Use the word guesses in a sentence

» There was no reason to share his guesses

Davie guesses the boiler was sold for scrap

’ Alan thought about trying to go along with her guesses and say his parents got it from some wandering Messiah who said he had Angels making them for him

While questioning Sinon, the Trojan priest guesses the plot and warns the Trojans, and says «Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes» (I fear Greeks even those bearing gifts), which became known as ‘beware of Greeks bearing gifts,»

Helen of Troy also guesses the plot and tries to trick and uncover the Greek men inside the horse by imitating the voices of their wives

Klowa guesses they’ve been hibernating

But he had his guesses as to which side he likely claimed allegiance

But it had not been the time for second guesses and apprehension

If later on he guesses in that, or in any of a number of other areas, he»s going to kill patients

«If I had three guesses, I should use every one that our maid wanted to

 Planning ahead according to the facts, not guesses,

Clive wondered if he was keeping other guesses to himself

The smallest of snippets of all these “sounds?” seemed to be endlessly descending upon my inner mind, as snowflakes on a windless winter, seeming to tell me of things beyond that of even the most vivid of any imaginary guesses

These earlier best guesses should have never been cast in the stone of final answers, as many seem to have insisted upon who felt responsible for stable dogma

In more recent history many of the “best guesses” of belief seemed not to have held up very well, before the challenge of science’s verifiable postulations

Legal Guesses: This is non-consensual sex which is basically rape and I’m guessing it’s most likely illegal

Legal Guesses: although it’s ethically wrong for a guy to lie to a woman to get her to believe he really loves her so she’ll have sex with him, I’m pretty sure it’s not illegal to lie to someone about whether or not you really love them

Nigel had a password-protected computer and 15 minutes of my best guesses did nothing to unlock it

Jesse’s guesses were wrong but she hadn’t been too far off

Jesse’s guesses about the young men were wrong but she hadn’t been too far off

about, but am sure I could make a few guesses

secret was all about, and I made quite a few guesses at it, some of

rumours about it, made any guesses with the others?”

many of the guesses are wrong (i

Mosheh wonders what to do first; go see his family, visit the palace, or try to find food? The palace could be a dangerous place to visit, even though it’s been… oh, about sixty years, Mosheh guesses, incorrectly as always

I’d say thirteen,” Tina guesses a bit high, knowin’ what he wants to hear

“Any guesses as to where they are heading?”

Perhaps he guesses at its true nature

The team with the most number of correct guesses at the end is the winner

• The team with the most number of correct guesses at the end is the winner

Thyne is carrying a small cylinder that is connected to a harness and tubing, Grailem guesses that this is a flame thrower of some kind

The timing of the attack and the manner of attack were open guesses

The first was JOTTO, a word game where you have to guess your opponent’s five-letter word before he guesses yours

For example, if the secret word happens to be eerie, guesses of means and level would result in 1 and 2 jots respectively

In that approach, the computer could usually figure out the player’s word in eight guesses or less

the thoughts and origins of these beliefs can only be educated guesses with the use of deductive reasoning and rational

In this program, we take guesses from the user and check if it is the number that we have

In this program, we are still playing the guessing game, but the advantage is that the user is allowed to keep guessing until he guesses correctly — there is no need to repeatedly execute the program for each guess as we have done previously

On the other hand, time and measurements are approximations or rough guesses, not unlike computer science, which has good intentions but is limited to being close

Guesses for the snowpack on the mountain vary from

All of these guesses proceed from the false assumption that “the

year forecasts based on assumptions which are, at best, guesses as to the state

After he made a few wild guesses, we explained

Any guesses on how many times I have been asked today if I’m going to this afternoon’s

Solving crimes has its guesses

to conceal, to do everything so that no one ever guesses what he or she is really

Unks guesses they have a little over an hour and a half before sunset

from the game in which a pebble is held behind the back of one child,and another guesses which hand it is in

With the correctness with which one guesses most of a person’s thoughts after you have lived with him ten years, my step-mother guessed what he was thinking

In fact we made even our guesses with a sort of lack of confidence

Mitch was yelling out guesses from the door, only serving to scatter Silas’ concentration more

But Mitch was on a roll, trying to get Silas to arrange the letter magnets with the wild guesses he shouted out

«A ball? Some sort of arranged thing?» he guesses

No one guesses that Eugene used to be one of them and that none of their tricks of looking cute or asking for a hug or throwing a fit will work

It seemed they could only guess at what the killer intended but those guesses pointed to the Legislative Council sitting on the coming Wednesday

Only if that fails should we move on to more devious guesses

Clever guesses notwithstanding, he cannot

And he didn’t need two guesses as to who had stirred the shit

Then; child rearing would become a difficult but manageable art form; not a blind blundering of guesses and mistaken assumptions

He guesses it has something to do with the springs it his duty to guard—for it is not just the water itself, though its magical properties are potent, but the source of the spring

He guesses it is inevitable

opinions about the nature of life and reality are little more than ill-informed guesses

How did you get out? His mind was a jumble of guesses, but I couldn’t tell him anything about that without tipping my hand to Kestrel

The guesses ranged from 2,000 to 5,000 people

” One guesses, “Four score years ago’

There was no record or legend of any prisoner with those initials, and many fruitless guesses were made what the name could have been

He guesses we shouldn’t wait for him this late hour: at least, he guesses that only Mr

The rest are guesses

My account of the races on the Oakland Estuary is based on Bill Leiser, “Who Won?” San Francisco Chronicle, April 14, 1935; “Husky Crews Make Clean Sweep,” ST, April 14, 1935; Bruce Helberg, “Second Guesses,” WD (no date, clipping from Bob Moch’s scrapbook); “Husky Crews Win Three Races,” ST, April 14, 1935; and “Washington Sweeps Regatta with Bears: Husky Varsity Crew Spurts to Turn Back U

The reader knows and guesses the rest

Caleb Garth, having little expectation and less cupidity, was interested in the verification of his own guesses, and the calmness with which he half smilingly rubbed his chin and shot intelligent glances much as if he were valuing a tree, made a fine contrast with the alarm or scorn visible in other faces when the

«String, or nothing!» shrieked Gollum, which was not quite fair-working in two guesses at once

He had a wicked and a wily heart, and he knew his guesses were not far out, though he suspected that the Lake-men were at the back of the plans, and that most of the plunder was meant to stop there in the town by the shore that in his young days had been called Esgaroth

The Lord of the Rings has been read by many people since it finally appeared in print; and I should like to say something here with reference to the many opinions or guesses that I have received or have read concerning the motives and meaning of the tale

An author cannot of course remain wholly unaffected by his experience, but the ways in which a story-germ uses the soil of experience are extremely complex, and attempts to define the process are at best guesses from evidence that is inadequate and ambiguous

In the end Bilbo won the game, more by luck (as it seemed) than by wits; for he was stumped at last for a riddle to ask, and cried out, as his hand came upon the ring he lad picked up and forgotten: What haw I got in my pocket? This Gollum failed to answer, though he demanded three guesses

I may have started with guesses

Frodo said nothing: the shrewd guesses of the farmer were rather

He knows or guesses something about it

Let’s see if we can combine these observations to make some rough-and-ready guesses about the top of the next bubble

Sadly, I find that many investors believe it is more important to be right in their guesses about the prospective direction of movements in the market averages

But even here it would be difficult to distinguish confidently between superior ability and luckier guesses on the market

He must expect to appear wrong often and to be wrong on occasion; but with intelligence and prudence his work should yield better over-all results than the guesses or the superficial judgments of the typical stock buyer

Assuming that these activities are carried on with sufficient seriousness to represent more than mere guesses, we may refer to all or any of them by the designation of “market analysis

He can’t depend on the law of large numbers to turn his rough estimates into good enough guesses; his sample size is too small

I was not surprised to find that the computer was password-protected and my random guesses wouldn’t get me in

I have my clients write in exact numerical values for the anticipated outcomes—their best guesses, as these will be needed when determining sample size

My starting to trade again was with the policy to do so based on the technical analysis and no more guesses and fundamental analysis to make a living

I make trades based on historical odds, not guesses or hopes or gambles

have no doubt she guesses, if she does not know, what need of caution

till this late hour: at least, he guesses that only Mr

«I’d have two guesses,» Jean replied

Few lucky guesses

  • Use the word GUESSES in a sentences

Sentence Examples

My guesses might be excellent, but I’m not silly enough to make them in front of a District Attorney.

I’ll give you three guesses, Sherlock Holmes.

I tell what I do, I give you three guesses.

I give you three guesses.

All the day long they were lost in guesses.

That ruins all my guesses.

I’ll give you three guesses.

Suppose she guesses when she sees you?


I’ll give you 20 guesses.

Professor Marvel never guesses.

«Three guesses Mrs. Fowler, as to who she’s going to marry.»

«I’ll give you three guesses and then three more, «and three other ones,

You can have three guesses.

And that feeling has been so insistent that I make guesses.

I’m tired of listening to your bum guesses.

Reckon now you better answer our questions… instead of upsetting yourself by making wild guesses as to why we’re asking them.

You’re making long guesses again, Johnny.

I have a few guesses myself.

Your guesses are in famous magazines… .. like that «Brain» I’ve seen in your library.

My mother didn’t raise any sons to be making guesses before a captain.

He says the men he left behind—1 0 of them— Have been commanded to hold on and fight to the death, but they’re pretty well gone now, and he rather guesses they’ll be willing to surrender.

No. I made a few cockeyed guesses, that’s all.

An unguarded statement here and there, a few lucky guesses about the future.

Well, Pasteur made some wild guesses that moved us all up 100 years.

Keep your guesses to yourself.

They had an answer for every one of my guesses.

because he guesses I did it?

I’ll give ya three guesses.

These wild, fantastic guesses! Cathy!

When one thinks how it’s natural and advantageous… for mankind to identify his own language and reality, one guesses what sophistication degree we must have reached… to dissociate both, and study them as separate objects.

Your guess is as good as mine. — Yes, but I don’t want guesses, I want facts.

I wouldn’t like you to make guesses about things like this, there’s too much panic about as it is.

Yet I’m pleased when the salesgirl guesses my game and plays along.

I never make uninformed guesses, but, er, certainly that’s one answer.

guesses, opinions, but no proof.

How many guesses do I get?

Now how many guesses do I get?

He has one of those intellects that allows him to make calculated guesses.

Now if you make ten thousand wild guesses, one of them’s likely to come true.

A golden crown for the one who guesses.

Any guesses what happened down there?

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Guesses | Guesses Sentence

  • His guesses are not for nothing.
  • And nobody guesses how wise we be.
  • Whoever guesses the most is the winner of the game.
  • She guesses we need a bell.
  • And the professor guesses the truth.
  • But guesses are no use without facts.
  • Their guesses ranged from water spouts to savages.
  • Your ladyship guesses how far that wish extends.
  • Olivia knows nothing of it; nobody guesses it but you.
  • See the guesses of etymologists (Osiris, pp.
  • For such questions as that we need the subtlest guesses of all.
  • Many and various were the guesses hazarded but each fell wide of the mark.
  • She guesses a lot and he knows more than is good for either you or I.
  • He looked at Marion as if he dared her to make as many guesses as she wished.
  • Trick it out with some high-sounding guesses if you have to, like I said.
  • Perhaps the «Commandor» guesses that something is amiss with me.
  • I almost laughed, with a resentful bitterness, at the poor guesses I had made.
  • I had all these thoughts and fears, and guesses of the Master’s fate.

How To Use Guesses In A Sentence?

  • I have given my guesses about the future of the distributed model of innovation.
  • Many of the old philologists used to do this, and then write down their guesses as facts.
  • He even guesses that a nutritious and medicinal oil could be produced from fish livers.
  • The first person who guesses correctly receives an appropriate heart shaped prize.
  • They looked at us a good deal, but ventured no overt guesses as to our antecedents.
  • As a matter of fact, nearly all the birds in the picture-books are guesses and exaggerations.
  • Yaska gives thirteen guesses of old, and there are nearly as many modern conjectures.
  • No one living had known of its existence, and many were the wild guesses made as to its object.
  • We are obliged to make guesses as to its intentions, its humor, its relation to philosophy.
  • Pretty soon he gets up and says he guesses he’ll go to his room, ’cause he feels sort of sick.
  • As Schreiber observes, the philological guesses really throw no light on the nature of Artemis.
  • She little guesses what I feel; she little guesses that I hold his life in my hands.
  • I have classified the guesses made by those who came before me, and have begun to study the question.
  • Everyone is befogged, and the guesses as to where exactly we are and whither we are tending are various and perplexing.
  • The allocation of social resources to particular types of innovation is driven by guesses about what the market wants.
  • Now all this was much spoken of by men, and many were the guesses as to how things would go on the faring.
  • I told her all the particulars about the weather that was past, and also made some pretty cute guesses at what it was like to be in future.
  • But you would certainly have arrived at guesses of your own, and, besides, she has never told me her secrets.
  • The artifices that were used to unveil the truth, and the guesses that were current respecting me, were adapted to gratify my ruling passion.
  • He made guesses also, but he thought they were scientific analyses, and he came to the edge of real discoveries without knowing it.
  • Three correct guesses must be made by one of the Guessers in order to secure for his side the right to open the game.
  • It is needless to occupy space with the etymological guesses at the sense of the name «Dionysus».

Definition of Guesses

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of guess | plural of guess

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Guesses in a sentence

Guesses sentence

sentence with Guesses

Guesses used in a sentence

Guesses make sentence

make sentence with Guesses

make sentence of Guesses

Guesses sentence in english

Definition of Guess

to give a response to a question or situation when you don’t really know the answer

Examples of Guess in a sentence

The professor had us guess the answer to the question even though we weren’t totally sure.


They tried to guess how many ducks were flying over, but the amount was too many to count.


We can only guess how old grandmother is since she looks young and won’t tell her age.


Each person had to guess how tall the building was and write their response on a sheet of paper.


I guess Carson went to the store, but she really could be anywhere.


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I ’m going to plagiarize a sermon, and you have to guess who wrote it.

Rabbi Joshua Franklin

Found on CNN
2 days ago

If two people object, we are back on the basic rule … which says we have to wait four weeks. But, if we don’t get that many objections, then we can suspend the rules … and we can vote tonight, and my guess is, if we do that, the council will vote to send Rep. Justin Jones right back to the Tennessee State House.

Jim Shulman

Found on CNN
4 days ago

You could tell I was not averse to rubbing his nose in this thing. He was polite to me, to this day, Joel does not remember that phone call, and I guess I don’t blame him.

Martin Cooper

Found on CNN
11 days ago

I guess the most polite thing.

Shannon Bow O’Brien

Found on CNN
15 days ago

A number of animals are being abandoned that have serious medical issues, the only thing we can guess is that people just ca n’t afford those expenses, and they’re hoping by dropping off [ their pets ] at our facility that we’re going to be able to pick up the slack. And we do as best we can, but it’s really putting a strain on our resources.

Joe Labriola

Found on CNN
26 days ago

I honestly didn’t think that was going to happen, i do appreciate that they have honored my request of removing the ride, but I am still without a son. I guess if I put numbers on it, it is 25% of closure.

Nekia Dodd

Found on CNN
28 days ago

I realize his question was just a way to start conversation, i guess in a way it did break the ice because I did my usual rambling with far too much detail and color for any answer, displaying a kind of classic American friendliness which some French people find fun.

Bolivia Augustin and Michelle

Found on CNN
28 days ago

I think we’ve all been in the position where we second-guess ourselves about whether or not we deserve something. Let me tell you as a musical theatre geek who really can’s sing I’ve gotten part after part in high school and community shows while my female friends with actual great singing voices get practically nothing. The gender balance and community theater is way off so i got part after part while my friends maybe got one big role every three years if they’re lucky. Iv’e had at least a named role in every show I’ve ever been in. Some girls I’ve met have never had a named role and i hear how good thier voices are and I just want to say sorry. I want to give them my part somehow because I know they’d sing it better.

Schaffrillas Productions

added by Jerribeck034
1 month ago

Challenges are what we deal with when it comes to pediatric medicine. We consider most of the kids that we take care of as somewhat therapeutic orphans, it’s just another one of the myriad of shortages that we have to deal with, I guess.

Jerrod Milton

Found on CNN
1 month ago

So I guess I ’m thoroughly confused, i ’m still confused.

Ketanji Brown Jackson

Found on CNN
1 month ago

I ’m afraid I ’m completely confused by whatever argument you’re making at the present time, so I guess I ’m thoroughly confused.

Samuel Alito

Found on CNN
1 month ago

I’m here in Poland to see firsthand the humanitarian crisis and quite frankly, part of my disappointment is that I can’t see it firsthand like I have in other places, they will not let me – understandably, I guess – cross the border and take a look at what’s going on in Ukraine.

Joe Biden

Found on CNN
1 month ago

They will not let me – understandably, I guess – cross the border and take a look at what’s going on in Ukraine.

Joe Biden

Found on CNN
1 month ago

I guess we’re the first guinea pigs for our ER, if we do have a major trauma and multiple victims come in, there’s only one doctor there. … We need to be prepared.

Joshua Allen

Found on CNN
1 month ago

It gives me shivers to think of people in this economic climate, thinking, ‘Oh, well, I was just going buy a $30,000 car but, hey, I guess $50,000 is average, so why not?

Jeff Bartlett

Found on CNN
2 months ago

I was still thinking he was more for Sandra instead of me, but in our picture – he took the same picture with Sandra and their hands are further apart – and of course in ours, our hands are right up against each other, which is rather funny. I guess it was looking ahead at things to come.

Graham Kidner Vickie

Found on CNN
2 months ago

But I guess I must because I hear it a lot, i often liken it to when somebody lives in another country for a long time. I had three years where that was my only focus in life, so I’m sure there’s just pieces of my DNA that will always be linked to him.

Austin Butler

Found on CNN
2 months ago

I was more worried how I was there in the first place, but I guess a lot of amateurs find themselves out of position, it was a great shot. Just tried to put it into the bank and hope for the best, like most amateurs do. It was nice to see it roll up nice and close.

Gareth Bale

Found on CNN
2 months ago

I’ve got one question for the ranking member. Ranking member Waters, in a 2008 hearing you said quote, ‘and guess what, this liberal will be all about? This liberal will be all about socializing – would be about basically taking over the government and the government running all of your companies’ end quote, simple question: Do you stand by that statement?

Chip Roy

Found on FOX News
2 months ago

I guess before people jump out for any candidate, they want to make sure they are sincere. Nikki certainly has her supporters. Tim is almost universally liked, and obviously South Carolinians have certainly heard about [Florida Gov. Ron] DeSantis and [Virginia Gov.] Glenn Youngkin, there is some wariness over the whole drama that follows President Trump sometimes.

Jim Merrill

Found on CNN
2 months ago

I guess I wasn’t arrested, I was stopped.

Joe Biden

Found on FOX News
2 months ago

It’s not about Olivia or NIL or social media, it’s just I guess sort of the sense of entitlement that some people feel they can behave a certain way and that what we saw go on out there was a behavior that I didn’t think was appropriate, that’s not normal autograph seeking behavior, you know, engagement with an athlete with fans and that kind of stuff. There was a, there was a mob sense to that scene that that was very disconcerting to me and that’s what I hope is not going to become the norm.

Jay Clark on Wednesday

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3 months ago

student: what shoe size are you

Jenna: *dances* guess

Jenna l

added by davids.27156
3 months ago

What we did look at suggests there’s a myriad of underlying causes, and I guess the question is, to what extent those causes are specific to being military. What I mean by that is we know that military personnel move around a lot, they’re asked to change locations every few years, and that can have a financial impact on the spouse and their spouse employment. … Is there something about that, about military service, that’s driving that? We just don’t know. We suspect there could be those factors, but there could be other factors.

Beth Asch

Found on CNN
3 months ago

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