Use the word foreigner in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word foreigner, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use foreigner in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «foreigner». In addition, we also show how different variations of foreigner can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are foreigner’s, foreigners, foreigners’ and foreigners—including. If you click on the variation of foreigner that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Foreigner in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word foreigner in a sentence.

  1. I am a foreigner and he is a foreigner!

  2. Jones became the first foreigner to coach the English side.

  3. He was the first foreigner to have received the title Dasho.

  4. As a foreigner, however, he was not eligible to command a French unit.

  5. The challenges Catherine faced were complex and in some ways difficult for her to comprehend as a foreigner.

  6. Another volunteer from Irvine’s staff was a foreigner with an aristocratic bearing who called himself «John Rose».

  7. King Olav V of Norway, the first foreigner to be admitted to the Order, was also admitted by special statute in 1962.

  8. The medieval writer William of Newburgh claimed that Longchamp was «an obscure foreigner of unproven ability and loyalty».

  9. Any visiting foreigner, especially from a distant European metropolis, was regarded as a special trophy and added social prestige.

  10. Conybeare asked, «What special qualifications have entitled a foreigner to be promoted over the heads of some 30 British officers?

  11. Under Michael VIII, for the first time a foreigner, the Italian privateer Licario, became megas doux and was given Euboea as a fief.

  12. He believed he had been promised the title, which as a foreigner he was ineligible for, and this would be a longtime grievance for him.

  13. In 1926 Nansen was elected Rector of the University of St Andrews in Scotland, the first foreigner to hold this largely honorary position.

  14. Sir John Craig wrote in his history of the Royal Mint: «The arrangement was not put into writing, and misunderstanding was easy for a foreigner.

  15. On his death-bed, Josquin asked that he be listed on the rolls as a foreigner, so that his property would not pass to the Lords and Ladies of Condé.

  16. She came to feel fond of Tokyo, noting an otherworldly quality brought on as a foreigner grappling with feelings of jet lag in an unfamiliar setting.

  17. In a 2018 paper, Canadian scholar and Rwanda expert Gerald Caplan described this appointment as a remarkable achievement for a foreigner and a refugee.

  18. Misako then appears at his door and offers him a nearly impossible contract to kill a foreigner, which he cannot refuse having just been told the plan.

  19. Henry Halford was detailed to sound out Charlotte about the match; he found her reluctant, feeling that a future British queen should not marry a foreigner.

  20. Stockmar was amazed at a treatment he saw as outdated, and declined to join the medical team, believing that, as a foreigner, he would be blamed if anything went wrong.

  21. Wretched flocks of maids labour so that the adulteress may be visible through her thin dress, so that her husband has no more acquaintance than any outsider or foreigner with his wife’s body.

  22. Much of the film features unscripted vignettes of Borat interviewing and interacting with real-life Americans who believe he is a foreigner with little or no understanding of American customs.

Foreigner’s in a sentence

Foreigner’s is a variation of foreigner, below you can find example sentences for foreigner’s.

  1. These marriages would be valid according to Spanish law, but did not imply automatic validity according to the foreigner’s national law.

Foreigners in a sentence

Foreigners is a variation of foreigner, below you can find example sentences for foreigners.

  1. Life became very difficult for foreigners in France.

  2. The majority of these foreigners were from North Africa.

  3. In 2007, there were 4,671 foreigners living in Gyeongju.

  4. Many crew members were Dutch, Danish, or other foreigners.

  5. Carthage usually recruited foreigners to make up its army.

  6. Other customers included a Carmelite friar and six foreigners.

  7. Use was however made of prisoners of war and foreigners as well.

  8. You must remember that all foreigners will be watched everywhere.

  9. Lee’s novel, in which Wang states that all foreigners look alike).

  10. Mexico is visited by about 22 million foreigners in a typical year.

  11. Then, on 12 April 1793, all foreigners were forbidden to leave France.

  12. In most circumstances Carthage recruited foreigners to make up its army.

  13. Saltykov did not like foreigners; Laudon thought Saltykov was inscrutable.

  14. In 1974, 260,000 tourists, of whom 36,000 were foreigners, visited the monument.

  15. The largest single component of these foreigners, by some way, was from North Africa.

  16. Concerning you, foreigners, you can practice according to your own manners and customs.

  17. Order in the streets broke down as rumours arose of suspicious foreigners setting fires.

  18. Wheeler: «I have read a regulation that only those foreigners are to be admitted to the U.S.

  19. Commonwealth citizens not subjects of the Queen and foreigners may be made Honorary Members.

  20. Outlandish pictures called Nagasaki-e were sold to tourists of the foreigners and their wares.

Foreigners’ in a sentence

Foreigners’ is a variation of foreigner, below you can find example sentences for foreigners’.

  1. Shocked by the power of British intervention in the area, he orders his son to learn the foreigners’ secret.

Foreigners—including in a sentence

Foreigners—including is a variation of foreigner, below you can find example sentences for foreigners—including.

  1. The dissenters acknowledged that other children of foreigners—including former slaves—had, over the years, acquired U.S.

Synonyms for foreigner

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word foreigner has the following synonyms: alien, noncitizen, outlander and outsider.

General information about «foreigner» example sentences

The example sentences for the word foreigner that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «foreigner» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «foreigner».

Synonym: alien, noncitizen, outlander, outsider. Similar words: designer, sovereignty, magnetic, wherein, weigh, willingness, reinforce, figure in. Meaning: [‘fɑrənə(r) ,’fɔ- /’fɒr-]  n. 1. a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country 2. someone who is excluded from or is not a member of a group. 

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1. I’m a foreigner. Please speak slowly.

2. She becomes a companion to a foreigner.

3. He is a foreigner.

4. These regulations refer to every foreigner.

5. His accent argues him to be a foreigner.

6. Her family disowned her for marrying a foreigner.

7. You don’t sound like a foreigner talking English.

8. They took him for a foreigner.

9. Her father won’t countenance her marrying a foreigner.

10. The foreigner spoke to us quite intelligibly.

11. He sounds like a foreigner.

12. Being a foreigner was not a handicap.

13. She married a foreigner for mere lucre.

14. Being a foreigner,( he did not catch on the joke.

15. I have never met a foreigner who speaks such perfect Chinese.

16. I had never met a foreigner who spoke such perfect English.

17. The fact that I was a foreigner was a big disadvantage.

18. I have always been regarded as a foreigner by the local folk.

19. He was quite friendly really — for a foreigner.

20. He was clearly nervous about having a foreigner in his house, but he also wanted to be hospitable.

21. As a foreigner and a teacher, I was the object of general interest and respect.

22. I presume from your speech that you are a foreigner.

23. He was afraid she would reject him because he was a foreigner.

24. We have reasoned her out of her wish to be married to a foreigner.

25. He is not from this country, he is a foreigner.

26. It’s a story set in the last century about a girl whose parents disowned her when she married a foreigner.

27. The only reason she was considered a security risk was because her husband was a foreigner.

28. I can’t speak a word of French so I’m marked out as a foreigner as soon as I arrive in France.

29. Saleem felt that people were suspicious of him because he was a foreigner.

30. But none, I assure you, of an age or inclination to elope with an adolescent foreigner!

More similar words: designer, sovereignty, magnetic, wherein, weigh, willingness, reinforce, figure in, eighth, height, neighbor, interfere in, neighboring, sign on, neighborhood, design, resign, signal, sign in, assign, designs, campaign, design for, signature, owner, more, core, significant, assignment, nerve. 

foreigner — перевод на русский


They’re spies, foreigners.

Это шпионы, иностранцы.

Only foreigners and half-baked Americans fall for McCormick’s tricks.

Только иностранцы и новички-американцы попадаются на его штучки.

Maybe it’s because he’s a foreigner. They just don’t think like us.

Иностранцы говорят не так, как мы…

I’m not sure about Monta’s English, but the foreigners ran off to Gotenyama.

Я не уверен насчёт английского Монты. Но иностранцы убежали к Готеньяма.

The foreigners can see the strongholds we built to keep them out.

Иностранцы могут видеть крепости, что мы строили, чтобы держать их подальше.

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I feel sorry for Christine, because she’s a foreigner.

Мне жаль Кристину, ведь она иностранка.

She’s a foreigner among people who don’t speak her language.

Она иностранка, среди людей, ни один из которых не говорит на ее языке.

Bear in mind she’s a foreigner, so prepare for hysterics, even a fainting spell.

Помните, она иностранка, приготовьтесь к истерике, а может и к обмороку.

She’s a foreigner, unfamiliar with the subtleties of our language.

Во-первых, она иностранка, не очень знакомая с тонкостями нашего языка.

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That foreigner couldn’t have played Cornussds part that well!

Чужеземец не смог сыграть роль Корнюсса так хорошо!

Besides, you’re a foreigner and have been here, for a little while.

— Кроме того, ты чужеземец и пробыл здесь, недолго.

I’m a foreigner, that is true, but I have to try.

— Я правда чужеземец, но я должен попробовать.

No, if a foreigner wants to help… why should I stop him?

— Нет, если чужеземец хочет помочь … почему я должна его остановить?

Although he’s a foreigner, he speaks our language, don’t you?

Он чужеземец, но знает наш язык, не так ли?

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Warriors, away from the enemy! The foreigner is banished from our village! Sokka, you’re making a mistake.

Чужак будет изгнан из нашей деревни ты делаешь ошибку.

I’m just a foreigner you keep around to run your errands and make you feel good about yourself, right?

Я всего лишь чужак, которого ты держишь рядом, потому что тебе так удобно.

What’s your business, foreigner?

Что тебе надо, чужак?

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You are a foreigner here …

Вы чужестранец здесь …

He’s a foreigner, you see ?

Он — чужестранец, понимаешь? Чужестранец.

A foreigner.


Miss, I’m a foreigner on your shores.

Мисс, в этих краях я чужестранец.

And a foreigner.

И чужестранец.

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I’ve seen hundreds of foreigners before!

Да я раньше видел сотни иноземцев!



We’ve agreed No foreigners.

Мы же договорились: никаких иноземцев.

Ancient feudal Japan, a land shrouded in mystery, forbidden to foreigners.

Древняя феодальная Япония, страна окутанная тайной, запретная для иноземцев.

The foreigner’s with a cockroach girl.

Иноземец с этой тараканшей.

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No foreigners are going to dictate to us.

И никто чужой нам не будет ничего диктовать.

Go back to where you belong, foreigner!

Иди, откуда пришел, ты здесь чужой!

It’s weird I— I really needed to come home and now I just feel like foreigner.

Странно, я очень стремилась вернуться сюда. Но сейчас я чувствую себя чужой.

Even though she was born here, she’s a foreigner to this state.

Даже несмотря на то, что родилась здесь, она все равно чужая для этой страны.

We wouldn’t be foreigners.

Там мы не будем чужими.

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The Foreigners’ Quarter.

Квартал Иностранцев.

Burn down the Foreigners’ Quarter?

Сжечь Квартал Иностранцев?

You can burn down the Foreigners’ Quarter, for all I care.

Можете сжечь Квартал Иностранцев, мне всё равно.

Have you got the plans to the Foreigners’ Quarter?

Достал планы Квартала Иностранцев?

As I explained on the boat, Chobei the Carpenter drew up the plans for the Foreigners’ Quarter.

Как я и говорил, плотник Чобэй рисовал планы для Квартала Иностранцев.

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And you didn’t get those rogue foreigners.

И вы не достали этих иностранных жуликов.

Next, Obama expanded Bush’s doctrine of indefinite detention of foreigners without trial, to holding citizens without evidence indefinitely, without ever even committing a crime.

Затем Обама расширил доктрину Буша о бессрочном содержании под стражей иностранных граждан без суда, о задержании без доказательств на неопределенный срок американских граждан, даже не совершивших преступления.

She suddenly feels the need for foreigners in the house.

Ей хочется поселить у нас иностранных студентов.

The Vietnamese did not want any foreigners among their troops.

Вьетнамцы не хотели иностранного вмешательства.

We’re gonna sing songs by Foreigner in foreign languages, wearing all the costumes of the world’s nations.

Мы должны спеть песню иностранного исполнителя на иностранном языке, в костюмах других национальностей.

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Отправить комментарий

иностранец, чужеземец, чужестранец, чужой, иноземец, иностранный корабль


- иностранец; чужеземец

his speech marked him for a foreigner — его речь обличала в нём иностранца

- шутл. чужой, посторонний (человек)

I’m a foreigner in these parts — я чужой в этих краях; ≅ я нездешний

- животное или растение, не встречающееся в данной местности и т. п.
- иностранный корабль

Мои примеры


objectionable foreigner — нежелательный иностранец  
his accent argues him to be foreigner — произношение выдаёт в нем иностранца  
his accent proclaimed him a foreigner — по его произношению было ясно, что он иностранец  
his accent proclaimed that he was a foreigner — по его произношению было ясно, что он иностранец  
foreigner’s deposit — банковский депозит, принадлежащий иностранному владельцу  
give oneself out to be a foreigner — выдавать себя за иностранца  
let on to being a foreigner — прикидываться иностранцем  
marry a foreigner — выйти замуж за иностранца  
exchange foreigner — иностранная валюта  

Примеры с переводом

He is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent.

Он иностранец, что заметно по его акценту.

He is foreigner by his speech.

Судя по произношению, он иностранец.

Some of the local people are suspicious of foreigners.

Некоторые местные жители с подозрением относятся к иностранцам.

Dark hair is a note of the foreigner of southern extraction.

Тёмные волосы — это характерный признак иностранца южного происхождения.

The foreigner spoke to us quite intelligibly.

Иностранец говорил с нами вполне понятным языком.

I can tell by your accent you’re a foreigner in these parts.

Судя по акценту, вы нездешний.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I concluded from his awkward constructions that he was a foreigner

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

foreign  — иностранный, зарубежный, внешний, чужой, инородный, чуждый, несоответствующий
foreignism  — подражание иностранному, варваризм, чужеземный обычай
foreignness  — иностранное происхождение, степень чужеродности, чуждость, несвойственность

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): foreigner
мн. ч.(plural): foreigners

We found 392 ‘foreigner’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use foreigner in a sentence.

  • He followed far flung desert tracks into regions foreigner had rarely ventured to enter.
  • The villain is always a foreigner and is dealing in either drugs, prostitution, arms or terrorism.
  • The podestd, who was always a foreigner, usually commanded the army, represented the city before foreign powers, and signed treaties.
  • In other words, Heart are much better sounding like the Outlaws than sounding like foreigner.
  • Another cliche’ not to be found is the out of his league foreigner.
  • Ayla is a foreigner and has an accent2.
  • Moreover, she was a foreigner in this land her husband had brought her to years prior.
  • It was highly uncustomary, seeing a U . S . Open crowd wrap its arms around a foreigner in a match against an American.
  • Foreigner continued with Edwards, while Gramm pursued a solo career.
  • And it’s free to foreigner observers.
  • For example, who is going to invite a foreigner to their home if they cannot communicate with them.
  • It’s easy to find the insulted foreigner when these things happen.
  • If i were a foreigner, i probably wouldn’t be able to eat raw fish.
  • Republican voters were not anti-foreigner because their neighbours were Arabs.
  • Why is a person who learns a foreign language trapped into forever sounding like a foreigner.
  • A black foreigner named Otieno, who is also a shadow weaver.
  • Heim is the second foreigner to receive the award.
  • I was taught english by a foreigner.
  • The only reason she was considered a security risk was because her husband was a foreigner.
  • Is the grade-schoolish block lettering the work of a foreigner who can’t write English script?.
  • The foreigner is as foreign as one could be from the idea of cruel execution.
  • With his help I could order the most delicious food there though I am a foreigner.
  • As a foreigner I got some very interesting culture specific insights.
  • I would have been able to forgive it had the person been a foreigner, but no.
  • Perhaps these shifts replicate the familiar tale of a foreigner struggling to find a place in Japan.
  • They are said to display an aptitude for clothing ideas in a Chinese dress very rare and remarkable in a foreigner.
  • I’m a foreigner, a Canadian.
  • The Chinese man has many male chauvinist, the foreigner right away very gentleman.
  • That also was a lie, as we know, he is not a foreigner.
  • Prior to foreigner, he was in the band Spooky Tooth.
  • By a national agitation, denouncing him as an accomplice of the foreigner.
  • Only now the victim was a foreigner, isolated by language and custom, and George came down on him with hobnailed boots.
  • I am living as a foreigner in another country.
  • As a reflection of current Euro North American society, foreigner is hard to beat.
  • I thought the author nailed the accent, I enjoyed reading about a foreigner as well.
  • There is a lot that goes into buying land in Bulgaria, more so if you are a foreigner.
  • Their music is also enjoyable to music fans who love foreigner, Journey, Toto, Styx, and Mr.
  • I really feel a foreigner and walk up the drive cursing the mud that has ruined my gold stilettos.
  • Putin puppet, trumpoholic flak, 14 year old foreigner posting from london, take your pick.
  • Playacting also helped him cope with his feeling of being a closet foreigner, an outsider _ an emotional state that » is also part of being an artist, » he said.
  • Karine is a foreigner, as noted by everyone from Mlle.
  • To call HIM a foreigner.
  • I thought she presented the challenges of a foreigner moving to a new country with honesty.
  • Despite that, foreigner workers still benefit, what with seeming reluctance of regional authorities to solve the problem forms a sort of » modus vivendi «.
  • They work together at a clinic, and when foreigner Dr.
  • Being myslef a foreigner living in the U.
  • Crossing back into the US, I, the only foreigner among us, was waved on through without a question.
  • Rafferty stumbles through the clues like the foreigner he is, always on the outside looking in.
  • I am a foreigner here.
  • If you are a foreigner and do not know about dim sum, then sure.
  • Have a conversation with a foreigner?.
  • And Love Conquers All should be under foreigner.
  • Yet, as the firm that has most abjectly thrown its lot in with a foreigner, Nissan is the one being most carefully watched.
  • He is a big time bully ask a foreigner.
  • The Gaels of 1743 see Claire as a » Gall » ( foreigner ), » Sassenach, » or’Outlander’, ignorant of Gaelic culture.
  • The foreigner was a casteless person.
  • The provinces agreed first to eject the foreigner, then to meet in states-general and regulate all matters of religion and defence.
  • Zade, the foreigner who wins Serena in a tournament, is a wonderful character.
  • Also, as a foreigner, she notices the strangeness of English and its many rules.
  • Are you a foreigner planning to settle down in the United States and become its citizen.
  • Pukui states that the original meaning of the word » haole » was » foreigner «.
  • Deporting any foreigner involved in listed extremist bookshops, centers, organizations and websites What?.
  • As a foreigner, or Feringhee in Hindi slang, eyes followed her everywhere.
  • Talaith, our leading lady, is hated by her whole village as she’s a witch and a foreigner.
  • What surprises me as a foreigner in Spain is the national pride broadcasted in the Spanish media.
  • As a foreigner he even speaks Maranao more fluently than other Maranaos.
  • Her father won’t countenance her marrying a foreigner.
  • A complete misreading of American values by a foreigner.
  • But Salzman points out the ethical dark side of pursuing these interests as a foreigner.
  • The author of course concentrated on the women she had access to as a foreigner.
  • FELDA decided to replace him and signed a new foreigner player during April transfer window.
  • She’s another foreigner that has these twisted preconceived notions in regards to minority’s.
  • Foreigner: In China do you also have the problem of generation gap?.
  • It never needs a furlough, is never considered a foreigner.
  • Verse 4), because all who could escape from the galling tyranny of the foreigner left the country (cf.
  • Foreigner’s TOOTH AND NAIL is today’s music, cut one from the 1984 album, Agent Provocateur.
  • Nothing more than a foreigner would get coming to the US.
  • You really feel like a foreigner in a foreign land.
  • Foreigner, July 6, Thunder Valley Casino Resort, Lincoln.
  • Unofficially, they tell dirty jokes, even before Mrs Sciolino, a foreigner and a woman.
  • Down to the manager insisting the foreigner who was refusing to remove his baseball cap, remove it.
  • I’m a foreigner. Please speak slowly.
  • As th author notes, the foreigner’s gift by the U.
  • On 12 January 2015, in Sarasota, Florida, Wills and original drummer, Dennis Elliott, joined foreigner on stage, to play » Hot Blooded «.
  • Spain under the Hapsburg monarchy had guarded its realms against foreigner travelers and intruders.
  • Still as a foreigner and a Jew she was never able to became a French citizen.
  • Terrific story about a foreigner living in Japan with his Japanese family in law.
  • But as a foreigner i respect that so i tried some hand techniques.
  • As a foreigner, I can tell you that there’s already a big chill over visiting the US.
  • Her humor and joyfulness gained for her the esteem of the Chinese, who called her » the laughing foreigner «.
  • Sitting by a beach, she catches sight of a foreigner having fun.
  • He is a celebrity and an oddity, foreigner in velvet trousers.
  • She’s also well remembered as a woman of many lovers and as a foreigner.
  • Too much Black Sabbath, foreigner, and Boston played last night.
  • Jason becomes the foreigner in this Pacific land.
  • Adam is the typical pretty boy foreigner.
  • Foreigner is alien person.
  • Hercule Poirot is a comic foreigner, strange, fussy and effeminate.
  • In the end, the Black Cat doublecrossed the foreigner and left for Paris to find a new life, which unexpectedly pushed Peter to find support and a new relationship with Mary Jane Watson.
  • The effect of learning a language is understanding a foreigner.

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