Use the word grounded in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word grounded, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use grounded in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «grounded».

Grounded in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word grounded in a sentence.

  1. The storm grounded the schooner H.

  2. Sources differ on where Politician was grounded.

  3. Hornsby then grounded out to Koenig to end the inning.

  4. After the second incident, the 737-400 fleet was grounded.

  5. On the 5th, a pair of U-boats grounded on the Danish coast.

  6. When he returned, he found the Aimable grounded on a sandbar.

  7. His hypothesis held that Edmund Fitzgerald grounded at 9:30 a.m.

  8. Seventeen crew members opted to stay aboard the grounded Méduse.

  9. In the Miami area, flights were grounded and schools were closed.

  10. The film has been interpreted as being grounded in Christian mysticism.

  11. The World Without Us is grounded in environmental and science journalism.

  12. Offshore, twelve barges were grounded after being swept by the rough surf.

  13. He felt this made the film more grounded compared with dealings with gods.

  14. After the next batter, Albert Pujols, grounded to Mueller, the inning ended.

  15. On the 26th, Kronprinz was more seriously grounded on the return trip to Kiel.

  16. He suggests that there are four ways that this relationship could be grounded.

  17. Gusts of 50 mph (80 km/h) grounded airplane traffic and yachts in New England.

  18. Gehrig, Lazzeri and Dugan all grounded out in the bottom of the seventh inning.

  19. An empty coal barge was grounded upon Thompson Island, carried by wind-driven seas.

  20. Croatia was hit, suffered casualties and grounded on the Romanian side of the river.

  21. While transiting the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal on 14 March 1917, Kaiserin became grounded.

  22. During the invasion, the ship was briefly grounded in the Great Belt, west of Agersø.

  23. König was briefly grounded in the northern harbor of the island of Helgoland on 30 May.

  24. Eight ships were grounded or sunk by Tip, leaving 44 fishermen dead or unaccounted for.

  25. From this script, Garland decided that the story needed to be more focused and grounded.

  26. The legs are grounded on concrete foundations, each of which contains twelve timber piles.

  27. With riot grrrl, they were grounded in girl punk past, but also rooted in modern feminism.

  28. Though the initial extraction was successful, one of the LCTs became grounded on a sandbar.

  29. Jorge Posada entered as a pinch hitter in the fifth inning for José Molina and grounded out.

  30. In particular, his intellectual foundations were grounded in his early Jesuitical education.

  31. Swigert was a late replacement for Ken Mattingly, who was grounded after exposure to rubella.

  32. The storm also grounded a fishing schooner from Cuba off the coast of Collier County, Florida.

  33. Many of the sailors did not know how to sail, and they grounded the boat on Matagorda Peninsula.

  34. When Shepard was grounded in October 1963, Grissom and Borman became the prime crew of Gemini 3.

  35. From 18 to 20 April, Posen assisted with the efforts to free Rheinland, which had been grounded.

  36. As a result, the first waves grounded on a reef and troopers had to wade ashore through the surf.

  37. In early December, Emden steamed to Incheon to assist the grounded German steamer Deike Rickmers.

  38. On 7 April 1815 Clarendon grounded at Sandy Hook but crew, passengers, and prisoners were all saved.

  39. Some hours later the frigate struck a hidden reef and grounded, sustaining severe damage to her hull.

  40. However, Chase Utley grounded into an inning-ending double play ending on a close play at first base.

  41. Slayton, grounded with an atrial fibrillation, ultimately flew on the Apollo–Soyuz Test Project in 1975.

  42. On 19 October, while operating in the East River in New York Harbor, Wisconsin was accidentally grounded.

  43. It is not simply grounded, as a much too innocent view might maintain, in the mixture of poetry and prose.

  44. In Marblehead, Massachusetts, the surf grounded at least 15 vessels from the harbor onto a coastal causeway.

  45. On the night of October 9–10, the vessel grounded 300 ft (90 m) from the shore, just south of Cape Hatteras.

  46. As with the previous two albums, Arthur was grounded in characteristically English lyrical and musical hooks.

  47. Despite their organic appearance, Oliver’s own view was that her work was not grounded in nature’s structures.

  48. Another accident happened in August of that year, when Massachusetts grounded on a rock in Frenchman Bay, Maine.

  49. In addition, he wanted the characters to have significant scenes, however small, that made them grounded and real.

  50. However, the thrust made by the Azeris grounded to a halt when their armor were driven off by helicopter gunships.

General information about «grounded» example sentences

The example sentences for the word grounded that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «grounded» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «grounded».

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1. The boxer grounded his opponent.

2. His arguments are well grounded in facts.

3. I grounded my opinion on facts.

4. The young players all seemed very well grounded in the rich history of the music they were performing.

5. All R45 aircraft have been grounded, after a defect in the engine cooling system was discovered.

6. The boxer was grounded by his opponent.

7. My parents have grounded me for a week.

8. Most phobias are grounded in childhood experiences.

9. The oil tanker was grounded on a sandbank.

10. The boat finally grounded on a soft, underwater bank.

11. The teacher grounded his pupils in arithmetic.

12. The balloon was grounded by strong winds.

13. The ship grounded in shallow water.

14. Her argument was grounded in fact.

15. The fog grounded the airliners.

16. His arguments are well grounded.

17. Lewis’ ideas were grounded in his strong Christian faith.

18. All the planes today have grounded.

19. Simmons says that her family keeps her grounded .

20. She grounded her pupils well in

21. He is well grounded in Latin.

22. The theory is well grounded.

23. All planes are grounded until the fog clears.

24. His arguments are ill grounded in facts.

25. The class is well grounded in grammar.

26. The kite grounded because the wind stopped.

27. A storm grounded the ship on a sandbar.

28. These explanations are not sufficiently grounded in fact.

29. Both boats grounded on a mud bank.

30. He grounded himself thoroughly in mathematics.

More similar words: ungrounded, underground, surrounded, ground, grounds, wounded, founded, bounded, foreground, groundnut, unfounded, astounded, playground, gain ground, background, groundwork, confounded, ground floor, groundwater, break ground, common ground, groundswell, dumbfounded, middle ground, on the grounds of, groundbreaking, round and round, funded, round, undecided. 

grounded in your calling and life purpose

rooted and grounded in love,

The time I spent with Sam was worth it as long as I was not grounded

«Your shuttlecraft is grounded?» she asked

So, apart from the fetid smell from the man, or the cabbage, and my head banging on the roof, I can’t say I’ve ever felt more grounded

I grounded out once and struck out twice, both

They were yet grounded on the Seventh – a death sentence to be sure, but at least here it wouldn’t be drawn out

being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend

They were being filled with the word of God and grounded in

grounded in Christ and strong to endure trials

It grounded me and helped me to come back

It’s just that the real Sally, the emotionally caring and spiritually grounded Sally that is the true essence of your being seems to be bottled up

Descending in an elevator suggests that you are being grounded or coming back down to reality

The rainbow is also seen as a bridge between your earthly, grounded self and the higher, spiritual self

If you are planning to have or already have a baby, then it suggests that the baby will or has grounded you

According to yogic philosophy, the mind is grounded in the material world, in which every effect appears to have a cause

Uar was revitalized and grounded after the

It was this terror, whether well or ill grounded, which rendered the repeal of the stamp act, among the merchants at least, a popular measure

Parliament, in attempting to exercise its supposed right, whether well or ill grounded, of taxing the colonies, has never hitherto demanded of them anything which even approached to a just proportion to what was paid by their fellow subjects at home

A Mars trip would have taken no more than a few hours, but until the space agency had concluded their investigation, all ships were grounded

The 9 Strategy Factors CR James Some people have a more grounded understanding of visualization techniques

I smirked, remembering how determined I was to do whatever I wanted to do, no matter how many spankings I got, or how long I was grounded from my friends or BB gun

All eighteen Augusta helicopters are grounded because there is just no money for fuel

A child‘s imagination, however, should be grounded on a mature understanding of what is reasonably attainable, morally wholesome and possible or desirable, for that matter, rather than irrational, spiritually harmful, far-fetched or unbecoming while operating within the prescribed limits of a balanced mindset; that is to say, the manner that child will one day be expected to interact with other people; that is to say, by providing in measure what is expected in kind

Its elasticity is grounded on the assumption that our society is a living organism subject to the vicissitudes of enlightened opinions, changing social and moral values and evolving standards of decency

A well-organized society grounded on and supported by fidelity to its traditional customs and manners once superseded by falsely conceived revisionist assumptions promotes an impressionist view of that society

The gradual erosion of church authority, grounded on the written body of teachings of the Church, in favor of moral and ethical palliatives, has occasioned special accommodations for private viewpoints rather than conformance with precedential systems of principle teachings designed to guide and to promote proper Christian Attitudes

grounded on an individual‘s (own) considered opinions; whereby that individual becomes the guardian of its (own) conscience, its (own) road to salvation, its (own) judge; in a word, its (own) custom-made god answerable to its (own) self

‖ Goodness is grounded in a disinterested ―awareness‖ of Goodness or an ―indifference‖ to doing ―good‖ works

It provides food for rational thought grounded in Experience that, whenever properly applied, without prejudice or bias, grasps the Intuitive, as well

After all, what did Christ and his Apostles really look like? Has anyone ever encountered an Angel? Such (abstract) personifications remain open to interpretation; a (worldly) convenience to meet its own special requirements rather than an unqualified expression grounded on historical accuracy

Grunt must have fainted because he collapsed backwards into the winch-man and the electrical current grounded through both of them

Except for her feet being firmly grounded well back from the edge, she may have been an eagle in its aerie preparing to soar from one peak to another

She knew she’d be grounded for months if the stupid puppy had run away

I felt grounded and hopeful that we would all celebrate many years of survivor anniversary dates together

The salty ocean-scent grounded her, made the tumultuous rate of change she was enduring seem solid and real

The Bible tells us that Jesus’ way is still the best way, but will we have ears to listen with, regarding the great multiplicity of distractions of the many competing spiritualities? Will we Christians have the foresight to give our modern institution of investigation, science, a respectful hearing for its new answers? Answers that appear to be well grounded as reflected in the parables that are in the Bible and are the Bible as iterated in the early chapters of this book? And will their counterparts in science reciprocate?

I’m mixing herbs with colored grounded stones and bones, chanting prayers into the mix with a deep but almost silent voice

How can you create a superb idea? To begin with, the best ideas, are grounded in reality, they have immediate and realistic applications to the world around them, they affect the world

Maybe man is defined by something or things that are not grounded in nature

It’s imaginative, yet grounded in the real world

32 And in every place where the grounded staff shall pass, which the Lord shall lay on him, it shall be with tabrets

On the shore there were a few of the ships grounded for repairs

Stepping over the bodies of the grounded men, the two raced

once more, at least this car had some grounded familiarity to it

She goes on and on about how her parents, strict Russian Orthodoxs, grounded her for coming home late from the mall

grounded in His work, then you cease to live and

The ideology of all too many teachers, protected by their government monopoly, is grounded in anti-American globalism, multiculturalism, and radical social change

That meant that his planes would be grounded for a few

because the Saratogas were still grounded

His heart pounded and his eyes felt grounded in his head

The concept of illusionary perceptions is thus grounded within the realm of empirical

perceptual situations, and is grounded entirely upon previous theory and a host of perceptions

” My new friends kept me sober and emotionally grounded

appreciation of a reality that grounded the realization of that deception—but such appreciation is

Truth is grounded

Reality is grounded in an absence, a lack of observed

Since the meanings of truth and reality are grounded in absence, propositions

This criterion is far too rigid to be amenable to scientific testing or to be useful, thus the concept of disease is grounded practically

A few similar ships grounded themselves on the Italian coast with no living crew

Meditation brings perspective, it brings calm, it brings peace and leaves you feeling grounded and well-prepared for the day

have been able to stay grounded

However, the Eastern traditions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Confucianism come from cultures in which they are deeply grounded, and of which they are a

help me grounded again, and I told her I did not want to be

grounded, that I was very comfortable in the dissociated state I was

find that as I have been getting more grounded over the day, I have

“You know, I’m rather well grounded in basic theory

A hand on his arm grounded him

Just before the bow grounded as the barge began its turn, Azareel loosed his line, then quickly gathered it up

The drovers, amidst a swirl of dust and sand, desperately grappled with the grounded soldiers

barge had grounded, he pushed with all his might but nothing moved

the grounded side of the barge, beckoning Moshe and his crew to join in

He had been thrown almost back onto the barge as it grounded

The pilots, grounded until the heavy rain passed, were grouped around the Ops counter waiting for news of Higgens

Just before the bow grounded as the barge began its turn, Azareel loosed his

Annyeke’s voice tumbled in to his consciousness and grounded him

Damn the man for never being there when the connection between them might have grounded him in this battle

I think it’s more important to enjoy the moment, and nature has a way of keeping you grounded when you’re immersed in it

Missiology should be grounded and rooted in Biblical theology rather than being

Manaea, spear in hand with the butt grounded, followed behind and to his right

“that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, (18) may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— (19) to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God

More than grounded when their eyes and hands met during the hailstorm and insurgence from all corners

as lamp test pin and the same is to be grounded

If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel,

“He’s more grounded now

In every case, there are still facts, but although what we know is grounded in the facts, how the

He’s been … ah, grounded, I guess you would say, and he can’t stand waiting another century before he’s allowed to go back to Olympus

I really would’ve been grounded by Father, then

On those intervals are grounded

commercial flights were grounded until the weather improved they said

social and grounded creatures

In this way we are al grounded and humbled, whether sinners or righteous

7 «Your sonship is grounded in faith, and you are to remain unmoved by fear

Feeding on their cousins that were washed ashore or grounded by the winds these privileged plunams would have had it easy and it could be this lack of threat from the others and the ready availability of prey that would have made the evolutionary process of these apart and unique

otherwise would have grounded many

We found 1724 ‘grounded’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use grounded in a sentence.

  • It helps release tensions in the upper body, sink your Qi into your roots and become more grounded.
  • *»‘Keep «‘- the article satisfies every content guideline and the reasons for deletion are not well grounded on policy.
  • And found ways to raise their surprisingly grounded children the same way.
  • This keeps Gwyneth grounded when the weird gets weirder.
  • None of the causes of the action are grounded in statutory law designed to protect disabled persons,.
  • I thought the grounded ended beautifully after all the drama the characters had endured.
  • Anyhow the results are in already, your fears aren’t grounded in reality.
  • He does not argue that morality must be transcendently grounded, but he assumes it.
  • A high-resistance grounded system uses a grounding resistor (NGR) with a low let-through Ethernet to limit ground-fault current.
  • The lyrical magic Spencer weaves is grounded in stark reality and at no point do the two disconnect.
  • The towboat and its 17 barges have been grounded and quarantined near Rosedale.
  • She put to sea again on 25 September to help to refloat the grounded US Army Sgt.
  • These findings form the themes and substance of grounded.
  • Can’t wait to start grounded.
  • The story is bound to an ancient fairy tale, but grounded in the reality of the time.
  • If you don’t have the shielding grounded, or in a continuous loop, it won’t work.
  • A person grounded in JOY is like a beacon to all and a magnet for learning.
  • These explanations are not sufficiently grounded in fact.
  • Cocteau, Les Six, and Auric found the music of those composers to be divorced from reality and instead preferred music that was grounded in populism.
  • That the accusation appears to be so well grounded is terrifying.
  • Just enough humor to keep it light but still maintains grounded, useful advice.
  • Through it all, she somehow remains so grounded and real.
  • A successful business, someone grounded in faith, a survivor.
  • Jack is so well grounded and so comfortable in his own skin.
  • I like fantasy well grounded in reality.
  • I love her humor and I love how grounded she is.
  • The best comedy is grounded in reality.
  • It gave me such a peaceful grounded feeling.
  • Concentrating on them turns abstract speculation into grounded, concrete investigations.
  • I’m not thrilled by is potential replacement, but he does seem a bit more grounded.
  • However grounded is what I came to review.
  • Harry’s luck is about to change, the current snow storm that has hit Oslo has grounded flights.
  • This fear has not proven to be well-grounded.
  • A virtual office can be as grounded or as virtual as you make it.
  • But she keeps him grounded in the real world.
  • Joe Panik, their best hitter, grounded to first with a runner on base to end it.
  • She lost phone privileges and was grounded.
  • A generation or two ago people were grounded.
  • Operating from an egocentricity grounded in emotion, not logic, toddlers make incorrect assumptions about how the world works, says psychologist Alicia Lieberman.
  • They were grounded and really the moral center.
  • They are grounded both in story and in God.
  • Not all of the essays are grounded in actual history.
  • When we entered, there were potato chips among other food grounded into the carpet.
  • I really enjoyed reading grounded.
  • Dhelis matches her heat very much and Brogan keeps her grounded.
  • I felt really grounded in the story.
  • It is well grounded and gives room for all the characters to grow.
  • Struggles for couples may very well be grounded in managing emotions effectively.
  • The advice is common sense and grounded and common arguments are debated openly and honestly.
  • I have been relying on you and other journalists to help me stay grounded in this chaotic time.
  • However he stays grounded.
  • Passion is grounded in an eros that is often spoken of by the poets.
  • Your arguments are rather specious than well grounded, for your name ought to be none other than your father ‘s name.
  • The younger is grounded but lets boyfriend know why.
  • Grounded did a beautiful job wrapping up the story of James and Brianna.
  • Neither of which motives is grounded in healthy reality with regard to both sex and love.
  • She’s there to keep Raphael grounded and that’s it.
  • But Jorge Posada grounded out on a 3-0 pitch.
  • A fuse shall not be connected in the neutral grounded conductor.
  • He maintained a cynical attitude, well grounded on numerous experiences.
  • A cursory glance at some of his poems reveal a man innately grounded into his perception of reality.
  • Wonderful way to keep grounded in The Word.
  • I know the story is fiction but you want it grounded in reality.
  • She became more grounded and likable.
  • If you are well grounded in anatomy this would be a nice reference.
  • His characters feel grounded and relatable.
  • Unlike most parfait Tavernier did not come from the bourgeoisie and he was not well grounded in Cathar theology.
  • He is very grounded however not in the way i anticipated.
  • Daisy is the most grounded and cares the most for the well being and happiness of her sisters.
  • Gnosticism is grounded in the experience of Gnosis, which is the salvific and transcendence.
  • SD is more grounded in reality though and so I’m willing to give it a pass.
  • I liked Nancy, she was pretty grounded.
  • Well grounded psychological analyses and concepts.
  • Does it give accurate, well grounded information.
  • The British captured and tried to take out » Laaland » and » Kiel » but abandoned them when they grounded.
  • Muktuk is a bit more grounded than Irving, who is more along the lines of comic relief.
  • The kite grounded because the wind stopped.
  • Fortunately this entire foundation is grounded on extremely shoddy philosophy.
  • I also had a little trouble grasping the whole drama around being grounded.
  • Pilots of both kinds of ship wore Battlestar Galactica helmets for a number of reasons including protection when fighting, and if by chance they were shot down, and found themselves grounded on an ali
  • The airline has grounded its fleet.
  • The army has launched an investigation and grounded its Cobra fleet.
  • But affer Walt Weiss grounded into a fielder’s choice, Heredia walked Keith Lockhart and Chipper Jones to load the bases.
  • I initially went in because my mind is very scattered and I wanted to feel more grounded.
  • To get a well grounded background in this gift of health to humanity, take advantage of Mr.
  • Human existence is fundamentally grounded in responsibility.
  • It also makes it clear that, among other things, Israel’s Sabbatarian practices were grounded on the very order of creation itself.
  • The grounded meat does not go well with ramen.
  • She is grounded, competent, and even in the midst of being unwound, she knows her mind.
  • Both grip the memory of their one physical night together in order to remain grounded.
  • Alfonso lost the use of his cell phone for a month and Alex grounded Jonathan for the same amount of time.
  • They have straight A’s and are very grounded in their faith.
  • Her father is a complete realist, grounded in science and fact.
  • It is grounded specifically in scientific argument.
  • John has been brought up in a wonderfully grounded family, where he was able to witness true love.
  • Well written and grounded in painful reality, he discusses God’s leading in life events.
  • Unground him if he really is grounded.
  • Iain was the more grounded of the two.
  • I appreciated the flow from initial attraction to a love grounded in appreciation for true beauty.
  • Marissa is the girl who spends her summers at camp and tries to keep April grounded.

Other Words: Grounde, Grouched, Gross Weight, Grondin, Gromwell, Group Life Insurance, Grocer, Groovy, Grooviness, Grosso, Groundworks, Grossrath, Grocery List, Groupoid, Grosvenor, Grouses, Group Conscious, Grottoes, Grodin, Grossnesses

Definition of Grounded

sensible and balanced mentally and emotionally

Examples of Grounded in a sentence

Known for being grounded and level-headed, the businessman rarely lets his emotions affect his decisions.


Grounded and sensible when it comes to money, Beth was not only a good saver but also a good spender.


Nick prides himself in being grounded and well-balanced in both his work and personal life.




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