Use the word gave in a sentence

  • Use the word Gave in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Vasseur denied the act … but the fingerprints which were found gave the real evidence.

She gave them the love that had been denied them.


An unplanned event at last, gave an edge to the French.

«The beloved was naked and of my heart aware» «She was attired with only jewels sonorous» «Whose rich show gave her a victorious air»

Mission Control gave the spacecraft permission… to go for the extravehicular activity— that is, for the walk on the moon— far earlier than anticipated, 9:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

Anchor: It appears we are being revisited by the alien known as Rick, who once gave our world the gift of gooble box technology, which, when stomped on, generates electricity, powering our homes and businesses, improving our daily lives, while safely removing

-After watching the show, that little boy gave us a call..

I checked into a really nice hotel with the money you gave me. You’re right.

She gave birth to me, and raised me well. And giving me so much love.

He said he gave one half to somebody.

I think he gave Larus the other half.

You let him feel sorry for himself until he gave up.

Yes, it’s the number of a mobile phone I gave to L├írus.

Ended in heartbreak. Curtis: I got engaged, gave up baseball

But I already gave up baseball for a girl,

The destruction of Pele gave the two the chance to put their latest research to the test and in the spirit on new beginnings the new greenhouse would be named Phoenix after the mythological bird that burns itself and rises from the ashes to live through another cycle.

They only gave me the shirt.

Just before the Nephite people were wiped out, Mormon gave the plates to his son, Moroni.

God spoke to me and gave me this blessed ancient tome

Joseph Smith fucked the frog God gave him, and his AIDS went away!

gave you the keys to the joint.

I will cut off a limb for every stretchmark you gave me!

You told me that you weren’t going to believe anything and just going to ignore me. But I’m really grateful for the help you gave me.

It just gave me a bit of a shock.

I gave her a warning, but she didn’t seem to hear me.

It’s an opportunity that you even gave up an international movie for… but that’s too bad.

I know where the money came from and who gave the orders, and when I die I’ll be going straight to hell.

Or somebody, maybe Raphael Baena, gave it to him.

Listen, you gave it a good go, but he’s down.

We gave her 100% oxygen via mask.

Your husband gave us a description.

But you certainly gave that impression, so I thought…

I want you to take the pills that I gave you…

When she didn’t show up, I gave her a call at her place, but there was no answer.

«You can say what you want, who gave you the right to persecute me?»

He gave his last daughter, Julia, to Pompey as his wife.

We came through riotous and noisy, they are a more sedate group, but there was no friction, between us in fact. I think they even gave us piece of, Baba Ramdas famous suit did you ever heard of that story?

It’s not because I’m that clever it because they gave me the good lines in the show turn on, tune in, drop out.

«Give me big-big peace of paper» and he wrote intermuscular one under a miligram of LSD intermuscular and I’ve filled the syringe with it and I gave it to him.

Helene gave Goldstein an order to buy shares at a give price.

What if you gave my son your daughter’s hand in marriage?

«As final sign of his devotion to the Mikado, he gave him his life.»

It is the same as I gave to that scoundrel»

The next day, Prof. Gesellius gave one of his famous lectures

In the hand you gave me to kiss lies my future and destiny!»

Are you looking for a list of phrasal verbs with give?

If so you have come to the right place. In this post, we are going to look at 29 examples of phrasal verbs that you can use in your everyday conversation, to sound more like a native English speaker.

After you finish reading this article, don’t forget to test your knowledge by completing the exercises below.

Let’s get started

Give Away

  • Meaning: To unintentionally reveal something about someone or something.
  • Synonyms: Expose, reveal, let out, let in, disclose, tell on, betray, leak, let slip
  • In a sentence: I wanted the party to be a surprise, but I accidentally gave it away when I mentioned we would see him again later that night.

Give (something) Away

  • Meaning: To give something as a gift to another person. To give something to someone because you no longer need/want it.
  • In a sentence: The convenient store on the corner is giving away free samples.

Give (someone) Away

  • Meaning: To officially present the bride to the groom during the wedding ceremony.
  • In a sentence: Tears ran down his face as he gave away his only daughter on her wedding day.

Give Away

  • Meaning: To lose in a competition by making too many mistakes.
  • Use in a sentence: If they don’t start playing more defense, they risk giving away the whole game.

Give Back

  • Meaning: To return something back to the person that owns it or the person that gave it to you.
  • Synonyms: Return
  • In a sentence: After you are done reading the book, please give it back to John.

Give Back

  • Meaning: To make possible for someone to do something again or to have something again.
  • Synonyms: Restore, return, reinstate
  • Use in a sentence: After the company learned that Max was innocent, they decided to give him his job back.

Give Back

  • Meaning: To donate or volunteer to express one’s appreciation.
  • Synonyms: Repay, payback
  • Use in a sentence: In order to give back to the community, Jessica volunteered to work at the park every Saturday.

Give Forth

  • Meaning: To emit vapors or fumes.
  • Synonyms: Exhale, Emit
  • In a sentence: The candles give forth a strong scent.

Give In (British English)

  • Meaning: To turn in or to submit something.
  • Synonyms: Turn in, submit, hand over, hand in.
  • In a sentence: She gave in her book report to Mr. Smith.

Give In

  • Meaning: To stop competing, to yield, to surrender, to admit defeat. To finally do something that you initially didn’t want to do.
  • Synonyms: yield, give up, defer, throw in the towel, back down, cave in
  • In a sentence: After seeing their sad faces, their father finally gave in and allowed them to go to the park with their friends.

Give Of (oneself)

  • Meaning: To devote oneself to something. To make oneself available for something. To contribute without expecting anything in return.
  • Synonyms: Contribute
  • In a Sentence: As a good teacher, Megan freely gives of her time and energy to her students.

Give Off

  • Meaning: To emit. To produce something such as light, heat, sound or smell.
  • Synonym: Give forth, emit.
  • In a sentence: The fire wasn’t big enough to give off enough heat to keep us warm.
  • The roses give off a nice smell.

Give out (something)

  • Meaning: To distribute, or to issue
  • Synonyms: hand out, distribute, to pass out
  • In A Sentence: The teacher asked Ryan to give out tomorrow’s homework assignment to each student.

Give out

  • Meaning: To produce light, sound, heat, etc. To emit.
  • Synonym: Give off
  • Use in a sentence: As he yawned, he gave out a loud noise.

Give Out

  • Meaning: To stop working.
  • Synonyms: fail, come to an end, break down
  • Use in a sentence: After many hours, the handle finally gave out and would no longer move.

Give Out

  • Meaning: To become exhausted, to run out of something
  • Synonyms: collapse
  • Use in a sentence: After running 5 miles straight, his legs gave out and he fell to his knees.

Give Over

  • Meaning: To surrender oneself, to yield
  • Synonyms: Give in
  • Use in a sentence: Even though it was difficult, he finally gave himself over to grief.

Give Over

  • Meaning: To entrust someone else with something that is yours
  • Synonyms: To hand over
  • Use in a sentence: He gave over the papers to the realtor.

Give Over (British English)

  • Meaning: To stop doing something
  • Synonyms: discontinue, desist, stop, knock off
  • Use in a sentence: The father turned around and told the boys to give over fighting in the car.

Give Over

  • Meaning: To set aside for a specific purpose.
  • Use in a sentence: Since the last boy moved out of the house the room in the back has been given over to storage.

Give Up

  • Meaning: to stop trying to do something.
  • Synonyms: To cease, give in, call it a day, quit
  • Use in a sentence: Jack spent an hour looking for his book, but eventually, he gave up and went home.
  • I give up on trying to read this book in the car.

Give Up (something)

  • Meaning: To stop doing something that you do on a regular basis.
  • Synonyms: to give up doing something, abandon, quit
  • Use in a sentence: Jenny was happy that her father had given up smoking for good.

Give (Yourself/Somebody) Up

  • Meaning: To surrender. To allow oneself or somebody else to be caught.
  • Synonyms: Give in, Hand over, turn in
  • Use in a sentence: After four hours of suspense the gunman finally gave himself up to police.

Give (something) Up

  • Meaning: To give somebody something that is yours
  • Synonyms: Relinquish
  • Use in a sentence: The young man kindly gave up his seat to the pregnant woman on the bus.

Give Up

  • Meaning: To lose hope for or to lose hope of seeing again.
  • Synonyms: give up hope, lose heart, abandon hope, concede
  • Use in a sentence: After two weeks of searching for the missing plane, the crew and the passengers were given up for dead.

Give Way

  • Meaning: To be replaced by something else
  • Use in a sentence: After seeing her reaction his anger gave way to tears.

Give Way

  • Meaning: To agree to do something that someone else wants you to do.
  • Synonyms: adhere to, surrender, yield
  • Use in a sentence: After arguing with his mother, he finally gave way to her request.

Give Way

  • Meaning: To break under pressure
  • Synonyms: break, collapse
  • Use in a sentence: They fireman said it is unsafe to enter the building because the floors could give way at any moment.

Give Way (British English Only)

  • Meaning: To yield to pedestrians or other vehicles on the road. Allow somebody else to go first.
  • Synonyms: yield
  • Use in a sentence: Give way to pedestrians on the crosswalk.

Exercises With The Phrasal Verb Give

Now that we better understand how to use these phrasal verbs, let’s put it to use in the following exercise.

Please select the correct answer in the following sentence. ( scroll down to see the answer key)

  1. Don’t (give up / give in / give out) you can do it.
  2. They were playing so bad, they nearly (gave the game away / gave up the game / gave in the game)
  3. Mrs. Smith doesn’t want to (give back / give away / give forth) her secret family recipe.
  4. John is stubborn, he doesn’t (give off / give in/ give over) very easily.
  5. The workers (were giving out / were giving off / giving back) a flyer to everyone that walked by the new store.
  6. The landlord (will give in / will give away / will give over) the keys once you provide the security deposit.
  7. The young boy unselfishly (gave away / gave forth / gave in) his favorite toys to the needy children.
  8. I don’t think that is yours, please (give it away / give it back / give it off) to the rightful owner.
  9. I’ll (give away / give forth / give back} the book to Jerry after I have had a chance to read it.
  10. I no longer want to watch the movie because my friend ( gave out / gave away / gave in) the ending
  11. We (had given the cat up / had given the cat out / had given the cat away) as lost
  12. To make this world a better place we need to (give forth / give of / give out) our time, energy and resources.
  13. Before class, he (gave in / gave out / gave up) his report even though it was already late.
  14. Every time I turn on my computer it (gives up / gives of / gives off) a weird smell.
  15. It was nice to see a young person (give away / give up / give of) his seat for an elderly woman on the bus.

Exercise Answer Key

  1. give up
  2. gave the game away
  3. give away
  4. give in
  5. were giving out
  6. will give over
  7. gave away
  8. give it back
  9. give back
  10. gave away
  11. had given the cat up
  12. give of
  13. gave in
  14. gives off
  15. give up

There you have it! A complete list of all the phrasal verbs with give. (complete with meanings, examples and yes exercises)

Did we miss something? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

A. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

Collecting records

These days, most of us have a CD collection. Before the CD, musicians made LPs, or «long-playing» records. Although many children have never seen an LP, they were once very popular. To play these records, you needed a record player with a needle that ran along the record and produced the sound. Some collectors say the sound of LPs was better than CDs — and many singers agree! LPs are no longer very popular as a form of entertainment, but many people buy and sell them. Some of them remember the LP from their childhood and listening to records reminds them of the past.

B. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. You have to use one word twice.

9. Now, everyone knows this song, so I want you all to join in with me.

10. It’s so noisy in this restaurant. Could you ask them to turn the music down?

11. There was a fight during the match and the referee sent two players off.

12. We eat out about once a week and we cook at home the rest of the time.

13. I love this song! Turn it up!

14. I used to play the trumpet, but I gave up last year because I didn’t have time.

15. We stopped playing because of the rain, but when it stopped we carried on.

C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between to and five words.

17. Jack really likes football and never misses a match. crazy

Jack is crazyly likes football and never misses a match.

18. My uncle worked on a sailing boat until he was thirty.

My uncle was working on a sailing boat until he was thirty.

19. Do you watch TV? feel

Do you feel like you want to watch TV?

20. John participated in a swimming competition last week. part

John took part in a swimming competition last week.

21. June and I had a game of tennis. against

I had a game of tennis against June.

22. I played chess almost every day when I was young. used

used to play chess almost every day when I was young.

23. Volleyball doesn’t really interest me. in

I’m not interested in volleyball.

24. I enjoyed myself at your birthday party. fun

had a lot of fun at your birthday party.

Disneyland is popular among young children.

26. Karen doesn’t like watching TV. keen

Karen isn’t keen on watching sport on TV.

D. Choose the correct answer.

27. When you rang, I was cleaning my bike.

28. At my last basketball club, we used to train every Saturday for three hours.

29. I really liked the meal we had at your house last Tuesday.

30. We went to the beach every day when we were on holiday.

31. I broke my leg when Tony and I were practicing for the school sports day.

32. Leon never talks about it, but he was once a world champion skier.

33. Denise is working at the stadium until she finds a better job.

E. Match the two halves of the sentences.

35. I waited outside the tennis club for a long time, but George didn’t appear.

36. When you rang, I was in the middle of cleaning my football boots.

37. We finally got to the stadium just in time to see the match start.

38. I just play football for fun, and I don’t want to do it as a job.

39. I loved that film and when it comes out on DVD, I’ll definitely get it.

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