Use the word gold in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “gold” in a sentence. How to connect “gold” with other words to make correct English sentences.

gold (n, adj): a chemical element that is a valuable, shiny, yellowmetal used to make coins and jewellery; made of gold, or the colour of gold

Use “gold” in a sentence

The winner was awarded a gold medal.
I like collecting gold and silver coins.
He won a gold medal.
Which is heavier, lead or gold?
Is this pure gold?
The price of gold varies from day to day.
She won a gold medal.

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1Peter: 1:7: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried

It shines gold in the dying sunlight

Instead a new scheme is likely to be introduced soon wherein one can but Gold Mutual Fund

This works like any MF but the difference is that any time in future it can be exchanged with gold at the price prevalent at that time

He risked a glance and saw a child staring out of a smudged window, finger lodged up his nostril, digging for gold

Baker directs John to one of the armchairs, unbuttons his jacket to reveal a gold tie chain, and sits in the other one, leaning forward in John’s direction

tans crisp and brown and complementing their gold bangles superbly

(A chain that has the element of gold)

’ Still, he took it home but was very happy because the egg was a lump of gold

Then you will lay your gold in the dust, and the gold of Ophir

Yes, the Almighty will be your gold and your precious silver;

A cowboy with a heart of gold,

Ricci enters, sporting a fresh change of wardrobe (the guy’s really a clothes horse): This time it’s a palace casual, a brilliant blue thobe trimmed with gold thread

Why they would disguise the aluminum as gold was strange, unless they were trying to hide its true value? But then why do such a bad job of it that you can see the aluminum thru the gold

«He’s this guy in the Cash for Gold place down on Main St

He was telling his problems to loan sharks in the cash for gold instead of his dad

to find liquid gold in the wilderness as Cortez had been in his search for El Dorado

Michael tried going down to the Cash for Gold place but they told him to fuck off basically, that he needed to deal directly with Leo, the greasy little fucker that handles our debt

The Cash for Gold shop was a prominent local feature in the town and could be seen from the window of his hotel room looking down over the town’s main cross roads

The opening hours of Darklow Cash for Gold were from 10

He watched from the breakfast room of the hotel as one large goon rolled up in front of the Cash for Gold and unlocked the shutters

Were they even queuing for the Cash for Gold? There was nothing else in between that Theo could see

«To the Cash for Gold

‘The gold one on the top

By noon the following day I was in front of Sammy the Sharks ‘office’ on Main Street, otherwise known as the Darklow Cash for Gold shop

He wore a shirtless two-piece suit in the trendy mode, flowing and soft with pants that didn’t conceal the size of his sack and large looping epaulettes with solid gold commandant’s stars

A recommendation of this kind is worth its weight in gold

The dirty yellow clouds outside turned dim gold and then, just dim

propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works

Deciding that, as it is my day off, I shall wear something different, I trawl through the wardrobe, digging out a flattering, mid-calf length woollen skirt in a pretty shade of deep blue that Nick hasn’t seen yet … with a pretty light blue top and my best gold necklace (a present from the school when I left) it would look smart and it would make me feel partyish

Metal, glass, stone, silver or gold; because the container is an expedient

could see that the room was filled with diamonds, gold, and silver

The air and exercise were doing her a lot of good, in just three weeks she had tanned to a nice gold and her hair was coming in darker and livelier

pounded on the gate a voice asked him, “¿Do you have gold?”

Son had a pouch of gold coins that Elden had put in his room the night

” Son said as he placed his bag of gold coins before her

Son had offered the old hunter a great sum of gold to lead the way but the

The head of gold represented Babylon

took off her gold bangles and slipped them into Nihar’s

encrusted in thick frames of tarnished gold,

the attire with a gold sash he wore over the left shoulder, secured

where green and gold cloth once hung boldly

Who knows what the future holds? These trinkets express only a fraction of my love, respect and esteem for you, carissima mea, I could purchase or steal every ounce of gold in the world and it would not reflect the depth of my love

‘This’ was a heavy chain of red gold links approximately ten inches long

‘Joris left a considerable estate … some of it has been converted into gold, some retained so that it will continue to render a regular income

‘When you said there was some gold, I thought … but …’

Your hair is no longer silver and gold

beneath his field of wheat gold hair

where brasses reflect the spin of gold

pinks and fire skies burnished with galleon gold,

She’s all sliver with black around the ridges of her eyes with purple mixed in, her eyes are gray in a pool of gold

Oh what eyes! Deep rich brown suspended in a sea of gold

They were quite a bit more svelte with prettier faces and luxurious hair, one gold, one warm brown

The woman was also tall, cool, and her hair still carried a touch of gold even though she was obviously also a helmet user

hanging heavy on a gold linked chain,

He had a gold tooth

’ He said appreciatively as I pull out the gold chain in the box

Cyberia was quite possibly the most haughty, proud and conceited young lady to have ever shopped and lunched in the fabulously gold plated arcades and streets of London Town

A few wisps of cloud on the far horizon glimmered red and gold as they reflected the falling of day into the purple dusk of night

’ He said thoughtfully, ‘A case of all that glisters not being gold, I suppose

He pawned his fine clothes, sold his gold wristwatch and hocked his patent leather shoes, until he had nothing left but his old army clothes

After a short but intense period of mourning, the soldier married the old chairman’s daughter, which she liked very much because he made her Chief Executive Officer and together they cornered the world’s markets in gold and oil, before retiring in their late thirties to live in Antibes and raise a gaggle of spoilt but happy children

In the process, my shirt gapes slightly and my travel stone falls forward on its gold chain

There, in a village on an island in the Aegean Sea, I stood in the nave of a gentle, humble church where above me hung a trio of splendid silver and gold chandeliers

Young girls in scarves of white satin, stockings of red cotton and heavy brocade jackets staggered under heirloom medallion chains of heavy gold, links of pearl, lace and beads

The westering sun caught gold in the glistening faces, the essence of life on the mountain, something exclusive and transcendent

I realised we had struck real-estate gold

It’d be a gold mine

It’s even been pawned on occasion, our diamond engagement ring, but its only glass and nine carat gold

‘Oh Goddess, I offer you this robe edged in gold that you may once again bless us with your favour

His pants were the standard with gold braid down the side

The coat was complete with gold buttons, gold braid on the sleeves and of course gold epaulets at the shoulder

piles of gold, at his huge and glorious palaces and at his subject

and she had a heart of gold

you’re kind and caring and you have a heart of gold»

gold where her family was concerned, she also remembered the

apparent than in London’s shimmering streets of gold, where the

She was dressed in leather breeches, a white billowy shirt with a large gold and silver belt at her trim waist

He wore a gold chain

The man in the gold chain went back to his group

lady to have ever shopped and lunched in the fabulously gold

horizon glimmered red and gold as they reflected the falling of day

She had at least eight necklaces, all of them gold, some with additional beads of precious stones

So many of them remind me of that woman in the opening of whichever of Thomas Hardy’s books it is that opens with a heavily pregnant woman climbing Gold Hill

his fine clothes, sold his gold wristwatch and hocked his patent

world’s markets in gold and oil, before retiring in their late thirties

The cynical say they bowed only to the power of gold, but in this day and age most of the people here believed the Goddess of nature was real and many attended celebrations

quickly find that building a list of customers, or a list of those who trust you, is as good as GOLD to an internet marketer

gold and platinum disks, a host of awards, and plaudits of the most

gold – Granddad once told me that he had bought the farm in

street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass

with much money in silver and gold in their purses

I also gathered silver and gold for myself, and the treasure of kings and of the provinces

She wore a green silk blouse with ruffled lace sleeves and waist and gold buttons

Her headband was gone and in its place a gold tiara with heart-shaped opals visible in eight points

green of the pines and firs contrasting against the gold of the crops in

Sometimes, when he listens to Ken when they’re alone in the flat above Snuggle’s, he thinks that maybe he should broaden his horizons, but he knows in his heart that his crock of gold lies at the end of the lane, not at the end of the rainbow

A gold card to go with his golden tan

beat the proverbial heart of gold

impressive double gate, all neatly painted in black and gold

Use Gold in a sentence. How to use the word Gold in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Gold. Sentence for Gold.

History Of Gold - Discovery of Gold and Aftermath


Examples of Gold in a sentence

  1. All that glitters is not gold.
  2. The slag heaps hold massive dumps of crushed rock discarded after gold extraction.
  3. Gold brought great wealth but also new social tensions.
  4. We also use gold to denote great wealth.
  5. Gold brought great wealth but also new social tensions.
  6. He received a gold medal from the Artists’ Fellowship in New York.
  7. Many men came north from California in the search for gold in the 1800s.
  8. Rows of pretty rose gold pineapples, spare silverware and her baking essentials look ultra-chic due to smart arrangements and  labelled containers.
  9. It is found that the dispersing, impurity removal and chelating effect of acid help gold cyanidation.
  10. Although Tibetans prefer the lhasas to have lionlike coloring, the dogs vary widely from white through shades of sand, honey, and gold to gray and black.
  11. At his right hand stands the queen in gold of Ophir, in a garment of wrought gold: on broidered carpets she shall be brought to him; the young maidens, her companions, follow her.
  12. Not only did the firm carry mail and supplies to the miners, but it alsa bought their gold dust.
  13. Some of Gray’s poems have gentle humour, like the “Ode on a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes”.
  14. The three points of Montilivi have been pure gold for Rubi’s wardrobe, for many reasons.
  15. There is thy gold, worse poison to men’s souls, Doing more murder in this loathsome world, Than these poor compounds that thou mayst not sell.
  16. The disease is most commonly noted in coal, copper, and gold miners, stonecutters, tunnelers, granite workers, and those having to do with sandblasting, stone chipping and buffing, and certain glass, ceramic, and metallurgic processes.

Post Views: 271

Synonym: Au, amber, atomic number 79, aureate, gilded, gilt, golden. Similar words: happy-go-lucky. Meaning: [gəʊld]  n. 1. coins made of gold 2. a deep yellow color 3. a soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element; occurs mainly as nuggets in rocks and alluvial deposits; does not react with most chemicals but is attacked by chlorine and aqua regia 4. great wealth 5. something likened to the metal in brightness or preciousness or superiority etc.. adj. 1. made from or covered with gold 2. having the deep slightly brownish color of gold. 

1. Gold will not buy everything.

2. All that glitters is not gold

3. Speech is silver [silvern], (but) silence is gold [golden]. 

4. As the touchstone tries gold, so gold tries man. 

5. Before gold, even kings takes off their hats. 

6. All is not gold that glitters. 

7. A useful trade is a mine of gold

8. Health and strength is above all gold

9. Vice rules where gold reigns.

10. Gold will not buy anything.

11. Before gold(, even kings take off their hats. 

12. Fire is the test of gold, adversity of friendship. 

13. Fire proves gold, adversity proves men. 

14. Wisdom is better than gold or silver. 

15. A good name is better than gold

16. Better without gold than without friend. 

17. Good name is gold worth.

18. All that glisters is not gold

19. Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron. 

19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

20. When we have gold we are in fear; when we have none we are in danger. 

21. The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong man. 

22. A gold bracelet dangled from his left wrist.

23. She wore a gold chain around her neck.

24. He has a gold ring on his finger.

25. A good head and an industrious hand are worth gold in any land. 

26. No man loves his fetters, be they made of gold

27. An ounce of prudence is worth a pound of gold

28. I would rather have the affectionate regard of my fellow men than I would have heaps and mines of gold

29. Apply yourself to true riches; it is shameful to depend upon silver and gold for a happy life. 

30. A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold

  • Use the word Gold in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And when we find the treasure, we’ll melt down the gold and recut the jewels.

They’re vulnerable to elements 76 to 79- osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold… negates their ability to disrupt electricity.

I’m sure the families of gold Command would be exempted anyway.

When Eggleston returned to Dunkirk to open an exhibition devoted to his work, it was a chance for critics and journalists to see if they could turn the pure gold of his pictures into the hard currency of words and explanations.

And deep in the ground Joseph found shining plates of gold!

But a village in Ootah Where the roofs are thatched with gold

And lo, Christ spoke of many things, and the Nephites came forth and wrote the teachings on plates of gold.

I got de golden plates (gold plates)

I… got de golden plates (gold plates)

I know every disgraced politician, every gem smuggler, every high-stakes gambler and gold digger that come through those doors.

I thought you were some gold digger, but it’s just your intuition?

When I was being clingy, but even when I’m leaving… I’m still nothing but a gold digging candy girl in everyone else’s eyes.

Baena Constructions — the gold standard international company built from nothing.

And I vanna toilet made out of solid gold… but it’s just not in the cards, is it?

For cross of honor and freedom of gold!

Lady Beltham had rented a flat at gold price for night in front of the prison.

A gold shipment leaves the Deep River mine.

Lest shipment of gold stolen bannot understand how bandits get their information.

Another shipment of gold.

Spoke to her, offered her gold, a lot of gold, still I felt like the beggar asking for alms.

There the gold had an effect!

gold he arduously worked for runs through his fingers like water, and yet… taxes increase even more.

The queen gives an order to turn in all silver and gold on pain of capital punishment!

Master, believe me, it is gold

… then all the gold remains with us.

Arno … let them have the gold.

The loyal Hagen speaks: At a place, my lady, where no one can use the gold to forge weapons against the kings of Burgundy!

The sack of gold is mine!

Whoever brings me Tronje’s head will win a shield full of gold!

It would be folly to reject what Siegfried offers you as a brother and Kriemhild is worth more than all the gold in the world!

A handful of red gold for a cooling draught of white wine!

I spend my gold as quickly as a rooster bites a seed, Pambasa.

We will sell at a profit of a half a million in gold.

I was sent here to relieve the misery, and I see only gold, luxury and debauchery!

In the great gold Rush, Alaska was the hope and dream of men, the ruthless siren of the Far North, beckoning thousands to her icy bosom.

Chilkoot Pass was the great barrier to the gold fields.

I’ve found it, a mountain of gold

Meanwhile Black Larson stumbled onto Big Jim’s mountain of gold.

Treachery awaited Big Jim at his mountain of gold.

A day or so later in the Recorder’s office, Big Jim tried to convince the assayers that he had a mountain of gold.

«At last I shall find my mountain of gold

«I will not part with this horse for mere gold

He seeks to turn base metal into gold!

And middled aged one will enter covered with gold.

The gold rush has brought them to this desert coast

There’s no gold in this mine — we have to look elsewhere.

The output of gold continued…

I was the one who found the gold and they make me their washer woman!

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