Use the word glare in a sentence

Synonym: blind, burn, dazzle, flare, flash, glaze, glow, glower, scowl, shine, stare. Similar words: glare at, glad, glass, glance, glacier, sunglasses, looking glass, large. Meaning: [gler /gleə]  n. 1. great brightness 2. an angry stare 3. a focus of public attention. v. 1. look at with a fixed gaze 2. be sharply reflected 3. shine intensely. 

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(1) A sudden glare of headlights lit the driveway.

(2) He turned his baleful glare on the cowering suspect.

(3) She fixed her questioner with an icy glare.

(4) She gave me a fierce glare.

(5) The hearings were conducted in the full glare of publicity.

(6) Don’t glare at me like that, you deserved the scolding.

(7) Dark glasses are an effective shield against the glare.

(8) His glasses magnified his irritable glare.

(9) Norma is said to dislike the glare of publicity.

(10) The glare of the headlights almost blinded us.

(11) This screen gives off a lot of glare.

(12) He gave me an icy glare.

(13) There was a red glare over the burning village.

(14) I shielded my eyes against the glare.

(15) The mistakes in this report really glare at you.

(16) She shot a warning glare at her companion.

(17) She gave him a hostile glare.

(18) They were in the full glare of publicity.

(19) These sunglasses are designed to reduce glare.

(20) She silenced him with a glare.

(21) His eyes dazzled in the glare.

(22) She gave him a sullen glare.

(23) She looked at him with an angry glare.

(24) Tinted windows will cut down the glare/the sun’s glare.

(25) Rabbits transfixed in the glare of car headlights are common victims on the roads.

(26) The divorce was conducted in the full glare of media publicity.

(27) The walls were whitewashed to reflect the glare of the sun.

(28) The actor’s wedding took place in the full glare of publicity/the media.

(29) We wore sunglasses to reduce the glare from the road.

(30) He tried not to let his irritation show as he blinked in the glare of the television lights.

More similar words: glare at, glad, glass, glance, glacier, sunglasses, looking glass, large, solar, flare up, collar, salary, declare, regular, at large, declared, similar, secular, clarify, largely, scholar, all around, irregular, capillary, by and large, similarly, regularly, regularity, solar power, particular.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word glare, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use glare in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «glare».

Glare in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word glare in a sentence.

  1. That supports the solar glare hypothesis.

  2. Under the glare of television cameras in that campaign, St.

  3. The dark mask may also reduce glare and thus enhance night vision.

  4. Due to glare from the Sun, he had trouble doing this and Scott guided him in.

  5. There is also glare from the sun that causes vision problems throughout the day.

  6. At such times, the reduction in glare from the rings makes the moons easier to observe.

  7. When least favorably positioned, it can be lost in the Sun’s glare for months at a time.

  8. Mathur also used strategically placed strips of cloth to implement «bounce lighting», which reduced the glare.

  9. Goalkeepers sometimes also wear caps to prevent glare from the sun or floodlights affecting their performance.

  10. Mandela was initially forbidden to wear sunglasses, and the glare from the lime permanently damaged his eyesight.

  11. Whether because of the high waves, the glare of the sun, or simple inattentiveness, the cruiser did not spot them.

  12. A study shows that their black malar stripe exists to reduce glare from solar radiation, allowing them to see better.

  13. Camping enables visitors to enjoy the park during the evening and morning, when the heat, glare and wind are far less.

  14. His piercing glare has been described by art historian Jill Dunkerton as having captured his «small bright eyes, but ..

  15. Observation of Mercury is complicated by its proximity to the Sun, as it is lost in the Sun’s glare for much of the time.

  16. Khambatta’s head had to be freshly shaved each day, then given an application of makeup to reduce glare from the hot set lights.

  17. In response, the Inuit developed ilgaak or snow goggles, a type of eyewear which cuts down on glare but preserves the field of view.

  18. Branham believed the light was a divine vindication of his ministry; others believed it was a glare from the venue’s overhead lighting.

  19. Near the summer and winter solstices, Uranus’s hemispheres lie alternately either in full glare of the Sun’s rays or facing deep space.

  20. All of this went on in the full glare of New York’s newspapers and, with the public firmly on Martin’s side, Steinbrenner stayed his hand.

  21. After a quick series of maneuvers, Davis climbed to 15,000 feet (4,600 m) and used the glare of the sun to ambush two of the aircraft below him.

  22. They are visible, slightly above background noise levels, at methane-absorbed wavelengths in which the glare from Neptune is significantly reduced.

  23. She wrote surreptitiously, at night: «I would light my half-penny dip [candle], hiding its glare by means of a towel and set to work on my monthly article».

  24. Kilburn observed that «should the batsman survive he would be rewarded with a glare of concentrated venom calculated to stagger any but the stoutest heart ..

  25. Foreign consultants, including British director David Lean, told Asif to forget the idea since they felt that it was impossible to film the scene under the intense glare.

  26. However, while Pluto can be seen through a telescope of 30 cm aperture, Ariel, due to its proximity to Uranus’s glare, is often not visible to telescopes of 40 cm aperture.

  27. The constant glare of celebrity and the tribulations of the season forced Bradman to reappraise his life outside the game and to seek a career away from his cricketing fame.

  28. By February 27 it was easily visible in the daytime sky, and observers described seeing a tail 2–3° long stretching away from the Sun before being lost in the glare of the sky.

  29. They accepted the consensus that there had been a small explosion with a white glare between the foremast and ‘A’ turret, followed after a brief interval by two much larger explosions.

  30. Kelvin denied this report shortly before leaving: «What I really said was that the inhabitants of Mars, if there are any, were doubtless able to see New York, particularly the glare of the electricity.».

  31. The first versions of the ejector exhausts featured round outlets, while subsequent versions of the system used «fishtail» style outlets which marginally increased thrust and reduced exhaust glare for night flying.

Synonyms for glare

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word glare has the following synonyms: blaze, brilliance, glower, limelight, spotlight and public eye.

General information about «glare» example sentences

The example sentences for the word glare that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «glare» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «glare».

Auto dimming lights are a nice touch here too for those that don’t want glare in their room at night.


I had room darkening lining added because the shade is for a media room, and they totally block light and glare from interfering with watching TV and movies during daylight hours.


At night, the auto dimming technology seamlessly protects you from blinding headlamp glare.


The same way that the twinkling of a star is blotted out by the glare of bright city lights.»


When I point out the vast shiny spots, my girlfriends put on their sunglasses to block the glare and say, «I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Last fall, in a bid to forestall the inevitable glare on Ghomeshi’s four accusers, Gillian Hnatiw, the Toronto lawyer representing Lucy DeCoutere (the only complainant to request not to have a publication ban on her name) issued a statement: «Fundamentally, the case is about the alleged behaviour of Mr. Ghomeshi,» it read in part.


IT is even surprising that the Nigeria Police, no matter the department, will be on duty and in public glare, will not wear their appropriate uniforms.


This arm’s — length approach not only minimizes Earth’s infrared glare, it also allows NASA engineers to get away with a single-layer protective shell rather than a hefty thermoslike shell of two layers separated by a vacuum.


There, alongside the newly-announced Lumia 730 and 830, we got our first look at the DT-903: a flattened, enlarged sequel to the DT-900 charging plate featuring NFC, Bluetooth, and LEDs bright enough to be seen even through the brilliant glare of a sunny Berlin afternoon.


The whole bedroom suite is receiving this custom blend of light grey to tie them altogether, here are the drawers all lined up, under the glare of my shop light!


Channel roku being life to online dating luxembourg glare of relationship between.


Then comes the abrasive interrogation of Carlo Di Palma’s handheld camera; the fallout as Jack (Sydney Pollack) and Sally (Judy Davis) announce their separation to friends Gabe (Allen) and Judy (Mia) captured in its unmoored glare, sans cut.


They include all types of lights — halogen, HID and LED — and none of the headlight types is more likely than the others to have excessive glare.


The screen goes almost red in color, which minimizes any glare that obscures vision when you look away.


While I still wear sunnies for safety reasons to reduce the glare while driving, I frequently find myself forgetting to put them on at all on very sunny days.


Spitzer has shied away from the media glare, even as her husband is reportedly in talks to join either CNN or MSNBC for a show, and has instead focused her post-Albany life on her career and her family.


Its specially processed camera image is bright even in poor lighting conditions, with good contrast and no glare.


Granting that while nations glare at each other in hostility and suspicion the possibilities are limited, the pacifist believes that there are constructive channels of negotiation, friendly intercourse, and service that could both reduce the danger of war and alleviate the evils of tyranny.


T I could see where makeup had shaped Zachary Quinto’s voluminous eyebrows, and thanks to HDR, the lens flares, which are usually obnoxious, were muted in UltraHD — details previously hidden just peeking through the harsh glare.


Like the SOL computers with Pixel Qi displays can come in handy with pilots or engineers deployed at construction sites where there often is bright light and glare isn’t an issue.


A mullah tosses the tails of his burnoose over his shoulders, addresses a final glare of contempt to the mound of veils under which a person is preparing to die, and thunders, «There are some among us, humans like ourselves, who have chosen to wallow in filth like pigs.


Dust on the inside of your windshield can create glare, blinding the driver.


Thanks to the IPS display, you can view images and video on the screen from just about any angle without glare or losing the picture.


Most e-readers and tablets have a mirror-like reflective screen that can catch sunlight and glare it at you.


The display itself is sunken instead of flush with the bezel, but it doesn’t have any glare or extra layer above the E Ink.


On the other side of the solar system, invisible by virtue both of the blinding glare of the sun and by the vastness of the distance, Dawn is continuing its remarkable cosmic adventure.


Constable Bossey, who was riding the unregistered «L» plated motorbike reportedly got angry by the questions, pulled the journalist out of the car he was travelling in, and physically assaulted him in the full glare of the public.


The 17.3-inch screen with In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology has a matte finish, so you don’t have to worry too much about glare or viewing angles, and you have the option of using Nvidia’s G-Sync technology to smooth out frame rates for better gameplay.


The tablets have glossy displays that attract lots of glare.


On a bright and sunny day, as was the experience on the Sea-to-Sky highway, the temperature readouts were a bit washed out with glare, and the twin rows of HVAC controls require a glance away from the road to use.


The emergency lights threw a sick yellow glare on everything.


It wasn’t unusable outside but seeing as how a 4G connection means we are more than likely to take this with us on long or short trips, we hope technology allows for a color screen that can shrug off the sun’s evil glare in the near future.


From plane-switching at Bali airport to live-crosses outside her family’s Gold Coast homes, Corby’s return happened in the full glare of news and social media


It is also particularly recommended for medium to high levels of ambient light viewing because it offsets some of the reflected glare that washes out the images.


The upper screen on the center console can be angled to counter glare and improve visibility while the fixed lower 10-inch display manages more functional tasks such as the climate control, seat and vehicle settings.


It apparently has an screen protector to reduce glare laminated to the display, but this does not reduce clarity in any significant way even in side by side comparisons.


The Precision has a WXGA + LED screen, and while it is not as bright and impressive as the Macbook, it is also available in a matte finish, which means less glare.


While the complexities of the situation and the timeline for various overtures and interactions tended to blur under the intense glare of a public spotlight, fellow museum directors and close watchers of the Scaffold affair reached by ARTnews largely empathized with Viso’s management of the episode after initial flaws with its presentation were recognized.


In the civil arena, gone are the agonies of extracting evidence from a terrified witness during a protracted examination in chief under the glare of a cold judicial stare.


The black and white screen is noticeably crisper than previous iterations, with a more pronounced contrast, and there’s no glare even under direct sunlight.


One issue that was noted with the display is that there is some serious glare reflected.


Under the glare of spectators and flashbulbs, Niu sliced into the spathe and extracted yellow sacs filled with pollen as fine as sand.


Some convenient features have also been integrated into the van, such as deep tint sunscreen glass to keep glare from obstructing the driver’s vision, heated exterior mirrors, side wall cargo tie-down rings, and an underslung tire carrier.


While performing his hit single, «Go higher» a guy from the crowd just jumped onto the stage, and started mimicking the way Stonebwoy walks in the full glare of patrons.


The dashboard features an interesting matte finish that reduces glare and feels great to the touch.


It isn’t the brightest display out there, and once you get into the glare of the great outdoors or next to a big bright window, you’ll find that it suffers.


But the glare of the limelight in Madison Square Garden has almost burned away his identity.


This black is a Tough Mudder’s dream, thanks to the lenses, which are designed to cut glare and withstand sweaty, wet, even muddy conditions.


This 5 % solar shade provides glare reduction, UV protection, and fade prevention — all while keeping your view partially intact.


Within the next 10,000 years the glare from the central, massive star will continue to erode the nebula, overrunning the forming star, and bringing its growth to an abrupt and possibly premature end.


  • Use the word GLARE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Thus he walked into the glare, towards the sun.

A lover of darkness, it burrows under stones to escape the glare of the sun

I’m too happy to glare back, Prentice.

How could I see in that glare?

If anyone speaks to you, just glare at them.

He was as evil as his glare, Many women have fallen prey to him.

Now the glare must be visible even to the short-sighted leaders of your bewildered government.

They’re fine, clean young boys from good homes… and we can’t send them off to be killed… in the rockets’ red glare, bombs bursting in air… without anybody to say goodbye to them, can we?

you need the wind and the waves, the glare and the lust of the sun…

The wind and the waves The glare and the lust of the sun

There you have your wind and your waves and your glare of the sun

Get the glare off your face, square head.

Hundreds of miles from Tokyo Kyoto University Was caught in fascism ‘s glare

Men with long criminal records… and simple men snatched from peaceful pursuits… all to be shoved into the glare of the lineup platform… scrutinized, questioned and released… in the forlorn hope that one… just one of all these hundreds… might be the man they sought.

ÔÖ¬ By the rocket’s red glare ÔÖ¬

Thou hast no speculation in those eyes which thou dost glare with!

I’d glare daggers at him.

The night bring us back 20, 30, 50 suns, the glare of the day hid from us.

In the glare of the emergency lights… men are working feverishly to prepare for the ascent which will start at dawn.

I have yet to shun the welcome glare of a spotlight or run away from applause.

We were flying over the polar cap, and the glare was blinding.

But don’t look at me. I won’t be looked at in this glare.

You there, don’t glare at me like that.

Automatic transmission, deluxe 5 side walls, high compression, overhead valves, extremely low petrol consumption, 4 wheel hydraulic pepper touch brakes, single sheet glare-proof windscreen, — and conservatively priced at 1750 pounds.

I used to sit and just glare at people… or I wouldn’t even answer when they spoke to me.

Four lemon-yellow lamps… with a glare of orange and green… in an atmosphere of pale sulfur, like a furnace.

I suppose, because in my professional life, I’m constantly exposed to the glare of the footlights.

The sun was brighter and the glare came on the water. And as it rose clear the flat sea sent it back to his eyes so that it hurt sharply and he rowed without looking into it.

» I can always come in on the glare off the lights from Havana.»

He saw the reflected glare of the light of the city at what must have been around 10:00 at night.

┬ñ With glare, with glare,… ┬ñ the mountains glisten.

¤ With its glare the sun announces a new day.

When it passed over, the whole compartment lighted up with a blinding glare.

When the glare left us, we could see a glowing ball disappearing off in the distance.

Not the glittler and glare of San Mauritz, and Nassau, and Palm Beach.

We are certain that the darkness of the dungeons… has dimmed the glare of your longings

He just seemed to glare at her.

You dinna have to glare at me, Mr. Traill.

glare at the dog, jumpin’ on my lap and howling lile a banshee.

The glare from those extra lights hurts my eyes.

The lunar glare is dangerous.

There’s a big glare there, headed this way.

Definition of Glare

A fierce and angry stare

Examples of Glare in a sentence

Giving off a killer stare, the icy inmate refused to let up his glare.


My husband’s angry glare was my first clue that he was really upset about something.


Even though I was surprised by my boss’s stern glare, I tried to avoid her stare and continue working.


The frenemies continued to stare at each other at the lunch table, both refusing to give up their scowling glare.


After the goalie shot her a dirty look, the feisty soccer player returned the glare.


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