Use the word frightened in a sentence

It frightened me when she called me “their little baby

She is frightened but stoic

frightened eyes saw and did not believe in the possibility of victory

folk riding on the back of it, it would probably have frightened

frightened out of its wits

She was so frightened

«That wasn’t the original plan, but once I found out how much knowledge Kassidor has, they were frightened

Growling and snarling they were a fierce sight that would have frightened the bravest of men

She was very frightened as she passed in front of Lady Ariel, but for her son she would endure anything

What he saw in those eyes was a frightened panicked child; his gut told him that the Gatonen were lying

Rayne had never seen Duncan beaten down before, and it frightened her

Scathers seemed to be frightened — if that could be believed

Altera countered that she could change to a wooden practice sword if Rayne was too frightened

Fantasies about her and this unique man — and it frightened her

For example, when you are feeling stressed or frightened your brain is in the beta state which is related to waking consciousness

She was frightened, an emotion new to her

felt exhausted and not a little frightened

Alexei relayed his feelings regarding the female; she was very frightened of him at first, but he had allayed her fears

She is very frightened, given her conditioning, but she firmly believes that there is a chance to end this war with your world

Naria was horrified; these were just young boys, unsure of what was going on, frightened half out of their minds

Knowing the Elders as she did she could not help but take pity on the frightened boy

a year older and so they weren’t as frightened of

She found Tarak outside the master bedroom with two very frightened maids

Obviously frightened, Danil related the story thru trembling lips

It was quite frightened and mewing piteously; she had to coax it out

Over the course of the next year she had watched her close friend change from a bright, positive ray of hope into a frightened little mouse

She reels off reasons as if she is reading a list of faculties in a university prospectus; qualifications, boys rather than men, too young to really know her own mind, being frightened of the responsibility

Follow me and you will see HOW THE ANIMALS ARE FRIGHTENED OF ME

As you can imagine, the animals, seeing the tiger behind, were all terribly frightened and ran away

frightened rabbit in the corner of the room,’

The frightened mare instinctively bucked suddenly away from the falling structure and threw James into the rails between the stalls

She was very frightened, and hid under the covers

In her teens she started to research the people he’d spoken of, and sure enough he could’ve done all he said, and that thought frightened her even more

The thought of running into the old lady, that night frightened her

Drawing a deep breath, he slowly raised his head to look into her frightened black eyes, streaked with her own tears

The dragon lover saw the head and was frightened out of his wits

it, it is not frightened by their shouts

«What frightened you?» he asked stepping closer, to lay his warm hand on her back

» She said then wondered if the frightened voice was her own

Oh granted he once frightened her on the front porch, but that could’ve been partly her fault

She was stampeded at the door with hugs and kisses, and a couple of very frightened girls

If he was frightened, then I was only too

But he was frightened more so

At first Rapunzel was terribly frightened when a man, such as she had never seen, came to her; but the king’s son began to talk to her quite like a friend, and told her that his heart had been so stirred , and that he had to see her

He was quite frightened, and he tried to repeat the Lord’s Prayer; but all he could do, he was only able to remember the multiplication table

People were frightened at the time, but on looking back they rather liked it; it was exciting for country folk, and there was even a group of the younger men who pretended to admire him, calling him a «true sea-dog» and a «real old salt» and such and saying there was the sort of man that made England great at sea

He is frightened

Aladdin was frightened and tried to run away, but the magician caught him and knocked him down

The living before the dead was the maxim, so he headed across his land towards the boys now obviously frightened out of their minds until another wind gust blew more embers behind the lads, now cutting off any chance of escape, the only sound was the deafening roar of grass and trees catching alight and two boys trapped in an ever degreasing circle of fire

Brontes guided the frightened and disheveled group to the gathering, then turned to Adros and the others

Both seemed sound of mind, though incredibly frightened – and rightly so, in the minds of their companions he had glimpsed the monstrosity that sent them running

His eyes were wide and somewhat frightened

She sounded like the frightened little girl she used to be

” I spoke softly the way I would to a wounded animal or frightened child

There is no need to be frightened

At some stage I heard my still frightened friend moaning in his sleep and I went in to investigate

The ewes were frightened of it

Most often they would then be seen to be falling over themselves or scampering off in a frightened, zigzagging, chaotic getaway, with the shock of a huge and sudden adrenaline release causing them to lose total control of their wits and any semblance of rational behavior

The poor girl was frightened by the dark-skinned bodyguards so close to her Nana

“What on this earth could have frightened her so?” he asked as he looked at her calm face

The young blond gasped out his words, like he had either been running for a great length of time or had been very recently frightened

But after they dismounted, leaving their frightened horses some paces away, the man in trouble turned to them and raised a hand for them to stay back, to halt their track

They had always more disgusted her than frightened her, to which her mischievous brother Heron could amusingly attest

And it almost frightened her

“You know,” He again chuckled softly amid fresh recollections, “they also told me you were quite frightened by the Silt Striders and Netches there in Morrowind

The orb was too tired and frightened to follow

Whatever it was that frightened the forest so much, it certainly had huge fangs, four legs and a strange affliction within its mind

However, in the story he was feeling frightened

» He gave me a nervous smirk and a shrug, but the frightened look immediately returned to his features a second later

Why was she so afraid? I looked to Seth for a clue, but he was as frightened as she was

Some people seemed to relish these visitations whereas others were either confused or frightened

What do you think are the chances of that? You’re frightened aren’t you?’

are also skittish creatures, and every time I approached the herd, they would become frightened and scamper away

And she was frightened out of her mind

‘Oh, hush!’ the Rabbit whispered in a frightened tone

The long grass rustled at her feet as the White Rabbit hurried by–the frightened Mouse splashed his way through the neighbouring pool–she could hear the rattle of the teacups as the March Hare and his friends shared their never-ending meal, and the shrill voice of the Queen ordering off her unfortunate guests to execution–once more the pig-baby was sneezing on the Duchess’s knee, while plates and dishes crashed around it–once more the shriek of the Gryphon, the squeaking of the Lizard’s slate-pencil, and the choking of the suppressed guinea-pigs, filled the air, mixed up with the

The man didn’t look frightened, he looked serene; a drug overdose, he surmised

I»m frightened because I don»t know if I can raise the child as God would have me do

“Oh, Mother, I»m so frightened

“I was so frightened I ran home and didn»t even bring any bread for our meal

I was so frightened I could barely think

’ The obvious understatement was making him more decisively angry than frightened

So frightened I could barely breath, I watched as Joseph retied his sandal and walked with trepidation toward the door

I might have become more frightened, but their expressions were the most benevolent I could imagine

I could tell he was as frightened as I

There were people, a frightened screaming boy being taken from a dormitory by a cyborg similar in appearance to himself, then deposited in something akin to an operating theatre

Helpless, frightened, or perhaps resigned

Anyway, he was very frightened that You would take over his throne, so he ordered you killed

“It frightened me terribly, but I knew there was nothing I could do for those fishermen

connections, Danny was frightened they might

oil by the bottle, is frightened of deep water and is disproportionately strong for her size

The main thing however was your mates because nobody wanted to let their pals down so even though you may have been frightened to death or tired beyond belief you carried on because of them

Rosemary was as frightened as a mouse in a corner

Her frightened, doe-like eyes gave him terrified looks as she

Peeping out from just above her arms were the frightened eyes and furry ears of a very young, very tiny, black-and-white kitten

Frightened by the sound of my voice and by Ozzie’s disciplinary assault, my son jumped, dropping the paper clip harmlessly onto the floor

It frightened me too

If his ears are completely flattened or stuck out to the sides of his head, he’s signalling that he’s frightened or feeling submissive.


When they get over excited, frightened, or just plain cold, they visibly shiver.


He’s simultaneously frightened and enlivened by the possibilities of touching a man.


They are ground-loving creatures who feel frightened and insecure when held and restrained.


And Margaret Hodge spoke about feeling like an outsider in her own party, adding that she had «never felt as nervous and frightened as I do today» about being Jewish.


But in reality, she’s too frightened to even crack the door and check the mail.


«Take Shelter» is almost novelistic in its approach to character and pace, but its ambitions and victories are strongly cinematic, and Shannon’s performance is the stuff bad dreams are made of — human, frightened, fragile, hesitant.


Do you ever see a scary movie where the characters are frightened yet they still somehow know how to use a knife or gun to outwit the killer by the end?


I saw this thing at midnight and right off the bat, let me assure you that even in the dark of night this movie will only be scary to the very easily frightened (and people scared of wooden babies.)


However, some 54,000 homes suffered power cuts, with the quakes spreading fear among a frightened and weary population.


When an opossum is frightened and unable to flee, they may display their teeth and hiss, or fall into an involuntary shock-like state, «playing «possum».


When your child sees a person in a wheelchair, they may be frightened or confused.


House cats who have spent their life indoors are frightened and do not thrive outdoors.


«If people dwelled on what happened, nobody would live downtown because they would be too frightened


Brewster Shelter Agent Brian Long performed seven cat-in-tree rescues as well as several different types of injured wildlife from birds to foxes, a skunk caught in a soccer net, a frightened deer in a fenced in tennis court and a wayward female eider unable to leave an outfall pipe canal at a power plant in Sandwich.


A pregnant woman who doesn’t understand the process of labor will be tense and frightened, which in turn causes pain.


I’d be quicker to label it one of Disney’s weirdest films than one of its best, but outside of the young (especially the easily frightened), this should please most viewers to some degree, meriting repeat viewings and a spot in your collection.


They are likely frightened, especially adult cats.


Dirty, bedraggled, and frightened, she’s camped out on the front porch of your new listing and not adding a cent to the property values of the neighborhood.


Fears or Phobias When animals become frightened, they may lose control of their bladder and/or bowels.


Second year separates the wannabees from those who can not only deal with the science but can cope with the practical aspects of giving injections and restraining frightened or recalcitrant animals.


Rather than protecting consumers, this legislation is a frightened response by the North Carolina Bar to protect their incomes from the impact of advances in Internet technology that provide new ways for people to solve their legal problems at low cost.


Wake out of a sound sleep to care for a sick or frightened baby when you can’t even think straight yourself.


Be concerned anytime your adult dog follows your puppy around with a stiff tail and low head, which is stalking behavior, or if one dog is deeply frightened of the other.


Fear aggression is aggression that occurs when the dog is frightened, regardless of whether or not there is something to be afraid of.


Teaches at Cora Kelly are frightened to speak out, and fear of retribution is real and has been experienced by those few brave individuals who have complained.


And if you’re not too frightened to show off your winter/spring body.


Cats hide because they are frightened or in pain, so identifying the underlying cause is important to providing them a quality life again.


Like Gabriel, she too is frightened and hungry.


An animal shelter in Georgia is trying to raise funds for a unique dog who was so frightened of people that his fear literally caused him to have a heart attack and «die.»


Maternal disrupted affective communication, maternal frightened or frightening behavior, and disorganized infant attachment patterns


Looks really cool on paper (pun completely intended), but I’m a little frightened on how similar this game looks to Sticker Star.


Observers like Fey felt urban renewal represented the best hope for the «frightened, disadvantaged people» in the cities, but they possessed a limited vision for how it might be accomplished.


Katsenelson gives a lucid explanation of today’s markets with sound advice about how to make money while avoiding the traps that the market sets for exuberant bulls and frightened bears alike.


Cats can become trap-shy — frightened to go near or enter a trap, or trap-savvy — mastered the art of removing food without triggering the trap.


Beautifully verdant strings soon give way to the truly frightening string and sampled moss that fuses together with the real science-based reason for the once-human things chasing our frightened scientist family through the woods, terrifically effective horror-action and atmospheric scoring that not only plays eco body horror, but also a beautiful sense of choral tragedy for a clan that really should have listened to locals» warnings to not go into the Emerald Isle’s forbidden woods.


They often feel frightened and want nothing more than for their mum and dad to get back together again.


TOMB RAIDER ® Platform: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 system, Windows PC Developer: Crystal Dynamics (Square Enix Group) ESRB: RP (Rating Pending) Available: Q1 2013 Armed with only the raw instincts and physical ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, TOMB RAIDER delivers an intense and gritty story into the origins of Lara Croft and her ascent from a frightened young woman to a hardened survivor.


I am not positive why «heart» is used in the bible, but I have always assumed that, because we get an uncomfortable feeling in our gut or chest when we are frightened, angered, or even have told a lie, and when we are happy or excited, we get a flutter in our chest.


It was as though after that first day, when Icara had taken hold of Cubby’s frightened hand, she had never let it go.


The dog, frightened and in shock, had a gaping wound in its side, exposing its internal organs.


In the span of three days, the starting quarterback hurt his knee, the backup broke his ankle and the third-teamer got so frightened when he saw what was happening that he quit.


It is normal for a baby to cry when tired, hungry, frightened, or wet, but babies with colic will cry excessively and frequently during the same part of the day (usually late afternoon to evening).


These sharks have a timid demeanor, and are easily frightened away by swimmers, so although I can not guarantee your safety, I would say it’s relatively low risk to jump in for a swim.


A dog’s ears can pick up vibrations in the air even before the thunder arrives, which is why dogs are often frightened of oncoming storms.


You’ll be dealing with people who are stressed, anxious, frightened or in pain.


A confused and frightened pet is even more likely to spontaneously void when it is threatened!


A series of Schreibman-sponsored attack ads aired in recent weeks seeks to turn the 2011 vote into a millstone around Gibson’s neck with images of angry, frightened seniors questioning Gibson’s plans to «gut» Medicare and «turn it into a coupon program.»


If baby is hungry, mothers milk is there; if baby is thirsty, mothers milk; if baby is hurt, mm soothes and comforts him; if baby is frightened, same story, if baby is sleepy, mm puts him to sleep.


Despite how they come across, high conflict people are really very frightened.


Random good picture Not show

1. He who lives near the woods is not frightened by owls. 

2. The alarm frightened the thief away.

3. He was frightened at the sight of the dog.

4. She looked dazed and frightened.

5. It’s totally irrational, but I’m frightened of mice.

6. They frightened that boy away.

6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

7. They heard the fire alarm and frightened.

8. The sudden noise frightened the birds to take wing.

9. The frightened boy gripped his mother’s hand.

10. The child is frightened by the ugly man.

11. The tramp frightened her by talking to her.

12. The noise frightened the child.

13. Don’t be frightened. We’re not going to hurt you.

14. A frightened rabbit will bolt for its hole.

15. I got quite frightened when he lost his temper.

16. What made them so frightened?

17. He was frightened of the fierce dog.

18. She was frightened of flying.

19. The sudden barking frightened Clara.

20. The frightened child gripped its mother’s hand.

21. The noise frightened the birds away.

22. You frightened me to death, staying out all night!

23. The aspect of the salesman frightened the customer off.

24. The child was frightened by the snake.

25. Everyone was frightened by the strange sequence of events.

26. The boy’s cries grew more frightened at mention of a doctor.

27. He made a frightened noise a little like the miaow of a cat.

28. I was frightened of him when I saw him first.

29. One has lived too near a wood to be frightened by owls. 

30. Oliver went up to the master, with his bowl in his hand. He felt very frightened, but also desperate with hunger.

More similar words: tighten, enlighten, straighten, right, fighter, shortened, all right, right away, firefighter, right wing, civil rights, frigid, highlight, refrigerator, daughter, listener, fight, might, night, light, mighty, height, eighth, eighty, slight, flight, weight, burst into laughter, tightly, by night. 

Definition of Frightened

scared or afraid

Examples of Frightened in a sentence

Jumping out from behind the bushes, Carlos roared at his frightened sister.


The frightened puppy cowered in fear and hid behind her owner’s leg.


Ingrid thought she could handle the horror film, but ended up too frightened to finish watching it.


The frightened family huddled in fear as the burglars ransacked their house.


I was frightened to get on the rollercoaster, but overcame by fear and rode with my sister.


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  • Use the word FRIGHTENED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

He was a small crab living at the bottom, slyly concealed behind a boulder, alone and frightened, afraid to venture forth, until he saw its glow.

She was frightened and threw hot baking grease at you.

Oh, Mark, you frightened me.

frightened by the snowstorm, Chub turned for home

I frightened you and you lost your footing…

«I’m so terribly frightened!

«And I’m to be frightened into rushing up to my mother-in-law’s… to beg forgiveness for things I haven’t done?»

Had you come earlier, you wouldn’t have frightened me…

Oh, Prince, how you frightened me.

My legs are too frightened to pay any attenti├│n to liquor.

He was so frightened and upset.

If the Lord Almighty gives a man a cowardly pair of legs, and that man gets frightened,

The caterpillar must have frightened him.

Please, officer, she’s young and shouldn’t be frightened.

I’m sorry to have frightened you.

I’m ‘most frightened to death.

Unless I had everything of the best- you know, the best doctors and everything- — I’d be frightened.

I don’t mean to be a grouch, Eddie, but… I’m frightened. Is it the doctor?

You see, she’s just a kid herself, and she’s frightened.

I’d be frightened something might happen to it.

I was so frightened that I’d be found out.

I was frightened last night.

Your majesty, were you frightened?

well, naturally, she was frightened.

I’m sorry I frightened you, babe.

I meant what I said when I told you that I just wanted Thursby frightened.

Something that’s changed and frightened you.

You mean, to run around the decks like we’re scared, sir? frightened?

Were you a little nervous, a little frightened?

I was a bit frightened at first, but I’ll stick it out.

That’s very ba and she’s frightened horribly.

So I was frightened and I .. ventured to intrude again.

But I was frightened to death all the way.

All right, but you mustn’t be frightened.

When i talk to him, i’m always so frightened of saying something foolish. You see, he’s terribly clever.

I think it makes them frightened when they’re happy and sadder when they’re sad. You see, everything’s multiplied by two… sickness, death, the future.

He was so fond of me that frightened me.

Don’t be frightened. Is he dangerous?

You’re frightened of him, I’m not.

Tell Panisse you were frightened.

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