Use the word fuss in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fuss, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fuss in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fuss».

Fuss in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fuss in a sentence.

  1. She remarked, «There was all this fuss about who I was and wasn’t dating.

  2. Washington quietly expressed his displeasure with the fuss and rarely consulted Adams.

  3. No fuss, no distractions.» Reviewers found that the simple gameplay encouraged variable session length.

  4. Many argued that it was a scourge on cricket and must be stamped out, while some did not see what all the fuss was about.

  5. A sometimes irascible man, he was reportedly embarrassed by any fuss surrounding his celebrity and was known to exclaim «Mush!

  6. Arthur later stated that, «I meant to make as big a fuss as I possibly could with the object of getting the position corrected ..

  7. While the humans fuss over the occurrence, Lad sneaks off and spends four days buried in marsh mud to draw out the snake’s poison.

  8. Yeats and George had often discussed his death, and his express wish was that he be buried quickly in France with a minimum of fuss.

  9. In the body of the Autobiography, Wideman writes, Haley’s authorial agency is seemingly absent: «Haley does so much with so little fuss ..

  10. On 10 August 1956: «It is perfectly well known that the fuss about ‘de-segregation’ in the United States has been started by Jews.» Instead, America needed «race pride».

  11. Jackson was dismissive of claims that the Army was under-equipped, recalling his conversation with a soldier: «There’s a bit of a fuss going on about boots and bog rolls and whatnot.

  12. She expressed astonishment at the fuss her absence had caused, adding that her friendship with Profumo and his wife was entirely innocent and that she had many friends in important positions.

Synonyms for fuss

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word fuss has the following synonyms: bicker, bickering, spat, tiff, squabble, pettifoggery, bustle, hustle, flurry, ado, stir, dither, pother, tizzy, flap, trouble, bother, hassle, mother, overprotect, niggle and fret.

General information about «fuss» example sentences

The example sentences for the word fuss that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fuss» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fuss».

This approach can be seen throughout the venue, making it a laid back and comfortable option, which is ideal for Manchester singles looking for a good night out without any pretention or fuss.


Not being much of a computer type, I just couldn’t see what all the fuss was about.


Designed to cover great distances with the minimum of fuss, the Coupé is a sublime choice for a transcontinental trip, its effortless power provided by the Phantom’s 6.75-litre V12, producing a phenomenal 453 bhp and 720 Nm of torque.


To have fun with someone without any fuss.


Most dogs will eat it without a fuss and it really does help carsickness in dogs.


The first Valentine’s Day Jason and I were together, he made a big fuss over the day.


A coat for your dog can provide extra protection and insulation whilst they explore the outdoors and most dogs love the fuss of getting dressed in the winter time.


Sometimes you just have to see what all the fuss is about for yourself, you know?


DS # 2, who has never been a milk drinker, drank it w/o any fuss!


Even though he’s still recovering from his bullet wound, he’d prefer to skip the fuss around his return, or his part in helping cops nab the shooter.


When you’ve done everything you think should help, it’s time to figure out what’s causing all the fuss.


While the difference is too small to really make a fuss about, it also means that Ashcroft’s polls now show a slightly smaller swing in Con held marginals than nationally — in line with what we’d expect given the normal incumbency effect.


The staff gladly accommodated both vegetarians and vegans with no fuss.


Passengers will appreciate its smooth ride — the Auris makes less fuss when passing over bumps and potholes than most of its rivals.


So far, he sleeps better, falls asleep without fuss, all because melatonin doesn’t drug you, it just calms you.


The goal of an aggregator (Draft2Digital, for instance) is to make your book available to retailers with as little fuss and stress as possible.


Ankeny renters insurance is something that you can get with little fuss or hassle.


Companies targeting the education sector need to deliver services and resources to help time-pressured teachers to ensure that their products are designed and aimed at helping schools deliver outstanding teaching and learning to their students with the minimum of fuss and hassle.


Have fond memories of the original Dark Souls… or just looking for an ideal starting point to see what the fuss is all about?


Style Doctors takes all the fuss out of figuring out how to create a New Mom Wardrobe.


Despite the fuss over superfoods, you may be surprised to learn that most healing foods can already be found in your kitchen.


It gives you just over two weeks to see what the fuss is with some of these games, but if you want to keep playing them beyond the date of removal, there’s a 20 % discount on their usual purchase price to take advantage of until then.


There’s nothing objectively wrong with Manchester by the Sea, but it’s likely to be the film that mainstream audiences will wonder what all the fuss is about.


The Newpad NP711 is capable of playing back 720P videos without any fuss and has excellent audio and video codec base built into it.


It’s a no fuss, no nonsense feature that will time your breathing and let you get back on your feet after a really hard exercise.


When you don’t have to worry about how to get from point A to point B safely, comfortably, and without a fuss, you will be able to relax and really enjoy your vacation, while making priceless memories with your littlest travel companions.


Your deep digging continues to demonstrate not only just how deep a hole Wegman et al dug, in their turn, for themselves in the production of their «report», it nicely summarises just how spurious the whole fuss about M&M was from the start.


Many moms who can use these methods can eventually get their baby to take a bottle without a fuss.


Whilst working through the game you’ll take down standard enemies with minimal fuss, however, when a boss battle came along they would absolutely pummel me.


Easy Pumpkin Hand Puffs are the perfect dessert when you are craving pumpkin pie but don’t want all the fuss.


Plus, I can have it ready in less than 30 minutes, with minimal fuss, which is a huge help on busy, blustery days.


My money is on her saying «yes» given that the Liberals aren’t around to kick up a fuss.


«I suspect that when Facebook looked at what happened in 2016… they went if we make a big deal of this this might be optically not the best thing to make a big fuss about,» he said.


Now head on down and see what all the fuss is about.


I hate the idea of having to fuss to eat 6 times a day.


This splendid Life makes a monumental fuss of him…»


Come by and see what the fuss is all about!


Just in case you’ve been hearing all the buzz regarding Disney Infinity but still don’t have an idea of what all the fuss is about, I’m here to report that it is a thing.


An Unruly Guides Approved HOW TO Kindle Solutions PRIMER PRIMER for the Self-Publishing Author, without the fuss.


I am not sure what all the fuss is about; a fair number of nursery rhymes ought to come with parental guidance warnings.


The news of the game being reliant on motion controls, however, caused somewhat of a fuss amongst fans at the time, who weren’t convinced by the unconventional control method.


I struggled with the seat position for way too long, and Weston began to fuss.


The handset is therefore incredibly quick and takes on high-performance app with no fuss whatsoever.


Take a break from all this E3 fuss, and watch the video after the jump where late night host Conan O’Brien takes on Mario in Super Smash Bros..


Taxi, bus or regular shuttle services can get you to where you want to go with little fuss and not much expense.


What I love is, Italians keep their food simple, without any fuss or complex ingredients, always using fresh ingredients and as a result their food is always delicious.


Do not make a fuss about this Arsenal fans, Just hope that the Spanish champions keep thinking the way they do and that they do not look into Arsenal and what we have been doing over the last two years in too much detail.


Remember all the fuss about John Stevens and Bill Newton Dunn defecting FROM the Tories?


Compared to Halloran’s casual freedom or Mukherjee’s fuss and muss, Kessel’s abstraction may seem more like an older Modernism, and I was grateful for it.


The Gili Islands provide the ideal escape from the fuss of other mainland destinations.


  • Use the word FUSS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I don’t know what all this fuss is about.

Well no need to make such a fuss!

Oh, children, don’t you all fuss.

Listen Claire, don’t make a fuss.

We went to the window to see who made the fuss.

Jan, darling, I’ll confess there was such a look of impatience on everybody’s face at the mention of Stephen’s name, I just had to make a fuss. [CROWD CHUCKLES]

Well, why make so much fuss about it, darling?

Sure, I saw him a moment ago when he was making a fuss

So when someone is seven and is named Toto, does he always make a fuss to take a purge?

I don’t know why you’re making all this fuss.

This is the guy that all that fuss was about.

That will of his, the one he made all the fuss about… Well, right now, there isn’t any sort of a will.

Come on, Inspector, you’re not going to make a fuss over a spot of poaching.

You will be making a fuss down the kitchen.

A lot of fuss for one man.

All this fuss and excitement over Mr. Trenholm.

Such a fuss over a stomachache!

And, uh, if you’ve come up here to raise a fuss about Gilda, this derby is a thing of the past.

It’s absurd to make such a fuss over an ordinary circus performer.

Everyone’s making a fuss about it.

If I could, you’d see how silly it is to make all this fuss.

No need to make such a fuss about it.

All the otherwomen keep makin’ a fuss, and lyin’ about their boys’ ages.

Evidently you Spaniards make too much fuss about… a simple, elemental thing like love.

All this fuss for a broken ankle.

I don’t know why he makes such a terrible fuss now. There’s a limit to shamelessness, even at this court!

All that fuss over a mere trifle.

That’s enough, let’s not make a fuss.

She doesn’t want you to make a fuss about it, do you Sally?

Put it down and don’t make so much fuss about it.

These apothecaries… they’ve made such a fuss over it.

Maybe you did not expect such a fuss.

Say, what’s the fuss about?

Is that fuss during the day still bothering you?

You say you’d do anything for me and then you make a fuss over a few grapes

I’ve been painted before without such a fuss

He doesn’t want to interview me or make a fuss over me.

Didn’t your stepmother make any fuss about giving you the $30?

She didn’t make any fuss.

You were making such a fuss that the guard heard you and said «Hey!»

  • Meanings of words and phrases

  • Example sentences

  • Similar words

  • Translations

  • Other types of questions

The meaning of «Fuss» in various phrases and sentences

What does fuss over mean?

It means to become flustered over a trivial thing. Ex- Emily fussed over whether her hair was okay.

What does Such a fuss! mean?

it kinda means loud, noisy, «why are you making such a fuss?!» means why are you making a scandal

What does fuss around mean?

a display of unnecessary or excessive excitement, activity, or interest. Confusion, disturbance, be agitated about.

What does «honestly, i’m fine. don’t fuss! «fuss mean?

fuss here means to worry.

What does she made a fuss calling him a freak. mean?

make a fuss is to worry/get angry about something that might not be necessarily too important.
«She made a fuss when she found out that he didn’t buy her a present for Valentine’s Day»

Example sentences using «Fuss»

Please show me example sentences with fuss over .

My aunt loves to cook dinner and fuss over her grandchildren.
To fuss over is to give much attention to someone or something.

Please show me example sentences with fuss.

Don’t make a fuss about such a small thing.
Well, he fussed about what he had to say to his family.

Please show me example sentences with fuss.

Fuss is anxious or excited behaviour which serves no useful purpose.
eg. I don’t know what all the fuss is about.

Please show me example sentences with fuss over.

Please show me example sentences with fuss.

«Don’t make a fuss about it» = «Don’t get people worried about it»

«Don’t fuss about it» = «Don’t worry about it»

«Quit fussing!» = «Stop worrying!»

«I’m gonna fuss around with it a bit» = «I’m going to make some tweaks to it»

Synonyms of «Fuss» and their differences

What is the difference between make a fuss and make a scene ?

I would say they’re kind of the same. Although I believe it is possible to make a fuss without making a scene. Making a scene is a bit more dramatic and others will notice what is happening.

What is the difference between fuss and confusion ?

Fuss is an excessive display of anxious tension excitement, activity, or interest while confusion is a state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something or an uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required.

Tom made a fuss about playing with his new toy.
Tom made a fuss about not getting chocolate at the shop.

Ann was confused on what to do at work as she came late for the meeting.
The lies cause confusion in my family and no one knew who to believe

What is the difference between make a fuss and tell someone off (for) ?

To «make a fuss» means to complain.

To «Tell someone off» means to speak ill about someone, resulting in them no longer speaking to you. This is used in a sense of victory over them, by only using your words.

What is the difference between fuss over somebody and make a fuss of somebody ?

i believe they both mean the same thing.

to make a fuss over someone or of someone is to pay that person lots of attention and pamper and spoil them

example: when i was younger my mom really made a fuss over me

whenever we go out to eat my boyfriend always makes a fuss over me, making sure i always get the food i like

to make a fuss over something is to make it into a problem

example: my mom told me to take out the trash yesterday and i didnt do it. Today she’s making a fuss about it.

What is the difference between fuss and trouble ?

Don’t fuss over the details.
Don’t show excessive concern over the details.

Don’t trouble yourself over the details.
Don’t cause anxiety or distress to yourself over the details.

Translations of «Fuss»

How do you say this in English (US)? «just seeing what all the fuss was about.» I really curious what does fuss here mean?

Fuss in this scenario means excitement . The father doesn’t understand why she loves playing the game so much and why it is so exciting. So, that is why he says “just seeing what all the fuss was about.”

How do you say this in English (US)? is it correct to say “if you keep pitching a fuss i’ll leave”

yes that sounds good! you’re just missing a comma.
“If you keep pitching a fuss, I’ll leave.”

How do you say this in English (US)? fuss

Check the question to view the answer

Other questions about «Fuss»

What does it mean by fuss here。

I’ve heard «moan» and «make a fuss» are basically used in the US. If that’s true, how do you say instead of each of them in the US? Please let me know a common American expression that means each word.

Moan, in this context is essentially complaining. «whining», «bitching» and others. Make a fuss, means more than simple complaining. It implies persistent complaining to get something you want. Other phrases for make a fuss. «have/throw a tantrum» «have a bird» «lose your shit» and others. As to what is used or not used. That will depend on the speaker and their common regional vernacular.

She is a fuss. So working with her is tiring. Does this sound natural?

She’s a fuss. that why working with her is so tiring.

She makes a fuss about wanting to know what city I’m from. Does this sound natural?

She makes a big deal out of wanting to know what city I’m from. (Not totally sure what your original meaning is, so my correction may not be completely accurate)

make fuss + what preposition?
with example would be nice

Depends on sense.
She is making a fuss of her kitten. (Giving it a lot of attention)
She is making a fuss about what she has been told to do by her boss. (Not happy about something)

Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases

Latest words


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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


an excessive display of anxious attention or activity; needless or useless bustle: They made a fuss over the new baby.

an argument or noisy dispute: They had a fuss about who should wash dishes.

a complaint or protest, especially about something relatively unimportant.

verb (used without object)

to make a fuss; make much ado about trifles: You’ll never finish the job if you fuss over details.

to complain especially about something relatively unimportant.

verb (used with object)

to disturb, especially with trifles; annoy; bother.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of fuss

First recorded in 1695–1705; origin uncertain


fusser, nounun·fussed, adjectiveun·fuss·ing, adjective

Words nearby fuss

fusionism, fusion, nuclear, fusion reactor, fusobacteria, fusor, fuss, fuss and feathers, fussbox, fussbudget, fusspot, fussy Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to fuss

commotion, confusion, controversy, excitement, flap, furor, hassle, ruckus, stink, ado, agitation, altercation, argument, bickering, bother, broil, bustle, complaint, difficulty, display

How to use fuss in a sentence

  • Patrick Henry’s cheer situation highlights the pressure some parents have felt to keep their kids involved in youth sports during the pandemic – and to not raise a fuss or ask if they meet local health and safety orders.

  • If you’re looking for reliable reading aids without the fuss, consider these ultra classic picks.

  • Combined with its container that holds up to 17 spent capsules at a time, this machine is fine-tuned for maximum efficiency with minimal fuss.

  • If Gloria and Lawson-Remer both win, Ikhrata opponents on the board could raise a fuss, but couldn’t hope to defeat his plan.

  • In other words, despite the slew of advertisers that made a fuss about pulling their ads, Facebook’s ad business will continue to thrive — even as some of its biggest advertisers keep away.

  • Now, with the publication of ‘Loitering,’ the uninitiated can discover what all the fuss is about.

  • The jacket and gloves were a precaution in the event the eaglet panicked, but there was little fuss as he tossed the net over her.

  • After what one cop called “a heck of a fuss,” they finally managed to print her.

  • Others have argued that he was never really that great, and the sports world has made a big fuss over nothing.

  • She knew how to cause a fuss, how to become the center of media attention.

  • I’m getting rather bored, you know, Georgie, with the fuss people make in town.

  • I knowed, a-course, that I could go kick up a fuss when Simpson stopped by his office on his trip back from Goldstone.

  • «Better stop making a fuss, first off,» growled another masculine voice, and again Betty giggled nervously.

  • Sure, when you come to think of it, a king is no more than any other man, only for all the fuss that does be made about him.

  • I remember the fuss they made about it in the society papers—fulsome, sickenin’ sort of hog-wash they wrote.

British Dictionary definitions for fuss


nervous activity or agitation, esp when disproportionate or unnecessary

complaint or objectionhe made a fuss over the bill

an exhibition of affection or admiration, esp if excessivethey made a great fuss over the new baby


(intr) to worry unnecessarily

(intr) to be excessively concerned over trifles

(when intr, usually foll by over) to show great or excessive concern, affection, etc (for)

(intr foll by with) Jamaican to quarrel violently

(tr) to bother (a person)

Derived forms of fuss

fusser, noun

Word Origin for fuss

C18: of uncertain origin

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with fuss

In addition to the idiom beginning with fuss

  • fuss and feathers

also see:

  • kick up a fuss
  • make a fuss

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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