Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word glossary, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use glossary in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «glossary».
Glossary in a sentence
Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word glossary in a sentence.
It includes a glossary compiled by W.S.
The extant folios of the manuscript start with the fragment of the glossary of Hebrew names.
The back of the book includes a section titled «Cast of Characters», a Swahili glossary, and the editor’s acknowledgments.
Charles Plummer edited this book, producing a Revised Text with notes, appendices, and glossary in two volumes in 1892 and 1899.
His article, in a learned Finnish journal and with an illustrative glossary, used The Pursuit of Love to exemplify upper-class speech patterns.
While occupying that office he was credited with a writing a glossary of Old English legal terms in the Anglo Norman language, entitled the Expositiones Vocabulorum.
The book included chapters on the prisoners’ backgrounds, the use of role playing and group teaching styles, communication methods, and the involvement of prison staff, as well as a glossary of slang.
Synonyms for glossary
Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word glossary has the following synonyms: gloss.
General information about «glossary» example sentences
The example sentences for the word glossary that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «glossary» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «glossary».
Many of my words have many definitions and interpretations; therefore, in this glossary I will define how I am using them and hope to help you understand better in this book
Kurt discovered this when he read the chip glossary which listed
When king John of France,{See Du Cange Glossary, voce Moneta; the Benedictine Edition
In the glossary of names, there is listed:
Be sure to check out the Glossary at the back of those resources
We are building a glossary together
“That’s why he’s working on his political glossary
This was the impetus for his political glossary
Rhetoric in today’s political glossary was
“Jason told me you have a glossary of political terms
” The author has included what she captions, “A Glossary of Banned Words, Usages, Stereotypes, and Topics” taken from various language cleansing sources
VOL I Glossary of Terms
The glossary entries are included to explain or better define words used in the book on awakening as they pertain to the stage of enlightenment
There is much insight in this glossary that has taken me years of cutting through illusion to get to
In striving for the essence of truth, much has been cut away from this glossary and the main writings
• A glossary is useful if it will be necessary for readers new to the subject area
Glossary of Terms, Characters, and Historical Events or Locations
Glossary of words that James and Sam did not know
There is also a glossary of OCD terms that you can read to
Fortunately, most real estate courses include a glossary of terms
Glossary Of Moving-Related Terms
Each lesson has a glossary that you can use for reviewing
A glossary is never a
After the glossary are several tables to help in your studies
In the glossary of the fore-referred textbook , mammals are defined
A Glossary — Know What All Those Terms Mean!
A glossary is useful if it will be necessary for readers new to the subject area
So that readers can better grasp such cultural and historical terms, uncommon words or expressions of the era, the following glossary has been provided
Glossary Of Information Technology Terms
Glossary of the local expressions and other coinages in Crooked fingers
See The Glossary
See the Table of IISSIIDI-Centers in the Glossary
5 See IISSIIDIOLOGY, Volume 9 – The Glossary (FLUU-SSMM)
6 See IISSIIDIOLOGY, Volume 9 – The Glossary (SSLUUF-SSMM)
guide and glossary of most of the relevant symbolism and related terms
In spite of careful and repeated reading of certain classical passages, aided by a glossary, he had derived imperfect conviction from the text, the answers not bearing in all points
I have been doing this work for 21 years and still sometimes need to check a glossary when someone asks me about a certain play by its formal name, as opposed to, say, “I’m long 10 of these and short 20 of these,” or something like that
” (Glossary: In those days that was the ultimate of condemnation
This glossary includes option-related terms as they are most commonly used
Straight from Value Line’s glossary comes this handy tip: “Under no circumstances should the technical rank replace the timeliness rank as the primary tool in making an investment decision
Dallas for this Glossary, which has been given because several readers have complained to me that some of the terms used were unintelligible to them
- Use the word glossary in a sentences
Sentence Examples
Her parents run a glossary shop.
Her family run a glossary shop at Nihonbashi, so, she is rich.
There’s also a roster of key family members, a glossary, sailing terms.
Gus, you copied those terms from the glossary of our health textbook.
So, if I was to look up «Leonard» in, say, a weather glossary, there would be no definition.
You just go to the glossary, and you see, «How little I care.»
I have a glossary of terms in my files back at home.
And within a few weeks, he had come up with a glossary of AIDS treatment terms, and we started giving it out in our meetings.
This thing needs a glossary.
In fact, er, they’ve put in a rather helpful glossary of military terms.
What he does is try to create a glossary of radical heroes who the new movement he wants to build should emulate.
Well, if I was to look up the name Leonard in, say, a weather glossary, would I see a definition?
I have a glossary in here.
In fact, Mr. Egan, I was told that you encouraged staffers to add to this glossary of abuse.
I just found the glossary, so ignore that last message.
Her parents run a glossary shop.
Her family run a glossary shop at Nihonbashi, so, she is rich.
There’s also a roster of key family members, a glossary, sailing terms.
Gus, you copied those terms from the glossary of our health textbook.
So, if I was to look up «Leonard» in, say, a weather glossary, there would be no definition.
You just go to the glossary, and you see, «How little I care.»
I have a glossary of terms in my files back at home.
And within a few weeks, he had come up with a glossary of AIDS treatment terms, and we started giving it out in our meetings.
This thing needs a glossary.
In fact, er, they’ve put in a rather helpful glossary of military terms.
What he does is try to create a glossary of radical heroes who the new movement he wants to build should emulate.
Well, if I was to look up the name Leonard in, say, a weather glossary, would I see a definition?
I have a glossary in here.
In fact, Mr. Egan, I was told that you encouraged staffers to add to this glossary of abuse.
I just found the glossary, so ignore that last message.
Basic glossary of words and phrases, which may come handy in the Czech Republic.
Основной словарь слов и фраз, которые вам пригодятся в Чехии.
See the definition of the term»System Operator» in the Glossary of terms section.
Определения термина« Оператор системы» найдете в разделе Словарь понятий.
Synchronizing Translation Glossary in Team Projects.
Синхронизация переводческого словаря в совместных проектах.
All relevant terms are defined in the glossary.
Определение всех соответствующих терминов содержится в словаре.
See the definition of the term»Toll Collection Administrator» in the Glossary of terms section.
Определение термина„ Управляющий взиманием автодорожного сбора» найдете в разделе Словарь понятий.
To add word to Glossary, select it, right-click and select Add Glossary Entry.
Чтобы добавить слово в глоссарий, выделите его,
щелкните правой кнопкой и выберите Add Glossary Entry.
Yes, thank you, I will write it down into my Ukrainian glossary.
Да, спасибо, запишу в свой словарь украинских слов.
The full name of the file is Word Glossary File.
Полное название файла: Word Glossary File.
Gis file extension Babylon Glossary File.
Расширение файла. gls Babylon Glossary File.
Gpr file extension Babylon Glossary Builder Project File.
Расширение файла. gpr Babylon Glossary Builder Project File.
Buddy memory allocation The Memory Management Glossary Memory Allocation Lecture Slides ppt.
Дружественное выделения памяти The Memory Management Glossary Memory Allocation Lecture Slides ppt.
ISBN 0-8362-2894-4 Ebert’s Bigger Little Movie Glossary(1999)- a»greatly expanded» book of movie clichés.
ISBN- 8362- 2894-
4 Ebert’ s Bigger Little Movie Glossary( 1999)-« значительно расширенный» сборник кинорецензий.
ISBN 0-8362-8021-0 Ebert’s Little Movie Glossary(1994)- a book of movie clichés.
ISBN- 8362- 8021- Ebert’ s Little Movie Glossary( 1994)- сборник кинорецензий.
National Human Genome Research Institute(NHGRI) Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms.
Гаплогруппы Проект« Геном человека» Talking glossary of genetic terms:
Within the client folder, we also keep the glossary subfolder: Network drive:Translation memoriesClient glossary.
Также в папке заказчика находится подпапка глоссария:
сетевой диск: Translation memories Client glossary.
Creating and maintaining a glossary for a specific client is a best practice in the translation industry.
Создание и ведение глоссариев для отдельных клиентов- стандарт переводческой отрасли.
Weave your glossary web with other translators!
Обменивайтесь глоссариями с другими переводчиками в Интернете!
So how are you checking the translations against a glossary of specific terms?
А как вы проверяете перевод по глоссарию с собственно терминами?
Italy- for hosting the meeting of the Technical Panel for the Glossary TPG.
Италии- принявшей у себя совещание Технической группы по глоссарию ТГГ.
For example,
I might have the following word combination as a term in a glossary.
К примеру, в глоссарий
качестве термина можно внести следующее словосочетание.
Homogenous is defined in the glossary as»uniform in composition and appearance.
В глоссарии термин» однородный» определяется как» единообразный по составу
и по внешнему виду.
What’s to keep a Glossary of frequently used words?
В чем держать словарик часто употребляемых слов?
Finalizing and publishing the»A glossary of Market Surveillance Terms»;
Iv Glossary of spatial data infrastructure(SDI) terms;
Revised glossary on market surveillance terms 1.
This glossary describes the terms used in the training manuals.
В этом словаре разъясняются термины, использованные
The glossary includes definitions of the main statistical indicators.
В глоссарий включены определения основных статистических показателей.
Results: 1388,
Time: 0.0275
A glossary, also known as a vocabulary or clavis, is an alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)
The Spanish glossary includes the math words in both English and Spanish, with full definitions in Spanish for parents.
We updated this guide for this year, including the new mortgage glossary.
On this page, you’ll find convenient links to all our training and educational resources, including the Smashwords Style Guide (how to format and publish your book), the Smashwords FAQ (frequently asked questions — a great repository of knowledge including a helpful glossary of e-publishing terms!)
The IDPF also has a great EPUB 3 Structural Semantics Vocabulary that gives a nice glossary of ePUB3 terms you should be familiar with if you are going to be creating ePUB 3.0 files.
So, if you’re one of those people who does not basic financial terms or has a healthy appetite for knowledge, then our glossary is what you need.
X-Ray was also shown off for textbooks; different words and phrases can be triggered to activate a live, web-based glossary for further exploration.
A home equity loan can be complicated to understand, but these five facts and glossary of important terms provide some clarity.
I have looked up the meaning of the first on your handy glossary of abreviations but the second is new to me.
Here’s our handy glossary — early viewing is essential
For more information, view the Lions Quest FAQs and the glossary of Education Terms.
This paper includes a glossary of technology assisted review terms and a foreword by John M. Facciola, U.S. Magistrate Judge.
Book Design Made Simple includes 73 chapters plus a glossary of design and printing terms and a comprehensive index.
You might be aware of insurance terms and other words used in their business, a little knowledge and a dig into insurance glossary can help you in many ways.
See-also the IPCC glossary for climate.
Whether you’re a seasoned designer or just getting started, Fontshop gives a nice digest of design terms relating to fonts in their glossary.
Consumer friendly explanations of major areas of law, articles on current legal topics, links to legal resources on the web, a glossary of 10,000 legal terms, and more.
We’ve got a glossary of 100 career-related terms that can help you come up to speed on the latest words you’ll encounter while looking for a job or on an interview.
The gas cap code!!!!!!!!!!!!!! car forums and automotive → Gas cap p0455 code page 3 chevy trailblazer → Gas cap won’t stay sealed tacoma world → Popping noise from engine car forums and automotive chat → Autoblog new cars, used cars for sale, car reviews and news → Siphon gas toyota tacoma forums tacoma world → Automotive whirlpool forums → Trouble code p1450 ford truck enthusiasts forums → Alphabetical glossary of automotive terms edmunds → Mercedesbenz forum →
Check out the advanced-stats glossary here.
Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.
A link to a glossary of terms used on the site can be found in the bottom navigation bar.
Thank you @sakaralife for including our beloved Queen Healer Mushroom in your glossary — what a beautiful spread of information on Reishi and all things wellness!
We’ve assembled an extensive book publishing glossary to help you navigate your way through this complex industry.
All three narrators were involved in EBV research and so occasionally veer into complex explanations — they do provide a helpful glossary, though.
Credit card glossary terms to know for first-timers — Ready for your first credit card?
If you’re not, you can make use of the EquityMultiple glossary.
For anyone who’s new to bitcoin, the following glossary should come in handy.
To be honest, I think these gigantic overarching glossaries in general are a dying breed.
To assist in understanding some of the legal terminology included in this Chapter a glossary of terms is at Annexure 1.
Booklet includes self assessment and topic confidence tool and glossary.
A generous glossary of techniques describes the essential terms, from spattering and marbling to patinating and distressing.
If that’s the case, here’s the most comprehensive glossary of terms to help you out.
Check out our illustrated auto glossary.
— or fabric (baldachin, which is not, I found out, something from Men In Black II but rather «rich embroidered silk and gold fabric»), or stuff on the high seas (loxodograph, sponson…) the glossaries are the way to go.
Create a glossary at the end for convenient self-study.
The family tree is necessary to keep track of the characters, and the glossary of Jamaican dialect is helpful.
The book begins with two super useful chapters: a glossary of Mira’s favourite ingredients, and then a few pages dedicated to key pastes and garnishes which are used in other recipes throughout the book.
This package also includes links to Education Week’s coverage over the decade, readers» comments, and a glossary of selected NCLB terms.
That includes an entire electronic-systems glossary‘s worth of acronyms (VSC, TRAC, ABS, EBD, BA, etc.), 10 airbags and front whiplash-minimizing seats.
It includes example documents such as a memorandum of understanding for outlining expectations, a glossary of useful terms and is focused on:
That’s why we’ve assembled this book publishing glossary to help you understand the lingo.
A nice feature is the glossary of terms frequently used in educational assessments.
He is the author of The Devil’s Financial Dictionary, a satirical glossary of Wall Street (PublicAffairs Books, 2015), and Your Money and Your Brain, on the neuroscience of investing (Simon & Schuster, 2007).
Other features include a glossary of agricultural programs and policy, links to agricultural and food law activities in Congress, and information on the nation’s farm bills from 1938 to the present.
An abstract painter, Greenbaum «wields a vast visual glossary, with her works sometimes reading like punchy, assured, confrontational statements and at other times ballooning quietly across the page like slow-capture botanical animation, never arriving at any kind of declaration,» Ali Fitzgerald has written.
GIBL.IN not only offers free health insurance quotes to let you compare premiums and detailed information about various health insurance policies but also provide a number of value-added services such as free policy renewal reminder, online chat support, online glossary and free insurance consultation.
According to the EdSource glossary, English learners are «students whose home language is not English and who qualify for extra help», which is a specific group of K-12 students.
If you’re not sure what term to use, there’s a glossary of estate terms.
This useful glossary contains definitions for over 2,000 terms encountered in real estate management.
If any terms are unfamiliar, review our glossary of home and renter insurance to get comfortable.