Use the word homework in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “homework” in a sentence. How to connect “homework” with other words to make correct English sentences.

homework (n): work that teachers give their students to do at home

Use “homework” in a sentence

She is trying to complete her homework.
I have to finish my homework by tomorrow.
Have you finished your English homework yet?
I’ve just finished my homework.
I’ll tackle my homework later.

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homework was meant for them

I occasionally meet Mandy (aunt Hermione’s extremely boring niece: the only thing she does is answer »yes» or »no» to my questions), Lena (an incredibly dull, married hen: I visit her once a week, and as soon as I get there she starts helping her sons with their homework; she won’t stop until I leave) or Persephone (rather depressed, yet she is the only one with whom I have something to discuss)

over the day’s homework to the children, the teacher

Berndt has obviously done his homework as far as knowledge of this area is concerned – he only hesitates momentarily when we reach a junction in the track, taking the left hand option

In theory the kids have all gone to do their homework but you’ll have to do some tactful checking

It’s household policy that homework is the responsibility of the individual concerned, but sometimes a little encouragement is required in order to achieve this

When I was young and had homework to do, I’d look for any number of distractions before surrendering and getting stuck in

She is in the first year of her GCSEs and the homework load’s quite heavy

When he comes back he explains that Sally is tied up tonight, but that Katie has offered to come over, if I don’t mind helping with her homework

Once the homework had been done, Ben said thank you very nicely and bounced out of the kitchen again

Roman reading not his homework, but the book of the day

“What about his homework?”

Flavio had done his homework

Flavio tried to show Otto that he had done his homework

I spent the rest of the morning resting in bed and doing homework

It was Sunday evening and rather than finishing my homework, I was intoxicated by my mothers’ journal

A kid that should be worrying about homework and girls, not mourning a world lost that he would never know

After a day of soccer, homework, jogging and car washing the

Melanie was doing more homework with Joseph and poked her

He was about to turn on his heels and head back to his little flat when his young cousin caught him and asked if he could help with his other homework

Gratefully he sneaked past the wailing Aunt in the toilet and went to help with the homework in an upstairs bedroom

She smiled and thought about how she had tricked her parents, with Keighley’s help by saying she was going to help a school friend with her homework and look after some children

Another example, suppose you do not allow television on school nights until after homework is finished and bed time is 10:00 pm

Big Fred had been doing some reading, helping his kids with homework, and stumbled across a rare earth element called dysprosium

We had to do our homework in spare time at school or on the bus trip home

“I’d done my homework,” a touch of pride in her voice

Pete would have his homework finished

This may sound mean, but Hikaru thinks it’s awesome and always pestered me to play when I was busy doing homework

Jaden was upstairs doing his homework in the dark with a small flashlight and he heard it

«I only understood one word of the homework and that was flowcharting

«Seems to me that you have been doing your homework, Monica

“I did my homework

During his high school teaching career, Roger was very strict with homework

Students were assigned homework that was to be shown to him

Students who could not produce their homework had to have good and reasonable explanations

One day, a student could not show her homework

I did my homework yesterday evening

— Help the kids with homework

bed and hang out with my family and pay bills and do homework

cries of, “I can’t do my homework,” along with the hissing

Luckily I have saved the school homework projects on

Procter & Gamble is known as a company that does its homework

“The homework he had done before approaching and selling Duncan Hines the idea of having Park license his name became the model for winning over other acquisition candidates

After doing homework, it was time for the children to go to bed

” Randel Stair, his financial vice president, said, “I learned very early on that while he was willing to listen to anything you wanted to comment on or propose, you’d better have your homework done

you do your homework, you can avoid some of the issues that can

Lorna, having done her homework regarding Scotland in general, knew of the traditional delicacy called haggis which consisted of sheep’s brains; she said that she would rather die of hunger in the desert than eat that particular dish, which made Rick laugh; though he said nothing more about it

Prospective students who are considering borrowing funds for the degree should do their homework before committing to any loan program

Rabbin had obviously done his homework, and asked Warren a series of well planned and pointed questions about PAX and his plans for it

As a child: Your ability to delay playtime until you have completed all of your homework

’ Perhaps such families could also be strong disciplinarians, forcing children to do their homework to a high standard and on time, etc

I pulled out my books and started to work on my history homework while Dr

reminders about tests and homework

If students had a video homework (e

post homework or test dates online that might find acceptance since it eases things

However the mother was making her daughter do some homework

They didn’t do their homework

machine but only after I had done my homework

As Stephen was leaving, Zeno handed him the assignments he’d completed during the week, and extracted a promise that Cador could spend every weekend at the cabin, promising in return that he would assist in the preparations for the following week, and they would both do all their homework

I’d already done my homework regarding the extradition treaties between the United States and Japan, anticipating Bob might try to flee the country

Guapo lay on the bed and watched TV while Sebastian did his homework because there’d not be time over the weekend

No one was home when Sebastian arrived, so he showered, did his homework, made a bite to eat, did a casual circuit of the garden, surreptitiously working out where a camera must have been to take the photos of him and Guapo beside the pool, noticed from the corner of an eye a sprinkler on edge of the flowerbed that seemed larger than the others, felt the soil nearby, nodded his head as if making a decision, turned on the sprinklers and wandered back, noting with satisfaction that no water spouted from the one he‘d suspected

‗Reggie has some school books we‘ll need for tomorrow, and we have to collect his homework

‗You haven‘t helped me with my maths homework yet

He was a very studious boy and always completed the homework given to him in the evening before going out to play with his friends

A ballpoint pen, a washed but still recognisable movie ticket, and a note about homework, the paper felted and most of the ink illegible, were fished out of his shirt pocket

It led to him being distracted at school and not caring about homework that he was once so meticulous at

He and Ivan worked hard at school and often conferred with each other in regard to homework


Even if you are raising the next whiz kid, every child needs time to do homework, go to school, sleep, eat, and have free time to engage in creative play and thinking without be overbooked

He had done his homework

Nathan kept telling me his stories, but then as the days continued he also returned to doing his homework and baseball practice

Getting no clear picture herself, she thought he should’ve done his homework to handle his inhibitions

If you must do these things after that date (circumstances sometimes force us), do your homework well and take steps to protect yourself

Do your homework

This ‘writer’ hadn’t even bothered to do his homework, and it was plain that he hadn’t watched

Mars is retrograde, so do more homework before making any changes

But she would still be expected to assign homework, homework that was rarely done even if students did have the books

I tried to get him to do some homework but he would shake his head and refuse

She wished there were something she or one of the other teachers could do to improve Doreen’s life, give her the encouragement and challenges she didn’t have at home or in most of her classes either, where if somebody wasn’t disrupting, the teacher was probably having to go over the same material time and time again for the majority, who missed lots of days and all the homework

He did not talk to Kara much, except for occasionally asking her about her day and her homework

He offered to help her with homework sometimes

Reuben and Rashi blew off their homework that evening willing to withstand the anger of their instructors the following day especially since two of their instructors were their parents

You can have great success with these ads since if you have done your homework they are highly targeted and are made for the sole purpose of delivering your exclusive message to the targeted audience

I can’t have you at school and I have homework to do and there just isn’t much to do in the winter time

Maureen had very few friends, and those that she did have, had never once been invited back to Maureen’s for coffee or to go over and do their homework together

You have homework

the child can do homework free of the distractions of TV

Homework (researching sources that are helpful to solve the

In short, do your homework right during packing and you will get an A+ grade during unpacking

Before long they were on their way to chores and homework

He did his homework and stood up to the chemical industry

This means you have to do some homework before the election – but don’t worry, you won’t be graded on it

The main concern is how much homework should be assigned

He gave homework assignments but they certainly were not overwhelming

But you will need to read and study so homework of some sort is needed

  • Use the word homework in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Of course, they’ve already told us. So don’t make her do her homework with him unless you want the three of us here: Me, you and the actor.

Claire, if you are not coming tonight he will rather do homework for school.

So, doing your homework in school, eh?

And is her homework tough!

Oh, why? You haven’t done your homework yet.

It would be better if you stayed at home and do your homework.

Your teething, your whooping cough, your homework, your scarlet fever, your exams.

Tomi… go do your homework.

one wears silk underwear for the men by the way, those matters are none of your business, you smart aleck do your homework the grown-ups always say that when it gets tricky

Now go on upstairs and do your homework.

How can you become happy It’s been our homework, my wife and I

You should’ve stayed and helped her with her homework.

It’s my homework for my new job.


The homework to be corrected.

Doing your homework? — Yup.

Now I’m a schoolboy, I need somebody to help with my homework.

Listen, I’ve got to get home. I’m way behind in my homework, and…

I found a nice piece of homework last leave.

Nothing else to think about on leave but females, dames, homework.

The professors giving demerits, Caroline giving dirty looks everybody gives homework.

You can help me with a little homework.

To do homework, and to shoot paper wads, But Gentlemen, nobody would believe me.

Well of course he has to finish his homework.

I suppose you have homework.

And after that they have homework.

You’d better finish your homework and stop mooning around.

I’ll go up to my room and do some homework.

Diana, dear, don’t you think you ought to finish your homework?

Betsy went walking, too, As children will, To gather flowers With her homework done,

If you want to play, you must do your homework first.

If you do your homework first then you can go…

Say, we better get back and do our homework.

You used to like to do your homework Sundays.

We’re tough. Rob, haven’t you any homework?

You can always help me with my homework.

She’s doing her homework.

I told her to stay in her room… — because she has two hours of homework to do, but she-

Lucille, I’m sure she’ll do her best to get her homework finished tomorrow.

You have homework to do, Rosamund.

He had the letter. He’d been working on it. But he hadn’t gotten very far with his homework.

Have you done your homework?

When we were little kids in school together, who helped you with your homework? I did.

She didn’t come, I was waiting for her for my homework.

Nothing. Finish your homework?

Definition of Homework

schoolwork that a student is required to do at home

Examples of Homework in a sentence

Don’t sign up for Mr. Martin’s class unless you want several hours of homework everyday.


Angela couldn’t go bowling with her friends because she had too much history homework.


Mrs. Campbell told the students that if they did not finish the assignment in class, they could complete it for homework.


College homework is much more demanding and tiresome than the easy worksheets we received in high school.


After school, several of Miranda’s friends come over to work on homework together.


Other words in the School category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Homework, or a homework assignment, is a set of tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed outside the class. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

When the homeworks were turned in, the perfect answers were distributed to the class, and each team set to work grading its problem, by now thoroughly steeped in every aspect of that problem after a week’s work on it.


You’ve done your homework and decided exactly what you plan to offer; now all you need to generate is sales.


Many students will end up working on their homework instead of the day’s activities.


Paired with a warm blanket, pillows become snuggle buddies during on-the-sofa homework help or bill paying.


This is a teaching and learning technique where the homework task is flipped to take place before the class lesson not after it.


This website is ideal for an aspiring entrepreneur as it allows you to quickly address your homework inquiries so you have more time to focus on your startup.


Parents» common misconception is that the teachers and schools giving more homework are more challenging and therefore better teachers and schools.


The trust is calling for schools to establish «homework clubs» to give poorer pupils the support they need.


Before you decide where to open your solo law practice, do your homework.


In the case of incomplete homework, teachers do sometimes have to use consequences, such as eliminating recess.


The lesson features starters, learning objectives, key-words, key-information, a colour double-sided A3 worksheet, AfL tasks, discussion and debate tasks and homework.


The bed should be for sleeping only, not for homework, not for pushing themselves to go to sleep.


In addition, class notes and homework assistance is also a part of most online programs.


If you are a college student who is overwhelmed with work, then having this on top of a pile of homework is the worst case scenario!


To the point that I’ve been trying to do homework — like last night before bedtime I started watching Civil War and then, when I got impatient because I’d forgotten some key elements, I just ended up texting Sarah and making her give me the answers.


A seventh grade student takes his homework assignment to make a difference in the world seriously and decides to start a campaign to Pay It Forward by doing for others what they can’t do for themselves.


Seminars, group activities, group sessions, individual consultations, role plays, DVDs, parent tip sheets and homework tasks.


These tensions may evolve around homework, curfews, responsibilities within the home, usage of allowances to name only a few.


Y» know, take the time to do your homework and support the kind of things people want to see?


With the recent escalation surrounding teachers» workload here in the UK (again) fuelled this week by Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan: «teachers shouldn’t have to answer emails or mark homework after that cut off point to ensure that teachers were able to spend their time focusing on what they are passionate about».


Or, if she’s not getting her homework done because she’s playing video games, take away her electronics.


In addition, lawyers should do their homework.


If you have done your homework leading into retirement, you probably already know that Social Security benefits may be subject to federal ta…


Every kid needs a place to feel comfortable for those long study sessions and a consistent place to do homework.


Planned activities, organized field trips, played games, helped with homework, worked with parents during stressful events at home and as needed took care of children after hours.


I haven’t actually used it myself yet but I’m expecting it will take at least 2-3 lessons plus homework.


No matter what the activity — an intimate dinner party, children doing their homework, or a check-in with your spouse — the kitchen is the focal point of many homes.


With the amount of information available on the Internet, you should be able to drop one or two facts/names into your cover letter to show you’ve done your homework on the company and its products, needs, challenges, etc..


The first part of the group is spent reviewing homework and giving and receiving feedback for all group members.


Does your child often feel sad or frustrated when completing homework due to learning problems or focus issues?


When it comes to finding cheap Cape Canaveral car insurance, you can get an affordable premium from a reliable company by doing your homework before diving into any plan.


Do your homework before opening such a plan.


«The Chinese media is replete with reports of the harmful effect of academic stress on adolescents» physical and psychological health, with parents working themselves to the bone for their children’s education, and children enslaved by parents and teachers to take classes and do homework,» write Xu Zhao, Ed.D.» 07, Ed.D.» 11; Visiting Professor Helen Haste; and Professor Robert Selman.


With homework, sports practice and dinner after school, there is not much time for play and relaxation.


Have your homework done in advance of engaging an eDiscovery expert: legal should define the need, the client IT staff provide the required information, and the external expert will provide the guidance, options, and related costs.


Targeted at parents of primary school age children, «Positive Parenting» provides a step-by-step guide to solving behaviour and other childhood problems including sibling rivalry, homework hassles, serious tantrums, bullying, poor self-esteem and anxiety.


I also read the notes from the previous session so that I may refresh my memory about issues we are working on, homework assignments, and any other business or therapy items that may need to be considered or discussed.


He did not do homework, but listened to «hot tips» and invested off them.


With little fanfare, the network has in the past week begun sending home «Parent Investment Cards» (see left and below) evaluating how well — or how poorly — parents are fulfilling their promise to honor Success Academy’s «parent responsibilities» in three areas: «school readiness,» «homework supervision,» and «parent responsiveness and investment.»


With older children, the Clumber will just snooze quietly when homework is the priority.


Taking some time to do your insurance homework will help ensure maximum protection for your home.


On modern routers, it’s usually pretty easy to set up Quality of Service rules (so that certain devices and/or applications on your network get bandwidth preference to ensure smooth operation), set up «bedtime» enforcement where certain devices can’t access the internet during homework or bedtime hours, enable guest networks for visitors, or even attach USB hard drives for dead-simple Network Attached Storage to store file backups, family photos, or other personal files.


It also has parental controls, so you can set bedtime curfews, manage screen time and block specific content until homework or reading is done.


We are proud to be one of the best case study Assignment help agency in providing the case studies homework help to a scholar from all over the globe.


Then add an extra touch to your application to show that you’ve done your homework — and to show your personality, too.


MS. CRAWFORD: Well, certain states have required that employers need to have not only a substantial business need to conduct the credit check, but also must explain that substantial business need up front to the employee for that particular job, which I think is an interesting development; because it requires employers to do their homework and not conduct these blanket screens for all of their employees, and puts the job candidates on notice of why the credit check is being conducted.


There isn’t even a proper gym or anything for the children to have a recess so my step-son comes home completely wired and 3 out of 5 days of the week the teacher forgets to give my kindergartner his books for his homework.


Under our Property Law assignment help, scholars can consult us for the completion of their Property Law dissertation, Property Law thesis, Property Law coursework, Property Law homework, Property Law reports, and others.


when the homework is actually used the next day in class.


She eats lunch in a teachers room where she has access to a microwave and can do homework or read so as to not fall behind.


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