Use the word hang in a sentence

Synonym: droop, execute, fasten up, sag, string up, suspend. Similar words: hangout, hangar, change, hang on, hanger, hang out, hang up, changing. Meaning: [hæŋ]  n. 1. a special way of doing something 2. the way a garment hangs 3. a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast’s weight is supported by the arms. v. 1. be suspended or hanging 2. cause to be hanging or suspended 3. kill by hanging 4. let drop or droop 5. fall or flow in a certain way 6. be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive 7. give heed (to) 8. be suspended or poised 9. hold on tightly or tenaciously 10. be exhibited 11. prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury 12. decorate or furnish with something suspended 13. be placed in position as by a hinge 14. place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction 15. suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste. 

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1. The sweetest grapes hang the highest. 

2. Hang up one’s hat in another’s house. 

3. Hang up one’s fiddle when one comes home. 

4. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 

5. Never hang a man twice for one offenece. 

6. Give a thief rope enough and he will hang himself. 

7. Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself. 

8. Give a fool rope enough and he will hang himself. 

9. Hang your towel on a hook.

10. Hang off the rope, let’s start our boat.

11. Hang in there,( will be fine.

12. Please hang up the phone.

13. Hang your hat on the hook.

14. Signs with three balls hang outside pawnbrokers’ shops.

15. Hang your coat up on the hook.

16. Hang your towel on that hook.

17. We hang the walls with wallpaper once a year.

18. You still hang out at the pool hall?

19. hang on to your dreams.

20. Can you hang these in the wardrobe, please?

21. He has not a peg to hang on.

22. We must hang together, or we’ll be hanged separately.

23. Hang your jacket up by the tap.

24. Icicles hang from tree braches in winter.

25. Bored youths hang around outside looking for trouble.

26. Hang your overcoat on the peg in the hall.

27. Their accounts of what happened don’t hang together.

28. Hang on! I’ll be back in two shakes!

29. Save a thief from gallows and he will help hang you. 

30. Give a fool enough rope [rope enough] and he will hang himself. 

More similar words: hangout, hangar, change, hang on, hanger, hang out, hang up, changing, hang over, exchange, hang fire, hang about, hangover, changeable, changeless, interchange, in exchange for, exchangeable, exchange rate, unchangeable, climate change, hang in the balance, interchangeable, interchangeable parts, hand in hand, sang, yang, tang, gang, hand. 

Examples of how to use the word “hang” in a sentence. How to connect “hang” with other words to make correct English sentences.

hang (v): to fasten or support something at the top leaving the other parts free to move, or to be held in this way

Use “hang” in a sentence

I helped her hang the picture on the wall.
Hang up your coat, please.
Would you like to hang out with us?
Please hang your hat on the hook.
Hang your hat on the hook.

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frame and hang them behind the microwave or on a close wall

parents were trying to instill in you, then your parents probably didn’t want you to hang out with those people any more

Are they the type of people that are going to hang on to your leg while you’re climbing toward the

“You’ll probably need to hang your head out,” I frown

M’t:22:40: On these two commandments hang all the law

Fifty eight miles was too far to hang out, more than an all-day journey by coach and lakerunner

What good movies has he watched lately? What is his favorite class at school? Did his team win the game last weekend? What friends does he hang out with the most? Do not criticize his friends, habits, or favorites

I just like to hang out, watch movies, and surf the internet

’ I let it hang

‘But … the bitch! The complete bloody bitch!’ I ranted at him, turning too quickly and having to hang onto the back of a chair as my balance goes

You hang around with Dale too much

‘But Liz …’ he was saying as I hang up

‘I’d like to believe that you are not, Mrs Wynell, but, all the same, I would be happier if …’ he lets the sentence hang, then changes direction suddenly

‘What sort of idea?’ he called back, amusement audible in his voice – cheeky so-and-so! ‘Oh, hang on, I’ve nearly finished

‘You wouldn’t mind her being here, Mum?’ he asked, fingering the grotty curtains which still hang at the windows, then wiping his hands on his jeans

On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets

hang about once I made the call

’ He let the question hang

I pass on this message and then have to hang on while my daughter goes off to grab her diary

Silence was the first form, the first shape upon which Smith could hang an

simple fact that Smith could hang thoughts from this shape inevitably lead Him to

Silence has a shape and upon that shape hang thoughts, and thoughts ripple,

‘They don’t hang the insane, Tonya

Again she paused, apportioning to McManus the length of rope he needed to hang himself

He weighed in at just over nine pounds in the old money … I haven’t got the hang of all these kilos and things, I’m afraid

Do not tell me you came to hang this

‘When we last talked about it, things were different … they’ve changed now …’ he lets the sentence hang, almost nervously

We are using the large room behind the stage area for changing … men on the left and women on the right with a row of mobile clothing racks down the middle, where we each have our personal designated areas to hang our costumes, giving some sort of modesty division, though to be honest, who the hell wants to gawp? As the play takes place in the present day, the clothes are not really costumes anyway, but, all the same, my character has certain things she has to wear – some my own and some provided by wardrobe

When I explained to the telephone operator what I wanted, she just hang up to me! Nevertheless, whenever old-Zarifis calls them for the same reason, the police arrive here in no time so as to restore peace and quiet! When my sister threw a party some months ago, the old man called the police as soon as the clock struck midnight and they arrived five minutes later

And I hang up as the tears start falling

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets”

‘You can’t hang around just because your grandmother says you should!’ I exclaimed trying to lighten the atmosphere

‘Then hang onto that thought

I stare into her eyes and hang on every moment

You should not have the classic hang dog expression, or the “butter-will-not-melt-in-my-mouth expression”

It was, we felt, as good a place as any upon which to hang our captive hats

Actually I know you guys much better than him because you aren’t afraid to hang out and chat

Smith had what we might recognise as thoughts, but He had no shapes upon which to hang them

Silence was the first form, the first shape upon which Smith could hang an idea, and He marvelled at the universe that crept into view with the naming of this first idea

Universal silence had a shape and the simple fact that Smith could hang thoughts from this shape inevitably lead Him to choose particular ways of thinking

Perhaps JJ would want her around as a sort of honorary aunt … or would that be too weird? As if she were clinging to a facsimile of the man she loved? No, maybe it would be best not to hang around … for the first time she felt the rootlessness of her existence

Deciding that it would be sensible to get there and then get herself a cup of tea rather than hang around in town … there had to be a café in the station, didn’t there? And she’d picked a book off Iain’s bookshelves before leaving

where the trees hang

where trees hang like these

“So if you were Catwhiskers” Fred let the question hang in the air

They hang, dry as dust,

Leaping beyond the crown, beyond the crabby hang of apples

Wing collars, cotton caps and studied poses hang still,

Then he remembered her kneeling down beside him, holding his hand, telling him to hang on, and soothing him with her concern

He let the words hang in the air

Staircases fall to pieces, gangways hang in the wind,

for the bright bell heads that hang from foxgloves

where cobwebs hang with dew in the corners

hang with dew in the corners of windows?

within which my bones and organs hang,

forgetting that they hang on a chain around our necks

that similar keys hang around the necks of others

and the hang dog lazy

You hang on here, I’ll go and ask him

We’d love to have you hang out til the jug is gone, but I think when this is gone we’ll all be gone

‘Not at all – hang on with your knees and give her her head

My baggage … now there’s a term! It consists of what I can cram into the two satchel-like bags which will hang over Sefir’s shoulders

‘All the same …’ he let the sentence hang

The soldier was tried, convicted and sentenced to hang by the neck the very next day

‘Hey! Hang on there

There was a look of madness in every elected representative’s eyes, and the reporters in the gallery, having assumed they were in some way mentally sub-normal, were ready to hang on every word that the great politician might say

If he was to guess, he figured that she would go into a hang on every time slice because there was so much security preventing any signals from coming back thru Thom’s instruments to anything, including that veron store

He had hopes he could get her out of this hang in time to attend the Monday morning officers meeting

I carry the shopping into the kitchen to put it all away … the washing machine has finished … must hang the washing out

Maybe she’s singing tonight … I hang on a minute to see if she’s dressed up – Jo has some absolutely lovely evening dresses

Where are they going to hang out?’

Hang on, I’ve forgotten my diary

‘I think you’re wise to hang on to it

The car is slow starting this morning … is there something wrong with it? Oh I do hope not … what’s that rattling noise? Was it there yesterday? I take a deep breath … Simon — I am not on my own; I hang on to that thought

… oh, hang on I’ll ask her

He suggests a couple of items which I add to my list then offers to hang up the washing

‘Yes, isn’t that …’ she let it hang

screamed at stars even though they liked to hang around them

‘Hey guys can you hang on, I need to make a call

They’re beginning to get the hang of it now

As soon as you think you have the hang of it, you are

Carefully, I carry it into the spare room and hang it in the cupboard in there

‘Sally, if you so much as dare to order the cheapest items on the menu …’ He lets the sentence hang

‘Anna, you hang on here – I won’t be a moment

Don’t feel you have to hang around – it’s mostly done now

‘ Bill commented as I hang my coat up on the hooks in our office

convicted and sentenced to hang by the neck the very next day

Hang on, I’ll dig out her telephone number for you

I scribble down the number she gives me and, after chatting a little more, hang up

she mentions the doctor several times … is Clarissa causing trouble again? Hang on a moment, just look at those entries again

There was no spare sail to hang across the stern

what’s that all about? Hang on, what happens if I add together those six figures

what else could he have done? Hang on a minute

Flattering myself that I have achieved this, I go into the office, hang my coat up and sit down at my desk

I thought I’d hang around the artistic quarter looking interesting and see if anyone bites

Once we have got over our initial enthusiasm at seeing each other, Dave takes my bag upstairs and dumps it in the bedroom while I take my coat off and hang it on a hook in the hallway

“You want to hang out here and evaluate,” I asked

Your parents wanted to know who you were hanging out with

If your parents noticed you were hanging out with kids that maybe didn’t have the same values your

He ran and grabbed for the horn hanging off the wall of the guard station and blew

Or he’d check up on her because he found out she was hanging out with some guys he didn’t like

One was just clothes, some hanging up and some folded neatly in their little cubbyholes

Hanging out on the Hot Hood of a Honda while High

Ackers slowly turned around to see a paper delivery boy standing on the porch with his mouth hanging open in surprise

The earpieces of the glasses had tiny in-ears hanging from them, she got them positioned so she could hear and requested a voice channel to her clone sister in heaven

The Rockasaur had wheels on it eight feet in diameter at this time, with a convertible frame slung low to the ground between them, hanging from a great backbone arching above

’ I replied, hanging the towel over the radiator to dry

The wallpaper is hanging off in one corner, though closer inspection merely shows this to be old age, and not anything more sinister like rising damp or dry rot

The rest of the details are in my wallet, also in the jacket hanging

It would have taken a lot longer without the adjustable lift pulleys he had hanging in his shop

‘Damn you! Leave me alone!’ I cried, hanging up with a crash as the handset hits the base unit

John pauses, touches some of the big Christmas lights hanging from the building, looks about before entering

It takes some doing to keep them apart, but John manages by hanging onto their collars and spreading his arms wide

recognised Daddy from the cloud of pipe smoke hanging around his forehead

room he thought he could still make out the wardrobe on the far wall, and hanging

Everywhere, sprouting out of the walls and hanging

being suitable, but there was a sign, faded and hanging at an angle because one of the

An INTERROGATOR paces back and forth in front of them in the dark room, illuminated by a dim naked bulb in a socket hanging from a wire from the ceiling

and the flying remains of bloody pelts, and hanging from the rear-view mirror was a

He was wearing a wife-beater vest with Flash Harry pin-stripe pants and city trader suspenders hanging down from his waist

At that time hanging around the beach Final appears among

After seeing Stephen with Barney, I had had lots of thoughts about the question of whether Stephen would want a family … been hanging around Dan for too many years, I suppose

Rising, Stephen goes over to the window, drawing back the gauzes hanging there

Under the bare, low-wattage bulb hanging from the ceiling in the outer corridor, I had glimpsed a narrow passage running away from me as I knelt at the foot of the ladder

You didn’t see him hanging around anyone, did you?’

«Holy moly!» Jaseem said as he burst thru the lab door, hanging on it

When it did he found himself hanging by his feet again, almost like he had been reloaded from where this entrapment began

As though in confirmation of his words, he makes a point of hanging around at the end of the session to clear the chairs for me – for which I am grateful

He stood in front of me, arms hanging loosely by his side, smiling warmly

On the way out of the room he glanced at the remote process that watched over the few signals still coming down from the dusty old starship hanging up there in front of the inner moon

The world seemed to swing from the blackest depths to the sunniest heights, and all I seemed capable of doing was grimly hanging on to the elastic chord between these two poles

Nothing caught his eye as being suitable, but there was a sign, faded and hanging at an angle because one of the cable ties holding it to a chain link fence had snapped

next to a quiver full of arrows hanging on the wall under the heads of many

The sun was hanging low in the sky above the gently rolling surface of the sea, casting deep shadows on the grass

Angie picked one up and started browsing through it while Kara looked with interest at the pictures hanging on the walls

She moved her bag from where it was hanging loosely on one shoulder and passed the strap over her head so that the bag hung across her chest down to one hip

rickshaw as one of the boys hung down his back hanging

all loved and dirt and hanging thread mouth

and traced it’s wrinkled course towards his hanging jowls

were hanging on the radiators

As she turned the corner into her street, she could see the crescent of the new moon hanging enticingly, draped with wisps of cloud

The height of a man, hanging

The balloons were blown and hanging from the ceiling and on the

I turn to see a lanky teenager standing near me, his dark hair hanging loose round his face

“Look above you, they are hanging with the other utensils,” she was pointing above the stove

He picks his way carefully along the deck by the light of the stones now hanging on the rail

hanging in the air like her breath,

and all the while, hanging

hanging heavy on a gold linked chain,

‘No!’ I cried, hanging onto him to stop him going into the sea after Joris

There were noteboards with full clips hanging on the walls and a few framed photographs beneath them

hanging duty and respect on gently vibrating airwaves

Flowers in baskets hanging from the roof,

My hair hanging wet round my shoulders, I sit trying to formulate my thoughts into a vow

«Desa is the one with the big brown curls isn’t she, that one who’s been hanging out with Byia?»

when her rags and hanging mules assume the dull

‘Pity about the shower head hanging off the wall

He took down a large bag of oranges and lemons hanging from a nail and began slicing and juicing some into a big jug already filled with ice and limes

She had seen them hanging around the car boot sale all morning but thought nothing much about their presence other than that they exuded the normally confused menace of seventeen year old boys

A frail string of lights hanging in the darkness — and such dense darkness there would be without the tender sparks

Hanging is too good for them

She was the queen of the chicken run with a bevy of hens and cocks clucking around her, hanging on her every insight and word

’ I replied, shaking my mantel and hanging it on a nail I’ve found on the wall

He noticed her hanging around Thom a lot lately

There, you could count on at least some new arrivals hanging round, whatever time you chose to turn up

His army jacket, where he always kept the magic mobile phone, was still hanging in his hotel suite wardrobe, which meant that he was feeling very sorry for himself

There was a brand new gallows standing there and the steadily growing crowd seemed very excited because there had not been a hanging in the City for years and years and years

» She was walking into the house, she didn’t need a bag of clothes, they were probably already hanging in the closet

Margaret was soon awash in orders for other scenes with the dragons’ likenesses and it became the rage to have one of her quilts hanging on the walls of their caves

That meant there were extra veron cycles hanging around and he knew how nature abhorred a vacuum

We were almost two miles off shore when we cut the engines and made ready to fish, testing the twine with gentle tugs and hanging the blinding light over the side to attract the squid

Instead of thick green leaves hanging from its branches, the ancient oak was covered in the large, round twig balls that made up a great city of rooks

There were several chairs and sofas about the room, and large tapestries hanging on the walls

Duncan closed his journal and leaned back, staring at the large Tapestry hanging above the fireplace

Considering their culture, to be hanging here in a place of honor meant it was very important

The moon is full and looks enormous hanging in the sky

I’m hanging on here on solar and battery only

Lucy wept and wept throughout the ordeal, hanging onto her mother’s arm with feral strength as they dragged Alan’s torso out into the garden and rolled it into the pit that had been dug for the patio

Sam is walking along with her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth – it must be hot in a fur coat

road were a Swiss army knife hanging from his belt and a tube of

plate, and judging by the array of padlocks hanging from various

anger and fear that I was hanging on to, we were

Karen untied the scarf that was still hanging around

There were wires and cooling ducts hanging from the ceiling; a lot of steam was being vented into the room off to his left

She looks through the items hanging in my wardrobe and then selects a brown dress

He sort of jumped in and offered to help with the legal side of the earthquake thing and has been hanging around generally helping

She looked at other left hands and saw most people had bracelets with elliptical bangles hanging from them, on which there were tiny stylized carvings

She had the most elaborate bangle hanging from her left wrist, which also bore a thick bracelet with stylized bull’s horns that went up her right forearm

hanging in his hotel suite wardrobe, which meant that he was

because there had not been a hanging in the City for years and

He was hanging

Bunty was very alone, that Stevenson chap came round sometimes but he’d not long been married and his wife didn’t like him hanging round Bunty

“This time I’m not,” Yellelle and began worming her way backwards thru the window til she was hanging from the windowsill

He reached over his dresser and pulled out a knife from the scabbard on his belt hanging nearby and slowly approached the bed

hanging from its branches, the ancient oak was covered in the

We’ve been working together for well over a year but he never gave me the faintest idea that he was interested in me … I suppose he has been hanging around a little … and we have been out for a drink after work several times

He does a lot of odd jobs around the bar but he mostly just hangs around here to drink

Betty hangs up the phone

Finally he hangs up, tosses his phone on the passenger’s seat, reaches over and turns on the radio

‘I love the way it hangs

The unspoken dread that Stephen might have lost her hangs in the air

They speak with Aphrodite too, and when she hangs up she comes to me with a box of cupcakes in her hands

A cigarette hangs

The day’s end hangs on the hungry shouts of sparkling children

The air hangs with salt, staining feathers and

Plaster hangs on walls, stained red with the rust of long hammered nails,

the big cage that hangs in the courtyard

down where the Lavatera hangs

in the front of which a door hangs ajar

of near horizons when the sky hangs grey and thick

A residue hangs in the air around her,

hangs half way to heaven

A smell of stale smoke hangs on the becalmed,

until its eyes close and breath hangs still

Drens hangs around with us waiting for our kaht

she hangs her trousers, her blouse

when the night hangs low

Papa thinks he just hangs around the village

With a quick ‘thanks’ she hangs the tea towel up and rushes off to join the men

He still hangs out at the table late and doesn’t help with the clean-up unless you directly ask him, but he’s not as skinny as he was either

yes, that hangs together

’ I said as he hangs up on me

It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that she hangs around in the pub during the evening purely in anticipation that someone she knows will come in and buy her a drink

Your woman hangs out along the train tracks north of Blackbird

From the middle of the ceiling hangs a glass fibre Marlin

He hangs up the cable and parks the mower in the space it obviously occupies along the wall

The constable rises too, but hangs back for a moment thinking about that last remark

Cascarino hangs out at a cabaret club in Barnstaple

The world hangs in rolling suspense

Katie hangs around in the kitchen

His body hangs on the rugged cross

“She might be alright for awhile Sir or that’s at least what I’m hoping and praying for that she hangs on until we can get back to her

“I didn’t say anything to the RSM but I will tell you one thing I could swear that one of those corpse robbers was Stanley and the other one was that short Oppo he hangs around with

that every poor child in the city hangs its stocking for gifts in the

“He hangs out with that crew at Toby»s Gym

Curt hurriedly hid the bag, when he saw me looking through the mirror but Ted reassured Curt, “Phil’s cool, he hangs out with Blacklung and Coughman once in a while

He hangs the board on the hook and steps back so we can see the rankings:

I shudder as Zeke hangs my sling from the cable

The corridor is lit by a paint-spattered emergency lamp that hangs over one of the exits

Johanna’s hair now hangs over her lowered face

I bite my lip, hard, and try not to think, try not to dwell on the cold feeling that surrounds my chest and the weight that hangs over my head

Matthew leaves without waiting for Nita’s response, and Tris sits on the examination table, the paper crinkling beneath her and tearing where her leg hangs over the edge

7 He stretches out the north over the empty place, and hangs the Earth on nothing

26 There is a wicked man who hangs down his head sadly but inwardly he is full of deceit,

Chris takes my jacket and hangs it in a closet with a sliding mirrored door

“I will take that into consideration, goodbye!” Dudley says in a sarcastic, angry voice and hangs up the phone

sign that still hangs in the firm’s office,

all hangs on your faith in yourself, on the conviction that what

My world comes over the telephone long distance and then hangs up, and when I call back all I get is an answering machine

The story was bought out, and the cutting is framed and hangs quite proudly on my trophy wall

All hangs on the idea ‘I am’

, hangs out in the Kiwanis park, and sleeps there sometimes

The Sun now hangs low in the western sky; an hour more and it will set under the rocky ridge

In silence, she hangs her coat by the rack and then pauses, eyes on my bags

She didn’t cut it short; it’s still hangs below my shoulders

“Yes, I hear you,” he says in a low voice and hangs up

He hangs up, and communicates with his partner in Italian, and mentions the name Van-Bailey again

“What’s his name?” Toni yells before D’ante hangs up the phone

She hangs up and Ethan waits in the waiting room for Toni

His face is swollen and bloodied, and his scalp hangs down from his head, still attached to the nape of the neck

“He just hangs around my house,” I said, wiping my finger around my cup

When Ralph enters, pushing aside the torn curtain that hangs down in what he imagines is a vain attempt to keep out the wind, he expects the room to be empty

More than that, it will prevent the death that hangs like a dark stormcloud over you and your beloved

He cannot feel his mind any more, and what he sees makes no sense—a man wearing a patterned black cloak that hangs torn from his body

“Your life hangs by a thread, yet you’ve been spending your life-force like water! It’s been a constant and frantic struggle to keep you from death for the last twelve hours, yet we dared not disturb whatever it was you’ve been doing, as none of us had a hope of understanding whatever the hell it was! Only constant, delicate and difficult spells of Movement have kept you breathing and your heart beating, and that would not have been enough to keep you alive without a constant infusion of power and a hundred other procedures besides! And even as an astral projection, you look absolutely exhausted!”

The scribe hangs upon his answer

” I suspect this banner hangs in the op-ed room of The Huffington Post

indistinct and unknowable peace that still hangs between the

And thus it hangs over us, watching and waiting

The wall it hangs on is no longer vertical, it is transversal

attention before, ‘she washes her panties and hangs them over the shower rack! It’s very

I mean who hangs around in space with no friends and plays games with himself to beat his own high score?

I mean who hangs

“Steng hangs on with both hands while the man pummels him, Steng’s left hand is jamming the cut off valve, his right hand is still squeezing the handle

The question hangs from the ceiling

” Avery hangs up

He said, “I just center the subject as best I can and lop off whatever hangs over on either end

An oversized lamp head hangs as chandelier, calm yellow light rounds off the box

She yanks a group of locks from his skull and hangs it from her waist as fur trapper’s trophy

„If he hangs on to it

He hangs his head and walks away toward the wilderness area quite some distance east of the village, to contemplate the Kingdom of his Abba—his father, the Father of All Creation—the Kingdom of God

In that cabin hangs a

He usually hangs back and lets some other “fool” step forward to offer help, but this time is different

The teachers look away, or allow her to receive a benign smile once in a while, when they are not saying, “That’s good, but…” No, it is her peers, the ones she hangs out with at lunch time or plays sports with or visits in their homes (on rare occasions) who have something positive to say, like “You’re smart,” “You could be a beauty queen,” or “You know how to speak to the teachers

� he says as he hangs up the phone

I left a few written raps that Dug had liked with him and he chucked me a painting he had done for me which hangs right here on the office wall and will move to the studio too

Taking off his jacket he hangs it on a shiny metal hook

The safe is closed again and Permeke properly hangs in front of it

leave the sword where it hangs

Dusk has fallen and the scent of the night hangs around the house like an aureole

It’s completely empty expect for one dress that hangs in a plastic cover

Told by a tired sounding nurse that Lewis was being kept in overnight for observation Suzy hangs up the phone and prepares for the night ahead

He was almost too hung over to stand and knew it would be senseless to chase

She had a light knit-wrap with her, but she hung that on the rail, leaving only her thin jersey covering her long and elegant body

His jowls and the bags under his eyes hung low, distorting all the features on his face

Larorlie couldn’t root in this sandy soil but the rails were hung with a summer’s growth of blue noonbloom that was just opening

The unit is placed or hung near where there is a fly problem

«You used to be pretty hung up on him,» she consoled

It was a big liner, longer than the Brothers Formidable and with better appointed but tighter cabins decorated in a 52nd century theme and hung with great reproductions of some classic photographs from that era

‘No idea, she told him she wouldn’t speak to him and hung up

At his side there hung a sabre the

of them Tom’s cast-offs, hung around in the background at the odd dance at the

He picked the right staging axes to bring, to use on a strap of smaller timbers that he hung from a little adapter pulley off the backbone

I have debated with myself several times whether I should ring him but I couldn’t bear it if he hung up on me and there’s no reason for him not to after my jibe about solicitors

He couldn’t call up one scene from that time, he only hung onto the fact that he had been there

He hung up the phone

Theo hung up and turned the car towards Dublin again

» He hung up

A fine, faint spray hung in the air, cocooning the

«Bye,” she replied, and hung up the phone

He hung back a bit, not wanting her to think he was tailing her or anything

sliding down her neck feeling his life hung by a thread

Rosy hung up the phone

In the last moments of the sad woman, the tree where hung

I hung on grimly, watching in the darkness through dimmed cow-eyes, waiting for that proverbial light at the end of this very real tunnel

Chief Horcheese’s head hung back on the command chair and she stared up through the dome at the jagged rivers of raw electrons and plasma burning in the atmo as those crackling tendrils whipped at them from all directions, drawing line after line from the clouds to Tipperary’s ring-shaped bow

SCS Arbitrage hung 300 meters out, holding station alongside Hardway with the ships of the combined fleet massed behind her

He hung with his face a few inches above the reach of their jaws

When he did, he hung on, getting his head up this little bit helped the blood flow and did clear his brain a little

His head hung down at an angle, there was nothing to rest it on

Alfred hung on this conversation wondering if he was going to hear them make plans to have Alan subjected to this to find out if he really was from Earth

She hung there for a second, arms flailing, while others ran to grab her

” Son said as he hung his head

Where the feeble lamp had spewed out sluggish particles of light there now hung a low, full moon

the sack so that it hung over his back

Desa hung her wardrobe over the rail

Tiytha got in with her, hung with one hand to the rail and with the other, caressed her

They hung together in their pleasure a little longer, then he got out, shook a little water off, put his clout back on, and strolled aft

‘I doubt Gerisse will have hung around in the Taunton area, Renald, that would be too risky for him

She moved her bag from where it was hanging loosely on one shoulder and passed the strap over her head so that the bag hung across her chest down to one hip

The bell rang out its departure warning and the kaht wheels started turning; green mist replaced the magnolia walls of the Bristol kaht station; the kaht and its occupants hung in limbo

rickshaw as one of the boys hung down his back hanging

coats and hung them on the hooks, removed the wellingtons

where green and gold cloth once hung boldly

Chains hung here, across the old spanned vaults

from the tips of their newly hung stars

hung about the windows and doors

you will see me sitting upon this stone, quite still, my head hung low,

She knew that from magazine pictures, a city with two rings of glass and grown towers, miles around, sweltering in the jungle, with lemphs running in cages turning big slow fans that hung from the ceilings

Joris hung around for the ceremony and then went across, desperate to get away

From her walls hung decorative plates scattered at random around the panelled and polished saloon

His free arm hung from the cab, like an indicator

The balcony was tacked onto the side of the building and hung about two thousand feet in thin air above the sea

He hung his eyes at her while Nuran read the one about getting the inglethor stuck in your nose that Desa thought was gross anyway

His hair was a golden brown and hung to his shoulders

In truth she might not have managed if Nuran hadn’t been so hung over and helpless

«She thought we should stand her mast for her because she’s hung over from today’s party

She had captured Lady Ariel’s likeness in flight; it was done so well that Lady Emily had hung it in their quarters

Overlooking a stone floor stacked with several bundles of candles, a large framed icon hung on the wall next to the altar

The shop was in a yard overlooking the bay and covering its low walls hung every type of linen designed for every household need

There, in a village on an island in the Aegean Sea, I stood in the nave of a gentle, humble church where above me hung a trio of splendid silver and gold chandeliers

Framed pictures of children and wildlife hung from the whitewashed walls

Plates, statuettes, the framed business license and a calendar hung with equal importance beneath a clock plate and below it stood a kerosene lamp, prominent on its very own shelf, like a holy statue

We hung out most in the haveli’s backyard

She went to her bed and hung it on the headboard near her pillow

Boras looked crushed and hung his head (in shame)

eaves dripped rust from the corroded iron guttering that hung to the

the big girls who hung out with her at the park

squalor, where dust hung in the air permanently because it refused

She hung her head and started to crawl back to her position by the mast, but Patass’ arm went around her waist and drew her up to sit on his lap

Two massive doors opened into a dark, dreary room; heavy dark green drapes hung throughout the room

Before we hung up the phone with Allison, her hip

had to bear the brunt of his hung over ill temper

As the trip wore on there was a group that hung out on this deck during the waking hours, weather permitting

She hung her head and wiped the tears from her face

Suspended in the water, his fate literally hung in the balance

Staggering to his feet, he got out of his wet clothes and hung them on some nearby bushes

A big rain barrel hung right below the eaves of a roof strong enough to hold a week’s snow in a Kugenzglaw winter

have been hung around the neck by a cord, although the string

I’m just one of the boarders here, but I hung out here with the previous owners also

The space was well appointed and well lit with golden panels and hung with pictures from the university’s history

Kassim’s mouth hung open at the sight, ‘It’s a

The air hung

White linen hand towels hung within ready grasp and a dish with hand-cut marbled soap sat also in close reach

A single candle hung from a reflector providing all the light in this wing of the catacombs it seemed

Sheila hung around the kitchen for the hour and a half it took for the men to carry out their grisly task and return

Standing in the sitting room, she perused the plan of the site which hung on the wall, grimacing as she tried to fathom its intricacies

Ozzie hung around aimlessly for a few minutes, half helping Chrissie clear the table and clearly not quite knowing what to do with himself

He hung the scoop back on the inside of the door and re-latched it

Of course the fact that Tdeshi was his best friend’s daughter didn’t help, as well as the fact that he was hung up on her

The morning sun hung low in the sky and the air was still chilly

“We haven’t hung out outside of work since I got my place outside

He hung on for grim death

it, draped across the chair’s backrest, hung a man’s

A suit brush hung to one side and a repair kit with extra buttons, needles, and matching threads

His little beer gut hung out over the

Velvet drapes over the windows let in the morning light which reflected brightly from polished brass fittings on the lacquered wooden poles and ceiling ribs, from which hung ornate lamps and tasseled bell cords

It was one of those names hung on people

A picture hung on the wall behind

His father hung the name

Her breasts and belly hung down over it anyway

Chains hung from the ceiling with shackles at their

висеть, вешать, развесить, подвешивать, вид, наклон, смысл, манера, склон, скат


- вешать, подвешивать; развешивать

to hang one’s hat [coat, dress] on a peg [in the cupboard] — повесить шляпу [пальто, платье] на крючок [в шкаф]
to hang a lamp from the ceiling — повесить лампу /люстру/; подвесить лампу /люстру/ к потолку
the dog hung its ears — собака опустила уши

- висеть

her portrait hangs over the mantelpiece — её портрет висит над камином
her hair was hanging down her back — волосы рассыпались у неё по спине
monkeys hang by the tail — обезьяны висят на хвосте
to hang round smb.’s neck — вешаться на шею кому-л.
an aqueduct hanging over a torrent — акведук, переброшенный через бурную реку

- выставлять картины (в музее, на выставке)

her pictures were hung in the exhibition — её картины были на выставке

- вешать, казнить

to hang oneself — повеситься
beef, sir, is hung, men are hanged — говядину, сэр, подвешивают, а людей вешают
to hang smb. for murder — повесить кого-л. за убийство
to hang by the neck — юр. предать казни через повешение
he was sentenced to be hanged by the neck until dead — он был приговорён к смертной казни через повешение

- быть повешенным

he deserves to hang for it — за это его стоит повесить

ещё 26 вариантов


- вид (чего-л. висящего, повешенного); способ подвески; манера

do you like the hang of the curtains [the drapes]? — вам нравится, как повешены занавески [драпировки]?
mark the hang of the dress — обратите внимание на то, как сидит платье

- разг. общий смысл, значение; суть

the hang of an argument — последовательность аргументации, доказательность
the hang of a tool — принцип действия инструмента
to get /to see/ the hang of smth. — понять что-л.; освоиться с чем-л.
to get the hang of smb. — понять, «раскусить» кого-л.

- склон, скат, наклон

the south-east hang of a hill — юго-восточный склон холма

- склонность, предрасположение

his hang for languages — его склонность к языкам

- пауза, перерыв, остановка, заминка; замедление
- диал. то, что свисает, висит

the hang of fruit — урожай фруктов

- спорт. вис

back [cross, side, instep, closed] hang — вис сзади, [поперёк, продольно, носками, соединив руки]
mixed hangs — смешанные висы
ordinary hang — вис на прямых руках

Мои примеры


not to care /to give/ a hang — наплевать  
I don’t care a hang — мне совершенно безразлично, мне наплевать  
it ‘s not worth a hang — ≅ это выеденного яйца не стоит  
to hang by a thread, to hang by a (single) hair — висеть на волоске  
to hang (on) by the eyelids — а) еле-еле держаться, висеть на волоске; б) остаться незаконченным  
to hang by the wall — не быть в употреблении  
to hang on smb.’s sleeve — зависеть от кого-л.  
to hang upon smb.’s lips /smb.’s words/ — внимательно слушать кого-л., ловить каждое слово кого-л.; смотреть в рот кому-л.  
persuasion hangs upon her tongue — она умеет убеждать  
life hangs upon him — жизнь ему в тягость  

to hang in there — держаться изо всех сил, упорствовать  
to hang heavy — а) медленно тянуться (о времени); time hangs heavy on him  
responsibility hangs heavy on him — его тяготит ответственность  
to hang loose — сохранять спокойствие; оставаться невозмутимым  
to hang one’s head — а) смущаться, стыдиться; б) унывать, вешать голову  
to hang a leg /the groin/ — не иметь желания что-л. делать, медлить  
to hang fire — а) воен. производить затяжной выстрел; б) воен. дать осечку; в) медлить; откладывать; г) быть неразрешённым  
to hang one on smb. — амер. сл. ударить кого-л.; дать раза кому-л.;  
he hung one on his jaw — он дал ему разок в челюсть  
to hang five [ten] — обхватить доску пальцами ноги [обеих ног] (виндсерфинг)  
let it go hang! — ≅ наплевать!; чёрт с ним!; пропади оно пропадом!  
if he doesn’t like it he can go hang! — если ему не нравится, пусть убирается к чёрту!  
I’m hanged if I know — провалиться мне на этом месте /будь я проклят/, если я знаю  
hang the fellow! — ну его к чёрту!  
to hang with it! — к чёрту!  
as well be hanged for a sheep as (for) a lamb — семь бед — один ответ  

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Примеры с переводом

She hung on his arm.

Она повисла на его руке. / Она вцепилась в его руку.

His tongue is hanged well enough.

У него достаточно хорошо подвешен язык.

The decision is still hanging.

Решение всё ещё не принято.

Hang on tight!

Держитесь крепче!

Clouds are hanging low overhead.

Низкие облака висят над головой.

He hung on her every word.

Он жадно ловил каждое её слово.

Doom hung over the nation.

Злой рок навис над страной.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

This cabinet door doesn’t hang right!

Hanging a door is quite a tricky job.

The cloud of suspicion hangs over her

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

hang about — слоняться, болтаться без дела, околачиваться, шляться, валандаться, быть близким
hang around — бродить вокруг, надвигаться, шляться, слоняться, околачиваться, быть поблизости
hang back — упираться, робеть, пятиться, отставать, не решаться
hang behind — отставать
hang down — свисать, отвисать, ниспадать
hang on — уцепиться, прицепиться, крепко держаться, зависеть от, повиснуть, виснуть
hang out — болтаться, вывесить, вывешивать, развесить, развешивать, высовываться
hang over — нависать, угрожать, нависнуть, грозить, оставаться незаконченным
hang round — , быть, составить компанию, бездельничать
hang together — поддерживать друг друга, держаться сплоченно, быть логичным, быть связным
hang up — вешать трубку, навешивать, подвешивать, медлить, давать отбой, откладывать

Возможные однокоренные слова

hanger  — вешалка, подвеска, кронштейн, крючок, крюк, кортик, серьга, вешатель
hanging  — повешение, подвешивание, вешание, подвесной, висячий
overhang  — свес, навес, выступ, нависать, свешиваться, выдаваться
unhang  — снимать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hang
he/she/it: hangs
ing ф. (present participle): hanging
2-я ф. (past tense): hung
3-я ф. (past participle): hung

ед. ч.(singular): hang
мн. ч.(plural): hangs

  • Use the word Hang in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Hey, why don’t we just us two schedj a hang for this ‘kend?

Field Marshal Wrangel wishes to hang the diplomats… who interfere with his war plans.

It is the dignifying of one’s psychological and sexual hang-ups by attaching them to these grandiose, philosophical issues?

And we’d just go and hang out with the kids.

He’s too busy running around being Big Shot Politician to hang out with his old buddy Josh.

And Fitz — who is wicked by the way — you guys should all hang with him — is now deputy mayor.

OK, let’s start pushing the saline and hang a couple of bags of O Neg.

hang another bag of blood; we’re gonna need it.

So, what made you hang up your boots?

Don’t lay your hang-ups on me, just ’cause you lost your mojo.

You think you can hang around this place again with your old pals from prison.

You’re not going to hang that one on me.

Tragedy almost seemed to hang from the tips of the branches…

hang on a bit longer, fellows…

You can»t hang it around my neck.

We got a man here who can hang him in his own guts.

«I will hang them around her neck, so that the Devil will no longer help her to be silent.»

Let’s hang the defenders of the queen!

«Let’s hang the Grand Duke of Abacco!»

Burn all the New York magazines and hang a portrait of Lenin in my office.

Decide quickly, oh Pharaoh if you do not want death to hang over you

I’ll hang the rest on the yard!

«I sentence you to hang by the neck until you are dead — -«

«- before sunrise tomorrow, to hang the said Bull Weed by the neck until he is dead.»

«There’s one guy I’d like to get before I hang

«If I could get my hands on that lousy skunk I’d go back and let ’em hang me!»

«Let’s hang him in Petrograd… for all the world to see!»

You know’ I had to put straps on it for people to hang on to…

We’ve got to form a vigilante committee and hang him to the highest tree… and I’m going to start it.

Why do you let a guy like that hang around you?

What do we do with them? hang them now?

Don’t hang out with Christovam.

Was there any special place he liked to hang out?

Mostly he liked to hang out with me.

He just comes here to hang out with his mom.

We hang that picture upstairs, for the lady.

Better hang around, Chris.

Do you hang around this dump much?

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