Use the word global warming in a sentence

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1. Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested.

2. The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.

3. The general secretary opened the congress on global warming.

4. Global warming will affect all of us.

5. Global warming is a real problem.

6. Global warming has become a very hot issue.

7. The probable result of global warming will be a rise in sea levels.

8. Scientists fear that global warming has gone beyond the point of no return.

9. Newspapers seized on the results as proof that global warming wasn’treally happening.

10. He described global warming as «an environmental time bomb ticking away».

11. In an otherwise excellent issue about global warming, I found Jeremy Creed’s article very unconvincing.

12. She is a sceptic about the dangers of global warming.

13. We are all beginning to experience global warming due to the enhanced greenhouse effect.

14. Heedless destruction of the rainforests is contributing to global warming.

15. Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitic diseases?

16. She is a skeptic about the dangers of global warming.

17. The programme was intended to focus attention on global warming.

18. Temperature records have unequivocally confirmed the existence of global warming.

19. The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic.

20. Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .

21. Global warming could be accelerated due to the thinning of the ozone layer.

22. Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming.

23. Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based.

24. Do you think that these higher-than-average temperatures are attributable to global warming?

25. Environmentalists fear that this is a short-sighted approach to the problem of global warming.

26. It is impossible to predict what the eventual outcome of global warming will be.

27. Britain came bottom on efforts to tackle pollution and global warming.

28. What amazing train of thought led you from Napoleon to global warming?

29. What is lacking is the political will to get anything done about global warming.

30. They used a computer to model the possible effects of global warming.

More similar words: swarming, global, globally, globalize, globalization, stalwart, subsistence farming, glooming, always, conforming, determining, brainstorming, globe, globular, compressional wave, bulwark, civil war, warm, near miss, armistice, warm up, warmth, english civil war, lukewarm, vermin, determine, terminate, never mind, undermine, determined.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word global warming, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use global warming in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «global warming».

Global warming in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word global warming in a sentence.

  1. Collectively, these amplify global warming.

  2. In the 1980s, the terms global warming and climate change were popularised.

  3. Crichton became well known for attacking the science behind global warming.

  4. The size and speed of global warming is making abrupt changes in ecosystems more likely.

  5. Rising sea levels caused by global warming are another threat to the future of the park.

  6. Human activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere which cause global warming.

  7. Limiting new black carbon deposits in the Arctic could reduce global warming by 0.2 °C by 2050.

  8. This deforestation is the most significant aspect of land surface change affecting global warming.

  9. Romney opposed the use of mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions to deal with global warming.

  10. There have been prehistorical episodes of global warming, such as the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum.

  11. In 2017, Winslet teamed with Leonardo DiCaprio’s environmental foundation for a fundraiser on global warming.

  12. Over the last five years, you people were so good—over tax cuts, WMD intelligence, the effect of global warming.

  13. He appeared in a global warming awareness video produced by the Center for American Progress Action Fund in 2007.

  14. Human activities have affected stocks of many species of teleost, through overfishing, pollution and global warming.

  15. However, with pledges made under the Agreement, global warming would still reach about 2.7 °C by the end of the century.

  16. All of this retreat is attributed to global warming, and tends to increase during El Niño years owing to a drier climate.

  17. In March 2006, Crowley wrote a strongly critical review of State of Fear, focusing on Crichton’s stance on global warming.

  18. In the wake of the season, questions arose regarding the potential impact of global warming on Atlantic hurricane activity.

  19. Policy decisions that rely on carbon dioxide removal increase the risk of global warming rising beyond international goals.

  20. Contemporary climate change includes both the global warming caused by humans, and its impacts on Earth’s weather patterns.

  21. As concern over global warming intensifies, biofuels derived from crops are gaining increased public and scientific attention.

  22. The World Policy Council has studied and issued white papers on the Politics of Nigeria, War on Terrorism, and global warming.

  23. Human activities are now the primary cause of the ongoing extinction event; global warming may further accelerate it in the future.

  24. Limiting global warming makes it easier to achieve sustainable development goals, such as eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities.

  25. In an intermediate scenario global warming would reach 2.1 °C to 3.5 °C, and 3.3 °C to 5.7 °C under the very high GHG emissions scenario.

  26. Scientists have speculated that global warming could cause high thin cloud cover to increase, thereby increasing temperatures and humidity.

  27. Scenarios that limit global warming to 1.5 °C typically project the large-scale use of carbon dioxide removal methods over the 21st century.

  28. This increase is believed to be due to a combination of urbanization, population growth, increased international travel, and global warming.

  29. As a result of their warming effects when relatively thin, cirrus clouds have been implicated as a potential partial cause of global warming.

  30. Warmer and wetter winters due to global warming may increase newt mortality by disturbing their hibernation and forcing them to expend more energy.

  31. The inertness of helium has environmental advantages over conventional refrigeration systems which contribute to ozone depletion or global warming.

  32. As a consequence of global warming, temperatures on the summit of Quelccaya sometimes rise above freezing, accelerating the shrinkage of the ice cap.

  33. In the spirit of his science fiction writing Crichton details research on nuclear winter and SETI Drake equations relative to global warming science.

  34. While aerosols typically limit global warming by reflecting sunlight, black carbon in soot that falls on snow or ice can contribute to global warming.

  35. Especially in the southern ranges, exploitation of groundwater and decreasing spring rain, possibly caused by global warming, threaten breeding ponds.

  36. Other postulated causes of the decline include increased ultraviolet radiation due to the hole in the ozone layer, global warming, and increased drought.

  37. According to the IPCC, global warming can be kept below 1.5 °C with a two-thirds chance if emissions after 2018 do not exceed 420 or 570 gigatonnes of CO2.

  38. The polar bear has also been depicted on the logo for the German Environment Minister’s campaign to help stop global warming and a 2008 special issue stamp.

  39. This expedition asserted that its contribution to the international debate on global warming would be a fitting testament to the SNAE’s pioneering research.

  40. In Southeast Asia, its range has contracted at lower elevations due to global warming, but it has also moved higher at high elevations and it remains common.

  41. In June 2014 a study by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution concluded that emperor penguins are at risk from global warming, which is melting the sea ice.

  42. In the 21st century, global warming has made access to Siberian tusks easier, since the permafrost thaws more quickly, exposing the mammoths embedded within it.

  43. On January 25, 2005 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Crichton delivered a detailed explanation of why he criticized the consensus view on global warming.

  44. The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report projects that global warming is very likely to reach 1.0 °C to 1.8 °C by the late 21st century under the very low GHG emissions scenario.

  45. Environmental issues include contributions to global warming, depletion of aquifers, deforestation, antibiotic resistance, and growth hormones in industrial meat production.

  46. In 2015 all UN countries negotiated the Paris Agreement, which aims to keep global warming well below 2.0 °C and contains an aspirational goal of keeping warming under 1.5 °C.

  47. The United Nations Environment Programme estimates that countries need to triple their pledges under the Paris Agreement within the next decade to limit global warming to 2 °C.

  48. The main HFC is R-134a with a new type of molecule HFO-1234yf, a Hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) coming to prominence owing to its global warming potential of less than 1% that of HFC-134a.

  49. Various scientists, politicians and media figures have adopted the terms climate crisis or climate emergency to talk about climate change, and global heating instead of global warming.

  50. Rising sea levels due to global warming could contaminate the wetland with saltwater, damaging the plants and fauna, and by 2100 the area of Ciénaga de Zapata would be reduced by one-fifth.

General information about «global warming» example sentences

The example sentences for the word global warming that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «global warming» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «global warming».

Definition of Global warming

the steady rise in temperature of the Earth’s air caused by a form of pollution

Examples of Global warming in a sentence

When people would spray their aerosol cans, environmentalists blamed the 99-degree temperatures on global warming.


It is believed that the ice caps will melt and flood the Earth because global warming will cause the Earth to become warm enough to melt the ice.


Evidence suggests that global warming exists because people pollute the air with pollutants and statistics show temperatures have increased every year since 1920.


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Global warming, also referred to as climate change, is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system and its related effects. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The increasing abundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities is the direct cause of the recent global warming.


However, while he supports an 80 percent reduction of emissions by 2050 through a cap and trade bill, Obama’s nominations leave us uncertain of how the new administration intends to take on global warming.


This was a period of claimed significant anthropogenic global warming.


A new state-commissioned report on the effect of global warming (a.k.a. «climate change») on sea levels have concluded that the impacts on the California coastline could be disproportionate, with local sea levels rising 1.25 feet for every one-foot increase caused by melting ice in West Antarctica.


Both Romm and Manzi deserve credit for helping to move the debate away from a narrow focus on global warming and toward a debate over solutions.


Professor Colin Price, a lecturer on global warming and an expert on atmospheric science who we reported on here, has just published evidence


Today, increased awareness about the need to do something about global warming is another opportunity.


What the heck happened to those warmer winters we were promised with global warming?


I’m the only one with any real interest in the issue of global warming.


Murase, S., 2004: Japan’s measures on global warming and the TBT agreement.


Decades of scientific investigation across multiple lines of evidence corroborate a powerful yet inconvenient truth: Human-caused global warming and climate change is real, and it’s briskly accelerating as we dump more carbon into the atmosphere.


Over 90 % of global warming goes into heating the oceans.


Another unexpected finding: Among people who were aware of global warming, those in the poorer nations tended to judge it as a far bigger threat.


As ice melts and ice area decreases, the albedo feedback will amplify global warming.


Given this relationship, there is no room left for any other causal factors and the hysterics of impending global warming catastrophe is exposed for what it is: nothing but a hoax and a scare tactic.


Europe’s migration crisis is nothing compared to what it will be if world leaders don’t do more to tackle global warming, California Governor Jerry Brown said Tuesday.


Worldwide this would correspond to 42 million tons yield reduction for one 1 °C global warming.


I read stories about polar bears being on the brink of extinction because of global warming, look out of my window and start to laugh.»


There’s one other thing to keep in mind: creeping urban populations and global warming will work in favor of these companies.


However, Hurricane Katrina was most certainly NOT caused by global warming.


A draft that leaked in August raised that confidence level to «extremely likely,» or greater than 95 % confidence that humans are responsible for the majority of global warming through carbon pollution.


A 2012 study led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and coauthored by Francis, concluded global warming was driving changes in extreme weather in North America.


You frequently point out the psychlogical impetus behind the adoption of global warming hysteria by politicians.


, James Kerian, scion of the North Dakota potato, fruit and nut-sorting machine dynasty, and recent mechanical engineering graduate of Gonzaga University, has authored a Wall Street Journal online oped entitled «Yellow Science», equating global warming warnings with the «Yellow Journalism» William Randolph Hearst devised to spawn the Spanish American War.


«A Fresh Start» (2009 — 2012) depicts a civilization that inhabits a dense archipelago of islands, a world that, as result of global warming, has suffered a devastating flood, and must begin anew.


[SEPP Comment: Contrary to the claims of the global warming / climate change alarmist, there is nothing unusual in the rate of current climate change.]


My general view is that, while Stern’s choice of discount rate is at the low end, the Review badly underestimates the social cost of the damage to natural ecosystems that will inevitably arise from global warming.


Some of the biggest oil and gas companies are embroiled in legal disputes with cities, states and children over the industry’s role in global warming.


«There is growing consensus among climatologists that global warming is not a genuine threat to humans or other inhabitants of the Earth.


At issue are some of the techniques developed by environmental economists for analysing the costs and benefits of preventing global warming.


I’ve never seen an issue with such complexity, twists, turns, spins and different interpretations as the global warming debate.


And this global warming is ruining our country, it’s ruining our world.


Even Trump himself: «The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.»


Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spoke this morning at the release of a Greenpeace Energy [R] evolution report that lays out, using quite conservative estimates, how «the United States can meet the energy needs of a growing economy and achieve science-based cuts in global warming pollution — without nuclear power or coal.»


Our model accounts for global warming pollution generated both upstream — ie, during oil extraction, refining, and transportation — and downstream, when it’s combusted in the vehicle’s engine.


Instead of rant about global warming (let’s save that for another day, another post, folks), I figured I would rather gather my favorite outfits from last summer (11 to be exact), in hopes that a little Field of Dreams action could happen here.


Should we assume that global warming deniers are motivated by a desire to see rising sea levels and longer droughts, merely because that’s the opposite of environmentalists» concerns?


When you’re talking about global warming and melting ice caps, as everyone seems to be, a five-millimeter adjustment in the modeled diameter of the Earth could be the difference between sea levels appearing to rise from any given year to the next and then appearing to drop.


Whether it is happening now or how much it is happening now does not in any way take away from the magnitude of the threat of global warming or climate change.


Reiterating the above observations, belief in the phenomenon was significantly lower when the question referred to «global warming» (M = 5.05, SD = 1.90) rather than «climate change» (M = 5.30, SD = 1.74); F (1, 2253) = 10.76, p <.01, for the main effect of question wording.


«Perhaps the most important function of climate science on an issue of broad interest like global warming is to help educate the public and to provide useful input into the policy process.


But global warming is the murkiest of the factors increasing the risks there.


While there is a clear long-term global warming trend, some years do not show a temperature increase relative to the previous year, and some years show greater changes than others.


A pending U.N. report notes that a lack of fast action to combat global warming will lead to severe impacts


-LSB-…] Patrick Brown for his detailed response (also here) to statistical issues that I raised in my critique «Brown and Caldeira: A closer look shows global warming will not be greater than we thought» -LSB-…]


Thus, the polar bear we should not under-estimate the importance of the polar bear as a key species indicating serious changes in the environment caused by global warming.


I realize that I can not convince you that global warming is a reality.


The gaps do not prove evolution is wrong any more than the gaps in global warming theory prove it is wrong.


Even as skeptics continued to doubt human-caused climate change, scientists grew more confident than ever this year that people are driving global warming.


The politicians, at least those in leadership, are acting like it’s a proven thing, that (carbon dioxide) is causing global warming, but it’s not been scientifically proved.»


How can you use “global-warming” in a sentence? Here are
some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • A piece pegged to the global-warming summit contends that the United States can save $300 billion a year and reduce greenhouse gases by using energy more efficiently.

  • Conservative commentarians damn the Kyoto treaty because they reject the global-warming science and fear the treaty’s economic repercussions (Charles Krauthammer, Inside Washington; Robert Novak, CNN’s Capital Gang).

  • The WSJ explains that U.S. representatives at the Kyoto global-warming talks will be singing the praises of pollution credit markets, which, the EPA says, have contributed to a 30-percent drop in sulfur-dioxide emissions here just since 1994.

  • Surfacing: The pundits plumbed the upcoming global-warming treaty conference in Kyoto for its political content.

  • The voice-over informs us that the United States is «preparing to sign» the global-warming treaty and the image warns us that there’s a catch—or a cut.

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