Use the word forbidding in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word forbidding, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use forbidding in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «forbidding». In addition, we also show how different variations of forbidding can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are forbiddingly and forbidding—castles. If you click on the variation of forbidding that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Forbidding in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word forbidding in a sentence.

  1. Borman described it as being «a vast, lonely, forbidding expanse of nothing».

  2. Maximinus issued orders in Autumn 311 forbidding Christians to congregate in cemeteries.

  3. In the 16th century, the Tower acquired an enduring reputation as a grim, forbidding prison.

  4. The ACO stood by their ruling on the car by forbidding it from entering other Le Mans series.

  5. Some were sold as slaves in an auction and others sent away to «the most forbidding islands».

  6. Notices were posted on churches forbidding worship services, and priests who objected were arrested.

  7. In 1904 he was arrested for disregarding a town ordinance forbidding bicyclists to ride on the sidewalk.

  8. Kruger found new strength in Steyn and telegrammed all Transvaal officers forbidding the laying down of arms.

  9. Pinter earned a reputation for being pugnacious, enigmatic, taciturn, terse, prickly, explosive and forbidding.

  10. A few days later, on 3 August, a royal proclamation forbidding the practice of drilling was posted in Manchester.

  11. When the NHL was formed, the league abandoned the rule forbidding goaltenders from leaving their feet to make a save.

  12. Still, commanders later issued orders forbidding pilots from crash-landing in a similar way to try to save downed wingmen.

  13. By forbidding colonists from trespassing on Indian lands, the British government hoped to avoid more conflicts like Pontiac’s War.

  14. Kinkaid gave Christie and his other subordinates orders forbidding pierside awards, and the award of army medals to navy personnel.

  15. To the consternation of Hamond and some other parishioners, the bishop delayed issuing an instruction forbidding Davidson to preach.

  16. Without the forbidding example of Buck Weaver to haunt them, it is unlikely Mann and Sand would have snitched on their fellow players.

  17. Shane, acting as co-owner of WWF and ally of Triple H, further aggrieved The Rock by forbidding him to wear the cast for Over the Edge.

  18. This violated conflict of interest rules forbidding a former government official from advocacy on a matter he had been responsible for.

  19. The Hongwu emperor issued many edicts forbidding Mongol practices and proclaiming his intention to purify China of barbarian influence.

  20. During John’s reign, Pope Innocent III placed an interdict on England, forbidding public celebration of sacred rites in English churches.

  21. Authorities sit atop high perches above the people they deal with and hold offices out of sight at the end of long, forbidding stairways.

  22. In 1661, Charles II issued a proclamation forbidding overhanging windows and jetties, but this was largely ignored by the local government.

  23. The proposal was defeated by a 13–11 vote, in favor of a rule forbidding non-club members to play if there were 14 players (seven per team).

  24. After the Greens responded angrily to his patronage, Marcus censured them, forbidding any of them to hold any public office for three years.

  25. Later, in his conflict with the Anabaptists, he defended the practice of infant baptism, noting that there is no law forbidding the practice.

  26. The ACF decided that too much pressure had been put on drivers and riding mechanics by forbidding others to work on the cars during the race.

  27. Jack’s father returned to Massachusetts after being publicly exposed as an adulterer, with Ruth forbidding him from having any contact with Jack.

  28. Emperor Gaozu passed laws levying higher taxes, forbidding merchants from wearing silk, and barring their descendants from holding public office.

  29. Chase, proposed what became known as the Gold Bill – to abolish the gold market by forbidding its sale by brokers or for future delivery.

  30. Each crew member was bound by NASA standards of conduct issued in 1967 forbidding using one’s position to make money for oneself or another person.

  31. According to Hawaiian legend, the goddess Kaʻahupahau killed a girl on the island; remorseful, she then proclaimed a law forbidding further killing.

  32. Medicine at the time of Hippocrates knew almost nothing of human anatomy and physiology because of the Greek taboo forbidding the dissection of humans.

  33. The final vote effected a wording change in a resolution forbidding constitutional amendments that empowered Congress to interfere with property rights.

  34. He voted against putting union welfare funds under government control, but helped to pass an amendment forbidding compulsory union membership for workers.

  35. A bill forbidding the employment of children of school age who had not attended at least twelve weeks of school during the year passed over Bradley’s veto.

  36. Commenting in 1775, George Washington was less than impressed by the thought of any such resurrections, forbidding any under his command from participating:.

  37. Diocletian argued that forbidding Christians from the bureaucracy and military would be sufficient to appease the gods, but Galerius pushed for extermination.

  38. To ensure that there would be no repetition, Congress inserted a provision in the Coinage Act of 1965 forbidding the coinage of silver dollars for five years.

  39. Hanada holes up in Misako’s apartment and Number One begins an extended siege, taunting Hanada with threatening phone calls and forbidding him to leave the apartment.

  40. Diocletian argued that forbidding Christians from the bureaucracy and military would be sufficient to appease the gods, while Galerius pushed for their extermination.

  41. In the 1941 legislative session, Johnson vetoed a measure allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages to surrounding states, even those with laws forbidding alcohol sales.

  42. Honorius then changed his policy to the point of forbidding the Doge of Venice to harm Theodore in the slightest, hoping thereby to secure the release of more prisoners.

  43. During his 11-year reign Flabanico enacted several key reforms that would restrict the power of future Doges, including a law forbidding the election of a son of a Doge.

  44. He sponsored an amendment to the Lever Food and Fuel Act forbidding the use of grain rendered scarce by World War I and a poor harvest in 1916 to make alcoholic beverages.

  45. Tension continued as rumours spread claiming that the LCL State Council was contemplating the forbidding and vetoing of LM members from representing the party in elections.

  46. Queen Kaʻahumanu persecuted Catholics from 1829 until her death in 1832, by, for example, forbidding Hawaiians from attending masses and instructing Bachelot not to proselytize.

  47. The undoubted «pearl of the evening», he said, was Lauretta’s aria «O mio babbino caro» which, despite a public notice forbidding encores, was repeated through popular insistence.

  48. The forbidding of foreigners from the site in the 19th century, for instance, was enacted to preserve the sanctity of the social and political order, rather than the religious order.

  49. The king was angry with Theobald for attending the council, even though the archbishop intervened with Eugene, who was displeased with the king for forbidding the bishops’ attendance.

  50. He and Bob Meusel participated in exhibition games during the offseason, in violation of MLB rules forbidding players on pennant-winning teams from barnstorming after the World Series.

Forbiddingly in a sentence

Forbiddingly is a variation of forbidding, below you can find example sentences for forbiddingly.

  1. The final writing was the first chapter, A Fable for Tomorrow, which Carson intended as a gentle introduction to what might otherwise be a forbiddingly serious topic.

Forbidding—castles in a sentence

Forbidding—castles is a variation of forbidding, below you can find example sentences for forbidding—castles.

  1. At other times, the imagery is darker and forbidding—castles or prisons, complete with corridors and rooms—to create a dwelling place of «oneself» where one resides with one’s other selves.

Synonyms for forbidding

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word forbidding has the following synonyms: baleful, menacing, minacious, minatory, ominous, sinister, threatening, alarming, dour, grim, unpleasant, ban, banning and forbiddance.

General information about «forbidding» example sentences

The example sentences for the word forbidding that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «forbidding» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «forbidding».

Asked by: Samir Maggio

Score: 4.4/5
(15 votes)

Forbidding in a Sentence ?

  • Speaking to the forbidding man only caused him to scowl and give an intimidating glance.
  • The grim and forbidding building was the source of nightmares for the local children.
  • The queen tried to make the manor look more inviting, but the bleak castle still appeared forbidding.

How do I use forbid?

keep from happening or arising; make impossible.

  1. His parents forbid him wine.
  2. I forbid anyone to touch that clock.
  3. I can’t forbid you / your seeing that man again.
  4. God forbid that I should ever have to work with him again.
  5. I forbid you to go swimming.
  6. They forbid any ships to enter the water.

How do you use it in a sentence?

We use it in cleft sentences. It emphasises the subject or object of the main clause: It was his sister who ran the marathon in New York, wasn’t it? Was it the printer that caused the problem?

What forbid means?

Verb. forbid, prohibit, interdict, inhibit mean to debar one from doing something or to order that something not be done. forbid implies that the order is from one in authority and that obedience is expected.

What does a sense of forbidding mean?

A: Standard dictionaries agree with you that the adjective “foreboding” suggests a sense of impending misfortune while “forbidding” used adjectivally means unfriendly, unpleasant, or threatening.

39 related questions found

What type of word is forbidding?

grim; unfriendly; hostile; sinister: his forbidding countenance. dangerous; threatening: forbidding clouds; forbidding cliffs.

Can a person be forbidding?

If you describe a person, place, or thing as forbidding, you mean they have a severe, unfriendly, or threatening appearance.

Which means to forbid or stop?

avert, avoid, debar, deflect, fend off, forefend, forfend, head off, obviate, stave off, ward off. prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening. block, blockade, embarrass, hinder, obstruct, stymie, stymy.

What is mean by lingered?

1 : to be slow in parting or in quitting something : tarry fans lingered outside the door. 2a : to remain existent although often waning in strength, importance, or influence lingering doubts lingering odors. b : to remain alive although gradually dying was seriously ill, but lingered on for several months.

How do you use it and it’s in a sentence?

«Its» refers to the possessive form of the pronoun «it.» For example, when referring to a pair of shoes, you might say, «That’s not its box.» Meanwhile, «it’s» is the contraction for the words «it is» or «it has.» For example, «It’s (it is) going to be a fabulous night» or «It’s (it has) been a fabulous night.»

When to say its and it’s?

Here’s the answer: It’s is a contraction, meaning a shorter or «contracted» form of «it is» or «it has.» (Example: It’s going to rain.) Its is a possessive pronoun meaning, «belonging to it,» or a «quality of it» (Example: The carrier lost its license) or (Example: Its color is red.)

What words can you not start a sentence with?

Or never begins a sentence, paragraph, or chapter. Never begin a sentence—or a clause—with also. Teach the elimination of but, so, and, because, at the beginning of a sentence. A sentence should not commence with the conjunctions and, for, or however….

Is Forbidded a word?

Forbidded has no English definition. It may be misspelled.

Is it forbid to or forbid from?

Use «to» with the infinitive verb form, «from» with a gerund. You two are forbidden to date each other. You two are forbidden from dating each other.

Is forbid past tense?

Forbade is the past tense of forbid.

What does God forbid mean in the Bible?

May God prevent something from happening or being the case. For example, God forbid that they actually encounter a bear, or Heaven forbid that the tornado pulls off the roof.

What is meaning of fervid?

1 : very hot : burning. 2 : marked by often extreme fervor (see fervor sense 1) a fervid crusader fervid fans.

What is an outlaw?

a lawless person or habitual criminal, especially one who is a fugitive from the law. a person, group, or thing excluded from the benefits and protection of the law.

How do you say something is not allowed?

synonyms for not allowed

  1. banned.
  2. illegal.
  3. restricted.
  4. against the law.
  5. forbidden.
  6. illicit.
  7. out of bounds.
  8. taboo.

What is the opposite of not allowed?

▲ Opposite of forbidden or not permitted. permitted.

How do you spell not allowed?

Not allowed — thesaurus

  1. forbidden. adjective. not allowed according to a rule, law, or custom.
  2. illegal. adjective. not allowed by the law.
  3. unconstitutional. adjective. …
  4. unauthorized. adjective. …
  5. unlicensed. adjective. …
  6. no-go. adjective. …
  7. taboo. adjective. …
  8. out of bounds. phrase.

What is a unapproachable?

1 : not approachable : physically inaccessible. 2 : discouraging intimacies : reserved. Other Words from unapproachable Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About unapproachable.

What wisps means?

1 : a small handful (as of hay or straw) 2a : a thin strip or fragment. b : a thready streak a wisp of smoke. c : something frail, slight, or fleeting a wisp of a girl a wisp of a smile.

What does unsympathetic mean in English?

: not given to, marked by, or arising from sympathy : not sympathetic an unsympathetic bystander an unsympathetic review. Other Words from unsympathetic Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About unsympathetic.

Definition of Forbidding

threatening or unfriendly in appearance

Examples of Forbidding in a sentence

Speaking to the forbidding man only caused him to scowl and give an intimidating glance.


The grim and forbidding building was the source of nightmares for the local children.


The queen tried to make the manor look more inviting, but the bleak castle still appeared forbidding.


Murky water surrounded the forbidding cabin and stopped surveyors from looking further.


The dark and forbidding sky during the day told that a storm was brewing.


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For a brief moment I thought that we were all saved, that government forces had smashed into the apartment and would, in a few seconds, lead us hostages out through tear gas and back into the wintery sun of cold and forbidding England

He cocked his head, listening for the tell tale whistle of slipstream and the dark, forbidding rumble of eighteen inch rims, and then smiled

The warehouse in question formed part of a complex of buildings set inside a forbidding stone wall a considerable amount taller than Kara; she presented herself at the gatehouse, offering the authority Berndt had supplied

I was alone, all except for one sun-worshipper and a polite little sign on a wall at the beach that told me, The Nudism Is Forbidding

You should not take that passage as forbidding you to make love to your wife

You see I don’t take that passage as forbidding me, but more like it is excusing me

forbidding exteriors and enter the old part of town that

trudged beneath the forbidding walls of yet another

a forbidding aspect as it lay brooding beneath the rough

The king had been furious, forbidding her ever to come into his presence again, or set foot in the palace

Before him the mock-Roman pillars, grandiose and slightly forbidding

The look was so forbidding I couldn»t have touched him even had I wished

As I glanced at the storm I wondered, since the sand was so white, why did this spiraling phenomena appear so inky? I looked back as the forbidding storm moved nearer

I didn’t blame him a bit for she was a very forbidding woman but I could sense underneath that she was also warm and caring

passed the splendid, forbidding houses on the avenue, in the green that

Black workers from the Limon fields were prevented from following their jobs by a racial protection law forbidding them to enter the interior of the country, leaving thousands unemployed

He was FORBIDDING her to go on a date with someone? As they approached the elevator, several people turned to look, thinking they made a handsome couple

the forbidding mathematics that has become the language of science

She had a rather stern, forbidding look, but she was in reality very jolly, with a hearty, gurgling laugh and a deep, mellow, pleasant voice with a suggestion of masculinity about it

Michpili was a grizzled, old veteran who had kept to himself during the trip here and whose forbidding aspect caused the rest of us to give him wide berth

Ÿ Regulations forbidding witches and mediums

Outside the gates there was a forbidding calm

He didn’t dare speak to the forbidding An Huang

4, 5 The first voice blesses the Lord of Spirits forever and ever; And the second voice I heard blessing the Elect One and the elect ones, who hang onto the Lord of Spirits; And the third voice I heard pray and intercede for those who dwell on the Earth and supplicate in the name of the Lord of Spirits; And I heard the fourth voice fending off the satans and forbidding them to come before the Lord of Spirits to accuse those who dwell on the Earth

This violated civil and criminal statutes forbidding retired regular navy officers (Erb had been a CAPT and tin can commander) from selling to SEA 02 for at least two years following their retirement

Esparza was a chronic problem because of not obeying rules forbidding entering into «informal commitments

4 5 The first voice blesses the Lord of Spirits forever and ever; And the second voice I heard blessing the Elect One and the elect ones who hang onto the Lord of Spirits; And the third voice I heard pray and intercede for those who dwell on the Earth and supplicate in the name of the Lord of Spirits; And I heard the fourth voice fending off the satans and forbidding them to come before the Lord of Spirits to accuse those who dwell on the Earth

In both cases, the reasons for requiring certain social behaviors and forbidding others will have to be explained on the basis of a theory that is far more intellectually respectable than the real reason for the rules

Yes, laws regarding animals and their care and forbidding animal

I had saved his life in the war of the segregation in his distant youth, and after a long life as a simple farmer, he chose a place with a beautiful view atop a peak deep in a remote and forbidding range to build his tribute out of personal gratitude

No horse can come over that hill, and the hills to the south are just as forbidding, as we saw when we came through them on our way here

As the sun began to set, and the great rocks to take on a more forbidding aspect, the boy’s small fingers slipped into Simon’s and clung to him as they walked

can come over that hill, and the hills to the south are just as forbidding, as we saw when we

And he had a very sour look so that I was afraid of him so forbidding was his aspect

She made him say it before every meal despite Aaron’s forbidding any forms of religious expression in their home

“I remind you that this is one of the most isolated and private locations on this world! Those dragons up there are the only people within hundreds of miles of forbidding territory, and they could not care less what two humanoids do in this regard, even if they were willing to tear their attentions away from their project, which they would not!

He hesitated, and she prompted him in a rather forbidding tone

2 By the beginning of this year Jesus had fully won his mother to the acceptance of his methods of child training — the positive injunction to do good in the place of the older Jewish method of forbidding to do evil

He refrained from placing emphasis on evil by forbidding it, while he exalted the good by commanding its performance

He came from a race of hillmen, accustomed to scaling forbidding crags, and he was a man of unusual strength and agility

But before the soldiers could come to the defense of the high priest’s servant, Jesus raised a forbidding hand to Peter and, speaking sternly, said: «Peter, put up your sword

boat, and into the darkness of a forbidding forest

In 1991, the Government of Korea passed a law forbidding

Although forbidding to most newcomers, the program

issued a memo forbidding all staff to stand anywhere near him, or wherever the

forbidding him to reap his harvest

Al’lah, the Almighty, is Great in His Compassion and Love for this man, and His ordering or forbidding aims but the absolute goodness for this man beloved and honored at Him

* A man may ask: you have perfectly explained the reason of forbidding the meat of strangled animals and those beaten to death, the meat of swine and the carcass over which the Name of Al’lah had not been pronounced

So, if the matter had been as mentioned in the claim, the verses would not have been stated in such a form and God would have ordered us to pronounce the Name of Al’lah over what we eat, consequently, there would be no need for this forbidding

But the forbidding proclamation was even to extend

Nancy couldn�t help feel despair then: Colditz Castle was a forbidding castle fortress in Saxony reserved for prisoners deemed too high risk for other camps

I view of all this, while forbidding the use of atomic weapons for the time being, I ordered our conventional forces stationed in Europe to oppose the coming Soviet invasion and to support to the maximum the Polish and Balt forces

He sent this guy to me and now he’s forbidding me not only to see him as a client but to see him at all

apprehensive as the forbidding four-armed figure of Kandras arrived on the

compassion, but on the other he’s forbidding us to worship the

The as forbidding part is its so inhibiting utter silence

instant Madame Button had her knife against the woman’s throat, forbidding her from further

ears back, eyes as dark and forbidding as the blackest

Tim could never resist a feed of crayfish and wasn’t fussed by the laws forbidding him to take the crustacean on scuba gear

Therefore, the devil can never approach them nor can he penetrate that Godly Light, so by this revelation they (cpth) have become in an inaccessible fort and forbidding shelter form the devil

Through this Godly manifestation, they (ptt) are preserved from the devil in a forbidding fort and an unapproachable shelter; on the contrary to being subject to the devils’ power, it is they who rule over the devils, who vanquish and burn them: “…but Al’lah gives His apostles authority over whom He will…”

some of the most desolate and forbidding country

” Elandria gave him a forbidding smile

Herr Ingram, of course, an artist of renown—if he had not been of very great renown they could not have seen their way to admitting him on terms of equality into their circle—might paint whoever’s hair he pleased; but was there not some ecclesiastical law forbidding that the hair of one’s pastor’s wife should be painted? To have one’s hair painted when one was a pastor’s wife was hardly more respectable than having it dyed

As we entered the black and tan joint, I took another long look at its forbidding exterior

He looked at me with those blue, blue eyes and darkly forbidding expression that thrilled me yet unnerved me at the same time

He could have the most forbidding expression and I’d still want to be near him

forbidding to pay taxes to Caesar, and saying that He

forbidding the people to pay taxes to Caesar

It had a forbidding feel to it

The Chief Of Police fined the family, and injunctions were issued forbidding the family to go onto Roger’s land

Also a writ was served by the Supreme Court in Athens forbidding all Golden Dawn members, to protest or congregate outside Chania Crown Court in Crete

It had no windows and carried a forbidding air about it

The upper classes jealously guarding the hereditary status of their females; forbidding them to marry below their station

Yet, despite his forbidding exterior, he was human and compassionate

Being forbidden to drink alcohol by the government, while the rich thumbed their noses at this law: was recreated later by parents forbidding their children to do it, while drinking alcohol themselves

Openly drinking alcohol, while forbidding their children to do it

By forbidding all touch; by forbidding humans to touch each other, by not allowing babies and children to touch and be touched, by not allowing living things to touch our skin, by not allowing us to touch living things with our skin: civilization has forced the genetic need and the genetic urge to touch and be touched down… down into our lowest, basest, most unhuman area of tactile stimulation: sex

‘How have you survived in this forbidding place? ‘ Marut laughed

Then I discovered that Germany, France and England had laws forbidding anyone from printing or saying anything which went against the conventional propaganda of the Holocaust myth

What is stuffing young children into a small classroom, forbidding them to speak or even look at each other, forbidding them to have any social inter-action whatsoever and punishing them severely if they do? It is merely training them to become antisocial

It was a place more sad than forbidding, full of shuttered-up memory and regret

Nether World, Holy Water, the rosary, forbidding Priest to

marry, the crucifix, Monks and Nuns, forbidding eating of meat

the rosary, forbidding Priests to marry, the crucifix, forbidding

Priest to marry, the crucifix, Monks and Nouns, forbidding eating of meat on Friday, and

Mary and saints, Nether World, Holy Water, the rosary, forbidding Priest to marry, the

Holy Water, the rosary, forbidding Priests to marry, the crucifix, forbidding eating of

With surprise on their faces they, to a man, looked toward the forbidding gorge ahead of us

of Mary and saints, Nether World, Holy Water, the rosary, forbidding Priest to marry, the

forbidding Priest to marry, the crucifix, Monks and Nouns, forbidding eating of meat on

saints, Nether World, Holy Water, the rosary, forbidding Priest to marry, the crucifix,

Monks and Nuns, forbidding eating of meat on Friday, and many other teaching; and was

World, Holy Water, the rosary, forbidding Priests to marry, the crucifix, forbidding

Forbidding mountains, pine forests make the Savoy a majestic,

very beautiful and inspiring place.


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Неприступные горные массивы, хвойные леса превращают Савойю в величественное,

очень красивое и вдохновляющее место.


Strictly forbidding the use of a telephone whilst driving;


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Установить строгий запрет на использование телефона во время вождения;


Absolutely forbidding the consumption of drugs or alcohol on working sites at any time;


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Установить абсолютный запрет на употребление наркотиков или алкоголя на рабочих площадках в любое время;


How about forbidding your future husband from spiking his child into his crib?

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Как насчет запрета твоему будущему мужу забивать гол ребенком в кроватку?

The forbidding rocks enclose the other three sides.

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International experience shows that forbidding the marches and processions is very difficult and not necessary.


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Международный опыт показывает, что запрещать марши, шествия очень сложно и не нужно.


The order of beg friars forbidding the terms to have any things.


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Орден нищенствующих монахов запрещал своим членам иметь какие- бы то ни было вещи.


Christ disavows forbidding marriage as utterly mischievous, because“all cannot accept this saying.”.

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Христос считал вредным запрещать брак, ведь« не все вмещают слово сие».

Our legislation is clear in forbidding physical punishment of children.

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Наше законодательство однозначно запрещает наказывать детей физически.

Find a single line forbidding my friend to paint your prince.

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Найди хоть одну строчку, запрещающую моему другу рисовать твоего принца.

However, nowhere in the Judeo-Christian Bible is there a directive forbidding suicide.

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Однако нигде в иудео- христианской Библии нет директивы, запрещающей самоубийство.

In 1982, a law was passed forbidding citizens from making jokes about his name.

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В 1982 году был принят отдельный закон, запрещавший гражданам страны шутки, касающиеся его фамилии.

In 1661 he issued a mandamus forbidding further persecution of the Quakers.

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В 1661 году он выпустил мандамус, запрещавший дальнейшее преследование квакеров.

President George Washington issued a proclamation forbidding harm to the Piankeshaw.

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Президент США Джордж

Вашингтон был вынужден издать прокламацию, запрещающую нападать на пианкашо.

WHO also recommends forbidding the use of sunbeds by minors.


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Кроме того, ВОЗ рекомендовала запретить пользование соляриями для несовершеннолетних.


In Azerbaijan, there is reportedly a law forbidding any proselytizing activity by non-nationals.


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В Азербайджане один из законов, по сообщениям, запрещает любой прозелитизм со стороны неграждан.


If so, the brothers were right forbidding watch TV under penalty of excommunication.


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Если да, то правы были когда-то братья, запрещавшие смотреть телевизор под страхом отлучения от церкви.


and the transport of sick persons and stopping the vaccination campaigns.


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Запрещение движения автомашин скорой помощи

и транспортировки больных и прекращение кампаний вакцинации.


Many towns are dry, forbidding the sale of alcohol.

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Forcing a woman to marry or forbidding a woman to get married.


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Понуждение женщины к замужеству или запрещение женщине вступать в брак.


St. Petersburg’s authorities have adopted the law forbidding unaccompanied minors to walk along the cemetery at night,

get on top of roofs and go to cellars.


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Власти Санкт-Петербурга приняли закон, запрещающий несовершеннолетним гражданам гулять ночью по кладбищам, залезать на крыши домов

и пробираться в подвалы без сопровождения взрослых.


At the same time, the Sale of Tobacco(Amendment) Ordinance 1997 was approved,

amending 1913 legislation forbidding the sale of tobacco to minors.


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В то же время было утверждено постановление 1997 года о продаже табачных изделий( поправка), в соответствии с которым были

внесены поправки в закон 1913 года, запрещающий продажу табачных изделий несовершеннолетним.


This is also confirmed by such facts as forbidding missionary activity in this region,

restricting activities of the ruling archpriest- Bishop Nikon Petin.


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Об этом, по мнению автора, свидетельствуют запрет на миссионерскую деятельность Церкви в регионе,

ограничение деятельности правящего архиерея( епископа Никона( Петина)) и проч.


Hence forbidding workers to quit without their employers’ permission,

or without the permission of the authorities, is a breach of the principles of ILO conventions.


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Поэтому запрет увольнения работника без согласия работодателя

или только с разрешения властей нарушает принципы Конвенций МОТ.


Low mountains covered with dense forests,

snow-capped mountain peaks, forbidding rocks, clear lakes and beautiful waterfalls create its unique colour.


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Неповторимый колорит создают невысокие горы, покрытые густыми лесами,

заснеженные горные вершины, неприступные скалы, прозрачные озера и великолепные водопады.


He explained that clauses were included forbidding the removal of credits, although he never expected Debian to be a culprit.


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Он объяснил, что в условия был включен запрет на удаление благодарностей, хотя он никогда не ожидал такого от Debian.


You can modify the 3×3 km game world to your heart’s content: change the level of the surface of the Earth, dig mines, cultivate farms,

and construct villages or even forbidding castles.


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Игрок может как угодно модифицировать виртуальную территорию площадью 3х3 км: изменять уровень поверхности земли, копать шахты, возделывать фермы,


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