Use the word giving in a sentence

  • Use the word Giving in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The new anesthetizer’s giving way.

giving you that sari was a mistake.

Your wife, Ant├┤nia Rita. Did she see you giving your mother the money?

I’m giving it liquid yawns in the dunnies.

You and you family pucking giving me trouble all the time.

And always giving me so much love. Mom, you are my sunshine and idol.

For giving birth to me, and raising me up so well.

She gave birth to me, and raised me well. And giving me so much love.

I am not giving them back ..

Ladies and gentlemen. Although we are all devastated by this accident we must not let grief make us lose sight of our common goal of giving this region a better future.

We find ourselves in a situation so dire, that perhaps I should risk giving Ben my new Omnitrix.

Centuries later the golden plates were found, giving birth to the fastest-growing religion today!

And giving away free cars with every $5000 «donation».

A turncoat who is saving you from your nightmare and finally giving you what you’ve wanted.

This is fate giving you a chance!

Gray is giving you India’s old job.

Well, you know, they’re pretty, but it’s kind of odd, the whole idea of someone giving someone a flower ’cause it’s like, «Oh, you know, I like you, so let me give you something that’s dying.»

I’ve been giving it some thought.

If you’ll help me, I’ll lend you my support by giving Kingdom the wings it needs to expand your presence in Shanghai.

All the responses that you’re giving me are answers that I can’t compute.

I’m not interested in who you’re giving time off.

Ramakrishna, I’m giving you ten seconds.

Is he giving off too much of a creepy Oompa Loompa vibe?

I had to pop a cop… ’cause he wasn’t giving me my props in Oaktown.

They were lead by Timothy Leary, the former Harvard psychology professor, fired for giving LSD to his students.

is to interpret it ? a meaning. And when you administer to yourself a drug which you know is affecting you by giving… producing a chemical transformation in the brain.

The famous Prince Zsbrschosky- by the way, a charming gentleman, and not without means — is giving a large ball to which we are invited.

Her cousins, the Tremonts, were giving a bridge whist party the afternoon of Anna’s arrival.

The Queen’s hour of giving birth.

All night long she bent over the coat, never giving a thought to the germs and filth she inhaled.

That’s why I prefer helping you instead of giving advice to you.

And so they fetch you too, young maiden, giving you their unfailing test.


Madam, I giving you these papers …

They are giving the signal to attack Troy!

The wind also was giving Big Jim his troubles.

«How about giving me a little attention?»

I want to live life to the fullest. I’m not giving up.

How about giving Nana the role of the Duchess?

My little Rose, giving it up is such a small sacrifice.

Died giving life to Freder, Joh Fredersen’s son.

It┬┤s better if I help someone instead of dad giving it away!

«God is giving you, in the holy blonds of matrimony, a trust.

… despite this, Mr. Dreissiger is so kind to continue giving you work …

What are you doin’… giving‘ me a sleigh-ride?

I’m giving one at my house tonight Would you and your troupe like to come?»

I find I’m giving a masquerade tonight.»

As for you, I’m giving your eight day notice.

May I prove my friendship by giving you good advice?

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(1) True love is giving, not taking. 

(2) The art of giving presents is to give something which others cannot buy for themselves. 

(3) The radio is giving out a strange signal.

(4) Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease.

(5) The land was flat, giving no scope for defence.

(6) Would you mind giving me a hand?

(7) I made the mistake of giving him my address.

(8) People were giving out flyers advertising the event.

(9) Experience is their preparation for giving advice.

(10) Giving presents on Christmas is an institution.

(11) My bad leg is really giving me gyp today.

(12) I’m giving/having/holding a party next Saturday night.

(13) Giving is a reward in itself.

(14) He’s giving a party in miniature on his birthday.

(15) He was giving his collection away for nothing.

(16) Love is not geting but giving.

(17) He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative.

(18) There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.

(19) He was already well practiced in giving acceptance speeches.

(20) «Flatterer[],[]» she said giving him a mock reproving look.

(21) I’m thinking of giving my boyfriend a miss tonight.

(22) They brainwash people into giving up all their money.

(23) The judges all concurred in giving Mary the prize.

(24) He was proud of himself for not giving up.

(25) Giving these events a lot of media coverage merely perpetuates the problem.

(26) The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving any excuse. 

(27) A card can say more than a thousand words. Happy Thanks giving day!

(28) She’s one of those children who can wheedle you into giving her anything she wants.

(29) Sometimes the best way to get someone’s attention,is to stop giving them yours.

(30) Therefore, if you desire love, try to realize that the only way to get love is by giving love, that the more you give, the more you get.

More similar words: forgiving, giving up, misgiving, misgivings, unforgiving, giving birth, Thanksgiving, thanksgiving day, living thing, gingivitis, diving, living, driving, waiving, thriving, reviving, striving, nonliving, non-living, surviving, skydiving, conniving, living cost, living room, living will, living wage, good living, make a living, driving force, scuba diving. 

Sentences starting with giving

  • Giving her hand to a Roman senator, distinguished by the purple edge to his toga, she descended the steps, and advanced to meet Melissa. [10]
  • Giving swift instructions, he turned to Lacey again. [11]
  • Giving with one hand freely, did your soul not misgive you when you took away with the other? [11]

Sentences ending with giving

  • Sinnet felt his strength giving. [11]
  • It was our part only to show that we, as his nearest and dearest, were foremost in giving. [10]
  • I thought to leave thee a good moiety of my fortune, Robert, but little that’s free is left for giving. [11]
  • He said that I was quite right; that he would wish no privilege of a woman which was not given with a frank eagerness; that to him no woman was worth the having who did not throw her whole nature into the giving. [11]
  • We cannot change human nature, but we can better conditions by wise giving. [9]
  • But as the above numbers are so extremely scanty, I have searched for additional evidence, but cannot decide whether what I have found is trustworthy; nevertheless the facts are, perhaps, worth giving. [1]

Short sentences using giving

  • Is education giving us this? [4]
  • What are you giving me? [5]
  • Dr. Haughton, after giving (‘Proc. [1]
  • Not giving orders? [5]

Sentences containing giving two or more times

  • The hounds had scarcely been loosed before Nicholas heard one he knew, Voltorn, giving tongue at intervals; other hounds joined in, now pausing and now again giving tongue. [2]
  • Every State which has fallen off from the Whig cause since 1840 has done so not by giving more Democratic votes than they did then, but by giving fewer Whig. [7]
  • This fact about giving is so incontestably true that it is a wonder that enlightened people do not more freely indulge in giving for their own comfort. [4]

More example sentences with the word giving in them

  • You are giving yourself useless trouble, Jason, and I earnestly beg you not to disturb me any longer now, for a dark spot is already appearing on the roast. [10]
  • I think you yourself realized that my wish to wait a year before giving a final answer was proof that I really had not that in my heart which would justify me in saying what you wished me to say. [11]
  • Well, that is your training; it is the training of everybody; but as for me, I thank that incident for giving me a better light, and I have never forgotten it. [5]
  • He had a young sister with a remarkable voice—he was giving her a musical education, so that her longing to be self-supporting might be gratified. [5]
  • Can you, if you swear to support the Constitution, and believe that the Constitution establishes a right, clear your oath, without giving it support? [7]
  • I am giving you everything, my friends, and I beg you to take everything, all our grain, so that you may not suffer want! [2]
  • Perhaps she might yet succeed in repairing the mischief she had done when she had allowed the emperor to sleep without giving one thought to her father. [10]
  • He published, some years ago, a little volume giving an account of a trip through the Great West, and a very entertaining book it was. [4]
  • And only last year I had cheated him in a trade, giving him a large fish-hook which was partly broken through for three small sound ones. [5]
  • What earthly consideration would you take to find her scouting and despising you, and giving herself up to another? [7]
  • A real reform would settle them once and for all, and wind up by giving us an alphabet that we wouldn’t have to spell with at all, instead of this present silly alphabet, which I fancy was invented by a drunken thief. [5]
  • The only danger would lie in the crowd discovering us in this holy spot, where the Muezzin calls to prayer, and giving us what for, before he could interfere. [11]
  • Ah, if necessity would but make me happy too, by giving you your liberty, that on these many miseries endured we might set up a sure home. [11]
  • Without saying a word in reply, or giving them a look of reproach, he followed the old woman who had summoned him (and who had now rejoined them) into another room, where his infant friend, half-dressed, lay stretched upon a bed. [12]
  • He pronounced that, word «civil» exquisitely, giving equal value to both syllables. [9]
  • I exhausted my wits, and very nearly my patience also, in efforts to convince both that the evils they charged on each other were inherent in the case, and could not be cured by giving either party a victory over the other. [7]
  • Set up originally with the bark on, the worms worked underneath it in secret, at a novel sort of decoration, until the bark came off and exposed the stems most beautifully vermiculated, giving the effect of fine carving. [4]
  • He had been with Els a long time, giving a report as frankly as ever. [10]
  • I do not wish to run the risk of giving names to the ecclesiastical furniture which gave it such a Romish aspect; but there were pictures, and inscriptions in antiquated characters, and there were reading-stands, and flowers on the altar, and other elegant arrangements. [6]
  • After this you will not be frightened by the thought of paying three hundred dollars for a little quarto giving an account of the Virginia Adventurers. [6]
  • This was Diodoros, who, while Alexander was giving his directions to the charioteer, had, under cover of the darkness, sprung into the vehicle from the opposite side. [10]
  • And Mrs. Pomfret, who, remarkable as it may seem, not only recognized Austen without her lorgnette, but quite overwhelmed him with an unexpected cordiality, and declared her intention of giving them a dinner in New York. [9]
  • There were people who were willing to teach us German, without rooms or board; or to lodge us without giving us German or food; or to feed us, and let us starve intellectually, and lodge where we could. [4]
  • An elderly sergeant who had approached the officer while he was giving these explanations had waited in silence for him to finish speaking, but at this point, evidently not liking the officer’s remark, interrupted him. [2]
  • One with a white plume in his hat seemed familiar to Rostov; the other on a beautiful chestnut horse (which Rostov fancied he had seen before) rode up to the ditch, struck his horse with his spurs, and giving it the rein leaped lightly over. [2]
  • Nilus, who wrote while Orion dictated, giving the document a legal form, was deeply touched by the young man’s fore thought and kindness; for in truth, since his desecration of the judgment-seat, he had given him up for a lost soul. [10]
  • He is embarrassed which to choose, and is not unlikely to waste years in dallying with his chances, before giving himself to the serious tug and strain of a single object. [5]
  • In the morning, when the nurse opened the blinds, that sunlight swept radiantly into the room, lavish with its caresses; always spending, always giving, the symbol of a loving care that had been poured out on her, unasked and unsought. [9]
  • It had prevailed when men were open robbers and filibusters and warriors, giving their lives, if need be, to get what they wanted, making force their god. [11]
  • In his philosophy, What Is Man?, and now and again in his other writings, we find Mark Twain giving small credit to the human mind as an originator of ideas. [5]
  • All her sympathies were excited by the thought of this forlorn stranger in his solitude, but she felt the impossibility of giving any complete expression to them. [6]
  • If the flats were advertised as having «all light rooms,» he explained that any room with a window giving into the open air of a court or shaft was counted a light room. [8]
  • To attach much weight to the few but strong differences is the most obvious and perhaps the safest course, though it appears more correct to pay great attention to the many small resemblances, as giving a truly natural classification. [1]
  • Again whole days, weeks, and months of his life passed in as great a rush and were as much occupied with evening parties, dinners, lunches, and balls, giving him no time for reflection, as in Petersburg. [2]
  • One evening, three weeks or so after the conversation with Ethel Wing just related, Honora’s husband entered her room as her maid was giving the finishing touches to her toilet. [9]
  • On that point we therefore content ourselves with giving the following extracts from the writings of Mr. Jefferson, General Jackson, and the speech of Mr. Calhoun: «To be independent for the comforts of life, we must fabricate them ourselves. [7]
  • As soon as we came out upon the southern slope we found great open spaces, covered with succulent grass, and giving excellent pasturage to cattle. [4]
  • Yes, there it was, the crested golden cock which had typified his own life, as he went head high, body erect, spurs giving warning, and a clarion in his throat ready to blare forth at any moment. [11]
  • A British captain was struck by a cannon-ball on the head, just as he was giving an order, at the Battle of the Nile. [6]
  • Though the commander was occupied in giving instructions to Major Ekonomov, he could not help taking notice of the soldier. [2]
  • The Honourable Jacob was left behind scratching his head, and presently he sought a front seat in which to think, the back ones not giving him room enough. [9]
  • And while he was giving way to unaccountable dread imaginations the descent was accomplished without mishap. [13]
  • While the captain was giving the mate his final orders, Mr. Orchardson, for such was his name, regaled us with a part of his life’s history. [9]
  • Mr. Storer, who was forever giving parties, was responsible for this one at Vauxhall. [9]
  • Her fair skin was fairer than ever, but it was delicately faded, giving her a look of pensiveness, while yet there was that in her carriage and at her mouth which suggested strength and will and new forces at work in her. [11]
  • But the apathy was dispelled now, and she shrank from giving Jethro pain by mentioning the fact. [9]
  • The stout gentleman was counting out big gold pieces in his hand and giving them to Mr. Riddle. [9]
  • He has to vote several times a day; for giving a decision is really casting a vote; but that is much easier than to scratch around in all the anxieties of a retail business. [4]
  • It was a very lovely family picture; a pretty house, surrounded by attractive scenery; scholarship, refinement, simple elegance, giving distinction to a home which to us seemed a pattern of all we could wish to see beneath an English roof. [6]
  • I know it’s very little indeed I give you, and you’re giving me everything; but some people are born to be debtors in this world, and some to be creditors, and some give all and get little, because—» She interrupted him. [11]
  • This was the very fulness of the year, the earth giving out the sweetness of her maturity, the corn in martial ranks, with golden plumes nodding. [9]
  • It is a very easy and pleasant way of giving an entertainment at little cost and with no responsibility. [6]
  • This is a very dangerous confession, for fifty years make everything hopelessly old-fashioned, without giving it the charm of real antiquity. [6]
  • The entertainment which Verus was giving on the eve of his birthday seemed to be far from drawing to an end, even at the beginning of the third hour of the morning. [10]
  • When «Potter the ventriloquist,» the predecessor of the well-remembered Signor Blitz, went round giving his entertainments, there was something unexplained, uncanny, almost awful, and beyond dispute marvellous, in his performances. [6]
  • Here was a vain, naturally indolent half-breed, whose life had made for selfishness and independence, giving his neck willingly to a man’s heel, serving with blind reverence, under a voluntary vow. [11]
  • Beside him sat Uvarov, who with rapid gesticulations was giving him some information, speaking in low tones as they all did. [2]
  • You are giving us proof to-day of how far you have succeeded in attaining unison in your own soul. [10]
  • And now he urged one steed after another until it broke down, giving himself no rest even at night; half an hour’s ride outside of Madrid he overtook the Venetian, and passed by him with a courteous greeting. [10]
  • The bad effect upon the November election, and especially the giving the State government to those who will oppose the war in every possible way, are too much to risk if it can be avoided. [7]
  • Instead of giving up, he hangs on, and gets his shins bruised against every obstruction that comes in the way. [5]
  • Smith sent men up to their town, a display of force was made by firing four guns, and the Indians kindly traded, giving fish, oysters, bread, and deer. [4]
  • In giving himself up to a biography in which he had no special interest, Warner felt conscious that he could not interest others. [4]
  • He was giving up the hope of marrying you himself. [9]
  • After generously giving up its prey to the little wife brooding over the eggs, it stood on one leg and gazed thoughtfully down upon the city, whose shining red tiles gleamed spick and span from the green velvet carpet of the meadows. [10]
  • The count walked up and down the hall in his dressing gown, giving orders to the club steward and to the famous Feoktist, the Club’s head cook, about asparagus, fresh cucumbers, strawberries, veal, and fish for this dinner. [2]
  • It was not until the second morning after her departure that I received a telegram giving the name of her Boston hotel, and saying that there was to be a consultation that day, and as soon as it had taken place she would write. [9]
  • The plan of uniting Didymus’s garden with the Lochias and giving it to the little ones also met with his approval. [10]
  • I had an uneasy feeling, after giving this certificate. [6]
  • It is an unanswerable argument to this effect that no candidate for any office whatever, high or low, has ventured to seek votes on the avowal that he was for giving up the Union. [7]
  • Yet I have two reasons, which seem to me good and valid ones, for giving some particulars of the course of events which led to her few months of wedded life—that short spell of exceeding happiness. [14]
  • In the muddy trenches of Flanders and France a new comradeship has sprung up between officers and Tommies, while time-honoured precedent has been broken by the necessity of giving thousands of commissions to men of merit who do not belong to the «officer caste. [9]
  • A liberal disposition toward this great national policy is manifested by most of the European States, and ought to be reciprocated on our part by giving the immigrants effective national protection. [7]
  • Perhaps Tinoir was too dull to see that he was giving all and getting naught; that while he waited and watched he was always poor, and also was getting old. [11]
  • Eva had turned to these worldly matters with sincere repugnance, but Els would not release her from giving them due attention. [10]
  • I was directed to these figures by Prof. Huxley, from whose work, ‘Man’s Place in Nature,’ the idea of giving them was taken. [1]
  • But Clark flew to the spot, the men giving back. [9]
  • Hermon also had to take the road they followed, and, after giving the Gauls a long start, he set out again. [10]
  • Instead of attempting to run, she sat down on the ground where she was standing, and began to weep and scream, giving herself up for lost. [4]
  • Julie was preparing to leave Moscow next day and was giving a farewell soiree. [2]
  • He came straight to his father, giving only a nod to Mistress Felicity, who twisted her head in a demure little way, as though in mockery of his important manner. [11]
  • But something happened to him one afternoon, on the occasion of his giving proof of an intellect which may eventually bring him, in the footsteps of his great namesake, to the White House. [9]
  • It seemed strange to her, too, how well this man, naturally so insignificant in person, succeeded in giving his small figure the appearance of majestic dignity. [10]
  • The lad spoke to her, giving expression to his sympathy, and she accepted it; but she said such strange things, and answered him so utterly at random, that he began to fear that grief had turned her brain. [10]
  • I ordered Hilton to have the horses cared for, and, not giving the men time to speak, I fetched out the old brown brandy, wondering all the time what could be done. [11]
  • To get down to hard-pan, you fellows don’t believe in democracy,—in giving every man a chance to show what’s in him. [9]
  • Whoever hath ought to give, and my dead mother used to say that: ‘No one ever became a beggar by giving at the proper time. [10]
  • If you want to get his ways softened down and his manners reformed, I am with you and ready to help, but it isn’t fair to get him discharged without giving him a chance. [5]
  • I wish also to extend my thanks to the Authors’ Club for constituting me a member, at a reasonable price per year, and for giving me the benefit of your legal adviser. [5]
  • Thus, the attempt to establish a presumption against giving poisons to sick persons was considered as equivalent to condemning the use of these substances. [6]
  • It proposes simply to co-operate with any State by giving such State pecuniary aid»; and he thought that the resolution, as proposed by him, would be considered rather as the expression of a sentiment than as involving any constitutional question. [7]
  • There is reason to believe that many who are now upon the pension rolls and in receipt of the bounty of the government are in the ranks of the insurgent army or giving them aid and comfort. [7]
  • It was high time,» she said, giving Natasha a significant look. [2]
  • For the first time in his life he believed himself completely happy, and bestowed his gifts, not only from a sense of his duty as king of Persia, but because the act of giving was in itself a pleasure. [10]
  • Our leisurely steamboat tied up here in the afternoon and spent the night, giving the passengers an opportunity to make thorough acquaintance with the town. [4]
  • I suppose they thought that I would hand it over to them, and dropped reporting while I was giving it, but afterward went away without getting it from me. [7]
  • One might have thought she was angry with the travelers and would immediately turn them out, had she not at the same time been giving careful instructions to the servants for the accommodation of the visitors and their belongings. [2]
  • It seemed as though she were giving vent to the suppressed feelings, imaginations, sufferings and wrongs of years. [11]
  • The Member resented this unparliamentary treatment by jumping up from his chair and giving the small aggressor a good shaking, at the same time seizing the implement which had caused his wrath and breaking it into splinters. [6]
  • Immediately after giving this remarkable evidence the witness—Sebastian Dolores— had left the court-room. [11]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word giving in a sentence? How do you use giving in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word giving?
It contains example sentences with the word giving, a sentence example for giving, and giving in sample sentence.

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∙ 10y ago

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I was giving your mother a hand with chores then your sister
threw a sea fish at my t.v

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I never thought that we’d have legal problems (CROSSED) => It … that we’d have legal problems

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Terms in this set (6)

I never thought that we’d have legal problems (CROSSED) => It … that we’d have legal problems

never crossed my mind

I’ve decided that teaching is not the right profession for me. (CONCLUSION)
=> I’ve… that teaching is not the right profession for me.

come to/arrived at/reached the conclusion

Could you tell me where you were last night, Mr. Johnson? (ACCOUNT)
=> Could you … you whereabouts last night, Mr. Johnson?

give an account of

The journalist pretended that she was a parent of one of the children. (FALSE)
=> The journalist … that she was a parent of one of the children.

gave the false impression

You have to use logic and lateral thinking in equal measure in this job. (STRIKE)
=> You have to … logic and lateral thinking in this job.

strike a balance between

I didn’t tell Angie because I didn’t want to hurt Eddie’s feelings. (CONSIDERATION)
=> I didn’t tell Angie … Eddie.

out of consideration for

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