Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits the sentences

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits each space.
1. This teacher taught us a lot about _ . CONSERVE
2. LEARN.COM is a great _ website. EDUCATION
3. My father works as a _ . REPORT
4. There was a big _ in the city centre today. DEMONSTRATE

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 4c. Take action!. Номер №4


Перевод задания
Используйте слово, указанное заглавными буквами в конце каждой строки, чтобы сформировать слово, подходящее для каждого пробела.
1. Этот учитель многое нам рассказал о _. СОХРАНИТЬ
2. LEARN.COM − отличный _ сайт. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ
3. Мой отец работает _. ОТЧЕТ
4. Сегодня в центре города был большой _. ДЕМОНСТРИРОВАТЬ

1. This teacher taught us a lot about conservation.
2. LEARN.COM is a great educational website.
3. My father works as a reporter.
4. There was a big demonstration in the city centre today.

Перевод ответа
1. Этот учитель многому нас научил об охране природы.
2. LEARN.COM − отличный образовательный сайт.
3. Мой отец работает репортером.
4. Сегодня в центре города прошла большая демонстрация.



Вопрос по английскому языку:

II. Use the given in CAPITALS to form a word that fits in the gap. ___ / 20
1. As her parents speak different languages she grew up to be ………………………… . LINGUAL
2. The students were asked to …………………….the main points in the article. SUMMARY
3. Don’t …………………..him. His cleverer than he looks. ESTIMATE
4. The manager was shocked by the amount of …………………… his ideas. RESIST
5. May I introduce you to an …………………..of mine, Mr Moran. ACQUAINT
6. Our kitchen was flooded because of a ……………………in the pipes. BLOCK
7. I know a good tailor who could …………………..your trousers for you. SHORT
8. Emma couldn’t help being ……………………of her friend’s glamorous lifestyle. ENVY
9. He was a brilliant mathematician and helped …………………..many secret messages from the Germans
during WW II. CODE
10. I have to wait in for a special …………………..from the postman today. DELIVER

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1. bilingual.
2. summarise.
3. underestimate.
4. resistance.
5. acquaintance.
6. blocked.
7. shorten.
8. envious.
9. decode.
10. delivery.

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  • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
    побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

Этого делать не стоит:

  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.

Пожалуйста, Пожалуйста посчитайте, очень надо. Даю 20 поинтовMatch to form exchanges.1. Where’s the nearest shopping mall? 2. How would you like to pay? 3. What a nice dress! Is it new? 4. Was it expensive? 5. Do you like the colour? 6. Can I help you? a. No, I’m just looking, thanks.b. Yes, I bought it two days ago.c. It’s just around the corner.d. Not really. Have you got it in purple?e. No, not at all. It cost only £5.f. By cash.Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits each space.I couldn’t ____________what I bought. CHANGEThere are more than fifty _____________in this mall. DEPARTMENT STOREWe had a good time in this __________ centre. SHOPThere is a fruit cake on the table that I’ve bought in the nearest ___________ this morning. BAKEYou can find a lot of kinds of _________ in that florist’s. FLOWERPut the lines in the correct order to make a dialogue.1. No, it was only £ 45.2. At Diana’s. 3. That’s a bargain. I think I’ll go and have a look myself.4. Yes, I bought it last week. I’m glad you like it.5. Was it expensive?6. It really suits you. Where did you get it?7. What a nice necklace. Is it new?

A. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

Collecting records

These days, most of us have a CD collection. Before the CD, musicians made LPs, or «long-playing» records. Although many children have never seen an LP, they were once very popular. To play these records, you needed a record player with a needle that ran along the record and produced the sound. Some collectors say the sound of LPs was better than CDs — and many singers agree! LPs are no longer very popular as a form of entertainment, but many people buy and sell them. Some of them remember the LP from their childhood and listening to records reminds them of the past.

B. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. You have to use one word twice.

9. Now, everyone knows this song, so I want you all to join in with me.

10. It’s so noisy in this restaurant. Could you ask them to turn the music down?

11. There was a fight during the match and the referee sent two players off.

12. We eat out about once a week and we cook at home the rest of the time.

13. I love this song! Turn it up!

14. I used to play the trumpet, but I gave up last year because I didn’t have time.

15. We stopped playing because of the rain, but when it stopped we carried on.

C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between to and five words.

17. Jack really likes football and never misses a match. crazy

Jack is crazyly likes football and never misses a match.

18. My uncle worked on a sailing boat until he was thirty.

My uncle was working on a sailing boat until he was thirty.

19. Do you watch TV? feel

Do you feel like you want to watch TV?

20. John participated in a swimming competition last week. part

John took part in a swimming competition last week.

21. June and I had a game of tennis. against

I had a game of tennis against June.

22. I played chess almost every day when I was young. used

used to play chess almost every day when I was young.

23. Volleyball doesn’t really interest me. in

I’m not interested in volleyball.

24. I enjoyed myself at your birthday party. fun

had a lot of fun at your birthday party.

Disneyland is popular among young children.

26. Karen doesn’t like watching TV. keen

Karen isn’t keen on watching sport on TV.

D. Choose the correct answer.

27. When you rang, I was cleaning my bike.

28. At my last basketball club, we used to train every Saturday for three hours.

29. I really liked the meal we had at your house last Tuesday.

30. We went to the beach every day when we were on holiday.

31. I broke my leg when Tony and I were practicing for the school sports day.

32. Leon never talks about it, but he was once a world champion skier.

33. Denise is working at the stadium until she finds a better job.

E. Match the two halves of the sentences.

35. I waited outside the tennis club for a long time, but George didn’t appear.

36. When you rang, I was in the middle of cleaning my football boots.

37. We finally got to the stadium just in time to see the match start.

38. I just play football for fun, and I don’t want to do it as a job.

39. I loved that film and when it comes out on DVD, I’ll definitely get it.

Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
So you have to organise a party! I’m sure you’re (1)________
by the idea,
but probably also a little (2)__________
How can you be sure you’ve
done everything when it can get so (3)_________?
The secret is to make
lists — lots of lists! It’s the only way to make sure you don’t get (4)________
when things start to go wrong. You’ll be (5)_______
how much lists can
help. Make a list of everything you have to do. It’s (6)_______how many little
jobs there are when you organise a party. Some of them will be (7)_________
and you’ll enjoy them, but you won’t be (8)__________
in all of them.
Remember, though, that you have to do all of them to make your party a success!

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  • Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits each space ответ
  • Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits each space pollute
  • Use the word given in capitals to complete the gaps we are
  • Use the word given in capitals in the correct form to complete the gaps