Use the word force in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word force, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use force in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «force».

Force in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word force in a sentence.

  1. His force and the two U.S.

  2. Since the force is central,.

  3. C’est le cadavre de la force.

  4. This force was designated No.

  5. I had to force it out of him.

  6. This force burns in every man.

  7. No force was used against them.

  8. That night, a force of ten U.S.

  9. Dog control orders are in force.

  10. Saywer, a former air force base.

  11. The task force arrived at Pearl Harbor on 26 March.

  12. By May, Drenović had a force of about 350 Chetniks.

  13. Shima’s invasion force departed Rabaul on 30 April.

  14. The attack force rendezvoused over Torneträsk lake.

  15. A conservative total force can then be obtained as.

  16. Why authorize him to use military force to arrest the civil process of the State?

  17. The machine remained a powerful force in state politics until the 1960 elections.

  18. The attack was carried out in 2009 and targeted the police force of Central Asia.

  19. Any attempt by the English to force the river would clearly have been foredoomed.

  20. This enables the force to be transferred from the legs to the body during a leap.

  21. The rest of the strike force did not fare as well; 11 Vildebeests, two Albacores, two Hudsons (of No.

  22. Some residents accused the Jewish police force of taking bribes at the gates leading into the ghetto.

  23. Pakistan, attempting to force the issue of Kashmir’s accession, cut off supplies and transport links.

  24. Forster’s force landed near the American-occupied fort on May 18, and sent in a demand for surrender.

  25. They used infantry while a heavily armored cavalry (clibanarii) constituted the main attacking force.

  26. Among all savage nations the weaker sex is ill-treated, and the law of the strongest is put in force.

  27. At the beginning of the war, Finland had a small air force, with only 114 combat planes fit for duty.

  28. After initial successes, they had left a force of 15,500 men to hold their lodgement over the winter.

  29. Arnold concluded that he could not take the city by force, so he blockaded the city on its west side.

  30. He crippled an enemy army twice the size of the Prussian force while suffering negligible casualties.

  31. The explosive force pushed him towards the edge of the airbag and the crew was concerned he had died.

  32. The adiabatic lapse rate is proportional to the average molecular weight and the gravitational force.

  33. The Nadzab action began with a parachute drop at Lae Nadzab Airport, combined with an overland force.

  34. As a task force, Alamo Force came directly under MacArthur, rather than under the Allied Land Forces.

  35. Jacobite attempts to recruit Scottish clansmen yielded a fighting force of only about a thousand men.

  36. While Indonesian forces posed a potential threat to this force, no fighting eventuated and the Hornets were not required.

  37. As a result of the losses it had suffered, the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) had ceased to be an effective fighting force.

  38. Their M47 bombs rapidly started fires in an X shape, which was used to direct the attacks for the remainder of the force.

  39. But despite a force of 60,000, Kutluskha could do little else than engage in some raids around Syria, and then retreated.

  40. A large force of Japanese 25 Mitsubishi G4M (Betty) bombers escorted by 22 Zero fighters reached Port Moresby undetected.

  41. Supporting fire from the bombardment force assisted French forces who captured half of the city, but batteries on the St.

  42. When the two ships pulled apart, the force of the bowsprit’s extraction sent shock waves through Guerriere’s rigging.

  43. The British were reading their coded messages and sailed to intercept them with a larger force of British battlecruisers.

  44. Kennedy on New Georgia island sighted and reported a large Japanese force of ships heading towards the southern Solomons.

  45. The German task force was still waiting for the order to commence firing, which Admiral Lütjens did not give immediately.

  46. One woman called Perot and commented that «the tears have not stopped.» A class action lawsuit was filed in Florida to force him to remain in the race, but it was dropped.

  47. After the initial sighting, the main invasion force, consisting of the heavy naval screening force and the two transports, remained elusive until the morning of 25 August.

  48. Believing Dutch public opinion was against the republic and in favour of restoring the monarchy, the British government began preparing an invasion force as early as June.

  49. It also informed the Joint Chiefs that in the event of war with the Soviet Union, it would not be required to force an unconditional surrender or to conduct an occupation.

  50. Hipper’s five battlecruisers, the scouting force for the fleet, left the Jade estuary at 02:00 on 31 May; Scheer and the High Seas Fleet followed an hour and a half later.

Synonyms for force

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word force has the following synonyms: effect, force out, force-out, force play, forcefulness, strength, military unit, military force, military group, personnel, power, violence, force back, coerce, hale, squeeze, pressure, drive, ram, ram down, drive in, impel, pull, draw, pull down, pull off, pull up, pull out, pull along, pull in, pull back, push, storm, thrust and wedge.

General information about «force» example sentences

The example sentences for the word force that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «force» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «force».

Synonym: body, break through, compel, crew, drive, energy, gang, group, make, might, motivate, oblige, personnel, power, pressure, push, ram, shove, staff, strength, thrust, vigor. Similar words: by force, in force, enforce, reinforce, for certain, enforcement, porch, source. Meaning: [fɔrs /fɔːs]  n. 1. a unit that is part of some military service 2. one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority 3. (physics) the influence that produces a change in a physical quantity 4. group of people willing to obey orders 5. a powerful effect or influence 6. an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists) 7. physical energy or intensity 8. a group of people having the power of effective action 9. (of a law) having legal validity 10. a putout of a base runner who is required to run; the putout is accomplished by holding the ball while touching the base to which the runner must advance before the runner reaches that base. v. 1. to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :»She forced him to take a job in the city» 2. urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate 3. move with force, «He pushed the table into a corner» 4. impose or thrust urgently, importunately, or inexorably 5. squeeze like a wedge into a tight space 6. force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically 7. do forcibly; exert force 8. cause to move by pulling 9. take by force. 

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1. Force can never destroy right.

2. The drop hollows the stone, not by force, but by the frequency of its fall. 

3. You may force a man to shut his eyes, but you cannot make him sleep. 

4. Force, and fraud, are in war the two cardinal virtues. 

5. Public opinion can force the government into action.

6. He maintained order by sheer force of personality.

7. The new law comes into force next month.

8. The wind was increasing to gale force.

9. The rioters were taken away by force.

10. They used brute force to break open the door.

11. They don’t exactly overpay their work — force.

12. The ultimatum contained the threat of military force.

13. The usurper took power by force.

14. The UN has sent a multinational peace-keeping force.

15. Too much force will twist the key.

16. The investigation uncovered widespread corruption within the police force.

17. Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.

18. How can men succumb to force?

19. Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.

20. Our soldiers force the enemy to retreat.

21. The law should remain in force.

21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

22. He took the money from his wife by force.

23. The gun kicked back with great force.

24. Don’t force your idea on others.

25. You must use force to open that bottle.

26. He used brute force to take control.

27. Is that very old law still in force?

28. The London police force is headed by a commissioner.

29. Happy about no one can only hold the force.

30. Great men are the guide posts and landmarks in the state;are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world. 

More similar words: by force, in force, enforce, reinforce, for certain, enforcement, porch, source, per cent, fierce, resource, perceive, perceived, percentage, perception. 

The word (


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  1. Storied history, but were not an official organization until 1941. Before the,


    ,was officially organized, law en


    ment in Alaska was handled by various
  2. And rejected ethical altruism. In politics, she condemned the initiation of,


    ,as immoral and opposed all forms of collectivism and statism, instead
  3. Other investigations that were unsuccessful and abandoned. These pertain to,


    , superconductivity, gravitational waves, and other research. Please see the
  4. To country, as well as within a country, depending on the specific rules in,


    , In the U. S. federal court system, criminal defendants must file a notice of
  5. Are phenomenal manifestations of Will. The word» will» designated, for him,


    , power, impulse,energy, and desire; it is the closest word we have that can
  6. Great trade routes and the agreements that made them possible were the driving,


    ,for activities between the different areas; warlike states become states ready
  7. And development plan to increase the capabilities and efficiency of the total,


    , In addition to administrative reorganization; modernization projects include
  8. Trifling or accidental, but rather understood it to be an immensely powerful,


    ,lying unseen within man’s psyche and dramatically shaping the world: The
  9. In politics that evil—the violation of rights—consists of the initiation of,


    , » She believed epistemology was a foundational branch of philosophy and
  10. Of Labor: CNT),founded in 1910. Before the 1940s,the CNT was the major,


    ,in Spanish working class politics, attracting 1.58 million members at one point
  11. Prowling hordes of armed police» –» Communism is now a counter-revolutionary,


    ,»),during the Spanish Civil War. In a letter to Yvonne Dave, Orwell
  12. Ended up as one of the wealthiest men in the country. He never earned money by,


    ,or fraud, and never apologized for becoming wealthy and successful. He was one
  13. Has always been noted for the fertility of its soil. 14 percent of its labor,


    ,are employed in the agricultural sector. About 90 percent of Algerians live in
  14. Ferris wants from Salt. Ferris represents the group which uses brute,


    ,on the heroes to achieve the ends of the looters. Dr. Robert Stapler A former
  15. Agriculture is the most significant sector, employing some 58 % of the labor,


    ,and generating about 21 % of GDP. Albania produces significant amounts of wheat
  16. To encourage private sector investment in Environmental Markets are now in,


    ,across the region. These focus on the provision of infrastructure to supply
  17. The requirements of human life and happiness, and held that the initiation of,


    ,was evil and irrational, writing in Atlas Shrugged that» Force and mind are
  18. Is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the,


    ,of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. This requires very little
  19. Of them respected the commitments made, and the issue was resolved by military,


    , Independence and civil war After independence in November 1975,Angola faced a
  20. Of Britain fought against Americans in Georgia and South Carolina. In 1778,a,


    ,of 800 Creeks destroyed American settlements along the Broad River in Georgia.
  21. For personal honor, for their tribe loyalty and for their readiness to use,


    ,to settle disputes. As tribal warfare and internecine feuding has been one of
  22. And general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other, against all,


    ,offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion
  23. Engine performance, but could exert significant g-


    s on a crew. A task,


    ,of contractors, NASA agency representatives, and MSFC researchers concluded
  24. Without any particular grammatical consistency. The Civil War was a significant,


    ,in the eventual dominance of the singular usage by the end of the nineteenth
  25. For some weeks. He ignored Lincoln’s order to divide his troops, and possibly,


    ,Lee to do the same in Harper’s Ferry, and tendered his resignation, which
  26. Was celebrated in the afternoon. With these events, the Articles entered into,


    ,and the United States came into being as a united, sovereign and national state
  27. That leads to altruism towards the creator or God. Kabbalah defines God as the,


    ,of giving in existence. Rabbi Moshe Chief Mulatto in particular focused on the
  28. Way humans alter the Earth’s ecosystems, and is considered the driving,


    ,in the loss of biodiversity. Estimates of the amount of land transformed by
  29. Will of God was to bring creation into perfection and adhesion with this upper,


    , Modern Kabbalah developed by Rabbi Neruda Ashley, in his writings about the
  30. Forms of anarchism, syndicalism posits radical trade unions as a potential,


    ,for revolutionary social change, replacing capitalism and the state with a new
  31. United States. He describes the treatment of» our innocent black brothers whom,


    ,and injustice have delivered into the slave-master’s devilish clutches» as »
  32. Errors and therefore was in need of clarification. He gave a name to a,


    ,within man which he felt had invariably precedence over reason: the Will to
  33. Under the Voting Rights Act of 1965,cases were filed in Federal courts to,


    ,Alabama to properly redistrict by population both the House and Senate of the
  34. Use of ambiguous expressions Ambiguity can be used as a pedagogical trick, to,


    , students to reproduce the deduction by themselves. Some textbooks give the same
  35. And Turkey, introduced several reforms intended to modernize his nation. A key,


    ,behind these reforms was Mahmud Tarsi, an ardent supporter of the education of
  36. The lowlands did not have enough open grasslands to support a large housebound,


    ,; for this and other reasons, the nomads who conquered states in China, India
  37. A detachment of three companies was engaged and routed at the North Bridge by a,


    ,of 500 minutemen. As the British retreated back to Boston, thousands of
  38. Many analysts like Amino Baikal describe the Taliban as developing into a proxy,


    ,for Pakistan’s regional interests which the Taliban decline. The Taliban
  39. S home is completely legal under state law, though the federal law remains in,


    , The state has an independence movement favoring a vote on secession from the
  40. Feeling/sensation),and (mood/morale). It is used to mean energy or,


    , as in (electricity) and (magnetism). The term connects the practice of
  41. His failings were largely due to the absence of concepts like mass, velocity,


    , and temperature. He had a conception of speed and temperature, but no
  42. And public safety The Alaska State Troopers are Alaska’s statewide police,


    , They have a long and storied history, but were not an official organization
  43. Of land, monocropping,organized irrigation, and the use of a specialized labor,


    , particularly along the waterway now known as the Shaft Al-Farabi, from its
  44. Abortion is sometimes attempted by causing trauma to the abdomen. The degree of,


    , if severe, can cause serious internal injuries without necessarily succeeding
  45. Reichenbach, worked on concepts similar to the old alchemy, such as the Odin,


    , but his research did not enter the mainstream of scientific discussion. In the
  46. Through the Afghanistan Police Program, there are still problems with the,


    , According to a 2009 news report, large percent of Afghan police officers are
  47. Not carry firearms. In much of the state, the troopers serve as the only police,


    ,available. In addition to enforcing traffic and criminal law, wildlife Troopers
  48. City in early November, he had but 600 of his original 1,100 men. Montgomery’s,


    ,joined Arnold’s, and they attacked Quebec City on December 31,but were
  49. Meet with his cabinet in the afternoon, and occasionally Mary Lincoln would,


    ,him to take a carriage ride because she was concerned he was working too hard.
  50. In 1786,Thomas Jefferson, concerned over the failure to fund an American naval,


    ,to confront the Barbary pirates, wrote to James Monroe,» It will be said there

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Definition of Force

to make someone do something against their will

Examples of Force in a sentence

The company tries to force workers to do free work on the weekends even though it is illegal.


Police had to force the protesters to leave since they were causing a disturbance at the factory.


We want to go to the beach, but the thunderstorm will probably force us to stay indoors.


It’s sad that in the 21st century, some cultures still force young men and women to marry people they don’t love.


Marla tried to force the baby to eat the peas, but she refused to swallow.


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Used with adjectives:

«It takes great force to lift a car.«
(great, considerable)

«He won the fight with brute force.«
(brute, sheer)

«Their ability is not at maximum force.«
(maximum, full)

«The police were accused of using excessive force during the riots.«
(excessive, deadly, lethal)

«He used physical force to get his way.«

«Gravity is a strong force.«
(strong, powerful)

«This magnet has a weak force.«
(weak, attractive)

«There are many internal forces that can affect the outcome.«
(internal, external)

«They are investigating the mechanical force at work.«
(mechanical, nuclear, magnetic, tidal)

«He is a major force within the field.«
(major, great, powerful, considerable)

«The new incentives have been a motivating force for students.«
(motivating, persuasive, positive)

«There are competitive forces trying to influence his decision.«
(competitive, conflicting, opposing, competing)

«His family was the driving force behind his decision.«
(driving, main, dominant)

«She’s the creative force behind the campaign.«
(creative, progressive, dynamic)

«There are unseen forces at work here.«
(unseen, invisible)

«He is interested in supernatural forces.«
(supernatural, spiritual, demonic, evil)

«They formed a joint force to combat the problem.«
(joint, combined, special, coalition, allied)

«He’s a member of the elite forces.«
(elite, special, strategic)

«The allied forces joined the fight.«
(allied, international)

«They are trying to fight off enemy forces.«
(enemy, hostile, rebel)

«The police force is taking on that project.«
(police, peacekeeping, security)

«Combat forces are preparing for the attack.«
(combat, assault, defense, air, naval, ground)

Used with verbs:

«He always uses force to get his way.«
(uses, resorts to, employs)

«They took the goods by force.«

«The city felt the force of the storm.«

«They increased the force of the magnet.«
(increased, decreased, reduced)

«This produces a strong force.«
(produces, generates)

«If you apply too much force, it will break.«
(apply, exert)

«They are trying to balance the forces of nature.«

«He remains a force in the industry.«

«He wants to fight the forces of change.«

«They are creating a task force to deal with that issue.«
(be + creating, be +assembling, be +forming, be + setting up)

«They mobilized armed forces to deal with the attack.«
(mobilized, sent, provided, deployed, employed, used)

«He is leading the task force on the economy.«
(be + leading, be + heading)

«The two groups have joined forces on that issue.«
(joined, combined)

«Rebel forces control that region.«
(control, operate in, dominate)

Used with prepositions:

«They enforce the laws by force.«
(by, through)

«They are measuring the force between the particles.«

«Her family was the force behind her decision.«

«His ideas have been a force for changes in policy.«

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