Use the word harmful in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “harmful” in a sentence. How to connect “harmful” with other words to make correct English sentences.

harmful (adj): causing harm

Use “harmful” in a sentence

It contained harmful chemicals.
Smoking is harmful to your health.
This medicine has no harmful side effects.
It contains harmful chemicals.

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Similarly for good health, we have to avoid harmful diet, drinks and consumption

Loud noises are harmful to the ears

The city was full of life, animal and vegetable, but anything harmful was eaten by the orange-furred, stingless scorpions with five eyes and three fangs

They should be encouraged to think differently as long as it is not harmful or dangerous

Understanding the components of the lawn’s ecosystem and providing a more suitable environment for the types of grasses and microorganisms that grow best there while decreasing the conditions for pests and harmful bacteria’s, is the “ideal” and more natural, less toxic method of providing yourself with a beautiful lawn

Monitoring is when you regularly inspect the lawn for signs of harmful and beneficial lawn pests

I didn’t contradict him but I wondered: When we left the seaside the time was 6:30 in the afternoon; how harmful would it have been, if we had stayed for fifteen more minutes? All things considered, I believe yesterday’s excursion was one of Alexander’s tricks, aiming to keep his disciples in subjection: He doesn’t allow them to enjoy anything, so that they don’t demand anything

For quite a long time we’ve been learning nothing new, maybe because Alexander seems to have become too skeptical about anything: “There are no spirits; spiritualism is fraud” … “(Self)hypnosis is harmful to the human mind” … “There is no such thing as magic” … “There are no astral worlds” … “There is nothing beyond matter” … “Telepathy requires a perfectly clean subconscious, so it is unfeasible” and so on

For the enlightened on the harmful

responsive to its own particular stimulus, and each vulnerable to any harmful influence that would threaten it elsewhere in the body

Once these so-cal ed harmful influences had taken so much effect in the skin, the resulting product would be numerous dermatological problems like wrinkles

Although wrinkles are more associated with the dermatological clock of the skin, it is still considered as the resulting product of the greatest effects of harmful influences in the skin

This is usually brought about by the harmful effects of the sun and other environmental factors

ruptures caused by the harmful rays of the sun

In this way, the skin will be able to combat the harmful effects of the damages caused by the

that free-radicals are definitely harmful to the skin

It is used to treat discolouration, and damage due to the sun’s harmful rays

What is wrong with these substances? Simply that in their refined state they are unsuitable as foods and are actually harmful to the human body

Even though they weren’t large enough to be harmful as individuals, the fact that they seemed to be attacking en masse scared him

neutralize harmful elements that are known as free radicals

The exaggerations are harmful

that nothing can be more harmful than the help

To see or hear a smoke detector in your dream represents a potentially harmful situation that requires your quick action and fast response

Most of the time, however, life’s problems are not inherently harmful to us

Therefore, what is good for one type could be harmful to another

For reduction of harmful extractive materials quantity, initial product for wood aggregates production are seasoned in the storages for a certain time (soft wood

The last ones neutralizing action of harmful substances in the wood and fasten cement hardening in the same time

let’s do it, whether it’s harmful or good, whether it’s a weapon or a medical advance, let’s try it out

This layer of water, in the form of ice, may have prevented more of the sun’s harmful particles and rays reaching the surface of the planet

Today we have discovered that there is an Ozone layer which is very effective in preventing harmful UV-B radiation reaching the surface of the planet

We know that today our atmosphere and a thin layer of Ozone alone, consisting of gases only, in conjunction with the magnetic field that is generated by the Earth, protects us from a reasonable amount of the harmful effects of the sun

At the Earth’s Polar Regions, we can also see the effects of these harmful agents on our atmosphere in brilliant displays of the Aurora Borealis as charged particles from the sun are captured in the Earth’s magnetic field

There were two possibilities; one, that someone thought I had some evidence that might be harmful to them…that could be the person that whacked me in Felix’s

‘Sir, we had to try the least harmful approach

A child‘s imagination, however, should be grounded on a mature understanding of what is reasonably attainable, morally wholesome and possible or desirable, for that matter, rather than irrational, spiritually harmful, far-fetched or unbecoming while operating within the prescribed limits of a balanced mindset; that is to say, the manner that child will one day be expected to interact with other people; that is to say, by providing in measure what is expected in kind

second thought, however!) Their egregious ignorance of its transient nature and uncertain classifications often serve to persuade the misinformed and other well-meaning individuals to support (socialist) custodial policies that do little, if anything, to relieve its harmful effects

We all naturally embrace what is good and decent while rejecting harmful ―things‖

We have talked a great deal about the harmful effects

Wars fought with guns are (oftentimes) harmful to the body whereas wars of ideas are (sometimes) damaging to reputations

questionable activities that are considered potentially harmful to the personal well-being of another individual whether or not they are properly executed with the intent of harming that individual or that may otherwise effect unintended harm, in either case legal precedence or (experience) should carefully consider the feasibility of preempting such decisions to begin with

For these ―reasons‖ school administrators are gradually phasing out games considered intimidating or harmful to the self-esteem of ―underachieving‖ children

Allowing notions of Evil to seep into our consciousness, even as dialectical counterarguments to Good, encourages standards of debate that Evil does not justly merit; that is to say, Evil poses a potential (spiritual) risk to individuals who (unknowingly) provide it with a plausible forum to deceive receptive viewpoints by (intentionally) mischaracterizing its harmful designs

On the other hand, (Right) Reason would never allow any individual to voluntary seek his or her own (moral or spiritual) corruption without first giving that individual sufficient pause to consider its harmful effects

whose natural or primitive condition, independent of good and evil, has been tainted by the harmful effects of a corruptive ―society‖

So called “dependence on government” may be argued to be morally right, or harmful

The price inelasticity of tobacco products, however, excludes the likelihood that prohibitatory pricing measures will either condition or limit consumption; which is what most of our politicians are relying on! Were our political leaders genuinely committed to eliminating this (proven) toxin from the marketplace, cigarettes and other tobacco products, like other potentially harmful drugs, would have been de-legalized years ago

War is bad, but appeasement to secure peace is very bad and more mischievous and harmful when it postpones a worse war

Within, he hid fresh fruits, meats and vegetables, circumventing a US Department of Agriculture mandate that his coffers be emptied prior to arrival to avoid carrying potentially harmful pests into the country

Possibly more harmful than the guns, he had warned, would be the vicious circle

EPA officials admitted that, “asbestos was harmful only if breathed at high levels and over sustained periods of time

In this capacity he could observe the harmful effect of easily available indulgences upon the religious life of his people

This current economic model possesses serious systemic errors because it is based on the destruction for the consumption to generate income and mistakenly to move the economy; this destruction is corroborated in any country because it was built in a botchy way, which creates economic fundamentals with harmful results

Allerton‘s views are extreme and under stress could manifest into harmful behavior

It is an attempt to destroy existing law which set up barriers for harmful behavior, and again they use subterfuge

They worshipped it, feared it, admired it, but everyone was in awe of it, accepting apparently without question any dictum of church, state or the local ladies club president no matter how irrational or even harmful it might be

By contrast, if an intention is negative, the resulting mental state, as well as any actions or words, will be harmful and unhelpful, creating unhappiness and suffering

mood produces chemical reaction, that is harmful to the body paralysis damage nerve and muscle

All their harmful actions and sufferings

When we understand that unfair, harmful, or hateful actions rebound in suffering to the person committing them as well as to the recipient, we can respond to both with compassion rather than with anger or resentment

Accordingly, to be protected from suffering as much as possible, and to prevent experiencing a lower rebirth, we need to strive not to produce negative karma, as well as purify the harmful karma already created (covered later in the book)

· Realistically vowing not to commit the harmful action again

▪ Commit yourself to avoid the negative behavior for a realistic, specific period of time – not being honest at this stage makes the practice useless or even harmful to yourself

When we understand this, it allows us to take responsibility for past actions with an attitude of compassion, appreciating that a particular act may have been unwholesome or harmful, and strongly determining not to repeat it

If we understand the law of karma we shall understand how we can control our future experiences by abandoning harmful actions that are the causes of misery and by practicing virtuous actions that are the causes of happiness

Without real conviction we shall not generate enough energy to train our mind and so we shall continue compulsively to perform the harmful actions that cause rebirth in states of misery

The two basic categories are: (1) «black karma, black result» (involving harmful actions of body, speech, and mind); and (2) «white karma, white result» (involving virtuous actions)

This describes actions that are mixed in their intent – that is, partly harmful and partly helpful (such as appearing to give a gift with a pure motive, but in reality greatly desiring the person’s approval)

Skillful actions produce beneficial effects; unskillful actions produce harmful effects

One realizes that no negative action ever passes by without a harmful result; no positive deed ever passes by without a constructive outcome

The furnace had been designed as a means of erasing the harmful

misuse of Mako energy and the harmful effects this caused on the

harmful organisms, study of the effects of Mako properties, and

The EPA investigated the matter, evaluated the evidence, and its scientists could find no indication that DDT was harmful to humans

” Thus, the need to establish a “causal link” between an allegedly harmful practice and a proposed remedy should be rejected

We are developing nano-fiber materials with the Russians that can keep harmful cosmic radiation from penetrating spacesuits

This solar flare can sometimes be harmful to planets and life on planets

There is no good reason that the inside of our homes contains dust, dirt, pollens, harmful bacteria, and other undesirable stuff, especially when they are moved about with those same hot and cold air blowers

These subjects may be different to each of us, but there are most likely, subjects that we could all agree upon that are not necessary, even harmful, such as cultural or ethnic studies that may cause division or resentment in the early years

We have grown to expect bad and harmful manifestations coming from our capital

This is the harmful

fats are very harmful for they increase the levels of the bad cholesterol in your

cholesterol levels for they are the ones that are most harmful

Roger did not sleep well, scared that something unexpected and harmful might happen

Unfortunately, through misuse of the religiously healthy and positive Cursillo movement and, particularly, through the Charismatic movement with its harmful excessive use of touching and private meetings, Josie and Agatha apparently fell in love, and in the process they convinced themselves that their sacrament of matrimony was invalid, because they had “discovered” that they were lesbians and that they were meant for each other in God’s plan

the potential harmful effects of breast implants on women

EPA officials admitted that, ―asbestos was harmful only if breathed at high levels and over sustained periods of time

Since carbon dioxide is not harmful and the globe is not warming it seems logical that we don‘t need these alternative sources of energy

fires could give off any number of harmful fumes

snow was gray with ash, it might not be harmful

parts of my life that were harmful to me

At that time, the harmful

learn how to live life and to quit doing things that are harmful to

Who knows what this wedding may lead to? Be they beneficial or harmful, there are going to be huge repercussions from all of this

“They decided that since their lives had been forced together, the least harmful choice they faced would be to accept it, and to try to find happiness together, despite the requirements of the curse of Alilia

Just three months went by, and she read in the newspaper by chance one day that more recent studies had shown that frequent use of mobile phones was extremely harmful to one’s health and might even cause fatal diseases

harmful to the animals‘ health;

any attachment of harmful shoes to ungulates;

walks, and protection from bad weather, predators, and harmful physical and chemical

If the insults are harmful lies about named persons or groups, that’s slander, which should always be illegal

About 7509 results found using ‘HARMFUL’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • So we know depression if it’s untreated is a harmful state, a harmful condition.  (open, save, copy)

  • The result is better treatment outcomes, and a decrease in harmful side-effects.  (open, save, copy)

  • Red tide is a type of harmful algae that naturally occurs in the Gulf of Mexico.  (open, save, copy)

  • Most of these bugs are not harmful and many contribute to proper bowel function.  (open, save, copy)

  • If the bricks were used as an edging, it is unlikely that they would be harmful.  (open, save, copy)

  • The substances do not appear to be harmful to people or other animals, they add.  (open, save, copy)

  • Grills, swing sets, toys, trash cans and patio furniture are especially harmful.  (open, save, copy)

  • Rainwater is free of harmful salts and minerals and does not have to be treated.  (open, save, copy)

  • Certainly, the fear of radiation is much more harmful than the radiation itself.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘harmful’:

  1. Causing or capable of causing harm; «too much sun is harmful to the skin»; «harmful effects of smoking» [source]
  2. (harmfully) detrimentally: in a detrimental manner [source]
  3. (harmfulness) destructiveness that causes harm or injury [source]
  4. (harmfulness) the quality of being noxious [source]
  5. Harmful is a rock band from Frankfurt, Germany, founded in 1992 and frequently compared to early Helmet and more occasionally to Blackmail . … [source]
  6. (Harmfulness) Trauma or injury refers to any body damage due to a due a physical impact or accident. The degree of injury may range from mild to life and limb threatening. [source]
  7. Of a kind likely to be damaging; injurious [source]
  8. (Harmfulness) A deluded mental factor that wishes other sentient beings to suffer. See Understanding the Mind. [source]
  9. If inhaled, swallowed or absorbed though skin, can have limited effects on health. Can cause irreversible effects, possibly after a single exposure, or serious damage after prolonged or repeated exposure. E.g.dichloromethane, xylene, formic acid. [source]

Native speakers pronounce  ‘harmful’:

Harmful is a rock band from Frankfurt, Germany, founded in 1992 and frequently compared to early Helmet and more occasionally to Blackmail. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It is possible for individuals to make a difference by changing things within their control, such as cutting down on their meat consumption in order to curb the harmful emissions generated by the livestock industry.


Web content control will intercept any request that user initiate in firefox and display a warning page if the children is trying to open harmful content.


There can also be synthetic materials covering the underside that can be harmful if eaten.


Smokers know that smoking is harmful, but they don’t stop.


So many of today’s products contain harmful chemicals that can cause profound and lasting health effects.


Arginine also acts like an antioxidant by reducing lipid peroxidation which is a harmful process that creates cell damage from free radicals.


You should always wearing at least broad-spectrum SPF 15 to help shield skin against the sun’s harmful UV rays no matter what the season.


Protect those hands while protecting your babies from harmful and irritating scents and chemicals with some Weleda Skin Food cream.


Finally, the forgiveness aspect is important — a shorter repayment term could mean bigger forgiveness, but if that’s taxable, that could be harmful.


Some, such as lymphocytes, help to kill harmful microorganisms.


The main task — to improve your metabolism and lead the body of harmful metabolic products.


With increasing availability of zero-emission cars over the coming years, when will citizens at large start to question the idea that every vehicle has an «exhaust pipe» that just belches harmful substances into our shared air?


In fact, the depletion may be more harmful than ever, according to a new study.


You face a large undead risk, however they’re simply a part of the harmful open-world ecology.


Peer pressure is a powerful influence, one that you need to understand so that you can help protect your child from making harmful decisions done under its sway.


One study demonstrated that regularly eating chocolate rich in flavanols offers significant sun protection and can protect you from harmful UV effects; while regular milk chocolate had no effect.


He says closure was «interpreted as an attack or something done against their will that was harmful to them.»


You had to accuse your spouse of abandonment, adultery, physically abuse, mental cruelty or some other harmful act.


If your form is wrong, the results are going to be wrong (not to mention potentially harmful).


We need to make sure that we recognise the difference between early potentially harmful sexual behaviour and work with partners to divert young people, as opposed to young peoples natural curiosity to experiment for which we do not want to unnecessarily criminalise.


Actually, the trend is in the opposite direction, suggesting that DEMs may be actively harmful.


While formaldehyde is naturally occurring, high levels can be harmful to humans.


Window film and tinted window film quickly deliver an impressive return on investment by cutting energy costs and blocking harmful UV rays.


Chemicals such as dyes and pesticides can be especially harmful because they are made up of small and highly soluble organic particles that can not be completely removed during the water treatment process, ultimately ending up in our drinking water.


Early local healers separated those herbs that were harmful or ineffective from those that provided benefits, and the latter emerged as the medicines of that era.


Our positive, progressive approach to helping you manage your dog’s behavior makes harsh corrections and harmful training equipment obsolete.


A host of special molecules called nuclear RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), when misplaced outside the nucleus, form the harmful clumps seen in several…


But now that we know how harmful lack of socialization is, the study would not be repeated today.


In terms of the stroller’s safety many users agree that the independent canopies, rain covers, and UV protectors keep their babies safe from all harmful weather elements.The braking system stops the stroller right on track and the padded handle bars, suspensions, and duals wheels offer smooth rides.


Online or store-bought products that you know nothing about could prove to be harmful or of poor quality.


However, Trump and DeVos have not acknowledged this history or committed to protect students against harmful unintended consequences as they have championed a plan to funnel public funds into unaccountable private schools through a nationwide voucher system.


Plastic debris is unsightly; it damages fisheries and tourism, kills and injures a wide range of marine life, has the capacity to transport potentially harmful chemicals and invasive species and can represent a threat to human health (Thompson et al. 2009).


Unlike hormone replacement treatments, Estroven is said to be safe and free of harmful side effects.


Corn kernels are generally not toxic or harmful for Fido, and can even be great as a healthy snack.


Likewise, children who enter school behind their peers in these areas tend to remain academically behind and at risk for harmful behavior in adulthood (e.g., dropping out of school, criminal behavior, unemployment).


Competition is great, but this is a disgrace and extremely harmful to the field.


The acetic acid in the vinegar is a good disinfectant, effective against such harmful bugs as E. coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus.


Most synthetic are only half as potent & effective as their natural counterparts, but far from harmful.


Though many spices may be harmful to our dogs, cinnamon is a relatively safe way to add flavor, manganese, and antioxidants to your dog’s food.


These antioxidants help to counteract the harmful impacts of too much cortisol which floods the body with chronic stress.


«As you continue to investigate harmful technology and intellectual property practices, we ask that any remedy carefully consider the impact on consumer prices.


By starting a Body Cleanse Detox you will help your body remove harmful toxins and parasites from your body.If a body cleanse detox is not done at least a couple of times a year you…


That pesky puppy or curious kitten can find lots of ways to get into trouble, and — contrary to popular opinion — pets don’t always intuitively know what can be potentially harmful to eat or drink.


But it’s important for intended mothers be free of stress due to its harmful effects on the body.


There is nothing inherently terrible or harmful about frame strollers used in moderation, but far more often than not they are enablers of the bad stroller habits even great parents make.


It was unknown on September 16 just how quickly the panic would spread and how harmful it would be to the real economy.


Are you saying it is OK to be unloving and taunting if someone’s statement is untrue and possibly harmful to many people?


E-cigarettes contain up to 10 times the level of cancer-causing agents in regular tobacco, Japanese scientists said Thursday, the latest blow to an invention once heralded as less harmful than smoking.


Phoenix life was the first to bring many insights into the life insurance industry like the longevity of women’s lives over men or the harmful effects of tobacco use.


Although, through proper sportsmanship, perspective and education, many of these harmful injuries can be avoided, and the mercy rule, consequently, deserves to be mercifully eliminated.


Definition of Harmful

likely to injure or cause harm

Examples of Harmful in a sentence

Harmful chemicals succeeded in killing the pests but they also contaminated our water system.


Although it doesn’t look very harmful, the small insect has a poisonous sting.


Steps must be taken to stop harmful pollution from hurting our ozone layer.


Sunblock can aid in protecting your skin from harmful rays while you enjoy the beach.


Although he knows smoking is harmful to his body, my father will not quit using dangerous tobacco products.


Other words in the Dangerous category:

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