Use the word guilty in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word guilty, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use guilty in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «guilty».

Guilty in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word guilty in a sentence.

  1. All three pleaded not guilty.

  2. Alice Nutter was found guilty.

  3. All but one were found guilty.

  4. Anne Redferne was found guilty.

  5. He had pleaded guilty to treason.

  6. Elizabeth Device was found guilty.

  7. He is found guilty of high treason.

  8. He pleaded not guilty to both charges.

  9. I’m not playing guilty liberal anymore».

  10. He was found guilty and fined 50 talents.

  11. Also, I do not wish to be guilty of an anachronism.

  12. Shearman was charged and pleaded guilty to assault.

  13. On March 20, 2020, Lee pleaded guilty to the charge.

  14. Jackson denied the allegations and pleaded not guilty.

  15. Hopley was confident that he would be found not guilty.

  16. He explained, «I do not consider myself guilty because my conscience was clear ..

  17. His plea of guilty to manslaughter was rejected by the Crown Prosecution Service.

  18. He further wrote: «I have been guilty of writing two animal—two books about dogs.

  19. Profumo had been guilty of an «indiscretion», but no one could doubt his loyalty.

  20. Six defendants subsequently had their cases dropped and one was found not guilty.

  21. According to one of the jurors, all defendants, including LaRouche, would have been found not guilty.

  22. In one article, the author proclaimed that Jesse Washington was innocent and George Fryer was guilty.

  23. On 16 November Webster pleaded guilty to assaulting Leigh and to supplying cannabis resin to a minor.

  24. Haldane stated that the individual should be put before a court martial and executed if found guilty.

  25. To date, no firm evidence exists which either absolves Howe or proves him guilty of attempted treason.

  26. They were allowed no witnesses or defence counsel, and were generally presumed guilty from the outset.

  27. For example, 151 junior cadets were found guilty of «violating the honor code» in their exams in 1976.

  28. Cragh pleaded innocence of the charges against him, but he was found guilty and sentenced to be hanged.

  29. On 16 January 1890, the jury found Parke guilty and the judge sentenced him to twelve months in prison.

  30. His trial took only thirty minutes as he pleaded guilty but asked for a life sentence instead of death.

  31. Buckingham himself was arrested in April 1521; he was found guilty on 16 May and executed the next day.

  32. Religious symbols, implicitly torn from the necks of the guilty, are on the bracelet of his right wrist.

  33. In late 2011, he was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and held without bail to await sentencing.

  34. He is found guilty during the trial, but escapes jail time and is murdered, presumably by Maya’s uncles.

  35. She felt so guilty for his death that she chose to stop talking to everyone but Bailey for several years.

  36. The case against them was re-opened after the German occupation, and in this second trial they were all found not guilty.

  37. Prescott had been found not guilty of direct involvement in the bombings, but had admitted to addressing three envelopes.

  38. However, on 8 February, he told Peter Brotherton, a prison chaplain, that he had killed her and intended to plead guilty.

  39. The case took more than 11 years to conclude due to an appeal and a retrial following the original verdict of not guilty.

  40. Christopher then pled guilty and was sentenced thirty years in prison without the possibility of parole or early release.

  41. Speer was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity, principally for the use of slave labor and forced labor.

  42. Others attacked the questionable morals of the characters, implying that Balzac was guilty of legitimizing their opinions.

  43. After the statements had been read out in court Bromley ordered the jury to find the defendants not guilty, stating that:.

  44. Senechal sitting by consent, denied the motions and Lara entered a conditional guilty plea, reserving the right to appeal.

  45. Feeling guilty of living almost entirely on Tetty’s money, Johnson stopped living with her and spent his time with Savage.

  46. Eastwood argued that in putting the guilty party before his victims’ families, justice may be done, but after such a spectacle the family would find it hard to find peace.

  47. CBS correspondent Mike Wallace and producer Barry Lando challenged his credibility, implying that Soldier was fictitious and that Herbert himself was guilty of war crimes.

  48. Amidst a growing tide of public disgust at the burning of women, Parliament passed the Treason Act 1790, which for women guilty of treason substituted hanging for burning.

  49. Although there was never any doubt that Kehoe was the perpetrator, the jury was asked to determine if the school board or its employees were guilty of criminal negligence.

  50. Czolgosz, put on trial for murder nine days after McKinley’s death, was found guilty, sentenced to death on September 26 and executed by electric chair on October 29, 1901.

Synonyms for guilty

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word guilty has the following synonyms: at fault, blameworthy, blamable, blameable, blameful, censurable, culpable, bloodguilty, chargeable, indictable, condemned, convicted, conscience-smitten, criminal, delinquent, finable, fineable, guilt-ridden, punishable, red-handed, inculpatory, inculpative, unrighteous, hangdog, shamefaced, shamed and ashamed.

General information about «guilty» example sentences

The example sentences for the word guilty that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «guilty» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «guilty».

guilty — перевод на русский


«We’ll see soon, whether he’s guilty or not…!»

«Мы скоро узнаем, виновен он или нет…!»

But I swear I’m not guilty…

Но, клянусь, я не виновен.

He wouldn’t ask you to handle it if he were guilty, would he?

Он бы не просил тебя, если бы был виновен, ведь так?

— I ain’t sayin’ who’s innocent or who’s guilty.

Не мне решать, кто виновен, а кто нет.

The odds are a million to one that that boy is guilty.

Человека убили и этот парень виновен.

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— I really feel very guilty about this.

— Я чувствую себя виноватым.

And never have you looked more guilty!

А ты выглядишь очень виноватым. Где тебя носит?

No, but I feel guilty.

Нет, я чувствую себя виноватым.

I was feeling guilty, because I didn’t go back to the car to get Laura’s compact.

Я чувствовал себя виноватым, потому что сам не пошёл к машине за пудреницей Лоры

There I go again. It’s never any use is it, apologizing? It’s even worse when you haven’t done anything wrong and you still feel guilty.

Какой смысл извиняться, а еще хуже чувствовать себя виноватым, если ты ничего не сделал.

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I feel a little guilty.

Я чувствую свою вину.

Why do you want to make me feel guilty?

Зачем ты делаешь так, чтобы я чувствовала вину?

I made her admit something she wasn’t guilty of…

Я вынудил признать ее вину. И знаешь как?

Mr. Spock has again waived counsel and has entered a plea of guilty.

Мистер Спок вновь отказался от адвоката и признал вину.

And I feel guilty for what I hate.

И чувствую вину за то, что ненавижу.

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And after you’ve deliberated sufficient… weighed all the evidence fair and square… and brought in a verdict of not guilty… you’ll be amply rewarded, y’understand?

После того, как вы всё обдумаете, взвесите все «за» и «против» и решите, что Гип невиновен, вас щедро вознаградят. Всё понятно?

I’m not guilty.

Я невиновен.

Suppose he isn’t guilty.

А если он невиновен?

If there’s a reasonable doubt in your minds as to the guilt of the accused — a reasonable doubt-then you must bring me a verdict of not guilty.

Если у вас возникнет сомнение в виновности обвиняемого, то вы должны вынести вердикт невиновен.

— You think he’s not guilty, huh?

— Думаете, невиновен?

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Kireyeva Vladimir Ivanovich found guilty under Article 144 , the first part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ,

Киреева Владимира Ивановича признать виновным по статье 144, части первой, Уголовного Кодекса Российской Федерации,

You can only be held responsible, you can only be found guilty or admired or respected… for things you did of your own free will.

Ты можешь быть ответственным, тебя могут признать виновным, восхищаться тобой или уважать… только за то, что ты сделал по собственной воле.

They could find me guilty.

Меня могут признать виновным.

They’ll find you guilty, right?

Тебя признают виновным, правильно?

If it’s guilty, Congress expels you, you’ll have to run for president.

Даже если вас признают виновным, конгресс выдвинет вас и вы должны будете бороться за место президента.

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And so, although your husband doesn’t believe Paul is guilty he’s going to print the story tomorrow and it’ll carry a lovely wallop.

И, хотя Ваш муж не верит в виновность Пола, он напечатает эту статью завтра, и это будет огромная бомба.

He’ll say you backed down, as though guilty.

Он скажет что ты отсутпил, не смотря на виновность.

Guilty of what?

Виновность в чем?

From the high position I’m placed at, one cannot but see that even if any particular persons were guilty, there had also been some general reasons for indignation.

На той высоте, на которой я стою, нельзя не видеть, если И МОГЛА бЫТЬ ВИНОВНОСТЬ ОТДЕЛЬНЫХ ЛИЦ, то были же и какие-то общие причины для возмущения.

It’s more important for me to know that, than whether someone’s guilty.

Мне важнее знать ЭТО, а не ВИНОВНОСТЬ ТОГО ИЛИ ИНОГО лица.

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Guilty conscience, eh?

Совесть мучает, да?

I don’t have a guilty conscience.

Нет, напротив, у меня чистая совесть.

I feel guilty because I don’t talk to you much or confide in you… whereas I talk endlessly with people I hardly know who mean nothing to me, just casual acquaintances. You understand?

Но меня мучает совесть, что я мало разговариваю с тобой, не откровенничаю, так что… зато бесконечно болтаю с другими, которые ничего не значат для меня, с которыми у меня мимолетные отношения, понимаешь?

Who is going to get guilty conscience because of it?

Чья совесть от них заболит?

And I’m sorry about that, but I don’t see why I should be punished for your guilty conscience.

Мне очень жаль, но я не понимаю, почему я должен страдать, чтобы успокоить твою больную совесть.

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But what I want to say is that there’s nothing you can do that you ever have to feel guilty about.

Я хочу сказать, что нет причин… по которым ты мог бы винить себя.

Guilty of such unhealthy temptation, was the infamous Charpillon, and her daughter.

Винить в том, что это произошло надо было бесчестную мадам Шарпильон. И ее такую же бессовестную дочь.

Women who obtain sexual ecstasy with mechanical assistance always tend to feel guilty.

Женщина, достигшая сексуального экстаза при помощи механического воздействия всегда склонна винить себя.

And you’ve nothing to feel guilty about.

И тебе не в чем себя винить.

And I’ll be crushed, making my mom feel so guilty about setting me up with him that she’ll have to let me go out with Dave to make up for it.

Я буду подавлена, так что мама будет винить себя за, то что свела меня с ним и позволит мне пойти с Дэйвом

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I’ve had to get what pleasure I could out of sentencing guilty people to death.

Я получал удовлетворение приговаривая преступников к смерти.

The innocent are kicked out, the guilty will be freed.

Невинных гонят, преступников освобождают.

Winning those cases, taking the money. We knew they were guilty.

Ты выигрывал процессы, мы брали деньги. у преступников.

Most of them can’t point to anybody that’s guilty of anything.

Почти никто не может узнать среди них преступников.

In here the only guilty one is me!

Здесь только один преступник это я!

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Well, we could plead not guilty and try to win on the elements and…

Ну… Мы можем заявить о невиновности и попытаться выграть на отсутствии доказательств, но..

-If called, plead not guilty.

— Если выступишь, заяви о невиновности.

— Plead not guilty.

— Мы настаиваем на невиновности.

We’ll plead not guilty.

Мы настаиваем на невиновности.

We plead not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect, Your Honor.

— Мы заявляем о невиновности в связи с умственным расстройством или болезнью, Ваша Честь.

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Отправить комментарий

виновный, виноватый, повинный, преступный


- виновный

- повинный

to be guilty of a blunder — быть повинным в совершении ошибки
to be guilty of bad taste — образн. обладать плохим вкусом
he is often guilty of losing his temper — к сожалению, он часто теряет самообладание

- виноватый

guilty look — виноватый вид
guilty conscience — совесть, страдающая от сознания вины
to look guilty — выглядеть виноватым, иметь виноватый вид

- преступный

guilty act — преступление; проступок
guilty secret — позорная тайна

Мои примеры


a lawyer who is so notorious for chicaning that the guilty invariably seek his services — адвокат, который так известен своим крючкотворством, что виновные неизменно прибегают к его услугам  
the premise that an accused person is innocent until they are proved guilty — предположение о том, что обвиняемый считается невиновным до тех пор, пока его виновность не будет доказана  
to bring in (a verdict of) guilty — выносить обвинительный приговор  
guilty on all counts — виновный по всем пунктам обвинения  
to account guilty — признать виновным  
to forejudge guilty intent — возыметь умысел  
guilty looks — виноватый вид  
not guilty — вердикт о невиновности, невиновный, невиновен  
to be guilty of heresy — быть виновным в ереси  
to enter a guilty plea — каяться, раскаиваться  
to enter a plea of not guilty — оправдываться, убеждать в невиновности  
he was found guilty — его признали виновным  

Примеры с переводом

He is guilty of treason.

Он виновен в измене.

She has reason to feel guilty.

У неё есть причины чувствовать себя виноватой.

He was declared guilty.

Его признали виновным.

Marie immediately felt guilty.

Мари сразу же почувствовала себя виноватой.

The verdict was not guilty.

Приговор не был обвинительным.

The jury found her guilty of murder.

Суд присяжных признал ее виновной в убийстве.

She pleaded not guilty.

Она не признала своей вины.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Hall was found guilty of perjury.

They are guilty of perfidy.

Henderson pled guilty to burglary.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

blood-guilty  — виновный в убийстве в чьей-л. смерти
guilt  — вина, виновность, чувство вины, грех
guiltily  — виновато, с виноватым видом
guiltiness  — виновность, наказуемость
guiltless  — невиновный, невинный, безвинный, не умеющий, не знающий о
bloodguilty  — виновный в смерти, виновный в убийстве
unguilty  — невиновный, невиноватый

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): guiltier
прев. степ. (superlative): guiltiest

Examples of how to use the word “guilty” in a sentence. How to connect “guilty” with other words to make correct English sentences.

guilty (adj): feeling guilt

Use “guilty” in a sentence

Don’t feel guilty about it! It’s not your fault.
Do you think he’s innocent or guilty?

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Synonym: at fault, blameworthy, criminal, culpable, guiltless, innocent. Similar words: built up, filter, fail to, faculty, penalty, filtering, guitar, build. Meaning: [gɪltɪ]  adj. 1. responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act; or marked by guilt 2. showing a sense of guilt. 

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1. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. 

2. Guilty consciences always make people [men] cowards. 

3. A guilty conscience never feels secure. 

4. A guilty conscience is a self-accuser. 

5. A guilty conscience is a self-accuser [a thousand witness]. 

6. A guilty conscience feels continual fear. 

7. He pleaded not guilty to murdering his former wife.

8. I feel really guilty at forgetting her birthday again.

9. They thought the religious sect was guilty of brainwashing.

10. She’s got a terribly guilty conscience about it.

11. He was guilty of assault and battery.

12. In this country, you are innocent until proved guilty.

13. Justice has prevailed; the guilty man has been punished.

14. He was found guilty of forgery.

15. The company were guilty of gross negligence.

16. There is no doubt that he is guilty.

17. The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict.

18. The jury found the prisoner guilty.

19. He was found guilty of slander against his employers.

20. He was adjudged to be guilty.

21. The Supreme Court judged him guilty.

22. He was found guilty of murder.

23. He was found guilty of obtaining money by deception.

24. The jury found him not guilty.

25. He pleaded guilty to wilful dereliction of duty.

26. John had a guilty look on his face.

27. The preponderance of evidence suggests that he’s guilty.

28. The jury reached/returned a unanimous verdict of guilty.

29. The jury has returned a verdict of guilty.

30. The doctor was found guilty of professional misconduct.

More similar words: built up, filter, fail to, faculty, penalty, filtering, guitar, build, casualty, anguish, specialty, disguise, guidance, rebuild, builder, build up, guideline, building, distinguish, the death penalty, building materials. 

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