them went before, and which followed after, and which were together, and who were therefore best able to draw conclusions as to the future, do you think that he would care for such honors and glories, or envy the possessors of them? Would he not say with Homer, ‘Better to be the poor servant of a poor master, and to endure anything rather than think as they do and live after their manner?’ ”

Kiddush ha-Shem: An act that honors God (literally “blessing the Name”)

” His civic and business activity earned him many honors and awards

The dozens of awards and citations during his business career are summarized in Appendix C, Memberships and Honors

The speed and magnitude of your response honors us

Both parties hoped that this agreement would create a new political entity, and deserves a name that symbolizes and honors the struggles of our forebears in Mindanao

He had sent a back-channel message to the new wing commander, Colonel John Ralph, stating he desired no arrival honors and no off-base official functions (such as meeting with the Thai official who owned the place)

«Damn,» Whitey thought to himself, «I said `no honors

Officers and crew received both disciplinary actions and honors related to causal factors and reaction

Quarterdeck: that part of the main deck reserved for ceremonies and honors; the station of the OOD in port

» The Church honors

Full honors were given him by the police

Write your story; a story that honors God and the mission of His church and

But all of those honors came with certain expectations… He had to deliver

Nevertheless, the Sheffield student lived a perfectly normal life and went on to gain an honors degree in mathematics

He gave the doctor his proper honors, and continued down the list

Gāndhi toured all over India asking everyone to give up British jobs, leave British schools, stop buying all British goods, and return all British honors

Zia did the honors

The rest, included Bartolomeo, were gathering together in the center of the room and it was Americus, this time, which did the honors of the transportation

Brian May, the lead guitarist for the rock band Queen, first graduated with honors from Imperial

has a degree, with honors, in mathematics from

degree in mathematics with honors from Trinity

Akihiko attended the Naval War College, graduating with high honors in 1956

Old Szeezool is disappointed at not being able to see a good wrestling match, but he honors their decision and sends them into battle with his blessings and the blessings of the spirits, especially this new spirit that has come into their presence

If you can only love your children as God loves you, you will love and cherish your wife as the Father in heaven honors and exalts the Infinite Spirit, the mother of all the spirit children of a vast universe

Philip now presented Thomas as his nominee for apostleship and Nathaniel presented Judas Iscariot, the Judean, for similar honors

15 And so this man Peter, an intimate of Jesus, one of the inner circle, went forth from Jerusalem proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom with power and glory until the fullness of his ministry had been accomplished; and he regarded himself as the recipient of high honors when his captors informed him that he must die as his Master had died — on the cross

Why is it that you in this way make void the commandment by your own tradition? Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, saying: `This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me

Such honors are reserved for those who have been designated by my Father

They led him to believe that he would forthwith receive high honors from the Sanhedrin, and that he would at last be in a position to erase the stigma of his well-meant but «unfortunate association with untaught Galileans

Such honors the Pharisees and the children of this world seek, but it should not be so among the ambassadors of the heavenly kingdom

Do you not know that there can be no place of preferment at my table? Do you not understand that I love each of you as I do the others? Do you not know that the place nearest me, as men regard such honors, can mean nothing concerning your standing in the kingdom of heaven? You know that the kings of the gentiles have lordship over their subjects, while those who exercise this authority are sometimes called benefactors

15 Jesus then stepped over to James Zebedee, who stood in silence as the Master addressed him, saying: «James, when you and your younger brother once came to me seeking preferment in the honors of the kingdom, and I told you such honors were for the Father to bestow, I asked if you were able to drink my cup, and both of you answered that you were

But the traitor had to do something to account for his presence with this armed band, and besides, he wanted to make a show of carrying out his part of the betrayal bargain with the rulers of the Jews in order to be eligible for the great reward and honors which he believed would be heaped upon him in compensation for his promise to deliver Jesus into their hands

He anticipated being called before the full meeting of the Sanhedrin and there hearing himself eulogized while they conferred upon him suitable honors in token of the great service which he flattered himself he had rendered his nation

Beth introduced herself before I had a chance to do the honors

Monique and Angelina had been impressed with the fact that a funeral was conducted at all and especially that a small group like this would give full military honors to vanquished enemies

He had those honors in his day

From all his ill-got honors flung,

When the prosecutor was finished, the Commodore addressed the tribunal, “Your honors, I have no questions for this witness at this time, but I reserve the right to recall him to the stand after all the other witnesses have testified

“Your Honors, under Federation treaties, it is legal to capture and hold ships and personnel that enter a closed system

“Your Honors, I would like to enter as evidence a report filed by then Commodore now Admiral Dankese

“For the record, your honors, according to the report, there were no serious injuries among the crew on the ship

“Then you have no basis for the charge of sedition do you?” Before the Captain could answer, Commodore McGuire turned to the tribunal and said, “Your honors, I request a directed verdict of not guilty to the charge of sedition

Due to the various disciplinary problems they had, neither Rachel nor Wendy could graduate with honors although their academic standing would have qualified them for honor status

This class has more Jewish students with honors than any in Federation history

Limpy loves you and honors you greatly

When it came time to depart, with the Marines standing guard as they had done the last time the ship headed out, rather than Captain Curra delivering the incriminating inventory records, Elvira and Ellie Mae did the honors

Joshi did the introductory honors for everyone

I have requested that their bodies be recovered so that they may be buried with full honors alongside our people who have died

The memorial service, complete with full military honors was held in the university’s largest theater

It was there, while the rest of the Science Honors

Like other members of the Science Honors Pro-

Like most members of the Science Honors

Within the class, members of the Science Honors Program formed a durable unit

About 23626 results found using ‘HONOR’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • The occasion was marked by a brief presentation to honor Wandro before the game.  (open, save, copy)

  • I’m proud of my team and the guys around me here have a hand in this honor, too.  (open, save, copy)

  • He finished far ahead of Detroit center fielder Austin Jackson for the AL honor.  (open, save, copy)

  • The family will honor Dr. Tiller’s memory through private charitable activities.  (open, save, copy)

  • The KAGE presented her the statewide honor at its annual conference in February.  (open, save, copy)

  • He was the only high school coach in the country to receive the honor that year.  (open, save, copy)

  • Mrs. Michael cheerfully traveled to Europe to accept the honor, her sister said.  (open, save, copy)

  • Coach Wooden was our guest of honor along with the championship team of 1963-64.  (open, save, copy)

  • It is an argument that discounts considerations of American sacrifice and honor.  (open, save, copy)

Define ‘honor’:

    1. High respect; esteem
    2. A person or thing that brings credit
    3. Adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct
    4. A privilege
    5. An exalted position
    6. A thing conferred as a distinction, esp. an official award for bravery or achievement
    7. A special distinction for proficiency in an examination
    8. A class or course of degree studies more specialized than that of the ordinary level
    9. A title of respect given to or used in addressing a judge or a mayor
    1. Regard with great respect
    2. Pay public respect to
    3. Grace; privilege
    4. (in square dancing) Salute (another dancer) with a bow
    5. Fulfill (an obligation) or keep (an agreement)
    6. Accept (a bill) or pay (a check) when due

Web Definitions for ‘honor’:

  1. Award: a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; «an award for bravery» [source]
  2. Bestow honor or rewards upon; «Today we honor our soldiers»; «The scout was rewarded for courageous action» [source]
  3. Respect: show respect towards; «honor your parents!» [source]
  4. The state of being honored [source]
  5. Accept as pay; «we honor checks and drafts» [source]
  6. The quality of being honorable and having a good name; «a man of honor» [source]
  7. Honor or Honour (from the Latin word honor, honoris) is the evaluation of a person’s trustworthiness and social status based on that individual’s espousals and actions. … [source]
  8. Honor was a Polish Rock Against Communism (RAC) band. Their lyrical themes are related to National Socialism, neopaganism and the white power skinhead movement. Until 1999, the band played typical RAC, and then moved to pagan metal music. … [source]
  9. Honor is a primarily feminine given name derived from the word «honor», taken from a Latin root word honos, honoris. It was a virtue name in use by the Puritans. … [source]

Synonyms for ‘honor’:


  • honour
    , respect
    , esteem
    , venerate
    , revere
    , dignify


  • honour
    , credit
    , respect
    , homage
    , dignity
    , glory

Native speakers pronounce  ‘honor’:

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