Use the word guess in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word guess, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use guess in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «guess».

Guess in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word guess in a sentence.

  1. All that has taken a toll, I guess.

  2. I guess you could blame it on that.».

  3. I guess a three-legged dog is still a dog.

  4. Anyway, I guess I felt real benevolent that day.

  5. I apologized for being pissed off but guess what?

  6. I guess you’d better not try it,» Jackson replied.

  7. She stated: «I guess it was when I watched Monster..

  8. I’ve just learned to guess what’s going to happen next.

  9. My heart is racing and I take a wild guess: «May 24, 1989?

  10. I guess the plan is, next four years, Rio we go one more.».

  11. But every statesmen and naval student may make his own guess.

  12. I guess you might call it surrealistic paintings set to music.

  13. I can’t say No and I can’t say Yes, To me it’s anybody’s guess.».

  14. Those are questions that are above my pay scale, I guess you’d say.

  15. They restarted the watches based on Nansen’s guess they were at 86°E.

  16. From there he could guess the phonetic meanings of several more signs.

  17. I guess a movie’s message is only partially supplied by the filmmaker.».

  18. It works on the basis that the midpoint is not the best guess in many cases.

  19. Edson, speaking to those around him, stated, «I guess we better call them off.

  20. And all the sudden that kick line, which I guess was a spoof on the machismo..

  21. The Ranger later recalled, «The excitement had been too much for him, I guess.

  22. Sweat once told a reporter, «I guess a groom gets closer to a horse than anyone.

  23. I know it sound cheesy, but I guess it is going to be a more grown up Bloc Party.

  24. I guess it’s just the intensity of being on tour, things are so much heightened.».

  25. After each slide, participants had to state their best guess of what the object was.

  26. My best guess was that he flew far enough north to a small pond remote from people.».

  27. They were angrier than I guess they had ever been, because everybody else had rioted..

  28. The dense morning fog in the valley obliged the Confederates to guess at their target.

  29. Asked once what hobbies he had, Killebrew replied, «Just washing the dishes, I guess.».

  30. However, this estimate was based upon an inaccurate guess of the planet’s angular size.

  31. He said in a 1966 Playboy interview: «Last spring, I guess I was going to quit singing.

  32. Well, I guess a man’s entitled to make a fool of himself if he’s ready to pay the cost.

  33. And I guess Maureen [Herman] took Courtney to the airport after she stole all the money.

  34. I guess it’s a little intense, because I come from a true diva: My mother is an opera singer.

  35. I guess I’m here to remind people that the arts are essential to our mental health as a country.».

  36. I was so young and vestal then, you know it hurt me, but I’m breathing so I guess I’m still alive ..

  37. I would guess that the effects of the est training are substantial for a large proportion of people.».

  38. In addition to «super big names», they prefer lesser-known celebrities because it is harder to guess them.

  39. You get a good run, and you’re pushing a little bit, and I guess he was pushing whoever was in front of him.

  40. David Bowers said of the sudden passage of the legislation «We can only guess what happened behind the scenes».

  41. At that point, he would tell the engineer «Well, I guess you have to put that last part back in» and walk away.

  42. He was once asked in an interview what hobbies he had, to which he replied, «Just washing the dishes, I guess.».

  43. Of Easy Jet’s stamina and busy training regimen, Merrick said, «I guess he ate at night; I don’t know when else.

  44. Hobson for surmising that the blue stones might be sapphires, and his guess was confirmed by a jeweler in Helena.

  45. When Borah was asked if he had played a role in Van Devanter’s retirement, he responded, «Well, guess for yourself.

  46. It was largely guess work where they should be placed, and Charles did not like to use the militias in any vital location.

  47. But I guess we were like the bridge between hip hop and soul and R&B, and being a little bit commercial also helped us.

  48. The copycats are all competing with each other.» «…they have very little ads, therefore I guess it’s not going too well for them.

  49. Champollion guessed, or drew on the same guess found in Young’s Britannica article, that the circular first sign represented the sun.

  50. It is, however, a greatly expanded development of a theme heard during «Soliloquy» at the line «I guess he’ll call me ‘The old man’ «.

Synonyms for guess

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word guess has the following synonyms: conjecture, supposition, surmise, surmisal, speculation, hypothesi, guesswork, guessing, shot, dead reckoning, estimate, gauge, approximate, judge, overestimate, underestimate, infer, think, opine, suppose, imagine, reckon, venture, pretend and hazard.

General information about «guess» example sentences

The example sentences for the word guess that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «guess» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «guess».

Examples of how to use the word “guess” in a sentence. How to connect “guess” with other words to make correct English sentences.

guess (v, n): to give an answer to a particular question when you do not have all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are correct; an attempt to give the right answer when you are not certain if you are correct

Use “guess” in a sentence

Can you guess the meaning of this phrase from the context?
I guess it’s going to rain.
Can you guess my weight?
I guess he’s over thirty.
My guess is that it will be fine tomorrow.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


Jorma didn’t either, he couldn’t guess whether that was five thousand miles from here or ten

The shower had not been run recently, since before Ava and Herndon came down was his guess

From their faces I thought it might be Herndon but my guess is Venna stole it from Herndon, along with a few others, when she was with him

We felt like two old friends and it just… happened, I guess

“I guess the stealth part of this operation is over,” Nancy said

» She must have seen Ava looking distracted, «Sorry, I guess I haven’t really changed much in the last couple years

“I guess I’ll guard the elevator

«No, I guess it’s not here,» he sighed

«I guess,» she said, but without feeling

That wouldn’t be until the next dusk, still fifty hours away by her guess

Guess I haven’t written in a while

Every writer needs a room of her own and I guess every band needs a garage

“I guess you wouldn’t know anything about that kind of stuff since you were adopted,” Johnny said, a little more angrily than he meant to

«I should have just let you guess

He’s not himself this morning … I try not to fuss over him, but I’d hazard a guess that he didn’t get much sleep last night

«No, I guess there’s no helping it

«And have you NOT tell me what’s going on, all that time? Guess again

I can guess why they keep that stuff secret

I saw enough about you and Ava to make a guess as to what you want to remain private, but I have already forgotten what it was

I guess the next question is where

I guess this would be your time for

Hey Ahmed, guess what? We’re

«My guess, and it’s only a guess, is that the Governor, the guy who died, would have left his things to Waldeis, the guy who was sick

I’m guessing, just a guess, that she thinks she can lure Waldeis in with this

Yep, I guess that’s what I mean

«I guess this confirms we were doing this for the Brazilians

I guess you could say

«So I guess we’re pretty much caught up now?» she asked

«I guess his sonar don’t work well at all, he can’t even follow a conversation with it,» the shots dolphin said

I would guess his name might be Koata or Rarua or maybe Te Ati Awa, but not Ngata

‘It’s all right, I can guess at the way he did it

«I guess here we are,” Leonora said, pulling into the driveway

I watched as the door opened and I guess it was me that turned the latch although I don’t remember doing it

They were reunited for only a few days, but she could easily guess wrong at the order they were in

«I guess we might as well call it an evening

«I have no better guess,» she said

«You’re as acidic as she is, I guess you should be, you’re the same person aren’t you?»

Leonora couldn’t guess, and Ruby couldn’t tell her, exactly what was in the large, oddly shaped crate, but it took four hands and two backs to maneuver it out of the truck and into the garage of the grateful recipient, who gave them each an extra cash bonus as he rubbed his hands together with unseemly delight

«In that case my guess is he’s gone out into the Cerrado on the hunch that his starship will land in its old roost

Now I guess I’ll be heading home, after I take you wherever you want to go

I guess something in me just wouldn’t let go

Let me explain: After one and a half month of inaction, we finally carried out a telepathy experiment which “of course” proved to be a flop! Not even one of us managed to make a close guess of the object placed on the reception table

I made an educated guess for the number of blocks missing because of the door itself and so arrived at a number

Guess we won’t have to airlock the cherry after all

Her flat refusal made me think for a while but I guess it’s anybody’s right to choose the godmothers of their children

He tried to guess who it could be, he came up with a very short list, none of whom seemed at all likely unless they were put up to it by someone else

It could only be by another tech and he desperately tried to guess who it was and failed

He could guess plenty of techs that had the skills to get the drop on him, but not one who would use the religious symbolism

He guessed them as he thought of them, trying to guess who this could be

«I guess I could have forgotten

«So I guess you are it,» she said to the blond

My guess is that there really isn’t anything that huge that you

I went straight to “I DELIGHT IN that about me!” And guess

«I guess so, I wasn’t there myself

All I can say is that you have certainly lived up to your extremely well-deserved reputation, though I hazard a guess that Joris would have your head for being so careless

«Just before I guess

So yeah, since she’s still alive, I guess we know how the adventure story comes out, but not the love story

All in all there are about forty two islands between here and where the swamp starts, so we have to guess early which path to take

“Well, your guess is as good as mine, but he give a pretty good

«I don’t think we know enough about this city to hazard a guess,» she said

If he had to guess, he’d say she was somewhere in her late thirties

But that starship that attacked us was so preposterous that I guess I have to believe anything you say now

She looked at Daniel and said in a soft voice, “this is what he told me, Daniel: It is not for us to guess what the Creator has in mind for man

«The planet itself isn’t bad, or I guess I should say it wasn’t bad

I guess it’s his playtime, he thought to himself

“Well, I guess that does it for our exploring the town this afternoon

I guess we will have to come back later and take a look

Near as I can guess about 3 to 4 years since I last lit up a decent cigarette

My first piece of knowledge about boys and sex came when I was 18 – I was raped! Nice beginning, eh?” I guess it warped me somehow

LUIS: I guess you can’t tell a woman that the man she’s in love with is not good for her

«I would guess the leese keep dredging it out,» Desa told him

“Well, I guess that’s all from us

My guess is that he still can’t quite believe

I’ve seen enough sail to guess what this rig is trying to do

«I guess you really didn’t want to stay with me?»

«Yeah, but I guess on the planet where humans evolved there’d be a lot more germs in the animals that could also attack humans

«I guess I’ll have to settle for that,» he said

I guess it takes nothing short of a high level Scientologist with a medical P

«I guess that is the alternative isn’t it?»

If he was to guess, he figured that she would go into a hang on every time slice because there was so much security preventing any signals from coming back thru Thom’s instruments to anything, including that veron store

You know the routine; this little baby voice asking ‘Hello? Is someone there?’ I’m sure you can guess the rest

«I guess just because it’s proscribed by the church,» he said

«I guess we should be glad we’ve still got a ship under us,» she said

«That was written by people taking their best guess thousands of years ago,» she said

“I guess with the war on I’m ashamed to delve into something that esoteric when we should be looking for the roots of that doomsday device

‘Sally, you’ll never guess

At a guess, Gary’s not used to being thwarted, but then I’m much the same myself

‘Gosh, they’re gorgeous,’ chimed in Melanie, who is just leaving the office, ‘I reckon I can hazard a guess as to who sent those, Anna!’

‘And guess who was at the top? Which party? Secular nonsense again,’ Omi

She was still staring at him, «It’s just the way you depicted it I guess, most would represent this as a square wave

“I guess I’m just a bit tired, that’s all

«I guess so?» Ava always seemed to question anything where Darryl was concerned

Guess what? They’re human too and they will understand

I’m only bringing this up because the herb is, I guess, always mixed with tobacco before rolling

«Tell, you what», he said, «if you can guess what my job is in the

with twenty litres of KY Jelly was anyone’s guess, but the trade

“You shouldn’t second guess yourself, and how were you to know this war would happen? Yes we might have guessed that Alan’s hack would take over the Brazilian expedition when it got there, but how were we to know they would convince the Brazilian establishment to put a viral complex transmitted from that hack into production?”

But guess what’s our profit for the last four months,’

If he didn’t miss his guess, she was trying to hide a smirk as she said that

I guess you

Success, so if you guessed that the C in the ABCs of Success is

«I guessed that much by now

Brandon was a little put off by this, but he guessed small town charm wasn’t universal

As you might have guessed, a

«Was he the one with that disease?» doostEr guessed

«Is there anything else you’ve guessed

The pain in my ribs was searing, worse than anything the loan-shark heavies had done to me but I guessed that I didn’t have the right to medical attention while Garda Thicke was on duty

Glenelle guessed it was most likely damage from the electrical storms out there

She could ask, but she guessed Ava was mostly thanking her for keeping an eye on her sister’s problem and staying out of the way on hers

Dressed in my soiled and tatty towel and shirt, I guessed that I must look like a comic book version of a shipwrecked mariner

The Doctor was in his mid forties I guessed, wearing an open neck shirt, jeans, grey at the temples, clean shaven, blue eyes, cold hands

He guessed them as he thought of them, trying to guess who this could be

As for the other two, I could not recall the specifics of their abduction, but guessed that Aban Ganji was probably Persian and quite possibly one of the two television men taken over the summer

She’d been amazed by the overabundance of cleaning materials that she had correctly guessed would be stored in the cupboard under the sink – some things defy cultural differences! Kneeling on the floor, all the better to examine the various spray containers and bottles piled in there, her amazement turned into confusion … there were plastic spray bottles for limescale removal, disinfecting the worktops … apparently killing 99% of all known germs — though that did raise the question of what danger the remaining 1% presented if it was so vital to get rid of the things … bottles of cream for cleaning the sink and another, lavender scented, for polishing wood, a big bottle of bleach that at least smelt familiar, and noxious substances for cleaning the oven that had signs warning of danger plastered all over them … it was an education

It’s guessed that there are over 500,000 seats

As you guessed, Milli had been moved out of the way as being incorruptible, and Baz put in her place

Rah started to take off, John looked down and saw her burst into tears, turn and run down the knoll to one of the smaller dragons, Surfman, he guessed

” Daniel slapped him on the shoulder, “but I know how it was with Kate, so I guessed you knew what you were doing

Then from the playground came a cheer, loud and strong, and I guessed the game was over

«These questions are sufficiently distracting that you haven’t guessed their true purpose

Well now, I never would have guessed it; you are a fighter, Lady Elizabeth!” Turning, he mockingly bowed at her smiling

She must have guessed, because she came up behind him and slid her arms thru his and around his waist

He never guessed she had used this dinner as a prelude to a seduction

Duncan felt a small quiver beneath his seat as the pilot began turning a lever and he rightly guessed that the pilot was lowering the landing gear

Duncan quickly guessed that when they scanned his ship they must have scanned his computers as well

They came to the main house at the center back of the city and Duncan guessed correctly that this was the Lord Holders home

The warm drink, Tesh, was tasty and he guessed, intoxicating

There was no guards posted, and Rayne guessed why — the Taks; this was their territory

Used for tearing and rending their prey, she guessed

‘And it was not so much that I told him as he guessed

Katie’s dressed very casually in jeans and a t-shirt; if you didn’t know that she’d spent the better part of two hours dressing you’d never have guessed

‘Yes, he guessed that’s why I wanted the day off on Friday

Tarak was almost relieved that someone else had finally seen and guessed what he had seen and questioned

“You shouldn’t second guess yourself, and how were you to know this war would happen? Yes we might have guessed that Alan’s hack would take over the Brazilian expedition when it got there, but how were we to know they would convince the Brazilian establishment to put a viral complex transmitted from that hack into production?”

“Slowly Rayne, slowly,” he cautioned gently, wondering if she had guessed the truth

Had she guessed my breath? What is with

Alan guessed that she was encapsulated, or he already knew

The captain appeared to be the hearty adventurous type, a real mans man; and from an Ogatu’s point of view, quite attractive he guessed

She guessed he was trying to tell her that they would be on the boat five days

By now Ava guessed that she must be the Mother Superior of this convent or whatever it was

Naria guessed, “Mistress Tara maybe;,» she noted his reaction, «I understand you were close on the Phoenix

Duncan laughed and rightly guessed that Alexei’s compliments about Lady Tara and his use of her name was an indication of much more interest

He left Duncan standing there wondering if what he guessed all along had come true

She guessed she was supposed to remove it

Ava wondered why there was still a Vatican if they thought they were in Heaven? She guessed it was because of the ‘just like real life but perfect’ mantra and the fact that the heaven of a devout Catholic would not be perfect without a Vatican

‘No … and Bill has guessed anyway

He was concentrating on her involvement, trying to do what he guessed she wanted

He guessed it could keep him fed for a couple of days

an older woman Tom correctly guessed was Bram’s mother turned

He guessed they would also learn something new, if any of them remembered her

There is something more he should know about her isn’t there, something he should have guessed? Something even darker than being an RNAcid copy of a dead staff member of the Kassikan

guessed that the cover story for this installation was that it was just a

” He guessed that was what he was really asking

He guessed Jorma was probing at random as Ava had

He had never been social with anyone from such lofty heights of the pyramid and would have never guessed he could feel so strongly about someone like her

If I had guessed, I

But for how long? Roman guessed

He didn’t seem uncomfortable, so she guessed he was not involved

“Elanda never guessed,” Ava said, relating what she’d been told at the Bigtree

“Himla, but he said he never guessed a thing about Tdeshi doing shonggot

guessed – correctly, as it turned out – what was being attempted

Jean guessed that it was turnip and leek

He had studied her a bit, knew she aspired to a certain level of culture and guessed where she would go to kill a few hours before her ship departed

guessed that he had traveled a little farther down the hole than Alice, passing the

She guessed he tried to make trouble, about her father taking the Reed name; at least that was the story she got

She wouldn’t have guessed that from the way he forcefully strolled across the ice, without the aid of ice skates

He recognized that Desa had so correctly guessed his origin, a splinter religion that had wandered far into the wilderness to lose themselves in their own creed

When his piercing blue eyes meet hers, she knew she’d guessed right

We should have guessed this

“I should have guessed you did when you found the phone

From the fact that he’d admitted it, she guessed even he was beginning to accept that some bad RNAcid was all that had happened to him

He guessed this meal was worth the fuck after all

Helen of Troy guessed the plot and tried to get the men to show themselves by pretending to be one of their wives

She knows Alan as you might have guessed, whether she admits it or not

«I’ve seen articles by you in some of Klarrain’s stuff, you’re much prettier than I would have guessed by your writing

He didn’t know Luray that well, had guessed that she was old but not within centuries of how old

I should have guessed that anyone who would be a detective would have a curiosity that didn’t quit

«These people know things we haven’t guessed yet,» Alfred said

‘I might have guessed

Beyond that they entered what Alan guessed was a bio-photonic laboratory

guessed already and has given the proposal his blessing

final y — you guessed – a statue of another

An outbuilding that Nerissa guessed to be the ewe shed leaned

Nerissa guessed the cause at once

From the tones, I knew my mother was one of the parties inside and I guessed from the other voices that a handful of the elders were arguing with her

Though I’m new to Ithaca, I should have guessed your customs would be similar to ours

From the rough homespun he wore, Nerissa guessed that when he wasn’t

When it started to storm, he guessed that I’d come here

To empty his bladder, she guessed

She guessed that it was made from a doe’s hide

“I could have guessed as much

She’d guessed she could convince Homer to leave Ithaca if she made him be the hero

Oh well, he guessed, what must be done must be done

“Yes, may Triton ream you with his spear! I might’ve guessed a woman would use such

Since he didn’t live in Polis, she guessed what must have happened

Now unfolded, the newspaper showed her picture on the front page, large enough to cover more than half of the page, while Triggen’s hand purposely covered any text below it, denying her from seeing whatever is written about her, including her real name, which she guessed should have also been there

She wouldn’t have guessed he’d care to this degree about her escape

The voice continued, ‘Your inner voice guessed correctly friend

At this juncture, you would have probably guessed that the above story is about US!

She guessed the other client must have left by another exit, not wanting to encounter the other waiting, speculating on that person’s neurosis

» There was no reason to share his guesses

Davie guesses the boiler was sold for scrap

’ Alan thought about trying to go along with her guesses and say his parents got it from some wandering Messiah who said he had Angels making them for him

While questioning Sinon, the Trojan priest guesses the plot and warns the Trojans, and says «Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes» (I fear Greeks even those bearing gifts), which became known as ‘beware of Greeks bearing gifts,»

Helen of Troy also guesses the plot and tries to trick and uncover the Greek men inside the horse by imitating the voices of their wives

Klowa guesses they’ve been hibernating

But he had his guesses as to which side he likely claimed allegiance

But it had not been the time for second guesses and apprehension

If later on he guesses in that, or in any of a number of other areas, he»s going to kill patients

«If I had three guesses, I should use every one that our maid wanted to

 Planning ahead according to the facts, not guesses,

Clive wondered if he was keeping other guesses to himself

The smallest of snippets of all these “sounds?” seemed to be endlessly descending upon my inner mind, as snowflakes on a windless winter, seeming to tell me of things beyond that of even the most vivid of any imaginary guesses

These earlier best guesses should have never been cast in the stone of final answers, as many seem to have insisted upon who felt responsible for stable dogma

In more recent history many of the “best guesses” of belief seemed not to have held up very well, before the challenge of science’s verifiable postulations

Legal Guesses: This is non-consensual sex which is basically rape and I’m guessing it’s most likely illegal

Legal Guesses: although it’s ethically wrong for a guy to lie to a woman to get her to believe he really loves her so she’ll have sex with him, I’m pretty sure it’s not illegal to lie to someone about whether or not you really love them

Nigel had a password-protected computer and 15 minutes of my best guesses did nothing to unlock it

Jesse’s guesses were wrong but she hadn’t been too far off

Jesse’s guesses about the young men were wrong but she hadn’t been too far off

about, but am sure I could make a few guesses

secret was all about, and I made quite a few guesses at it, some of

rumours about it, made any guesses with the others?”

many of the guesses are wrong (i

Mosheh wonders what to do first; go see his family, visit the palace, or try to find food? The palace could be a dangerous place to visit, even though it’s been… oh, about sixty years, Mosheh guesses, incorrectly as always

I’d say thirteen,” Tina guesses a bit high, knowin’ what he wants to hear

“Any guesses as to where they are heading?”

Perhaps he guesses at its true nature

The team with the most number of correct guesses at the end is the winner

• The team with the most number of correct guesses at the end is the winner

Thyne is carrying a small cylinder that is connected to a harness and tubing, Grailem guesses that this is a flame thrower of some kind

The timing of the attack and the manner of attack were open guesses

The first was JOTTO, a word game where you have to guess your opponent’s five-letter word before he guesses yours

For example, if the secret word happens to be eerie, guesses of means and level would result in 1 and 2 jots respectively

In that approach, the computer could usually figure out the player’s word in eight guesses or less

the thoughts and origins of these beliefs can only be educated guesses with the use of deductive reasoning and rational

In this program, we take guesses from the user and check if it is the number that we have

In this program, we are still playing the guessing game, but the advantage is that the user is allowed to keep guessing until he guesses correctly — there is no need to repeatedly execute the program for each guess as we have done previously

On the other hand, time and measurements are approximations or rough guesses, not unlike computer science, which has good intentions but is limited to being close

Guesses for the snowpack on the mountain vary from

All of these guesses proceed from the false assumption that “the

year forecasts based on assumptions which are, at best, guesses as to the state

After he made a few wild guesses, we explained

Any guesses on how many times I have been asked today if I’m going to this afternoon’s

Solving crimes has its guesses

to conceal, to do everything so that no one ever guesses what he or she is really

Unks guesses they have a little over an hour and a half before sunset

from the game in which a pebble is held behind the back of one child,and another guesses which hand it is in

With the correctness with which one guesses most of a person’s thoughts after you have lived with him ten years, my step-mother guessed what he was thinking

In fact we made even our guesses with a sort of lack of confidence

Mitch was yelling out guesses from the door, only serving to scatter Silas’ concentration more

But Mitch was on a roll, trying to get Silas to arrange the letter magnets with the wild guesses he shouted out

«A ball? Some sort of arranged thing?» he guesses

No one guesses that Eugene used to be one of them and that none of their tricks of looking cute or asking for a hug or throwing a fit will work

It seemed they could only guess at what the killer intended but those guesses pointed to the Legislative Council sitting on the coming Wednesday

Only if that fails should we move on to more devious guesses

Clever guesses notwithstanding, he cannot

And he didn’t need two guesses as to who had stirred the shit

Then; child rearing would become a difficult but manageable art form; not a blind blundering of guesses and mistaken assumptions

He guesses it has something to do with the springs it his duty to guard—for it is not just the water itself, though its magical properties are potent, but the source of the spring

He guesses it is inevitable

opinions about the nature of life and reality are little more than ill-informed guesses

How did you get out? His mind was a jumble of guesses, but I couldn’t tell him anything about that without tipping my hand to Kestrel

The guesses ranged from 2,000 to 5,000 people

” One guesses, “Four score years ago’

There was no record or legend of any prisoner with those initials, and many fruitless guesses were made what the name could have been

He guesses we shouldn’t wait for him this late hour: at least, he guesses that only Mr

The rest are guesses

My account of the races on the Oakland Estuary is based on Bill Leiser, “Who Won?” San Francisco Chronicle, April 14, 1935; “Husky Crews Make Clean Sweep,” ST, April 14, 1935; Bruce Helberg, “Second Guesses,” WD (no date, clipping from Bob Moch’s scrapbook); “Husky Crews Win Three Races,” ST, April 14, 1935; and “Washington Sweeps Regatta with Bears: Husky Varsity Crew Spurts to Turn Back U

The reader knows and guesses the rest

Caleb Garth, having little expectation and less cupidity, was interested in the verification of his own guesses, and the calmness with which he half smilingly rubbed his chin and shot intelligent glances much as if he were valuing a tree, made a fine contrast with the alarm or scorn visible in other faces when the

«String, or nothing!» shrieked Gollum, which was not quite fair-working in two guesses at once

He had a wicked and a wily heart, and he knew his guesses were not far out, though he suspected that the Lake-men were at the back of the plans, and that most of the plunder was meant to stop there in the town by the shore that in his young days had been called Esgaroth

The Lord of the Rings has been read by many people since it finally appeared in print; and I should like to say something here with reference to the many opinions or guesses that I have received or have read concerning the motives and meaning of the tale

An author cannot of course remain wholly unaffected by his experience, but the ways in which a story-germ uses the soil of experience are extremely complex, and attempts to define the process are at best guesses from evidence that is inadequate and ambiguous

In the end Bilbo won the game, more by luck (as it seemed) than by wits; for he was stumped at last for a riddle to ask, and cried out, as his hand came upon the ring he lad picked up and forgotten: What haw I got in my pocket? This Gollum failed to answer, though he demanded three guesses

I may have started with guesses

Frodo said nothing: the shrewd guesses of the farmer were rather

He knows or guesses something about it

Let’s see if we can combine these observations to make some rough-and-ready guesses about the top of the next bubble

Sadly, I find that many investors believe it is more important to be right in their guesses about the prospective direction of movements in the market averages

But even here it would be difficult to distinguish confidently between superior ability and luckier guesses on the market

He must expect to appear wrong often and to be wrong on occasion; but with intelligence and prudence his work should yield better over-all results than the guesses or the superficial judgments of the typical stock buyer

Assuming that these activities are carried on with sufficient seriousness to represent more than mere guesses, we may refer to all or any of them by the designation of “market analysis

He can’t depend on the law of large numbers to turn his rough estimates into good enough guesses; his sample size is too small

I was not surprised to find that the computer was password-protected and my random guesses wouldn’t get me in

I have my clients write in exact numerical values for the anticipated outcomes—their best guesses, as these will be needed when determining sample size

My starting to trade again was with the policy to do so based on the technical analysis and no more guesses and fundamental analysis to make a living

I make trades based on historical odds, not guesses or hopes or gambles

have no doubt she guesses, if she does not know, what need of caution

till this late hour: at least, he guesses that only Mr

«I’d have two guesses,» Jean replied

Few lucky guesses

I’m guessing the people who stayed thought it was in their best interest or else had nowhere else to go

I’m guessing, just a guess, that she thinks she can lure Waldeis in with this

«We still have some chance,» Ava said, «but I’m guessing this is the reason Herndon wanted you to go out and try to start the Lula last year

That’s why I’m guessing he probably knew about the asteroid already

We watched a quiz show where the contestants could win holidays and electrical goods, anything right up to a small family car, just for guessing the price of an item that they probably could not afford to buy

They are hoping for a boy this time and you get no prizes whatsoever for guessing what they intend to call him! But to return to the beautiful jewellery you sent – you say Joris bought it for you many years ago

She stared at him guessing his thoughts

‘Did they get out?’ I asked, guessing what he is going to say

‘Lintze, I am guessing that you have blisters which need attention

she heard the sound of wood under duress and guessing that

answers, instead of guessing

no prizes for guessing who’s picking up the tab there!

No prizes for guessing what the ‘usual’ is from Roland

Guessing correctly that they were

Guessing at the price of the tale, Tom offered to buy the old man

” She was stumbling with this, was she just guessing or was she trying to cover something up? “I guess it’s what they have available on RNAcid,” she continued, “they said it was about fourteen coppers worth of RNAcid education

I’m guessing he didn’t chase her to the Yakhan at the time because she was running from him

“I’m guessing, of course,” Fred concluded, “It was more than just

“But I’m guessing if they looked hard enough they would find someone you sold shonggot to

“I’m guessing you’re tourist and quite startled to find habitation?”

guessing it was time

He is landing about 6 PM so I’m guessing he will come to our house Friday, April 22 around nine a clock at night would be my guess

Churches or denominations are about guessing what God wants from us

Guessing her intention, Homer snatched away the sack that made such an effective sling

The only thing that can truly worry me is them finding out about Arkaneh’s affiliation with Reus Mallistrom, but I’m guessing he’s not going to stop by for a surprise visit, so everything should be alright

«I’m guessing you’ve heard that Blackburn was exonerated this morning

«And I’m also guessing you’re going to print a story about it in tomorrow’s newspapers

He waited, guessing the man would be consulting with her

Guessing at the circumstances of her presence on the ship, I thought that perhaps she was an orphan

“Well I’m guessing this is more than just a repeater

Chris thought for a moment, “I’m only guessing as to the intensity required to kill someone, but I bet such a spike would have damaged receivers across the settlement

‘I’m guessing, though,’ Roidon said, ‘that I’ve been a bit of a disappointment to you and the council

I’m guessing the council is in a crisis session

But in most schools, guessing is heavily penalized, and is associated somehow with laziness

sales success is to find out early on through questioning or shrewd guessing what the customer is actually after

‘I’m guessing it’s somewhere under the Atlantic Ocean but you don’t want me to know in case the real Gerrid sought its destruction,’ he surmised

Based on the fact that Hollowcrest and Sespian both recognize your dagger, I’m guessing you were the court assassin or something of that nature, although assassination isn’t supposed to be the Turgonian way

Fortunately, the doctor had declared his illness the flu, rather than guessing drug withdrawal, and that was the diagnosis Sespian gave to the parade of faces passing through to check on him, each offering condolences, sincerity levels varying

“I’d be guessing at this point,” Sicarius said

Based on what I’ve learned about you, I’m guessing those hunters are not

He left the question hanging in the air, and the crowd, guessing it to be rhetorical, remained silent

I didn’t want him to order me—the very idea made me sick—but I couldn’t understand what the difference was in his mind, why he would choose to shape her reactions so cavalierly and to leave me guessing as to his intentions

language we do, it’s often a guessing game trying to discover the best way to help

“I threw it away,” Lyra said, guessing that he was looking for the bottle she had found when she’d been cleaning up

“So I’m guessing that Lexi lodged here with you while she was working over on the island?” Conal said

So I’m guessing that Lyra must have found the pen drive as you said, and tried to read what was on it

We had reports from others that she sometimes used some verbal expression beyond her years, so I’m guessing she was possessed

I’m guessing that a four-year-old with 72 itchy chickenpox marks (yes, she counted them) is an unpleasant thing, so you can appreciate our talent as parents

We were correct in guessing that the cops, for whatever reason, had quickly dismissed the notion that the body was dropped on the way in

How much of this would Brendan pass on in subsequent conversations? It always comes back to you, doesn’t it? Teasing Sim was getting to be a bad habit, but it would do well to keep Sim and Trent and all the others guessing

Trevor measured the distance between the Cloud and the sphere, guessing it to be about a foot

“You know, Michelle, I’m guessing it probably is, too!” said Charles, far more agreeably than in the past in such discussions, “but, of course, that is just a guess! As you are probably tired of hearing by now, I don’t know the answer to any interesting question

I’m guessing Dad and Mom would get irritated if we refused to believe they existed!” Charles laughed before continuing

It was because I couldn’t see them or was guessing so I always called them good,

Jasper and Hugo were better at guessing the lines than I was

“I’m not in the mood for guessing

“I’m guessing you are the prophecy witch child?” Ryan made a questioning face at the woman in front of her, the same face that Nico wanted to plant on her face but refused to

guessing that you want to

Once Jack Llewellyn started talking, it was difficult to stop him and I’m guessing he just liked to reminisce and have someone listen to him

So I’m guessing this is so called because it’s what the ploughmen used to eat for their lunch way back when?”

The letters promise more murders soon and are written as if by an uneducated man, to ensure that the authorities keep guessing

Legal Guesses: This is non-consensual sex which is basically rape and I’m guessing it’s most likely illegal

are, and the rest of it does not have to be a guessing

the same questions and play the same guessing

“I’m guessing the love train is in motion,” she stated smiling too

I looked at him puzzled, he pointed in the direction of Lucky “Given that you never slow dance with a woman and look so absorbed in it, I’m guessing she’s special?” He asked knowingly

“I’m guessing Bianca didn’t give you the message huh?” she asked and I looked at her confused

Ben smiled again “You won’t be intruding” he said guessing my hesitation “Trust me, he wants to share this with you” He added

The mind plays a guessing

” He, guessing what was happening on my mind, took a seat and pulled out a chair for me a well

“Not because of your father,” I corrected, guessing her thought

I can’t see her expression through the mask, but, from her parted lips, I’m guessing it’s surprise

“I’m guessing you’ve already worked it out that I’m not his hybrid

Was he guessing? How could he possibly know that? Was she that transparent? Without moving her head, her eyes shifted to the left to see a muscle twitching in Gabriel’s jaw

Guessing that Rachel might be among the visitors, Jesse took extra care with her appearance

She looked around, guessing she was somewhere near the outskirts of town

I’m guessing that it’s flour, Emma

be re-charged, but he was guessing that it had more miles left in it

Every time I had another juice or diet soda, Stevenson gave me that look that told me he was guessing whom he had hired, a damned New England alkie

My title was essentially equal to hers, and I am guessing that my pay was comparable

had come, but forbore to ask, guessing she would reveal herself in due course

When you leave the reading don’t start second guessing or re-interpreting

The kids were playing a guessing game in the sitting room and heard him call

Something was obviously troubling her and I’m guessing she wanted help with it or something

“I think their attacker was just guessing that they would have appeared directly across the clearing, but it was a good guess

That alone, I’m guessing, wasn’t enough to satisfy

He hoped he would not keep him guessing for too long, but he could not explain anything now

guessing game, squinting at the leaves above us, a contemplative

They passed the well-shaft not guessing that an excited small boy was hidden there, ready to slip out of the opening as soon as they had passed

“It’s a guessing game from here on in until I can converse with

He spent the better part of an hour guessing at possible explanations for Raidan’s actions, his escape, and what his next move might be

That’s called guessing

Athene’s despair was apparent as she twitched nervously in the saddle, guessing that this was the end of the road

“Gulagh is dangerous at night if you aren’t familiar with it,” Bors said, guessing correctly at Nem’s concern

Guessing Stubby was right, he switched his attention back to the Threshing Machine

Synonym: assume, believe, conjecture, consider, imagine, suppose, think. Antonym: prove, verify. Similar words: guest, vagueness, carelessness, uselessness, tactlessness, selflessness, limitlessness, expressionless. Meaning: [ges]  n. 1. a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence 2. an estimate based on little or no information. v. 1. expect, believe, or suppose 2. put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation 3. judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time) 4. guess correctly; solve by guessing. 

Random good picture Not show

(1) I’d guess that she’s about 30.

(2) I guess I’d better get going.

(3) I guess it’s going to rain.

(4) You’ll never guess what’s happened!

(5) Can you guess where I’ve been?

(6) Guess who I bumped into yesterday?

(7) I guess I’m just tired.

(8) I guess he is a business tenderfoot.

(9) Just guess what is in the parcel.

(10) April is the best guess for first deliveries.

(11) I can only guess the reason.

(12) Your guess is as good as mine.

(13) I guess he must be worth a small fortune.

(14) Can you guess the height of the tree?

(15) We can only guess at her reasons for leaving.

(16) Can you guess his age?

(17) I’d guess she’s in her twenties.

(18) Can you guess the inner meaning of this poem?

(19) Guess what? I’m pregnant.

(20) I guess you’re right.

(21) ‘I guess you guys don’t mind if I smoke?’ he drawled.

(22) I guess I’ll mosey on down to the store now.

(23) Guess which number of the following sequence is the odd one out.

(24) It doesn’t take much imagination to guess what she meant.

(25) You’ll never guess the answer — do you give up?

(26) When you need someone to listen, Ill be there. When you need a hug, Ill be there. When you need someone to hold your hand, Ill be there. When you need someone to wipe your tears, guess what? Ill be there. William Shakespeare.

(27) The fascination of the game lies in trying to guess what your opponent is thinking.

(28) If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem. Richard Bach 

(29) ‘What’s that thing in the middle of the fountain?’—‘Some kind of statue, I guess.’.

(30) No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess. Isaac Newton 

More similar words: guest, vagueness, carelessness, uselessness, tactlessness, selflessness, limitlessness, expressionless, aggressiveness, quest, bequest, request, values, tuesday, conquest, question, sequester, gruesome, requested, in quest of, vague, fugue, argue, rogue, vogue, in question, equestrian, plague, league, morgue. 

  • Use the word Guess in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Well, I guess that’s all the vittles.

Now, it is my guess that someone in this unit has been… rat-finking to the general on the sly.

I guess it would look kind of funny… if we denied the marriage now, wouldn’t it?

Sorry you have those derogatory opinions of me… but I guess that can’t be helped.

I guess that Atahualpa was the leader of the Incas at the time of the conquest.

guess Cark’s just not into geoogy.

-Then I guess I should come here more often. But I don’t swim!

Let me guess, you’re an insurance investigator.

It’s my guess you’re being set up for a hit.

She had a bag so I guess she was going away somewhere.

guess who’s made out of stuff you can’t hurt.

That’s really good. I mean, I guess — Cherie:

Sia: I guess I feel like… That high note that you hit was pretty spectacular.

One of you is going home! Not alone, I guess. Let’s, uh… [ laughter ]

Two by two, I guess it’s you and me

So I guess in English it would be, «Fuck you, God!» (Hasa Diga Eebowai!

I guess that’s sort of true…

Oh… I guess that’s kinda what you were going for…

I guess I never really thought of it like that.

I guess it’s also my fault I was mugged.

I guess it’s up to me to give that shit.

I guess that pile of shit with a pompadour was telling the truth.

It’s good to see you, I guess.

And a very, very lucky guess.

So let me take a wild guess

I guess you can say. Hey.

I guess I was in a weird mood, and I just want to apologize because I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything, because I’m really glad you’re—

I guess we won’t be able to go home together tonight.

So, I guess he deserves the money.

I heard that she’s gotten really weird, and I guess the rumor was true.

I guess you’re always on guard.

I’m sure of what I saw. — I guess you’re right.

So, if you continue to stay around me… then I guess you may get to see her again?

Then I guess we’ll have to hold hands the whole way home.

I guess she never found the necklace.

If that’s how everyone sees it, then I guess that’s what it is.

I guess breaking that vase really was the right thing to do like she said.

I guess he wanted to break off the engagement.

Anyways, since our engagement has been called off I guess I can’t say that I’ll see you around.

Seeing how you’re able to walk around freely at a hospital when you once told me that it was the scariest place to you in the world… I guess you won’t be coming back because you missed having your defensive shield.

I guess I must’ve gone as far as what I feared in my worst case scenario.

And I guess Tae Gong Shil was trying to… leave for somewhere far away after she resolved the case for him.

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