Use the word for example in a sentence

1 You can use any two colors — for example, red and yellow.

2 Japan, for example, has two languages.

3 Let me take Edison for example.

4 Is the allergy tied to dairy products, for example?

5 Many factors are important, for example class, gender,( age and ethnicity.

6 You often write a slash between alternatives, for example, ‘and/or’.

7 There is a similar word in many languages, for example in French and Italian.

8 The term «renewable energy» is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.

9 Many countries, for example Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes.

10 Fractions can be written with oblique strokes, for example 2/3.

11 Car prices can vary a lot. For example, in Belgium the VW Golf costs $1000 less than in Britain.

12 Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children.

13 A touring cyclist, for example, might turn the pedals 80 times a minute.

14 Take, for example, the simple sentence: «The man climbed up the hill»

15 Offices can easily become more environmentally-friendly by, for example, using recycled paper.

16 Living in a flat is all right, but it has its limitations — for example, you don’t have your own garden.

17 Love is not about running into each other in crowds. Love is an impossible meeting. For example, I am a bird flying in sky, u r a leopard in forest. We just fall in love accidentally.

18 I know many women who have a career and a family—Kehr for example.

19 There are 120 permutations of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: for example, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 or 5, 1, 4, 2, 3.

20 A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same time take Angela, for example.

21 Living in such a beautiful old castle is something of a mixed blessing.Just think of the heating bills, for example.

22 You can buy fruit here — oranges and bananas, for example.

23 There are several different ways to bind a book, for example you can stitch or stick the pages together.

24 The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example.

25 There’s confusion and resentment, and it’s almost never expressed out in the open. Take this office, for example.

26 The upper middle class tend to go into business or the professions, becoming, for example, lawyers, doctors or accountants.

27 There are many sources of air pollution ; exhaust fumes, for example.

28 Life often seems to be marked off into different periods: childhood, schooldays, marriage, old age, for example.

29 the beauties of the nature. It is often better to use another appropriate word, for example the countryside, the scenery or wildlife:We stopped to admire the scenery.

30 It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics.

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Nine “For Example” Alternatives

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“For example” is a phrase you might often use in your writing. Below, we’ll share nine formal and informal alternatives that you can use instead.

For example in formal writing / Another Way To Say For Example / Other words for for example in an Essay

“For example” is an extremely common phrase.
  • For example is a phrase used “to introduce something chosen as a typical case” or “introduce something that proves something is true.”
    • My dog, Oso, is learning many new tricks. For example, he can sit, stay, and lie down.
  • For example can be used at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.
  • Two alternatives of for example are: for instance and e.g.

“For Example” Definition and Placement

For example is a phrase often found in essays, articles, and many other types of texts. It’s used to introduce or emphasize something that supports what you’re writing about. This phrase can be found in the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.

Many movies were adapted from books. For example, The Wizard of Oz was a popular novel before it hit the big screen.

Many movies were adapted from books. The Wizard of Oz, for example, was a popular novel before it hit the big screen.

Many movies were adapted from books—The Wizard of Oz was a popular novel before it hit the big screen, for example.

When at the beginning of a sentence, for example should be followed by a comma. In the middle of a sentence, a comma should be placed before and after. And when for example is at the end of a sentence, a comma is only needed before.

When you’re writing, you may find yourself using this phrase often. If you’re looking for alternatives, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we’re going to give you nine alternatives and let you know if they’re better suited for formal or casual writing.

Nine Alternatives for “For Example”

Not every alternative can be used exactly like for example. Because of that, it’s important to keep in mind that using some of the alternatives listed below might require restructuring the sentence a bit. We’ll show you how to do this with the examples.

1. For instance

For instance is a near-identical synonym to for example. This phrase is used to introduce an example that helps illustrate your point. It’s used the same way as for example.

There are many things I like about hiking. For example, the exercise plus the views I encounter keep me coming back!

There are many things I like about hiking. For instance, the exercise plus the views I encounter keep me coming back!

Best for: More often seen in formal writing, but can also be used in informal writing.

2. Namely

Namely helps present a specific example.

Your work has been extremely beneficial to this company. For example, your sales have brought in record profits.

Your work has been extremely beneficial to this company, namely your sales that have brought in record profits.

Best for: Formal writing

3. To give you an idea

To give you an idea helps your readers visualize and conceptualize the point you are trying to make.

The brain is extremely powerful. For example, some studies have shown that visualization can indeed help you reach your goals.

The brain is extremely powerful. To give you an idea, some studies have shown that visualization can indeed help you reach your goals..

Best for: Mostly used in informal writing, but can sometimes be used in formal writing.

4. By way of illustration

This phrase is typically found in professional and academic settings. If you like this option, but want something more concise, you can try to illustrate instead.

Many inventions changed the course of human history. For example, the printing press allowed for the rapid and widespread circulation of knowledge and news.

Many inventions changed the course of human history. By way of illustration, the printing press allowed for the rapid and widespread circulation of knowledge and news.

Best for: Formal writing

5. In particular

In particular helps point out a specific example. This phrase can be at the beginning of a sentence (with a comma after) or at the end of a sentence (with no comma preceding it).

There are many things I enjoyed when I traveled to Italy. For example, I loved trying various kinds of pasta.

There are many things I enjoyed when I traveled to Italy. In particular, I loved trying the various kinds of pasta.


There are many things I enjoyed when I traveled to Italy. I loved trying the various kinds of pasta in particular.

Best for: Formal and informal writing

6. Examples include

This phrase is similar to for example except that it makes it clear you are introducing multiple examples. Examples include is always found at the beginning of a sentence.

Some animals mate for life—beavers, gray wolves, and bald eagles, for example.

Some animals mate for life. Examples include beavers, gray wolves, and bald eagles.

Best for: Formal and informal writing

7. E.g.

This abbreviation comes from Latin and means “exempli gratia,” which means “for the sake of the example.” The abbreviation e.g. is always separated by commas or parentheses and is always lowercase. If you’re putting it within parentheses, the abbreviation must still be followed by a comma.

Some dogs are considered hypoallergenic. Take Poodles, for example.

Some dogs are considered hypoallergenic, e.g., Poodles.


Some dogs are considered hypoallergenic (e.g., Poodles).

Best for: Formal writing

8. Such as

Such as is another alternative that helps illustrate or emphasize a certain point.

Disney has many classic movies—Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and The Lion King, for example.

Disney has many classic movies such as Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and The Lion King.

Best for: Informal writing

9. Case in point

This alternative is perfect for professional and academic settings. There are two ways it could be used:

Countless people go undiagnosed for years. For example, William was diagnosed 15 years after his symptoms first appeared.

Countless people go undiagnosed for years. Case in point: William was diagnosed 15 years after his symptoms first appeared.


Countless people go undiagnosed for years. A case in point is William, who was diagnosed 15 years after his symptoms first appeared.

Best for: Formal writing

Don’t Forget About Proper Spelling and Grammar

For example and other alternatives like it help enhance the flow of your text. They serve as a marker that informs your readers that what you write next helps prove or support your message.

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We Value Your Feedback

We’ve made a mistake, forgotten about an important detail, or haven’t managed to get the point across? Let’s help each other to perfect our writing.

  • #1


Is this sentence organized right :»I will take courses in the … engineering curriculum, with interests in fluid/solid mechanics, for example, A, B, and C.» (A, B, C are course titles) ?

If not, how to better organize this sentence or rephrase it?

Thank you very much!!

  • pops91710

    • #2

    I would say it this way:
    «I will be taking courses in engineering, with interests in fluid/solid mechanics. For example, tectonics, water erosion, and physical oceanography.»

    • #3

    I would say it this way:
    «I will be taking courses in engineering, with interests in fluid/solid mechanics. For example, tectonics, water erosion, and physical oceanography.»

    Thank you for your reply, pops91710. But the «For example, …» is not a sentence, it that ok? Or how to make it a sentence?

    Thank you very much!


    • #4

    It is possible to omit what would be a repetition of the subject and verb: «I will be taking courses in engineering, with interests in fluid/solid mechanics. For example, I’m taking tectonics, water erosion, and physical oceanography.»

    In writing it would be better to have:
    «I will be taking courses in engineering, with interests in fluid/solid mechanics, for example, tectonics, water erosion, and physical oceanography.»

    • #5

    It is possible to omit what would be a repetition of the subject and verb: «I will be taking courses in engineering, with interests in fluid/solid mechanics. For example, I’m taking tectonics, water erosion, and physical oceanography.»

    In writing it would be better to have:
    «I will be taking courses in engineering, with interests in fluid/solid mechanics, for example, tectonics, water erosion, and physical oceanography.»

    Thank you, PaulQ!! It is very helpful! And if I want it to sound more formal, is it okay to write :»I will be taking courses in engineering, with interests in fluid/solid mechanics. The courses of interest include: tectonics, water erosion, and physical oceanography.»

    Sorry, I meant to ask the above question: is it okay to write ….?

    Thank you!

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2019


    • #6

    This is far too impersonal and vague.

    • #7

    This is far too impersonal and vague.

    Okay, thank you, PaulQ!

    As a writer, I’m hypersensitive to reusing words. If I write «That sounds great» in the first sentence of an email, I won’t sign off with «Have a great weekend.»

    For Example Synonym: Image shows a stack of thesaurus books.

    Yet even if you’re not as nitpicky as me (I hope you’re not as nitpicky as me), mixing up the phrases you use is a good idea. This habit makes you a better speaker and writer and helps you avoid sounding repetitive. Whether you’re in a meeting, drafting an email, talking on a sales call, giving a presentation, or writing a memo, using strong, persuasive, varied language gets your point across more effectively.

    Download Now: 25 Sales Email Templates  [Free Access]

    I’ve already written about alternatives for a number of common phrases, but what about «for example»? This one may come up most of all.

    Without further ado, here are 13 different ways to say «for example.»

    For Example’ Synonym Phrases

    1. «For instance …»
    2. «To give you an idea …»
    3. «As proof …»
    4. «Suppose that …»
    5. «To illustrate …»
    6. «Imagine …»
    7. «Pretend that …»
    8. «To show you what I mean …»
    9. «Let’s say …»
    10. «Case in point …»
    11. «e.g.»
    12. «Such as …»
    13. «In particular …»

    1. «For instance …»

    «For example» and «for instance» can be used interchangeably.

    • «Our product has several features your reps will love; for instance, they can schedule a series of emails …»

    2. «To give you an idea …»

    Use this phrase to introduce a use case or example.

    • «The right training program will ‘stick’ for months and months. To give you an idea, Abel Co.’s sales team’s average productivity rate per rep increased by 30% in the first quarter after our workshop — and it’s stayed within two percentage points ever since.»

    3. «As proof …»

    After you make a point, say «as proof» followed by an anecdote or statistic.

    • «Unhealthy snacks might be hurting employee satisfaction more than you’d think. As proof, HereNow’s eNPS score went up 10 points once we revamped their office ‘pantry.'»

    4. «Suppose that …»

    This phrase makes your listener the star of the story, which helps grab and keep their attention.

    • «Surprisingly, most salespeople spend the majority of their day on non-selling tasks. Suppose that all the time you currently spend in your CRM could be put toward emailing, calling, and meeting with prospects.»

    5. «To illustrate …»

    When you want to prove your point, try this expression.

    • «Everyone needs a good cybersecurity strategy — even if you’re not in a ‘risky’ industry. To illustrate, we just protect a client in the consumer pet space, of all things, from an extremely sophisticated attack that would’ve taken every single one of their 100 stores offline for hours, maybe even days.»

    6. «Imagine …»

    Asking the other person to imagine themselves in a relevant situation makes them likelier to believe you.

    • «Imagine every single franchise you own doubled their sales. What impact would that have on your life?»

    7. «Pretend that …»

    Along similar lines, «Pretend XYZ happened» is another effective alternative to «for example.»

    • «Onboarding has a huge impact on your retention rate. Pretend new employees could spend their first 10 days learning about your product, team, culture, and customers. What impact would that have on their performance?»

    8. «To show you what I mean …»

    If you’re using content — like a customer testimonial, video, blog post, case study, press release, etc. — to prove your point, this phrase comes in handy.

    • «Millennials work harder when they feel they are contributing to a larger purpose. To show you what I mean, here’s an article about what happened when we rolled out a ‘Danco Cares’ internal marketing campaign.»

    9. «Let’s say …»

    «Let’s say» is a folksy alternative to «imagine» or «suppose.»

    • «Let’s say you could attract five times more people to your website.»

    10. «Case in point …»

    For the times you’ve made a bold claim and need to back it up with the perfect example, go for «case in point …»

    • «It might sound too good to be true, but simply adding more recycle bins can make your restaurant produce far less trash. Case in point: We put three bins inside Pita Palace’s Westwood location and removed one trash bin, and waste decreased by 13.9%.»

    11. «e.g.»

    This Latin abbreviation (which is always lowercase) means «for example.»

    • «You have a lot of opportunity to grow, e.g., it doesn’t sound like you’ve optimized your pricing page in years.»

    12. «Such as …»

    If you need to illustrate a certain point, use «such as » to explain further.

    • «Clients who used the Standard CRM saw positive changes for their sales teams, such as productivity increases of 15% and a 40% increase in sales revenue.»

    13. «In particular …»

    Is there a certain section of your message you’d like to emphasize? If so, try using «in particular» to highlight the areas of emphasis.

    • «With a custom email sending IP address, your email strategy will reap many benefits. In particular, you’ll see an improvement in email deliverability.«

    With 13 alternatives to choose from, you’ll never have to use «for example» again and again … well, again. To learn more, check out this follow-up thank you email next.

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    Sentence using the word example. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use example in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for example.

    • What an example! (8)
    • Think of the example! (8)
    • Take his own case, for example! (8)
    • Fleetwood gave example. (10)
    • Give an example of each. (3)
    • Give an example of each kind. (3)
    • What an example to your sister! (8)
    • Must set an example: do our duty. (10)
    • The world followed their example. (10)
    • Mrs. Lawrence Finchley, for example. (10)
    • He was an example of the consequence! (10)
    • No one ought to be an example to others. (9)
    • An example shall be set to my school, sir. (10)
    • See what an example their monarch set them! (19)
    • For example, take the plan of the small house. (17)
    • How expect keen farming to start from such an example? (8)
    • She inclined to his example, and he set it shoreward. (10)
    • I burn your letters, and beg you to follow the example. (22)
    • It behoves us public men ever to set an extreme example. (8)
    • Emma bade her not to be too sweeping from a bad example. (10)
    • I could have wished you to be here for an example to me. (10)
    • The student should examine the entire example in Naumann. (3)
    • But the example is the thing; sacrifices must be expected. (10)
    • England is the nation of the Christian example to nations. (10)
    • Is it not inexcusable to give such an example to a daughter? (4)
    • Evil example is strong in proportion as it is easy to imitate. (16)
    • What is the meaning of that dread of one example of tolerance? (10)
    • He knew the stuff of Englishmen: they only required an example. (10)
    • The example will show that she touched the borders of delirium. (10)
    • Beauchamp could fancy his uncle crying out, Who set the example? (10)
    • Beppo here is an example that the style is useless for controversy. (10)
    • Miss Dale, for example, becomes old lace within a dozen yards of it. (10)
    • Absorbed in their great example of devotion do they not think of you. (10)
    • Dr. Schlesien had met and meditated on this example of the island energy. (10)
    • He forgets the force of example, however much of a dab he may be at precept. (10)
    • The whole example, with words, may be found in Naumann, History of Music, Vol. (3)
    • For example, when you drink a glass of beer in a party you must say ‘Xundheit! (20)
    • I shrink from the thought of exposing my son to your besotted selfish example. (10)
    • Living just as he likes, setting an example of devilry to the whole neighbourhood! (8)
    • Dr. Shrapnel seemed to be concluding his devotions before he followed her example. (10)
    • Horses in battle are a striking example of power of endurance and unyielding courage. (21)
    • His host thanked him for spreading the contagion of good appetite, and followed his example. (10)
    • In fact it had been but an example of our very general craving for a climax, palpable and scenic. (10)
    • The free style of tone-picturing has been widely adopted, in consequence of the example of Strauss. (3)
    • Nor had she, nor could she do more than lean on and catch example from his prompt spiritual valiancy. (10)
    • I sighed at my sad gift of penetration, and tossed the fresh example of it into the treasury of vanity. (10)
    • He was emphatic, as he would not have been, save to read us an example, owing to our contention with him. (10)
    • He paid the money, dying sour; a splendid example of energy on the road, a forbidding one at the terminus. (10)
    • I pray you to observe again the shrinking life that afflicts the adventurous horns of the snail, for example. (10)
    • In order to show the fluctuation in prices, an example of a seven-room frame house of Type I can be mentioned. (17)
    • Nor is there reason to suppose we have drawn the fanatical subserviency from the example of our subject India. (10)
    • The Colonel himself set the example of laughing at this joke, and the young man joined him less obstreperously. (9)
    • The gentleman in question was an acquaintance of mine; and the less you follow our example the better for you. (10)
    • Man responds to example, not to teaching; you set the example of the stranger, not the brother. (8)
    • To have the finest Italian cypress in the country, for example, and not take more care of it, was a downright scandal! (8)
    • Byron had splendid powers of humour, and the most poetic satire that we have example of, fusing at times to hard irony. (10)
    • He did not hesitate to omit the proofs of these, and so far to make himself not only a precept, but an example in criticism. (9)
    • I, unhappily, as the case would be sure to present itself to him, appeared the living example of his eminently politic career. (10)
    • The Barcarolle, in nocturne-form on a larger scale, is almost heroic in its outlines, and a superb example of his mature style. (3)
    • With her example before them, why should not English novelists have gone on writing simply, honestly, artistically, ever after? (9)
    • By setting an example of abstinence, and at the same time releasing more tobacco for our men, I felt that I was but doing my duty. (8)
    • That the reader may gather an idea of the character of passages executed by these singers an example is given on the previous page. (3)
    • For example, Kentucky blue-grass, while coarse and not so attractive as some others, grows vigorously and holds its own in sandy soil. (17)
    • How, for example, shall an audience be assured that an evident and monstrous dupe is actually deceived without being an absolute fool? (10)
    • I think he said Agassiz was the first to imagine establishing a fact not from a single example, but from examples indefinitely repeated. (9)
    • They are frantic with joy at the alliance already established, and promise you that Spain will immediately follow the example of France. (18)
    • His life affords an example of single-minded application and unwavering perseverance which our young business men would do well to emulate. (9)
    • In northern nations it took the direction of rebellion against prevailing religious and political conditions, for example, in Germany and England. (3)
    • Neither he nor Flora, occupied with matters of more spiritual importance, could tell, offhand, for example, on which hand a wedding-ring was worn. (8)
    • The epicene aristocracies of other countries turn night into day in their social pleasures, and our noblesse sympathetically follows their example. (9)
    • In form, thematic development, counterpoint, part-writing, etc., he imitated the letter of classic example closely, but could not attain the inner spirit. (3)
    • The news of their travels and successes with the Indians reached Quebec and Montreal, and a horde of hardy bush-rangers were soon following their example. (19)
    • The result is in many ways shown in the following example: [Music] =Leonin= (about 1140) and =Perotin= (his pupil) were organists at Notre Dame in Paris. (3)

    Also see sentences for: aggregate, amount, copy, illustration, model, pattern, sample.

    Definition of example:

    • example, egz-am’pl, n. that which is taken as a specimen of the rest, or as an illustration of the rule, &c.: the person or thing to be imitated or avoided: a pattern: a warning: a former instance. | v.t. to exemplify: to instance. | n. exam’plar, a pattern, model. | adj. exam’plary, serving for an example. (0)

    Glad you visited this page with a sentence for example. Now that you’ve seen how to use example in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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