Use the word happy in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “happy” in a sentence. How to connect “happy” with other words to make correct English sentences.

happy (adj): feeling, showing, or causing pleasure or satisfaction

Use “happy” in a sentence

Not all stories have a happy ending.
He’s rich, but he’s not happy.
Do what make you happy. Be with who make you smile.
I feel happy when I’m with you.
I am happy to hear your voice.
I’m happy to hear that your injuries aren’t serious.
Your letter made me happy.
The mere thought of it is enough to make me happy.

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Use Happy in a sentence. How to use the word Happy in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Happy. Sentence for Happy.

Use Happy in a Sentence - How to use "Happy" in a sentence

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Examples of happy in a sentence

  1. A good self-esteem is a prerequisite for a happy life.
  2. Thiessen has an organized fridge and is one happy mama.
  3. They exercised with the accompaniment of happy music.
  4. He felt absurdly happy.
  5. If you use WordPress or are planning to use it, it’s time to do the happy dance.
  6. At the Copenhagen Zoo, a male lion was so happy to have a horse carcass that he bit the horse’s foot and got completely stuck.
  7. He’s not his usual happy self this morning.
  8. Never underestimate the joy a happy picture can bring to the donors and the people who have worked behind the scenes.
  9. Heck, even couples who’ve been married for a decade or more decide to divorce when they are no longer happy – and it happens.
  10. I do not want horses or diamonds – I am happy in possessing you.
  11. Hello, happy guys, chocolate day for you and your friends.
  12. Each moment of a happy lover’s hour is worth an age of dull and common life.
  13. The pope, initially happy that the four bishops had signed, became angry when he was informed that they had done so with reservations.
  14. The philosophy of this company is that a happy, well-treated employee is a loyal and hard-working contributor to the success of the enterprise.
  15. Valentine’s Day just used to be for your girlfriend or your wife but now everyone’s like ‘Oh, happy valentine’s day!’ I even got a Valentine’s Day card from my grandmother.
  16. The philosophy of this company is that a happy, well-treated employee, is a loyal and hard-working contributor to the success of the enterprise.
  17. To be happy is to love, to be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy, therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness — I hope you’re getting this down.

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  • Use the word Happy in a sentences

Sentence Examples

She is my forever idol…she is my rival whom I can never win against, she is the one who always makes me happy, and she is my mother.

The mother must feel so happy

When Meyerowitz first began photographing in the early 1960s, 5th Avenue was a happy hunting ground for some of the greatest names in contemporary photography.

I’ll be happy to double this if you’d tell Mr Sumal he’s at my regular table, and please ask him to move.

Is everyone happy about him seeing that girl?

He was very happy with it.

I thought you could be happy for me.

I get it… you’re happy.

It just really made me, like, really happy.

You say: «They talk too much for Sunday jump», we’re here to make you happy, give you the good vibes you deserve.

Everybody was happy, enjoying themselves, and jumping and everything, which is good.

Even me, I’m comfortable, but when you see so much poverty, how can you be happy?

So he’ll be pleased with me, and I’ll be happy he’s pleased.

Sometimes I look annoyed, it’s things around me, or things people said. I am a very happy man, very happy.

Nappy with a happy face, I am by your side

I can imagine what it must be like This perfect, happy place

The streets are clean, the people are happy

Look, let’s just be happy that Elder Cunningham has the people interested.

Elder Cunningham, I just wanted to say, we are very happy Heavenly Father brought you here.

I have never seen the people here so happy.

And I’m so happy you’re about to be my first!

I thought they were unreachable but then they were happy, and hopeful,

A happy ending on a platter day

I’m happy your dream’s come true, but this baby’s going to come out and when it comes out and I need you to be there.

I made a promise to keep my constituents happy.

All this should be making you happy, but you seem miserable.

I’ll show him who’s fucking happy.

A way to be happy, Richard!

Showing men my dirty pillows makes them happy.

And they were only too happy to put the last nail in the coffin of your pathetic dream.

Now you want to deprive yourself of the one thing that makes you happy?

You and Lulu seem very happy.

Look. I’m not happy about this either, and I know you two are going through some sort of weird time right now, but she needs us.

I remember that day… happy times.

But, it still makes me so happy to know that you believe me.

I hope that you’ll be very happy.

‘Congratulations’ and ‘Be happy‘?

I don’t like seeing you being happy with someone as successful as President Joo.

Because things need to get better for you, and you have to become safe and happy.

Because I was leaving so that I could be safe and happy.

I don’t want to see others having a happy ending.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Happy | Happy Sentence

  • We are a very happy family.
  • I was only too happy to retire.
  • I feel quite happy now.
  • I was too purely happy in her society.
  • Likely to be attended with a happy issue!
  • He would be perfectly happy as a don.
  • Everything is pleasant and happy in dreams.
  • He was never happy unless he was fighting.
  • O hundred shores of happy climes!
  • I thought my house so still, so happy after it.
  • Pep started off, whistling like some happy lark.
  • We ought to be most gloriously happy to find ourselves here.
  • They strive to reconcile them, and are happy when they succeed.
  • Any man would be proud of being an agent of this happy reunion.
  • Oh! if she knew how much good she had done, how happy she would be!
  • I cannot tell you how happy I was at this sudden change in my situation.
  • Finally Pep came into view briskly, happy faced and excited.
  • Oh, how happy I am, and how hard I’ll try to study.
  • The crowd was put in rare good humor by Frank’s happy thought.

How To Use Happy In A Sentence?

  • The landlord was happy that the poor dear man had paid his reckoning before he went.
  • I had never been so proud and happy before, and have seldom been so proud and happy since.
  • They seemed a happy couple; more like the rest of the world than we had been led to suppose.
  • Miss Pat is worth looking at any time and folks like to see a real happy person once in a while.
  • And Jessie spoke with the happy little laugh that we had not heard for a long, long time.
  • He would be perfectly happy as a don; he could read up the German critics and expound Sophocles.
  • Therefore I was quite as happy in my guilt as I could have been if I had been innocent.
  • My first thought was poor Curzon; my second, happy and trice fortunate Harry Lorrequer.
  • Hubert had positively nothing to say to her; but she seemed quite happy as long as she was with him.
  • He looked as he spoke so divinely happy that it is so the angels must appear in their everlasting spring.
  • Elinor, you’ve made me tremendously happy by sticking to the point like you did.
  • The happy years we spent there were marked by no wonderful occurrences, and were not enlivened by any particular gaiety.
  • I could not forget this glimpse of a beautiful and a happy world; a world so suited to my natural character.
  • You could break his heart with a word of disapproval; you could make him as happy as an angel with a word of approval.
  • Altogether it was a great success as a celebration and a happy augury of the future into which it ushered the expectant Patricia.
  • The conversation fell; but the sweet meadow seemed to induce confidences, and they were so happy in their youth and the sorcery of the sunshine.
  • The joyful, loving pair, happy beyond all expression, were then left alone with their joy and happiness.
  • He does not cause, he does not tolerate sin, on account of its happy effects, or on account of the uses to which it may be turned.
  • Would not such an appointment, we ask, have been more likely to have been attended with a happy issue than that for which Edwards contends?
  • I hope so, because I should like her to be made happy by remembering we have both got through her what we wanted more than anything in the world.
  • Patricia came out from that interview so bewildered yet so happy that she forgot completely about questioning the teacher as to Rosamond Merton.

Definition of Happy

Having a feeling arising from a consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, such as comfort, peace, or tranquillity; blissful, contented, joyous. | Experiencing the effect of favourable fortune; favored by fortune or luck; fortunate, lucky, propitious. | Content, satisfied (with or to do something); having no objection (to something).

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On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Happy in a sentence

Happy sentence

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Happy used in a sentence

Happy make sentence

make sentence with Happy

make sentence of Happy

Happy sentence in english

Definition of Happy

feeling or showing pleasure, joy, or contentment

Examples of Happy in a sentence

At their beautiful wedding, the happy couple smiled from ear to ear.


Happy that it was his birthday, the excited boy jumped up from bed and gave his mom a hug.


The happy man leapt for joy when he found out he had won the lottery.


Skipping merrily down the hill, Jill was happy to spend the day picking berries.


The delighted winners of the race were happy to accept their 1st place prize.


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