Use the word glasses in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “glasses” in a sentence. How to connect “glasses” with other words to make correct English sentences.

glasses (n): two small pieces of specially made glass or transparent plastic worn in front of the eyes to improve sight and held in place with a frame that reaches back over the ears

Use “glasses” in a sentence

The glasses are small in comparison with the old ones.
I need new frames for my glasses.
Everything is a blur when I take my glasses off.
He put on his glasses and began to read.
Take off your glasses, please!
He sometimes wears sunglasses indoors.
Two glasses of orange juice, please.
I bought a new pair of glasses.
He polished his glasses with a handkerchief.
Sunglasses protect our eyes from the sun.
He’s wearing sunglasses.

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He sighs and wipes his glasses on his shirt

· You can live without sex, but not without glasses

‘What? How long is it since you last did that?” Kira noted his hyper raised eyebrows behind the glasses with amusement

Protective glasses should be worn while working in situations of heat, light, dust, smoke, etc

Use protective glasses while riding two wheelers

Schulz tugs at his glasses

Vinnie pushed the glasses back firmly onto his nose and shifted his center of gravity back a bit

His glasses began fogging up and he had to wipe them several times so he could see

’ He said wearily, taking off his glasses and rubbing a hand over his eyes

He knew instantly that it was the Super Chip; there was no hiding the amount of connections and registers the Chip held from Ackers’ x-ray glasses

Ackers took off the glasses and continued to stare at the Chip

The earpieces of the glasses had tiny in-ears hanging from them, she got them positioned so she could hear and requested a voice channel to her clone sister in heaven

He stops writing, looks over his glasses at the nurse

One or two glasses were raised towards the young couple as she said, “Sorry, I

In the cupboard on the wall behind you you’ll find two glasses and a

and with that thought he turned and saw a table laden with sparkling crystal glasses

They chink glasses as the opening drum licks to the ZZ TOP

’ He said starkly, putting on his glasses and look straight at me

his jacket pocket, wiped first his brow and then his glasses, and then finally, and with

mouse stood hunched in his jacket, his glasses perched on the end of his thin nose

There is enough wine for two glasses each

The next half hour passes delightfully – the singers go through a repertoire of songs – most of which I know, but there are one or two I can’t place … Stephen and I chat intermittently about nothing in particular and waitresses appear with full glasses of wine at regular intervals – it is extremely civilised

‘Emma …’ I replied, feeling the chill in her voice, but before I can get any further, Stephen comes out carrying a tray of glasses

Adrian immediately rushes off to help her while Stephen pours white wine into the glasses

So, that was my reward for the hard, specialized and unpaid work of one and a half month: The guru talked to me for ten whole minutes (something unprecedented within the five years in total I have attended Janus), he advised me to wear more modern clothes and nicer glasses, and he made clear that men avoid me because of my high intelligence and strong personality

As we have both had several glasses of wine, there are high jinks while we do this, spluttering as we try to suppress our laughter several times … not wanting to have to explain to Wally and Rose

Nick comes over mid-morning by which time I have washed up the glasses and stowed the empty bottles in the recycling box

«I’ve got glasses in the court,» he said

There were already a pair of raised, cut-glass shot glasses on the table

They put the touched glasses down

He could barely see through the streams of water running across his horn-rimmed, circular, bottle glasses, and to look at him dripping and sodden in brown tweed and corduroy waistcoat, as thin as a rake and far too short to be a policeman, you would think him incapable of exerting the slightest force upon fresh air

The little man, who looked to all intents and purposes like a fifty-year old accounts clerk, the sort of man who is equally hen-pecked and ignored because his entire being is made up of nothing but disappointment, pulled a red handkerchief from his jacket pocket, wiped first his brow and then his glasses, and then finally, and with an almighty bulge, he blew his nose

Two held glasses and one held a bottle of wine

empty glasses on the way

‘Any chance of a glass of that stuff?’ he asked, eyeing up our empty glasses

(opens a brief case and takes out a folder, puts on his reading glasses

Next to me stood another American lady wearing a large pair of glasses with unusually thick funky lenses all supported by an unfortunate growth on the side of her nose

I pushed my glasses a little further up my nose without taking my eyes from his, ‘Look, I’m sure your mother means no harm

Empty wine glasses on the table offer up

Aristethes took off his glasses and looked at me without smiling, ‘Mr

Then, before I could protest, he ordered two glasses of the tropical yellow delight Uncle Pani used to make and we sat and sipped in silence

To avoid gallstones drink plenty of pure, fresh water, at least nine or ten glasses a day

“Look at him”, she said, choking back tears, “his teeth are all crooked and those glasses, that moustache… what a minger!”

Just then the doors to the boardroom crashed open and the combined weight and wealth of the Cameron and Flashman-Pebble clans surged into the room, waving glasses of bubbly and cheering loudly as they celebrated the perfect society couple locked in true love’s wonderful embrace

‘They were so crazed those men, they would bite into their glasses and slash their thighs and forearms without uttering a sound

We studied our glasses of lemonade or beer while he was trying to draw attention and impress

Elizabeth helped Kate clean up the kitchen, and went around picking up all the excess glasses around the house

Elizabeth went around and picked up all the empty beer cans and glasses

After a while, he straightened his back, coughed a special postman’s cough, then when he was ready, looked up, peered over the rim of his glasses and winced

We all stood and raised our glasses

brought in glasses of roohafza

‘What do you want me to do, Mama?’ Omi said as he took the tea glasses off

The middle-aged shopkeeper looked at Vidya through his glasses

Simon goes off into the kitchen and comes back with a couple of glasses of wine

‘ The head took out his glasses and wiped ihem calmly

Tarak looked and quickly lowered the glasses staring at Master Seatac, “You don’t think it’s one of Starchasers folds do you?” He looked again, “Could it be possible after so long?

crooked and those glasses, that moustache… what a minger!”

May I ask you to raise your glasses, please, to Anna, my darling wife

room, waving glasses of bubbly and cheering loudly as they

Katie and Jake are going to finish the glasses so that they can go back in the boxes, and they’ve offered to help carry the trestle tables and chair back to the hall

Deborah Klint’s last day and what the staff bought her as a leaving present; Henry Baxter’s marriage to a local girl called Vittoria — they clubbed together for a set of wine glasses for them

nearly as scarred as the floor and placing their glasses on the round

Okay, so she’s wearing glasses now, but they started appearing in the photos some ten or fifteen years ago

She placed the glasses in a neat row on the

They put their glasses on a round wooden table, clearly showing

He shuts the map book, puts on his sun glasses and turns the ignition key

Every available surface is stacked with bottles and pint glasses

he then poured into glasses for all of the adults present, and topped it

returning plates and glasses to the kitchen table

One of the two men behind the bar says something to his partner, who heads off downstairs to collect another box of plastic glasses

He pulled on the latch handle of the top of the two stacked doors, reached in with a scoop and filled three glasses with clear tinkling shards

He reached for the pitcher on the counter, and then filled the glasses with tea

with me,’ she filled two glasses with red wine and

” They did as he bid them, and in a few minutes he brought out a tray laden with plates, glasses, a pie and a pitcher of milk

“Cheers,” the girls added and they all clanked glasses together

beer, wondering reflectively whether the beer glasses were a bit

again returning the empty glasses to the bar

He had real thick glasses and his breath smelled like an ashtray

The goblets and glasses were crystal, and the cups and saucers matched the china plates, all decorated with the Railway’s own designs

Buttworst took his glasses off and stared again at Roman

With everything packed and the Beretta tucked safely in his jeans, the doctor goes to the kitchen and fetches the last bottle of red wine and two glasses, which he wipes on the bottom of his shirt

«Are you going to tell me what you’re thinking, Arbnor?» asks Helen, as the doctor pours wine into the glasses

glasses full of beer

glasses on the table simultaneously

in a pool of beer that either splashed from our shot glasses or never made it in

After dinner, up in our room, Alastair produced the bottle of champagne he had brought for the occasion, complete with glasses

There are glasses and a pitcher of water, there,” and he pointed to a little stand under the only window to the room, “There will be no talking, whatsoever

The monitor sprang to life, and it showed on it a man with blonde curly hair and glasses

Monday dawned bright and sunny, and, as arranged, I went over to Sally’s house with my bottles of nearly-champagne and the glasses in a basket

What’s this? Oh, it’s Jo’s basket of glasses – better take those back to her while you think of it

science club with their two-inch thick glasses and their pocket protectors sat in

fast as his fingers would work, he took off his glasses, first wiping the side of his

She disappears upstairs with a tray of glasses and some biscuits

He took his glasses off, looking the room

He put his glasses back on and adjusted his tie, trying to compose himself

Adrian’s glasses for the first time in his apartment

his glasses off and rubbed the indentions where they’d sat on his nose

The color coordinated plates and glasses where then put in their places, along with some fine silverware found in another box

hand on his shoulder, looking down at him from under the rims of her glasses

1, Look at the world through rose-coloured glasses

2, I was unlucky enough to lose my glasses.

3, He shrugged whimsically, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses.

4, I see so much better with my new glasses!

5, He was pouring ice and lemonade into tall glasses.

6, She has a fringe and glasses.

7, That’s the furthest I can see without glasses.

8, I wear blue-tinted glasses on sunny days.

9, She wears glasses with very thick lenses.

10, She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses.

11, Grandfather used to misplace his glasses.

12, Two glasses of beer contented him.

13, Those fine wine glasses are made of crystal.

14, Children should have glasses which filter out UV rays.

15, Larry was pouring out four glasses of champagne.

16, I refilled our wine glasses.

17, She groped for her glasses on the bedside table.

18, The steam fogged my glasses.

19, Ginny groped for her glasses on the bedside table.

20, These glasses make me look like a freak.

21, Have your glasses got plastic lenses?

22, Clean the glasses until they shine.

23, I wonder where my glasses have got to.

24, Your glasses are on crooked.

25, My glasses seem to have vanished.

26, The glasses slid off the table onto the floor.

27, The waiter scored me the glasses of beer.

28, Please fetch me my glasses.

29, The little rogue had his grandpa’s glasses on.

30, Take away the glasses and the tray.

glasses — перевод на русский

And they bust my new glasses.

И испортили новые очки.

Um, Joshy, do you need, um, glasses? Because the door is right over there.

Джоши, тебе нужны… очки?


Я забыл очки.

And .. My glasses.

И… мои очки.

These .. glasses have seen a great deal of service in this room.

Эти очки на славу послужили мне в этой комнате.

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Drink a glass of water.

Выпей стакан воды.

Break that glass!

Разбей стакан!

Let me get you a glass of water.

Я принесу вам стакан воды.

How about my glass of water? — I give up.

А где мой стакан воды?

Yes, a glass of wine.

Да, стакан вина.

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A glass of champagne.

Бокал шампанского.

A glass of wine!

Бокал вина!

I take an olive, I throw it in that glass, but there it is.

Я беру оливку и бросаю ее в бокал. Но она вот тут.

Ashley, aren’t you going to get our Scarlett a glass of punch?

Эшли, приготовь Скарлетт бокал пунша.

So you can’t have her like a glass of wine.

Так что ты не можешь употребить ее как бокал вина.

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His nose goes into the glass, tray goes everywhere.

Его нос врезался в стекло, а поднос разлетелся повсюду.

As a matter of fact, you should be kept under glass.

По правде говоря, вас стоит заключить под стекло.

The glass is broken.

Стекло разбито.

— I’ll break the glass.

— Я разобью стекло.

-Just some broken glass.

— Чепуха,битое стекло.

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— Yeah, a glass key.

— Да, стеклянный ключ.

Geiger’s in his early 40s medium height fattish soft all over, Charlie Chan mustache well-dressed wears a black hat affects a knowledge of antiques and hasn’t any and I think his left eye is glass.

Ну, Гайгеру немного за сорок, среднего роста, массивный, несколько полноват, усы как у Чарли Чена, хорошо одевается, носит черную шляпу, изображает из себя большого знатока антиквариата, и по-моему, у него стеклянный левый глаз.

Glass eye, the left one.

Стеклянный глаз. Левый.

Glass eye?

Стеклянный глаз?

It’s a little glass vial.

Маленький стеклянный тюбик.

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A glass of sherry, perhaps?

Может, стаканчик шерри?

Another glass, Santa…

Еще стаканчик, дедушка…

— Fix you a glass of sherry.

— Принести стаканчик шерри.

— I believe I’ll have a glass.

— Думаю, я налью стаканчик.

I brought this ruby glass of ice-cream to comfort you.

Я, чтоб хоть немножко развеселить Вас, захватил этот рубиновый стаканчик с мороженым.

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Perhaps a hot glass of milk.

Может мне выпить горячего молока.

You should have a glass of this.

Мэм, вам непременно нужно выпить это.

At a moment like this, with so much at stake it’s utterly indecent that you don’t need a glass of port.

Вы так много кладете на чашу весов, а вам даже выпить не хочется!

You’ll have a glass?

Хотите выпить?

You want to come upstairs and have a glass of wine or something?

Ты хочешь поднятся по лестнице и выпить вина или еще чего-то?

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— Why, you-you broke my-my glass!

вы … вы разбили мое … мое зеркало!

At 18, she still has no use for a looking glass.

В 18, зеркало все еще бесполезная игрушка для нее.

This road’s like glass.

Дорога как зеркало.

I’m the looking glass you created to see yourself in.

Я твое зеркало, посмотри на себя.

I’ll be at charges for a looking glass… and entertain some score or two of tailors… to study fashions to adorn my body.

Что ж, зеркало придётся покупать да завести десятка два портных, что нарядить меня бы постарались.

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Don’t go away with the glass. I won’t.

— Не уноси рюмку.

You are hereby formally invited for a glass of wine.

Ни к чему не обязывающее приглашение на рюмку вина.

Yes, but first get rid of that glass and that bottle.

Да, но сначала надо убрать рюмку и эту бутылку.

A glass of wine.

Рюмку вина.

A glass of wine.

Рюмку вина.

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May I borrow your opera glasses, please?

Можно попросить бинокль?

Field glasses always come in handy.

Полевой бинокль всегда пригодится.

Look through my glasses there.

Возьми мой бинокль.

May I have the glasses?

— Да. Можно бинокль?

— What are the glasses for? — The races.

— А бинокль для чего?

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  • Use the word glasses in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Right, I’ve brought sambuca, eight WKD reds, some ouzo, and 15 individually sealed plastic glasses of wine called Froglet, on offer.

And they bust my new glasses.

Today, we will drink in English glasses

Tell the butler to take the English glasses to my apartment

Today, for the celebration of return of Michael, we will drink in English glasses

Now they are clinking glasses.

If you don’t take those glasses from your eyes, I’ll tear them away.

He’ll never get these glasses back.

I know a fellow what can hit 3 whiskey glasses in the air at the same time!

I’ll pay for the glasses.

Champagne in wine glasses!

Gents, you see me washing the glasses And making your beds without squawking

And they’ll see me smiling as I wash my glasses

Dear citizens, honoured guests. Raise your glasses with me to the health of Mr. Oskar Flott whose imminent visits proves that the world has discovered Ostend.

Maybe there’ll be a few glasses in sight.

Fill up those glasses, my boy.

Yet you weep over a boy who washes glasses.

You want to break my glasses?

Let’s raise our glasses. — And share the bottle.

I’ll find you some glasses.

You’ve had four glasses already.

This time, in full glasses.

Hey, look out for them glasses with your elbow.

I never touched any glasses.

Get some glasses and cups.

Fill up the glasses as quick as you can

Then put in the glasses, molasses and ink

So in Bavaria clink your glasses all around

Let’s go Bavarian Clink your glasses all around

It takes more than flat heels and glasses to make a sensible woman.

-You’ll miss a lot: tonight there are balls, drummings, serenades… 15 Bottles of beer 15 casks 9 glasses 1 barrel Chemists’s

I drank there a few good glasses of Minchin beer.

Then, give me ten glasses.

Bring us two glasses beer.

Good. And a pair of dark glasses?

I’ll bring you the glasses.

-older, glasses, talks funny.

Pass me the opera glasses, Christine.

It’s just, my friend wants to pass me the opera glasses, and… and suddenly…

May I have the honor to hand you the charming little glasses personally?

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