Use the word hanging in a sentence

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Easily recognizable then flying or hanging.

Легко узнаваемый, а затем полет или повешение.

The law provides for execution by hanging.

Согласно закону, смертные приговоры приводятся в исполнение через повешение.

Brigade ambulance went to call upon hanging of the young men.

Бригада «скорой помощи» выехала на вызов по факту повешения молодого человека.

The sentence: 100 lashes and death by hanging.

Решение суда: 100 ударов плетьми и смертная казнь через повешение.

He was executed in 1962 by hanging.

В 1962 он был приговорен к казни через повешение.

The punishment for such a crime was hanging.

Депутат напомнил, что наказанием за такого рода преступления было повешение.

People kill themselves by hanging or drowning.

В основном, люди уходят из жизни путем повешения или утопления.

Usually people do it by hanging or overdose.

Как правило, люди делают это через повешение или передозировку.

Needle committed suicide by hanging in 1998.

Дженнифер (Jennifer) покончила с собой через повешение в 2003-м.

He has some colorful toys hanging above his crib.

Он следит за яркими игрушками, которые висят над его кроваткой.

Four of them received the maximum penalty: hanging.

Четыре его участника были приговорены к наивысшей мере наказания — повешению.

He recalled hanging on every pitch.

Он, грубо говоря, «волочится за каждой юбкой».

Other monkeys see him hanging there and stay away from the bananas.

Другие обезьяны видят, как она висит там, и держатся подальше от бананов.

Because hanging there are paintings I more or less know.

Потому что там висят картины, которые я более или менее знаю.

Public hanging also appears to be on the increase.

They’d have dead branches still hanging on.

Они должны были бы иметь мертвые ветви, что до сих пор висят на них.

Because this morning I left you hanging.

Тебе, наверное, было неловко, когда я сбежала от тебя утром.

There should be nothing hanging between us.

И у нас не должно быть друг от друга никаких тайн.

Everybody wants me, but not for hanging.

Всем я нужен, но не для того, чтобы меня повесить.

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Asked by: Ms. Elisabeth Rowe II

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(34 votes)

Hanging sentence example

  1. It was always hanging on our wall. …
  2. No wonder he keeps hanging around. …
  3. «He’s a mess,» she said to me after hanging up the phone. …
  4. Jared exclaimed, hanging his hands through the bars in his cell. …
  5. As in, there are the two of you being lovey-dovey and happy, and me hanging out by the bushes.

What does hanging on my sentences mean?

Listen very attentively to someone. For example, You don’t need to hang on his words—just remember the gist of it. It is also put as hang on to every word, as in Whenever Mother read their favorite book to them, the children hung on to every word.

Can I hang a picture with just a nail?

For most prints and most walls, standard nails or picture hanging hooks work just fine. Many experts recommend using anchors when putting any print on drywall with no stud, but honestly, I’ve hung tons of pictures with just nails, and I’ve never had an issue.

Can you hang a heavy mirror with Command Strips?

Command strips can be used to mount mirrors on a wide range of surfaces, including drywall, metal, stained wood, cinder block, and plaster surfaces. … Command strips also work great for hanging full length mirrors on a door where the use of screws is out of the question.

What does hanging on every word?

: to listen very carefully or closely to (someone) The children hung on the teacher’s every word.

29 related questions found

What are hanging words?

In word processing, a paragraph that has all lines but the first indented. A hanging indent is also known as a hanging paragraph. With many word processors, you can create hanging indents by specifying a negative indentation for the first line of each paragraph.

What does I’m hanging in there mean?

Definition of ‘hang in there/hang on in there’

If you tell someone to hang in there or to hang on in there, you are encouraging them to keep trying to do something and not to give up even though it might be difficult. [informal] Hang in there and you never know what is achievable.

Why do people say hanging in there?

Origin of Hang in There

This expression is slang, and people use it as a way to encourage someone going through a tough time. This expression become popular in the 1970s due to a popular poster that bore the phrase. The poster featured a Siamese cat hanging onto a bamboo pole, looking determined to stay stuck on there.

What to say when someone says hanging in there?

«Have a good day.» might suffice. I might venture, «I hope things go better today!»

What can I say instead of hang in there?

hang in there

  • carry on,
  • persevere,
  • persist.

What is a hanging paragraph?

A paragraph in which the first line is set to the left margin, but all subsequent lines are indented. This is a hanging paragraph. The second and subsequent lines are all indented from the left like this paragraph.

What is a dangling modifier in English?

A dangling modifier is a phrase or clause that is not clearly and logically related to the word or words it modifies (i.e. is placed next to). Two notes about dangling modifiers: Unlike a misplaced modifier, a dangling modifier cannot be corrected by simply moving it to a different place in a sentence.

What does hanging indent look like?

What does a hanging indent look like? The first line of your reference citation will line up with the left margin and each line after will be indented one-half inch from the left margin. It basically is opposite of a normal paragraph where you indent the first line.

Is it rude to say hang on?

That is not rude, while the «hang on» that interrupts someone else usually is. I still wouldn’t use «hang on» professionally. Better would be «One moment», «One second», «Excuse me», or even «Just a sec.».

What does hanging breathlessly on your words mean?

hang on (one’s) words

To listen very closely, intently, or with obsequious attention to what one is saying.

What are the two types of modifiers?

There are two types of modifiers: adjectives and adverbs. verb (see predicate adjectives, from parts of speech lesson).

How do you identify a modifier?

A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that provides description.

  1. Always place modifiers as close as possible to the words they modify. …
  2. A modifier at the beginning of the sentence must modify the subject of the sentence. …
  3. Your modifier must modify a word or phrase that is included in your sentence.

What is a dangling modifier give examples?

A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. A modifier describes, clarifies, or gives more detail about a concept. Having finished the assignment, Jill turned on the TV. «Having finished» states an action but does not name the doer of that action.

What does hang line mean?

[′haŋ‚līn] (petroleum engineering) A single length of wire rope attached to the crown block at the top of a derrick for suspending the traveling block when it is not being used. Also known as hang-off line.

How do do a hanging indent in Word?

Open the document, select the paragraph you want to format as a hanging indent, then go to the Home tab. In the Paragraph group, select the dialog box launcher. In the Paragraph dialog box, select the Indents and Spacing tab. In the Indentation section, select the Special drop-down arrow and choose Hanging.

How do you insert a paragraph?

You can also insert a paragraph mark as a special character into the text of your document. Click the «Insert» tab, the «Symbol» button in the Symbols group and then «More Symbols…» Click on the «Special Characters» tab, select «Paragraph» under Character, click «Insert» and then «Close.»

How do you tell someone to hang in there?

These phrases are ways to tell someone to keep trying:

  1. Hang in there.
  2. Don’t give up.
  3. Keep pushing.
  4. Keep fighting!
  5. Stay strong.
  6. Never give up.
  7. Never say ‘die’.
  8. Come on! You can do it!.

What does gut it out mean?

Show pluck and perseverance in the face of opposition or adversity. For example, I know it’s hard but we’ll just have to gut it out, or His boss has a terrible temper, but Joe is determined to tough it out.

What does sticking it out mean?

stick it/something out. ​(informal) to continue doing something to the end, even when it is difficult or boring.

Your parents wanted to know who you were hanging out with

If your parents noticed you were hanging out with kids that maybe didn’t have the same values your

He ran and grabbed for the horn hanging off the wall of the guard station and blew

Or he’d check up on her because he found out she was hanging out with some guys he didn’t like

One was just clothes, some hanging up and some folded neatly in their little cubbyholes

Hanging out on the Hot Hood of a Honda while High

Ackers slowly turned around to see a paper delivery boy standing on the porch with his mouth hanging open in surprise

The earpieces of the glasses had tiny in-ears hanging from them, she got them positioned so she could hear and requested a voice channel to her clone sister in heaven

The Rockasaur had wheels on it eight feet in diameter at this time, with a convertible frame slung low to the ground between them, hanging from a great backbone arching above

’ I replied, hanging the towel over the radiator to dry

The wallpaper is hanging off in one corner, though closer inspection merely shows this to be old age, and not anything more sinister like rising damp or dry rot

The rest of the details are in my wallet, also in the jacket hanging

It would have taken a lot longer without the adjustable lift pulleys he had hanging in his shop

‘Damn you! Leave me alone!’ I cried, hanging up with a crash as the handset hits the base unit

John pauses, touches some of the big Christmas lights hanging from the building, looks about before entering

It takes some doing to keep them apart, but John manages by hanging onto their collars and spreading his arms wide

recognised Daddy from the cloud of pipe smoke hanging around his forehead

room he thought he could still make out the wardrobe on the far wall, and hanging

Everywhere, sprouting out of the walls and hanging

being suitable, but there was a sign, faded and hanging at an angle because one of the

An INTERROGATOR paces back and forth in front of them in the dark room, illuminated by a dim naked bulb in a socket hanging from a wire from the ceiling

and the flying remains of bloody pelts, and hanging from the rear-view mirror was a

He was wearing a wife-beater vest with Flash Harry pin-stripe pants and city trader suspenders hanging down from his waist

At that time hanging around the beach Final appears among

After seeing Stephen with Barney, I had had lots of thoughts about the question of whether Stephen would want a family … been hanging around Dan for too many years, I suppose

Rising, Stephen goes over to the window, drawing back the gauzes hanging there

Under the bare, low-wattage bulb hanging from the ceiling in the outer corridor, I had glimpsed a narrow passage running away from me as I knelt at the foot of the ladder

You didn’t see him hanging around anyone, did you?’

«Holy moly!» Jaseem said as he burst thru the lab door, hanging on it

When it did he found himself hanging by his feet again, almost like he had been reloaded from where this entrapment began

As though in confirmation of his words, he makes a point of hanging around at the end of the session to clear the chairs for me – for which I am grateful

He stood in front of me, arms hanging loosely by his side, smiling warmly

On the way out of the room he glanced at the remote process that watched over the few signals still coming down from the dusty old starship hanging up there in front of the inner moon

The world seemed to swing from the blackest depths to the sunniest heights, and all I seemed capable of doing was grimly hanging on to the elastic chord between these two poles

Nothing caught his eye as being suitable, but there was a sign, faded and hanging at an angle because one of the cable ties holding it to a chain link fence had snapped

next to a quiver full of arrows hanging on the wall under the heads of many

The sun was hanging low in the sky above the gently rolling surface of the sea, casting deep shadows on the grass

Angie picked one up and started browsing through it while Kara looked with interest at the pictures hanging on the walls

She moved her bag from where it was hanging loosely on one shoulder and passed the strap over her head so that the bag hung across her chest down to one hip

rickshaw as one of the boys hung down his back hanging

all loved and dirt and hanging thread mouth

and traced it’s wrinkled course towards his hanging jowls

were hanging on the radiators

As she turned the corner into her street, she could see the crescent of the new moon hanging enticingly, draped with wisps of cloud

The height of a man, hanging

The balloons were blown and hanging from the ceiling and on the

I turn to see a lanky teenager standing near me, his dark hair hanging loose round his face

“Look above you, they are hanging with the other utensils,” she was pointing above the stove

He picks his way carefully along the deck by the light of the stones now hanging on the rail

hanging in the air like her breath,

and all the while, hanging

hanging heavy on a gold linked chain,

‘No!’ I cried, hanging onto him to stop him going into the sea after Joris

There were noteboards with full clips hanging on the walls and a few framed photographs beneath them

hanging duty and respect on gently vibrating airwaves

Flowers in baskets hanging from the roof,

My hair hanging wet round my shoulders, I sit trying to formulate my thoughts into a vow

«Desa is the one with the big brown curls isn’t she, that one who’s been hanging out with Byia?»

when her rags and hanging mules assume the dull

‘Pity about the shower head hanging off the wall

He took down a large bag of oranges and lemons hanging from a nail and began slicing and juicing some into a big jug already filled with ice and limes

She had seen them hanging around the car boot sale all morning but thought nothing much about their presence other than that they exuded the normally confused menace of seventeen year old boys

A frail string of lights hanging in the darkness — and such dense darkness there would be without the tender sparks

Hanging is too good for them

She was the queen of the chicken run with a bevy of hens and cocks clucking around her, hanging on her every insight and word

’ I replied, shaking my mantel and hanging it on a nail I’ve found on the wall

He noticed her hanging around Thom a lot lately

There, you could count on at least some new arrivals hanging round, whatever time you chose to turn up

His army jacket, where he always kept the magic mobile phone, was still hanging in his hotel suite wardrobe, which meant that he was feeling very sorry for himself

There was a brand new gallows standing there and the steadily growing crowd seemed very excited because there had not been a hanging in the City for years and years and years

» She was walking into the house, she didn’t need a bag of clothes, they were probably already hanging in the closet

Margaret was soon awash in orders for other scenes with the dragons’ likenesses and it became the rage to have one of her quilts hanging on the walls of their caves

That meant there were extra veron cycles hanging around and he knew how nature abhorred a vacuum

We were almost two miles off shore when we cut the engines and made ready to fish, testing the twine with gentle tugs and hanging the blinding light over the side to attract the squid

Instead of thick green leaves hanging from its branches, the ancient oak was covered in the large, round twig balls that made up a great city of rooks

There were several chairs and sofas about the room, and large tapestries hanging on the walls

Duncan closed his journal and leaned back, staring at the large Tapestry hanging above the fireplace

Considering their culture, to be hanging here in a place of honor meant it was very important

The moon is full and looks enormous hanging in the sky

I’m hanging on here on solar and battery only

Lucy wept and wept throughout the ordeal, hanging onto her mother’s arm with feral strength as they dragged Alan’s torso out into the garden and rolled it into the pit that had been dug for the patio

Sam is walking along with her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth – it must be hot in a fur coat

road were a Swiss army knife hanging from his belt and a tube of

plate, and judging by the array of padlocks hanging from various

anger and fear that I was hanging on to, we were

Karen untied the scarf that was still hanging around

There were wires and cooling ducts hanging from the ceiling; a lot of steam was being vented into the room off to his left

She looks through the items hanging in my wardrobe and then selects a brown dress

He sort of jumped in and offered to help with the legal side of the earthquake thing and has been hanging around generally helping

She looked at other left hands and saw most people had bracelets with elliptical bangles hanging from them, on which there were tiny stylized carvings

She had the most elaborate bangle hanging from her left wrist, which also bore a thick bracelet with stylized bull’s horns that went up her right forearm

hanging in his hotel suite wardrobe, which meant that he was

because there had not been a hanging in the City for years and

He was hanging

Bunty was very alone, that Stevenson chap came round sometimes but he’d not long been married and his wife didn’t like him hanging round Bunty

“This time I’m not,” Yellelle and began worming her way backwards thru the window til she was hanging from the windowsill

He reached over his dresser and pulled out a knife from the scabbard on his belt hanging nearby and slowly approached the bed

hanging from its branches, the ancient oak was covered in the

We’ve been working together for well over a year but he never gave me the faintest idea that he was interested in me … I suppose he has been hanging around a little … and we have been out for a drink after work several times

Who was Margaret Sullavan? Information on American stage and film actress Margaret Sullavan biography, life story, film and her cinema career.

Margaret Sullavan (American Stage and Film Actress)

Source :

Margaret Sullavan (1911-1960), American stage and film actress, known for her husky voice and the candor of her acting style. She was born in Norfolk, Va., on May 16, 1911. She attended Sullins College in Bristol, Va., gained stage experience with a summer theater group at Falmouth, Mass., and made her Broadway debut in A Modern Virgin (1931).

Miss Sullavan first won wide acclaim for her performance in Dinner at Eight in 1933. Other stage successes included Stage Door (1936); The Voice of the Tıırtle (1943), probably her greatest triumph, The Deep Blue Sea (1952); and Sabrina Fair (1953). She made numerous motion pictures, beginning with Only Yesterday (1933) and ending with No Sad Songs for Me (1950), and appeared frequently on television.

A mercurial woman, highly regarded by her fellow actors, Miss Sullavan was known almost as well for her marriages as for her stage performances. She married the actor Henry Fonda in 1930. Later she eloped with William Wyler, who was directing her in the film The Good Fairy (1935). In 1936 she married her agent, Leland Hayward, and in 1950, the industrialist Kenneth A. Wagg. She was appearing in a pre-Broadway tryout of Sweet Love Remember’ d at the time of her death, from an overdose of barbiturates, in New Haven, Conn., in Jan. 1, 1960.

Post Views: 31

1. They hooded him before hanging him.

2. He got sick of hanging around waiting for me.

3. The pendant was hanging by a thin gold chain.

4. She snipped at the loose threads hanging down.

5. He faced execution by hanging for murder.Sentencedict

6. There were several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe.

7. A bunch of kids were hanging around outside.

8. A light is hanging from the ceiling.

9. The key is hanging on a string by the door.

10. There were some loose wires hanging out of the wall.

11. I spent most of my youth hanging around the bars of Dublin.

12. Since he lost his job(, he’s been hanging around here.

13. Since he lost his job, he’s been hanging about here.

14. There are many old photos hanging up in the room.

15. He pulled at the rope hanging from above to see if it was safe for the climb.

16. Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.

17. The key was hanging on a nail by the door.

18. We passed the desiccated corpse of a brigand hanging on a gibbet.

19. I’m just hanging out.

20. Since he lost his job, he’s been hanging round here.

21. I want to buy the hams hanging on the hooks.

22. The curtains were hanging in folds.

23. There were icicles hanging from the eaves.

24. They were hanging about the car and praising it.

25. At last he was hunted down and killed by hanging.

26. Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.

27. Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so much. Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.

28. The celebration’s is a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year. It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil’s nemesis, Chung Kuei. If one manages to stand an egg on it’s end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one.

29. The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff.

30. do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.

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