Use the word from the chart to complete the sentences

работа по английскому языку для 7 класса по УМК О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева,
К.М. Баранова
Rainbow English

1: Школа и процесс обучения.


1. Listen and complete the sentences. Circle the right letter a, b or c.

1. Ann … .

a) thinks that schools are the best place to give

b) says that children mustn’t go to school to get

c) is not certain that schools are the best place to give

2. Tom thinks that school
is … .

a) a traditional place where children do different

b) the best place for children to study different

c) an institution to which children mustn’t go to do
different subjects

3. Ann thinks that parents
…. .

a) teach children better than school teachers

b) know their children better than schools teachers

c) are better friends for children than school

4. Ann says if the family
lives far from school …. .

a) a child has to get up very early to be on time for
his or her classes

b) a child gets tired when he or she gets to school

c) it takes much time to get to school and a child
doesn’t have time to do homework well

5. Tom says that school
education  is better than home education because … .

a) boys and girls can sleep a lot in the morning

b) schools have special programmes

c) children learn to do many things together

2. Read the text and write if the sentences below are True, False or Not

In some areas of England
there are schools for children under 5 years old. Some boys and girls from two
to five go there. Many parents organize informal playgrounds for their children
to keep them busy from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. While parents are at work or busy in
the house, children in these groups play, have lunch and sleep. Parents usually
pay to keep their children in such groups, schools, or classes.

Primary education begins at the age of 5. Classes are
not very long – about 20 minutes. Boys and girls have classes of reading, writing
and arithmetic.

1. Children who are under 5 years of age have classes
of reading, writing and arithmetic. ______

2. Playgrounds are usually free. _____

3. Such playgrounds are usually typical only for big
cities. _______

4. Primary education in England begins before children
become 5. ______

5. Classes in English primary schools are fairly long.

6. In primary schools teachers give their pupils
classes of writing and reading. _____

3. Choose little, few, many or much to complete the sentences.

1. There is ____________
chalk in the box. I think we have to buy a new one. 2. The classroom was full
of pupils, and there were ___________ free seats in it. 3. Colin is happy, he has
got __________ presents today. 4. I know there is _________ glue in the bottle,
and we are not going to buy new glue. 5. Mary thinks she has to go to the
supermarket, because there are ___________ vegetables for dinner. 6. Peter
doesn’t like to eat cheese that’s why there is not  _________ cheese in his

4. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. Circle the right word.

1. Give me (a / an)
exercise book, please. 2. (That/ Those) gloves (was/ were) not very warm. 3.
(This/ These) pair of old scissors (was/ were) under the sofa. 4. Physics (is/
are) my favourite subject, though (it/ they) is difficult. 5. (Those/ That)
trousers (is/ are) too short. You can’t wear (it/ them) to school. 6. I have
(much/ many) to say to you. 7. There are (some/ any) new felt-tips in my pencil
case. 8. I haven’t got (some/ any) glue, please give me yours. 9. Are there
(any/ some) rulers on the teacher’s desk? 10. Are there (little/ few) rulers on
the table?

5. Use the word from the chart to complete the sentences.

English               uniforms                pencil case              
Mathematics      break                     subjects

1. There are pens and pencils of different
colours in my _________________ .

2. If I want to see what a new word means I usually
use my father’s ________________.

3. ____________________ is the study of numbers and
shapes including algebra, geometry and arithmetic.

4. Most schoolchildren in Britain have to wear school

5. I’m so tired. Let’s take a ___________ .

6. _________________ is the subject in which they give
you ideas about the official language of Britain and the USA and some other

7. How many _____________ do you do in the seventh

6. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the verbs tell, talk, say,

1. Tom is very clever, he
_______________ two foreign languages: French and Russian. 2. You are
_____________ a lie! I wasn’t there at five.  3. Girls, you mustn’t
_____________ much in class. 4. I want to ____________ something about this writer.
5. Who is going to ____________ at the meeting? 6. My friend ____________ me a
lot about his home town yesterday. 7. Can you ___________ me the time, please?
– Sorry, I’ve left my watch at home.

1: Школа и процесс обучения.


1. Listen and complete the sentences. Circle the right letter a, b or c.

1. Ann … .

a) says that children mustn’t go to school to get

b) is not certain that schools are the best place to give

c) thinks that schools are the best place to give

2. Tom … .

a) is for school education

b) says that schooling at home is good for America

c) is not sure that schools give a good education in

3. Ann thinks that parents
…. .

a) know their children better than schools teachers

b) are better friends for children than school

c) teach children better than school teachers

4. Ann says if the family
lives far from school …. .

a) a child gets tired when he or she gets to school

b) it takes much time to get to school and a child
doesn’t have time to do homework well

c) a child has to get up very early to be on time for
his or her classes

5. Tom says that school
education  is better than home education because … .

a) school starts at 8 o’clock in the morning, and it’s
right time to study

b) children learn to do many things together

c) schools have special programmes

2. Read the text and write if the sentences below are True, False or Not

English school  year has
three terms, three months each. The names of the terms are autumn term, winter
term, and spring term. The autumn term starts on the first Tuesday morning in
September. In summer there is the longest break or holidays up to eight weeks.
Life at school is more or less the same everywhere.

There are usually about
30 pupils in a group and in many schools they wear uniforms. Pupils have
classes that are 40-50 minutes long. Between the lessons there are breaks.
Lunch time begins at about one p.m. At 4 o’clock in the afternoon school is
over and pupils go home.

1. There are four terms in an English school year.

2. The names of school terms, in fact, are the names
of seasons. _____

3. Spring and winter holidays are longer than summer
holidays. ______

4. The winter term starts on the first Monday morning
in January. _______

5. In England pupils have lunch in the afternoon.

6. In many English schools pupils don’t have to wear
uniforms. ______

3. Choose little, few, many or much to complete the sentences.

1. We don’t have ________
chalk. I think we have to buy new. 2. They can do a postcard themselves,
because they have ___________ colour paper. 3. Mary thinks she has to go to the
supermarket, because there is ___________ bread for breakfast. 4. There are
_________ pencils in the pencil case. Where are the other pencils? 5. How can I
cook an orange cake? I don’t have _________ oranges. 6. There were ___________
students in the classroom that’s why there were a lot of free seats.

4. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. Circle the right word.

1. There are (some/any)
modern computers in this classroom. 2. I didn’t have (some/ any) interesting
subjects today. 3. Bob had (a/ an) orange for breakfast. 4. This (is/ are) a
pencil case and these (is/ are) pens. 5. (These/ This) leggings (is/ are)
bright yellow. You should buy them. 6. Physics (is/ are) a difficult subject.
7. (That / Those) pair of mittens (is/ are) very warm. 8. (This/ These) pair of
shorts (is / are) not fashionable. I won’t wear (them/ it). 9. I think there
are very (little/ few) literature classes in the secondary school. 10. I don’t
have (much/ many) paints in my backpack.

5. Use the word from the chart to complete the sentences.

Music                 paints and brushes                 pencil
case            subjects   Literature                  pencil sharpener 

1. Grace is a very good student. She
always has good and
excellent marks in all the
________________ .

2. I keep my pens, pencils, rulers and my rubber in my
__________________ .

3. Bring _____________________ to your Art class.

4. The subject that gives you ideas about composers
and their works is called ______________.

5. I need some ____________ to write down your

6. Yesterday I used your ___________________, and all
my pencils became very sharp in no time. It’s really good.

7. ________________ is the subject that gives you
information about novels, poems, plays and their authors.

6. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the verbs tell, talk, say,

1. Please __________ the
truth, I want to know everything. 2. Pauline _____________ English better than
Jane, she’s very hard-working. 3. My friends and me like to _____________ about
the latest films. 4. Yesterday the mother _____________ the children not to play
outside. 5. What are you ___________? – I’m ___________ that I’m leaving for
Moscow soon. 6. My granny often ____________ me fairy tales. 7. Ann __________
she is good at geography.

1: Школа и процесс обучения.


1. Listen and complete the sentences. Circle the right letter a, b or c.

1. Tom thinks that school
is … .

a) the best place for children to study different

b) a traditional place where children do different

c) an institution to which children mustn’t go to do
different subjects

2. Tom … .

a) says that schooling at home is good for America

b) is not sure that schools give a good education in

c) is for school education

3. Ann thinks that parents
…. .

a) are better friends for children than school

b) teach children better than school teachers

c) know their children better than schools teachers

4. Ann says if the family
lives far from school …. .

a) a child gets tired when he or she gets to school
and back

b) it takes much time to get to school and back, and a
child doesn’t have time to do something else

c) a child has to get up very early to be on time for
his or her classes

5. Tom says that school education 
is better than home education because … .

a) children learn to do many things together

b) schools have special programmes

c) school starts at 8 o’clock in the morning, and it’s
right time to study

2. Read the text and write if the sentences below are True, False or Not

In a usual English
classroom there is a blackboard, a teacher’s desk, and pupils’ desks. Nowadays
people don’t often use the word “blackboard” because class boards are usually
green or brown. Normally people speak about chalk boards, white boards, or just
boards. There are also laboratories for physics, chemistry and biology in most
secondary schools. There are also rooms for computer studies and language
laboratories. Many schools have gyms, games halls and playgrounds in front of
the school buildings, and pupils do sports there.

Pupils of most secondary
schools in Britain have to wear uniforms. Shoes are usually black or brown.
Young people in Britain often don’t like the uniforms they have to wear.

1. The colour of  teacher’s desk is usually brown or
grey. ______

2. You can’t often hear the word “blackboard” in
English schools nowadays. ______

3. Pupils can have physical education lessons only in
gyms. _____

4. In some British schools pupils don’t wear school
uniforms. ______

5. Young people in Britain are really fond of their
school uniforms. ____

6. In most of secondary schools the uniforms are black
or brown colours. ______

3. Choose little, few, many or much to complete the sentences.

1. How can I cook an
apple cake? I don’t have _________ apples. 2. There was ___________ colour
paper with me and I took some from Andy. 3. Peter likes to eat cheese very much
and there is always __________ cheese in his fridge. 4. There are _________
pens in the pencil case. Where are the other pens? 5. There are only 5 pupils
in our group, we don’t need ___________ seats. 6. I think we will be late
because we have _________ time.

4. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. Circle the right word.

1. Boris bought (some/
any) colour paper and (a/ some) brush yesterday. 2. There aren’t (any/some)
colleges in this town. 3. There is (a / an) dictionary on the shelf. 4. There
(is / are) no glue in the bottle. 5. (Those/ That) trousers (is/ are) too
short. You can’t wear them to school. 6. (This/ These) pair of jeans (is/ are)
dark blue. 7. For some pupils physics (is/ are) a difficult subject to
understand. 8. (This / These) shorts (is / are) not fashionable. I won’t wear
(them/ it). 9. I have (little / few) to say to you. 10. There are not (many/
much) students in this college.

5. Use the word from the chart to complete the sentences.

and brushes              backpack              college            
Art                  education            Biology                    terms  

1. The subject that gives you information about
paintings and sculptures is called ____________.

2. Victor wants to go to ____________ after he
finishes school.

3. I carry my exercise books, textbooks and my daybook
in my _____________.

4. I’m sure that a good ______________ is important
for everybody.

5. _______________ is the scientific study of living

6. How many __________ are there in your school year?

7. I go to the Art school. When I paint my pictures, I
always use  _____________________ .

6. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the verbs tell, talk, say,

1. Will you ____________
me the truth? Where were you in the morning?  2. They were _____________ and
laughing when the teacher came into the classroom. 3. __________ what you think
about your new school. 4. Don’t believe her, she always ___________ lies. 5.
Jane can ___________ French very well, can’t she? – No, she began learning
French last month. 6. William didn’t look at me when I was ___________. 7.
James and Ann often _____________ about music.

к контрольной работе

№ 1. Класс 7.

Вариант 1.

Задание 1. (аудирование – запись по
учебнику стр. 41 упр. 1, трек 18)

1)      с 


Задание 2.  1)

little  2) few   3) many   4) much    5) few   6) much

an  2) Those, were  3) This, was  4) is, it  5) Those, are, them  6)
much   7) some  8) any   9) any   10) few

pencil case  2) dictionary  3) Mathematics   4) uniforms   5) break  6)
English  7) subjects

speaks   2) telling   3) talk    4) say    5) speak    6) told     7) tell

Вариант 2.

Задание 1. (аудирование – запись по
учебнику стр. 41 упр. 1, трек 18)

       1) b    2)  a    3)  a    4) c     5) b

F     2) T    3) F     4) NS      5) T      6) F

much  2) much   3) little   4) few    5) many   6) few

some  2) any  3) an  4) is, are  5) These, are  6) is   7) That, is  8)
This, is, it   9) few   10) many

subjects  2) pencil case  3) paints and brushes   4) Music   5) paper  6)
pencil sharpener  7) Literature

tell   2) speaks   3) talk    4) told    5) saying, saying    6) tells     7)

Вариант 3.

Задание 1. (аудирование – запись по
учебнику стр. 41 упр. 1, трек 18)

         1) b   

Задание 2.  1)

Задание 3. 1)
many  2) little   3) much   4) few    5) many   6) little

some, a  2) any  3) a  4) is  5) Those, are  6) This, is   7) is  8)
These, are, them   9) little   10) many

Art  2) college  3) backpack   4) education   5) Biology  6) terms  7) paints
and brushes

tell   2) talking   3) say    4) tells    5) speak    6) speaking     7) talk


Complete the sentences with a word from the chart in d.
1 Her mother is a very nice person
2 My English teacher is a ___.His name’s William
3 I have two ______.My first ____ is six years old.
4 Many British _________drink tea.
5 Not those toilets, Mr Davis! They’re for _____, not _____.​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык


this chart. Then complete the sentences below using suitable words from the














He is very weak, take…………of him!


Yesterday I watched a very…………film.


In the forest you can enjoy the………

of nature.


I ………. that you will follow my



The …………… life of the capital is

very rich.


There are many……………hotels in the



Is it difficult for you to

understand……………. terms?

h) I know that

the girls study in the seventh………….


15 Март, 18


(97 баллов)

в категории Английский язык

Check these words 

skyscraper [ˈskaɪˌskreɪpər] небоскреб
appear [əˈpɪə] появиться
shopping mall [ˈʃɒpɪŋ mɔːl] торговый центр
biggest [ˈbɪgɪst] самый большой
accessories [əkˈsesəriz] аксессуары
electronics [ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪks] электроника
toys [tɔɪz] игрушки
travel agent [ˈtrævl ˈeɪdʒənt] тур-агент
get tired of [ɡet ˈtaɪəd əv] устать от
food court [fuːd kɔːt] ресторанный дворик
serve [sɜːv] обслуживать
variety of dishes [vəˈraɪəti əv ˈdɪʃɪz] разнообразие блюд
snack [snæk] лёгкая закуска
dinosaur museum [ˈdaɪnəsɔːr mjuˈziːəm] музей динозавров
indoor [ˈɪndɔː] в помещении
roller coaster [ˈrəʊlər ˈkəʊstər] американские горки
aquarium [əˈkweəriəm] аквариум
sea creature [siː ˈkriːtʃə] морское создание
shark [ʃɑːk] акула

Mall of America

The USA is famous for its skyscrapers that appear in most big cities and its huge shopping malls. Americas love shopping there.

The Mall of America, or MOA, in Minnesota with over 520 shops in the biggest mall in the USA. About 40 million people from many countries visit it every year. You can find everything there from accessories and books to electronics, toys and travel agents. When you get tired of shopping, you can eat in two food courts. 20 fast food restaurants serve a variety of dishes and snacks. After that you can watch a film in a 14-screen cinema, visit a dinosaur museum, have fun at the indoor amusement park with roller coasters or play golf. There is even an aquarium with over 4,500 sea creatures including sharks! MOA has got something for everyone!

Молл Америка

США славятся своими небоскрёбами, которые появляются в большинстве крупных городов, и своими огромными торговыми центрами. Америка любит ходить по магазинам там.
Молл Америка, или MOA, в Миннесоте с более чем 520 магазинами в самом большом торговом центре в США. Около 40 миллионов человек из многих стран посещают его каждый год. Здесь можно найти всё, от аксессуаров и книг до электроники, игрушек и турагентов. Когда вы устали от шоппинга, вы можете поесть в двух ресторанных двориках. В 20 ресторанах быстрого питания подают разнообразные блюда и закуски. После этого вы можете посмотреть фильм в кинотеатре с 14 экранами, посетить музей динозавров, повеселиться в крытом парке развлечений с американскими горками или поиграть в гольф. Есть даже аквариум с более чем 4500 морских существ, включая акул! У МОА есть что-то для каждого!

Упражнение 1, с. 66

1. Where do you parents/ you go shopping? How often? Are there shopping malls in your city? What can you buy there? Tell the class. — Где ваши родители / вы ходите за покупками? Как часто? Есть ли в вашем городе торговые центры? Что вы можете купить там? Расскажи классу.

I usually shop at one of the malls in my city at least once a month. There are three malls in my city. You can buy clothes, electronics, books, CDs, shoes, etc.
Обычно я делаю покупки в одном из торговых центров моего города по крайней мере раз в месяц. В моём городе есть три торговых центра. Вы можете купить одежду, электронику, книги, компакт-диски, обувь и т. д.

Упражнение 2, с. 66

2. а) Which of the following can you do in the Mall of America? Listen, read and check. — Что из перечисленного вы можете сделать в торговом центре Америки? Слушайте, читайте и проверяйте.

shop for clothes — магазин для одежды
book tickets — забронировать билеты
have lunch — обедать
watch a film — смотреть фильм
visit a museum — посетить музей
see sharks — увидеть акул
go on a roller coaster — отправляйтесь на американские горки
dance — танцы

b) Read again and complete the charts. — Прочитайте ещё раз и заполните диаграммы.

Name: Mall of America.
Название: Торговый центр Америки.

Location: Minnesota.
Место расположения: Миннесота.

Shops: over 520 shops with accessories, books, electronics, toys and travel agents.
Магазины: более 520 магазинов с аксессуарами, книгами, электроникой, игрушками и туристическими агентствами.

Things to do: shop, eat, watch a film, visit a dinosaur museum, have fun at the indoor amusement park, play golf, visit an aquarium.
Чем заняться: делать покупки, есть, смотреть фильм, посещать музей динозавров, веселиться в крытом парке развлечений, играть в гольф, посещать аквариум.

Упражнение 3, с. 66

3. Use words from the Check these words section to complete the sentences. — Используйте слова из раздела Check these words для завершения предложений.

1 You can see fish an aquarium.
Вы можете увидеть рыб в аквариуме.

2 You can see eat at a food court.
Вы можете увидеть, как едят в ресторанном дворике.

3 There are roller coasters at an amusement park.
В парке развлечений есть американские горки.

4 There is an indoor golf course so don’t worry if it starts raining.
Есть крытое поле для гольфа, так что не волнуйтесь, если начнётся дождь.

5 When you get tired of walking you can relax at one of the cafes.
Когда вы устанете от ходьбы, вы можете отдохнуть в одном из кафе.

Упражнение 4, с. 66

4. а) Imagine you are at the Mall. Call your friend to tell him/ her about it. — Представьте, что вы находитесь в торговом центре. Позвоните своему другу, чтобы рассказать ему об этом.

A: Hi Bob. It’s Mark.
B: Hi, Mark. Where are you?
A: I’m calling from the Mall of America in Minnesota.
B: Really? What’s it like?
A: It’s great. There are over 520 stores. They have everything from accessories and books to electronics and toys.
B: Wow! What are you shopping for?
A: Books and clothes. Right now, I am going to visit the aquarium and see the sharks.
B: Really. What else is there?
A: There is a huge indoor amusement park with roller coasters, a dinosaur museum and a 14-screen cinema.
B: That’s amazing! What about food?
A: There are two big food courts with 20 fast food restaurants.
B: Sounds like you are having a good time.
A: I am. Talk to you later.

А: Привет, Боб. Это Марк.
Б: Привет, Марк. Где ты?
А: Я звоню из торгового центра «Америка» в Миннесоте.
Б: Правда? На что это похоже?
А: Это здорово. Тут более 520 магазинов. У них есть всё — от аксессуаров и книг до электроники и игрушек.
Б: Вау! Что ты покупаешь?
О: Книги и одежда. Прямо сейчас я собираюсь посетить аквариум и посмотреть на акул.
Б: Действительно. А что ещё есть?
А: Здесь есть огромный крытый парк развлечений с американскими горками, музей динозавров и кинотеатр с 14 экранами.
Б: Это потрясающе! А как насчёт еды?
А: Есть два больших ресторанных дворика с 20 ресторанами быстрого питания.
Б: Похоже, вы хорошо проводите время.
А: Да. Поговорим позже.

b) Think! Would you like to visit this mall? Tell the class. — Подумай! Хотите посетить этот торговый центр? Расскажи классу.

I would like to visit the Mall of America. I often go shopping and I like to see new things. At this mall I can watch a film, ride a roller coaster and even see sharks. I can shop at over 520 different stores and eat delicious snacks at the food court. I can’t wait! / I wouldn’t like to visit this mall. I think you can get lost easily and with so many stores I think you would have trouble finding the store you want. People in my city often shop at the Golden Mall. They like to go shopping there because they can find everything in one location. The mall also has a cinema and a food court.

Я хотел бы посетить торговый центр Америки. Я часто хожу по магазинам, и мне нравится видеть новые вещи. В этом торговом центре я могу посмотреть фильм, покататься на американских горках и даже увидеть акул. Я могу делать покупки в более чем 520 различных магазинах и есть вкусные закуски в ресторанном дворике. Я не могу ждать! / Я бы не хотел посещать этот торговый центр. Я думаю, что вы можете легко заблудиться, и с таким количеством магазинов, я думаю, вам будет трудно найти магазин, который вы хотите. Люди в моём городе часто делают покупки в Золотом торговом центре. Они любят ходить по магазинам там, потому что они могут найти всё в одном месте. В торговом центре также есть кинотеатр и ресторанный дворик.

Упражнение 5, с. 66

5. Where do people in your city go shopping? What is the place like? Write a few sentences about it. Tell the class. — Где люди в вашем городе ходят за покупками? На что похоже это место? Напишите о нём несколько предложений. Расскажи классу.

People in my city often shop at the Golden Mall. They like to go shopping there because they can find everything in one location. The mall also has a cinema and a food court. 
Люди в моём городе часто делают покупки в Золотом торговом центре. Они любят ходить по магазинам там, потому что они могут найти всё в одном месте. В торговом центре также есть кинотеатр и ресторанный дворик.

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 5 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 5 класс. Workbook.

Английский язык. 5 класс

Complete the chart below with the correct –ed /-ing suffix.


to bore

to excite

to interest

to relax

to satisfy

to tire

to worry





Now use the adjectives from the chart above to complete the sentences. (They can be repeated).

  1. Miriam works in an aid camp. She says it’s ________________________ but very ______________________.

  2. If you’re ______________________ about climate change, why not donate to a charity?

  3. Chill-out music is so __________________________!

  4. Our teacher was so ____________________________. No one was ______________________ in his lessons.

  5. I’m good at English, but I’m so ___________________________ of doing all these exams!

  6. Kathleen was ________________________ about going to the concert. It will be unforgettable.

  7. Are you ______________________ with the same routine every day? Do something ___________________.

V olunteer!

Read the text and choose the correct alternative.

Are you (1) interested / interesting in the environment? Are you (2) tired / tiring of talking about it but doing nothing? Environmental groups need YOU to be a volunteer and help with their (3) excited / exciting new campaigns.

If you’re (4) bored / boring with your weekends, get involved and become a volunteer! It’s really (5) satisfied / satisfying to know that you can make a difference. You’ll probably make some (6) amazed / amazing new friends too.

S o, if you’re (7) worried / worrying about the future of the planet, contact our local environmental group or visit the website. If you can’t donate your time as a volunteer, you can be a cyber-activist, just send an email –you’ll be (8) surprised / surprising how easy it is!

Complete the sentences with an adjective from the box.

bored / boring frightened / frightening interested / interesting

relaxed / relaxing tired / tiring worried / worrying

  1. We had a great holiday in France. I feel very ________________________ now.

  2. Did you see that new horror film? I thought it was really __________________________.

  3. My brother’s quite a nervous person. He bites his nails when he’s _________________________.

  4. Miranda’s new job is very _____________________________. She starts at eight o’clock and she doesn’t finish until seven o’clock in the evening.

  5. Are you _____________________ in jazz? There’s a good concert on this weekend if you want to come.

  6. This book I’m reading is so __________________________! I fall asleep before I finish a chapter.

Complete the chart below with the correct –ed /-ing suffix.


to bore

to excite

to interest

to relax

to satisfy

to tire

to worry





N ow use the adjectives from the chart above to complete the sentences. (They can be repeated).

  1. M iriam works in an aid camp. She says it’s ________________________ but very ______________________.

  2. I f you’re ______________________ about climate change, why not donate to a charity?

  3. C hill-out music is so __________________________!

  4. O ur teacher was so ____________________________. No one was ______________________ in his lessons.

  5. I ’m good at English, but I’m so ___________________________ of doing all these exams!

  6. K athleen was ________________________ about going to the concert. It will be unforgettable.

  7. Are you ______________________ with the same routine every day? Do something ___________________.

V olunteer!

Read the text and choose the correct alternative.

A re you (1) interested / interesting in the environment? Are you (2) tired / tiring of talking about it but doing nothing? Environmental groups need YOU to be a volunteer and help with their (3) excited / exciting new campaigns.

I f you’re (4) bored / boring with your weekends, get involved and become a volunteer! It’s really (5) satisfied / satisfying to know that you can make a difference. You’ll probably make some (6) amazed / amazing new friends too.

S o, if you’re (7) worried / worrying about the future of the planet, contact our local environmental group or visit the website. If you can’t donate your time as a volunteer, you can be a cyber-activist, just send an email –you’ll be (8) surprised / surprising how easy it is!

Complete the sentences with an adjective from the box.

bored / boring frightened / frightening interested / interesting

relaxed / relaxing tired / tiring worried / worrying

  1. W e had a great holiday in France. I feel very ________________________ now.

  2. D id you see that new horror film? I thought it was really __________________________.

  3. M y brother’s quite a nervous person. He bites his nails when he’s _________________________.

  4. M iranda’s new job is very _____________________________. She starts at eight o’clock and she doesn’t finish until seven o’clock in the evening.

  5. A re you _____________________ in jazz? There’s a good concert on this weekend if you want to come.

  6. This book I’m reading is so __________________________! I fall asleep before I finish a chapter.

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  • Use the word from the box to fill in the gaps in the text
  • Use the word from the box to complete the text brief
  • Use the word from the box to complete the sentences mrs willer
  • Use the word frightened in a sentence
  • Use the word freeze in a sentence