Use the word history in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “history” in a sentence. How to connect “history” with other words to make correct English sentences.

history (n): (the study of or a record of) past events considered together, especially events of a particular period, country, or subject

Use “history” in a sentence

My father is interested in ancient history.
They are about to begin a new chapter in their history.
Her knowledge of world history is extensive.
I like geography and history.
He likes geography and history.
He has a lot of books on history.
She knows a lot about American history.

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Synonym: annals, chronicle, record. Similar words: story, historic, historian, historical, historically, factory, territory, inventory. Meaning: [‘hɪstərɪ]  n. 1. the aggregate of past events 2. the continuum of events occurring in succession leading from the past to the present and even into the future 3. a record or narrative description of past events 4. the discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings 5. all that is remembered of the past as preserved in writing; a body of knowledge. 

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1) The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of government power. 

2) Each moment in history is a fleeting time, precious and unique. 

3) Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 

4) History repeats itself.

5) John is good at French but weak at history.

6) It was a very important phase of history.

7) There’s no history of heart problems in our family.

8) China has a long history of civilisation.

9) Police records attest to his long history of violence.

10) The show was the biggest flop in TV history.

11) China is a large country with a long history.

12) She authored a history of the Chinese Revolution.

13) History is my favourite subject at school.

14) Writing a history book entails a lot of work.

15) The college is steeped in history/tradition.

16) She taught history at a secondary school.

17) Their heroic exploits will go down in history.

18) I studied modern European history at college.

19) I’ll be teaching history and sociology next term.

20) Dr Miles was a distinguished scholar of Russian history.

21) History is well taught in that school.

22) Throughout history men have waged war.

23) There’s a history of antagonism between the two teams.

24) We are at a critical time in history.

25) What is today’s assignment in history?

26) They failed to heed the lessons of history.

27) The students have great respect for their history teacher.

28) She studied architecture and art history at the university.

29) He is familiar with Chinese history.

30) Every day of thy life is a leaf in thy history

More similar words: story, historic, historian, historical, historically, factory, territory, inventory, regulatory, laboratory, pastor, storage, restore, conciliatory, ancestor, investor, pistol, consist of, that is to say, administrator, theory, category, in memory of, from memory, stop, as to, stock, stove, non-stop, stop by. 

A sentence using the word history. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use history in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for history.

  • This wine has a history. (10)
  • Elson.—The History of Opera. (3)
  • Read the history of the error. (10)
  • His history is long and eventful. (21)
  • My companion related her history. (10)
  • Like everyone else, he knew their history. (8)
  • Write me the history of the Enniskillens. (10)
  • There will be very few Dates in this History. (4)
  • Degeneracy is the critical history of the Arts. (10)
  • Why is Ethnology valuable to the history of music? (3)
  • We gave a true and congruent history of the affair. (7)
  • Dickinson.—Music in the History of the Western Church. (3)
  • They were his creative work, his history of the world. (8)
  • What is the value of Archæology to the history of music? (3)
  • Consider the history of our democracy since the Civil War. (16)
  • Give the names of minstrels or other singers famous in history. (3)
  • He knew the military history of every regiment in the service. (10)
  • Lucy despatched a message for Austin, and related the Berry history. (10)
  • Such a phase is perhaps the prettiest in the history of a love affair. (9)
  • The whole history of the last century is in the difference between us. (8)
  • A volume of our Poets and a History of Philosophy composed my library. (10)
  • A more sudden metamorphosis of style is unknown in the history of music. (3)
  • History, pleads for the pride of the great discrowned Family giving her illumination there. (10)
  • She was inquisitive for accounts of Spanish history and the land of Spain. (10)
  • The name of Purcell is one of the strongest in the history of English music. (3)
  • You wield an influence entirely without precedent hitherto in human history. (14)
  • She had the effect on the general mind of a lofty crag-castle with a history. (10)
  • Thus I live again the days of old and unfold the roll of my eventful history. (21)
  • I could think of it as a history written in a line: Carinthia, Saint and Martyr! (10)
  • The Parliament Close has been the scene of marking incidents in Scottish history. (2)
  • What beautiful maps, what an attractive work of history he carried in his knapsack! (2)
  • But we, who live remote from history and monuments, we must read or we must barbarise. (9)
  • What happened then was a scandal, and is history in the newspaper and theatrical world. (16)
  • Now, here we come to history: though you will remember what History is. (10)
  • As the History of Mankind has informed us, we were led up to our civilization by the nose. (10)
  • The grey of Welsh history knew a real castle beside the roaring brook frequently a torrent. (10)
  • I hope I was accurate in the history of the hop which I gave Mrs. March; I am sure I was full. (9)
  • It is a peculiar fate, and would form the scheme of a pretty study in the history of literature. (9)
  • The event attracted a great deal of attention among scientists and students of natural history. (21)
  • Poetry, however erratic, is less a servant of the bully Present, or pomlious Past, than History. (10)
  • There was a whiff of gunpowder exciting the atmosphere in the anecdotal part of the history known. (10)
  • There are few tales which history has to tell so stirring and noble as the exodus of the Loyalists. (19)
  • So does memory inspired by the sensations contribute an additional item for the colouring of history. (10)
  • There was a rapid alteration of the sad history of Clara the unloved matron solaced by two little ones. (10)
  • And here it might be thought that my history ended; but not so, this was an act-drop and not the curtain. (2)
  • He had but to look at her and review her history to think his cousin Willoughby punished by just retribution. (10)
  • It is impossible within these limits to give a full history of the strange delusion whose origin I have related. (7)
  • History without her is the skeleton map of events: Fiction a picture of figures modelled on no skeleton-anatomy. (10)
  • The tin trunk was scented with dry fragments of some herb, the history of which in that trunk man knoweth not…. (8)
  • But it is no new thing in the history of literature: whatever is established is sacred with those who do not think. (9)
  • In a vague way, Dan felt her displeasure with that passage of his history, but no man could have fully imagined it. (9)
  • The history of his one wandering, for which no respectable reason can be assigned, will never, of course, be known. (8)
  • A wife is a stranger from the beginning; she is necessarily three parts a stranger up to the finish of the history. (10)
  • But we have nothing to do with the constitutionally luckless: the calamitous history of a simple empty stomach is enough. (10)
  • I can truly say that no one is more honored in circus history than Mr. Bailey, the presiding head of this remarkable institution. (21)
  • If it has not been made clear from the events and characters of the foregoing history which opinion is right, I am unable to decide. (9)
  • Students of the history of those troublous times need not to be told what other and more awful events followed that bloody reprisal. (7)
  • We had been in the army together and had many a time gone into battle without having taken that precaution in the interest of history. (7)
  • It has disappeared as utterly as the prison or the Luckenbooths; and for those ignorant of its history, I know only one token that remains. (2)
  • Thus, among their intricate hills, the rustic troop subsisted; and history can attribute few exploits to them but sacraments and ecstasies. (2)
  • Señor Manuel Merelo, professor in the Instituto del Cardenal Cisneros, published in 1869 a compendium of Spanish history for the use of schools. (14)
  • Excuse me, Miss Galbraith, for troubling you with these facts of a personal history, which, as you say, is a matter of perfect indifference to you. (9)
  • With no immediate followers among the composers of his time he stood alone, as he stands today, one of the most commanding figures in musical history. (3)
  • In the history of these sanguinary rencontres, one name was continually recurring, generally as the principal, sometimes the instigator of the quarrel. (6)
  • The great Marlborough had wanted them for Oudenarde, Ramillies, and those other great battles which you read of in the history of that time in Europe. (19)
  • It marks the beginning of the modern historical opera, the complete abandonment of classical and ancient history as the only appropriate material for Grand Opéra. (3)
  • So, then, the worthy dame who receives no one, might be treated, it struck us, conversationally, as a respectable harbour-hulk, with more history than top-honours. (10)
  • I was therefore received in Lalugnan with hospitality and given every encouragement in prosecuting my researches into the history and intellectual life of the people. (7)

Also see sentences for: account, annals, chronicle, diary, narrative, record.

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Sentence Examples

The dirtiest, most corrupt political group in our history.

We shop at home, we surf the Web but at the same time we feel emptier and more cut off from each other than at any other time in human history.

It was the cleanest crime scene in the history of crime.

/Authorities say, when his demand /to be on television was rebuked, /he taunted police into creating /a smokescreen for his own escape, /the bloodiest and boldest /in prison history.

So the history of the name, Oz- rael it’s like anarchy meets Zionism, you know. It’s ironic. Oh, man.

A peaceful Roman city was overwhelmed by pyroclastic fires from Mount Vesuvius, a volcano that had slept through recorded history until it suddenly exploded.

The history of photography is made up of journeys great and small, some as epic as a continent, some no longer than a city street…

milestones in the history of photography and pop art. I mean, when I grew up, I just know that photographers were either nerds or they were pornographers.

Armed with the greatest book in history

This is a history of my race, please read the words within

And instead I made those poor Africans put on the biggest abomination in Mormon history.

I think you’re just being the best guidance counselor in the history of guidance counselors, that’s all.

We don’t want your recent history raked over again…

Hey, the history Channel never loses your luggage.

Based on play «Karadjordje» by Milos Cvetic, epic song «Start of the uprising» and history books.

The big event of Roman history.

Julius Caesar is immortal in world history.

And yet «Father Sergius» still stands as an important landmark in the cinema history of Russia, and has lost none of its artistic value.

/ A woman who loves her husband, it is true That in this tale of history / There is nothing strange nor uncanny.

Since the beginning of time man has been polygamous — even the saints of Biblical history — but the son of Man gave a new thought.

Today Woman brought up grom childhood to expect ONE CONSTANT MATE possibly suffers more than at any point in the history of mankind, because not yet has the man-animal reached this high standard — except perhaps in theory.

Let us look into the history of mysticism and try to explain the mysterious chapter known as the Witch.

In «history of Customs», Edward Fuchs shows us how the accused is tied up.

The first in national history films in a Science Fiction and Fantasy genre.

How did your history test go?

Jean Mitry wrote, in his «history of cinema», that «besides the «Napoleon» triptych and «Chapeau de paille d’Italie» If I had to pick out one film of French production for this decade it would, without a doubt, be «Faces of Children».

They do not deviate in any important factual way from the actual medical case history.

I have heard speak of your sad history, Samuel, and I have something for you… I deign so much dish for one party like for a funeral one

At the Bibliotheque de la Chambre des Deputes in Paris resides one of the most extraordinary documents in the history of the world:

«The first page had been written on the shattered land of what would become, in the history of the victory of Verdun, the immortal symbol of French valor and tenacity.»

Yes, and history and geography.

And you, sir… this victory will silence your enemies forever and you will be the greatest president in our history.

Honey Girl, it’s time for your history lesson, dear.

Honey Girl, we’ll finish your history lesson.

Huh. history repeats itself.

And perhaps you can give me the history of his wife?

You may know something about ancient history, but I know something about husbands.

By the way you gave your evidence. Now, I want from you, if I’m not being too indiscrete— the inner history of that case.

Fane, is the inner history of the Baring case.

I’m going to spend the next hour and 15 minutes as your tour guide to one of the most influential yet underappreciated films in Hollywood history.

The word «nosferatu» has a special significance in the history of Dracula, which we will explore in due time.

No one dreamed then that Lugosi’s voice would become one of the most imitated and instantly recognisable in Hollywood history.

Legends of spirits who return from the dead to drain the blood of the living are as old as recorded history.

Fortunately for film history, several copies did survive, and Nosferatu is now considered an Expressionist classic.

Promise me, Martial that you’ll take advantage of this moment in human history to teach human beings to understand and love each other.

All of these degenerate characteristics check amazingly with the history of the dead man before us, whose life was one of brutality, of violence and murder-

mais pas d’histoire, not world history!

I’ve traced the history of that bird all over Europe, sir.

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The world is full of history. Joni said, «Todays history exam
was really easy!»

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My parents’ medical histories are similar.

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