Use the word forbid in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word forbid, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use forbid in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «forbid».

Forbid in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word forbid in a sentence.

  1. Wilson belittled Kooper’s organ skills, but did not forbid him to play.

  2. Antioch asked Maximinus if it could forbid Christians from living in the city.

  3. The orthodox dharma texts forbid the eating of jackals because they have five nails.

  4. In 1955, the DFB decided to forbid women’s football in all its clubs in West Germany.

  5. The decision was unconventional, as league rules forbid goaltenders from being captains.

  6. He still urged the assembly against secession «God forbid that the step shall ever be taken!

  7. He still urged the Assembly against secession—»God forbid that the step shall ever be taken!

  8. Some forests are believed to be inhabited by local spirits, and local taboos forbid cutting in those areas.

  9. Traditional dances are highly choreographed and separate men and women or forbid participation by one sex altogether.

  10. Instead, he was bound by Fox Broadcasting Company’s strict guidelines, which forbid content such as smoking and strong violence.

  11. Falun Gong sources disputed the accuracy of these portrayals, and claimed that their teachings explicitly forbid violence or suicide.

  12. Islamic texts emphasize a strict notion of monotheism (tawḥīd) and forbid the association of partners with God, which would be idolatry.

  13. Kentucky requires doctors to follow the guidelines of the American Medical Association, which forbid doctors from participating in an execution.

  14. Richard, now unhorsed, gathered himself and rallied his dwindling followers, supposedly refusing to retreat: «God forbid that I retreat one step.

  15. Humans are the most significant predator of diurnal lemurs, despite taboos that occasionally forbid the hunting and eating of certain lemur species.

  16. He telephoned the Philadelphia Mint in the hope a law might forbid himself, as a living person, from appearing on a coin, but was told that none did.

  17. After Mao, the Chinese Communist Party remains an atheist organization, and regulates, but does not forbid, the practice of religion in mainland China.

  18. A Baraita interpreted the words «there shall be no blemish therein» in Leviticus 22:21 to forbid causing a blemish in a sacrificial animal even indirectly.

  19. In 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt signed into law the Bull Run Trespass Act to forbid activities such as camping and livestock grazing in the Bull Run Reserve.

  20. Delegates retained the traditional Spanish prohibition against seizing a debtor’s physical property and extended it to forbid imprisonment as a punishment for debt.

  21. The law prior to 1965 made it a felony to forge silver coins; this was amended by section 211 to forbid the counterfeiting of coins with denomination greater than five cents.

  22. Ben Zoma interpreted the words «neither shall you do this in your land» in Leviticus 22:24 to forbid castrating even a dog (an animal that one could never offer as a sacrifice).

  23. This tract was reviewed by the new Mint Director, James Ross Snowden; he and the new Treasury Secretary, James Guthrie, decided to forbid private enterprises on the Mint’s property.

  24. In 1960, at a meeting of the Imperial Cricket Conference in London, cricket’s «throwing law» was changed to forbid the straightening of the arm at the instant of the ball’s delivery.

  25. Tilley’s first acts were to impose a duty on imports to the territory, ban the sale of alcohol to the local population (but not Americans), and forbid the sale of Samoan lands to non-Samoans.

  26. When the DAP attempted to enquire about the distribution of economic equity among the races to evaluate the NEP’s progress, the Standing Orders of Parliament were amended to forbid such inquiries.

  27. No laws existed to forbid the publication of pornography; therefore, when Curll was arrested and imprisoned in 1725 (the first such prosecution in nearly 20 years), it was under threat of a libel charge.

  28. Dry towns in New Jersey cannot forbid the possession, consumption, or transportation of alcohol, but have the option to permit or prohibit BYOB at restaurants and social affair permits for non-profit organizations.

  29. Peru, Uruguay, Australia, and New Zealand also support proposals to permanently forbid whaling south of the Equator, as Solor (an island of Indonesia) is the only place of the Southern Hemisphere that takes whales.

  30. Pope John XXI, who was elected on 20 September, excommunicated Charles’s opponents in Piedmont and prohibited Rudolf from coming to Lombardy, but did not forbid the Lombardian Guelph leaders swearing fealty to Rudolf.

Synonyms for forbid

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word forbid has the following synonyms: prevent, forestall, foreclose, preclude, prohibit, interdict, proscribe, veto and disallow.

General information about «forbid» example sentences

The example sentences for the word forbid that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «forbid» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «forbid».

Definition of Forbid

to prohibit or ban

Examples of Forbid in a sentence

Rani’s parents forbid her from seeing her boyfriend, but she snuck around and dated him anyway.


The teacher tried to forbid the students from using their cell phones, but they wouldn’t listen to her.


Many countries forbid gay marriage, but in some countries, the bans have been lifted.




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forbid — перевод на русский


«I forbid him to play at getting married to my little Mathilde.»

«Я запрещаю ему играть в свадьбу с моей малышкой Матильдой.»

I forbid you to speak another word with Manuela

Я запрещаю вам с ней разговаривать

I forbid you to see this man again.

Я запрещаю тебе больше видиться с этим человеком.

Now, I forbid you to go hunting with your father.

Итак, я запрещаю тебе идти с отцом на охоту.

I forbid you to speak to him from now on.

С этой минуты я запрещаю тебе разговаривать с ним.

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We’re often offered a drink to wet the baby’s head and we’re absolutely forbidden to accept it.

Нам часто предлагают выпить что-нибудь, дабы обмыть рождение малыша, и нам строго запрещено принимать подобные предложения.

It’s forbidden

Это запрещено

They are forbidden.

Это запрещено.

Days out will be cancelled and wearing uniform forbidden

Все поездки домой будут отменены и ношение школьной формы запрещено

Throw it in the basket and remember, once and for all: writing notes is strictly forbidden. – Thank you!

Выброси в корзину и запомни – писать записки строго запрещено.

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became troubled in his later years by the contradiction between the Buddist doctrine of making use of life and the martial arts doctrine of killing life and so he bid his disciples to discard their spears and forbade them from practicing in the martial arts.

в последние годы жизни был озадачен противоречием между буддийским учением о жизни и учением боевых искусств о лишении её. Поэтому он приказал ученикам отложить копья и запретил им практиковать боевые искусства.

He forbade her to sing and play.

Запретил ей петь и играть.

What I realize is that I come home and fiind the police and a woman whom I’ve forbidden to ever enter my house!

Я осознаю, что вернулся и обнаружил полицию и женщину, которой запретил даже входить в мой дом!

Heurtebise forbids me to look at myself in the mirror.

Эртебиз запретил мне смотреть на себя в зеркало.

and forbade us to discuss it further.

А нам запретил обсуждать это происшествие.

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I have been ordered into forbidden city so I could personally conduct mem to house His Majesty has graciously decided she should have.

мне было приказано лично отвести мэм в запретный город. В дом, который Его величество распорядился вам дать.

He’s forbidden fruit.

Он — запретный плод.

— What forbidden city?

Что за запретный город?

Man has been split in two since he tasted the forbidden fruit and learned what’s good and what’s evil.

Человек раздвоен с той поры, как отведал запретный плод и познал добро и зло.

Your Majesty, this is the Forbidden City

Ваше Величество, это Запретный Город.

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But may God forbid!

Но упаси бог!

No, God forbid…

Нет, боже упаси…

— Shut up, God forbid!

— Заткнись, Боже упаси!

God forbid if Bolouries find out. They’d come and steal you!

Боже упаси, Болоури проведают, тогда они придут и украдут тебя!

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God forbid the model of my apparatus getting into his hands.

Разумеется. Не дай Бог, если модель моего аппарата попадет ему в руки.

God forbid, an officer never rests while on the job.

Не дай бог, полицейский никогда не отдыхает на работе.

— Heaven forbid!

Не дай Бог!

God forbid you should lose your standing as a cult failure.

О, не дай Бог, ты потеряешь свой титул таланта-неудачника.

God forbid you should end up overseas.

Не дай бог, тебя пошлют за границу.

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But if something should happen, God forbid… trust me to settle the property.

Но если что-нибудь произойдет.. …не дай бог, не дай бог.. доверь мне решить вопрос с имуществом

God forbid that she should find out that I always give you money.

Не дай бог, она заподозрит, что я даю тебе деньги.

I mean, God forbid they should make a mistake and forget to steal.

Я имею ввиду, не дай бог, они сделают ошибку и забудут что-нибудь украсть.

God forbid anything unexpected should happen… … anyperchances,happenstances… … leftturns,serendipities!

Не дай Бог, если случится что-нибудь неожиданное никаких случайностей, заскоков отклонений, озарений!

Unless unless they’re giving you shocks. Or, God forbid, letting you out.

Если, конечно, они не доведут тебя до шока или, не дай Бог, не выпустят тебя.

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You brought the dog in the house when I had forbidden it.

Ты притащил собаку в дом, невзирая на мой запрет!

Alex, you buried an excommunicated priest in consecrated ground… after the church had forbidden it.

Алекс, ты похоронил отлученного священника на освещенной земле несмотря на запрет Церкви.

It was forbidden our union.

Но они наложили запрет… на наш союз.

At the same time, there is one other inherently forbidden practice, and that is human transmutation!

Но есть ещё один запрет — негласный, однако известный всем.

Why Ishbala has forbidden it to us…

И почему Ишвара наложил на него запрет.

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Halt! You know you’re forbidden to cross.

Вы знаете, вам нельзя переходить реку.

Is that forbidden?

Разве нельзя?

I’m not allowed to go to the theater except to the classics, I’m forbidden to read the serials in Papa’s newspapers,

В театр мне позволено ходить только на классику, нельзя читать романы, которые отец публикует…

You can’t forbid the tenets to wash their dirty items.

То-то и оно, что нельзя. Вы далеко?

You know it’s forbidden to commit impure acts…

Ты же знаешь, что нельзя совершать нечистые поступки.

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God forbid what he would do.

Бог знает, что бы он сделал.

— Marry, heaven forbid.

— Помилуй бог!

God forbid I should agree with Spock, but he was right.

Видит бог, я не соглашусь просто так со Споком, но здесь он прав.

God forbid!

Да простит меня Бог!

God forbid you should give a crap.

Видит Бог, ты заслужил это дерьмо

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Отправить комментарий

запрещать, не позволять, возбранять


- запрещать, не давать разрешения

I forbid you to go there — я запрещаю вам идти туда
I am forbidden to smoke tobacco — мне запрещено курить
to forbid smb. one’s house — отказать кому-л. от дома
to forbid smb. the country — запретить кому-л. въезд в страну

- не позволять, не давать возможности, препятствовать

my health forbids my coming — я не могу поехать туда по состоянию здоровья
this fact forbade the assumption of his guilt — этот факт исключал его виновность
an impassable river forbids the approach of the army — отсутствие переправы делает невозможным продвижение армии
God [Heaven, the Lord] forbid I — боже избави!, боже упаси!

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

I forbid you to go!

Я запрещаю тебе идти!

Time forbids to do it.

Время не позволяет этого сделать.

I am forbidden tobacco.

Мне запретили табак.

She was forbidden by her parents to marry him.

Её родители не позволили ей выйти за него замуж.

I forbid you to call me late at night.

Я запрещаю тебе звонить мне поздно ночью.

God forbid!

избави бог!

My religious beliefs forbid the drinking of alcohol.

Мои религиозные убеждения запрещают употреблять алкоголь.

ещё 11 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The company’s rules forbid dating among employees.

What would you do financially if, heaven forbid, your husband died?

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

forbidden  — запрещенный, запретный, заповедный, недопустимый
forbidding  — неприступный, отталкивающий, угрожающий, непривлекательный, страшный
forbiddance  — запрет

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: forbid
he/she/it: forbids
ing ф. (present participle): forbidding
2-я ф. (past tense): forbade or forbad
3-я ф. (past participle): forbidden

  • Use the word FORBID in a sentences

Sentence Examples

God forbid that we should again have a tyrant like Sulla.»

I forbid you to go there.

«I forbid him to play at getting married to my little Mathilde.»

«God forbid that I should order the death of Boleslas Vorowski!

You, old man, are a genuine engineer, but I forbid digging.

I forbid you to insult Hortense!

And I forbid you to forbid me anything!

This doesn’t allow you to forbid me to play the piano.

I expressly forbid you to come along.

Ren├®e, I forbid you to lock yourself up.

«I forbid you to eat apples from the tree of knowledge».

I forbid you to look at her.

Heaven forbid— But, sir, everything is ready!

It’s none of your business, and I forbid you to insult the French navy.

I forbid you to speak another word with Manuela

I forbid you to address my niece.

I forbid you to see this man again.

One can forbid it, One can condemn it to death

forbid that was a bit comfort.

What right have you to forbid it?

The law and God forbid it.

Now, I forbid you to go hunting with your father.

I forbid you to speak to him from now on.

I forbid you to ever marry!

Who are you to forbid anything?

I forbid you to insult my soldiers! sir!

I forbid to make the least concessions for my person

Did you also forbid your soldiers to go to the front when the enemy shot?

I forbid you to come in here. And don’t look at me like that.

Isn’t it only fair that if you forbid me to speak with you as I fear and I accept your orders, as I must that I should be allowed a little forbidding as well ?

And I forbid you to play with your life.

And I have the right to forbid you.

Now, that I must forbid you to open.

Your Highness, you forbid me to tell them who you are.

I forbid solicitation here.



You know how implicitly I forbid the forming of any kind of a club.

The doctor forbid you to get tired.

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